ICAACT said they believe RFID chip victims are receiving 2.4 Ghz to 5-8 Ghz. -http://icaact.org/
Between 27-29 MHz is from Mindnet journal vol 1 #45
UHF range between 900-1800MGz-looking for source
Elanor White believes that the frequency is around 14500Hz equals (9ghz) In Electronics behind Voice to Skull- http://hearingvoices-is-voicetoskull.com/ElectronicsBehindV2K.htm
Hi Lisa,
An average micro-wave detector , at affordabe price can check up to 8 GHz ( made in Taiwan)
An excellent , expensive, one can detect up to 9 GHz 4 ( that includes the frequency of microwave guns, used by criminal groups : 9 GHz 2) made by Aaronia ( germany) . They sell detectors and spectrum analysers.
I am looking for information on detectors for acoustic attacks. (info and company names if available)
Kind regards
Yes, Hello
I have a nasal implant that was PAINFULLY inserted. My perp(Marty Buss Jackson ST 68005 USA) has been torturing me for 15 yrs. On DRUGS he seriously ABUSES his EQUIP. No one will do anything about it. I have had numerous physical problems. I know the IDENTITY of person responsible for this(Name above). I also know the IDENTITY of 5 witnesses of Marty Buss abusing me with his equip. Also is LOCATED in the SE corner of BASEMENT bedroom. I cannot take the PAIN and SICKNESS any longer.
Starcat said:
Hold tight Starcat. Try playing with your own mind in hard times, i did tonight, and imagine something nice, dive into it to make it real - It helps.
Tonight, i imagined the kessler syndrom (where all satellites collide forming a massive chain reaction) and the world being deprieved of these evil satellites, the torture was coming to an end. This thought of freedom made me happy.
Starcat: if you know his name, his adress, why don't you go see him and try to get evidence, ask him why he does that? If he's your cousin, there shouldn't be any problem?
Starcat said:
here is all the information you need. I found the experts that know what we are talking about, and have the skills to help us. If everyone would post their perp.'s frequencies, we could make a list on Peacepink for the real victims, because I think some perps hang out on this site as well, and someone could design a jammer for all the perps frequencies. I bought a jammer for 2.4 and 5.8 ghz, but it did not stop my perp. I need to know both frequencies for a jammer to stop her. One frequencies is the ultrasonic frequency between 20 and 200 kHz. Lonestar will be my salvation. I hope this helps you. When you read the site, remember it is to keep them from being sued and remain legal in helping victims.
Lez said:
here is all the information you need. I found the experts that know what we are talking about, and have the skills to help us. If everyone would post their perp.'s frequencies, we could make a list on Peacepink for the real victims, because I think some perps hang out on this site as well, and someone could design a jammer for all the perps frequencies. I bought a jammer for 2.4 and 5.8 ghz, but it did not stop my perp. I need to know both frequencies for a jammer to stop her. One frequencies is the ultrasonic frequency between 20 and 200 kHz. Lonestar will be my salvation. I hope this helps you. When you read the site, remember it is to keep them from being sued and remain legal in helping victims.
Starcat said:
ICAACT said they believe RFID chip victims are receiving 2.4 Ghz to 5-8 Ghz. -http://icaact.org/ I have one for sale if anyone is interested in buying a jammer for both of these signals.
Between 27-29 MHz is from Mindnet journal vol 1 #45 This is CB Radio
UHF range between 900-1800MGz-looking for source This is exact!
Elanor White believes that the frequency is around 14500Hz equals (9ghz) In Electronics behind Voice to Skull- this can differ depending on perp's materials http://hearingvoices-is-voicetoskull.com/ElectronicsBehindV2K.htm
but Eleanor white knows what she is talking about, point blank.
Are you selling a jammer. I am interested.