Thousands of victims have been suffering horrible persecutions from abuses and tortures of remote electromagnetic mind control technologies and voice to skull technologies. Some victims were tortured to be death or driven to be crazy; some victims were controlled to be bad. Most of them could not get strong evidences to prove that they have been horrible tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies.
Only few victims have facts and evidences to prove that they have been tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. I am one of them.
The Fact and evidence of abuses and tortures of mind control technologies:
I was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and remote electromagnetic Mind Control technologies, and I was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong
( )
Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.
I urge USA government to investigate mind control torture immediatly according to the facts and evidences.
I know those victims, who have passed away, did wish me to win my lawsuits. My victory also will bring them justice.
I have collected those victims stories (even it was only a small partial of all victims' stories)
Please go to "Replies to this Discussion" to read more victims stories
(I have collected many reported articles which introduced 'mind control technologies'. The listing of these articles will not mislead readers; it is a short cut for readers to learn what mind control technologies are. )
Note from Soleilmavis:
“Voices” which victims heard:
Many victims who have been suffering from the abuses and tortures of remote voice to skull tech and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, have complainted that they had heard "voices" in their heads.
The basic technology which can send voices directly to the brain remotly are V2K.
In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to send words into someone's head.V2K (voice to skull)
1)A lot of victims heard “voices” came from nearby, or from neighbors’ houses.
Victims must understand that they did hear the "voices." The “voices” which victim “heard”, were not the scopes of human hearing the sonic frequency range 20-20000HZ. Torturers emitted electromagnetic waves (or other microwave) to the brain to stimulate the auditory brain neurons, the brain “felt” the signals, the brain “heard” the “voices”.
2) Many of the victims claimed that they had "hallucinations voices"; sometimes the person next to them did not speak, but victims heard he/she speaking.
Victims did not have "hallucinations voices". Victims did hear the "voices", but the “voices” did not come from the next person. The “voices” were from the torturers. Torturers emitted electromagnetic signals to the brain to stimulate the brain and neuron systems; the "brains" "heard" the "voices."
3) Many of the victims claimed that they even had heard "the voices" sounded like their friends and relatives.
The “voices” that the brain heard, were “electromagnetic signals”. Voice Synthesis Technology had been developed to the stage that anyone’s voice could be imitated. Torturers could easily transmit synthesized voice into the human brain with electromagnetic waves. The "voices" could imitate anyone's voices. These “voices” could sound as if they come from upstairs neighbor or nearby houses; or come from some houses.
Some doubts of some victims
(1) Doubt 1: how can Torturers send sounds (or voices) and images into the victim's brain?
Microwave technology has been able to do that.
(2) Doubt 2: Victims can hear "the voices" which sounded like a friend or a neighbor.
Torturers can use Voice Synthesis technology to imitate anyone’s voices and easily transmit synthesized voices into the human brain by electromagnetic waves.
(3) Doubt 3: Torturers can force sleeping victims to "have a lot of dreams" by electromagnetic waves transmitting into the brain.
The development of the film has let us see the superb image synthesis technology. Torturers can transmit synthesized images into the brain by electromagnetic waves.
(4) Doubt 4: How can torturers lock a certain target with their microwave weapons?
Some technologies, such as dolphins echo technique can easily do that.
(5) Doubt 5: Many of the victims often referred some colleagues or friends or other people who had uttered small conflicts with them when they described their stories.
These victims thought those who had contradictions with them would have used such advanced technologies to torture and abuse them.
Some victims also mentioned some wrongs they had ever done. They thought that a certain government department would have used such advanced technologies to torture and abuse them because of such minor faults.
Torturers deliberately created and fed such delusions, so that victims might believe that those who had ever uttered little contradictories with them had involved in the persecuting. Torturers purposely made victims isolated. Torturers purposely made victims not be themselves.
(6) Doubt 6: Why can torturers attack victims no matter where victims are---in the airplane, underground, under water…..?
Electromagnetic waves have wide applications in many fields, Such as electromagnetic geological exploration, satellites geological exploration, and others.
As the extensive uses of the electromagnetic waves in these areas, we know the electromagnetic technologies in the military areas are far more advanced than in the field of civilian aspects. Electromagnetic waves are able to detect the brain waves remotely.
It is possible nowadays to read someone's mind by remotely measuring their brain activity, researchers have shown. This technique can even extract information from individuals that they are unaware of themselves.
( )
Please go to LAST PAGE OF "Replies to this Discussion" to read NEWEST Information
Memorials of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapon victims
(1) J, (A mind contol victim whom I knew nothing about) who I heard from the torturers, died during May 2002 to August 2002 in China. Her death frightened me; I had ever mentioned her death in my letters to United Nations.
(2) Clare L. Wehrley [sic], described as a local transient, was crossing 34th Street North just south of Dartmouth Avenue North on January 6, 2006 at 7:40pm when she was struck by a 1991 Pontiac Grand Prix, traveling southbound and driven by Edward Raymond Peters, of St. Petersburg.
A minivan had been in front of Peters and it swerved to avoid Wehrley as she crossed against traffic. The minivan blocked Peters view of Wehrley in the roadway as she continued walking from the center lane to the median lane and was struck by the Pontiac.This pedestrian/fatality traffic crash was investigated by a Traffic Homicide Investigator (not to be confused with a homicide investigator). There are no charges pending in the traffic crash. Most victims believed that because torturers using mind control and Directed Energy Weapons to cause her death in a car accident.
(3) Carole Sterling , On November 6, 1997, Carole Sterling, a mind control victim, committed suicide. She lived in Washington, D.C. and was tortured so brutally she was led to kill herself to escape the torture. She went to a UFO conference years ago and it was there she noticed she became a victim.
(4) Nadine Elaine Mitchell (May 16, 1938 - August 5, 2006) Last Saturday, August 5, 2006, a fellow-target passed away due to her injuries rendered physically and psychologically via covert harassment. In speaking to those that were close to her, she suffered greatly, especially in her last days because of the cancer, directed energy weapons and non-stop group stalking activity. Here is a link to her online obituary:
(5) Darin Smith From Jennifer M: I received a strange and sad phone call tonight. A woman was going through her boyfriend’s cell phone to find out who he had been in contact with prior to his suicide. It was a TI who had contacted me in June about targetting. He described what was happening to him first in an email to me. His name was Darin Smith, a member of the Coast Guard. We talked on the phone for about an hour. He was very supportive to me and seemed to be knowledgable about the technology. He knew what they were doing to him, but he didn't understand why or how they did it, like most of us. He shot himself in the head, while driving, on Aug. 31st. 2006.
To any of you who knew him, I am very sorry. His girlfriend Tiffany, was asking me about this group. I'm still freaking out. He seemed so strong, when I last spoke to him in June. We have to stay tough guys. I'm having a hard time processing this, but I know that this is a supportive group.
Please add Darin's name to any memorial group or list we have and let me know if you need more information on the case. Sincerely yours, TI Jennifer M. (6) Rena from USA suicided It is with great regret that I inform my fellow TIs that a fellow TI has committed suicide.
Her name was Rena, and she had a brief blog that she kept at the following address:
Over the last couple of months, she and I had become friends. She had stayed over at my place a couple of times, and we shared our stories. She had also been a victim of the electronics, as many of you are. I had hoped to perhaps engage in a relationship with her, and now she is dead. Rena was a very sweet lady about my age, who also happened to be legally blind. What these bastard pig shit sewer scum gangstalkers do is evil. I am just sick right now, and I can't say anything more. Dave
(7) Johan Heller --A Sweden Mind Control Victim died from a heart attack (we believed that was an artificial heart attack) This bad news was firstly brought to us by Sherry Bell a Ti, one his good friends in USA. and forwarded to us by Monika Stoces Our friend Johan Heller (Sweden) had passed away last week. He died from a heart attack while he was in the Philippines. Probably this was a result of the abuse of remote technology on his body and mind for several years.
He got targeted consciously with electromagnetic weapons in 1999.
In 1999 he lost his children and wife as a result of this, nobody believed him this was happening He lost his work being a computer programmer. And he accepted forced antipsychotic medication that strongly damaged his health. This disbelieves and ignorance of what was happening to him, also from his second wife in the Philippines since last year, made him suffer deeply, in fact the disbelieve was the most painfull part of it, as it is to many others. This story once more should tell us all that there is nothing more important than what is happening to us and to thousands of us worldwide. I realize that we have only one life, and that ignoring reality and acting as if nothing happens, it impossible and totally wrong. Our reputation is totally unimportant in comparison with this crime, we must break the silence and face reality, ignoring these historical crimes , is as wrong as denying the existence of the concentration camps back in world war 2 .
This must be exposed, and only by exposing ourselves, all the people who know this already, we can do something. So many targets worldwide, only need to find each other and work together! WE SHOULD NOT BE SCARED TO SPEAK LOUD AND OPEN ABOUT THESE EXPERIMENTS ON PEOPLE. THIS IS HAPPENING ON SUCH ENORMOUS SCALE, THAT WE SHOULD BE ASHAMED TO IGNORE THIS, TO WAIT AND TO HIDE ONCE WE ARE AWARE OF IT.
(8) Darrim Daoud suicides and Passes Away (on Nov 17,2009)
What we are experiencing is truly getting to be a holocaust. Here's the newspaper article about the apparent suicide of Darrim Daoud. Some of us knew him in the community both in England and the US. He was the organizer of the London TI's who participated in the global protest in October. Here is the newspaper article about what happened. There's also this message at the bottom of the article: "Did you know Mr Daoud? Leave your tributes below or call our newsdesk on 012923 597600". Mr. Darrim Daoud is an organizer of Global protest in London on 14 Oct and 10 Dec 2009.
More victims stories:
(9) Sofia Crossed Over August 12. 2011
Posted by Janet Lessin on August 31, 2011 at 3:01 am in Victims Stories (Change)
I know Sofia was a member of your site and she committed suicide on August 12, 2011. She was listening to recordings all the time and I think she reinforced her mind control by listening to and believing what those recordings were telling her. No one else could make out what the recordings were saying. They told her to come home and the more she listened, the sadder she became, the crazier she seemed and the more discontent she became with life.
Sofia believed she was a targeted individual. She thought she was NOT mind controlled. But to everyone else it was quite evident that she was the one most likely mind controlled and whatever was happening to her was making her more and more crazy, out of touch with reality every day.
She was brilliant, had a super high IQ and she fooled all of us, acted very happy and laughed and smiled all the time. So we were all shocked when she took her life.
I just wanted to warn all your members to the dangers of listening to recordings. This is the second person I know who listened to the voices, some, they said, were angels or ETs calling them "home". Both women killed themselves with an overdose of prescription medicines. One of these suicides was 4 years ago. They both hoarded meds until they had enough to follow the voices and take their own lives.
Protect yourself with prayer and meditation. Ask your higher selves, soul families and council of elders to protect you and keep you aligned with love, goodness, light.
Blessings and Love to you all,
Kira ~
Sofia’s blog
(10) Pam Anderson suicide on 2011
The Suicide of a Secret Government Program Victim
She was respected in the targeted individual (TI) community and had recently been appointed to the board of Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS). However, after 53 years of constant suffering and sabotage, with no end in sight, Pam Anderson had reached the end of her endurance.
Cincinnati, Ohio (PRWEB) September 16, 2011
(11) Sean Stinn of Chicago Illinois 45, died unexpectedly on Sept. 5, 2012 reportedly of a heart attack.
Known as a bioengineer technical genius among the Targeted Individual community, Stinn fought to have evidence regarding electronic harassment used in court.
His father, a career army man, had also been targeted, according to Stinn.
Stinn's roommate, Steve Wilson, also active in the Targeted Individual advocacy groups, advised on Wednesday about Sean's sudden death.
"Sean Stinn, my friend since we went to summer camp at chase park in the 197Os and my recent roomate, passed away in his room inside my apartment," Wilson stated.
"He accomplished an incredible feat of aquiring a bachelors degree in biomedical engineering and traveled to Europe to make a video regarding human rights abuses of mind controling technology while being remotely tortured. He was brave intelligent and a friend."
Stinn was in the process of acquiring Ph.D. in physics and was studying for the GRE exam.
"We were exchanging scientific papers and ideas," Wilson explained. "He had another targeted individual Peter Rosenholm scan[ned] me for rf signals before he moved in. He was tutoring me in math and physics. Sean will be missed."
Smith said Stinn "accomplished an incredible feat of aquiring a bachelors degree in biomedical engineering and traveled to Europe to make a video regarding human rights abuses of mind controling technology while being remotely tortured."
"Sean was a crusader in the fight against government sponsored torture and abuse."
In June, Stinn was interviewed by Swedish/German lawyer Henning Witte on WhiteTV about mind control today.
(12) Nina Gonzales’s husband passed away in the first week of September 2012
Sep 9
Please pass this along to the TI community. I can't handle anymore cause I just lost my husband a week ago too under these criminally suspicious circumstances...
(13) Andy Lai recently passed away in early September 2012
FROM: Brent Beardslee
I was trying to get a hold of Andy Lai by phone, etc ... Couldn't ....
"Please do not Tag Andy Lai in anymore posts on Facebook. He recently passed away, and with request of friends family, please do not tag him anymore. Thank you."
(14) Alva Andersson, a beautiful woman, TI and painter, died in the last week of September 2012.
She was only 38. She couldn't handle the pain and had often suicide thoughts and in the end the pain and suffering were too big to handle and she took her own life - according to a friend of a friend. That's how we receive news about our friends when they die and have been tortured for some years. The world lost yet another beautiful mind and soul that could have enriched culture for many years to come. Every stalker out there, every man with a position to defend, you committed yet another murder. And because of you the world will never be the same, cause you walk in the know and have guilty minds and souls. (carmen l.) hennes facebook log --she Facebook place:
Millionaire executive unhinged by horror film killed daughter
Last updated at 00:22?? on 13.01.08
The horrific scene when a devoted father "flipped" and battered his two-year-old daughter to death was described to a court yesterday.
Insurance executive Alberto Izaga suffered an "extreme and sudden" psychological breakdown which made him think the little girl was possessed by the Devil.
Sweating and shouting with rage, the 36-year-old millionaire ranted that "God doesn't exist! The universe doesn't exist! Humanity doesn't exist!"
His terrified wife was powerless to stop him as he shook and punched their only child before repeatedly smashing her head against the floor.
The Old Bailey heard that psychiatrists cannot say what triggered Mr Izaga's psychotic meltdown.
Shortly before the tragedy, however, he had been affected by seeing a horror film made by the director of The Exorcist.
Spanish-born Mr Izaga, who is being held in a secure mental hospital, appeared unable to take in what was being said as he sat in court.
He was supported by a large family group, including his parents, who have moved to Britain so they can visit him in hospital.
His wife, Ligia, 35, who also visits him every day, sat two seats away. Before the trial started the couple spoke amicably and during the lunch break they held hands.
High-flyer: Alberto Izaga, 36, was a devoted and loving father who woke up one morning and killed his daughter
Before last June's tragedy, Mr Izaga appeared to be living a charmed life. He had moved to London in 2002 and was a top executive at the insurance giant Swiss Re.
He lived with his wife and their daughter Yanire in a £1million Thames-side apartment with views of the Houses of Parliament.
The jury was told Mr Izaga was "universally liked" and "absolutely devoted" to his daughter, whom he described as "the most precious treasure on Earth".
But prosecutor Jonathan Rees told the jury how, in the weeks before the attack, Mr Izaga experienced two events that may have influenced his mental state.
The first was during a trip to New York, when Mr Izaga and his wife went to a cinema to find the only seats available were for the horror film Bug, directed by William Friedkin.
Not yet released in Britain, it concerns a swarm of cockroaches which crawl under people's skin, as well as Biblical themes.
Then, on a business trip to Geneva, Mr Izaga heard a motivational talk by adventurer Mike Horn, who spoke about leaving his family to go on lengthy trips and pushing himself to achieve his goals.
The evening after he returned, Mr Izaga was walking to a riverside restaurant with his wife when he started talking to himself and gesticulating wildly.
At around 4.30am the following day, he suddenly sat up in bed and started babbling incoherently.
Mr Rees told the court: "He began talking to his wife about the explorer in Geneva and the philosophies of the Jesuits.
"Referring to his fellow executives at Swiss Re, he appeared to indicate that they were part of a sect and trying to take over the financial world."
Over the next four hours Mr Izaga became increasingly worked up, bursting into tears and shouting about the film, the Devil and death.
At one point, his wife made a mobile phone call to a friend who recorded Mr Izaga raving in Spanish: "Death! Death! I know what to do. I have to kill her! She doesn't exist! Die Die Die! There is nothing left! I have to kill you!"
Neighbours, alerted by the shouting, went to the flat and found Mr Izaga cradling his daughter's bloody body.
Yanire died in hospital two days later.
Consultant psychiatrist Tim Exworthy said Mr Izaga may have thought she was possessed by the Devil. He said he remains profoundly mentally ill.
In a statement read to the court Mrs Izaga said: "It's impossible to believe this has happened. The best times were when the three of us were together and Yanire would start singing because she was so happy. She became our life."
In an unusual legal move, the prosecution and defence agreed on the facts of the case.
Under the 1883 Trial of Lunatics Act the jury found that Mr Izaga killed his daughter but was not guilty of murder "by reason of insanity".
The verdict means he will be treated in a secure mental unit until he is believed to have recovered.
After the hearing, his wife said: "I visit Alberto every day and we write to each other every other day. We discuss how we should re- start our lives. We tell each other not to give up."
Judge Richard Hone said: "This is a truly agonising case. No sentence I pass can ever match the sentence you will pass on yourself."
"Voice or Choice", the voices itself can not control her. but remote mind control weapons (which can use electromagnetic waves or microwaves or any other technologies, such as drugs) can totally control her emotion, behavior, action. she has no choice if perpetrators controlled her to kill her daughter.
Jury weighs insanity plea in 2 girls' deaths
Macomb prosecutor says mom was ill but chose to kill daughters
September 12, 2007
The prosecution said Jennifer Kukla chose to kill her two young daughters. Her defense attorney said she didn't intend to kill them, but to protect them from being tortured, raped and eaten by evil forces.
Both sides tried to sway the jury during closing arguments Tuesday in Kukla's first-degree murder trial in Macomb County Circuit Court, but jurors didn't reach a verdict and are to continue deliberations today.
The 30-year-old Macomb Township mother is accused of fatally stabbing her daughters Alexandra, 8, and Ashley, 5, in her mobile home Feb.
4. Kukla has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
On Tuesday, jurors heard about 30 minutes of testimony from the last defense witness, a psychologist from Farmington Hills who said Kukla was legally insane when she killed her daughters.
In closing arguments that followed, Assistant Macomb County Prosecutor Bill Cataldo used props, such as a poster with the definition of mental illness and duct tape he stripped along the floor to show how Kukla never crossed the line into insanity.
"She made a choice. That's knowing the difference between right and wrong," Cataldo said. "She specifically intended to kill her kids."
Steve Freers, Kukla's attorney, said she wanted to save her children.
"Insanity can be temporary, and in this case it was," he told the jury.
Both sides agree Kukla was mentally ill. Cataldo asked jurors to find her mentally ill but guilty of first-degree murder.
They also can consider second-degree murder. Freers asked jurors to find her not guilty by reason of insanity.
If that's the verdict, Kukla would be committed for up to 60 days for evaluation in the state's Center for Forensic Psychiatry, Freers said.
He said she could be released, but most likely would be hospitalized "for a long period of time."
If convicted of first-degree murder, Kukla would receive life in prison without parole.
She could receive up to life in prison if convicted of second-degree murder, Prosecutor Eric Smith said.
Contact CHRISTINA HALL at 586-469-4683 or
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Another sad story that a woman was controlled by Mind Control weapons and killed her mother. F
ayette Woman Dies In Stabbing; Daughter Says Voices Told Her To Do It
MENALLEN, Pa. -- A woman was arrested Friday morning after her mother was found dead with stab wounds in Menallen, Fayette County.
State police found Theresa Modispaw, 58, dead in a home near the intersection of Second Street and Smock Hill around 4:30 a.m. Friday.
State police said Modispaw’s daughter, Angela Modispaw, 29, was staying at a relative’s house across the street when she left early in the morning with a knife. Police said relatives became alarmed, so they alerted Angela Modispaw’s brother, Michael Modispaw, 28. By the time he forced his way into the home, his mother was dead from stab wounds.
“Once the brother gets in the house, he attempts to tend to his mother,” said Trooper Joseph Christy. “At that time, his sister came down the hallway, and he noticed she had a knife on her.”
Police said Michael Modispaw was able to wrestle the knife and a meat clever from his sister. But according to police, she then grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed her brother in the back.
Michael Modispaw was taken to a hospital and is expected to survive, police said.
Neighbors said Theresa Modispaw suffered from muscular dystrophy and that her children helped to care for her.
Angela Modispaw claims she heard voices telling her to kill her mother. She told police she got the knife, locked the doors to the home and attempted to slit her mother’s throat. She said she then stabbed her mother five times, once in the heart.
Angela Modispaw is charged with criminal homicide and aggravated assault. She is being held in the Fayette County Prison.
Soleilmavis note: It was not the voices which could control her, it was the electromagnetic waves which could control her brain.
A possible mind control victims, He was controled by remote mind control weapons, he heard voices, but "voices" itself could not control him, but mind control weapons could totally control his emotion, behavior and actions.
Five killed in racist shooting rampage in Pittsburgh
By Kate Randall
2 May 2000
Richard Scott Baumhammers, 34, was arrested Friday, April 28 following a shooting rampage that left five dead and one seriously injured in the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania area. The victims were Baumhammers' next-door neighbor Nicki Gordon, a 63-year-old Jewish woman; Theo Pham, a 27-year-old Vietnamese restaurant delivery man; Ji-ye Sun, 34, the owner of the Chinese restaurant where Pham worked; Garry Lee, 22, a student at a Karate center; and Anil Thakur, 31, who was shot at an Indian grocery store. Sandip Patel, 25, the manager of the Indian grocery, was shot in the neck and remains paralyzed.
After shooting Mrs. Gordon six times and setting her house on fire, he drove about a mile to the India Grocers and shot two workers. Next he fired on two synagogues, painting swastikas and "Jew" on the buildings. He then drove to the Ya Fei Chinese Cuisine restaurant at Robinson Town Center, about 10 miles from his home, where he fired on his victims in front of onlookers. The last shooting took place at the C.S. Kim School of Karate in Center Township, Beaver County. Police apprehended Baumhammers in Ambridge, a few minutes after the final victim, Garry Lee, was shot.
Baumhammers, the alleged gunman, held a law degree and had practiced law in the Atlanta area several years ago. Sometime over the past few years he moved to his parents' home in the affluent Virginia Manor neighborhood of Mount Lebanon, about 15 minutes south of Pittsburgh, and he had allowed his county bar association membership to lapse. Since moving back to the Pittsburgh area, he had apparently been unemployed and had sought treatment for psychiatric problems. His parents, both Latvian immigrants and successful dentists, were described by neighbors as "pillars of the community."
When police searched Baumhammers' Mount Lebanon home they found a document for the "Free Market Party," written by Baumhammers, which read like a manifesto and listed him as the "chairman." According to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the document champions the rights of European Americans and complains that they are being outnumbered by minorities and immigrants. Baumhammers had also reportedly established a web site earlier this year for this party, although it is presently unavailable.
Only two months ago, on March 1, a rampage in nearby Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania left three dead. The shooting rampage by 39-year-old gunman Ronald Taylor, who is black, was clearly racially motivated. Police and FBI agents searching Taylor's apartment found writings referring to "white trash" and denouncing Asians, Italians and the news media. All of his victims were white.
Last Friday's shootings and the March 1 rampage in Wilkinsburg have much in common. Both were carried out by mentally disturbed individuals, who seemed obsessed with racist hatred. Ronald Taylor had spent time last summer at the St. Francis Medical Center, and acquaintances described him as extremely unstable.
Although records of Baumhammers' treatment for psychological problems are unavailable, some details shed light on his mental state. George Naruns, a chiropractic neurologist and a former acquaintance of Baumhammers, had traveled with him two years ago to the Latvian capital of Riga. After returning to the United States, Naruns heard a strange report from friends they had made in Latvia that Baumhammers believed Naruns had him under surveillance, and he broke off contact with him. "It was delusional and paranoid," Naruns commented. "I was shocked by it and I realized if I took this at face value, he was a troubled individual."
But while Baumhammer and Taylor had racial bigotry and mental instability in common, their backgrounds and living conditions were decidedly dissimilar. Richard Baumhammer came from a quiet, upscale, suburban community. Ronald Taylor lived in predominantly black Wilkinsburg, an economically depressed area, where 70 percent of children live below the poverty line.
Media coverage of the Baumhammers shootings has been notably low-key. Network news coverage of the killings last Friday evening was relegated to little more than a footnote to the day's events. Indeed, such violent incidents have become more and more commonplace.
On Tuesday, April 18, two women died in a shooting at a senior citizens residence in Lincoln Park, near Detroit. The following day, a man shot and killed one woman and injured four other people at a retirement community center in Peoria, Arizona. On Monday, April 24, seven youth were injured in an evidently gang-related shooting at the National Zoo in Washington, DC, leaving one 11-year-old in critical condition.
April 20 also marked the one-year anniversary of the shooting at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, which left 12 students, one teacher and the two teenage gunmen dead.
Incidents of mass shootings have touched so many sections of American society—from impoverished neighborhoods, to schools in rural areas and quiet suburbia, to urban business districts. The motivation of those responsible for the violent outbursts range from racial hatred, to job-related stress, to family problems, to name only some of the contributing factors. This latest case took a particularly reactionary form, while in some instances the motives seem less clear.
But to explain the phenomenon simply as "senseless violence"—which the media are quick to do—blocks an analysis of the deeply troubled society which at the most basic level drives these individuals to carry out desperate actions. Under conditions where the majority of people can find no political representation in the political establishment, and no outlet for their frustrations, the most hopeless and disturbed respond with individual violence, with tragic consequences.
Shooter "HEARS" voices
Could this be the wonderful microwave technology in practice?
Psychiatrist says Baumhammers incompetent to face murder trial By Meredith Raine TRIBUNE-REVIEW Richard S.
Baumhammers told a psychiatrist that he could hear people talking about him, and it interfered with his work.
Baumhammers, a self-described immigration attorney from Mt. Lebanon, said he sometimes heard onfusing "jargon," Dr. Christine Martone testified Tuesday during a competency hearing. Martone, a psychiatrist with the Allegheny County Behavioral Clinic, said she interviewed Baumhammers twice since his arrest April 28 in a shooting rampage that left five people dead and one critically wounded.
Based on her evaluations, Martone said Baumhammers is incompetent to stand trial and should be evaluated at Mayview State Hospital in South Fayette Township.
"I was satisfied that he was psychotic and unable to cooperate with his attorney," Martone told Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Lawrence O'Toole.
O'Toole delayed his ruling on whether Baumhammers is competent to stand trial until Deputy District Attorney Edward Borkowski has reviewed a report by another doctor who evaluated the defendant. Baumhammers exhibited signs of delusions and auditory hallucinations, and it appeared he is a paranoid schizophrenic, Martone said.
Baumhammers, 34, didn't elaborate on the crimes he is accused of committing, and Martone said she didn't press the facts of the case. But he did understand the charges against him, she said. "He indicated that he was alleged to have shot and killed some people," Martone said.
Police said they believe the killings were motivated by racial, religious and ethnic intolerance.
The first victim shot in the rampage through Allegheny and Beaver counties was Jewish. The other victims were all minorities. Baumhammers also is accused of vandalizing two synagogues during the shooting spree.
Martone said Baumhammers cooperated during her interviews and answered many of her questions. He told her when and where he had been treated for mental illness. He gave Martone the names of his doctors and the medication they had prescribed.
Baumhammers also gave Martone information about his family, she said. But he gave short responses to her open-ended inquiries and at times seemed distracted, Martone added. Some of his answers didn't seem to make sense. "He was detached - almost like he was watching himself," Martone said.
Upon extensive questioning from Borkowski, Martone said Baumhammers never indicated during the evaluations that he wouldn't cooperate with his attorneys. Baumhammers also denied having any sleeping problems, crying fits, suicidal or homicidal tendencies or any symptoms of depression or anxiety, Martone said. Nevertheless, Martone said, Baumhammers was not feigning his symptoms. Baumhammers mentioned that he could hear people making comments about him when he went to the library and a printing shop. "He interprets that as a plot to interfere with his work," Martone said. She said Baumhammers also had delusions that he had been poisoned.
"He has a delusion system that interferes with reality." Employees at printing shops in the South Hills area said they don't recall Baumhammers frequenting their stores. Librarians said he wasn't a regular at the Mt. Lebanon Public Library. Employees at the four law libraries in the Pittsburgh area said Baumhammers didn't spend any time at their facilities, either. Martone said she believes Baumhammers could benefit from therapy and increased medication.
14 Jun 07 a new unwilling and unwitting victim who does not know she is attacked by mind control weapons
I know a new victim, I know her very well, she is very lively and cheerful, if she wants to sleep, and she will be asleep very soon. Nothing could let her insomnia.
Last month, she suddenly complained to me, “I had too much dreams recently. Every night, I closed my eyes, and then it began to dream. And I was unable sleep soundly.”
One day, I was sitting quiet and using the computer in her next room, she suddenly came in and asked:”I hear someone talking.”
Recently, she started to complain that too much pain in her legs. She called that pain “Neuropathic pain.” Because there were no reasons to cause the pain, so she named that pain “Neuropathic pain”. Her legs recurrent unprovoked “Skin pain”, while touching by hands, the pain was worse, sometimes, her legs even could not move. Sometimes it would be totally fine, she even did not know when.
From her description of the symptoms, she is a new victim, but she does not know that. I did not tell her any information about Mind Control Weapons. I want to observe how an innocent victim would think about her suffering. If she will suffer more, I will tell her some information about Mind Control Weapons.
Seung-Hui Cho Was Under Mind Control
Deadly accuracy, disturbing revelations suggest outside involvement in VA Massacre, cocktail of brainwashing from prozac, violent video games contributed to carnage
Paul Joseph Watson
Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, whether you believe he was under the influence of outside parties or not, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning.
Gun grabbers are already exploiting the tragedy to disarm future students from the opportunity of being able to defend themselves against deranged killers, but the media circus is completely silent when it comes to the laying blame at the feet of a deadly cocktail of mind-warping drugs and bloodthirsty shoot-em-ups.
Outside of the obvious culpability of the factors we see in every mass shooting - video games and "antidepressant" drugs, numerous red flags concerning Monday events are beginning to suggest that Cho was more than a heartbroken nutcase with an axe to grind.
Charles Mesloh, Professor of Criminology at Florida Gulf Coast University, told NBC 2 News that he was shocked Cho could have killed 32 people with two handguns absent expert training. Mesloh immediately assumed that Cho must have used a shotgun or an assault rifle.
"I'm dumbfounded by the number of people he managed to kill with these weapons," said Mesloh, "The only thing I can figure is that he got close to them and he simply executed them."
Mesloh said the killer performed like a trained professional, "He had a 60% fatality rate with handguns - that's unheard of given 9 millimeters don't kill people instantly," said Mesloh, stating that the handguns Cho used were designed for "plinking at cans," not executing human beings.
Cho was certainly no slouch, in the two hour gap between the first reported shootings and the wider rampage that would occur later in the morning, during which time the University completely failed to warn the students despite having loudspeakers stationed throughout the campus, Cho had time to film a confession video, transfer it to his computer, burn it onto a DVD, package it up, travel to the post office, post the package, and travel back to his dorm room to retrieve his guns and then travel back to the opposite end of the campus to resume the killing spree. The almost inconceivable speed of Cho's actions become more suspicious when we recall initial reports that there were two shooters.
Even if we rule out the fact that Cho had received expert firearms training, the cultural mind control of violent video games and mind-altering psychotropic drugs were themselves a cocktail of brainwashing that directly contributed to the carnage, as they do in nearly all these cases.
From the very first reports of the shootings we predicted the killer would be on prozac, would have recently been in psychiatric care and would have regularly played violent video games and that has precisely turned out to be accurate in all three instances.
"Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly a game called "Counterstrike," a hugely popular online game in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns," reports Newsmax citing the Washington Post.
"In December 2005 -- more than a year before Monday's mass shootings -- a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care," reports ABC News, " but despite the court identifying the future killer as a risk, they let him go.
Investigators believe that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, had been taking anti-depressant medication at some point before the shootings, according to The Chicago Tribune.
Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, were all on psychotropic drugs. Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade.
Jeff Weise, the Red Lake High School killer was on prozac, "Unabomber" Ted Kaczinski, Michael McDermott, John Hinckley, Jr., Byran Uyesugi, Mark David Chapman and Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer, were all on SSRI psychotropic drugs.
Since these deadly drugs are prevalent in almost all mass shooting incidents, where is the call to ban prozac? Why is the knee-jerk reaction always to attack the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans to self-defense, a right that was exercised in January 2002 when students subdued a shooter at another Virginia university before he could kill more than three people because they were allowed guns on campus?
Why are the deeper reasons behind what motivates young men to kill pushed aside while control freaks demand that law-abiding citizens be disarmed of the only thing that can protect them from such madmen?
Questions about the sequence of events on Monday, VA Tech, as well as the profile of the killer are arousing increased suspicion.
We have been receiving numerous calls and e mails alerting us to the fact that VA Tech is pulling links from its website concerning their relationship with the CIA. Reports from November 2005 confirm that the CIA was active in operating recruitment programs based out of VA Tech. Several professors from VA Tech are involved in government programs linked with NASA and other agencies.
Such details only fan the flames of accusations that Cho could have been a Manchurian Candidate, a mind-controlled assassin.
The CIA's program to create mind-controlled assassins that could be triggered by code words, MK ULTRA, is not a conspiracy theory, it's a historical fact documented by declassified government files and Senate hearings. President Bill Clinton himself had to apologize for the program before he left office.
On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said, "The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."
One such victim of these experiments was Cathy O'Brien, who immediately after the shootings re-iterated the revelations in her latest book, that Blacksburg Virginia is a central location for mind control programs that are still ongoing today.
CIA mind control programs can be tracked back to the 1950's and Project BLUEBIRD, later renamed ARTICHOKE. From blogger Kurt Nimmo;
揃LUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate,? writes Colin A. Ross, MD. 揂RTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950抯. The degree to which such individuals were used in actual operations is still classified? BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion. The details of the programs were kept secret even form other personnel within the CIA? The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE materials establish conclusively that full Manchurian Candidates were created and tested successfully by physicians with TOP SECRET clearance from the CIA? As well as being potential couriers and infiltration agents, the subjects could function in effect as hypnotically controlled cameras. They could enter a room or building, memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and then be amnesic for the entire episode. The memorized material could then be retrieved by a handler using a previously implanted code or signal, without the amnesia being disturbed. Hypnosis was not the mind control doctors?only method for creation of controlled amnesia, however. Drugs, magnetic fields, sound waves, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and many other methods were studied under BLUEBIRD and ARTHICHOKE.?
Researchers into supposed "lone nut" assassinations time and time again run across evidence pointing to CIA mind control experimentation. The best example is Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy's assassin. Sirhan was found to be in a completely trance-like state after pulling the trigger and couldn't even remember shooting Kennedy when asked about the incident days later. Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, has presented convincing evidence that Sirhan was under mind control.
Either way you cut it, Seung-Hui Cho was a victim of brainwashing and mind control. The right questions are not being asked and the finger of blame is being pointed in the wrong direction, ensuring that another tragedy like the VA Tech Massacre is almost guaranteed.
real paranoia: Was Seung-Hui Cho a Mind Controlled Assassin?
Submitted by mollie on Thu, 04/19/2007 - 21:02.
Deadly accuracy, disturbing revelations suggest outside involvement in VA Massacre, cocktail of brainwashing from prozac, violent video games contributed to carnage Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, whether you believe he was under the influence of outside parties or not, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning.
Gun grabbers are already exploiting the tragedy to disarm future students from the opportunity of being able to defend themselves against deranged killers, but the media circus is completely silent when it comes to the laying blame at the feet of a deadly cocktail of mind-warping drugs and bloodthirsty shoot-em-ups. Outside of the obvious culpability of the factors we see in every mass shooting - video games and "antidepressant" drugs, numerous red flags concerning Monday events are beginning to suggest that Cho was more than a heartbroken nutcase with an axe to grind. Charles Mesloh, Professor of Criminology at Florida Gulf Coast University, told NBC 2 News that he was shocked Cho could have killed 32 people with two handguns absent expert training. Mesloh immediately assumed that Cho must have used a shotgun or an assault rifle. "I'm dumbfounded by the number of people he managed to kill with these weapons," said Mesloh, "The only thing I can figure is that he got close to them and he simply executed them." Mesloh said the killer performed like a trained professional, "He had a 60% fatality rate with handguns - that's unheard of given 9 millimeters don't kill people instantly," said Mesloh, stating that the handguns Cho used were designed for "plinking at cans," not executing human beings.
Cho was certainly no slouch, in the two hour gap between the first reported shootings and the wider rampage that would occur later in the morning, during which time the University completely failed to warn the students despite having loudspeakers stationed throughout the campus, Cho had time to film a confession video, transfer it to his computer, burn it onto a DVD, package it up, travel to the post office, post the package, and travel back to his dorm room to retrieve his guns and then travel back to the opposite end of the campus to resume the killing spree. The almost inconceivable speed of Cho's actions become more suspicious when we recall initial reports that there were two shooters.
Even if we rule out the fact that Cho had received expert firearms training, the cultural mind control of violent video games and mind-altering psychotropic drugs were themselves a cocktail of brainwashing that directly contributed to the carnage, as they do in nearly all these cases. From the very first reports of the shootings we predicted the killer would be on prozac, would have recently been in psychiatric care and would have regularly played violent video games and that has precisely turned out to be accurate in all three instances. "Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly a game called "Counterstrike," a hugely popular online game in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns," reports Newsmax citing the Washington Post. "In December 2005 -- more than a year before Monday's mass shootings -- a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others."
That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care," reports ABC News , " but despite the court identifying the future killer as a risk, they let him go. Investigators believe that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, had been taking anti-depressant medication at some point before the shootings, according to The Chicago Tribune .
Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, were all on psychotropic drugs. Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade. Jeff Weise, the Red Lake High School killer was on prozac , "Unabomber" Ted Kaczinski, Michael McDermott, John Hinckley, Jr., Byran Uyesugi, Mark David Chapman and Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer, were all on SSRI psychotropic drugs. Since these deadly drugs are prevalent in almost all mass shooting incidents, where is the call to ban prozac?
Why is the knee-jerk reaction always to attack the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans to self-defense, a right that was exercised in January 2002 when students subdued a shooter at another Virginia university before he could kill more than three people because they were allowed guns on campus? Why are the deeper reasons behind what motivates young men to kill pushed aside while control freaks demand that law-abiding citizens be disarmed of the only thing that can protect them from such madmen? Questions about the sequence of events on Monday, VA Tech, as well as the profile of the killer are arousing increased suspicion.
We have been receiving numerous calls and e mails alerting us to the fact that VA Tech is pulling links from its website concerning their relationship with the CIA. Reports from November 2005 confirm that the CIA was active in operating recruitment programs based out of VA Tech. Several professors from VA Tech are involved in government programs linked with NASA and other agencies. Wikipedia also pulled a bizarre recently taken photograph of Cho wearing a U.S. Marines uniform. Such details only fan the flames of accusations that Cho could have been a Manchurian Candidate, a mind-controlled assassin.
The CIA's program to create mind-controlled assassins that could be triggered by code words, MK ULTRA, is not a conspiracy theory, it's a historical fact documented by declassified government files and Senate hearings . President Bill Clinton himself had to apologize for the program before he left office. On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said, "The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."
One such victim of these experiments was Cathy O'Brien, who immediately after the shootings re-iterated the revelations in her latest book, that Blacksburg Virginia is a central location for mind control programs that are still ongoing today. CIA mind control programs can be tracked back to the 1950's and Project BLUEBIRD, later renamed ARTICHOKE. From blogger Kurt Nimmo; “BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate,” writes Colin A. Ross, MD. “ARTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950's. The degree to which such individuals were used in actual operations is still classified…. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion. The details of the programs were kept secret even form other personnel within the CIA…. The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE materials establish conclusively that full Manchurian Candidates were created and tested successfully by physicians with TOP SECRET clearance from the CIA…. As well as being potential couriers and infiltration agents, the subjects could function in effect as hypnotically controlled cameras.
They could enter a room or building, memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and then be amnesic for the entire episode. The memorized material could then be retrieved by a handler using a previously implanted code or signal, without the amnesia being disturbed. Hypnosis was not the mind control doctors' only method for creation of controlled amnesia, however. Drugs, magnetic fields, sound waves, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and many other methods were studied under BLUEBIRD and ARTHICHOKE.” Researchers into supposed "lone nut" assassinations time and time again run across evidence pointing to CIA mind control experimentation. The best example is Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy's assassin. Sirhan was found to be in a completely trance-like state after pulling the trigger and couldn't even remember shooting Kennedy when asked about the incident days later. Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, has presented convincing evidence that Sirhan was under mind control. Either way you cut it, Seung-Hui Cho was a victim of brainwashing and mind control. The right questions are not being asked and the finger of blame is being pointed in the wrong direction, ensuring that another tragedy like the VA Tech Massacre is almost guaranteed.
"What follows is details of Wong's beliefs that undercover police had taunted him, tortured him and spread rumors about him wherever he went. The police, he said, forced him to leave California, where'd he'd lived from the early 1990s until 2007, and were trying to force him to leave the country."
"They entered his room while he slept, he said, watching him sleep, touching him while he slept. And 32 times, he said, police drove in front of him and abruptly stopped. But "I never hit the car," he said."
We guess that Wong is a victim also. his brain was controlled by remote mind control weapons. while he was sleeping, mind control weapons could control his brain and let him have a feeling that someone went into him room, watched him sleep, touched him.
Because of mind control weapons, he could hear some voices (V2K, and V2K voices could sound from people around him. or mind control weapons could make voices sound like everyone) .
Letter from shooting suspect reveals possible paranoia
By KC Wildmoon
(CNN) -- The suspect in last week's deadly shooting at a Binghamton, New York, immigrant center believed he had been harassed for years by undercover police officers, according to a letter received by a New York television station and purportedly written by that suspect, Jiverly Wong.
1 of 3 Police said they were studying the two-page letter, neatly written in broken English, to determine its authenticity. But the package that arrived Monday at News 10 Now in Syracuse also contained photographs of Wong with two handguns, his gun permit and his driver's license.
"There's several things in there that indicate to myself and the district attorney that suggest mental health issues as well as there may be some religious connotation," Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski told 10 News Now, "but until we get a chance to have mental health professionals, have some religious people look at it to determine what it really means, I'm really not going to comment on it any further at this time."
Zikuski added that the emergence of a letter from the shooting suspect was not a surprise to law enforcement.
The package was postmarked April 3, the day of the shooting at the American Civic Assocation in Binghamton where Wong parked his car blocking a back entrance and entered through the front door, shooting two receptionists and then more people in a classroom.
By the time he was done, 13 people -- and Wong himself, killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound -- lay dead. Four others, including one of the receptionists, were wounded.
But the letter was dated more than two weeks earlier, March 18, indicating a troubled Wong had considered the act for some time. Learn about other mass shootings in recent history »
"I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people," the letter begins followed by an apology that "I know a little English."
What follows is details of Wong's beliefs that undercover police had taunted him, tortured him and spread rumors about him wherever he went. The police, he said, forced him to leave California, where'd he'd lived from the early 1990s until 2007, and were trying to force him to leave the country.
They entered his room while he slept, he said, watching him sleep, touching him while he slept. And 32 times, he said, police drove in front of him and abruptly stopped. But "I never hit the car," he said.
At the end of the letter, Wong complained that he cannot "accept my poor life" and that he assume the role of judge and "cut my poor life." He demanded that an "undercover cop" be held responsible for whatever happened and ended with "You have a nice day."
government has strictly denied and covered-up about both of these subjects...
is one of the more comprehensive research areas for UFO activity....
features a two hour video that shows exactly what activists can accomplish....
the disclosure project shows government personnel breaking the silence and testifyi8ng to the reality of their 'close encounters'
today Alberto Fujimori recieved a 25 year sentence for abuse of power.
Bush & Cheney...STILL AT LARGE!
Honduras' fallen leader told The Miami Herald he is being subjected to mind-altering gas and radiation -- and that `Israeli mercenaries' are planning to assassinate him.
TEGUCIGALPA -- It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He's sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and "Israeli mercenaries'' are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.
"We are being threatened with death,'' he said in an interview with The Miami Herald, adding that mercenaries were likely to storm the embassy where he has been holed up since Monday and assassinate him.
"I prefer to march on my feet than to live on my knees before a military dictatorship,'' Zelaya said in a series of back-to-back interviews.
Zelaya was deposed at gunpoint on June 28 and slipped back into his country on Monday, just two days before he was scheduled to speak before the United Nations. He sought refuge at the Brazilian Embassy, where Zelaya said he is being subjected to toxic gases and radiation that alter his physical and mental state.
Witnesses said that for a short time Tuesday morning, soldiers used a device that looked like a large satellite dish to emit a loud shrill noise.
Honduran police spokesman Orlin Cerrato said he knew nothing of any radiation devices being used against the former president.
"He says there are mercenaries against him? Using some kind of apparatus?'' Cerrato said. ``No, no, no, no. Sincerely: no. The only elements surrounding that embassy are police and military, and they have no such apparatus.''
Police responded to reports of looting throughout the city Tuesday night. Civil disturbances subsided Wednesday afternoon, when a crush of people rushed grocery stores and gas stations in the capital.
Israeli government sources in Miami said they could not confirm the presence of any "Israelis mercenaries'' in Honduras.
Zelaya, 56, is at the embassy with his family and other supporters, without a change of clothes or toothpaste. The power and water were turned back on, and the U.N. brought in some food. Photos showed Zelaya, his trademark cowboy hat across his face, napping on a few chairs he had pushed together.
"Look at the shape he's in -- sleeping on chairs,'' de facto President Roberto Micheletti told a local TV news station.
Micheletti took Zelaya's place after the military, executing a Supreme Court arrest warrant, burst into Zelaya's house and forced him into exile. The country's military, congress, Supreme Court and economic leaders have backed the ouster, arguing that Zelaya was bent on conducting an illegal plebiscite that they feared would ultimately lead to his reelection.
Micheletti said he was prepared to meet with Zelaya and a delegation from the Organization of American States, but only to discuss one topic: November elections.
On Wednesday, the U.N. cut off all technical aid that would have supported and given credibility to that presidential race. Conditions do not exist for credible elections, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.
"I proposed dialogue, and they answered with bullets, bombs, a state of siege and by closing the airport,'' Zelaya said.
Zelaya told The Herald that Washington should be taking a stronger stance against the elite economic interests that "financed and benefited'' from the coup that ousted him three months ago.
If President Barack Obama hit Honduras with commercial sanctions or suspended free-trade agreements, the coup "would last just five minutes.''
The Obama administration suspended economic aid to Honduras and withdrew the visas of members of the current administration.
About 75 percent of Honduras' commerce depends on the United States, Zelaya said. And because powerful economic forces were behind Zelaya's ouster, Obama should hit those forces where it hurts most, Zelaya said.
"I have told this to Obama, to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to the U.S. Embassy here and anyone else who will listen,'' Zelaya said. "They know how to act. Until now, they have been very prudent.''
With Micheletti showing a new willingness to talk with the OAS, and the U.N. Security Council set to meet to discuss the embassy situation soon, it isn't the moment for more penalties, the U.S. State Department said.
"Right now, when there are openings for dialogue, is not the time to announce new sanctions,'' a State Department official said.
Dates for the OAS visit, which could include emissaries from 10 countries, are being worked out, the official said.
Spokesman Ian Kelly said the U.N. Security Council meeting came at the request of the Brazilian government. No date has been set for the meeting.
"In general, we continue to work with our partners in the U.N. and the OAS to come up with means to promote a dialogue and defuse the tensions, of course with the ultimate goal of resolving the crisis,'' State Department spokesman Ian Kelly said at a media briefing in Washington. "And we're continuing our consultations with our partners in the region, and enlisting wherever we can their assistance in this process.''
The U.S. Embassy here spent the day denying rumors that Zelaya planned to move to American grounds. The rumor may have started because U.S. Embassy vehicles were used to evacuate Zelaya supporters who left the Brazilian Embassy willingly Tuesday.
"The embassy has been turned into a bunker for Zelaya,'' Assistant Foreign Minister Martha Lorena Alvarado de Casco told The Herald. "He's turned it into his headquarters, and he is using it to call for insurrection.''
Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim told CNN en Español that his government asked Zelaya to tone down his rhetoric while he remains an embassy guest.
"The word `death' should not even be mentioned,'' he said.
Rioting broke out in various parts of the capital Tuesday night, and lines hundreds deep formed at supermarkets when desperate shoppers scrambled to buy food after a round-the-clock curfew was briefly lifted.
"I have no food in my house,'' said Patti Vásquez, a housewife who, after two hours, still had not reached the front doors of a supermarket in an upscale shopping mall. "I need to get milk and juice and eggs.''
Zelaya says he has no plans to leave the embassy anytime soon.
. "I am the president the people of Honduras chose,'' Zelaya said. "A country can't have two presidents -- just one.''
Miami Herald staff writer Jim Wyss and special correspondent Stewart Stogel contributed to this report.