Mind Control Drug

Nazi research into a "devil's snuff"-based wonderdrug D-IX

19 Nov 2002 – Nazi researchers used concentration camp inmates to test a cocaine-based "wonder drug" they hoped would enhance the performance of German Soldiers 

Hitler’s Secret Weapon. Wonder Drug That Turns Soldiers Into  Robots



Hitler’s Mind Control Experiments and How They Influenced Modern Propaganda

By  karlsie  Published: May 13, 2011


Book Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.



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  • Nazis Attempted to Make Robots of Their Soldiers


    The Nazi leadership had a lot of hopes about the use of D-IX wonder drug


    New research shows that Nazis were going to turn their soldiers to robots with the help of a special chemical. Until recently, the chemical has been kept secret. So-called Experiment D-IX started in November of the year 1944 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Eighteen prisoners were marching on the semicircular square, which was used for daily call-overs. The prisoners were carrying backpacks that weighed 20 kilos each. They were circling the square non-stop, while Odd Nansen, Arctic explorer’s son, was watching them from the window of his barracks. Years later, after the war was over, he said that those marching people on the square were called “pill patrol.” They could march without a rest up to 90 kilometers a day. Everyone knew that they were like guinea-pigs that were used for testing the new method for preserving the energy of a human body.

    Hitler’s chemists wanted to find out, how long those people could last. At first, those poor prisoners sang songs and whistled various melodies as they marched. Twenty-four hours later, the majority of them fell down on the ground dead. Nazi chemists tested their new wonder pills on those people. The pills were called D-IX. This was also the work code of the whole experiment. The pills contained cocaine together with other drugs. As the Third Reich leaders believed, the new pills were supposed to turn German soldiers into tireless and fearless warriors.

    Hamburg-based criminologist Wolf Kemper believes that D-IX pills were Hitler’s last secret development. The pills should have helped him to win the war, which was about to be lost for fascist Germany. Kemper deals with the studies of little-known events of the latest months of World War II. The description of those events will be included in his new book about the use of drugs during the Third Reich era. It is an open secret that the  big-time Nazi propaganda held up any drug addiction to shame. Such propaganda was launched back in 1993: Nazis basically lambasted the “devilish” cocaine – the major drug of the demoralized European Bohemia of the 1920s. However, the Nazi regime did not hesitate to let its soldiers use those drugs, trying to turn them into thoughtless robots.

    The use of an amphetamine called pervitine was a usual thing at the Western front in the very beginning of the war. Nazi leaders believed that the use of that stimulant would inspire their troops to noble and heroic deeds for the sake of the victory. A factory of the Berlin company Temmel, which manufactured pervitine, supplied the Nazi Army and the Luftwaffe with 29 million of pervitine pills during the period of April-December of 1939. The Ground troops high command ordered to keep that a secret. Official documents mentioned the drug under the code name obm. Yet, Nazis underestimated pervitine’s side effects. The “consumers” could not do without the drug really soon. In 1939, German doctors determined during their inspections at the Western front that the soldiers used pervitine without any control at all. The period to recover from the drug effect was getting longer and longer, while attention concentration ability was getting weaker and weaker. This eventually  resulted in messages of lethal outcome in several Nazi divisions in France and Poland. Doctors’ warnings were left with no attention. All orderly bags were filled with that dangerous drug during the last years of the war. They prescribed pervitine pills to anyone, who had any ailing complaints.

    Nazis conducted more and more of their tests with the new wonder chemical, although the war was coming to its end. It occurred to the Third Reich leaders to launch the series production of the new D-IX substance on March 16, 1944. Vice Admiral Helmut Heye stated at a session with pharmacologists and small military units commanders that there should be a new medicine invented to help German soldiers stand the tense situation longer and to make them feel more uplifting than usual in any situation. After the war, the admiral became a Bundestag deputy for defense issues, by the way. Heye’s suggestion was completely supported by such an influential figure as Otto Skortseni (after the successful operation to release Mussolini in September of 1943, the commander of the Fridental special unit was awarded with the German National Hero title). Skortseni was searching for a new drug for his division for long. After he had a very detailed conversation with the leadership of Hitler’s headquarters in Berlin, there was a group of researchers set up in the city of Kiel. The group was presided over by pharmacology professor Gerhard Orchehovsky. The group was given a task to develop and launch the production of the needed drug. Criminologist Kemper believes that the plan was approved by Adolf Hitler himself: none of such projects could be implemented without his approval.

    Orchehovsky came to conclusion after several months of hard work at Kiel University labs that he finally created the needed substance. One pill contained five milligrams of cocaine, three milligrams of pervitine, five milligrams of eucodal (morphine-based painkiller), as well as synthetic cocaine that was produced by the company Merk. The latter drug was used by German fighter pilots during World War I as a stimulant for their large-distance sorties. The invented cocktail of drugs was supposed to be tested by mini-submarine crewmen first. The results were supposed to be checked during their navigation in the Kiel Bay. Skortseni ordered to send him a thousand of those pills. He wanted to test their action on the members of the Forelle diversionary unit of submariners, which was a part of Danube destructive unit of the German death squad.

    Researcher Kemper came to conclusion that the results of the tests were very inspiring. That made Nazi leaders continue the experiments, testing the new drug on the people, who walked in circles 24 hours a day, carrying 20 kilos backpacks. Those people were Sachsenhausen concentration camp prisoners. They became like laboratory guinea-pigs in November of 1944. The goal of the experiment was to determine the new stamina limit for D-IX exposed humans. Medical records of that time show that several participants of the experiment felt fine with only two or three short stops a day: “The considerable reduction of the need in sleep is very impressive. This drug disables man’s action ability and will.” In other words, D-IX made a human being a robot. The results of all those tests inspired their initiators to supply D-IX drug to the entire Nazi Army. However, they failed to launch the mass production of the substance. Allies’ victories at both fronts in winter and spring in 1945 resulted in the collapse of the Nazi regime. The absurd dream of the wonder drug was crushed.

    Semyon Tsur KirierWeb


    Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

  • Symposium: Sex, Drugs and Psychological Warfare (Part One)

    Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 17th, 2011

    Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at jamieglazov11@gmail.com

    In this special edition of Frotnpage symposium, we have gather a distinguished panel to discuss how drugs have been used as a weapon of psycho-chemical warfare by our enemies. What have been the historical ramifications of the flooding of the free world with acid, heroin, and hashish from enemy territory, especially since the late 60s?

    Remarkably little research has been done on Cold War drug-supply, even though the communists clearly stated their intent on poisoning Western youth with drugs.

    Joining us today are some of the people who have looked into this subject more closely. Towards the end of the talk, we hope to be able to draw some parallels with the current threat of Islamic Jihad:

    Our guests are:

    Frank Kitman, a blogger and independent researcher who specializes in how America’s enemies have used drugs as a weapon against us.

    J. R. Nyquist, the president of the Strategic Crisis Center, Inc. (StrategicCrisis.com). He writes a column on global strategic issues for Financial Sense Online.


    Dr. Joseph Douglass, among the first defense analysts to identify the Soviet intelligence operation to move narcotic drugs into the “enemy’s camp” to undermine the youth and culture. His first articles appeared in 1987 and 1988 and his book, Red Cocaine, in 1991. He was also the first to write about the development and covert use of psycho-active drugs by their intelligence services in covert operations to influence thinking and behavior in the Medical Sentinel journal. He has also written several books on Soviet nuclear strategy, decision making, on the Soviet practice of arms control violations, and on the missing American POW/MIAs from WWII, the Korean War, Vietnam War, and Cold War.


    FP: Frank Kitman, J. R. Nyquist and Dr. Joseph Douglass, welcome to Frontpage Symposium.

    Dr. Douglass, let’s begin with you. What is the best way for us to begin this discussion?

    Perhaps you can enlighten us on some of the evidence that has linked communist activity with the massive increase in drug-supply in the United States — especially following U.S. entrance into the Vietnam war?

    Douglass: Thank you Jamie.

    To work our way into the Vietnam War, I would look first at the late 1940s following WWII. Because of constraints on shipping during the war and efforts of the US Narcotics Bureau before the war to bring the use of opium and heroin under control in the United States, the use of “illegal drugs” after WWII had dropped to its lowest level since the early 1900s. The stats on over dose of heroin in NYC had dropped to zero in 1948 as those on first use of heroin in San Francisco was close to that also. This all changed in 1949 when there was an abrupt rise in the use of illegal drugs. The same was true in Japan. US intelligence and Japanese intelligence independently determined that the rise in both countries was due to a new flow of drugs out of the new Communist China. This might be viewed as the opening of today’s psychochemical war using drugs.

    The first book to report on this was The Traffic in Narcotics by the legendary Harry J. Anslinger. It was published in 1952 right on the heels of a USG report submitted to the United Nations on the increase in international narcotics trafficking. Two quite substantial books that added considerable detail to the new “Chinese communist drug offensive” were Psycho-Chemical Warfare by A.H. Stanton Candlin and The Peking Bomb by Gerd Hamburger in 1973 and 1975, respectively. Both described the new drug offensive with maps on poppy fields, organization and soforth. My information from a high communist source later confirmed this message and the deliberate use by the top Chinese leaders of narcotics as a weapon in a covert war against the United States and Japan.

    The Chinese expanded this practice during the Korean War in 1951-1953. They targeted their trafficking specifically against the US military forces engaged in the Korean War, both those in Korea and those stationed in nearby bases, such as Japan and Okinawa. This was an especially important beginning of the use of psychochemical drugs as a weapon in war. This practice gained little attention in the West at the time, but it had a significant effect in damaging the readiness of US forces, especially in logistics units. Additionally, it proved the effectiveness of the tactic that would be greatly expanded in the Vietnam War.

    The Chinese undercover war was also noted by the Soviets who had directed the Czechs to build a experimental hospital in North Korea for use in running experiments on American and and allied force POWs during the war that was about to start. The Soviets wanted to test the effectiveness of Soviet chemical and biological agents and the effects of atomic radiation on American and other nationality soldiers who were captured during the war. In the process of conducting autopsies on the American bodies who were both taken dead from the combat area and who died during the experiments, the Czech and Soviet doctors noted that a significant percentage of the American soldiers had experienced “mini heart attacks.” They concluded that these must have been the effect of the hard drugs the Chinese had trafficked against the American soldiers.

    The Soviets also used American POWs for testing the effects of new mind-altering drugs that Soviets and Czechs had developed. These drugs were quite effective. They were what were used to change certain attitudes the American boys held. One of the effects were what caused the Americans to speak badly about America and to tell how wonderful life in North Korea was. Videos of these interviews were run on American newsreels and caused alarm and confusion in America. Another of the drugs inhibited the American POWs spirit and motivation and was what led to the absence of escape efforts and the absence of any “leaders” among the American POWs.

    It was in during this time period that both the KGB and CIA, who both had mind-altering drugs in development since the mid-1940s (and much earlier for the Soviets), began to experience significant progress. This progress was accelerated then because of German scientists working on mind-altering drugs that had been captured after WWII and because the field of psycho-active drugs for use in medicine had, in effect, been born with the discovery of the effects of lithium and chlorpromazine on the mind in 1949 and 1951 and the publication of the formula for LSD in 1951 and related information on Dr. Hoffmann’s discovery at Sandos in Switzerland. The psychoactive drug Genie was out of the bottle for both positive medical use and for the dark side of intelligence warfare.

    In the mid-1950s the French decided to leave Vietnam after the battle at DienBeinPhu. It was at this time that the Americans sent their first contingent of forces and aid to South Vietnam. The Chinese watched these events slowly unfolding and concluded that a new war involving American forces in Vietnam was likely in the near future. With this in mind, the Chinese began to increase their own production of opium and heroin to use on the American soldiers in the upcoming war. This was also the time when the Soviets began to develop the trade craft for a new “strategic intelligence” operation, international drug trafficking. This decision was made by Khrushchev in 1955 following a major study of the potential vulnerability and effects of possible drug trafficking into America, Canada, France, Britain, and Germany. There conclusion was the drug trafficking would be tremendously effective and that the covering tactic should be to make the trafficking appear to have been managed by organized crime.

    The background work to launch a major covert drug trafficking operation was initiated in 1956 and would not be completed until 1959. It was during this time that the Soviets moved to learn the techniques for manufacturing various drugs in crude laboratories and to learn how much US intelligence knew about the drug trafficking. The Soviets, with the assistance of the Czech intelligence set up training schools for drug traffickers and began recruiting indigenous people from all the countries that were targeted countries, most notably Latin American countries where the supplies would be manufactured and the targets that were global, but with special emphasis on America and Europe. The training centers were first developed in the Soviet Union and then duplicates where set up in North Korea, Eastern Europe, and Cuba. Those recruited in various countries where they would become drug traffickers would be sent to training centers for a three-month course. The actual trafficking began in 1959-1960.




    In preparation for the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese sent a delegation to Czechoslovakia seeking military aid and assistance. It was during this week in 1963 that the decision was made to help North Vietnam. Also, the Soviets began training people for moving drugs into Vietnam against the American servicemen. The actual war began in the 1964-65 time frame and both the Chinese and Soviets trafficked drugs in competition against the Americans. The drug weapons led to a plague of drug use among the Americans and by the 1970s caused the US Air Force more casualties than the conflict caused. The effect of the use of these drugs, often given away free to the Americans, had become a major US military problem, along with desertion at the time that General Abrams was given command of US forces in Vietnam. These two problems were separated out as especially troublesome problem for the opening briefing for the new commander and his staff.

    Unfortunately, to ease the picture presented to the new commander, his deputy directed those two embarrassing topics be removed from the briefing. This enabled the problem to continue to grow. It received grossly inadequate attention because the US military did not know about or understand this new dimension in war fighting.

    FP: Thank you Joe Douglass, such tragedies and crimes you remind us of, and how little the American public knows about them.

    J. R. Nyquist your take on Douglass’s comments? And how would you build on them?

    Nyquist: Joe Douglass’s research warrants a brief side-discussion on Jan Sejna, who was a high ranking communist bloc official and a key source for Douglass’s work on Soviet drug trafficking and the strategic use of psycho-pharmaceuticals. Sejna had been briefed on Moscow’s long range strategy in 1967, the year before he defected to the West. Like all defectors with direct knowledge of Soviet strategy, Sejna had a message few wanted to hear. Unfortunately his warnings were ignored by the U.S. national security establishment, and his story was misrepresented in the press. In 1982 Sejna published a book with the title We Will Bury You. If anything demonstrates his credibility it is the prophetic character of this book, which describes long-term communist bloc operations across the globe, including plans for the future breakup of Yugoslavia along ethnic lines, the planned breakup of the Warsaw Pact alliance (as a deception), and the advent of a “progressive” American presidency coinciding with a severe financial crisis. All these future events were mapped out by Soviet planners in 1967. If this sounds incredible, anyone can read Sejna’s book and see for themselves.

    According to Sejna, the Soviet regime based its policies on long-term strategic thinking. The Kremlin was obsessed with future scenarios and active preparations to trigger key events. Mind control drugs were to play a key part. This is all quite alien to our thinking, and Americans will not believe in it. But the leaders in Moscow are not Americans. They do not share our notions of development and growth out of the free play of a free society. They continue to believe in a planned future. And their strategic plan in 1967 was about destroying free society. About this, Sejna wrote: “One of the basic problems of the West is its frequent failure to recognize the existence of any Soviet ‘grand design’ at all. Those rejecting this concept unwittingly serve Soviet efforts to conceal their objectives.”

    Since the main objective of Soviet strategy was destruction, it follows that psycho-pharmacology under the Soviet Union would be used in the development of a new kind of warfare. Under the Soviet Union, subversion and terrorism became sciences. Every scientific advance was harnessed for the sake of revolution. The Soviets developed thermo-nuclear weapons, launched the first satellite and put the first man in space. All of this was used to advance socialist power, which styled itself as a “scientific” power. Here every science was subordinated to strategy. Nothing could be more natural to Soviet leaders than the use of mind-altering chemicals to advance psychological warfare operations. It is inconceivable that Moscow would ignore this area of research. At the same time, the West’s openness and freedom signified a ready vulnerability to new forms of attack. Our collective refusal to acknowledge the Kremlin’s deployment of mind-altering technology is a potentially fatal error.

    We need to admit that psychological warfare has a chemical warfare component. We know that consciousness can be chemically altered. We know that the “drug culture,” which appeared in the 1960s, was opposed to the Vietnam War and suspicious of the capitalist system. (Was this accidental?) We know that the moral structures of our society suffered a blow from which we have yet to recover. The morally corrosive effect of illegal drugs extends from the realm of the addict to the realm of money laundering and organized crime. I hope that during this discussion we will see how Soviet strategy sought to exploit linkages between drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorism, and the subversion of various governments. Drugs cannot be looked at independent of Soviet involvement in organized crime and terrorism. All of these elements are part of what Sejna called “The Strategic Plan” (the title of Chapter 10 in We Will Bury You). But who is brave enough to discuss this? In terms of the media, the subject itself is toxic.

    Kitman: To begin with, I will try to expand on some of the points Joseph Douglass made about experimentation on American POWs in North Korea. These early experiments tell us that psycho-active substances were part of the communist military efforts from the very beginning. In fact it was the knowledge of such experiments that made the CIA start their own mind-control programs, in an attempt to keep up with the communists. This implies that discussions like the one we are having here concerning the communist use of drugs in psychological warfare is really the natural line of inquiry. It is not a conspiracy theory.

    Secondly, within these experiments, the communists combined drug-testing with different strategies of persuasion and exposure to communist propaganda. The main objective was not to improve interrogation techniques and truth-drugging. These were full-scale, re-education programs, where prisoners were tortured, exhausted, forced to memorize propaganda, write private confessions and family history etc. In this setting, drugs would be used to generate experiences of extreme pleasure and all kinds of emotional confusion. The mental vulnerability inherent in many such altered states of consciousness then gave plenty of opportunity to change a person’s opinions, values and undermine his faith in God and Country – which communists have always considered of utmost importance.

    This blend of modern pharmacology and behaviorist modeling is disturbing, to say the least. And unfortunately, I think it is fair to assume that most of the communist know-how developed through these experimental re-education programs must have been more or less directly applicable to the unsuspecting youths of the free world.

    Now remember, moving a decade ahead as America enters the Vietnam war, we suddenly begin to see these massive increases in the supply of the very same psycho-active substances used in the earlier experiments, especially LSD and marijuana extracts. And at all the hotspots for consumption of these drugs concerts, festivals etc, we often find a presence of some kind of communist agitation and propaganda materials. Furthermore, the drugs are very generously distributed at all major, anti-war rallies and after-parties. This suggests that drugs were used by communists as a lubricant for their propaganda efforts, as well as for a key reinforcement for “revolutionary behavior” and other activities helpful to China and the Soviet Union.

    It is of course debatable to what extend this was part of “The Strategic Plan” that Jeff Nyquist points to. But if we consider the testimony of Jan Sejna, the Cuban defectors and other dissidents, as well as the crucially important writings of Joseph Douglass, it becomes hard to miss a grander scheme of things. And honestly, this need not be phrased as an incredible conspiracy. Suffice to say, that during the Vietnam war, communists skipped the sugar and candy and instead used LSD, marijuana and other psycho-active substances to win “hearts and minds” among Western youths.

    And, with devastating results.

    FP: Joe Douglass?

    Douglass: Both Nyquist and Kitman have expanded our journey in several very important ways. Nyquist points out that we cannot look at the use of drugs independently of other major operations such as organized crime and terrorism. All three work together in subverting cultures and governments.

    Actually, there are numerous other groups of operations that are also part of the Soviet long-range plan, such as infiltration of various mass organizations and then working from the inside to slowly turn the organizational policies so that they support Soviet policies. Nevertheless, these have not been as strategically important and directly attacking cultures and institutions as were drug trafficking, organized crime, terrorism, and the all important Soviet “active measures” (a combination of targeted deception and propaganda to confuse other nations as to the Soviet intentions, policy, and ideology) one of whose goals was to hide the Soviet role in international drug trafficking, terrorism, and organized crime and another parallel critical goal, in respect to banks, that was to divert attention away from the banks that handled the very important money laundering.

    The primary goal of drug trafficking in the Soviet Union at the start was not money. Nor is it such today. Money is only a beneficial side effect to the goal of undermining the financial strength of capitalist countries. The real primary goal was, through drug trafficking, to undermine the moral, mental, and physical gifts of our youth, which would under mine our military strength within a few years (drugs impair the cardiovascular system) and, as our youth mature in the future, the strength of our future leaders is also weakened through corruption and their inability to think well. Because these drugs were mainly tools of sabotage operations, drug trafficking was run out of the GRU. In contrast, the organized crime was directed at the power elite, to corrupt them and open doors for direct policy influence, and espionage at the highest level. Because the dominant role here was political, the organized crime element was run by the KGB. Terrorism had two different goals, one was to destabilize countries and make them vulnerable to insurrections and take-overs, and the other was to help isolate the United States from the rest of the world. Because of its nature, it, too, was run by the GRU.

    While these all began as independent covert operations, by the mid-1960s their boundaries were getting fuzzy because each would benefit from some contributions of the others. Additionally, there were some capabilities that were shared among all of the three because they were critical to each one, for example, the movement of monies, that is, money laundering and associated financial support.

    Also as pointed out by Kitman, we need to consider the large range of drugs and their different effects, and, hence, their very different usages. For example against the youth, which is indicated above in the targeting of the youth, are the so-called recreational drugs. These were drugs for the masses, mainly the youth. And, the main idea was to get the youth to become addicts and drug users before the age of 25, which was when the youth were most vulnerable. The second largest category of use is specific mind-altering drugs whose object is not a trip that puts people into la-la land, but drugs that are used, mostly, on individuals who are the target of special psychological operations designed to change the target’s way of thinking or acting to the Soviet benefit. There are many different types, as Kitman explains. Only a few such drugs were developed to extract information or “truth.” The largest range of drugs are for very different usages, such as to cause the targeted individual to become very paranoid, aggressive, frightened, unable to make decisions, sleep inducing, chaos or “craziness” inducing, hate inducing drugs, and some that just made people happy and accepting or able to support different policies and people. These were used on leaders and individuals of power and influence in a very different fashion – that is, the target has no idea he or she have been given a special drug covertly. There is also a third very different category which is for military use, drugs for use against group targets, up to battalion-sized targets, drugs for use against commanders or control centers, and drugs that affect the mind in such a way that facilitates recruiting individual officers and turning them into unwitting Soviet agents.

    An important point that Nyquist and Kitman brought up puts a very different spin on the way to look at the use of our main subject, which is these different types of drugs. Khrushchev had a very serious perspective respecting nuclear war. One had to be ready for it because if it came it would be so devastating. This was behind the Soviet preparation for war – fighting a nuclear war and surviving with enough power to expand its power. Nuclear war so dangerous that preparation for it was the single most important mission for a superpower.

    The next most important was to continue the world revolutionary movement—defeat of capitalism—but in such a way that it would not lead into nuclear war. This meant changing the revolutionary war part of their strategy into national liberation so as to cover the Soviet intentions. Their intentions were not war but just providing aid and assistance to people trying to be free. To restate Khrushchev’s plan, it was to devise a war against the rest of the world that was covert and run by surrogates. It was a combination of Marxism-Leninism coupled with the Gramsci/Lucaks approach to war, which meant they would recruit people from the various countries and school them on becoming indigenous intelligence agents and indigenous surrogates trained in terrorism, narcotics trafficking, organized crime and many other skill sets. These were all battles that, in essence, were not to be recognized by the United States as what they were; that is, a bunch of covert armies waging war on industrial/capitalist countries, especially America, as part of the Cold War. Indeed, one of Khrushchev’s first directions was to blow the dust off of Gramsci’s “Prison Networks,” have them translated, and sent to all the communist leaders around the world so they would know how the revolutionary global war was to be constituted from here on: secretly, under cover of the Cold War, to win the war over capitalism by destroying the capitalists from within by their own countrymen and with Soviets nowhere to be seen or heard.

    The Cold War was not just a bunch of psychological skirmishes in various third-world counties and Soviet policies of Peaceful Co-existence, Détente, and Peristroika; but, rather, a mass if hidden covert attacks using surrogates within the various counties and designed to bring down the culture, economy, and political structure of the United States and other threats to the progress of communism. This is the overarching goal within which we need to look at the accomplishments of drug trafficking, organized crime, and terrorism, all so effectively orchestrated that even the CIA has emerged as one of the Soviets’ main friends because of their (CIA’s) efforts to deny any serious Soviet connection to any of these and many other covert attack operations, and I thank Nyquist and Kitman for expanding our thinking out from the traditional view of these devastating attacks as mere crimes to be countered by traditional law and order agencies rather than as immensely successful covert war operations, all covertly financed by the citizenry of the capitalist countries themselves.

    The impossibility of separating out narcotics trafficking from organized crime is further evident insofar as the proportion of organized crime that is narcotics trafficking has been generally estimated at thirty percent; that is, drug trafficking has been considered a component of organized crime since at least 1950. Further, as mentioned previously, the money laundering system, which can be viewed at one of the largest businesses in the world (today it would have to be estimated at over $10 trillion, of which 15 to 20 percent is the bank’s share, which instantly should explain why the banks are a witting integral part of both narcotics trafficking and money laundering – they are, indeed, along with politicians and government officials, a major component of “The Upper World” of organized crime.) In other words, when one steps on the toes of the narcotics trafficking and support superstructure, he or she had better think twice because they are simultaneously stepping on the toes of a very large corrupted and powerful global elite.

    I was at a conference in Austria in 1999. One of the officials of Europol intelligence gave a talk on organized crime and drugs. His presentation was very sobering. He stated that drug crime had exploded from 15,000 crimes in 1995 to 185,000 in 1998! While in the past, the principal crime organizations were Sicilian, Japanese, Chinese and Latin American, the main problem in 1998 had become in the preceding five years Russian infiltration. Organized crime in Russia now controled over 40,000 businesses, 85 percent of the banks, and 20 percent of the Duma. The UN had placed the size of international organized crime in 1999 at $1.6 trillion and this is believed to be low, the speaker explained. A more realistic figure was $2 to $3 trillion. (U.S. specialists estimated that just the money laundering in 21 countries that cooperated in providing data totaled more like $3.5 trillion in 2001!

    The main points the speaker at the conference made ran something like the following: Illegal drugs are corrupting our youth. Europe has had an explosion in political corruption. Illegal money is corrupting our legal, political, and financial systems and 15 to 20 percent goes into the stock markets. Soon the crooks will control the financial markets. European org crime has more money, better technology, and more political support than Europol. His parting shot was right to the point. He said, “This problem can no longer be defeated with legal means.” And in all the presentations, no one mentioned or seemed aware of the role of the main Communist intelligence services, the KGB and GRU, and the government of Russia itself (and Communist China). All of these “goals” in the organized crime and narcotics trafficking were understood in the KGB, GRU, and top government officials at the time these operations along with terrorism and deception were made “strategic intelligence operations” by Khrushchev and company in 1955-56.

    This, in brief, is one reason why the wars on drugs and organized crime have been farces since the late 1960s. They are misdiagnosed and politically protected.

    Nyquist: Some years ago I was talking with Col. Stanislav Lunev, a GRU officer who defected after the fall of the Soviet Union. He made a number of very passionate statements about the Soviet strategy of loosening American morals. He asked, “Do you think America has been, historically, a violent country?” I replied in the negative. “You are right,” he said, explaining his interest in American frontier history and literature. He went on to explain how difficult it was for the Soviet Union to penetrate and subvert the United States because of the high ethical standards that prevailed in Americans society half a century ago. He explained how the Soviet General Staff used intermediaries to pay film producers to introduce more violence and immorality in American movies, to bring lower standards to the culture overall. This, in turn, would allow the Soviet military to penetrate American institutions. If Americans live a clean life, if they are honest and hard-working, the task of encouraging treason or other high crimes is far from easy. If Americans use drugs, are sexually promiscuous, hedonistic and unethical, their lives are likely to be unhappy. Such individuals are weak in terms of patriotism and self respect. They are easier to prey upon. Such people are more likely to fall for “active measures,” and believe Soviet lies. This, in fact, is what happened with the drug culture. Drugs, sex and rock’n roll was not a patriotic movement.

    I believe the drug culture has helped in the decline of American patriotism. To this day the drug business remains an essential component in Moscow next push, which would facilitate the further infiltration of the United States by terrorist cells working to import weapons of mass destruction via the same networks used to bring illegal drugs into the country. This, by the way, is the standard GRU approach to smuggling WMDs into the United States. If you have corrupted customs officials, then smuggling WMDs with these shipments would be child’s play. The national security implications of the illegal drug trade are huge; and there is no serious effort to annihilate the traffickers, as there should be. If we are to survive as a nation we cannot allow foreign criminal cartels, working with foreign intelligence services, to convert our borderlands into a free transit zone for weapons and terror agents.

    Americans may not be familiar with a classified report written jointly by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Intelligence Service in 1997. I managed to obtain a copy of this report, titled “Sidewinder.” It says that Chinese organized crime groups are allied with the People’s Liberation Army and Chinese intelligence to infiltrate Canadian business and the political system. The Chinese objective was and is to convert Canada into a “highway” for attacking America in the flank. The Sidewinder report sounded a warning, calling on Canadian officials to mobilize law enforcement and intelligence resources to oppose Chinese subversion of the Canadian political system. Unfortunately, it was too late. The Chinese had already penetrated at a high level. I say this because Canada’s leading politicians suppressed the report, and business with China continued to accelerate along with organized crime.

    A few years ago the Los Angeles Times reported that the Mexican mafia was being coordinated in its operations by the Russian mafia. There is also Chinese involvement in Baja, California. The Christian Science monitor reported on Chinese-Mexican convoys delivering secret cargoes to Baja in the 1990s. What was being delivered? The possibility of infiltrating and subverting a country, then dividing and conquering it, has lately been regarded as something of a joke – outside the realm of possibility. In fact, it is happening now. And we only have to look across the border to see what has befallen Mexico, and see what is in store.

    For those who think the ultimate plan of the socialist bloc is benign, I should remind them as forcefully as I can, that Russia and China do not intend to make America into the most powerful socialist commonwealth on earth. The objective of the new post Soviet Russia was described in no uncertain terms by Russian intelligence defector Sergei Tretyakov, who said that his bosses in Russia intended to “destroy” America. This is the same language used in Hugo Chavez’s circle, as well. The intention is not really to convert America to a socialist state. The American socialists are regarded as complete idiots by the leaders in Moscow and Beijing. The advent of a “progressive” American administration is only a transitional phase on the way to completely destroying the United States. The frightening power of organized crime and drug trafficking has been harnessed to this end, and to no other. The trillions made by the drug business is not for the purpose of enjoyment, but for the purpose of destruction. In his book Lenin’s Tomb, David Remnick quotes the head of Italy’s parliamentary committee of inquiry into the mafia, who said Russia had become the capital of international organized crime. He told Remnick that the three leading Italian mafias reported to Russia, where seminars and coordination meetings were hosted. The harnessing of organized crime is not something that happened in one or two decades. It has been an ongoing operation for more than half a century. And if the Canadian political system was long ago subverted and compromised, imagine how compromised the U.S. political system is today. Merely look at the people who are in charge of the CIA and the White House. Look at what is being taught to our children in school. A person has to be blind or stupid not to see what has happened to us.

    When a politician is corrupt, information about his corruption may travel all the way to Moscow or Beijing. What chance does our country have, in that event? How many politicians are in the hands of enemy surrogates who wear the mask of the common criminal? Even more frightening, we should also consider the growing power that government agencies have over our lives. What if these agencies are corrupted by Russian or Chinese crime groups? More than a decade ago I interviewed a Soviet immigrant in the Sacramento area, named Michael. When leaving the Soviet Union he was met by a KGB officer at the airport who jokingly explained that he was going to work for the motherland abroad. Michael thought this KGB officer was talking nonsense. In America there is the free press, the FBI and the CIA. In America there is protection from KGB thugs. But this wasn’t the case. When Michael settled in Sacramento he was summoned to a meeting for local Soviet immigrants. It was ostensibly to help newcomers find opportunity in America. At this meeting a man stood up and said, “I am GRU Captain so-and-so, and I am the boss of this city.” The GRU captain handed Michael a brown paper bag full of money. “Here,” he said, “take this bag to Child Protective Services.” He explained that the Slavic mafia owned Child Protective Services. “If you fail to cooperate,” said the GRU officer, “you need not fear for your safety. It will be much worse than that. We will take your children, and you will die alone in the gutter.”

    There are thousands of businesses in the United States that serve as fronts for Russian and/or Chinese intelligence. There are hundreds of crime syndicates with ties to the police, intelligence officials, and politicians. How safe do we think the country actually is? When Hugo Chavez goes to China and calls himself a proud follower of Mao, and when he invites Islamic terrorists to Venezuela, what do we suppose he is doing? The billions in support he receives from China, Cuba and Russia is not for some innocent purpose. And the effect of the drugs that keep pouring in can be seen in the faces of our meth-addicts who wander our streets, twitching and muttering to themselves.


  • Symposium: Sex, Drugs and Psychological Warfare (Part Two)

    Posted by Jamie Glazov on Jun 17th, 2011

    Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at jamieglazov11@gmail.com

    Kitman: The cat is really coming out of the bag! Very interesting remarks by both Douglass and Nyquist.

    To round up the talk, Jamie, I think I will try and pick up on your initial suggestion and touch upon some of the overall parallels to our current confrontation with the Islamic world.

    Before I begin though, I would like to iterate an important distinction Douglass made. The one between drug-trafficking as a crime perpetrated by gangs; and drug-trafficking as covert warfare perpetrated by enemy states. These scenarios are indeed completely different animals. With the latter enjoying all the benefits of state powers, i.e. intelligence agencies, scientists, military expertise, diplomacy, political influence etc. Our police and customs control are hardly geared to counter such an enterprise. And with politicians suspiciously reluctant to demand retaliation, we end up in an intolerable situation, basically paying for our own demise.

    Now, with regard to the confrontation with the Islamic world, the situation is much the same. We see massive trafficking of drugs out of the Muslim world and into the West, undertaken by an alliance of enemy states such as Iran, Afghanistan Kosovo etc. And we find these operations orchestrated both as chemical warfare and as a means of financing larger multipronged campaigns aimed at our destruction.

    Unlike narco-communists however, the Muslims are so upfront about the nature of their operations, that even the mainstream media can´t hide it. The New York Times for instance, reported how a Taliban, Haji Baz Mohamed, told his cohorts, that “selling heroin was a part of jihad, because they were taking the Americans´ money and the heroin was killing them”. Before getting caught in 2005 Mohamed managed to rake in around 25 billion dollars, by trafficking heroin into the US.

    Similarly, in 2009, a long-time heroin-pusher from Luton told a British newspaper that “The big bosses have Taliban and al-Qaeda connections and we’re often told only to deal it to non-Muslims. They call it chemical jihad and hope to ruin lives while getting massive payouts at the same time… There are lots of big-hitters who only sell to non-Muslims – to poison them”.

    The same year EULEX (European Law-Enforcement Mission in Kosovo) tried to gain some control over the main trafficking route into Europe by adopting a protocol focusing on border-control and information exchange concerning organized crime in Kosovo. A group called “Albanian Self-determination Movement” then burned out 28 EULEX vehicles, some 1,000 Kosovo-Albanians took to the streets against the crime-fighting initiative. Kosovo premier Hashim Thaci, then stated ‘As of today, all debates and talks on the subject of the protocol have ended,’

    Add to this the alarming reports from Austrian forensic chemists, finding strychnine systematically added to batches of heroin and the overall image of state-sponsored chemical warfare through addictive substances clearly emerges once again.

    There are however also interesting differences between communist and Muslim drug-running. In that, the Muslim operations have little or no elements of propaganda and persuasion. Instead they seem to build around a stronghold on human-trafficking and support within the ever-growing Muslim minority of the target nation. This way muslim operations has no need to persuade Westerners and convert them to their “cause” in the same way the Communists did. They seek segregation of the Muslim community instead, and then use gangs of 2nd and 3rd generation Muslim youths to push the drugs locally.

    Strategically these operations make up an important part of the “stage of vexation and exhaustion” stealthily imposed upon western nations by their Muslim minorities in accordance with Al-Qaeda manuals.

    Now, as scary as both communist and Islamic plotting and planning against our way of life might seem, to me, the truly disturbing fact is that we are actually tolerating it. There is a flaw within our own system, which has little or nothing to do with communism and Islam. Open for an enemy to prey upon, regardless of ideology.

    What is keeping us? This is the urgent question. And before we find a good answer, I see little hope of progress, let alone proper retaliation against the nations inflicting such misery upon us.

    FP: Frank Kitman, J. R. Nyquist and Dr. Joseph Douglass, thank you for joining Frontpage Symposium. And special thanks to Frank Kitman, who is the Godfather of this symposium, since he made the suggestion from which this symposium grew.

  • Did the APA once advocate mind-control drugs for politicians?


    Posted By: David Accomazzo



    Click here for the full-size image.

    Do corruption, big-money influence and cronyism in politics have you feeling down? Never fear. Check out this gem of an AP article from the Sept. 5, 1971, edition of the Daily Camera for one psychologist's inventive solution.

    Apparently, the then-president of the American Psychological Association, Kenneth B. Clarke, recommended the development of a drug that would curb a politician's natural impulses towards corruption.

    "The president of the American Psychological Association suggested Saturday development of a drug to be administered to successful politicians to prevent abuse of power in public office," reads the article.

    "Clark, the first Negro [sic] president of the APA, said politicians should be the first to receive such a drug because they hold 'life and death powers over mankind' in this nuclear age.

    "Saying the alternative to his over-all [sic] proposal may be ultimate destruction of the human species, the New York psychologist said initial use of mind-controlling drugs on politicians should cover a range from "the man aspiring to be a city councilman in Ward 8 right up to the incumbent or aspiring president of the United States.

    "He urged also international agreement to assure that similar practices were inaugurated in all countries — like present efforts toward disarmement — because control over man's baser instincts would be 'disarmament in its most realistic sense.'"

    Sounds like a great idea, right? Perhaps Clarke, were he active in the present day, would suggest a similar drug be developed for bankers and violent pro-life activists?

    Maybe willingness to drug yourself for the common good should be a requirement for public service. Such a humbling admission of one's faults would be good for the country.

    I kid, of course. The good doctor, I'm not so sure. Clark, not wanting to come off like an advocate of mind control, world domination or any other form of mad-scientistism, was careful to hedge his words.

    "He stressed that before any such envisioned drugs were put to practical use, they should be pre-tested in humans to assure that while controlling baser instincts they did not also turn people into robots lacking 'the creative evaluative and selective capacities of human beings'"

    I'm pretty sure something like The Onion could reprint this article word-for-word and pass it off as original. I'm shocked something like this got printed. It must be a joke, right? If anyone knows anything about this, let us know.

  • Mind Games: Cyberspace and Psychiatric Drugs

    by: Greg Guma, Maverick Media | Op-Ed

    At least 10 percent of all Americans over six-years-old are currently on antidepressants. That's more than 35 million people, double the number from 15 years ago. Meanwhile, anti-psychotics have eclipsed cholesterol treatments as the country's fastest selling and most profitable drugs, even though half the prescriptions treat disorders for which they haven't been proven effective. At least 5 million children and adolescents use them, in part because more kids are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

    So, are a growing number of people experiencing psychological troubles? Have we just become better at recognizing them? Or is some other dynamic at work?

    One possibility is that the criteria for what constitutes a mental illness or disability may have expanded to the point that a vast number appear to have clinical problems. But there's an even more insidious development: the drugs being used to treat many of the new diagnoses could cause long-term effects that persist after the original trouble has been resolved. That's the case made by Robert Whitaker in his new book, "Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America."

    Speaking of long-term impacts on the brain, we're also heading toward a world where humans are directly linked with computers that profoundly influence their perceptions and ideas. Despite many potential benefits, there is danger here as well. Rather than simply augmenting our memories by providing neutral information, the brain-computer connection may lead people into separate realities based on their assumptions and politics.

    Brain-altering drugs and digital "indoctrination" – a potent combination. Together, they pose a potential threat not only to the stability of many individuals but of society itself. Seduced by the promise that our brains can be managed and enhanced without serious side-effects, we may be creating a future where psychological dysfunction becomes a post-modern plague and powerful forces use cyberspace to reshape "reality" in their private interest.

    Do prescription drugs create new mental problems? And if so, how could it be happening? For Whitaker the answer lies in the effects of drugs on neurotransmitters, a process he calls negative feedback. When a drug blocks neurotransmitters or increases the level of serotonin, for instance, neurons initially attempt to counteract the effects. When the drug is used over a long period, however, it can produce "substantial and long-lasting alterations in neural function," says Steven Hyman, former director of the National Institutes of Mental Health. The brain begins to function differently. Its ability to compensate starts to fail and side effects created by the drug emerge.

    What comes next? More drugs and, along with them, new side effects, an evolving chemical mixture often accompanied by a revised diagnosis. According to Marcia Angell, former editor of "The New England Journal of Medicine", it can go this way: use of an antidepressant leads to mania, which leads to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, which leads to the prescription of mood stabilizers. Through such a process people can end up taking several drugs daily for many years.

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    What may happen after that is deeply troubling. Researcher Nancy Andreasen claims the brain begins to shrink, an effect she links directly to dosage and duration. "The prefrontal cortex doesn't get the input it needs and is being shut down by drugs," she has explained in The New York Times. "That reduces the psychotic symptoms." But the pre-frontal cortex gradually atrophies.

    Anyone who has been on the psychiatric drug roller coaster understands some of the ride's risks and how hard it can be to get off. But the new implication is that we may be experiencing a medically-induced outbreak of brain dysfunction caused by the exploding use of drugs. One big unanswered question at the moment: What does Big Pharma really know, and when did they learn it?

    Drug companies aren't the only ones experimenting with our brains. Bold research is also being pursued to create brain-computer interfaces that can help people overcome problems like memory loss. According to writer Michael Chorost, author of "World Wide Mind" and interface enthusiast who benefited from ear implants after going deaf, we may soon be directly connected to the Internet through neural implants. It sounds convenient and liberating. Ask yourself a question and, presto, there's the answer. Google co-founder Larry Page can imagine a not-too-distant future in which you simply think about something and "your cell phone whispers the answer in your ear."

    Beyond the fact that this could become irritating, there's an unspoken assumption that the information received is basically unbiased, like consulting an excellent encyclopedia or a great library catalog. This is where the trouble starts. As Sue Halperin notes in a New York Review of Books essay, "Mind Control and the Internet," Search engines like Google use an algorithm to show us what's important. But even without the manipulation of marketing companies and consultants who influence some listings, each search is increasingly shaped to fit the profile of the person asking. If you think that we both get the same results from the same inquiry, guess again.

    What really happens is that you get results assembled just for you. Information is prioritized in a way that reinforces one’s previous choices, influenced by suggested assumptions and preferences. As Eli Pariser argues in The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding from You, environmental activists and energy executives get very different listings when they inquire about climate science. It looks and feels "objective" but they're being fed data that fits with their existing view – and probably not seeing much that conflicts.

    A recent study, reported in "Sociological Quarterly", looked at this development by following attitudes about climate science over a decade. Here's a weird but significant finding: Although a consensus emerged among most scientists over the years, the number of Republicans who accepted their conclusion dropped. Why? Because the Republicans were getting different information than the Democrats and others who embraced the basic premise. In other words, their viewpoint was reflected back at them.

    Does this sound dangerous? Pariser thinks so, and suggests that the type of reinforcement made common by search engines is leading to inadvertent self-indoctrination. For democracy to function effectively, people need exposure to various viewpoints, "but instead we're more and more enclosed in our own bubbles," he writes. Rather than agreeing on a set of shared facts we're being led deeper into our different worlds.

    Whether this is a problem depends somewhat on your expectations. For some people it is merely a bump in the road, a faltering step in the inevitable evolution of human consciousness. Techno-shamen and other cosmic optimists see the potential of drug-induced enlightenment and an Internet-assisted "hive mind," and believe that the long-term outcome will be less violence, more trust, and a better world. But others have doubts, questioning whether we'll really end up with technological liberation and a psychic leap forward. It could go quite differently, they worry. We could instead see millions of brain-addled casualties and even deeper social polarization.

    How will current trends influence democracy and basic human relations? Increased trust and participation don't immediately come to mind. Rather, the result could be more suspicion, denial and paranoia, as if we don't have enough now. In fact, even the recent upsurge in anger and resentment may be drug and Internet-assisted, creating fertile ground for opportunists and demagogues.

    In "False Alarm: The truth about the epidemic of fear", New York internist Marc Siegel noted that when the amygdala — the Brain’s central station for processing emotions – detects a threatening situation, it pours out stress hormones. If the stress persists too long, however, it can malfunction, overwhelm the hippocampus (center of the "thinking" brain), and be difficult to turn off. In the long term, this "fear biology" can wear people down, inducing paralysis or making them susceptible to diseases and delusions that they might otherwise resist. Addressing this problem with drugs that change the brain's neural functioning isn't apt to help. Either will the Internet's tendency to provide information that reinforces whatever one already thinks.

    More than half a century ago, Aldous Huxley – who knew a bit about drugs – issued a dire prediction. He didn't see the Internet coming, but other than that his vision remains relevant. "There will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude," he wrote in "Brave New World", "and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods."

    Pretty grim, but there's no going back. Despite any dangers posed by computer algorithms and anti-psychotic drugs, they are with us for the foreseeable future. Still, what we've learned about them in recent years could help us to reduce the negatives. Not every illness listed in the DMS – that constantly growing, Big Pharma-influenced psychiatric bible – requires drug treatment. And the results of your online searches will very likely tell you what you want to know, but that doesn't mean you're getting a "balanced" or comprehensive picture.

    Prescription: When in doubt, keep

    asking questions. If discomfort persists, try Aspirin.
    Greg Guma

    Greg Guma is a journalist and author. His writing on civil liberties, mass media, and globalization has been published and syndicated internationally. He chronicled the evolution of Vermont politics in "The People's Republic: Vermont and the Sanders Revolution"

  • Rat memory implants, vaccines, and uncontacted Amazonians

    Our favorites from the week


    From Douglas Main:

    We have explored most every nook and cranny of the earth, but hidden in a remote part of the Amazon jungle, there are still some people who haven’t had contact with the rest of humanity.

    Democrat Barney Frank of Massachusetts and Texas Republican Ron Paul have introduced the first bill to remove marijuana from the list of federally prohibited substances and cede control to the states. Although it has almost no hope of passing, we can hope.

    Carl Zimmer describes the most poisonous animal in the United States, the rough-skinned newt, and how it got to be that way: run-away evolutionary competition with resistant foes.


    From Katie Palmer:

    Statistics can be awesome, but they can also be used in duplicitous ways. Case in point: this data wrangling by a physician/epidemiologist team, showing a 35 percent increase in infant mortality on the West coast of the U.S. after the nuclear disaster in Japan. Michael Moyer at Scientific American takes them down a few notches.

    In a remarkable study, neuroscientists recorded the brain signals involved in encoding a task memory in rats–and then, having given the rats a memory-blocking drug, were able to make them “remember” the task by stimulating their hippocampus with that same sequence of signals. Though a long way from consolidating and enhancing human memories, it’s a fascinating first step toward “memory prostheses.”

    An interesting tangent in the ongoing saga surrounding low vaccination rates: Seth Mnookin, while at the Pacific Health Summit, blogs that while France is undergoing a major measles epidemic, Ghana hasn’t seen a single case since 2002.


    From Sabrina Richards:

    Research on rats is providing clues at how we might “implant” procedural memories into the brain. A little space-agey, to be sure.

    Scratch & Sniff Silly Putty? Not quite, but scientists have figured out how to employ Silly Putty’s unique chemical structure to sidle toward the next step in the virtual reality experience: changing scents.

    Humanity 1, HIV 0? Not Rocket Science has a lovely post explaining how scientists might be able to make an end-run around HIV’s devious ways.

  • Social meditation

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    Over the last six years, Ed Leary has helped turn rancor into solemnity; chaos into control; distractions into focus.

    Leary, the facilitator for the Meditation Society of Sun City Center, continues to help folks from around the area improve their psychological and physiological well-beings through tranquil thoughts and peace of mind.

    From 10:30 a.m. to noon Mondays, Leary meets with members and guests in the South Social Room of the Kings Point Clubhouse. There, he talks about the history of meditation and relates how he believes it helps people control, reduce or eliminate stress.

    During a recent meeting, Leary, who was raised Catholic, had nine society members first recognize the presence of a supreme being and deity. The group then fell into a mantra, a "love song to God," which they sang five times.

    ""Huuu-eeeee, huuu-eeeee," they hummed.

    "May the blessings be," Leary concluded after the last note.

    Leary is an ardent practitioner of what he preaches. A retired computer scientist for the Social Security Administration, he said meditation is proven to help relieve tension and, in turn, help people avoid serious illnesses.

    During the meeting, Leary spoke of other benefits of meditation, including reducing depression, irritability and moodiness. He said it increases emotional control and alertness and lowers blood pressure, increases blood flow, boosts the immune system and increases exercise tolerance.

    Leary, who said he became serious about meditation while living in London in the late 1960s, said in contrast to what many think, meditation enhances the physical world.

    "I learn more about spiritual laws by observing physics because there is a parallel there," he said. "What we experience here is a reflection of what comes down from a higher hill."

    Around Leary, members spoke of some of their meditative experiences and how the practice made their lives better.

    Michael McGoldrick said he was inspired to meditate as a boxer in countries where meditation was practiced by athletes. For example, he said he saw bicyclists who were able to balance and ride their bikes on the middle plank of a railroad track without looking down while in a mind-control meditation.

    "I started doing it for boxing. I'd work out, meditate, work out," he said. "I saw a tremendous change in myself. I would absorb in bouts, I wasn't afraid. I was in the zone and I was OK."

    Leary, 82, said he suggests everyone try out meditation and see if it made a difference in their mental and physical lives. He said it's made his life more full and fulfilling,

    "I was very unhappy in my life," he said. "My attitude towards my life changed drastically. That's the main reason I started meditating."

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  • Phsychiatrist threatens to forcefully drug United States Soldier in order to brain wash him. Must see news broadcast.


  •  Sufferage from psychotronic psychophysical torture artificial telepathy mind control & i hear things externally that sound like people in pain in another world. I have written to the European court of human rights, MCmail team, STOPEG but have mot found help.i can be contacted via Peacepink as CM. 

    South Africa


    thank you 

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