Books related mind control technologies


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The book “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp” written by Soleilmavis, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies, helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies.

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  • The 28th Miami Book Fair International is November 13-20.
    A great place to promote your books too Apply Today.
  • You can help his work by purchasing his book

    Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks

     103 pages
    Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control: The Destruction of Society Through Community Spying Networks
    Ships in 3–5 business days
    A secret underground lurks throughout society, a sophisticated network of secret ‘policing’ units that are cropping up in every community. It is made up of people from all walks of life who are operating as a fascist secret police force against all freedom-loving citizens of the western world. They pretend to be serving a good cause, but they are creating terror in our neighborhoods and destroying lives, one person at a time. This secret network is not only used for targeting individuals with systematic harassment, but those within it are often involved in sexual exploitation, blackmail, satanism, and mind-control. Gang-Stalking and Mind-Control takes an inside look at the sinister side of this growing epidemic. Written by a target, for targets.
  • Books on Brainwashing, Thought Reform and Mind Control


    These books deal with the little-understood phenomenon of mind control and related topics. Mind control may be justly feared and then pushed aside to make way for the major theme of free will in democratic society, but there's no excuse for not understanding this universal aspect of everyday life and its centricity to cults.

    Attacks on Peripheral Versus Central Elements of Self and the Efficacy of Thought Reform. Ofshe and Singer. (Available through the American Family Foundation.)

    Battle for the Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brainwashing. Sargant, William. Doubleday, Garden City, New York. 1957.

    Battle for Your Mind, the: Persuasion & Brainwashing Techniques Being Used on the Public Today. Sutphen, Dick. (Stop right here. Dick Sutphen has no education in the field of Psychology, Sociology or any other field that would qualify him as an expert in the area of brainwashing. No, I take that back; Dick Sutphen was in advertising for many years before he decided to become in order 1) poet 2) new age guru 3) hypnosis "expert." Sutphen is just another way to toss your money down the drain. I find a good deal of irony in the author of "You Were Born Again to be Together" also being the author of "The Battle for Your Mind." - TarlaStar. Note the similarity of the title to the earlier book by Sargant above; I recommend reading Sargant first.)

    Brainwashing: Story of Men Who Defied It. Hunter, Edward. Farrar, Straus, Cudahy, New York. 1956.

    Coercive Persuasion: A Socio-psychological Analysis of the "Brainwashing" of American Civilian Prisoners by the Chinese Communists. Schein, Edgar H., with Inge Schneier and Curtis H. Barker. W.W. Norton, New York. 1961.

    How Real is the Reality: Delusion, Deceitment and Understanding. Watzlawick, Paul. 1976. (Paul Watzlawick is professor for psychology and (psycho)-semantics. This book explains the real violence that is used in the "semantic-paradox" technologies, and the creation of "confusion" as a tool to weaken people and empower oneself over them. - Freimann B.)

    "Indoctrination" (original: L'endoctrinement.) Reboul, Olivier. Presses Universitaires de France, Paris. 1977. (Reboul is a professor of philosophy, who taught in the early 70s in Montreal and later in Strasbourg, France.)

    Influence: The New Psychology of Modern Persuasion: How and Why People Agree to Things. Cialdini, Robert B. William Morrow, New York. 1984. (The author is a social psychology professor who spent 15 years studying the tactics used by "compliance professionals," including salesmen, fundraisers, marketing pros, cult leaders, Chinese brainwashing camps, etc. He carefully details the underlying psychological mechanisms that make all these tactics work, and how everyone is vulnerable to them because they take advantage of instinctual responses.)

    Journey Into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers. Thomas, Gordon. Bantam Press, New York. 1988. Corgi Books. 1989. (Covers Dr. Ewan Cameron and MK ULTRA, a brainwashing experiment uncovered by the Scientology cult in Canada, who might be behind this book. Shades of "The Interpol Connection", (qv) perhaps.)

    Mind Control. Schrag, Peter. Pantheon, New York. 1978

    New Technology and Human Values, the. Burke, John G., Editor. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1966. (Covers wiretapping, lie detectors and mind control.)

    Obedience to Authority. Milgram, Stanley. New York. 1983. ISBN: 006-131-983X. (Seminal studies into how a large share of the population is willing to harm others when goaded by an authority figure, these experiments show how susceptible we all are to the influence of cults and other control mechanisms.)

    Overview of Mind Control and Electromagnetic Manipulation, an. Antone, Ted [publisher]. (Ooo-eeee-ooo. Also did "New World Order: Towards a One World Government.")

    Prisoners of Liberation. Ricket, Allyn and Rickett, Adele. Cameron Associates, New York. 1957 (The authors are Westerners who spent seven years in China, underwent "thought reform" and returned to relate their experiences; politically and psychologically fascinating.)

    Rape of the Mind, the. Meerloo, Joost A. World, New York. 1956. Grosset & Dunlap, New York. 1961.

    Reactionary: Sgt. Lloyd W. Pate's Story. Pate, Sgt. Lloyd W. as told to Cutler, B.J. Harper & Bros., New York. 1956. (Story of Pate's resistance to brain washing when a prisoner of the Chinese communists. He endured 32 months of brutal captivity in Korea Including filth, cold, subhuman rations, intimidation, a 500 mile death march and more.

    Search for the Manchurian Candidate, the: The CIA and Mind Control, the secret history of the behavioral sciences. Marks, John. Times Books, New York. 1979. (The big boys are in on this game, too.)

    Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of "Brainwashing" in China. Lifton, Robert J. W. W. Norton, New York. 1961. (An essential read for ex-Scientologists to gain insight into what exactly what happened in the cult. See also "The Future of Immorality".)

    Thought Reform of the Chinese Intellectuals. Chen, Theodore H.E. Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. 1960. (A gem of a book; explains Thought Reform in a neat and artful way that reads like a precise poem.)

    Youth, Brainwashing, and the Extremist Cults. Enroth, Ronald. Zondervan Press, Kentwood, Michigan. 1977. (See also "The Lure of the Cults" and "Churches that Abuse".)

  • Electromagnetic Mind Control: Fact or Fiction?: A Scientific View

    V. N. Binhi (Author)

    Published by: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    From Cheryl Welsh 

    New 2010 book published.

    If you are  interested in a serious academic discussion about the issue of electromagnetic mind control, I highly recommend this book.
    I think it's fair and balanced and is the only serious book that goes beyond the conspiracy theory label surrounding EMR mind control.
    Electromagnetic Mind Control Fact or Fiction? A Scientific

    View by V. N. Binhi, with a foreward by A. R. Liboff, Research Professor, Center for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida.

    Published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

    New York, 2010.

    Vladimir Binhi, a physicist at the General Physics  Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, is well known for his work on bioelectromagnetics and magnetobiology. Dr. Binhi has intensively research these areas for more than 25 years.

    Dr. Binhi has published more than 50 works in peer-reviewed journals. His main publications are in leading journals
    including Physical  Review, Europhysics Letters and Biophysics. His  monograph,  "Magnetobiology," with a foreword by Nobel Laureate A.M. Prokhorov  remains unique in that it is entirely devoted to the physics of magnetobiology.
    Book now available at

  • David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

    David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

    In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

    | Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |

    | David Rockefeller |

    | We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.Thesupranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries |

    | David Rockefeller to Trilateral Commission in 1991 |

    | If a nation values anything more than freedom, then it will lose it's freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort and security that it values, it will lose that too. Unknown Americans must decide: Are we to be governed by Americans or by an International organization ? I, for one, owe no allegiance to the United Nations nor will I give it any. I obey only the U.S. Constitution. You had better think about this issue, for if the U.N. can violate the Sovereignty of Haiti, Iraq and other countries, it can violate ours...The United States may not be the top dog 15 years from now. council resolutions, backed by say Chinese soldiers, could be aimed at us |

    | Charley Reese [ Orlando Sentinel ] |

    '' The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world ''

    - Nick Rockefeller [ Aaron Russo interview ]

  • Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake” : A Video About Monarch Mind Control


    June 25, 2012

    Katy Perry’s music video “Wide Awake” is another offering from the pop music industry that conceals references to Monarch programming within its symbolism. References to this practice occur often in mass media but are often coded using specific symbols and imagery. We’ll look at the hidden meaning of Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake”.

    More details:

    More about Monarch Programming

  • The Invisible Crime: Illegal Microchip Implants and Microwave Techn...

    by Michael F. Bell (Jun 21, 2012)

    Book Description

    June 21, 2012
    What happens when a typical, upper-middle-class man from a respectable American family becomes the target of a covert organization bent on controlling both mind and body? When that secret organization is armed with high-tech weaponry which includes microchip technology aimed at controlling the minds and actions of its victims, terror reigns. In this chilling, true-life account, writer Michael Fitzhugh Bell is drugged, abducted, raped, and surgically implanted with microchips. Tracked and tortured, Michael's predators can even read his thoughts. In this battle of man versus technology turned against us, Michael must prove his case to the police before his attackers not only eliminate Michael's memory-but eliminate Michael. From the terror of being electronically stalked to the horror of surgical microchip implants and mind control, Michael Fitzhugh Bell's experiences as a victim will leave you shocked and amazed. His uphill battle with doctors, lawyers, police, Government, F.B.I., C.I.A., and a secret criminal underworld begins in Hollywood, races into and through the North Carolina backwoods, and then back to California. As you experience Michael's journey on each horrific page, you will see actual medical photos, X-rays, ultrasound and MRI images, all showing non-therapeutic tracking and torture devices. These instruments and tools are available to anyone on the Internet, including criminal organizations like those which targeted Michael Bell. His battle for survival continues today. Are you prepared?


    Paperback:208 pages

    Publisher:Brighton Publishing LLC (June 21, 2012)



    ISBN-13: 978-1936587995

    HERE IS THE INTERVIEW of the author:

    Product Details


  • Russian Research

    • For over ten years, V.N. Lopatin, a former Russian duma member, has worked to pass the 2001 Russian law banning electromagnetic weapons. Lopatin's 1999 book Psychotronic Weapons and the Security of Russia is available at the UC Berkeley library and included an outline of the threat of psychotronic weapons and war and the importance of public relations concerning this global threat. Lopatin has a law degree and is currently the director of a large private firm in Moscow.

      V. N. Lopatin interview for 2006 Project Censored academic paper on mind control weapons. Lopatin wrote: "Entering a new century, humankind is facing a choice between war and peace again, but this time this is not a land or space war, not nuclear or chemical, but an information war. . . . Nevertheless, introduction of limitations of manufacturing and circulation of this kind of weapon, international ban on information wars, may and should be done." The Lopatin interview contains new information on Russian laws, for example, prohibiting the "making and (or) distribution of TV, video, movie programs, documentary and feature films, and also computer files related to special mass media and programs of processing of information texts, that have subliminal messages, influencing people’s subconscious . . . " Click here for full translation.

      Description of fundamental publications of V.N. Lopatin about problems of research in the sphere of informational security. Books (monographs, scientific publications, books, textbooks). Click here.

      V.N. Lopatin's answers to Project Censored interview questions, click here.
    • 2006 published Russian science article discusses the 2001 Russian law on the prohibition of electromagnetic weapons:

      Bioelectric Terrorism: Analysis Of Possible Threat

      Grigoriev O.A.1, Grigoriev Y.G.2, Stepanov V.S.2, Chekmarev O.M.3
      1. Center of electromagnetic safety*, Moscow
      2. SSC (State Scientific Center) Institute of biophysics, Moscow
      3. Center of State sanitary control of administrative department of President of the Russian Federation, Moscow

      The principle possibility of the use of biological action of the electromagnetic field (EMF) by terrorist elements is examined, and also the respective possible ways, methods and aims of electromagnetic influence on bio-object, corresponding measures on warning of negative consequences of such influence are analyzed. The article is prepared on the basis of the materials of lecture by authors at the 2nd International conference "World association against globalization of criminality and terrorism", holding in Moscow on January 20-21, 2004.

      See book excerpts here.

    • As reported in Los Angeles Times, January 29, 2005 "Giving Until It Hurts;" by Kim Murphy, "...In 2001, President Vladimir V. Putin signed into law a bill making it illegal to employ "electromagnetic, infrasound ... radiators" and other weapons of "psychotronic influence" with intent to cause harm. An official note attached to the bill said Russian scientists were trying to create "effective methods of influence of humans at a distance." Actual russian law and background information posted here.
      Russian Mind Control Weapons: New 2005 Information and Brief Update
    • UC Davis Russian Psychotronics Book Translation Project
      2001 Russian Book Translation Project Results. Also available as a pdf.
      Psychotronic Golgotha by by N.I. Anisimov, 1999
      Russian Protestors' photos, from the book, with comparisons to U.S. protestors
      1999 Russian book on psychotronic weapons by L.I. Terehova, Moscow
      Letter of Appeal to World Community from Russian human rights group
      Russian federal law on electromagnetic weapons
      Draft law with detailed descriptions of psychotronic weapons, Nov. 2000.
      (Many thanks to the generous translation work of Ramon Ruelas.)
      Russian/U.S. International Coalition Formed
      Table of Contents | Top

    III. Experimentation Law

    IV. Selected Projects by Mind Justice

    Table of Contents| Top

    V. Research and Information

    • The Mind Control Debate is Over. What Next? by Cheryl Welsh, director, Mind Justice, February 2008. An Adobe Reader pdf Version is available (143k).
    • In Contravention of Conventional Wisdom, CIA “no touch” torture (also available as a pdf) makes sense out of mind control allegations, by Cheryl Welsh January 2008. The similarities are striking, as if a government manual for mind control targeting has been found. Now studies of allegations have a scientific framework from which to begin.

      Cheryl Welsh was invited to speak about mind control allegations at a recent workshop on ethics and interrogations by the workshop director, Jean Maria Arrigo PhD. Dr. Arrigo commented on this article. Jean Maria Arrigo, PhD, is an independent social psychologist and oral historian whose work gives moral voice to military and intelligence professionals. See, for example, Arrigo, J.M & Wagner, R. (2007). “Torture Is for Amateurs”: A Meeting of Psychologists and Military Interrogators. [Special issue]. Peace and Conflict, 11 (4).

    • Washington Post covers mind control victims: a significant step forward in gaining the attention of the U.S. media to their serious plight both in this country and around the world. Click here for details .

      Washington Post Front Page
    • 2005 Government Mind Control Debate

      Four prominent experts weigh in on the 2005 government mind control debate
    1. Gloria Naylor, author of 2005 book, 1996, 1983 National Book Award winner
    2. Jon Ronson, New York Times reviewed author, journalist
    3. William Arkin, military analyst, Los Angeles Times columnist secrecy expert
    4. Richard Garwin, Council on Foreign Relations nonlethal weapons report co-author

    VI. Allegations by Targeted Individuals from Around the World

    Table of Contents | Top

    VII. Future Plans for Mind Justice

    • Mind Justice, a new name and direction for Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse by Cheryl Welsh, director, Mind Justice
  • Placebo: A Jevin Banks Novel’ by Steven James

    Steven James, Christy nominated author of the Patrick Bowers series changes gears in this new series with a sinister focus on psychic phenomena, mind-to-mind communication, experimental drugs and the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a tale of loss, neurological research and ground-breaking science wrapped in magic, illusion and conspiracy titled—“Placebo.”

    The story opens with magician Jevin Banks on the shores of Heron Bay, unable to convince himself his family minivan has become a “…safe haven filled with air…proof that a loving God exists and cares…” That a diver would find his wife Rachael and their five-year-old twin son’s alive, even though it’s been two hours since their vehicle slipped beneath the icy waters.

    Then he sees “diver’s surface” with Andrew’s limp body, his first born by three minutes. Although bystanders blame his wife, he blames himself—and still does thirteen months later. Thus ends Placebo’s disturbing first chapter.

    The story, set in Oregon State, really begins in chapter two thirteen months later in the wake of his family’s tragic deaths. Jevin, former master magician now uses his talents to expose the schemes of charlatans and others who separate fools from their money.

    He and friend Zavier are driving to Oregon’s Lawson Research Center to film Dr. Tanbyrn’s claims of psychic activity, where Jevin plans to expose the doctor as a fake for one of three shows still under contract with Entertainment Film Network. Still, he’s puzzled why a theoretical physicist and Nobel laureate of Dr. Tanbyrn’s stature would be part of such fraud.

    Add Fionna, computer genius and homeschooling mom of four kids, Jevin’s friend Zavier, philosopher, conspiracy theorist and lover of all things cheese. Then the delightful Charlene, his undercover partner co-registered with Jevin for the mind-to-mind experimental program. Plus a sadistic assassin who doesn’t know when to quit, as well as complex intrigue over an anti-aging drug, illegal government sponsored research and mind control.  The plot is complex, the characterization of even secondary characters well done, yet Placebo is not the same caliber as the Patrick Bowers series.

    That doesn’t mean Placebo isn’t as good, only that it’s different, more similar to Frank Perriti’s recent release, Illusion. James use of first person point-of-view with Jevin adds intimacy for the reader. Parts of the story are intense, laced with adrenaline, others not so much, gauged by I could put the book down for a day or two at a time.

    Even though I favor law enforcement over magicians, I look forward to reading Singularity; book two of the Jevin Banks series this fall. However, I anticipate The King, latest in The Bowers Files scheduled for release in July, 2013 even more.

    ‘Placebo: A Jevin Banks Novel’ by Steven James, Revell Publishing, 2012, 416 Pages, 978-0800734251, $14.99

    Back Cover Copy:

    ~~One man must uncover the truth—even when others will stop at nothing to keep it buried~~

    While investigating a controversial neurological research program, exposé filmmaker Jevin Banks is drawn into a far-reaching conspiracy involving one of the world's largest pharmaceutical firms. He seeks answers about the questionable mind-to-mind communication program—and answers to his own family tragedy.

    Rooted in ground-breaking science, Placebo explores the far reaches of science, consciousness, and faith. This taunt, intelligent, and emotionally gripping new thriller from master storyteller Steven James will keep you flipping pages late into the night.

    Twitter: @GailWelborn

    FaceBook: Gail Welborn


  • This book is written by David Lawson an independent investigator. David Lawson has infiltrated in stalkers gangs. He explain in detail how the stalking gangs work.

    It’s completely disappeared from the market. Find this book , if you have the possibility of publish it . publish it and spread it hundreds of thousand of copies.

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