I have just authored a book and it is now in editing mode. It is 450 pages. I am pasting part of chapter five. The title is still under development.
Misconceptions about Organized and Gang Stalking
Perceptual Deception has taken me over a half of a decade to understand. Technically speaking I don’t know exactly how it works. Conceptually is another matter. Have you ever heard the saying my ears are deceiving me? Have you ever been in a crowded room and thought that people are talking about you? Welcome to the life of being targeted. Imagine a technology that works on the inner ear and the nerves responsible for sending messages to the brain. What the targeted individual hears and can be different from what others hear. The technology has the ability to override the brain’s perception of sound. A targeted individual’s sense of hearing is deceived constantly. One trick I often encounter is the changing the way I hear ring tones. This means that the mind is deceived. A ring tone might sound like ‘You are going to die” or “We are watching you.” A great example of this can be found on this frightening YouTube video. Type the following into Google and select the first links:
Select the following YouTube Links sound familiar? It is now on CBS news