Stalking (10)
NYC TI Event Announcement: “Reaching out to the FBI Campaign”
26 Federal Plaza, New York, NY 10278
Btwn Broadway & Worth St
Thursday, May 1, 2015 9:00AM
For Additional information please contact Eduardo Colon at:
(718) 781-2567
The basic premise of this event will be to formally acquire the
Read more…Freemasons and gang stalking
Link between Freemasons and gang stalking around the world.
Can somone start up a anti gang stalking petiton for IL?
Can somone start up a anti gang stalking petition For Illinois on
Read more…Aloha and Helpful Info (hopefully :-)
I have been on the targeted, witch hunt, hit list (aka a corrupt threat assessment program) for years now. Everyone in my social circle, community and strangers (via hired surveillance role players...SRP's) have been involved as well as a mil
Read more…Haven't been On In A While
I haven't been able to access this here website for a minute now. It seems the perps are able to get into my computer and mess around with my passwords.Here's a video I posted on my youtube account detailing some of the harassment I experence. We got
Read more…Please help! I am being tortured by psyco-el.weap.
Please help! I live in england belong to vulnerable group. I am being tortured 24 hours a day 7 days a week by psico-electronic weapons at home, in The street, shops, public transport by organised Community harassment teams that poses these Weapons
Read more…Ideas to Destroy implants and Block Mind Kontrol Ultra!
I'm wondering why its soo hard to establish a means to break free of this mind enslavement and invasion of mind, body and spirit!? I'm unsure why these people have done this evil, and continue doing so!? What is there incentive and driving force? Wha
Read more…V2K Mind control, gang stalking
How can anyone help us? No one will believe you. The only thing I have going is I think I know who they are. I've also been taking plate numbers off cars. I'm scared. I have no family and do not know who to talk to. My neighbor is involved in this.
Read more…Information about gang stalking
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