Well, was attacked today for no reason by my perp's transceiver to my RFID microchip implant. 16 1/2 years of this. I'm sick of the childishness. Location Marty Buss 2204 Jackson St Bellevue, NE 68005 USA. Landline 402-291-3072. All kinds of physical attacks such as choking, painful spasms, destroyed teeth and joints, eye problems, bleeding burns in mouth, pneumonia 5 times now as i begged for sleep, forced drug and alcohol abuse(in past), hunger from not being allowed to eat, vomiting, threats to change my sexual orientation, new type of Gay Bashing, destroyed typing ability-down to 2 fingers, impossible to work. Why won't FBI pay him a visit? He has ruined my life, and continues to do so.
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