I, Paul Philp, would like to be the peacepink Volunteer in Seattle. Kevin Crosby has informed methat he is no longer interested in the post. There are many TIs in Seattle, and they need to be united by leadership. There are power in numbers and those numbers could make an impact upon the community as a whole. Please let me know soon as TIs are gaining in numbers in Seattle.
Paul Philp
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Download Google sound analyser apk SPECTROID. Open it. Zoom the nfrasound part on graph. You will see as you breath deeply. Graph fluctuate according to breathing. That means you need sound which can penetrate deep inside head.
For this you need 5Hz 8 Hz 11 hz 13 hz 5 kHz 8kHz 11kHz 13khz put 2.4 ghz wi fi signal in it. And play it above head or on ear. As soon as you do there will be pain with vibration on head neck and shoulder. That's it.
you can generate sound using tone generate apk from play store.
You just need mobile phone, wifi router and small circuit which will can send wifi signal to heradphone through wire. A type of mixer circuit.
Mind reading they are doing is not only on infra sound. What they are doing is using low bass ,mid and high treble frequency so that low frequency gets interfered. They still got mid and high stable frequency.
That's why most of the interference doesn't work. They create Heterodyne frequency music.
What you need is sound which penetrates deep to head. Besides 2.4 ghz you guys can try and use 550kHz or mhz and above for penetration.
Once your sound reached there sound get blocked.
Please use high frequeny in low volume.whatever you do it should be in low volume. High treble frequency will burn you and low bass will generate to much heat