
  • anyone has done or want to try to organize rf scanning or some kind of monitoring with medical equipment?

    look at the findings of

    there are several technologies for neural interference,  some things are detectable?

  • Heikki Lääkkö has done some measurements. This is picture is from his website


  • Marti, Last I heard ICAACT was getting positive readings on everyone they measured. I for one, dont believe there are micro chips in any one. For one things, when you take Moore's Law into account, an implant would be out of date and need to be replaced every 18 months. I think it is being accomplished by ELF waves. Also, James Walbert got a court order by doing just what you said. He got a professional to state that the RF coming supposedly coming from Walbert's body was likely a Veri-chip. The order to cease and desist was placed against no specific person, but the judge said because of the signal, he could make the judgment.

    The problem is, there have been no veri-chip removed from James Walbert, as was removed from Bob Boyce, who had two Veri-chips removed from him. I personally think the veri-chip was implanted by both individuals. Thats even if Walbert has one. I think the perps may be causing the signal that ICAACT is picking up somehow. The kind of signals they claim to pick up are RFID signals. An RFID not only doesnt do anything that causes the symptoms a TIs gets. And a Veri-chip is huge! Larger than the size of a grain of ice. I think it funny how some guy says he has veri-chips in him, and that he didnt know how it got there and....People just believe this shit! I mean, TIs are a bunch of hard core conspiracy theorists, yet all TIs just suddenly believe everything they hear--when it comes to chip implants. I would ask both Boyce and Walbert to take a polygraph to prove that they didnt knowingly place the veri-chips inside themselves intentionally. Now they use the situation as a form of Munchhausen Syndrome, where they need the attention they get from the situation. Like I said before, Walbert tries to make money off of his situation. 

    When it comes to Walbert, he will say he cant find a doctror who will do the surgery. He says because the doctors are afraid of what might happen to them if they removed what it is that is supposed to be inside him. This is  Walbert's OPINION only. I heard a radio talk show where he admited to the host that when he says the dontrs wont do it, That it is the only thing that makes ense to him. I have another theory, most doctors dont want to cut somebody open just to prove therre's nothing there. The point is, Boyce found a doctor who removed what was inside his body. Why cant Walber tquit stalling and go to Boyce's Doctor?

    When it comes to Boyce, he says he had a history of skin cancer. He says he was drugged and immediatly supposedly felt something that he thought was cancer. Why in the world did he wait many months before checking it out? It doesnt make sense to me. I think something is fishy. I found this as it applies to the specifications of signal strength on a veri-chip-- "The read range on a VeriChip implant is about three to 12 inches when a hand-held scanner is used. This means the scanner must be brought within 3" to 12" of the chipped body part in order to read the VeriChip and capture its information. When a larger antenna is used, such as a doorway portal application, the read range can be theoretically expanded to around three feet. Given the laws of physics, it is not feasible to read a VeriChip implant from a much greater distance." When you look at the realty that a VEri-chip only sends its signal about three feet max, tells you that a perp, who might want to reach person form say, a satellite, or even from a couple blocks away, wouldnt be able to read anything at all from a VEri-chip beyond three feet. This points to the idea that these men have planted these devices in their bodies themselves for attention, as well as sullying the names of those they contend have had those implants put in them. I mean to wait many months when you think its cancer...?! Get real.

    Another point; Look at the size of these veri-chips. Read the paperwork by BOyce's Doctor. The thing is over 5 centimeter's long! If everyone who ICAACT supposedly get a signal from an RFID chip they would be pulling them out of people left and right., the specs are liekly just like a VERi-chip. In fact, from what Ive seen, the signal readers ICAACT use only pick up this supposed signal when the device is close to the persons body. This means if the supposed RFId signal is only tranmitted as far as the tester is holding out his device. A perp would have to be that close to you to read that chip, if it was a chip. So you see, there are mounting evidence against the idea of implant chips. IT is a government story to keep the truth a secret. When the government proves that there is no implants, they will say, "Now go take your meds, there are no implants reading your mind," When in fact they will continue on with non-invasive tech in secret, having dispelled of the myth of the implant. Remember Moore's  Law.

  • Lez, I first want to say that I hope your move goes well. Hang in there. 

    I do have a question about how you were able to read the ELF waves. I understand you need something arger than hand held device to pick them up. Second, have you heard of Schumann resonances? ELF waves are every where. I think, if they are using ELF waves, the key is not to pick up ELF waves, but to decode any information that may be carried in those waves. A frequency signal counter wouldnt even come close to decoding anything the ELF waves may carry within them. I think, in the end, that Walbert's Judge acted in rare form. Most judges will say, "OK you found some waves. Can you prove there is information inside those waves? Say... the kinds of things you say you hear? Or see? Can you prove that you are being tortured by someone using these waves?" Waves in themselves are just waves. 

    Lez said:


    Just an info, even though I won't be able to follow any discussion, cause i am moving for the 7th time in 10 years

    While i should be operational to organize my packing, I experienced, extreme fatigue +  kind of bizarre mental state, certain indecision , not being able to take decisions or make plans .

    I therefore started to make ELF  measurement , since ELf could induce that state and  I found out a regular environment of  everyday  ELF level  with more than 9000 nt ,  mainly 4Hz ( photos on my blog in french  , in the last part of the article )

    Since I am continuously HF beamed, I guess those ELF were carried  through the HF beaming and locked on me with the HF. It would indicate a will  and a way to make things difficult and make the situation messy and hard or complicate  to  get organized.

    This is not unusual in my case.

    Any suggestion or different explanation would be welcome



  • Big All. I am not saying that everyone, that has positive reading on rf-test has microchip on his head.
    However there are people who have found microchips on their head. This Larsen report has pictures of implants that have taken out human body. They are not Verichips, and they are very small size.

    On this Youtube, about James Walbert are pictures on
    chips and they are very small, not ordinary Verichips which are accepted for US. food and Drug administration board.

    Moore's law say that number of transistors and integrated circuits double every two years. I have a four years old computer, and I have not found any increasing of integrated circuits inside it. It also still works well even it is that old :-) Implants are developing all the time, but old implants are like old radios, they would work for decades.

    This is the copy of court decision on James Walbert case, it does not order police to invesigate the case, but order to stop his harassment.

    Also another piece to think about. This is Motorola mind-reading e-tattoo article. How about if this e-tattoo is put inside your throat while you are unconscious. Only think you would find in next morning is a sore throat.

    I know person, who believes that man has never gone to moon, but all evidences are faked. Of course, it is much easier to make a fake video, about man going to moon, than go to moon Still believe that man has gone to moon. Similarly I am believing electronic harassment is possible and done with implants. That much evidences in different sources exists.

    I am not saying that everybody T.I. has implants, but I am saying that implants exists, and we should also seek them.

    Big AL said:

    Marti, Last I heard ICAACT was getting positive readings on everyone they measured. I for one, dont believe there are micro chips in any one. For one things, when you take Moore's Law into account, an implant would be out of date and need to be replaced every 18 months. I think it is being accomplished by ELF waves. Also, James Walbert got a court order by doing just what you said. He got a professional to state that the RF coming supposedly coming from Walbert's body was likely a Veri-chip. The order to cease and desist was placed against no specific person, but the judge said because of the signal, he could make the judgment.

    The problem is, there have been no veri-chip removed from James Walbert, as was removed from Bob Boyce, who had two Veri-chips removed from him. I personally think the veri-chip was implanted by both individuals. Thats even if Walbert has one. I think the perps may be causing the signal that ICAACT is picking up somehow. The kind of signals they claim to pick up are RFID signals. An RFID not only doesnt do anything that causes the symptoms a TIs gets. And a Veri-chip is huge! Larger than the size of a grain of ice. I think it funny how some guy says he has veri-chips in him, and that he didnt know how it got there and....People just believe this shit! I mean, TIs are a bunch of hard core conspiracy theorists, yet all TIs just suddenly believe everything they hear--when it comes to chip implants. I would ask both Boyce and Walbert to take a polygraph to prove that they didnt knowingly place the veri-chips inside themselves intentionally. Now they use the situation as a form of Munchhausen Syndrome, where they need the attention they get from the situation. Like I said before, Walbert tries to make money off of his situation. 

    When it comes to Walbert, he will say he cant find a doctror who will do the surgery. He says because the doctors are afraid of what might happen to them if they removed what it is that is supposed to be inside him. This is  Walbert's OPINION only. I heard a radio talk show where he admited to the host that when he says the dontrs wont do it, That it is the only thing that makes ense to him. I have another theory, most doctors dont want to cut somebody open just to prove therre's nothing there. The point is, Boyce found a doctor who removed what was inside his body. Why cant Walber tquit stalling and go to Boyce's Doctor?

    When it comes to Boyce, he says he had a history of skin cancer. He says he was drugged and immediatly supposedly felt something that he thought was cancer. Why in the world did he wait many months before checking it out? It doesnt make sense to me. I think something is fishy. I found this as it applies to the specifications of signal strength on a veri-chip-- "The read range on a VeriChip implant is about three to 12 inches when a hand-held scanner is used. This means the scanner must be brought within 3" to 12" of the chipped body part in order to read the VeriChip and capture its information. When a larger antenna is used, such as a doorway portal application, the read range can be theoretically expanded to around three feet. Given the laws of physics, it is not feasible to read a VeriChip implant from a much greater distance." When you look at the realty that a VEri-chip only sends its signal about three feet max, tells you that a perp, who might want to reach person form say, a satellite, or even from a couple blocks away, wouldnt be able to read anything at all from a VEri-chip beyond three feet. This points to the idea that these men have planted these devices in their bodies themselves for attention, as well as sullying the names of those they contend have had those implants put in them. I mean to wait many months when you think its cancer...?! Get real.

    Another point; Look at the size of these veri-chips. Read the paperwork by BOyce's Doctor. The thing is over 5 centimeter's long! If everyone who ICAACT supposedly get a signal from an RFID chip they would be pulling them out of people left and right., the specs are liekly just like a VERi-chip. In fact, from what Ive seen, the signal readers ICAACT use only pick up this supposed signal when the device is close to the persons body. This means if the supposed RFId signal is only tranmitted as far as the tester is holding out his device. A perp would have to be that close to you to read that chip, if it was a chip. So you see, there are mounting evidence against the idea of implant chips. IT is a government story to keep the truth a secret. When the government proves that there is no implants, they will say, "Now go take your meds, there are no implants reading your mind," When in fact they will continue on with non-invasive tech in secret, having dispelled of the myth of the implant. Remember Moore's  Law.

  • Marti, in response to the following;

    "Big All. I am not saying that everyone, that has positive reading on rf-test has microchip on his head.
    However there are people who have found microchips on their head. This Larsen report has pictures of implants that have taken out human body. They are not Verichips, and they are very small size."

    ICAACT is now supposedly finding RFID signals in everyone they test.

    I have seen this article, the larson report, and I dont find it factual. These pictures dont show anything but various fleshy appearing things with fibers in them. There is no statement from a doctor or any other reputable authority stating what these things are.There is simply a bunch of statements made by the guy who wrote it all. I dont see this as evidence, but IF it were right, and those were really micro chip implants..then that would be proof that you can find a micro chip implant in many people who are supposedly implanted. Where are all the other people who are showing up with 'evidence' like this Larsen Report? I think this LArsen REport is like the Sasquatch hoax. I wouldnt believe this LArson Report just because you read it on the internet. There arent paper work like even Walbert came up with.

    On this Youtube, about James Walbert are pictures on 
    chips and they are very small, not ordinary Verichips which are accepted for US. food and Drug administration board.

    TO this I say,at the 5:13 minute mark of the video, Walbert says directly that it was confirmed to be a verichip. Even if someone was chipped with the smaller chip that was pictured, the fact that it can be photographed is proof it could be found in a body. If it can be found, it can be removed. If Walbert really had implants in him, he would simply get Bob BOyce's doctor to do it for him.

     Moore's law say that number of transistors and integrated circuits double every two years. I have a four years old computer, and I have not found any increasing of integrated circuits inside it. It also still works well even it is that old :-) Implants are developing all the time, but old implants are like old radios, they would work for decades.

    Marti, First of all There are no circuits that can build upon themselves insdie your computer. The newer, double powered chips are simply made every 18 months in factories. The idea is that if youwant a new and improved model, you get a new computer every 18 months. Also, Those who are in possession of this machine are looking very, very far into the future. They want to develop tech that does not have to be upgraded, OR tech that can upgraded without being invasive. This points to non-invasive Brain Computer Interfaces. I can admit that there may be some TIs with ancient invasive tech like implants in them, but if you admit there are TIs that have remote non-invasive BCI hooked up through, say ELF waves, then you must admit that if you had a real implant and you got it could then be assaulted with the more lethal and non-removable type of tech that is connected to only...YOUR BRAIN! So if you want to remove the transmitter/receiver of ELF waves from your head, you would have to remove your brain, as it itself is both the transmitter and receiver of ELF wave information. It would be like 'jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire!"

    This is the copy of court decision on James Walbert case, it does not order police to invesigate the case, but order to stop his harassment.

    I agree. This order is unprecidented in that there may be some sort of RFID chip emanating from Wlabert, but there was nothing but Walbert's word that it was put there by this other man, the defendant. Walbert could be like he Sasquatch hoax. This may be why he comes up with endless excuses as to why he 'cant have the chips removed'. I personally can think of several ways to get a doctor to do it!

    Also another piece to think about. This is Motorola mind-reading e-tattoo article. How about if this e-tattoo is put inside your throat while you are unconscious. Only think you would find in next morning is a sore throat.

    I am familiar with this tech. IT is fundamentally different from what we experience. FOr one, it does not read the brain, it reads the muscular region of the throat. And it does not implant ideas into your head. It does not read or insert visuals, and it does not control motor function. These things are regularly experienced by TIs. No implant can do all of these things. 

    I know person, who believes that man has never gone to moon, but all evidences are faked. Of course, it is much easier to make a fake video, about man going to moon, than go to moon Still believe that man has gone to moon. Similarly I am believing electronic harassment is possible and done with implants. That much evidences in different sources exists.

    My question to you is; If you admit there are non-invasive means of doing this by say, ELF waves, or Scalar waves, Or microwaves, (All of these are non-invasive and dont need an implant)  then how would you argue that using a chip, that admittedly would soon be outdated, would be superior to non-invasive BCIs? I mean, there is a saying in Engineering, "The fewer moving parts, the better, because there's less to break down." SO if the brain itself is the transmitter/receiver there is no need for repeated surgeries every few years. I mean, if you had one of those wind up telephones from the 70s or 80s, it may still work...BUT I would much rather have an iphone5 with all its capabilities. Similarly the erps would want to use a superior, problem free method that can...reach EVERYONE ON THE PLANET with their tech. You see, I believe Everyone is being monitored,. Even fetuses in the wombs are having their brain waves read. All without implants and all the surgeries involved. 

    I am not saying that everybody T.I. has implants, but I am saying that implants exists, and we should also seek them.

    Like the analogy of the 80 telephone, I dont want to spend my time in the past. The perps are using far, far more advanced non-invasive tech than anything implantable. The whole idea of implants is likely a lie set forth by the perps themselves. As when there are no implants found, the Government can say, "Look-we listened to your complaints of minro chips. The proof is, there arent any. The few we find cant do what you say is being done to you. SO just take your medication and stop bothering us," meanwhile they will be using non-invasive tech like ELF waves to do their evil deeds. If you believe in chip implants, the government's joke is on you.

  • Hi Martti Koski,

    The use of the magnetron placed in nearby flats to bombard somebody with HF is the most probable  simple and first explanation  to be considered by a great number of TIs whose brain are hit by pulsed HF all night long. . In France it is used by the two main criminal groups of this country.

    I read somewhere that ELF can also  be produced  , by placing a fan in front of the magnetron. This would be another very simple explanation when  very high values of ELF are  detected. Since ELF can induce complementary health problems , that would be kind of value added for the organizers of the torture.

    With this kind of info and consideration  in mind, I travelled far away from my country  during the last 20 months in the hope of escaping to this  unbelievable torture ( Island, USA, Canada, Cuba, Crete, Germany, Holland, Portugal ....)  sometimes without planning  my trips in advance  and sometimes  changing my destination at the last moment , inside the airport. I was always staying at hotels and very often without previous reservation  .

    The torture was reproduced EVERYWHERE ,  almost the same way, all nights long., whatever the  **, ***; **** stars of the hotels

    That would probably  give an information  on a widespread  habit and a general utilisation of similar devices all over the word , ready for use in any country and with the usual and obvious help from employees of hotels.

    If anything has to be sent,  for complementary use against the TI,  it is only the software, if needed, that has recorded the bio-electrical  particularities of one person and helps spot the person anywhere.  And this  ( software) travels by waves way.

    I am  of course talking of organized criminality . And that does not exclude the participation of officials for protection of the criminals, depending who they are.

    As a complementary  personal info, if it can be of any help either for understanding or as a precaution when  going to court , I should add that I managed to push a complaint for gang stalking and an additional  different crime   up to the European Court of Human Rights  in 2010 . It was   rejected at light speed, when usually a complaint waits 3 to 4 years before being examined. 

    I  then placed  a request at the HCHR in Geneva  that finally answered that he was not able to deal with this case.

    The torture goes on , well hidden inside flats. I moved for the 7th time,  but the organized crime has anticipated my  move and the equivalent of a magnetron pulsing HF all night long, welcame me  for my very first night in my new flat, and still does it every night, as usual.

    Asking policemen for investigation in my neighbour 's flat  would end up in an empty flat. In this world of gang stalking, perps have all  the informations concerning the target in real time . The torturing device would  then have been moved  away at the very moment the complaint was lodged at a police station.

    The electronic harassment  by organized criminals,  works on the same basis as gang stalking : privately, but protected or helped  by officials.

    This needs to be denounced with as many testings  and  detections as possible. Even though it is not a proof or an evidence, it is an  important indication that could  help attrack attention on the situation mentionned by TIs.Since everybody can become a  next victim of those noxious waves shootings.

      I agree with Hertzed had, that  TI s should manage to exchange that kind of infos with as much precisions as possible, to be able to understand the various cases possible, thier similarities and differences . Not all stories are the same, but they have many points in common , including those damned waves.

    Have a good day.


  • If anyone has a little money i believe this site could help you,This man don't have to guess at where the signals are coming from.  THANKS AND GOD BLESS.

  • Lyn, I am just a little curious to know why it is that you think it is an assumption that our bodies and brains produces ELF waves? Here is an article that says, "I was interested in studying are 6-10 Hertz. These frequencies are the same as those produced by the human brain in the theta and alpha states."

    Here is an article with a chart showing Brain waves from .5 Hertz to 30 Hertz, all within Extremely Low Frequency range, thus they are ELF waves.

    Lyn, I also have another question for you. You continue to post things concerning law, and what constitutes evidence in court. If what you say is correct, why havent you gotten your torture to stop by a court order?

    Lyn said:

    Regardless of the assumption that our bodies and brains produce elf waves , and waves are just waves and they are everywhere accordingly , would be subject to dispute in the hearing of the matter in court by the opposing party, but the issue of relevance is that victims or targets get ELF waves, HF waves, Scalar waves, microwaves, or other waves in our body and brain, regardless of the source or where it is coming from, which are identifying evidence by itself.  Anything could be adduced as evidence in court as long as it is relevant on the facts or issues of the case.  This evidence could be supported by relevant device or equipment such as meter, scanner, detector, etc and back up by opinions of specialists in the field such as technicians, etc. verifying and proving (in the case of microchips implant) how it works (high intensities or frequencies) in your body and brain, which are causing harm or detriments to the targets.  In the case there is no microchip implant involved, also the results of the meter, scanner, detector, etc and back up by opinion of a specialist in the field such as technician or a recognized expert in the field of Technical Surveillance and Counter Measures who has wide and credible knowledge of the device or equipment and how it works would verify and prove how targets get waves in the body and brain causing harm are supporting evidences that could be used in court.  Examining the ELF waves and run them through a computer that could decode information to prove that we get v2k, inserted visuals, motor function override accordingly could also be adduced as evidence in court and should be back up by an opinion of a specialist in the field by report and/or oral testimony/evidence given in court.  The relevant opinion or report of a relevant specialist including oral testimony in court always carries heavy weight as evidence in any legal proceedings.

    Big AL said:

    I know I said this before, but I will bring it up again, as no one has answered it. If our bodies and brains produce ELF waves. Then just FINDING ELF waves coming from our body isnt proof of anything because our Bodies produce ELF waves. Likewise, ELF waves are produced naturally by things around us, so just identifying ELF waves approaching our bodies/brains is not, in itself, evidence. Rather, if we could examine the ELF waves and look for encrypted information, Like if we could measure these ELF waves and run them through a computer that could decode information, then we  not only could prove that we get v2k, inserted visuals, motor fuction over ride, but we could show the court exactly what it is they say as well as what they do to our bodies.. All these things might be encoded within the ELF waves. This information is what we need to show in court.

  • @Hertzed

    Subject seems rather Justified , of the verbosity repeated '' spontaneously '' of last decade at least;

    The observation: the words, terms heard(understood) in the comments of the activity present and rarely to say ever used by one (to increase the vocabulary?) The mental illness allows it?

    mind control signal around you makes you feel followed, and everything reminds you on something, artificial psychosys. I'm not saying that no one follows you but your thoughts and emotions are amplified to feel worst than it is, posible?

    It is very just (observation experience) delà limitation of skid, but when there is network and which includes your discernment of this aspect " risk of aggressive doggedness of this one.

    Finally when the same tends to become blurred (to reduce) the reality she(it) you guaranteed an experience of victim of a band.

    I said it otherwise(differently) in another comment but without a definitive artificial completion psychosis is to be considered ' "always"("still") it is of their stratagem (formatting(layout) in time: Attention in the spontaneity of the event, trapper!)

    Thank you

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