Translation business for victims

Dear all victims,

Many of us could not secure a good job to support living.

I have been thinking that victims from different countries can cooperate to start the translation business to earn small money for living.


We have so many victims from all over the world and many of us have Bachelor Degrees, Master Degrees or even Doctor Degrees. You only need to work at your spare time


I did not have too much time and enegy to handle the admin job of this business, julio said that he could have time for being an admin, and we can use another ning forum as translation business website. All people who want to be a part time translators, please join and contact Julio.

Julio's profile is

His profile in this forum is Julveg: 


You also can leave a comment and discuss about this matter. If you want to participate in this project, please introduce what language you speak/write.


Victims and supporters who would like to participate:


(1) egyptarian

Good English editor

Born and raised in the U.S. and 7 years of college.



(1) Soleilmavis 

From English to Chinese (Good), From Chinese to English (need an English editor)

Education background:

Bachelor Degree in Computer and Automatic Control System (Chinese)

Some courses of information technology (English)

Some courses of accounting and finance (English)

Some experiences of auditing (English)


(2) Rich

From English to Chinese and Malay (Good);  From Chinese and Malay to English (need an English editor)


(3) dodidudu

From English to Spanish, Catalan,

From Spanish to English, Catalan

From Catalan to English, Spanish


(4) Christopher Andrew Burdett

From Thai to English

From English to Thai


(5) lawrence chin

From English to Chinese and French,

From Chinese to Engish and French

From French to English and Chinese


(6) Ying (Joanne) Zhao, 赵颖

From English to Chinese, and from Chinese to English (need english editor)


(7) Jul

From English to Spanish and from Spanish to English


(8) Sarroub

From English to French and Danish

From French to English and Danish

From Danish to English and French


Now we have the following participants:

From English to Chinese, Malay, Spanish, Catalan, Danish, French

From Chinese to English, Malay

From Malay to Chinese, English

From Spanish to English

From Catalan to Spanish, English

From French to English, Chinese, Danish

From Danish to English, French


Here are some translation projects which looking for translators now:

If you are looking for a translator, please leave a comment to this link.

You need to be a member of Peacepink3 to add comments!

Join Peacepink3

Votes: 0
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  • I can translate from English to Chinese.
    But My English is not perfect. When I translate Chinese to English, I need English language speaker to edit it.

  • good idea. Brava. Do you understund this? If you understand this, I give you 100 points.

    Languages in not my specialty but...

    specialty or particularity, features, singularities, properties, quality, exclusive, features


    Io non sono avvocato o dottore,ma ho altre specialità. Ogni persona, ogni membro, ogni vittima, collabora con gli altri aggiungendo e mettendo in comune, le proprie specialità. Noi siamo tutti indispensabili. Ognuno di noi, ha delle specialità.
    Desiderate tutti collaborare per un unico scopo e dimostrare che siamo una forza internazionale, oppure emulare l'U.E. e colare a picco come la moneta unica cioè l'euro? Noi siamo una forza galattica...

    Anche le giovani vittime come me e i nuovi arrivati, devono avere cura dell'eredità dei più anziani come voi.
    Oggi ci sono bambini di 08/12/15/18 anni, forse, tra 10 anni diventeranno vittime anch'esse come me. Noi giovani, in futuro,quando saremo più anziani, dovremo prenderci cura dei nuovi arrivati, come voi più anziani di noi,avete avuto cura di noi. La vostra eredità è al sicuro.
    La vostra eredità consiste in milioni di links,emails, schemi, petizioni, lettere A/R e i vostri websites e/o blog. Io ritengo di far parte della quarta generazione di Mind Kontrol.

    Se non collaboriamo, in futuro, giungeranno le vittime della quinta e della sesta generazione. Se io non sarò morto di suicidio, o di altre cause, io dovrò aiutare le vittime della quinta e sesta generazione di mind kontrol.

    Per me, è similare ad una famiglia con diverse generazioni (o dinastie).


    La 1a generazione è composta dalle primissime cavie degli anni 50/60 con a capo Allen Welsh Dulles

    La 2a generazione è quella degli anni 70/80 come ad esempio Cathie O'Brein.

    La 3a generazione è quella composta da vittime che sono state prescelte negli negli '90.

    La 4a generazione è quella di "MIND KONTROL 2000" (o project Monarch se preferite questo termine).


    Here the source and I have not finished:

  • Translation in English for you :-)

    This for me is a profound discourse. I hope that you will read with your heart and not with the mind.

    specialty or particularity, features, singularities, properties, quality, exclusive, features


    I am not a lawyer or doctor, but I have other specialties. Every person, every member, every victim, adding, and cooperate with others by sharing, their specialties. We are all indispensable. Each of us has the specialties.

    Even the young victims and newcomers like me, must take care of the heritage of older like you. Today there are children 08/12/15/18 years, maybe in 10 years also become victims like me. We young people in the future, when we are older, we will take care of the newcomers, like you are older than us, have cared for us. Your legacy is safe.
    Your heredity (legacy) consists of millions of links, emails, plans, petitions, letters A/R and your websites and/or blogs. I believe to be a part of the fourth generation of Mind Kontrol.

    If you do not cooperate, in the future, there will come the victims of the fifth and sixth generation. maybe I am dead of suicide, or other causes, if i am alive I will have to help the victims of the fifth and sixth generation of Mind Kontrol.
    For me, it's similar to a family with several generations (or dynasties if you prefer this word).

    The first generation consists of the very first guinea pigs of the year 50/60 Allen Welsh Dulles headed

    The second generation is that of the 70/80 such as Cathie O'Brein.

    The third generation is made up of victims who have been selected in in the '90s.

    The fourth generation is that of "Mind Kontrol 2000" (or Project Monarch if you prefer that term).


    3) The third generation is made up of victims of the Monarch project.
    Monarch is an evolution of MK-Ultra and the victims have started their "odyssey" in the ►90s.

    4) The fourth generation is composed of victims of ►2000.
    I call this with my terminology "Mind Kontrol 2000" or "Mind Kontrol EVOLUTION". This is part of Project Monarch.


    The reasoning is this: "Bill Clinton", Sunday, October 8, 1995,has confessed the project mk-ultra. He was right and just. However, if a President has confessed, he was mainly referring to first and second generation.
    This message is for the skeptics and disinformations. If it is determined safe by President Bill Clinton, the first two generations exist, it is useless to doubt that the third and fourth generation are psychically or schizophrenic.
    Is it obvious. You want in the future, we also add the fifth and sixth generation?
    Today we are children of 8/10/12/14 years.
    If you do not make it. In the future some of your friends, or child, or grandchild, could become a victim in ►2020 or ►2030. Now, their children are carefree. I was also like this. My Calvary, started in 1995. I was 18 years.


    I have to wait for the fifth and sixth generation? What do you think? If Clinton has confessed to the first and the second, third and fourth of us are crazys? Now, they control us with satellite monitoring equipment.
    The term is not by chance:TARGETED INDIVIDUALS.
    We are tagged, mapped, tracked and monitored.

    Dear BARACK OBAMA HUSSEIN, I prefer Bill Clinton that confess the first and second generation.


    I apologize for my bad english. I like activists motivateds !!!

    AtlantiTeo said:

    good idea. Brava. Do you understund this? If you understand this, I give you 100 points.

    Languages in not my specialty but...

    specialty or particularity, features, singularities, properties, quality, exclusive, features


    Io non sono avvocato o dottore,ma ho altre specialità. Ogni persona, ogni membro, ogni vittima, collabora con gli altri aggiungendo e mettendo in comune, le proprie specialità. Noi siamo tutti indispensabili. Ognuno di noi, ha delle specialità.
    Desiderate tutti collaborare per un unico scopo e dimostrare che siamo una forza internazionale, oppure emulare l'U.E. e colare a picco come la moneta unica cioè l'euro? Noi siamo una forza galattica...

    Anche le giovani vittime come me e i nuovi arrivati, devono avere cura dell'eredità dei più anziani come voi.
    Oggi ci sono bambini di 08/12/15/18 anni, forse, tra 10 anni diventeranno vittime anch'esse come me. Noi giovani, in futuro,quando saremo più anziani, dovremo prenderci cura dei nuovi arrivati, come voi più anziani di noi,avete avuto cura di noi. La vostra eredità è al sicuro.
    La vostra eredità consiste in milioni di links,emails, schemi, petizioni, lettere A/R e i vostri websites e/o blog. Io ritengo di far parte della quarta generazione di Mind Kontrol.

    Se non collaboriamo, in futuro, giungeranno le vittime della quinta e della sesta generazione. Se io non sarò morto di suicidio, o di altre cause, io dovrò aiutare le vittime della quinta e sesta generazione di mind kontrol.

    Per me, è similare ad una famiglia con diverse generazioni (o dinastie).


    La 1a generazione è composta dalle primissime cavie degli anni 50/60 con a capo Allen Welsh Dulles

    La 2a generazione è quella degli anni 70/80 come ad esempio Cathie O'Brein.

    La 3a generazione è quella composta da vittime che sono state prescelte negli negli '90.

    La 4a generazione è quella di "MIND KONTROL 2000" (o project Monarch se preferite questo termine).


    Here the source and I have not finished:

  • Hello Soeilmavis :) I would definitely be interested for sure.   I speak English...born and raised in the U.S. and 7 years of college.  I will message more during the day since it is 4am to try and sleep.  Have a good day! Tammy Sauve (egyptarian).

  • I think we also need a new website. If anyone is good in how to build a webiste, and would like to participate in this project, please discuss too.

  • I can translate from Spanish to English and from English to Spanish

    Also from Spanish to Catalan and from English to Catalan


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