We have included 'full symptoms list' from surveys of the targeted individual community, with a link at the bottom of the page to the survey page itself from FFCHS.

Males’ scrotum pulled up like a piece of elastic:
you should have feeling around the full circumference of both the inner and outer flaps covering the female genitals, medical terminology labia majora (outer) and minora (inner). Full circumference not just spots like hands on a clock. These spots, or hands of a clock were left for stability of the tissue. Male Female 100% Clean 

Intestine alignment symptom
Intestinal alignment not within the normal parameters. The majority of their victims were accessed through the Intestinal track and intestinal wall. Yes the anus is that resilient and would return to a normal state by the time you awoke so you would not have awareness. In decades past they did not have fiber optics and had to get their hand, fully articulating forearm, and light source through the anus. They broke through the intestinal wall to access the internal cavity of the victims. A very small hole was made in the intestine to access the internal cavity of the human body. 

Two light symptom
while lying on the couch or sitting in a chair and looking at the electronics near the TV the little usually green and red lights will move. For clarity if there was two lights near each other one would move and other would stay stationary. The one on the left will begin to blur moving to the opposite side, or right side, of the second stationary light. Importantly when the intensity of what they employ is exponentially higher the symptom is correspondingly worse.

Fuller list below of symptoms from surveys:

Chilling of Skin/ Instant Coldness - Generalized or Localized
Thermal heating, nighttime, severe night sweats
Thermal heating, daytime, discernible "microwave hot spots" on skull
'Intense' Itching

(Commonly referred to by victims as the bee sting sensation. Moving from that area symptom becomes a non-issue, usually back shoulder area of body)
Ringing in Ears
Body Manipulation
Induced Imagery/Thoughts
Induced Sleep
(especially noteworthy symptom is a common complaint while driving. Step away from the car twenty feet and symptom is a non-issue)
Sensation of Blunt Trauma to Head
Sensation of Electric Current Running through the Body
Sudden onset asthma

Irregular Heartbeat
Hyperactive bladder, sudden incontinence
Sensation of Objects being Forced into various areas of the Body
Deterioration of Cognitive Abilities
Jaw or Tooth Pain
Severe facial and glandular swelling
Sleep Deprivation
Dizziness or Loss of Balance
Blackouts or loss of consciousness
Severe disorientation while driving
Lesions on Internal Organs
Sudden Rashes
Sudden appearance of large burn marks
Dream Manipulation
Memory Loss
Thought Monitoring/Manipulation
Electronic Rape
Metallic Taste in Mouth
Thyroid Problems
Extreme Fatigue
Topical & Internal Burning
Genital Manipulation
Vision Loss/Impairment
Hair Loss
Benign or Malignant Tumors
Coughing up Blood
Induced Smells

Pit in stomach sensation (early symptom) when awakening in morning there is nothing but getting something in your stomach on you mind

Spins in morning (early symptom) so severe that all you can do is put your knees under your body toward you head and wait for it to end

Male semen small gelatin like clumps (early symptom)

Cough a dry hack (early symptom)

Teeth chattering (Later symptom) try holding the top teeth loosely against the bottom teeth they will chatter uncontrollably. You do not normally do this so it is not recognized.

Link to Survey (see resource link)
Statistic are blindly compiled and they are used when seeking support or approaching Congress


Thinking blind:
There are times when you are thinking, engaged in thought, that you stop seeing your surroundings, you are blind to your surroundings. Your arm and hand are in motion or you use them to motion. These symptoms are due to while you were, using the analogy, under the ether they conditioned you. When you were under they told you to motion with your hand, for example when the pain was to much or you could not breath. Although, this was meaningless due to they were torturing you and they did not pay attention (Torture is inclusive but not limited to inflicting pain or mental distress while you could not escape, did not have the mental capacity to escape, or motor skills to escape). It was just another way of confusing and distressing you. This is unlike an operation were you would not feel pain. The point “was to pain you” and horrifyingly permanently affect you and society. 

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