Aaron Stanley's Posts (51)

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Excuse my langauge again, but I just wanted to get this out there. They call me a punk, funky ass punk, a faggot, a bitch, a lowlife, a backstabber, a fake, a fake bitch, a pussy, worthless, a wolf, an asshole, pathetic, selfish, stupid, an idiot, a poser, a wannabe, a coward, a cocksucker, weak, weak bitch, wack, an attention whore, a whore, tramp, a cunt, disgusting, fake punk, a joke, sick, cock fucking bitch. Things they say about me and to me. "You ain't shit", "your songs ain't shit", "he ain't goth", "I don't know who he thinks he is", "he thinks he's bad", "he thinks he's hard", "he makes fun of people", "yeah he's goth (in a mocking way)", "he can go to hell", "he's gonna be a fag", "I'm not going to his funeral", "he ain't depressed", "Commit suicide", "he needs to kill himself".

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Being blamed and accused

Excuse my language, but these people are fucking sick and they are serious assholes. Someone I know recently ended their life and these people are accusing me of not caring, when in all actuallity I do care. They call me an asshole, a bitch, a punk. They blame me for everything. I would go to his funeral but I can't because of these sick assholes following me everywhere and harassing me. I know that if I go to his funeral that I will be harassed by the perps and they will just get more people to join in the harassment. I have to avoid going to most places because of these people. Here recently, they have also called me sick.

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What is wrong with these people? They literally persecute me for every thought, action, and even while I'm sleeping, all the way to the time I wake up. Something is very wrong with these people. Does anybody know what their problem is?

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My personal life

Most of, if not all of my personal life has been torn apart. These people are very sick and very nasty. I have been a target for three years now. Back in October or November of last year is when they really started getting into my personal life. They got on the internet and looked up the music that I listen to and insulted me about my music. All of this was done to me through electronic harassment and voice to skull. They listened to most, if not all of the songs that I listen to and harshly insulted me about it. They did this for days. They started doing this by reading my thoughts. They had no right to do this to me and I gave them no permission to do this to me. One night I was having a conversation with my grandmother and she asked me what music I listen to and a thought about a bands name popped up in my head and thats what got these people started. As for the insults, they called me many names. They know everything about my personal life. My life has been trashed. I want to tell more on here about what has happened to my personal life but I figure its too personal.

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Suicide and Voice to Skull

Here recently I have had thoughts about ending my life because of the mind reading and voice to skull. It has become so severe that it feels like an eternity. These people are extremely cold and ruthless. I know Greg is about to send out the filing, but it feels like its taking forever. These assholes are constantly responding to my thoughts and insulting me and calling me derogatory names. I hear the voices everywhere I go. I even hear them through the electric wires connected to the steel poles outside. I don't know how much longer I can deal with and survive this treatment.

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Electronic Harassment

Here recently my electronic harassment has been severe and I'm having some trouble dealing with it. Today my perps have tried and are still trying to get me to act out so they can discredit me. I think they are trying to get me in jail. They are trying to get me to either act out aggresively or get me to breakdown and commit suicide. Today, during my electronic harassment, one of the perps said something harsh about one of my family members through voice to skull. How do I respond to these taunts and mockeries? How do I cope with all of this? I know that I should not act out and do something stupid, but here recently its been really hard dealing with this stuff.

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Lost all of my dignity

No one can begin to think what these people have said and done to me. I'm begining to think what they are saying about me is true. Maybe I am a fake. The last time I was at the hospital the people that were harassing me there were making jokes about me killing myself and me being dead. One of the things that one of the perps said about me being dead was "I'm not going to his funeral, I know he's going to be up there with his dad". Basically what he was saying was that my grave would be next to my dad's grave. The reason he made that joke was because last year I had been with my father every time I went out of the house to go somewhere because I thought I was going to get arrested if I was by myself. The last time I was at the hospital was last year back when all of this happened. They have and still are threatening me with rape if I go to jail. I am now back at my mother's house living with her. I feel humiliated everyday knowing I'm being watched by these people and people that I know and being called a fake all the time. They also call me a punk. I have lost all of my dignity as a result and I doubt I will ever get it back. There is a lot more I wish to tell all of you, but I might post a blog about it some other day sometime.

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Electronic Harassment and Gang Stalking

How many people are involved in electronic harassment vs gang stalking? Are there more people involved in electronic harassment or gang stalking? A lot of the people that know me have turned on me and are involved in my harassment. I hope all of the people that are doing this to me get arrested and I hope all of the people that have turned their backs on me also get arrested. I thought the people that I know were my friends but in all actuality they never were my friends.

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Electronic Harassment Lawsuit

When are we going to end this. It is taking forever. I can't take another day of my electronic harassment. Each day feels worse than the other. I am being tortured like hell with the mind reading and the voice to skull. Does anybody know if Greg or anybody else is ready to get this electronic harassment lawsuit going? I'm sorry, but it is really a nightmare having to wake up everyday putting up with this stuff.

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Getting called a fake

I'm sick of this crap. They call me a fake because of one of the things that I eat. They call me a fake because when I go out I'm with my mom or dad. I'm always with somebody when I go out because I think I'm going to get arrested if I'm by myself when I go out. If I get arrested it is because they set me up. They want to call me a fake because I'm with someone when I go out yet they are the ones who set me up to be in this type of situation. One of my perps said that I'm a fake and that there is nothing else about me. What kind of animals are these people? I'm really starting to think that I'm a fake. Whats the point in living when you learn you're worthless both on the inside and the outside and that anyone else is important?

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Do your perps call you a fake?

My perps call me a fake all the time, including all of the people who know me and have turned on me and volunteered in my harassment. As a result, I have lost a lot of my dignity because of this harsh treatment. I also get called a number of other things. Am I the only one who gets called a fake or are there other Targeted Individuals out there who get called a fake?

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