Bill Perry's Posts (43)

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A way to END the TORTURE - that WORKS!


You have everything to gain by trying it, and nothing to lose.

I have been doing a close version of this since August (TheCandidaDiet) and it really does work! 

Use this to end your pain and suffering, which can be so all consuming and distracting that we can't accomplish much more than survive day to day.   Then, climb onto the war wagon and join other freed TIs to work together to end Organized Stalking once and for all!

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The TI crazies....

No, I am not suffering from the TI crazies.  I am not imagining that what I have been doing since August has pretty much changed the direction of my life, and give me my life back - well, almost.  The attacks have continued, but they have lost quite a bit of power over me. 

This information is important to each and every TI. The ONLY truth each of us possess is that of our OWN personal experience. For me, this pursuit of freedom from GS for the past 10 years has been a journey of trial and error, countermeasures, never accepting answers that are based upon someone else's beliefs or the belief in the unknow, and always being always willing to try something new.  This time, it paid off.

I can not promise this will work for all TIs because all TIs have not yet tried it.  But for all those who have tried it - there has always been reports of success.

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Blocked Blog?

You never know who you can trust, besides yourself!

My last blog post never showed up for general consumption when it was published.  I'm wondering why.  The blog content offered ongoing updates to a course of action I had undertaken to stop/control the effects of DEW and the pain and suffering.

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TI symptom cure...

     I am cautiously optimistic that I am beginning to feel symptoms decreasing in intensity due to some changes I have adopted beginning August 1, 2017.  It has only been a week, but day by day, I believe organized stalking is losing its grip on me.  To reinforce this suspicion, it feels like every perp in this county is showing up at my house to turn up the harassment heat in punishment.  They do not like to lose ground. If what I am doing continues to work, I will begin to post updates. 

     I stumbled across a video and website purporting to have found a way to end the pain and suffering associated specifically with organized stalking. While researching the recommended changes, I came across another course of action with many things in common with what I was researching.

I opted to follow the Candida Diet bcz it offered a less extreme approach, and all I pretty much had to do was change for the better the way I ate.

     A Candida overgrowth produces a wide variety of symptoms, so is difficult to identify as a cause. Although Candida is commonly labeled as being a “woman’s” issue, it can affect MEN, WOMEN, and CHILDREN. It is NOT an STD or caused by lack of hygene. It is a systemic health problem which can arise from something as simple as taking a course of antibiotics and killing off all the good bacteria in your gut which kept the Candida under control.  Systemic means it is capable of invading every organ in your body, inside and outside.

     If you choose to try out the diet, there’s nothing other than your food choices to contend with. If you find the diet a life changer as I did, after a couple of weeks you might want to invest in some recommended supplements bcz they will help you progress quicker.  I also ended up buying their ebook after 3 weeks. I’m not trying to sell anything here. Neither the supplements nor ebook are totally necessary. The website contains enough information that if followed, will convince you that you are on the road to turning around your life and making it yours once again.

   Many of you old timers know me, even though I come here infrequently.   I ask you to challenge your closely held beliefs, and consider giving the Candida Diet a try for a week or two.  You really don’t have anything to lose, and everything to gain.

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Morgellons disease

     While looking up info regarding radio signals given off by Candida/fungal overgrowth ON/IN our bodies as an alternative way to locate and track us (for those who question whether they have internal tracking chips), I began to look at colloidal silver.  Although the author of this video isn't speaking to organized stalking, he does mention Morgellons disease being treated w/colloidal silver.  Do not use unless you do research.  But, colloidal silver does look promising.

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-  This is a BRILLIANT IDEA! I’m sure many of us have thought of creating a webpage like it to help other TIs, but just couldn’t hold it together long enough to undertake the monumental task, much less keep it up to date and running.

-  The reason I am posting in a separate blog from AtlantiTeo's "Help Targeted Individuals" points out a major problem with the gathering of information of this type. You could spend days trying to read everything, when you are only interested in one topic.  Already AtlantiTeo’s blog is 3 pages long and full of videos and links on several topics.

-  Might I suggest that a special Group (for lack of a better Peacepink place) be set up so that this information does not get buried as ones like this have been in the past (ie:

-  Also, it would be nice if each problem/tactic/device had its own separate blog post so that all information being posted by members on a given topic can be organized under the proper topic for easy access, and future referral for newbies.

-  Lastly, I’d like to see a Group “blog” included which will review products (like the Trifield Meter, Spectrum Analyzers computer pgm, etc,) by members who have used them (so we don't wast our money), with links for places to purchase products which will address our needs (ie: The products we need are technical, and most of us do not understand how to use them, much less which ones to choose. As we learn what to choose for what problem, and how to use the equipment, a “blog” will be a perfect place to share that information - AGAIN, so critical information does not get buried someplace in the archives of Peacepink.

-  One last suggestion. Our lives are lived day to day, and with the goal being our complete demise, it might be a more prudent idea to collect all this valuable information on Peacepink, than to place it on a dedicated webpage owned by a Targeted Individual. Because of our targeting we do tend to come and go according to the difficulty of our lives at the moment, perhaps the Peacepink Group could be organized and watched over by a small group of well established Peacepink regulars which are above reproach.

-  EXCELLENT idea, AtlantiTeo! Tell us how you want to proceed, and how we can help.


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PP friendship

Have you ever been on facebook and gotten bombarded by hundreds+++ of requests to be "friends"?  My feeling is that quality is more important than quantity.  Some people (TI, perps & civilians) feel that if they can show they have 3000 friends (most of whom they've never had any contact with), they are telling the world that they have value, and must therefore be a good legit person.  I have to ask why anyone would ever want to include a total stranger as a friend, just bcz this total stranger wants it.  Perps, perverts, gvt, etc. like to worm their way into our lives by whatever means possible.  The name of the game is to invade, invade, invade.

In our need to recover from imposed isolation and loss of credibility, TIs often frantically grasp for other TIs for support, especially those where they live.  However, in speaking with other long time TIs, I've discovered that seeking other TIs in ones area will most likely turn up perps or TIs that are NOT on the same track as you (ie want you as a friend so you will go over and kill their perps for them, then promise to throw mama from the train), not other TIs you can trust.  So, proceed very carefully who you choose to befriend, and evaluate the inherent problems in that type of relationship.

On PP, I want to read a lot of posts and comments before befriending a total stranger simply because they are trying to build their numbers and TI credibility.

MISSED YOU Suzie, glad you are back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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serious about DISAPPEARING

If you feel you can overcome any tracking chips, or protect yourself using clothing wired like a faraday cage, this article may be of help.  It is written by a private detective and gives advice to stalked victims on how to avoid being located through a public records search.

I've talked to many TIs who read what other TIs have to say PRIMARILY so they can prepare themselves for tactics they believe are inevitably coming their way at some point in the future.  Let's not forget that these chat rooms are full of perps who love to drive up a TIs blood pressure, and instill them with fear.  I believe many perp tactics are learned by perps right here in forums.  PLEASE don't back yourself into a corner from where there can never be any escape.  Take each day as it comes to you, and learn to survive by rolling with the punches instead of anticipating the next tactic w/anxiety.

Escape, if possible, can not be accomplished merely by packing your bags, giving notice to the landlord, quitting your job, and getting into your car/airplane/train and leaving.  Escape and moving are not the same thing.  Whether your escape will work will never be known unless you try it - even temporarily for a week.  To try it means giving up everything, planning a new life & source of income, and walking away.  To give any form of advanced notice is to invite your perps to enjoy a new facet to their game of cat and mouse.

They will NEVER win because I won't sit still being battered long enough to allow it.  Adapt physically and mentally, and roll with the punches to survive.

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community - joining other TIs

If my hunch is correct, there are a number of other TIs living in my community.  Some types of DEW and weaponry are only used upon me sporadically, like there’s a visiting perp who brought some of his toys along every time he comes to my area on Friday night for his monthly or bi-monthly visit with friends.   There’s no way you’d ever convince me that these fun toys are shelved when they aren’t in use on me.  If my perps had them, I’d experience them every day.

So, now I’ve decided that there ARE other TIs close at hand.  Going on the notion that there is power in numbers - theirs as well as ours - how do I go about finding some of these other TIs that are close by - if for no other reason than to let them know they aren’t alone or crazy?

Should I run an ad in a paper?  Graffitti something public with something like “Gang Stalking alive in Hershey, Pennsylvania” (sub in my community name)?  Post flyers in public places like the library, or tuck them inside library books?  Contact local churches or mental health centers?  Youtube video w/ “Gang Stalking alive in Hershey, Pennsylvania” as the title?

How would you reach out and find another TI in your community?????

------ BTW, anyone read the subject line and think I was going to post on setting up a TI community where we could pool resources and live happily ever after?

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positive thoughts...

Normally, I'm not one to piss and moan about my daily torture.  For one thing, it serves no purpose other than to provide entertainment and positive tactical information to all those who derive pleasure tormenting and injuring other living beings.  For another thing, chewing and being fixated upon "them" and what they are doing only serves to consume HUGE amounts of my time. 

Although I don't have many moments during which I am not reminded of their "omnipresence", those moments that do exist where I am relatively forgotten are precious, and I don't want to fritter them away by being focused on anything other than positive thoughts.

Usually, I am very adaptable and have found ways to cope.  My main coping skill has been to show ABSOLUTELY NO INDICATION or RESPONSE to any tactic being tried out on me - eventually, the tactics will change to something new in hopes I will respond.  However, for the past two days I have been living in hell night and day.  Unless I am too exhausted to fall on the floor asleep, I am suffering every moment I am awake.

Please keep me in your thoughts, or prayers (if you believe).



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white noise - freq interference

For some reason, I'm seeing a lot of "Comments are closed for this blog post" on blogs now.  I wasn't even aware it was possible?

Re creating white noise by flipping thru TV channels on Nici's blog post - try getting a programmable remote from WMT, and set it to scan.  For a while, this scanning frigged up some perp devices that were operated remotely.  If it doesn't work, return it to WMT.

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copper and metal to block electronics

I do NOT know if copper or metal or aluminum work to block, but if you want to experiment, here's a source for copper mesh which is so light weight it could be worked into clothing - although it would be time consuming if you used this 2" wide roll - got to believe there are wider pieces you can get if it works...  (ebay hot link below) -  make sure it's not copper colored plastic!  You can make sure it's solid copper by trying to solder to it - solder should stick, and heat shouldn't melt it.

ebay copper mesh

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HERE's some incentive!

     Has it ever occurred to you that if just 5 TIs were to overcome all the paranoid BS and join forces that we could very well turn the tide on this covert crime?  
     Imagine that 4 of the TIs secret themselves in the 5th TIs neighborhood - the more rural the better - and when perps arrive with their DEW weapons, the 4 TIs subdue one of the perps and take the weapons away from them.  Perps, after all are nothing but bullies and cowards that will wet their pants in fear at being apprehended by a TI.
     We have all begun to accept published forum/blog speculation over what is happening to us as being THE TRUTH.  Unless you hold the weapon in your hands, it will always remain speculation.  The more weaponry we are able to confiscate and test for countermeasures, the quicker this will end for all of us.
     Put an end to your isolation.  Unite and Fight!

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"The CORE" is with you

     In one sense, we are all alone in facing our daily tormentors.  No civilian we see can possibly understand, nor are they willing to listen bcz it is too scarey, and they fear that it may happen to them if they linger too long to listen.
     In this time we are all part of, life has become more harried.  In my lifetime, I have seen the need for 1 family breadwinner escalate to 2 family members having to work, and perhaps at more than 2 jobs.  Everyone is feeling some level of pressure, and charity for others is sometimes lost, which was once there in abundance.
     BUT, we do have each other.  We have a long standing small TI core, and each member of that core recognizes the other members.  Reach out to each other and become forum "friends" so you can tap that resource when it gets REALLY tough, and you don't want to write an open blog that perps can read and enjoy.
     Unite and Fight!

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