"Kill with a Borrowed Sword”. Shame on you.
I have to say something. Some posts are not mine; some “like” are not mine. With what can I describe you torturers? You want to “Kill with a Borrowed Sword”. Shame on you.
I have to say something. Some posts are not mine; some “like” are not mine. With what can I describe you torturers? You want to “Kill with a Borrowed Sword”. Shame on you.
Mind Games
New on the Internet: a community of people who believe the government is beaming voices into their minds. They may be crazy, but the Pentagon has pursued a weapon that can do just that.
By Sharon Weinberger
Sunday, January 14, 2007
From: h
Here is a link to an article that shows how non-invasive brain computer-brain machines can cause one person to control anothers body. http://www.washington.edu/news/2013/08/27/researcher-controls-colleagues-motions-in-1st-human-brain-to-brain-interfa
Read more…German "race" 3.0
4. Reich:The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take Over America
New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
... But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientist
Declaration of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal: "Individuals have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crime against peace and humanity from occurring.
The victims have the right to kill the perps that implanted them (some former federal la
Read more…By: Mike Parker in Los Angeles, Published: Sun. Jul
Read more…Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to hum
Read more…Never trust the CIA real boss who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies when they know so many people are being killed every day
CIA was fooling me by sending me messages telling me that they torture me and doing surgery on me were fo
Read more…Those who do not want to immediately expose the two technologies: EM remote surgery and remote mind control are useless to humankind. The dominating individuals in Rockefeller family (probably the queen and the Scottish son in law) are useless to hum
Read more…ICAACT said they believe RFID chip victims are receiving 2.4 Ghz to 5-8 Ghz. -http://icaact.org/
Between 27-29 MHz is from Mindnet journal vol 1 #45
UHF range between 900-1800MGz-looking for source
Elanor White believes that the frequency is around
Read more…Im a targeted person in France. I live in Paris and my home has become a torture cage. I’m attacked by directed energy weapons coming from the flats upstairs. Its 24/7. My head is mainly targeted 9burning sensation and headache). I tried to talk to m
Read more…New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
... But they were also hunting down the most precious "spoils" of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine
While watching these video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSAlIVv0aQQ&feature=youtu.be I found an interesting paper to peacepink members concerning gang stalking forums
Read more…German "race" 3.0
New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
“Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world” ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60/80 millions) !!
To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured
CIA was fooling me by sending me messages telling me that they torture me and doing surgery on me were for a good purpose. That is not possible according to what happened in human history. No evil had ever changed when they were holding power. Hitle
Read more…Are you deterred when they threaten your family and extended family with violence and having their futures destroyed ?
Read more…New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
“Today we rule Germany, tomorrow the world” ---- the scum of the earth ! Not Human Being (60/80 millions) !!
To cut open the blood vessels of the German "people" the poured out blood is brown (