Grim Reaper's Posts (53)

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Sunshine and Lollipops!

9143057675?profile=originalI had enough darkness so I'm going to write something positive instead of getting wrapped up in the negativity. Use the sunshine to light my darkest moment. I know this world is going to Hell however when that time comes there will be opportunities for kindness, empathy, and compassion. I hope to ascend into a better person. People with higher frequencies that is on the same level as me can see through these delusions we perceive as reality. Take a step back and focus on the big picture that is coming into place. End this in a good note and wish you people the best of luck!


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The Natural Law

9143058897?profile=originalThe natural law is what goes around comes around. My personal life has been destroyed, I can't have a family or children due to my evil perps. If they did this to me intentionally the natural law will kick in and I think it has. The Fukushima radiation is one of the final nails in humanity's coffin. I live Canada but all the fish and stuff is contaminated. The perps short sightedness and greed will be there undoing. They might get away with this crime that they are doing to me however it will cost you your children and grandchildren's future. It's not worth it. Picking on me for this long. All this bs could have been prevented but this is a prime example of human stupidity.You could have approached me and discussed this like a mature adult instead of using electronic harassment. You still have the choice to do that. I don't know where you guys are or else I would negotiate and discuss the problems of your lame actions. If you are scared you could also send a representative. The point is to put an ending to this non-sense as it is pointless now. Wasted all my time and you guys are going to get burned from this experience as well. There is no common sense here.This is bad business. Making profits off people's suffering while this world gets destroyed. Everyone should use the kidergarten rules in life. Don't steal and hack because in the end you shall lose everything. Do not impose on others what yourself do not desire. Peace Out!

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9143058863?profile=originalI want to die with dignity. I don't think I'm going to be able to live through this nightmare experience. I want to die young and leave a pretty corpse. I must formally apologize to those I've hurt in the past. I will make it up to you people next life. My time is almost up and I can see how my time is shortened due to the radiation poisoning from Fukushima. Death is coming and I sense that I won't be able to see this through in the end.

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Pointless Waste Of Time


My life has been derailed for a very long time now. I'm not going anywhere. The evil perps did a splendid job of ruining me. Robbed me of everything important and precious to me. I live a life that is miserable. Fighting a battle that I think that isn't even worth fighting for in the first place. I wanna change the world to make it better but I can't because I can't even fix myself. Keeping me alive but barely. They torture and torment me like an animal and violate every human civil rights that I have. It's just a complete and waste of time now. Everything is pointless and won't lead to anything good. I throw in the towel and wish to exit this stage. This show is officially over and if you don't escape quickly the whole place will be flooded and burnt down. I was used as a distraction so you won't be aware of the New World Order plans that are taking place right in front of your face. Your future is going to be chipped and controlled like a guinnea pig. I hope you perps have fun!

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Power Of Choice


I wish I had real choices. Forced and manipulated into situations where I cannot defend myself. Choosing between the lesser of two evils is pointless. All my choices presented to me is complete BS.

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9143057872?profile=originalI'm tired of waiting for Death. He never comes when I want him to. The real fun will begin once I can leave this damn vessel (body). Tired of getting mocked, my intelligence being insulted, everything is retarded. It doesn't get dumb and dumber than this. Maybe you guys and gals can pray for death for me. I will seek out justice against your perps as well. An eternity of harassment repaid to all the perps around the world.

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Wake Up Before It's Too Late

9143057267?profile=originalWake Up Everybody! Stopping watching your stupid TV and get your head out of the clouds. Something horrible is approaching and it concerns everyone. Your way of life is about to change for the worst. The New World Order is here to strip away your freedom and rights. I know most people are just dumb downed and drugged up so they can't really think clearly. It is deliberate and this depopulation agenda is on its way. Another false flag or real event is about to take place. I think it could be a London bombing at the Olympics or an alien invasion. I think that because the mascots are one eyed aliens. You have problem, reaction, solution. They are running out of time so they will act very soon. This is no longer a stupid conspiracy theory but a fact. Distracting people so they are unaware of what is happening right under their noses. People don't question reality or pay attention because they are simply busy chasing money or whatever. There also predictive programming in movies. You can think for yourself and do the research. The world nightmare is about to manifest itself! Just you wait and see.


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Ghost Hauntings

9143058479?profile=originalThis is a heads up for my stupid perps. You might have made some profit off my suffering however even when I die I'll make sure you have problems and ghost hauntings for your stupid actions. Simple cause and effect!

This could be prevented but I highly doubt you dumb perps have common sense. You think you'll be able to spend your money when it will become worthless? Bank runs? Perhaps being trapped in FEMA camp or Martial Law. You will lose all your money no matter what. Completely pointless but it's your choice not mine.

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For my perps


You guys are a bunch of cowards and your actions are dishonorable. Even if you get away with your crimes this life I assure you will suffer in the next life. All the profit you made off my suffering shall come back and haunt you. Even if you don't smoke or whatever you will get sick and die from radiation poisoning. Was it really worth it to mess with me? When money becomes worthless then it was all for nothing. You should be aware that your children and grandchildren doesn't have a future because of your stupid immature nature. If you are real men you would confront me in person instead of playing hide and seek. Balls in your court! Face me!

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9143057264?profile=originalToo big to fail? The Titanic is unsinkable? Our economies has recovered? Good times ahead?

Let's get real here. There is a financial tsunami heading our way that no-one in history has ever seen or experience before. The stupid deriatives, greedy, corrupt, and rotten to the core bankers has screwd everyone. How can you bailout countries when you are bankrupt? It must be genius borrowing at an interest rate at 7% and bailing out at 3%. It's like paying off your credit card with another credit card. The compounding interest will destroy you financially. This financial titanic has officially hit the iceberg a while back and we shall see the consequences. Get out of the banks now. They will steal all your money with bank runs. If you have money spend it before it's too late! Get gold, silver, prepare with food, guns because it will be a very rough ride.


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I wish I was never born if I knew what was in store for me. These stupid trials of living is pointless and complete waste of time. I want to escape to a paradise free from harassment, violation, and abuse. Start a new life somewhere else. If I had a choice I would die with dignity and get reborn to a different planet. I don't want to be human anymore. I rather be an benevolent alien somewhere out in this universe. I can't tolerate this stupidity.

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9143058072?profile=originalI'm keeping up with this long battle with my evil perps. I am so tired and exhausted because of the constant bombardment of their electronic harassment. I wonder if it's even worth fighting anymore. Throw in the towel because I can't win. They control everything around me and all I wish every night is to die peacefully in my sleep. Bullied to the point of suicide.  Kicking me when I'm down and using all these cheap tactics. The people responsible has no honor. Even if I get a lawsuit and win I'm not sure if I can ever fix my life. Post traumatic stress from their handywork. The way I see it is my life is over as I know it.

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How Can I protect myself?

9143057885?profile=originalI am wondering what I can do to protect myself from the perps. I went to a spy store today to see if they had an EMF detector but I am out of luck. I contacted the police and Canadian Human Rights and that was a complete waste of time. If I could get some funds together maybe then I can get some test equipment to verify and trace the illegal broadcasting signal being omitted from my body and brain. Once I get proof I still don't know who my perps are and why they are even targetting me in the first place. A situation that isn't going to get resolved anytime soon. Stupid human experiment that is a complete failure. I can't wait til they get chipped and controlled so they can have a taste of their own medicine. It's just a matter of time now. NWO implementing the final stages of a one world government.

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Just Being Appreciative and Grateful


I'm being grateful and appreciative for what I have right now. I don't want to complain and rant anymore because it's draining all my energy and I don't want to feed that negative force. Anticipating my day of freedom where I am no longer caged like an animal at a zoo. Days are going by so quickly that I can't believe we're halfway through 2012. I wish I can fast forward to Dec.21 to see what will happen. Is it another Y2K or is the Mayan Prophecies true? Who knows really? Perhaps the Aliens ? Earth changes, galactic alignment, Solar Flares, or Planet X.  . I have a hunch that sh*t will hit the fan before that date. I hope i'm wrong but let's watch and see.

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Eye 4 an Eye

9143059473?profile=originalEnter The Dragon

I believe I need to beat some sense into my perps. I'm getting unfair punishment for no apparent reason. Using me as a human guinea pig. It's time for an eye for an eye. I believe in fairness and what they have done to me is so cowardly and dishonorable that if I let it slide they will pick on someone else. Sometimes violence is the only solution. Teach a lesson on respect and courtesy. I wouldn't want my family and friends to go through the Hell I've been experiencing. Here to draw the line and if you cross my personal boundaries I will fight back! 

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Is it really a conspiracy or not?


Is the Illuminati real? Is our world really run by the so called Elites? Their ultimate goal of depopulation and microchipped population? I honestly think so and here is my reasoning for this. They flouridate our water supplies, all the food is contaminated, the chemtrails in the air is another sign. The Fukushima disaster was deliberate in thinning out the population. They keep people distracted and busy by the mass media and deliberately dumb downing society so they don't question their reality. I feel like that movie called "They Live"

You gotta ask smart questions and do some critical thinking. They are crashing economies and getting geared up for World War 3. Striking Iran or whatever to trigger global death and destruction. They are running out of time and they know it. Why are there seed vaults? What about these so called Deep Underground Military Bases ? Fema camps and coffins. I swear to God it just doesn't add up. Think for yourself and do your own research. Plenty of experts out there that knows what they are talking about.


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Learn From My Mistakes

When I first got attacked mentally I didn't know what to do. My brain was on fire and body hacked and I had to go see my doctor who introduced me to a psychiatrist. That was the first mistake I made. Now since I have a mental health issue everyone dismisses me as crazy. The psychiatrist and doctors cannot help you and all they can do is feed you drugs to make you into a zombie. If I saw a specialist in the field of T.I.'s right from the beginnning then I would have a different story. Checking for implants, or whatever the Hell is wrong with my brain and body. Oh well if you are reading this then learn from my mistakes. Do not repeat what I went through because it's been 8 years of zombie hell from these so called professionals. The doctors these days just aren't into helping patients because they work directly for the big pharmacies. They are nothing more than legit drug dealers. I would become a specialist in medicine and help out T.I.'s however I can't because my brain hurts physically and mentally. The perps have completely disabled me. 

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Victim Justice The Hard Way

9143058273?profile=originalWhen I die I shall not go into the light. I have unfinished business here on Earth. I shall seek justice against my perps and haunt them for eternity. Their stupidity shall be their undoing. My spirit will represent and symbolize all the victims of Electronic Harassment and GS. I am waiting for Death so I can proceed. I have perps to haunt and torment.

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Dying With Dignity

9143057288?profile=originalWhen the time comes for me to die. I wish to die with dignity. 8 Years of Hell, 2 years chronic pain, all this pain and suffering is really hard to deal with. I wish to die peacefully like Bruce Lee in his sleep. Everyday I pray for Death but it never comes. I choose death because I want to be free from my perps. Living a life under control, abuse, and violation is a life not worth living. The best analogy I could use is I am a tiger trapped in a human zoo. I'm here physically but my spirit died a long time ago. Each day is misery! I am not content because what has transpired against me. Human beings were born free and I believe I have that right to end my life if I choose it. It's like telling God I quit! I had enough BS everyday. Getting mocked and ridiculed. Once they targetted me my life was over. The feeling of being a rape victim almost. I have no trust. The stupid thing is I can't even get assisted suicide in my country. My perspective is I am defeated. I throw in the towel because I can't overcome these impossible obstacles. I put up a good fight but in the end it wasn't enough.

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