's Discussions (4866)

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remnant of WW II

The Third Generation of German Nazi has beeing attacking the Human Being by means of Mind Control weapons (Microwaves, Directed-energy weapon etc.). These are the remnant of WW II.

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Still looking for John Finch

Sorry but I'm not going to stop searching til I hear what happened to him. I'm the only active australian victim I know. He is from the same city as me - Melbourne and I knew him 2 years ago. He is the best kind of guy you could meet and I NEED to kn

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3 World Wars

The three World Wars 1. The First Generation of Nazi ---- WW I 2. The Second Generation of Nazi ---- WW II 3. The Third Generation of Nazi ---- WW III (MWW ---- MicroWave War) The Third Generation of German Nazi (Remnant of WWII) has beeing attacki

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Earning Money

Even if i could get a job i would not trust working in an open enviroment i have no control over where im mixing with other people who could be used as third parties to physically and verbally abuse me. We have said these things on other forums so i

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受害者就医的几点建议 目前,了解这种大脑控制武器虐待症状的医生还很少。大部分的受害者被错误诊断。而医生并不能够真正解除受害者的痛苦。所以,建议大家尽量不要服用西药,西药的长期服用有比较大的副作用。如果去看中医,可以听从医生指导,从医生那里了解您身体受损状况。但是还是少吃药。以中医药每天的饮食保健为主,日常保养身体。 对受害者有益的中草药验方 (这里所列的中草药验方,可以长期使用,没有毒副作用) 神经衰弱 neurasthenia是一种主要由于精神因素引起的神经机能暂时失调的一种综合病因。主

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中国受害者告全世界人民书 尊敬的女士、先生: 我们来自中国各地数十个城市地区,是一些遭受“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”武器残酷虐待折磨迫害和阴谋暗害的受害者。我们之中,有公司员工、教师、学生、退休职工,以及其他从事脑力和体力工作的普通平民。我们之中,受害的时间,短的仅几个月,长的则达三十多年。 网络使我们相识,受害的遭遇让我们走到了一起。 长期以来, 一帮滥用特权的秘密罪犯,肆无忌惮地使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”,非法秘密控制我们的身体和大脑(精神),日夜不停地实施种种惨无

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