Liu wei's Posts (12)

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全国人大 政协         代表委员:您好! 
    目前,全国各地普遍存在攻击性精神控制武器(亦称“脑控武器”、MIND CONTROL、“心电武器”,其研究始于纳粹,发展至今对人体生理、心理、精神的操控已达到登峰造极的水平。详见附件资料一、二、三)和定向能武器等电磁武器以秘不可见的方式肆意伤害大批无辜的中国公民和官员的严重情况。我们都是受害者。常人简直难以想象:我们的大脑思维被窃取并到处传播;精神活动被施害者任意控制;身体各部位和五脏六腑被定向能武器肆意袭击而痛、痒难忍;或伤痕累累、或重病缠身、受尽骚扰和凌辱;有的受害者还被恶意强迫接受幻听、幻嗅等感觉,并被落井下石恶意污蔑为精神病。我们每天24小时生活在巨大痛苦和残酷的折磨之中,无法正常的工作和学习,面临脑思维安全、人身安全乃至生命安全的巨大威胁。我们受害症状雷同,我们相互作证。我们的现状真的是生死攸关、十万火急。近几年我们也曾经多次举报到公安、安全等部门,可是都不作为,至今毫无结果。












籍贯    姓名     联系电话      联系邮箱                       籍贯    姓名     联系电话         联系邮箱

上  海 施晓霖    13818138763       山  东 刘  珍  13717905058               

澳  洲 Soleilmavis 13854570873           辽  宁 李中祥  13898057894    397761127@qq.con           江  西 古露露    13226453300                                  江  苏 邵  军  0514 88240509

安  徽 程圣佩                     温  州 金亦周  0577—68127889  QQ:284808029 

浙  江 曹世杰                       黑龙江 银馨泽                  QQ:185418621  

大  连 关春荣                      浙  江 吕  平            

湖  北 张开宇   15109813821               江  苏  葛  辉  1377690 4608

云  南 王荣海                   张家界 郭汝泉  15974413876     QQ:258027165

江  西 李小燕                  QQ:962991300                 芜  湖 沈佳云  15178535433;

湖  南 谢应龙                         南  京 梁爱国  13182958971     QQ::961543784

       13564871671                                        张苏林  13328578079    qq: 554607446

福  建 周  瑜   15959071529               北  京 朱明磊;01062453452

丹  东 黄俊薇                      青  海 王良伟  09713567430   QQ:183523472

浙  江 陈  吉   0573—85231064              河  南 岳  琳                  QQ:851608450

浙  江 吴学勤   13738268218               辽  宁 石  宇  15841089297

湖  南 张青芳                  qq 623227587                  湖  北 刘  炜  13597878369

成  都 彭  进   13568819725          山  东 马英杰       

深  圳 姚多杰   13760295848                湖  南 雷再跃  15115699231     QQ:344458246

广  州 蒋  进                        湖  南 李春泽        

北  京 李晓林   13552837843                 宁  波 张星光    

广  西 凌崇伟   15578431386    QQ:75123522;767350971        吉  林 王雅清   

湖  南 谭祖松   13647359170     QQ 859740511                  山  东 李佳琦                    QQ:718348276           如  皋 徐  昕                   荆  州 朱厚友  13877075190                      

上  海 陈  鹤                    qq:1013346233                寿  光 方一帆       

巢  湖 陶  力                   qq:236894698                 湖  南 向志军  0736—6186257   qq: 1154663726         

黑龙江 付俊生  13836296540  qq:281447504               甘  肃 马东阳      

广  州 区耀强  15902088387      qq:190529426                 广  东 林秀梅                 qq:757747591         

四  川 杨懿传   13698260984                                武  汉 陈  兵      

湖  南 刘美英                       江  西 林江良  13433634695

深  圳 郑文君  13686888716              河  南 马子雅  :15037643792

宝  鸡 石  丽   15850110015                                   浙  江 钟亚芳  浙江桐芦县桐君街道

浙  江 钟知含  浙江桐芦县桐君街道                             江  西 曹升华  15274830662      QQ:826758662

成  都 马  杰  13488909564     QQ:531178689                  广  西 马骏强  13737930353

河  南 贾俊龙  13676951697             山  东 祁昌玲   0546-8597279    

安  徽 邵玉文   13693633397                                   北  京 李晓娜  13718204206

重  庆 杨万江  13101058426              深  圳 孙  贤       

河  南 柴晓慧  13910562891            湖  南 朱卓雄                

北  京 李冀滨           河  南 张  辉         

黑龙江 韩朝娣   0871-6484876               徐  州 白  露                       

北  京 金考日                   QQ:4267999                    重  庆 谢  蕾                   QQ 1065162370

四  川 郑  芸                       湖  南 范  丽                      

温  州 梁永婷                       贵  州 心  语         

新  疆 梁文潇                       洛  阳 张文涛       

广  州 李海伟                       广  西 依胜林       

江  西 熊  璐                       广  西 邱勇进       

安  徽 周连宏                      长  春 王艳丽                 

湖  南 郑  可                       天  津 许  愿                    

湖  南 刘  明                      湖  北 郑朝东       

湖  北 童常亮                       南  京 吕  斐         

湖  南 洲  陂                       甘  肃 黎  刚         

湖  北 龙  伟               江  苏 孙  玮                                                             

安  徽 彭宜杉                    广  东 黄聿右       

南  京 柯健成                        上  海 叶国照   

吉  林 马媛媛                       辽  宁 高岳一       

河  南 郭福明                       上  海 陆  易   13816812842                                              

安  徽 顾  华                    江  苏 孙  玮  13917698052

山  东 甘志恒             新  疆 郭春阳      

湖  北 余灵波                      河  北 李冠萍                

浙  江 俞敏毅                     河  南 贾军龙        

四  川 陈小意                 江  苏 裴维传       

广  东 李振友                        辽  宁 魏  玥                

山  东 贾洪顺                      广  东 彭  旭        

宜  昌 王  洋                       杭  州 范  蕾        

湖  北 喻  峰                云  南 于小伟      

秦皇岛 马欣岚  13230383403         南  昌 任军军      

  武  汉 韩  婷                 武汉武昌区明伦街合成钎维厂      大  连 张军亮      

山  西 赵晓东  13333591299                                    浙  江 郑超寅                                                                                          

湖  北 张承柱  13545372812              沈  阳 李  博      

福  建 陈  媚  0595-87058567                                  上  海 袁宇慧   15900696706

河  南 陈宇红              山  东 单连群   0533-8152095    

广  东 雷见斌  13622662344                                    江  西 熊小兵               景德镇价格监督检查局

内  蒙 高瑞强                      山  东 王承风      

江  苏 尹佳佳               安  徽 张  晔   0551-5560093   qq 765963541

河  南 沅  元                  湖  北 唐道红   湖北省宜昌市猇亭区猇亭大道399-9-105

辽  宁 翟风标  0412 2939686                                   四  川 张  恒            

北  京 赵以立  15001317693                                       重  庆 王春华    02385383172

辽  宁 刘  威  13842729284                                       大  庆 赵  雪        

沈  阳 王  戈  13124237894                                       广  西 覃卢凯      

贵  州 黄青松                       天  津 常宏飞      

安  徽 杨大伟                       大  连 纪  旺                

江  苏 杨生林   溧阳市前马镇三村                             江  西 熊年苛  南昌西湖区十字管街       

甘  肃 张塞梅  嘉峪关文化街区x栋x号                        黑龙江 刁秀金   龙江县哈拉海乡xx村

甘  肃 高永日  13993784396                                    甘  肃 高风炎   13993784396

北  京 刘  颖   010 83533640                                  河  南 刘永成    沁阳县郭集乡x组                                       

哈尔滨 刘馨毓  道里区花圃街xx号                              黑龙剑 姜明远  13009851301

江  西 肖石洋  赣州地区于都县盘古山钨矿                       湖  北 李翠芳  湖北诗词协会

广  西 韦秀兰  都安县百旺乡精华村立刀队                       辽  宁 王  艳

黑龙江 都耀杰  牡丹江地区东宁县绥阳xx局                      安  徽 张复年  x阳县雨坛乡云龙村xx组

江  苏 庄建法  常州市武进区礼加镇亲香港村委赵岸村xx号        山  西 李先华  辉源县永安镇许村

石家庄 聂凤云   车辆厂医院病退                                湖  南 熊  晔  株洲田心神圹冲(高法院内自焚)        

陕  西 陈  琦   西安国棉四教师                                唐  山 韩长宽  0315 8283197

广  西 吕建凤   桂林南环路                                                                                        








































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长期以来, 一帮滥用特权的秘密罪犯,肆无忌惮地使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术”,非法秘密控制我们的身体和大脑(精神),日夜不停地实施种种惨无人道的精神骚扰和肉体折磨迫害、阴谋暗害,致使许多受害者每天生活在无比痛苦的、生不如死的恐怖状况中。


他们使用“秘密遥控人体和大脑(精神)技术” ,遥控制造我们受害者身体内日夜交替出现:痛、痒、冷、热、颤抖、难受等人为的“生理疾病和生理行为”痛苦;遥控制造我们受害者的大脑(精神)日夜出现所谓的“幻听、幻觉”骚扰折磨痛苦。他们还竭尽无耻、卑鄙、下流的变态伎俩,窃取传播受害者大脑思维的隐私信息,并且,疯狂地对受害者进行秘密恐吓和种种人格侮辱。所有这一切,都给我们受害者的肉体和精神带来了无与伦比的巨大创痛,身心遭到极度的摧残和伤害。其中,有一些无辜受害者被诬陷并送进“精神病院”;另一些因无法忍受秘密折磨凌辱的痛苦而“自杀”;还有一些则被他们秘密制造身体内出现各种莫名其妙的“绝症怪病”而阴谋暗害,含冤死亡。




为此,我们中国受害者于2007年12月3日,联名写了一封“致胡锦涛主席的集体控诉信” ( 见“附件一” ),并用电子邮件发送给了中共中央和中国国务院各部门,以及全国新闻媒体和法律界人士等,要求转呈给中国国家主席。


接着,在2008年5月5日,又联名发出了一封《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》( 见“附件二” )。




《世界人权宣言》(联合国大会 一九四八年十二月十日 第217A(III)号决议通过并颁布) 的有关条款规定:























我们强烈要求联合国秘书长 潘基文 先生从维护“联合国宪章”及有关“人权宣言和公约”的尊严出发,履行自己维护全世界人民基本人权的神圣职责,紧急召开“禁止使用秘密遥控人体(大脑)技术武器”的国际会议。我们要求欧盟人权委员会立即开展其A40005/1999第27款的工作!














南京 忻中庆     13776686557 (

云南 王荣海     15008719951

湖南 李春泽     13435768567 

丹东 高晓维     13898510756

上海 郁荣建     13120847702

襄樊 喻峰       13995768279

桂林 易胜林     13978302663

北京 张蕾       13691103510

湖北 刘炜       13597878369

上海 余灵波     13321981271

山东 祁昌玲     15154602071

广州 蒋进       13535358871

湖南 郭汝泉     15974413876

江苏 孙玮       13917698052

四川 郑芸       13559949568

浙江 曹世杰     0576-86814070

福建 甘志恒     0596-2302076

辽宁 石宇       0410-2828530

河北 李冠萍     0310-2326981

郑州 赵枫       13903863768.

湖南 范丽       13646218013

广西 邱勇进     0778-2565332

珠海 张路       15812708601

烟台 孙波       15064528015

安庆 周连宏     13685568645

江西 赖启星     13712207193

驻马店 沅元     13525333332

四川 陈小意     15982732725

湖北 龙伟       13469765313

徐州 裴维传     13033539006

黑龙江 天空     13634601784

南宁 黄鄯兵             

Germany Wenxiu Zhou  +49 162 7550 955

荆州 张四海     15927724461

宜昌 王洋       13307203797

秦皇岛 马欣岚   13230383403 

江西 熊璐      0795-7032879/7585069

徐州 白露       13685161290

福建 林振               


昆明 马超              

安徽 彭宜杉     13275779355

成都 壹码揽球   13211355448

上海 刘华茗之   13818051167

湖北 张承柱     13545372812

湖南 朱卓雄     13187326593

贵州 心语               

湖北 任丹婷     13872825547

河北 狄曼琦             

吉林 王雅清     13894726370

福建 陈媚       0595-87058567

辽宁 刘威       13998748468

深圳 姚多杰     15818566839 

山东 李叶       15315609081

黑龙江 赵雪     15094579527 

济南 贾洪顺     0531-85933784

沈阳 赵天恒     13840346307

温州 梁永婷     13777131326  

广西 覃卢凯     13597239743

重庆 谢蕾       13770679109

陕西 石丽       15850110015

新疆 梁文潇   15199396972       543621544@qq.co

襄樊 王丹清   13094127687

辽宁 尚平       13842289296

广东 彭旭    3533298544  





附件一:《致胡锦涛主席的集体控诉信》 - x



附件二:《致中国“秘密机构”头头的公开信》 - x



附件三: 《不战而屈人之兵?美俄被指研究“脑控武器”》






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再 审 申 请 书

再 审 申 请 书








2、(2006)穗 中法民一终字第303号民事判决书认定事实的主要证据不足。








2.客观上,因再审申请人于2000年向中国银行等提出要求解释等被拒绝后进行诉讼活动,并向公安局广州越秀报了案,并因申请人的诉讼活动等原因在2001年4月再次被强制关进广州市精神病医院里面(广州精神病院说是“受害妄想”),中国银行因为我的起诉活动将我除名,又将案件变成劳动纠纷,又进一步让我的父母作为我的法定代理人(2001年法院审理时,我被关在医院里,当时父母的意见并不代表我的意见),从而使我无法单独行使诉权(也削夺了我的辩论权),我的诉讼活动因此而中断,医生说再起诉就再抓进去治疗。至2001年7月我一直没有和父母等亲属在一起生活已达十几 年,他们文化程度不高,既不清楚我的情况,而且连强制送精神病院的概念都没有,事先也没有告诉并征询我的意见,完全是听信了再审申请人的描述和要求,医院还说诉讼活动本身就是病态的表现,要求我不再提出诉讼和到湖北父母处工作(关在医院时由区长医生来谈的)。2001年后我多次提出要申诉,父母都不同意起诉,并给医生打过电话,医生要求服药,继续治疗。直到我2005年1月结婚后,妻子支持我进行起诉,而父母也开始同意我进行诉讼。从而才可以单独行使诉权。此时我才能够以自己没患过精神病,自己的合法权益、人格尊严、人身权受到侵害提出诉讼。中断后可行使诉权从这时开始计算。这一依据有2001年7月25日,以(2001)越法民初字第623号民事判决书的确认和第二次入院病历第一页的病史等证明。




3. 从1999年到2005年中,两再审申请人对我提出要求解释入院原因、看病历等要求都被拒绝(有我父母提供的证据为证),我父母是听他们说的,也说不清楚怎么回事,一直到2005年起诉后看到病历才知道部分原因,故有部分证据在开庭后才能提供。而判决书对这些和其他一些较为重要的证据都未提及,如2000年在中国银行时的 英语考试证书(原件),2005年的婚检证明(医师签字部分),2006年东风汽车公司提供的工作证明(公证件),1999年的部分加班证明(原件),2005年东风汽车公司所属医院(三甲医院)的体检结果(原件)等。而我提供的某同学,父母证词(原件及身份证复印件),因证人不在广州及年龄大等原因,在开庭时提出要求法庭对证据进行调查。这个案子较为明了,证据确凿,还判成这样,法官对于我的陈述和证据有没有看,采不采信应给以说明,是否为了地方利益黑了我,难道2001年前就有精神病,治疗就是应该的,2001年后就没病,两年中无法起诉就过了时效一推了之。现要求给予公正的审判。 4.又依据最高人民法院、最高人民检查院、公安部、司法部、卫生部《关于精神疾病司法鉴定暂行规定》(1989年7月11日卫医字[1989]第17号)第七条第(二)项、第十条、第二十条、第二十一条规定在没有做出司法鉴定的情况下,不能仅凭医院的病历以及法定代理人的口头认可,因此这些都是违反法律的强制性规定。





五、应当参加诉讼的当事人,因不能归责于本人的事由,未参加诉讼的;违反法律规定,剥夺当事人辩论权利的; 2001年的起诉,本人应当参与诉讼,但案件审理期间,本人被广州精神病院强制关押起来强制治疗,从而本人未参加诉讼,也被剥夺辩论权利。由于民事诉讼法的更改,要求重审2001年的官司。中国银行和广州精神病院也承认本人理智是正常的。2001年的诉讼中代理人未能尽到义务,导致本人重大经济损失。由于此案,我蒙受了巨大的身心创伤和直接经济损失,由于我的工作性质是程序员,精神创伤对我的影响很大,对生活影响也很大,间接损失无法衡量。住院时得了糖尿病,医院提供的病历无此记录,显然经过了删改,病历只此一份,由广州精神病院保存。后来由于被迫服用精神病药物又得了高血脂,肥胖等。此案我已消耗了大量的金钱、时间和精力,多次到广州,每次都出庭,还单独去了一趟广州检察院。由于90年代工作时,实行的是低工资制,但福利分房(要与银行签定十年工作合同),因被要求去湖北工作,无法签十年合同,故没有分到房,原可以分到一套较好的住房(研究生学历,1995年工作,曾被评为“跨世纪的干部”,原单位在越秀区)。从1999年起我还少住了10年值10万以上。2009年年报中国银行人均年收入为15万元。由于我无任何过错,中国银行非法将我除名。这个案子从2001年拖了近10年,还有赔款的利息损失。故要求80万元住房赔偿,60万元经济赔偿,90万元精神赔偿,合计赔偿共230万元。

六、 广州市中级人民法院违反法定程序。


综上所述,我也于2006年12月20日向广州市人民检察院申请抗诉,并询问是否属于刑事犯罪。2007年12月网上向广东省人民检察院申请抗诉(最高检察院网站),直到今天没有任何书面答复。故再审申请人依据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第179条:"当事人的申请符合下列情形之一的,人民法院应当再审:(一)有新的证据,足以推翻原判决、裁定的;(二)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要证据不足的;(三)原判决、裁定认定事实的主要证据是伪造的;(五)对审理案件需要的证据,当事人因客观原因不能自行收集,书面申请人民法院调查收集,人民法院未调查收集的;(八)审判组织的组成不合法;(九)应当参加诉讼的当事人,因不能归责于本人的事由,未参加诉讼的;该法第181条:“人民法院应当自收到再审申请书之日三个月内审查,符合本法第一百七十九 条规定情形之一的,裁定再审;…”因此请求依法广东省高级人民法院撤消(2006)穗中法民一终字第303号民事判决书,依法予以再审,纠正错误判决,维护司法公正. 此致广东省高级人民法院再审申请人:刘炜二00八年四月二十六日








7. 父母证词




11. 婚检证明


联系方式:刘炜:13597878369 邮编:442008  湖北省十堰东风汽车建筑公司离退休科刘宝龄转律师  

江华:13636154157  邮编:442000 湖北十堰郧县司法局转 

此致 刘 炜 2009-7-19













2. ﹙2006﹚穗中法民终字第303号民事判决书认定事实的主要证据不足。



2. 《最高人民法院关于审理民事案件适用诉讼时效制度若干问题的规定》已于2008811日由最高人民法院审判委员会通过实施.其中第十三条下列事项之一,人民法院应当认定与提起诉讼具有同等诉讼时效中断的效力:(六)申请强制执行;第十五条权利人向公安机关、人民检察院、人民法院报案或者控告,请求保护其民事权利的,诉讼时效从其报案或者控告之日起中断。第二十条有下列情形之一的,应当认定为民法通则第一百三十九条规定的其他障碍,诉讼时效中止:(三)权利人被义务人或者其他人控制无法主张权利;(四)其他导致权利人不能主张权利的客观情形。2001年中国银行在认为本人没有精神病的情况下由于本人报案准备起诉等原因把我名,2001年本人的代理人就除名进行了诉讼,其意见并不代表本人,期间本人被关在精神病医院里强制治疗,被控制无法主张权利.由于广州市精神病医院说只有第一监护人同意才能起诉等客观原因.本人一直无法单独行使诉权,且取证困难.直到2005年第一监护人更换了后才能够起诉.如果说再审案件不能适用该规定,请最高法院告诉我们是否应该重新起诉?在两次开庭而二被再审申请人均一致认为再审申请人至今仍然有精神病,这有开庭笔录在卷作证,众所周知,乙方主张的事实,另一方承认的无需在举证。

3. 卫生部在20011123日发出的《关于加强对精神病院管理的通知》的附件:精神病人入院收治指征。其内容如下:“1。临床症状严重,对自己和()周围构成危害者;2。拒绝接受治疗或门诊治疗困难者;3。严重不能适应社会生活者;4。伴有严重躯体疾病的精神病人应视躯体疾病的情况协调解决收治问题;原则上应视当时的主要疾病决定收治医院和科室;5。其中对出现严重自伤、自杀、拒食或严重兴奋、冲动伤人、外跑等,可危及生命或危害社会治安者应属紧急收治范围,并应给予特级护理。”2002年中国第一部精神卫生法《上海市精神卫生条例》写明只有当精神病患者有伤害自身,危害他人或者危害社会行为的,其监护人,进亲属所在单位,住所地居民委员会,村民委员会,或者事发地公安部门才应当将其送至精神卫生医疗机构。本人没病,更不需要强制治疗.本人当时与父母已经十几年没有生活在一起,他们不清楚我的情况.广州市一直没有精神卫生法律,广州市精神病医院等方面按照他们的规定等对本人强制治疗,而且只有第一监护人同意才能起诉等, 但是违反了现行法律,他们的错误导致了我无法起诉,诉讼时效中断等,这个后果不能由本人来承担.实际上2001年中国银行认为我没有精神病才将我除名,2001年第二次被强制治疗快结束时他们认为我可能是红斑狼疮,也不是精神病.如今广州也出台了精神卫生卫生条例。





再审申请人:刘  炜







邮编:442008  湖北省十堰东风汽车建筑公司离退休科刘宝龄转律师  江华:13636154157  或邮编:442000    湖北省十堰市郧县司法局转 












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Celebrities and concerns were addressed an open letter 

Sir / Madam, My Friends: 

Electromagnetic weapons, now or in the brain among the victims, I have been unable to work, forced to divorce. Criminal use of electromagnetic waves (acoustic, infrasound, directed energy, or carrier, etc.) to read your mind, to extract all of the memory system (images, forgotten, subconsciously, do not have chances, through bio-electromagnetic field?), To you personallymind, body attack for anti-interference, 24 hours a day, high strength, density. Can make no knowledge of the people around you, your mind can also be broadcast to people around you know, further isolation, deterioration in the victim's social environment. Some crimes are artificial, some associations appear automatically set the machine (with numbers, time, environmental associations), some are video. Locations including private homes, offices, hotels, restaurants, subway, aircraft, barrier where cell phone signals. Since 2009 has severely affected, body, spirit has long been more than a decade have been victims of more severe functional and organic damage. Not only psychological, has reached physiological, physical harm. Criminals would not let me rest, of course, this is a method of crime. I am thinking, ability to hurt feelings, the level dropped, I do not know whether the recovery has a great influence of the present and future problem-solving. I thought something had to think clearly, perceptive, and to other industries with strong ability to do better, sharp, for the victim can now look after the article would like to imitate some, Schopenhauer wrote: "Record idea on paper, but those who like walking in the sand the footsteps of it, we may be able to see the path he walked; if we want to know what he saw on the road, you must use our eyes, but it mustthese endowments of their own preconditions. "Some things I had not to do myself can know. There are many things I had like a white, uncertainty, legal, sexual, ethical, national systems, feelings, life, need to start thin Analysis. Some things need to do their own can not do the later. I thought a moment, on the one hand a more detailed talk about the case victims, preservation of thinking and act information. On the other hand told the concerned person, the victim is now in the online part of the domestic ties together, doing the protest, to expose and to solve the problem.In addition to the victims of the legal advantages, in other areas are in serious weakness, and serious asymmetry with criminals in the resources and information. If you encounter a victim, faced state apparatus is also no good way around can not escape to shelter, to cowardly timid, or ignorant to do self-defense, to pay attention to their money is good, free participation in the common social life exchange. In order to cover up the extermination variety of reasons, the brain control of the Nazis damage in the electronic concentration camp victims to write some articles, writing, and said: "Labor makes freedom".Victims are sad and sorrow work, but also black optimistic, but faced a fundamental, core, special issue, should be to understand the empirical reality of true knowledge (episteme) repeated moral aesthetic value, it is necessary to pursue its casual, subtle, fresh root causes, it is necessary to establish some diversity (heterology) knowledge, so that the use of words, factors and picture can become effective, the criminals did not allow, not to mention innovation and development. This has not changed the victims of the tragic fate of the concentration camps. Peace and war, individual rights and national interests, equity and efficiency are polar opposites, in fact, there are too many factors between the two there is a threat to the former process. I sued earlier (to the Supreme Court, lost), the criminals do not want to let me know the next, I did good, innovative, victim therefore more serious. Criminals are already not to say that the victim do or the victim does not know the practice of crime so they do not matter. With me, they gave me brain input image also includes some of my key members of social relations, various people including me in the Bank of China and the Dongfeng Motor Company unit of colleagues, schoolmates, acquaintances. Even primary school students have the name and photographs, even a long time are not linked more appeared, and image more like, I do not know whether to extract the memory from my mind, or come from where. Poor health, I from June 2009 in Shiyan King's fitness club treadmill exercise, the body injured while running, the brain to stimulate balance, fatigue and so on. Also sometimes learning Adobe Photoshop CS4, painting will suffer, not about painting. Processing to the two pictures I made, "Qingming Festival rain have, pedestrians Deep Sorrow, by asking the Internet where there, cowboy point to Google."; Tragedy essay, the free variety Arts, make curve world. I made an electronic album, video, songs.Have time to look at my blog,, 2010 I apply for a Shiyan tourist card, sometimes to Wudang Mountain, the Han River Golden Bay, Yun County LiuBei Town Dinosaur National Geological Museum. History does not repeat, but it may rhyme. Sometimes reads. Sometimes play computer games. Sometimes the Internet to see download news, chat in the QQ group of victims, legal sites, health, art websites, professional websites, kdnet community and so on. Always look at the Funshion and Thunder of downloading movies (some Oscar winners), hoping to relax, "Lili Marleen", Teresa Teng song, Total Recall, Izu dancer, Kramer vs. Kramer, Four Weddings and a Funeral , big fish father, over the Cuckoo's Nest, A Beautiful Mind, graduates, beautiful life, Tess D'Urbervilles, death walk, Xiao Ke of salvation, pianist, The Reader, BBC documentary, Black Swan, Gandhi, to succeed in people (Long Walk to Freedom), National Geographic: Human disappeared, The criminal mind (40 episodes), and so on. May actually not even give me the relax nervous tension output of the equipment, stress, experiencing suffering years. 

This technology is long-distance, non-contact, non-implantable, may already have a history of decades of research may be from Germany before World War II began, the former Soviet Union and the United States, Western Europe has, and now several countries are there, including developing countries. China and some from the ancient doctrine of specific functions, remote sensing perspective, through the human sciences, Qigong (see Feng Dafu essays, "I annotate" ISBN7-5325-0961-3). Since this technology already exists, from the perspective of the victims carefully described are in the equivalent exercise in futility, and they have their own professional system, terminology, etc., this is a more complex cross-disciplinary content, I did not find a suitable data structure, terminology, etc. only some part of the instructions. Tao Road is developing of course, also in the development of this technology, it seems a short time later may not be completely open, so I said the content should also be useful. Brain control of crime is a serious criminal offense involving human experiments, the victim can not compensate for long, crime victims are not to practice for the transfer. WHO and other major health organization announced that she is inequality itself is the killer, their argument is: an unfair position will lead to lower safety factor, survival pressure, feelings of anxiety, as well as a large number of uncontrollable factors, etc., and these factors may lead to disease and so on. Computer control technology includes not only the psychological medicine, biophysics, cognitive neuroscience, but also in computer technology, virtual reality, artificial intelligence technology, computer science to know that I learned the concept, we can say it. Brain control technology there are several cases, the first one is the simplex mode, only read your mind, but not for your output, this victim was not found. The second is a duplex, read and output, but criminals do be careful, do not want the victim found. The third is a duplex, criminals, victims of crime on public, including open dialogue system dialogue with the victim, but generally not to the people around victim know. Less serious likely to suffer dialogue (can mimic any sound, environmental sound), images (which can be three-dimensional) mode, day and night (the night of dreams. Think of a dream: a dream Zhu took a letter I had written , DNA, the more surprised I motorcycle with caps, sitting behind the white woman with Zhu classes together, upside down.) instill in the brain of victims of homicide obscene, perverted torture, fraud insult, retaliation method content, sometimes contents of the logic is more complex, there are well-planned, sometimes erase the pain I feel so normal, there is thinking, images, sounds, and feel the sense of smell to contact the appropriate combination of feelings of distance, thickness, orientation, covering the end of pumping, cognitive (change) so filled. Mass of the phantom.Manufacturing some of the many errors of logic, a strong contrast, repeated combination of a variety of speed to force the output to the brain, then use the equipment to attack (or so I remember just thinking back), clever use of my information and psychological vulnerability analysis thoroughness. I feel linked through with no borders, or transmission flushing, nausea, anger, smooth breath, is not properly inflated laugh. Allow victims to think, control the forces are relatively large, useless moving the seat body, useless to divert attention, crime control is called stable, accurate and relentless. Hurt the victim of an organized system to normal thinking, thinking adjusting, feeling, perception, cognition, calculation, body, memory, emotion, will, imagination, attention, limit, inertia, altruistic behavior, superstitious and irrational comfort habit, even nose picking and other human phenomena, personality, human dignity, in work and school life, to restore. I want the next thing, and to crime. Sometimes only three or four hours or so sleep deprived of sleep. Said someone else would like to think of, not to recall, first speak your mind. Create a lot of uncontrollable factors, such as the need to cross the road at the moment of focus and control to change the victim's visual perception, making accidents. I once lost more than four dollars, many times losing money, lost several mobile phones, and other things. You do subconsciously, unconscious action, meaningless action. Can be beaten on the head, body, intensity is relatively large, dark glasses fell to the ground when walking, when the pillow on the bed was vibrating bed was falling, head into a wall. Their strength and density of crime is relatively large, slower and less Speed, pay close attention to a flash faster when called, said one day to do 60,000, about the use of battlefield discipline. There is no transition. May be some excuse for crime: see the anti-Nazi articles, such as Dan Gengli book "shelter and Memory: Zhao YiMan", the French anti-war novel "Last Lecture", Italy sare • Beccaria book "On Crimes and Punishments "and so on; I inadvertently married life solutions bra with one hand, and more (but I see May 8, 2010 Guangzhou Tianhe modern department store in its doorstep a" challenge to the Guinness Book of single-handed solution underwear "contest); I eat plus a side of beef lettuce, they said I should live forever; tactful; say "ah." Association with numbers, text, geographic, passers-by, TV link, but also aware of the visual can be adjusted if the distance driven when the device is connected automatically adjust the focus, etc.; criminals want 8,9,13,15,21,28, I see to automatically think of sexual assault figures incest, Grandpa, I used to have a favorable impression of the girl, gay, military, dry their mother; 15:00 to associate (three inches below the belly button) of sex organ; see the word "heavy-bottomed boots" did not feel , attached to the word "Leggings" will be sexual assault; parents on the toilet, with a walking stick and other things on the sexual assault; see nearby junior high school classmate Liu Shunzhong (say "dirty my cock") on the attack; see “Police”, Police attacked; see the personnel to do the anti-fascist; toilet paper, feces, node, mop, buses, etc. to do.There are fashion mental illness. Sometimes there is no logic: do not give dry Zhu? Who follows who is behind? Eat feces, three shots to whom? Heavier severely affected, can attack the body's functions, such as sexual function, dizziness, excretion, and even self-control, swallowing, breathing, heartbeat, blood vessels and other instinct, can radiate the body, both inside and outside the body can make The site appeared uncomfortable, abnormal pain waiting. Shameless sexual torture attack, by stimulating (pituitary gland?) Sensitive parts of male sex organs to accelerate the secretion of adrenal hormones and sex hormone abnormalities and thus make the genital congestion, obscene, vile and have done every position. To the replication of human emotions (joy, crying, anger, etc.), in long-term emotional is not normal, personality distortion. Advanced features of this technology can also be removed at any time the idea to erase short-term memory, long-term memory, in case of changes to reduce their chance of human cognition, behavior and make the victim or unfavorable decision. There are many victims of the situation, such as the light of the victims suffer, may not be sexual assault, and even they find it hard to believe that other victims of this situation, but the victims of serious sexual assault accounted for more than 60%, is a major way , I do not know why. But I've heard, Freud said, is the main driving force for personal and social progress. Communist propaganda also reason about ethical standards and moral character of criminals on the huge contrast between the soil upon which it is fascism, some of the guilt of criminals against the most vulnerable to psychological means is a violation of national morality of the means and so on. 

Victims of domestic mainland citizens, linked to the 2009 taxpayers have five hundred people, these are already linked to the third way, which before 2000 probably dozens of people injured is considered a small, victims of the past few years are more and more, almost all provinces throughout the country, city, region, state-owned enterprise workers, students, farmers, teachers, retirees, women and children, graduate, professional students and other identification. Victims do not involve the basic political, the more important economic problems, no criminal record. Victims in the little rich, active duty military and police special, senior cadres. Abroad to contact the victim, the situation is about is better than China. Victims often seek a variety of ways the fact that reason, self-help solutions, reported evidence, according to the Constitution, civil, criminal, protection of the rights of male sexual penal provisions (such as Canada 1983, rape / sexual offenses against the law to play down the crime of rape accused, Victims of Sex; Germany in 1998 on the new Penal Code provides only for rape "to force others"; Taiwan, "the crime of obstruction of independent chapters," will also be the object of rape by the "women" expanded to "men and women") and other national public (Social Security) emergency contingency plan, the Rome Statute, the Montreal Convention, etc., in various places, departments, state judiciary, the NPC and other international organizations, the International Criminal Court for such crimes and criminals in a complaint, apply immediately reported, notice, renewal report and response, experts, forensic involvement, the initial disposition of the cessation of crime, higher levels of spiritual and other practitioners, judges, experts can distinguish the brain waves of weapons victims and hallucinations, pathological condition and other differences. The case against humanity, high-tech terrorism, corruption, crime, war crimes, torture, human experimentation, lasted a long time, the unit will form the overall crime, ill will of individual members of the organization, the actual for the personal, secret departments to seek illegal interests, harm to society, national interests, three or four decades have not been exposed to how, let alone resolved. In fact the victims loosely, in their own very difficult circumstances has been reported prosecution insisted, calling for help, open letter, email, blog and other activities, there is evidence, evidence-based long-term petition, and to prosecute Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security minister does not act, clearly requires detection, spiritual, economic compensation, calling for full protection of the victims as the program status and rights of the parties, for example, give the victim in criminal proceedings, investigation, prosecution, trial participation in the proceedings, the right to appeal, the right of trial cross-examination, trial participation, sentencing proceduresand this right, and so on; to secure these rights, it should implement the appropriate procedures of the sanctions regime and the procedural rights of victims relief; enjoy and make a special criminal procedure, independent of criminal, civil rights advocates: the non-investigation, not to prosecute and damage to the determination of their civil rights as well as pre-trial judge's ruling on jurisdiction, the right to appeal; In addition, the victim also legally entitled to obtain information about the rights of criminal proceedings, victims have the right to appeal that decision must be served on the victim; pre- judge accused person's release request must notify the victim before and after the statutory deadline to make a decision, and so on. The long case of "insufficient evidence", "no detection equipment" and other reasons not addressed, can not explain right, where relevant, or did not answer. Also may be subject to retaliation or intimidation, some of the victims not to report; victims are not allowed to contact each other, called by "ulterior motives of the interference and destroyer," "criminals", according to legal regulations, scattered resettlement; long-term in the electronicbrutal concentration camps of fascist suffered physical, mental torture persecution, victims cherish life, every human life not only of their own, and condensation of the parents, family and friends love and hope, but there is no guarantee of life, the horrors can not be expressed; death might may be "killed mentally ill"; has been hurt physically and mentally, than normal level of immunity and other reasons, or lead to all kinds of depression occur, the body difficult ill; some of the victims was the national security, public security (or forced to drive a wedge between family members) unequal treatment of , often with hallucinations auditory hallucinations, delusions victims, loss of insight (that he did not disease) and other reasons, to the "insane" asylum compulsory medical treatment, social discrimination by the judiciary; or intolerable suffering brutal torture "suicide" bodydeath, family members who lost loved ones, leaving life regret. such as Sichuan Wu Yankai, Shanghai Liu Ming-zhi, Hubei Liu Qing, Fuzhou Wu Qiao Yan suicide, some of the victims had been secretly killed. Victims lose their jobs, suffering poverty, physical or mental disability, family and marriage breakdown is everywhere (divorce hurt more than the prison), Mainland China's economic standard of living is relatively low, the deliberate creation of family conflicts, the whole family to sacrifice, they do not have youth, women 35 year old can not be deprived of love and marriage reproductive rights. Other ways are more victims.The world becomes too fast, dazzling, a supercomputer, can all the inhabitants of a region, etc. thinking, memory scanning, word sensitive inspection, the program is running, memory-resident, can affect individual mental balance, instinct, affect the individualchoice behavior (cooperative groups?), you can sell the soul of the brain control, you can blink of an eye, many things, innovation, emotion, memory is also controlled by the brain destroyed in the process of making historical accident, you can change the fate of the characters, too late to say goodbye and look back one, can lead to huge changes. 

Sociologist Bauman on "Modernity and the Holocaust" as in the proof of the Holocaust in our collective memory diffuse terrorist who is suspected to be painful to go to the massacre may be much more than just a disorder, far from civilization a deviation from the social health of the body and cancer. Holocaust is not a pre-modern human civilization is not to eradicate the barbaric remnants of a leakage of non-rational, modern building where it is a legal resident. This torture is flourishing in the era of science can produce. The executioner is undoubtedly guilty, and those who invented instruments of torture, they can escape the stakeholders it? Pain in the manufacture of their flesh, while one of its attempt to put pressure on the individual will and personality disintegration. In the "torture of human history," a book, Bu Ruian • Yien Si said, "Torture is the individual rights and dignity of the shameful and evil violation, violation of human nature is sin." We need to remember the torture, the need in the here and recall bear the pain, whether or not the minority victims, and put it into a lasting memory of our culture. To recall and memory, we must really want is the appearance of the narrative, the real need for narrative. In the narrative, if the shelter of the criminals of organized crime has a higher intelligence in the psychological torture and evil, then intentionally or unintentionally, cruel face to blur the shadow, so that the evil step diffuse indecipherable.Brain control of crime "super hidden" and "abuse of freedom", the low cost of the law by those in power, including the cost of the system and the social environment, goodness and justice costs, leading to social darkness, power corruption, judicial corruption, medical corruption. Overall interests of national criminal organizations, political and economic development, efficiency, stability, cohesion, maintaining the authority of the revolution and other reasons, the actual benefits for the elite, small group services. And other cases, it is split brain waves weapons criminals, political speculation, sinister torture, right and wrong, cover up the crime, shift the risk of trampling on the Constitution, those in power and political rights and powers of the bandits got the victim's survival, development, core interests being trampled upon from time to time. Tomorrow they will explain how to kill a man, after all, than the much more serious turn off a computer? Of "double standards", hegemony, power direct, indirect or subtle in their influence on government intervention, meeting the highest authority, the social environment, even justice, courts, judges are independent, impartial, detached. Thus losing the ruling legal rationality, and the meaning of existence. Such as the poorer countries, is how the NPC approved the huge funding criminals, and as a country, especially major public events, five hundred people severely affected (linked to the publicly disclosed), no media, and supervision. I did they should do a, body, spirit, rights have been hurt, the result is unsuccessful. The elite and the people they are forgetful, unless things develop to his head, he knows the problem, how he remembered so familiar, but just as he did not support the same for others, people he did not support. Countries can not progress in the development of democracy and science, then we risk being accelerated to hit every citizen. 

Conscience and moral law and democracy, is to maintain social order and stability, an important tool. Human behavior in addition to being ethical, legal, wealth, power and emotional impact of various factors, but also by the social environment, economic environment and political structure, the formation of architecture influence each other and regulate people's behavior. History, "specificity" does not mean a certain abstract entity, or an entity of some kind to determine the characteristics, but to correspond with the historical universality of the heterogeneity, diversity of a single person, a variety of worldwide social relations against theThe objective of continuity, the polarization of society in the fierce confrontation wealth of human existence is not the objective to get rid of the continuity of the two extremes, free will, greed and lust tendency to suffer from serious mental material desires, rational objective continuity squeeze of the existence, history, moral progress, in essence, reflected in the history of the concept of humanity through the antagonistic contradictions of history and move towards the ideal of transcendence. As the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said the same: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. Victory in spite of all terrors. victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal. Gandhi famously said: "When I despair, I would think: in history, only the truth and love to win, there are many tyrants in history and the murderers, in the short term may be invincible, but ultimately always fail. " His words may draw a crime of power of the theory, although the most powerful figures in history, like his Chinese characteristics of each of his hands are bloody, the stage for future trials will leave a seat for them.Both love and not love it, my next life we ​​will not goodbye. Is not only a father and son, we are all true. Just give the people the right to life seems, gave the people some of the rights belong to the people, then all beliefs and all political persecution and crimes against the law can be ignored, merits and demerits balance ... but Russian President issued a clear-cut issuestrongest voice: the country's development is the masses of merit, dictatorship of the people can not forgive the crimes committed. 37 to open the way to deliberately blur the moral comment on the bottom line, while the dictatorship of crimes beyond the moral bottom line is there is no reason to excuse.Einstein talked about "As long as I have any choice in the matter, I shall live only in a country where civil liberty, tolerance, and equality of all citizens before the law prevail.” Han, Xiaowen "Boxing shame to cure a gentleman, therefore, no kill Prince in disgrace. is a tattoo cut off the nose of the crime, less than the doctor . "Punishment is not the doctor is that crime control literati way to commit suicide. Country forever and the court (the government) can change, love of country does not equal love court – Liang Qichao. Gu Yanwu Ming and Qing scholars said: "The Yixing change the number, that's subjugation. Virtue and stuffing, as for the rate of animals eating people, who will be with food, that's death the world." In his view, a one surname of "subjugation" that regime change is not terrible; and moral turpitude, a mouthful, but believe in virtue and moral law of the jungle, the jungle is Xiasan Lan means "dead world", is the relationship between the life of the nation's major problems.Mainstream ideology has been to people's sense of social class, the top rich man, powerful, celebrities tacit understanding between a handful of people, the game greatly diluted, but "social class is still important, but it is also difficult to detect the ...... . " Criminals want to guilt, narrow, vulgar political, national, etc. to make a clear awareness of the benefits and thorough self-examination, clearing, pleaded guilty to a sin a sin in Western countries, Christians are a natural causal process, public confession and in the moral conscience and repentance.Demise of authoritarian state is sooner or later; dynasty, the privileged class to maintain their rule with the main financial system, tools are, but rather that the tools used to maintain their own rule (Ministry of State Security, the dictator family, what plant eunuchs, senior bureaucracy, the military ...) is the main interest of those who exploit ("transfer payments"), their consumption, has no moral bottom line of the tragic crime makes the hard times, honesty and honest, rational thinking, independent judgments, good people suffer, people could not distortion, fraud, smarm pat a horse on its hind guarters running dogs, flattering mean, the more background the more advanced the cause of the bad guys, whoever wins is excellent in the dark forces of evil could not grow.Bureaucratic official standard functions must give the community more and more important is to really establish mutual restraint, monitoring mechanisms, to achieve educational function, to be independent representatives of the people, and media networks, everyone's eyes clear and bright official management and democratic supervision, judicial justice. It is now fully describe the moral decay of a common word is "black", meaning simply did not open, fair and impartial. Has executed the former vice chairman of NPC Standing Committee Cheng bribery case, the Secretary of Justice Chongqing Wen Qiang, who is close cases, but there did not get the punishment of the death penalty, too numerous to mention. Foreign institutions, the judiciary is not the case, former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua • April 30, 2010 on suspicion of the 1993-1995 tenure used his position to embezzle public funds was sentenced to one year in prison, suspended. The south bank of Moscow, Russia 20, 2008 District Court ruling, from 1998 to 1999 of embezzlement of state budget funds $ 31 million, criminal gangs have inflicted economic losses of nearly $ 1 billion, the former Russian Atomic Energy Minister Adamov 2005 was extradited to Russia, was sentenced to five and a half years in prison sentenced two accomplices Piximiannei and Fulaishitute 4 years in prison. New Zealand's first Chinese cabinet ministers, New Zealand Minister for Ethnic Affairs and Minister for Women Pansy Wong, on suspicion of illegal use of overseas travel grants and on November 12, 2010 announced the resigned cabinet minister.The last century, the Czech Republic, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Britain, France and other European countries, Russia, the United States through the "chemical castration bill" to promote to the incorrigible "sexual recidivists" mandatory chemical castration, sexual abuse of prisoners in South Korea out started 2 months before prison, "chemical castration" for a maximum of 15 years. In China, in September 2009, Nanjing court ruled Wang Xiaoyan Zhu Min of the country's first same-sex harassment infringement facts of the case network was established to pay the compensation ordered Zhu Min nearly 8 million. March 2011 Song Town, Tongzhou District in Beijing Museum of Contemporary Art in sex action works in performance art show as a show of Beijing artists into force, recently sentenced to reeducation through labor for one year.Anti-crime to be exterminated. 

I was one of the more serious is the victim in 1998 at the time know, I do not have the problem, while not completely sure, sometimes about ten years to reduce too. Is not only time, I suffer relatively wide geographical, Guangzhou, Guangdong, Hubei Shiyan, Xiangfan, Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai, Thailand (sign extension), Indonesia and so on. I suffer the extent and type of technology are more full and serious, in view of my main job is computer programmer, were severely damaged. Fellows, some say the same, except rays hit the body, etc. have not yet discovered. Part of the brain about victims can not control that were previously written. Criminals who have forgotten their ancestors, licking sucking carbuncle hemorrhoids, swarm as flies do for good or hang round as dogs do for food, group dog barking, be guilty of crimes for which even death is insufficient punishment , evil group.Starting point is the beast as they say, is their choice. Victim said he (she) is a hybrid henchman. Criminals are central, local, green in the female, "pimps," "old whore", black old man, middle-aged, "Deputy Minister", a black captain, a white male, "Vice-glans" often true comrades dressed as gay, black male (black ugly) play nice (two with a face, sometimes on behalf of their henchman), blue female (that clever), green blue female, Yinv ("small white"), Pink women, psychological spy soldiers, white flat female, two Oko, Brown suit foreign men, their men "penis," said he a dwarf yellow pus a stomach, small black men, the "pimps" (place in Hubei), white rogue "Great Tea pot ", play the part I(Hubei substitute), graduate students, have certainly run away, said the" missing man ", technicians, silly woman, idiot men, hooligans, many soldiers, called the "penis" godfather, 610 offices, There are hysterical Scream growl, looking for stimulation, there is a dog of the military criminal gave himself the name of "excitement", there is a fascist, criminal family representatives, there is cock, ass, fake face cover, a note about this more than 20. I have here now is not just a blatant criminal offense, no moral bottom line, the blood reaches for the victims.Trained, sensible to do. Beaten on the head, wrong palate, cunnilingus, incest, ejaculation, and threw pubic hair, so I told her humanity attack, cervical erosion into the head, condoms, sex with men, and oral sex, bestiality, eat shit, riding, lost menstruation, take your pants off, Cannibal Corpse, necrophilia, buried alive, Xiasan Lan, etc.. More realistic to do naked fornication, homosexuality do have a black foreigner. Criminals to undermine the civilized, the socialist system, the desecration of national honor, violate the sovereignty of human rights. Each other to do their own, but it should not, only give the image (with false face). Erase my memory so long to do, let me also many nocturnal emission (or bumper), the more seriously injured. I have a privileged place in front of three-dimensional image, the feeling of cognitive mapping, a period of time every morning first to the Dalai Lama did Zhu Rongji. I do not think (sometimes I have to think), there are several people working for the same time I want, or want to imitate my way of thinking, control and power is relatively large, there are several people in the crime, in fact, they meet, there are two and many more combinations.Trampled on the head with criminals, bayonets, iron, mop, bottle and other piercing my head, eyes, Tiaoduan nerves, beheaded, cut the brain, drill into my body, sometimes the first few sexual assault of girl I know, and then I wet dream sexual assault, and twice a crazy woman from behind Chuoru strips of wood through my body, etc., and the feeling, cognitive, emotional passed to me. And there is someone special to do a serious attack, fight crime, first, to explain, repeat, do not let me self-protective reaction, cognitive avoidance, I feel like central nervous system injury. I sometimes real-time acquisition (or close environment) real-time data for the crime. Sometimes that passion, impulsive crime, but often deep to deal with things, responsible, exceptionally determined, there is great personal danger, even the nuances can be done well, the main time like this.Sometimes interfere with cover. I do not say how many people they have, I may just make a day three or four hours sleep, drink, watch TV outside their homes on the toilet, etc. are crimes. Their strength and density of crime is relatively large, and sometimes also more complex content and logic, if they scheduling it, there should be more than twenty or thirty people, some junior high school students stabbed knife away, there may be some temporary come. He (she) who modus after, sometimes I'm forced to crime, I do not intend to do this, keep me paranoid metamorphosis to think about it, I was to do what had to train a few of them speaking, but also to do with their homosexuality to their mother, of little use. Communist Party of female sex workers are very interested in sex crimes, or to see, but also to explore each other feeling, that finally was let onto a table, so trying to be.Often put a sucker position, pass me the feeling of them.Communist Party sex workers with false emotion, old-fashioned story, hypocritical compassion, like a hypocritical, oil head noodles dressed, gorgeously over-air old prostitute, broke a leg, sit back and wait looking forward to take the bait of blindness clients run into her private parts shameless, look over the pages of complacency and happiness. Notice, the stench that comes out of her early people shunned. They say that like it.The main theme in such a way, I do not want to waste words for it! 

They say to break the law, retaliation, culture, and do not regret it, career and fortune fast, life is very happy, practice after a lifetime of murder, not the other technologies, next generation but also crime, more crimes can not be punished, do not intend to sentence They were sentenced to death by, killing the Aboriginal standard do, justice they earned the death penalty they are cheap, they do not care. Other women also said that criminals have to serve the country, but also earn some of their own. I said they out of crime, home to a South Korea wife can do so.Behind China's legal system, low standards of human rights, the law is not responsible for the masses, they lead to a guarantee that it will not solve the case sentenced, no one is watching, fishing for a plan, you can not grasp the cancellation of the previous criminal record. The details of the crime, no one knows, the organization will cover, grasp them. I am here to say black, especially black. May be a more important case, say lasts, the notoriety. There is no misunderstanding about me, know I have no problem. I say bring it we pay taxes to build an aircraft carrier.Non-call me good, I have good, do good, the more serious crime, I opened a few fake invoices, or suffer. Mental equipment is useless to tell them, criminals will be nailed to the pillar of shame, they actually do with the pillar of shame sexual assault. I had gone to justice, and legal judgments, provisions explained, related disciplines papers, medical evidence, wrote an open letter to participate fellows joint open letter to attend to the NPC's motion proposal, the news media, etc., tell them about does not make sense, no value. A few years ago and they said, can I know a lawyer. My ex-wife also hurt, and forced to do two miscarriages, after many years still to do so. Also destroyed my old friends, classmates, and understanding the feelings of other people, Bank of China Zhuo erhua, Jingjiang, Jianbo, Li Wengang, etc., Dongfeng colleagues, Shiyan Beida Jade Bird men and women colleagues. The chaos is clearly lower primary and upper political rules, such as the right not clear at all levels and responsibilities, in the lower to the higher charge, lower fate (performance assessment, lifting honor, etc.) rests in the hands of the higher rules, vulnerable to lower-level criminals to shirk its responsibility, entrainment personal interests, wealth or promotion, is bound to take advantage of opportunities to please their superiors, the amount of job-related crimes increased, Woan Chuanan increased crime and other means of concealment, primary powers must be responsible for corruption, a serious torture. Criminals said so, they are criminal recidivism, murderers, career and fortune can be found no gold account no one knows, criminal pushed to unit commitment, leadership, commanders said fiercely: if you go to jail, we say that the political struggle , gang fight, the victim of surreptitious struggle, I go to jail, or to find the central relationship was for me to speak, came out three or four years, if you went to prison, eight years can not get out. They do not recognize conscientious, hands-serious crimes (that is not a "false criminal"), rob and kill. Sometimes the crime is a crime, common crime.Sometimes the crime is a revolutionary, killing the state action.They obviously are into right groups, and this violent criminal gangs is not simple, this is a subject armed with Marxism-Leninism the red SS command and leadership are. Their bad system to "good" into a bad, bad system, but only evil people can survive, they also make illicit profits between the sale, open relationships, betrayal, brain control crime, where there is corruption, but the degree different with different consequences, the victims suffer severe premature death only, think of my life of crime (for life "label"), may do more than one sector. Brain control of criminals, said before the East plant, ask them not nine innings internal repression Ministry of State Security Bureau, or the suppression of Bureau of Foreign Tenth, do not answer. I did deal with, they ignore. Now they have admitted that the crimes against humanity, corruption, torture and subversion and other crimes, I say we should solve the case after about some criminals shot, the death penalty before you can shout: Long live the party-state. I was on the road, came to hear the next song, they said the organization intends to sing: a grateful heart :"。。。。。。/ grateful heart grateful for you / with my life I have the courage to make my his / grateful heart grateful to fate / blossom as I will cherish / I by chance like a dust / anyone seen my weakness / Trends and I come from I / call me who the next moment / World Although the width of the road but difficult to go / I see all over this earth rough hard / how much I love how many tears I / Heaven knows I do not want to throw in the towel / grateful heart grateful for you / with my life I have the courage to make I do not want to do regardless of /。。。。。。" I had not thought, done, let slide. They issued death threats. In my records, do blog retaliation. I remember a few notes of evidence, recording, producing video evidence electronic evidence, but also to do a blog, Juyou,, http://www / home.php? #! / profile.php? id = 100000874011480 
, Http://,, etc., are removed some blog, articles. 

I know that this case may be, and ex-Premier Zhu Rongji on, I had a 1995 Bank of China Guangdong Branch of the female colleagues about their relationship with Zhu. May be based on this concept, we know more. A villain stop our plans. Well, first of all, we will quietly go around, and then we and then the elimination. I am a non-aggressive culture. I would have said nothing to their crime and I, I do not want their feelings, things, do not give my thoughts, experience, experience, the use of my resources, supplies and so their long experience (direct experience and indirect experience), the development of get, I do not agree, and shall not inform, delivery, or in any way disclose to third persons. They say give me a parking pass me some strange images that psycholagny obscenity. Zhu said in Wuhan in 2007 to come to me, to come back Shiyan said, give me find a surrogate female. 2010 also said this. Said turn over a new leaf, the actual crime. I do know that they may benefit in exchange, the Justice Department may also solve the case if they do cover the exchange of justice, sentencing a few years it may reduce the sentence, parole, warranty on the disease, the so-called "legal nothing more than human" and closed operations "temporary execution outside prison," prison.Justice of the width, of strict justice, if justice, legitimate critical look at where less favorable, the who, what less favorable, less favorable standard is its equal, for what motive, what effect to achieve the objective. In the opaque, no concern, under the supervision of non-citizens, this requirement becomes expect any professional to wanton abuse of their professional functions, the exercise of professional self-dealing power, that is "professional infringement" and "professional corruption."People to a large extent not only from fear of punishment harsh punishment, but also from the penalty must be of such nature must be reflected in the net of justice, that violators are prosecuted, has long arms. As a threat to human life will be criminals into custody in prison, isolation, physical labor is a crime, the punishment, tame and transformation rules, that, in this time through the wake up to reality and enlightenment and return to humanity. If only to strengthen the defense, let felons only place in the life of this exemplary period of time, then the risk in its legal case has not been lifted to escape and return to the normal place to live, and even more do not expect the direction to the negativetransformation, the success of the offender than to escape a greater failure is a threat to the safety of most people. Autocrat traitor Zhu Rongji said that he and Lai Changxing is the difference between a job-related crimes, there are soldiers protecting the criminal, there is the Central Propaganda Department to do propaganda. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's visit to China recently. I told her a word. I said: "I joined to fight for and protect the human rights movement's history much earlier than you." She said: "Really?" Said she did not agree with me. I said: "is not it? Me 10 years older than you, when I risked their lives to the struggle against the Kuomintang regime, for China to participate in democracy, freedom, human rights movement, you are still in high school yet." I brain electromagnetic weapons crimes, Zhu still do torture, human experimentation, grow on trees, regardless, incest, bestiality, etc., Zhu Rongji of democracy, freedom, human rights, faith in people and animals do not distinguish the boundary. He is loyal to fundamentalist fascist crimes against humanity, his sexual immorality, ambiguous relationship. Their crimes, lie, to develop a criminal terrorist crimes, torture, humiliation, probably right when he used to eat the loss on me. The so-called social diversity, a lot of personality can be spawned officials, coupled with the media rendering, officials now have more than ever the opportunity to show his face and expression. From the ills, strong medicine, so that an iron hand, strong style, distinct characteristics, but after a comparison, not the case, speaking hard words and the truth is not the same, it can be expressed as a ruthless clear-cut stand, speak out, dare to dare , or appears to violate departmental and local vested interests courage, people's livelihood, a rallying cry for the people's interests, even worse is the show dared to expose the sensitive issues, the official position and disregard black yarn, can be temporary cheered, but not true, placed in the course of history, a more open view of the scene, in essence, the legitimacy of the ruling reproduction, the reproduction of the legitimacy of rule performance, the reproduction of the legitimacy of the authority of reputation (for "moved" people, etc.), and even break the political power border, speak the truth requires, ethics, crime bottom line, even social responsibility, there is a great counter to accumulate loyalty. Zhu 2002, answering a reporter's question during the two sessions, the face of the world's news media say such words: I only hope that after I retired, the National People can say he is a clean government, not corrupt, I am very satisfied. If they are a little more generous, said Zhu Rongji, or do a little real work, I am thankful. September 2009 published "A reporter asked Zhu Rongji," are still lying, What's wrong with his own responsibility, Maiguan refuses to talk about, is it the servant of others, and had? Zhu insight into things, aware of the human, in this case related to his personal, his Prime Minister Is it just a decoration, or simply that eating cooked rice? , How to become good people? Been repaired the hymen good people. As vested interests, his performance did not say, paradox, and split personality, crime, sit back and condone criminals, assholes, not so much his clean and fair, the actual take off the mask of its clean, show in the world, just do bitch set up  honorific arch, the Central Propaganda Department, said Zhu was born do not know who his father is a blatant corruption of predators, China's Saddam!Can also give foreign criminals to provide funding, love and evil, secrets and salvation, the return is willing to strongly landscaping, blind loyalty sacrificial victims. Be sure to catch the criminals escape justice. 2009 Central Discipline Inspection Commission, Ministry of Supervision and the Central Organization Department, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments to establish a public officials to prevent illegal flight discipline and coordination mechanism for inter-ministerial joint conference system for corruption cases currently 60-70% The big cases are found through people's reports, China has signed approved more criminal judicial assistance, extradition treaty, signed the "United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized" and "United Nations Convention against Corruption” and other international cooperation system. 

Silence is the initiative to take the initiative to abandon the sense of historical responsibility. History can give up, so you can willfully doing nothing and everything. Passive silence is passively give up sense of historical responsibility, or the truth can not be said, lies not want to say, silence and secrecy rules demonized shady organization's survival and development of the security conditions. Declining since that were the truth in hand, chattering all lies, stories, insults the sense of historical responsibility. I agree with the British historian John H. Arnold found it difficult to agree that the historical existence of a "single true story," "because there is no 'facts' and 'truth' in the sense explained, is to say outside of the context to judge"; but these claims "absolutely does not mean you should give up the 'truth', just focus on talking about 'the story' "and should" try its chance in the sense of the complexity of telling the truth - or the fact that many a truth. " This is a very important lesson: In the very likely chance of a large number of hidden truth. As for the Whigs on the type of person who is bound to construct a historical myth must first chance in the shelter the truth. Propaganda about the case and publicity approach is a first step: the event is limited to crimes of "moral negligence," evasive. Zhu Rongji, the only "candid": "this moral negligence, is willing to admit magnanimous." Step two: find another accountability. For example you can "understand" the victims are not high levels of bad temper, so when there is a dispute is extremely bad attitude, uncivilized, that Zhu is difficult to suppress their anger, etc.; At the same time you can "imagine" a victim of such reactions must be very slow, so the "warning" do not even know when to avoid and so on. In short, the key is: the responsibility is not a "great man." The third step: naturally began to turn to praise the program. Such as Tsinghua University educated by Zhu, "love of art," "major achievement", the Olympics, joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), economic achievements, outstanding party members and so, for what genuine friendship comrades, such as immediately dispatched agents to control the scene. The fourth step: a high-profile characterization and dilute the "moral negligence." Such as to make "rational" evaluation: the "great character" and "high quality" or even a good father, good husband, what sort of "comparison", the point of corrupt nature "outweighed the bad ones." People has been claimed that moved. The final step: of course, from this incident to discover the glory of his more brilliant. the victim said. As Zhu crimes against humanity, eternal panacea: "Any great man, there is always some weaknesses and shortcomings, the public of this matter known to the world today, will only make more amiable Zhu credible and respectful, that he is a real people immortal, not God. "criminals against humanity, Zhu, a number of leaders, generals, their hands stained with the blood of the executioner will be dedicated to the people in China Yasukuni Shrine Babaoshan. Practicable by this opportunity to share the social wealth by illegal means and a variety of interests legitimized under the new system into the new bureaucracy or rich. Picture stories in the multimedia era of pan-entertainment, dress and deportment that the behavior differences between men and women is the sole criterion for whether a woman can be luxurious, enchanting again, and then thin, eyes and inner hatred or indifference betrayed you soul. No matter how much powder applied, but also could not block the humble natures. Your life's desire, the matter concerns the life of scorn, impetuous understanding of events, all reveal your nature. Diana's noble, not the crown from the head, and comes from all life as her own. The so-called distinction between appearance and temperament, hypocritical and gentle difference, the difference between love and pan-love, whether it comes from a good, honest, sincere, selfless heart, this is the only identification you how long the United States the scale. Woman's beauty and gentle, penetrating in nature, not on the pleated skirt in harboring. Woman in the circle has been achieved low-level needs, but also to achieve high demand, people need to be respected, when they found themselves to achieve spiritual needs of low-level, industry, history was discovered, discrimination and abuse, naturally, to flee or switch, re-select one kind of respected, the value of life to achieve their own industry. So, also castigated the industry to the public to express their advanced needs. But their temperament, good with lesions and can not cut off, even to flee the industry, you will be able to realize their high demand for it? Do you guarantee not to flee to other industries, "infectious bacteria"?Results "relationship culture", "human culture" or "power culture" appears reversed the cause, there is no logic of speech, wanton propaganda. 

Mourning has come early, so early memories, and this is the memory of the morning. In 1995, my Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu Institute of Computer Applications Master of Computer Application graduated in 1993, participating countries, "85" science and technology research "rock salt solution mining process parameters to monitor and control research," received the National Science and Technology Commission of the PRC National scientific and technological achievements completed certificate (certificate number: 070 663 State registration number: 980 521, Certification Date: August 1998) completed the first 10 people, China Light Industry Science and Technology Progress Award. Computer software engineers are assessing the world's best ranked twelve work, but also the rapid development of a smaller segment of the professional disciplines. Had intended to work in Shanghai, Wang Su-uncle introduced me to Guangzhou and, ultimately, with life, thinking, knowledge and joy of 24-year-old assigned to the Bank of China (500) Guangdong Branch work. I grew up in the Dongfeng Motor Corporation, the company employees are transferred from the field Shiyan, Hubei construction of the junior line, I grew up on the children of the school, social relationships is relatively simple, childhood memories are from the village, the mountains to the city: those birds are flying long grass , shrimp, fish, play Pina, mountains, bright galaxy, summer fireflies, frogs everywhere, as well as the ancient ancestral home, around the town's river and grand folk, entertainment, ten foreign market in Shanghai, the most solid bastion of the bureaucratic elite ... ... Dongfeng Motor Corporation of China in the 1980s, the top twenty large companies, Asia's largest forging machine, two of the three largest professional factory, automatic warehousing, ... ... is also the brain control evaporated, and the collection became the past. University recognizes that "we were born and a brutal, cruel, but also a very beautiful world. To determine the composition of this world meaningless or meaningful components of the majority, as it were decided by the individual temperament ... I cherish such a desire that meaningful components of the dominant, and win ... ... there are so many things my heart overflowing: vegetation, birds, clouds, day and night, and one's heart forever and I feel more confident of their own, that is There is a want of all things the more intimate feeling. "(Carl Jung •). "Jason had to tame the wild bulls in search of the Golden Fleece, Ulysses had to resist the sirens calling him onto the rocks on his odyssey. college reading "classical view only", "Book Annotation", "grandson Annotation", "Shi", "Tang Song Yuan Dynasty 300", France Dana "philosophy of art" "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale," "Aesop's Fables," "behavioral psychology", the students gave me Romain Rolland, "giant three pass" and so on. Yuexiu District in Guangzhou, the Shutong Lane 201 units of single quarters, usually with co-workers are good, moral and colleagues say that I am good, good character, and sometimes eat the AA system, to play with, no problem, insight is strong.Sometimes contact with the students and chat. Have time to see the book, "History of Western Philosophy," "reading" magazines.Chinese people in front of the submissive to the official Hegel deep impression. Hegel believes that the reason behind the cause of China's inner spirit of the Chinese people the darkness, where the land, the light of the human spirit, reason and freedom of the sun not rising. In the "Philosophy of History," in Hegel's come to this conclusion, this is a complete, unique, most oriental of the Eastern countries. "China is purely a moral construction in this combination, the country's characteristics is the objective of 'family honor' the Chinese people to see themselves as part of their family, but also the country's children in the family withinThey are not personal, because they live inside of that unity in the units, but blood ties and natural duties in the countries within them, like the lack of an independent personality; all countries because of the most significant long relationship. "" China's history from In essence there is no history, it is only just repeating the fall of monarchy and any progress can not be generated from. thousands of years in the vast destruction of land on the repeated solemn, but there is no change in nature. "(Hegel) in 1813, the drafters of the U.S. Declaration of Independence in Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter to a friend: "I agree with you, and people in between some of the natural aristocracy (outstanding), due to the virtue and Excellent. because there is a wealth of life experience and achievements and the family a false aristocracy, they are neither moral nor just ... ... the natural aristocracy of social values, trust and governance of valuable talent, "the selection of political talent, democracy is not the best system, but only relatively safe system. Election may not be able to pull the move Xian, but at least as many people involved in political affairs, to curb tyranny, effective way to prevent tyranny. Treatment, stability and order of life and fair social competition environment is the main reason for attracting technology professionals, to provide and protect that order and the environment, it is the basic freedom and democracy the rule of law, checks and balances. I travel with some of my colleagues, to know some female colleagues, one is the computer department colleagues Zhu 1968, graduated the same year by the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hefei. In 1995 I lived in two rooms next door to the room in 1996, lived on the third floor, the usual relationship can also be, she told me her parents in the Wuyi University teaching, he ran to talk. I work better, dispatched in November 1997 in Sydney, Australia branch of work, work has been well received, the Sydney branch want me to work and apply for a visa extension. Guangdong Branch, said there is work to me to go back, in April 1998 I returned to Guangzhou. 

1998 no later than this time I began to suffer. A blurred image, there is not like the feeling of their own short-coming, and sometimes let me in a trance, and sometimes the impact of masking feelings of my consciousness, and sometimes influence my behavior. There are several images that look down on him when I urination, there are times someone lick my back feel. Although I had heard of qigong, similar to specific functions, but I did not think there is such a brain electromagnetic weapons technology and did not want to be victimized. Although small, when influential, but I and my colleagues at work, still in overtime (chief sign). Evaluation engineer in 1998, the Ministry of Personnel should be approved, but did not go through, I went to Personnel asked, they said only employ professional English test. I did not come because of travel and the test, engineers sent me a unit qualification. One day my colleagues Lei Wan came to me, not telling me something: Zhu Zhu .. niece, I was Li Wan grandson. I did not pay attention. April 2, 1999, the unit comes to see Guangzhou Branch, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, are prepared to do the line merge, we traveled to section seven or eight people in the car I asked to so many people? With two boxes of paper do? No one to speak, after a while Huang Junjie said about Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital, ..., I did not pay attention, something we city branch said, adding that how the car Personnel who do not speak. Car arrived, I stop and get off with you, chief Wang Xiaolin said something in the next: he! Two strong men locked around my neck, my catch into a psychiatric hospital in Guangzhou, tied up in bed. Condition provider Bank of China Guangdong Branch of this bead is good, hospital number 50155, hospitalized 39 days, the attending physician to teach East Chang, 38 beds. Hospital medical records do not give to see, I later learned, the Bank of China introduced written medical records, I have contacts down, clothing, poor sanitation, lazy life, apathy, etc. do not care for the treatment of promotion, a clear sense of physical examination, meters clothing clean, attention is focused, orientation is correct, no delusions, hallucinations, perception comprehensive barrier. Lack of insight, thinking, logic, think of no exceptions, good temperament, personality, sleep normal, no limbs, spinal deformities, genital normal motor coordination. Neurological examination no positive findings, family history, personal history, past history is no exception, mildly abnormal EEG activity, no brain organic diseases associated with mental disorders, affective disorder, reactive mental disorders, according to CCMD- Ⅱ diagnostic criteria for a diagnosis of schizophrenia (undifferentiated). I protest hunger strike for two days, hospital nasal feeding, which makes a lot of blood, give me injections. The first night there I picture my aunt Niang to the brain, gossip ... then, I stared at the ceiling, a night without sleep ... the next day I asked where? Nurse said in a mental hospital. Sister to see me, I said I was not ill, the doctor said it was lack of insight. Dr. Chang told me quietly Cui Ma Dean has seen me go to the bank, he and I find Dean to explain the diagnosis, but told me I hit the drug was asleep, and I did not see. Scenarios in the face of uncertainty, the potential threat, I may feel nervous, anxiety, worry, anxiety and negative emotions appear independent state. Tied in bed, my anesthesia, electric shock, shock therapy, medication, do not you tell me. I asked drug safety, impact on the function, said Dr. Zhang Jiaodong treatment of adverse drug reactions, and asked test does not consider compulsory treatment side effects, doctors say that if schizophrenia, early treatment is better, not his personal bias on mental illness. I asked discharged May diagnostics improved and discharged. I was asked to return after discharge Shiyan, Hubei period of time where parents and units of hospitals that work well in Shiyan. Parents took me to Mt. Shennongjia, wooden fish, Wushan, Three Gorges, Yichang, rest. In September 1999 I returned to Guangzhou, the unit continues to work, but also to Shantou on business, I heard some of my colleagues emigrate, Zhu abroad to a Canadian. I feel there is no mental illness, drug adverse reactions (clozapine, risperidone, etc.), the positive control to adjust your diet and lifestyle, etc., as well as obesity, high cholesterol high blood sugar, skin lesions, etc., the doctor recommended drug treatment. That insult, sometimes cold, wet. October I went to a psychiatric hospital, Liwan District, Guangzhou City, Dr. Zhang to find out, tell me Fangcun District, I went to hang a number looking for him, that I am not sick, Dr. Zhang Jiaodong that I had cured, I live a normal life. Then think of the actual, still in the brain by electromagnetic weapon damage, victim thinking, priapism, and sometimes not the surrounding normal. I did not sub-units assigned to the house, because there is no contract signed ten years, in the city center can be assigned to house with three rooms in remote areas can be assigned to a new house with four rooms. April I took the test nationwide class B English exam, 100 points, but the unit did not engage me. I have spare time to participate in the TOFEL courses, May 2000 monthly exam the TOEFL, 613 points. And learn the GRE data, approval of leave in August to participate in the Beijing New Oriental GRE training course in October in Guangzhou University of Foreign Studies exam, GRE, 2160 points (570,800,790), in Guangdong Province to do a notary notary , ready to emigrate, and applied for foreign graduate student. In October 2000 I am looking for a lawyer, law firm, Guangdong Province, FORTUNE, No. 410 Dongfeng Road Central Guangzhou (Cangbian) 10th Floor, Room 04 Wang Xuyang Jianlibao (020-83486582,83486609), criminal prosecution of the Bank of China Guangdong Branch (020-83338080), Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital. In February 2001, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Public Security Bureau in the criminal report. April 10, 2001, I find a lawyer, was downstairs in the building Jianlibao Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital, bundled into the Area 12 catch (condition provider uncle Wang Su, brother Liu Zheng), hospital number 50155, hospitalized 107 days Mayorphysician Xu Yang, MD, Li Ying, I was on a hunger strike for two days, hospital nasal feeding. Diagnosis of schizophrenia (undifferentiated), laboratory, physical examination showed no abnormal physical examination, psychiatric examination no abnormalities, a clear awareness, focus, orientation is correct, check the uncooperative, save suspicious paranoia, apathy, willbehavior decreased, no insight, no abnormal intelligent memory, continuity and basically had no problems. EEG mild errors found neutropenia, combined drug treatment. April found that about lupus may cause symptoms similar to psychosis, from Guangzhou, two in May, the two hospital dermatology invited consultation, rule out lupus erythematosus (doctors do not rule out), do not rule out drug-induced mental hospital. Twice a week along with other patients, was pulled public bathroom (public toilet) bath. I heard people talk about the hospital, less than 100,000 can be kept in this full board and lodging life, a nurse told me that sympathy. I ask the hospital, doctor's orders on July 26 families received better treatment in hospital. The end of 2000 the Bank of China Guangdong Branch was removed, that I did not leave their approval. 2001 prosecution, said I need an agent, the court lifted my right to appeal. I do not have the so-called more mature, or told to prosecute, the unit, hospital, guardian, said I did not mentally ill. Foucault's "Madness and Civilization", said the discovery in psychiatric diagnosis and treatment process, the surface of knowledge, the role of science, but in fact revealing the Phantom power and domination. China Youth Daily said that even a spiritual sound normal again, can not stand "is mentally ill" mandatory torture, fear, will be tortured into mental illness. July Yuexiu district court more laws Min Chu Zi No. 623 civil judgments against, judge Liao Meilan. Protest filed in August 2001, Guangzhou City Intermediate People's Court presiding judge, Wang Nianning, Acting Judge Pan Zhigang, Kong Wanfen (Yun Ying Ho clerk) mediation agents and the defendant (President TIAN Xiao Ren), Sui French people to confirm the final word No. 2482 No. 2001 Bank of China contract expires in November, I was asked to return to their parents, Hubei Shiyan site. I asked whether the file into the correct legal documents, then can not see their own files, my uncle was found by means of access to the file, the Bank of China will be removed from the file into the criminal file, go to Guangzhou talent exchange centers, called Final Justice Wang Nianning , the judge found a Bank of China Guangdong Branch, was changed files. During hospitalization, the Bank of China put more of my articles, the evidence thrown. When my father and I take good physical condition, books can not some of my items with, throw it away. I went to Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Zhengzhou and other places. Parents took me to Shanghai, Wuzhen, Zhejiang Huzhou, Linghu, Hangzhou rest. Father and I went to the designation of Huangshan (back mountain), Lushan and other places. 

In Shiyan, I Dongfeng Motor Company (500) Technology Center, the people living in the parents' home Tiangou Lane Square community. Inpatient psychiatric hospitals in Guangzhou, the results of mandatory treatment, reduced quality of life, social function, learning ability and social interaction and other damage on the outcome of the forward-looking bad disease to spend more, the family (caregivers) and physical and mental and economic aspects of the larger impact and a heavier burden. In 2003, with Japan's Nissan Motor Co. joint venture, Dongfeng Co. I went to the Ministry of Development Headquarters IS department, supply chain management project manager. 2003 examination for appointment engineering senior. Travel frequently to do the project design, development, testing, migration, summarized in Xiangyang branch, and often just, Shu Guoxiang, work, meetings, Guangzhou Huadu Nissan plant, with the Japanese side angle Valley, off mound, Tanaka and other Japanese side translation Xie Hongyan, azalea, China Zhan suchi, Yan Peng, Luo Dangyu, Yu Shu, work, programs, conferences, do Party design, contracting, testing, migration, etc., and Shenzhen Feng Jiwei, Yao Song, Li Ran, Zhou Yingshu, etc., Shiyan depot work is still heavy. April 2004 was sent to the headquarters of Japan Nissan Nissan IS project management training for two weeks. Xiangyang walk to the highway, there are times in a car accident, almost overturned.From Shiyan to Wuhan to Guangzhou turn soft sleeper, living Dongfeng Hotel in Wuchang, and sometimes express train soft sleeper train to register ID, and sometimes from the Tianhe Airport to fly to Guangzhou New Baiyun Airport, China Southern Airlines generally have twenty times. 2003 my parents and I went to Shanghai to find work to get two three companies, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank interview, SARS outbreak back to Shiyan. I also participated in Shiyan immigration consultation company. In 2004 I talked about the girlfriend Chen Yan, her pure, good character, do the teachers work on my injury a few years ago, has warm feelings, we went to Xiangfan, Nanyang, Danjiangkou, more than two months before the wedding She and I said 1999 and was arrested twice in 2001 into a psychiatric hospital to do, think seriously injured in Guangzhou, these years have hurt, and preparing to sue, she agreed, I said it might be immigration, Chen Yan and my tears that do not want to leave to go abroad. In January 2005 we got married, held the wedding, she was a white, whole body love, gentle, kind, bright, youthful, she is the eldest daughter of the family obligations. Married two days began to suffer severely. In 2005 I was in Guangzhou, Shenzhen, a lawyer, is not easy to find. Subsequently requested a lawyer Shiyan Hua Jiang, again to Guangzhou Yuexiu District Court proceedings, November (2005), the word Guangzhou Yuexiu District Law in early 1093 number, lost, judge Zhang Xia. Guangzhou Intermediate People's Court in 2006 lost, the presiding judge Songjie Ling, Acting Judge Jiang Xin, YE (clerk Ng Wing Yin).Made an order two indicted persons because of the prosecutor to explain the matter of compensation for economic loss and mental solatium 2.3 million. Bank of China to prosecute because of my activities in 2000 I removed, turn the case into a labor dispute, further to my parents as my legal representative (2001 court proceedings, I was locked up in the hospital, when their parents opinion does not represent my views, and not with my parents ten years living together, do not know my situation), so I can not separate the exercise of the right to appeal (also deprived of my right to debate), I of the proceedings thusinterrupt, and then sue the doctor said the treatment would be caught inside. Not terminate a continuous crime. How could lose more than the statute of limitations? My evidence, hospital evidence, proof of employment, notarized documents, statements, court testimony is not credible, the investigation does not apply to the court to do something serious connotation and extension of the concept of fraud. Bank of China to provide false testimony, since that is how mental illness is not as sick when removing it? Etc., will no longer give evidence. I think this is the principle of rule of law and legal ethics thinking did not achieve the target, illegal use of evidence, "close-impact" of the "fruit of poisonous tree." Although a variety of ways to inform the relevant units and departments victimization, as the Court does not solve the problem of brain electromagnetic weapons case, I can only play the first prosecution of "walking a fine line," want to promote the progress of the case, and look for a partial solution to the legal economy. In November 2001, the mainland when he was Premier Zhu Rongji visits in Guangzhou guide the work.Read Bank of China Kaiping, Guangdong Branch to reflect material case facts, a lot of instructions on the report, then the first page of the space are awarded full calling for thorough investigation of the case. A few days after the incident, the Ministry provided to Interpol's Procuratorate of Guangdong Province, Yu Zhendong, Xu Chaofan, Xu Guojun the decision of arrest, and requested Interpol issue red notices quickly to remove the repatriation of illegally obtained identity and the Chinese side, Bank of China to the United States has provided a total of transnational criminal groups 140,000 audio-visual and other evidence incriminating evidence, the prosecution was 8 years felony. I have suffered huge economic losses and mental trauma, long-term drugs on the body, some of the features serious brain damage, consume a lot of money, time and effort. I judge Jiang Xin, Song Jieling etc., and tell me on the case to the Court of Guangdong Province level, or lose the. July 2005 we went to Chengdu, Lhasa, Tibet, Bamboo Sea Tourist married.There are two college courses she self-study. We rented a house, buy furniture, appliances and so on. My wife will suffer, her feelings, cognition, personality has become more biased and sometimes figuratively, often quarreled, she once said she had a dream, nails were slashed bamboo stick, said she was punished by a quarrel. I know she would not have this dream, I suffer a serious long time, criminals know that this line of logic.Developed to the point where even to the beat, the door is smashed. I suffer severe, and she said the victim's brain matter electromagnetic weapons, she could not understand. I take her out to dinner, to travel in Wuhan, Chongqing, Yunyang Golden Bay and other places, and I still fight, I can not rest, work. Every little crevice and began divorce. She has time to buy a blade, blade swallow, attempted suicide. Unable to work the next life, I am going to immigrants, and no source of income, in September 2006 we agreed to a divorce. The spirit of divorce is painful complex, suffer no fiction the truth, but also to expose corruption and organized crime to prosecute terrorist crimes against humanity, future pain, misery and waste ex-wife, lives, such as floating weeds. Zhangjiajie in September I went to rest. After the divorce there is contact. 

The summer of 2005, I lived in Huadu Zhanlin Hotel, watching the Roman • Roland's "John • Christopher", "He walked in the upstream in the whole of the night and now his body like a rock solid standing in the general water, a weak left shoulder while carrying on a heavy child. saints Chris Dorf leaning on a pine tree roots; ... ... in the torrent of emotion, he could hear the calm voice of a child - he giant with a small amount of hand holding a lock of hair on his mouth old shouted: "Let's go! "- He walked, Ou the back, toward the front of the eyes, looking at the old dark side, scarps slowly showing white to the ... ... is about to tumble Chris Dov finally to the other side. So he child said: "Let's to it!Well, you multi-ah! Child, you who is it? "April 12, 1999," Holocaust "survivors Ellis. Wei Seer speech at the White House" indifference to the pain of human loss of human performance ": the new millennium, so much violence, so much indifference. What is indifference? Etymologically speaking, it means "no difference." unnatural in such a strange state of light and darkness, dusk and dawn, crime and punishment, cruelty and compassion, kindness The boundaries between and evil have become blurred. to look away from the victim's body much easier. avoid our work, dreams and hopes or suffer interference should be much easier. involved in the suffering of others and despair, after all, is an embarrassing and troublesome things. On the contrary, on an indifferent people, neighbors insignificant, so their life is meaningless, they are hidden, or even reveal the pain with their business. indifference the others into an abstraction. cold does not cause any reaction at the same time denying the humanity of others, we also betrayed their own humanity. the darkest period in the ghettos and death camps, and we now find that those leaders They understand the situation, the State Department is informed. could not understand why the victim would be at the highest level of pain so cold? and the plight of our concern that so few people, but to rescue Nazi SS murderers after the war effort is far greater in the rescue of their victims during the war? accompanied by a old man I have gone through these years of quest and struggle. June 2006-hit does not work, only to resign. Unit, Development Department, Zhao Lingfei chief engineer gave me a work of non- that, in Shiyan City Notary Office to do a dozen notary, colleagues Yu Nanping, Xiao Zhijun wrote me a job that I did not accumulation, and Merton in the analysis of the scientific community on the allocation of research resources and scientific honor, we found there inertia of such a social phenomenon "Matthew effect": to make important contributions to society, has a considerable reputation in honor of scientists is increasing, and for those not yet known scientists refuse to recognize their achievements. Zhu Blackman, who will be the "Matthew Effect" to expand the concept of the scientific community's strengths and weaknesses of the cumulative effect of cumulative effect, and with its analysis of the social process of scientific elites and social advantages of the process of accumulation, including the "Matthew Effect" including a series of effects, such as the "halo effect", the "ratchet effect", "back effect", "time effect", etc. In the process of growing young scientists, the cumulative benefits through addition and multiplication of the impact in two ways access to its resources, is multiplied by the cumulative advantage of the biggest beneficiaries. Nevertheless, the advantage of the cumulative benefit of scientific talent is not unbridled, the scientific community of the principles of universalism and a series of social and psychological advantages of cumulative ablation process effect of the market improved, talent demand and supply sides to the self-regulating market mechanism to attract, integrate, promote, under, through open, fair and just competition for two-way choice, human elements and other elements to achieve the best combination towards their various talents to make the greatest contribution to the overall value of the direction of flow. living in the dark, dire straits, in May 2006 applied for HSMP UK Immigration, Immigration to the loss of my letter, I contacted the INS, the second letter received in October due to incomplete data, I can re-apply for immigration to explain my globe and Beijing Canada immigration contact their professional assessment of my material, that can HSMP immigrants, and I signed the contract. November changes in British immigration law, Immigration Canada, the company has signed a contract with me independent skilled migrants. 

After the divorce, I had to find a job. From a medical point of view, the so-called naive, that is, both wait any longer, urine, and then wait any longer; so-called immature, is that the only writings to live in the urine, but not wait any longer so; so-called mature, is not only writings to live in urine, and writings to live it; so-called aging, is that the only writings to live if they wait any longer urine.December 2006 in Wuhan Wistron Information Technology & Services Beijing Inc. Wuhan SDC, Wuchang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Road Business Plaza, No.7, Block B, 27th Floor, 027-87259322, I worked until 2007 In February, General Manager Yang Yuxiang, technology management, COBOL program to do finance and insurance business, renters Pengcheng Building 723, due to hard-hit, can not continue working. In April 2007, I went to Shanghai to prepare another place to find a job, see if you can solve the victimization. Leasing a house to live, acquiring water and electricity, etc., with the EMS to the Justice Department Forensic Center, Guangdong Governor Huang Huahua, Guangdong Province, Politics and Law Committee, Supreme Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate and other prosecution report, Guangdong and other telephone's Procuratorate, the police hotline to report , sent a letter to Premier Zhu Rongji. Huangpu District in Shanghai Bansongyuan Police Station, District Criminal Investigation Team, Municipal Public Security Bureau (No. 185 Fuzhou Road, East door), City Criminal Investigation Corps (No. 803 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai High Court, City Procuratorate report, the Shanghai public security monitoring, In frequented Internet cafes and do not want my boss told me he was there in the Internet, I said a report in the case of victims of severe, June I attended the Shanghai International Travel Service, Thailand tour, passport number POCHN, G17030649, from the Pudong International Airport to go, follow me to the criminals, Thailand (Bangkok, Pattaya and other places), and later went to Indonesia in July, the tourist police in Phuket I, aircraft carriers, Phuket Provincial Police, Bangkok, Thailand Tourist Police Headquarters, Bangkok Criminal Court, Thai police headquarters, the Supreme Court of Thailand, Thai Army headquarters, the Supreme Procuratorate, Thailand, Bangkok newspaper publisher, lawyer, Supreme Court of Indonesia, Indonesia's highest military's Procuratorate, Canada's Procuratorate, the Department of Immigration, RCMP, FBI , Interpol, the International Criminal Court, prosecution of celebrities reported in the Thai police headquarters, the International Criminal Police Department, Colonel, and after I talk to tell me to call the Chinese Embassy to the spot the secret police, the call is connected after I talk to him answer the phone, I hear is contacted Yuan Consul, he agreed to solve the case, the Interpol office took my information, responded to the survey, something you can then contact the Bangkok Criminal Court, the judge can find a reply to Police investigations, no knowledge made personal judge, the investigation can be personally sued if I posted a banner in Bangkok continue to report. June 20 I found a well-known lawyer in Shanghai, Hang-Sheng Ye, he and another lawyer and talk to me, read my "indictment" , asked the original company I work for, whether in Shanghai read the book, no public security bureau, said there was no evidence the device more difficult. Consulting Shanghai famous law firm, said Public Security Bureau to file, filing a notice to the Shanghai Book City access to information, bought a "Criminal Law" annotated version, ISBN 978-7-5036-6322-2, criminals that break the law, retaliation. back to the Shiyan, November 19, 2007 I Shiyan Dong Yue Brigade Public Security Bureau of Interpol report, I report the receipt, investigation will answer me. April 2008, my father and I went to Jingzhou, Ming Zhong Xiangling, Zhangjiajie, Hunan Fenghuang County and other places to rest. April I run enterprises at the Peking University School Beida Jade Bird Shiyan work, teach computer data structure in July to the Haidian District of Beijing Beida Jade Bird headquarters training, I went to the Supreme People's Procuratorate (Beiheyan Street, No. 147, Legation Quarter), the Supreme Court (happiness Road 18) to prosecute, prosecution material to the highest EMS Cao Jianming, procurator. August I Dongfeng Automotive Industry School (vocational school) signed a term contract, ready to rise to teach college classes based database applications-Access2003, e-commerce website construction and maintenance, etc. I have repeatedly to Guangdong Province levelCourt retrial, send EMS, phone, and requires that it was. Jianghua lawyer October 2009 (Code 442 000, Yun County, Shiyan, Hubei Bureau of Justice turn) to Guangzhou, there is new evidence, the request shall be irrevocable and levels of courts in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City Intermediate People's Court (2006) Guangzhou Law final word No. 303 civil judgments, and shall re-hear the case. Bank of China also won the "reform and opening up 30 years of the most responsible business" award, annual wages per employee disclosure 19thousand dollars, I repeated interviews with lawyers, telephone, e-mail to discuss, to find the case: in 2006, Guangzhou Regal He Jinrong sued in 2005 by his wife and children forcibly taken to Guangzhou Brain Hospital for treatment, center of China Academy of Forensic Sciences Forensic expert opinions on He Jinrong : no serious mental illness in 2010, the court attorney debate Brain Hospital, said: I do not accept the conclusion is right back to him some of the medical evaluation, cognitive neuroscience, corruption and other related information as evidence, although China was aware of cases of mental illnessdid not win the case (the first successful case in 2010), the lawyer that my case injustice, should win in 1957, "was famous," the mobilization meeting, said the attitude, not an exaggeration, to ensure that no attention to braid, not fight club, do not wear hats. two students, one would like to airing, meeting over time urgency to the toilet, another look at the situation that had to speak, the meeting to mobilize the very few sincere so he had to stand up and say, venue applause. drastic changes were arrested as counter-revolutionary, then his second campaign there were, right, starvation, political campaigns, through the streets, forced labor, prison, finally vindicated the late 1970s to implement the policy back to the city to work, but already the whole body collapsed. no airing of the students no longer speak, read and research resources, peaches and plums the world in the 1980s and then became research authority, in taking the time to visit his friends in wheelchairs, the two brothers tears relative, things are unpredictable, who can They think life will be worse hit it so big, standing, said: "Well, in fact, we both life experience is a urine poor thing ah!" in 2009 in Shiyan six Xinhua bookstore I bought a weir CPC Central Committee Political Committee "socialist concept of rule Reader", ISBN 978-7-80175-889-7, more serious criminal offenses in 2008 I bought a "Ordnance Technology," October Road, ISSN1672-4054, 31 pages " Brain control of weapons - is no longer a myth. "In 2009 I bought a" new weekly "No. 43, CN42-0071, 13 pages" to the mysterious weapon of thought control. "September 2, 2009 to 5, the CPCPolitburo member, the NPC Standing Committee Vice Chairman, China Federation of Trade Unions President of Dongfeng Shiyan Wang and his party to inspect, November 30, 2009 the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, He Guoqiang, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Shiyan City, Hubei Province in depth, visit the Dongfeng Motor Corporation assembly plant, the People's Square, on building a clean government and anti-corruption work for research, and I still suffer severe. September 2010 in the Bay Area's Procuratorate Zhang Shiyan prosecution made to the Supreme Court again in 2010 retrial, lawyersOctober went to Beijing to the Supreme Court shall be withdrawn Guangdong court (2009) Yue GaoFa word No. 2756 of First Min civil ruling, and re-try the case according to law, has lost Shen Zhou thousands of junks sail past the dead trees in front of the spring trees All the sad, warm, deep, life, time gone. lawyer send the letter to the Supreme Court for retrial EMS, gave a lawyer that I wrote, that told me the news. 

My parents do not believe the brain matter electromagnetic weapon attack, may also be affected, the body is not good.Mother, diabetes, brain atrophy, causing complications. Poor sleep, bad legs with walking stick, middle of the night will be wrestling, urine stool sometimes can not take care of themselves, came to help her sister take a bath every week, sometimes unusual laugh, thinking is unclear, I always go out looking for a job, find a girlfriend, said to Criminals look for her, the night I went to see her, she saw me in tears, said attention to safety. I try to use a wheelchair pushed my mother to the hospital, go out and see, now wheelchair out to die. Father heart disease had surgery in 2009 and made a heart stent surgery, take care of her mother, wants to take care of my body more and more poor. I am thinking ability is declining, have an impact on the problem, I do not know whether to restore some of the future. This is a long-term victimization, psychological stress can cause DNA-damage, would inhibit the ability to repair itself, so that the body's weakened ability to prevent disease, and certain physical and mental illnesses incentives. Although I know the body directly affected by injury, mental stress, there are other issues, they also do some of the possible I do not know, or else there will not be the body's organic and functional lesions. I also intend to check out materials. Of course, history also had a similar thing, I attached two in the back can look at. I went to see the doctor, the doctor repeatedly asked the hospital treatment, I have no money to be hospitalized. I had to use the father's name to see a doctor, treatment, medicine, reimbursement part. I found a medical problem, but also to do some of the medical test results are as follows (Dongfeng General Hospital, the top three hospitals), which are described in the absence of the brain control to the hospital in case of inspection: 1) the head brain, CT 2005 , 2007 CT, 2008 年 MRI, EEG, the results were normal.2010 CT, calcification. 2009 and 2010 found that cerebral blood flow map of functional problems, carotid atherosclerosis level, requiring medication. 2) skin, skin lesions, long-term drug treatment or mental stress and other factors. 3) heart, 2005,2008 in ultrasound, ECG were normal in 2009, the normal color Doppler ultrasound, ECG problem, reviewed in 2010 or so, the doctor recommended medication, and long-term observation. 4) liver, 2008, color Doppler ultrasound, vascular tumors, 2009 and 2010 review, requiring annual inspections. 5) blood, leukocytes 2005 4.1,2008 3.7,2009 was 4.2 years. Other blood lipids, blood glucose is exceeded. 6) Prostate (priapism and other reasons), 2005,2009,2010 prostatitis and other issues in check, requiring medication. I think the general medical examination is not easy to identify the problems and hope to do a national forensic evidence, may have to explain the brain-controlled circumstances, the relevant functional areas of the brain magnetic resonance imaging fMRI, ERP checks, etc., may be found to have problem. But not to the certificates and public security can not do. I was in hospital for around $ 800 check, it is recommended to do a conditional examination of victims. 1999, 2001, with father and I went east Maojian Hospital (Shiyan psychiatric hospital) is looking for senior doctors Li Xinsheng, he did some checking, that a large hospital diagnosis of schizophrenia should be correct in 2006, with Some brain control information to him, he said it might be from medical illusion, do not understand the brain electromagnetic weapons technology.Taihe Hospital in 2010 I went to (the top three hospitals) Department of Neurology, is the senior Dr. Fan Huayan believe me, but do not understand the brain waves of weapons technology, is director of Dr. Luo Guojun (attending mental illness) to the data, that can not be determined. 

I did consider the evidence before the main consideration to the evidence from the following aspects: 1) detection of brain control signal acquisition, 2) The channel detection of evidence, 3) the victim medical testing (including forensic), 4) brain control technology The subject source (technical principles), 5) the victims private prosecution, open letter, blog and many victims of the witnesses, 6) outside (media, experts, celebrities) reports, and so on. I have downloaded some access to legal, medical, media, academic papers related brain electromagnetic weapons, and sent to dozens of victims groups, and other stakeholders want to read This article much, and some other articles to share. A small number of articles is the author point of view, the faithful can be difficult to discuss. 

Among the victims are injured, some by the different ways to solve the problem, although some suffer serious, and about far more than compensate for some of the victims in the spiritual, physical conditions and poor economic conditions in the case reported by, to justice, petition, open letter, e-mail, petitions, blog promotion, for the detection of the case making unremitting efforts.

We may also solve the case to the road is long Come.Victims from the various efforts, we hope to resolve as soon as possible, and solemn public trial, the criminal penalties. 

Appendix I: 
Moscow trial, a total of three times, it is the climax of purges 1937-1938 repertoire - naked frame of the trial, public trial and the defendant pleaded guilty to the same Executed. 

Appendix II: 
    To the Cultural Revolution, he faces an even greater disaster, from 1966 to 31 August 24, eight days a whole eight days and nights, Chang Nai-chi are all sorts of torture, abuse and threats, 

Crime in human history, the Chinese characteristics of the crime, the most extensive, longest, most people's costs. 

[Author] Liu Wei
[Author] Chinese Academy of Sciences Chengdu Institute of Computing Application Master, Senior Engineer 
[Date] 2010-4 trimmed version 


Google Automatically Translated on August 27, 2011

Revised First Version on August 27, 2011

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New Year Message
                            2011 Victims of Brain Electromagnetic Weapons 

Sir / Madam, friends, fellow citizens: 
    Over the past year, will the New Year came, extended festival wishes to everyone. 
Era of progress, democracy and development in the theme of the times, the science and medical technology advances, changing the face of the world is accelerating. Surprising is there (remote) brain electromagnetic weapons, or mind control, directed energy weapons, has been used in new forms of crime, we are unfortunately before this high technology is widely understood the first victims of the crime of the anti-human terror and corruption. In addition to legitimate victims, the resources, information and other serious weakness in the asymmetric state.Short time the victim suffered only a few months, long more than three decades long over.

This high-tech technology in the first time in human history, has developed into more complex multi-disciplinary content: biological medicine, biological physics, human science, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, have their own professional system, terminology, is still closed (since it may not completely open), are also constantly developing. Because no suitable data structure, terminology to describe, can only be found based on victimization and public publications and other related information, the technology and make some of the current status of the case description. This technique may have been decades of research history, from before World War II, Germany began, biological sensing, involving human experiments. Countries are now better, including developing countries. Chinese some from the ancient Chinese theory of human science, Feng Dafu essays, "Lao Tze Translates Annotation", ISBN7-5325-0961-3, Qian Xuesen"human science is a large department in modern science and technology system" and other information visible. The attack suffered by the victims is non-contact, long-distance, non-implanted. 24 hours a day, higher strength and density. Criminals using electromagnetic waves (acoustic, infrasound, or carrier, etc.) to read your mind, extract all memory of the mind system(images, forgotten, unconscious, do not have chances, through biological electromagnetic fields?), Attack on you personally, allowing no knowledge of the people around you, your mind can also be broadcast to the people around you, further isolation, deterioration in the victim's social environment. Some crime is artificial, and some are set automatically of the machine there(with numbers, time association, and so on), some are video. Locations including private homes, offices, hotels, restaurants, subway, aircraft, places where no cell phone signals. Brain electromagnetic weapons crime in many ways, victims of the brain can read a single work; can duplex read and output to the victim (a minor, can be light to make sense of difficult to detect to the victim, may be of victim their own way of thinking); can double reading, output to the victims(seriously, let the victim know, maybe the second person to dialogue with the victim.) Seriously injured in the duplex, you can clearly know that they have been victimized, can not cowardly timidity, or to avoid doing self-defense. Less likely to suffer serious dialogue (who can imitate any voice, environmental sounds), images (which can be three-dimensional) mode, day and night (night is a dream) to instill in the brain of homicide, victims obscene, perverted torture, fraud insult, retaliation, Sometimes the contents of more complex logic, and the corresponding sense of smell, emotions, cognition (transformation), etc., can make the victim think, the control forces are relatively large, the body moving seat, distracting can not make normal.Hurt the victims of an organized system of normal thinking, feeling, recovery, will, character, dignity, work, development, learning, life, rest, and sometimes only 3,4 hours to sleep or sleep deprivation, first speak your mind, to create a large number of uncontrollable factors, such as the need to cross the road in the focus of the moment, change the victim's visual perception of control, manufacturing accidents; more serious victims, can attack the body's functions, such as sexual function, dizziness, excretion, and even self-control, breathing, heartbeat, blood vessels and other instinct, to radiation the human body, both inside and outside the body parts can appear uncomfortable, abnormal pain, suffering, sexual torture shameless attacks can be more than 60%, can reproduce human emotions (joy, tears, anger, etc. ), make long-term emotional not normal, sometimes abnormal in biased to keep the victim have to think assault their crime, may be paying for their crime (to punish them), in fact, can not do, the lighter victims have no human body, sexual assault, and even they find it hard to believe that other victims of such victimization; more seriously, according to some of the victims know, the advanced features of this technology can also be wiped off the short-term memory , long-term memory, can take advantage of the situation in changing people's perception of the victim to make a negative act or decision. It is organized with higher intelligence and evil mental involvement of the crimes, torture, has branches in the country. The crime has a strong hidden nature, cunning deception, the abuse of such freedom, such as 24-hour crime, imitate the signs of mental illness, so that low cost illegal, including system costs and the social environment, goodness and justice costs, leading to social darkness, governing corruption, judicial corruption, medical corruption. Higher levels of biological, spiritual and other practitioners, can identify victims of brain electromagnetic weapons and such as hallucinations, the difference between the pathological condition. In reality, however, some psychiatrists, police and other public officials, often by hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, suffered hallucinations, loss of insight (that have no disease) and other reasons, diagnosed the victims of the complaint with schizophrenia and other mental illness, force sent to psychiatric hospitals admitted, waves, and thus become the real cup, the victims suffered the second tier of serious physical and mental combat and so on. 
Victims suffer, often causes a variety of ways to seek truth and self-help solutions. Such as who are criminals, victims and other reasons, many people report evidence that under the Constitution, civil, criminal, national public (social security) contingency plans for such events in the provinces, local, relevant departments, the State, the judiciary, of such crimes criminal behavior.  and file a complaint, immediately report an application, notice, reporting and response continue, experts, forensic involvement, early disposal of the cessation of crime. Many of the victims in mainland China contact together through networking, public disclosure of the citizens, taxpayers, according to incomplete statistics, more than five hundred, including dozens of victims of 2000 before, but in recent years more and more Victims of almost all the provinces throughout the country, city, region, including state employees, students, farmers, teachers, retired workers, the elderly, women and children,  students abroad and other identification career. There are also cases of foreign victims are not the same. Chinese Victims are basically no relationship with politics, no criminal record (some people have the Chinese public security issued no criminal record), does not involve the more important economic issues. victims have no rich, active duty military and police special, senior cadres. Some of the victims from their case considered the criminals are relatives, friends, neighbors, but overall crime area, time and intensity of the large, human and resource consumption is not an ordinary person can do, or underworld, many victims considered as a state secret agency, public authority  crime. Crime generally have at least 2,3 personal co-ordination, if the three shifts, then there should be a victim of two dozens of criminals, crime does not approach the victim’s way of doing as to transfer. Some say criminals are hybrids runing dog, murderers, and some Communist Party sex workers (Some Criminals believe say a crime is not bad people), some SS, and some small rogue, and some "national security", some psychological warfare, espionage elementstrained. That in order to grabbing power and money, break the law, law is not responsible for the masses, does not matter, no one knows details of the crime, the organization will cover them, and do not want to  commute sentence, no one is watching. Criminal abuse ethnic Chinese, the people of civilization, destruction of the communist regime and the socialist system, profane national honor, the image of black foreigners who commit crimes, violations of human rights in others country's sovereignty. Now the twenty-first century, who would have thought of will have us this so openly in broad daylight crime battered victims are dying? Some people will have heard of, such as the victims reasons is not clear? As developing countries, is how the NPC approved the huge funding of crime? As a major public event in particular how the country is no evidence, technical reports, and supervision of the media? Without the legitimacy of the ruling? Hard to believe the case. Some thick black school, a passive act. Some indifferent numb silence. While some elite and the people and is oblivious to (or forgot to help), unless it developed into his head, before we know the seriousness of the problem. Democratic countries can not progress scientifically, and then damage is accelerating hit every citizen to us. 
Cruel suffering long-term physical and mental torture fascist persecution, life in the electronic concentration camp victims cherish life, but there is no guarantee of life, misery than words can say; even death may to be put on a hat die from mental illness; many physical and psychological harm because the victim has, or cause disease or immune system is lower than normal levels and other reasons, there are all sorts difficult terminal illness, crime has no moral bottom line; part of the victim was by the country security, GongAn (or force their families) to unequal treatment " insane " asylum compulsory treatment, fall under the justice and social discrimination; or intolerable suffering cruel torture" suicide "death, the family lost loved ones, leaving the life regret. Some have been secretly killed. Victims of death, such as Sichuan Wu Yankai, Hubei, Liu Qing, Fuzhou Wu suicide, Jinhua Daily News March 29, 2009 reported that "female students, sixth floor, falling seriously injured", cn/jhrb/2009-03/29/content_493762.htm, Union Hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Peng Junbin check-ups, and concluded that "pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis," incurable late, January 12, 2011 by the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Professor Chen Libo do had a palliative operation, victimizers intensified persecution (including wound and lesion location), family members, relatives do not quite understand this, the victim Chi, although very strong performance in front of criminals, but revealed the "I want to live" a strong desire to the mother and fellows. She have no yield, in a television interview, when the report gave an impassioned speech, denouncing torture for no reason, authorities do evil acts of resignation, sing the hymn of the Chinese people the freedom of life, and finally die in the 19-year-old awe-inspiring; some victims open issue dissatisfied with strong indignation "detrimental to social order" the words and deeds, or framed, was punishable by law; as "Anna Karenina" Leo Tolstoy said "Happy families are all alike, unhappy family each have their own misfortune. "victims lose their jobs, suffering poverty, not life, family and marriage breakdown is found everywhere, they are not young; 35 year old women can not love and marriage, reproductive rights faced by  depriving. Victims think that the existence of this technology and weapons to use, in addition to criminal elements, apparently in the "central", "privileged sector" has a familiar ring, so that the existence of corruption, and even corruption in the judiciary. In fact the victims of loosely connected, in its own already very difficult circumstances call for help uphold the prosecution of such activities as reported, but the case has been using "unsubstantiated", "no detection technology and equipment" and other reasons are not processed or no answer. At the same time the victim may even retaliation, some victims dare not report. Before the state machinery is not a good way. Signal acquisition, shield from the mind control victim, judicial evidence (including forensic), sources of technology (principle), The testimony of many victims, the victim heard other aspects of the evidence. I do not know why the submission of Justice and other departments are not admissible? Testimony heard (testimony) is the legal evidence, submissions from the stand point of view given the testimony of witnesses. In traditional epistemology, perception, memory and reasoning is the personal possession of personal resources, is considered the source of knowledge; and submission is the interpersonal, social resources, is thought to be an unreliable source of knowledge. But in contemporary Western theories of being heard, be heard as evidence of knowledge and logic philosophy Pat has been generally accepted. In today's knowledge of academia, it is acknowledged that knowledge transfer is dependent on society to be heard. History is. 
Nazi concentration camp in Germany in the Terai Tianjin, children continue week by week to "publish" [Linda] children's magazine, thus leaving the most valuable historical records. From December 18, 1942, to July 30, 1944, "Pioneer" magazine "published" a total of nearly 800 pages. Magazine special note of their childhood. 
I never saw another butterfly 
Butterfly, is the last one 
Butterflies do not live here 
Live in camps 
- From Poetry "Butterfly" by Pavel Friedman • In 1942, prisoners in the Terai-chun, was killed in 1944 in Auschwitz, 23 years old. After all the twists and turns, introduces "Pioneer" magazine's book until the 20th century 90’s, was formally published in several language.The suffering of the Jewish and dreams of children year, and finally brought to light. The time of publication, George • Brady and the survivors of the year they decided to "pioneer" magazine, then as the title: "We are the same as ordinary children." 
Over the years, have been repeatedly exposed brain electromagnetic weapons technology. Some of the media to play a distress relieve the less privileged social responsibility, such as The Washington Post, Sunday, January 14,2007, Mind Games, by Sharon Weinberger, AR2007011001399.html. Xinhua News Agency, January 7, 2005, the former KGB had set up neural Security Protection the spirit of the leaders, China Xiangshan meeting Neuroinformatics and Data Sharing, News Agency, 2003, the Protection of All Persons from Torture and Other Cruel Torture Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, # blog. China Central Television, decryption mind control weapons, 2011 年 3 月 6 日 CCTV13 China is playing documentary "See also human experiment" referred to the recent 28/02 to 01 / 03 meeting in Washington with U.S. President appointed ethics committee biological experiments. Fellows from abroad, informed The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, many fellows have arrived in the United States to listen to 2-day conference February 28 - March 1, 2011. Last 1 hour, more than 20 fellows in a short (1 minute half) to tell the story of individual experience (45 minutes clip) = 0 & live = 0. May 1, 2001 version 6 Dr. Deng Zibin Southern Weekend article credibility to a strong, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, youth reference, Netease (network) there are many reports of this technology. However, because of possible high-level secrets, China also controls public opinion,  not much mainstream coverage.  Since about 2008, a number of civilian products using the technology available,  beginning in the relevant technology film,  computer game controlled by brain waves and so on.

Because the victims are ordinary citizens, for this high-tech crime, the limited capacity of the individual evidence. Top hospitals in the head, chest and other EEG, cerebral blood flow map, X-ray radiography, CT, MRI and other comprehensive inspection can not see too many problems. Can only be found during inspections of brain atrophy, blood tests in the low white blood cell is not normal, more severe skin lesions seen in other clues. Research institutions to find forensic evidence or proof is required public security ceritficate, such as the Institute of Space Technology, Radio Authority, the Ministry of Justice Centre, but victims have not the general public security issued certificate. Victims, Biophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Electronic Science and Technology, conference papers, magazines, find and download a number of related disciplines to submit papers as evidence the judiciary, published and so on.Victims in the mental, physical conditions and poor economic conditions reported by the case, prosecution, letters, petitions, telephone hotlines, blog, letter, e-mail, the case for the detection of making unremitting efforts. Largely in terms of emotional intellect are necessary, which is the sacred right of citizens under the law.To find experts, scholars, journalists, lawyers, representatives of NPC and CPPCC, famous people, the CPC Congress, legal activists, concerned about other ways to help, almost traveled to Beijing, provincial, city and all solve problems reflect  channel. May 5, 2008, also issued a <Open letter to China's “secret organization" head> (43 victims joint), April 9, 2009, issue a <Ask a responsibility One of the leaders of national security sector Geng Huichang>(75 victims of a joint),,, Many  the victims a long time in Beijing to prosecuted, petition, Syw and many victims, July 2008, again in the State Security Department report, and submitted the material and the identity on behalf of the nearly two hundred victims, the end of 2008 Syw infringement by the Beijing State Security Department arrested into Ankang psychiatric hospital in Hefei, in 2009 after discharge, He and the number of fellows petition report, I wrote <the victims of China's brain electromagnetic weapons collective indictment>, prosecuted the case in the Ministry of Public Security, the General Staff, Ministry of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, the Military Court, the highestCourt, Supreme Procuratorate, Interpol, the International (Criminal) Court, the United Nations report, etc., and from December 2009 Syw Beijing was captured into the public security Anhui Ankang psychiatric hospital (not to discharge more than a year now). Universities, National Defense, and other community experts who were aware of this technology to learn about the victims of our experience and to help us, such as the National People's Congress Professor Hu Weiwu, Yun Ren Xiang also wrote reflect the mind control victim Notes: From the U.S. to create "Web siteCommand "Speaking,, China Law Society Member Sining, Wu Gan (butcher). 2008 Lizhong Xiang, Guo Ruquan more than three hundred victims of such signature to the Eleventh National People's Congress proposed joint motion "on the prohibition of conceal attack against Chinese citizens to use mind control technology and directed energy weapons the criminal law upgrading case" nowmaking; Yang Wangjiang, etc. China Technology Review in 2009, No. 4, issued a "Prohibition of the Use of covert attacks mind control technology and directed energy weapons legislative proposals"; 2010, mavis multinational parade of participating organizations; QQ group e-mail the "national spirit control victim to suffer against the open the spirit control technology certificate", the taste of public life victims, proof of the victims vulnerable groups such as the murder the discretionary power of attorney to prosecute the proceedings; 2010, Wam in China, Scientific & China Science & Technology No. 4 92 published "brain waves break transmission and reception of information technology"; the dawn of 2011, Xin zhongQing participating organizations to send in "To the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau whole the open letter", etc., SOSO Wikipedia entry: mind control weapons http://baike sp = SST% E8% 84% 91% E6% 8E% A7% E6% AD% A6% E5% 99% A8, but with little success, had also sought the implementation of an action to Minister of Public Security Meng Jianzhu, Ministry of State Security Minister Geng Huichang, which do not, as such, to promote the progress of cases detected. A large number of reported victims have been positive, require law enforcement people, insisted Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security and the General Staff jointly filing a case, the detection of the case as soon as possible, check out the crime to the line transfer arrangements, communications methods, forward headquarters, joint and the rear command, action, advocacy, experimental weapons manufacturing, logistics, transport, financial problems, but also obstruct the investigation, constraints and supervision issues. For criminal subversion of state corruption and secret privileged public authorities severely punish criminals by law, and continue to urge the case. Part of the report in 2007, when the victim (or even earlier) to know that after the victim made a report under the supervision of public security is already in; August 2008 on the eve of the Olympics, some of the victims on the case by the public order or national security of the person interviewed, the victims QQ group was stopped; Environmental Protection Agency, after receiving, report the victim No. 33 in 2008 had sent the text to require filing Ministry of Public Security Ministry of State Security; victims were sealed off blog, was refereed the investigation, had posts deleted and so on. As a result, the victims think that the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of State Security, the Central Military Commission, and other units already know or investigate the case. However, such a long delay, but monitor the victim in turn, is unacceptable. After so many years since a considerable level of criminals and the relevant departments may have been prepared, such as the relationship between cross-cut, and cut local organizations to contact, destruction of clandestine operations, file evidence, obstructing investigations and other criminal acts.
China is a country ruled by law, all citizens are equal before the law, there are laws must be strictly enforced, violators are prosecuted, any organization or individual shall not have the privilege of being above the Constitution and the law. The judiciary should fully protected and respect for the victims by law of civil rights litigation. the suspect, should be treated, according to a fair and open trial, which is China's judicial sovereignty, no right to interfere in domestic and foreign persons, is to protect and promotestabilizing force for world peace. The Chinese Government protects the rights of citizens, freedom of expression, respect the facts, give full play to the news media and citizens of the role of public opinion. 
In 451 BC, marks the victory of the Roman nobility of Western civilians in the early Code "Twelve Tables" was born. Western countries, the legal theory advanced continuously enriched with Montesquieu's "Spirit of the Laws," Mill's "Freedom" and so on.The United States two hundred years, regardless of their specific policy on how the president, the first emphasis must be faithful to the Constitution. Policy under the Constitution, under the focus of the situation is different in different, but the eternal is to ensure people's basic freedoms and rights. "Virtue and happiness, responsibility and interests, honest and magnanimous policy and social prosperity are inseparable unity of the people's happiness", in good faith from the turbulent political struggle, or fight in bloody violence, leaders produced a very rare character. Each president is in a different language to express this principle. Jefferson came to power two of the  speech free principles are more detailed, special emphasis on protection of minority rights and tolerance of different opinions and even the errors, and highlight the issues of press freedom. International criminal procedure has gone through a long process, since the 20th century, after World War I Paris Peace Conference in 1919 decided to set up organizations in 1921 in Leipzig from punishing war crimes. After World War II, the international community to trial during the war seriously undermined the peace and endanger human , crimes against humanity, has established the Nuremberg International Military (Crime) and the Far East International Military Court (Criminal) Court, 1946, Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in Germany was born with a rather harsh on the development of the legal language of a specification written by the world's first human experiment, "Nuremberg Code" file, after which, through rational thinking people, as a blueprint for the development, including the "Declaration of Helsinki", "Tokyo Declaration" and a series of norms of international human experiment "Code." 1949 formulated the "on the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian" (1949 4th Geneva Convention) 1991, the UN Security Council established the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, the territory of the former Yugoslavia for trial, deliberate murder, genocide, torture, rape, arbitrary arrests and other serious violations of human rights crimes. 3 years after the establishment of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in a occur within countries and different ethnic genocide, crimes against humanity and other trials, breaking the original scope of international crimes, and expand the functions of the International Criminal Court and International Criminal Proceedings method of thinking. July 2002 1 daily based in the Hague International Criminal Court was established, marking the international criminal trial into a new level. Corresponding to wars, conflicts, changes in crime, the international community continue to adjust the legal norms and legal interpretation, because of the benefits of non-uniformity, the treaty has lag. Human rights law in mainland China to adjust the level of low, just joined and ratified more than 200 international multilateral treaties, covering economic, political, diplomatic, cultural, technological, military, human rights, environment and other fields, such as "Civil and Political Rights Convention "and so on, can not perform its treaty obligations seriously.

China has a legal tradition dating back to ancient times. The fifth century BC in the Yellow River, Shanxi Yasumura now have a code available, Li's "Law Codes" Is generally considered the first written code. Li therefore historians identified as Chinese history, the originator of established codes, later comments as: "the spirit is the Han Dynasty, more direct continuation of the Northern Wei Dynasty, but for the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing law of the Dynasty also. "future generations have to develop" Qin Lv", Wei" new law "," the Ming Dynasty Annals laws "until the culmination of Chinese feudal law sets the" Qing Law. " China also has the idea of ​​human rights, such as Confucius proposed the "People" ideology. "Xunzi. Duke Ai," it reads: "Confucius heard of the king who is also the boat; common people are also the water. The water will carry a boat, the water will overturn it." Mencius "people, boat followed, the king of light "concept. Moreover, the recognition of the principle of equality before the law, the Confucian emphasis on "hearings, according to law, without some privilege", meaning that as long as the criminal, no matter who, must be punished, not beyond the privilege. In addition, this thinking is also reflected in the requirements of a just punishment, Confucius stands for: "No private party workers, not punishment private enmity," against the use of legal Gongbaosichou. Law enforcement in the conviction and sentencing advocates insisted the principle of legal equality, not because of who the repeal of laws, not because of man Jiqingjizhong, instead of been a penalty, punishment fit the crime, crime consequential Text of. In emphasizing the equal rights, but also at the same time stands for the freedom, the freedom of conscience, the idea: let their conscience, their heart and soul, and freedom of expression in thought, Confucian ideas Appreciating, for the free expression of speech is that people thought and communication means, and the law can only punish behavior, not punish thought and speech, which is obviously the right to freedom of thought protected. These can be seen that advocated the right to equality and freedom of human rights and the rule of law in modern philosophy has much in common with the modern development of human rights consistent.

Entered in modern times, the implementation of a modern democratic legal system, people-oriented. Communist China also requires the implementation of the law of human rights. For example February 1, 1946, "Xinhua Daily" article: the past two decades, especially in the last few years, we see every day is "Why, can only, allowed people to light lamps." Government decree, whether for the people sake, it is set regardless. Most people with such indignation that the law, the government did not comply. Government to the people of the law every day, every day the Government is illegal. This style, and the word democracy is miles apart! So who is true democracy and so on, we not very high on the base of the first step look at those issued by the Government short of democratic checks whether the percentage of cash? If you have already written in black letters on white paper not yet fulfilled, what is there to say? So before the meeting in Political Consultative Conference, we need you to promise to honor those who, from that point should at least do little things, hope the Government will show people the big letter. March 5, 1944, "Xinhua Daily" article: restriction of freedom, repression of the people, is completely fascist Germany and Italy at a pulse true mass, color painting the paste in any case, it can not let people eating free fruit, taste a little sweet democracy. After the late 1970's to improve the implementation of the rule of law, combating crime, corruption and so on. The 21st century, with new development. Such as the March 8, 2000, the Supreme Court has approved of the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government, Hu Changqing, former deputy governor of corruption, bribery, the case of huge unidentified property of Final Appeal ruled that the death penalty, in Nanchang implementation.Although there are a number of the death penalty, not be punished.At 9:05 on July 7, 2010, escort bureau level public security bureau is a strong team arrived at the text of Chongqing Geleshan on a place of execution, the arena of life, was executed. "50 years of development of human rights in China" White Paper, on the situation of human rights development in China for 50 years conducted a comprehensive review and outlook, the White Paper is divided into Human Rights in China historic turning point in the development, survival, development and economic, social and cultural rights, a huge improvement, civil and political rights are effectively protected, women, children, protection of the rights, ethnic minorities equal rights and special protection of human rights in China's inter-century prospects of six parts, the text of about 15,000 words.People's Daily Special Report December 2, 2010, Taiwan's first scandal was sentenced 11 years imprisonment for the outgoing leader Chen Shui-bian formally Taipei, Taoyuan County prison. September 28, 2010, Chinese and Russian heads of state issued a "Second World War on the 65th anniversary of the Joint Declaration", to eliminate prejudice and thoroughly punish fascists, criminals against humanity, and the remnants of the survival of the soil, with a distinct realitysignificance. In 2009 published a "National Human Rights Action Plan (2009 - 2010)" (full text) December 2010 release, "China's anti-corruption and clean government" white paper 6, 2005, Premier Wen Jiabao attended the Jakarta ASEAN Leaders earthquake and tsunami disaster special session, establish an international image, to December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami humanitarian relief and recovery and provides more than one billion yuan assistance November 30, 2009 the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, He Guoqiang, secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection research of Shiyan City in Hubei in depth, visit the Dongfeng Motor Corporation assembly plant, the People's Square to building a clean government and fighting corruption, etc.

However, in some matters is not the case, the overall interests of national, political, and economic development, stability, cohesion, maintenance of authoritative, revolution and other reasons, the actual benefit for the elite, small group services. With "double standards", with political hegemony, power politics with its influence, directly or subtle intervention government departments, social environment, and even the judiciary, the court's independence, impartiality, neutrality of the judges, apolitical, detached. Thus losing the ruling legality, legitimacy, and the meaning of existence. Cases of the brain electromagnetic weapons is such, different with other cases, it is that rare modern society full of crime. Criminals have no idea of ​​the basic moral values, a number of forgotten ancestors, and sinister torture, regardless of the merits of things, but right and wrong, the victim's right to survival and development rights being trampled upon from time to time. They explain  tomorrow how will be better than killing a man, after all, is much more serious turn off a computer? A Chinese who has a lot of power in China's history, the paradox of power may create the largest manufacture of the language may be the crown the most specific. As individuals, within the heart of his personality is not split, but as a major policy decisions and the associated history of people, split personality is the biggest cover up their inner contradictions of the weapon. Inconsistencies republic in language, dictatorship in action; the oath in compliance with the Constitution, trampled on the Constitution in action. Because who will pick up the President's pledge to restrict the President? Who vowed to test his memory of his actions? Those around him are generally dwarf-type animals, who are willing to stand up and say: Madam President, you have deviated from the oath you had. In the course of Chinese history where such a person never appeared. Because there is no such person to the President away from his pledge to provide a space and a wide range of cultural foundation. 

Moral self-discipline and law enforcement to maintain social order and stability in an important tool. Human behavior not only by ethics, law, wealth, power and emotional impact of various factors, but also by the social environment, economic environment and political structure. It can be said to form the structural system interact with each other and regulate the person's behavior. When the effect of lowering moral standards, the law will follow the sanctions weakened the power, wealth, the role will be obvious, the status of the special powers were protruding. When the role of legal sanctions reduced the role of moral norms will be lost, the wealth effect becomes prominent position of power to become the deciding factor. When elevated to the primacy of wealth, the role of moral norms becomes weak, the role of legal sanctions will also be affected, the role of power is even more crucial. When the power as determinants of moral standards to be ineffective, legal sanctions can hardly fair, will play a role in fueling wealth. The case, politics is very important regulatory role. When politics is not the social, economic and political structures to adjust the environment, but highlights the political power, then inevitably to the community, adversely affect the economy, against the core national interests.Just give the people seemed right to life, back to the people some of the rights belong to the people, then all the beliefs and all the political  crimes of persecution and violation of the law can be ignored, merits and demerits balance ... ... but Russian President issued a clear-cut issue the strongest voice: the country's development is the people's achievements, and the people can not forgive the crimes dictatorship committed. Panax open method of deliberately blurred comment moral bottom line, while the dictatorship of crimes beyond the moral bottom line is there no reason to excuse. Power politics, might say criminal not on the bureaucrat , it should be six years from the Han Emperor Xiaowen, as Jia Yi Liang Huai Wang Taifu of the emperor on a sparse, made ritual effect, he said: "The sense of shame Boxing to cure a gentleman, so There Cisi kill without shame. is a tattoo cut off the nose of the offense, less than the bureaucrat."That is, gentleman in view of its identity, its own modest way, is not really to be free from the Death. Handi use of this sparse, the bureaucrat crime control solution is suicide. China today is largely the environment are not even struggle, India have some basis of democracy, a certain extent about the rules and the rule of law, the United Kingdom is basically the struggle of Gandhi to give humanitarian treatment of him has not assassinations and political persecution, he had also received the King's invitation, the British public opinion on his actions gave great support. In most cases, India has freedom of association, freedom of demonstration, so Gandhi can take legitimate means of struggle, or walking a fine way. Gandhi famously said: "When I despair, I remember: in history, only the truth and love can conquer a lot of history, tyrants and murderers, in the short term may be invincible, but after all, will always fail."These words may be the final nail on the power of a crime, although the most powerful figures in history, similar to his Chinese characteristics, each of the hands are bloody, the trial stage in the future will be one seat left for them. It is expected that the Government can not fulfill the foreign and alien to resist oppression, to provide public services within the state functions, in many cases often evolve into a competition with the public interest, against civil rights organizations and even demonize organizations. The government should fulfill their duties, people must have oversight authority of the Government, and the most effective monitoring approach is to use votes to choose the Government. Perpetuating the state court (the government) can be changed, the love of country does not equal love court - Liang. "We really should not be patriotic? "Text: the evil state better than no country; ... ... We love the state of national well-being for the people, not the people make sacrifices for the country. - Chen. To make us love our country, our country should be cute. - Ademenboke. 
Power politics might say, brain electromagnetic weapon is a special case, is the pain of historical progress in the case of filing the exposure is not conducive to social stability. Is the nature of the case is difficult and the integration of the universality of historical evolution? Current economic and human capital from the incomplete transition to improve the living condition of the economy and the survival of the state capital, the reasonable and lawful and the universality of the survival of a total of How critical and positioning? currency of survival of the world can be understood as essential: the use of self-interest of the exchange value of the special nature of the law or attempt to redeem some of the human spirit through the universal world of good? history of "universality" does not mean a phase difference between the individual and specific abstract entities, but the heterogeneity of historical events that supported the history behind the Idea or rules, is a combined purpose of history and history of the philosophy of regularity of the abstract, but also means that history can be based on a reasonable plan and expand human understanding and reason towards a historic goal. History, "special" does not mean a certain abstract entity or an entity to determine the characteristics of some, but to correspond with the history of the universality of the heterogeneous and diverse single person, which includes private inherent in human nature to the pursuit of free will, greed and lust, egoism behavior tendencies. The dialectical materialism of Marx said, history can only be engaged in the practice premises, with the reality of personal social relationships. Therefore, when people think about the process of social history must proceed from the real individual, from the sentimental, the starting heterogeneity of individual units. The progress of history is not a simple, only the pure and positive process of judging, but a negative by the inner part of the continuous history to achieve the realization of the evolution of evil become good. It is not the historical progress of the defect, it is precisely that not only can enjoy the historical progress of mankind, but also a profound experience, and experience the historical progress of the tortuous process. On the other hand, human nature is not only a good tendency, and the evil tendencies: "If we can give the man to a natural, constant, albeit limited, good, then they may notice that they accurately This species is in progress towards improving because of the events encountered here, but can create their own. The human is the cornerstone of a total concept of human social needs and the value of the pursuit of social benefit-sharing options, which objectively exist in the among its own internal contradictions of human nature. historical evolution of the existence of universality and particularity, reflecting the needs of both the world of human existence, the two pursuit: real and ideal, material and spiritual life and faith, instinct and aesthetic , Labor, and the expected and so on. history is driven, in practice, continue to address the above needs and the pursuit of life of the world caused by a series of contradictions, conflicts and confrontation, people kind of constant evolution and enhancement of classes possible, should protect the moral conscience of intellectuals have enough space to produce knowledge and ideas. historical progress, meaning, in essence, reflected in the history of the Idea of ​​history through human antagonistic contradictions go beyond the ideal. 
We clearly see that all the world against the continuity of the objective social relations, social polarization in wealth fierce confrontation is not out of the human living condition the continuity of the two extremes of the objective, spirit crushing hit by materialism continuity of the existence of objective, have proved that human beings and human smuggling to the Idea of ​​the conflict still exists, capital penetration in the world of space, the more filling the particularity of self-interest, the more the concept of scarcity led to mankind, which resulting from the fundamental universal human ideal current design of the system demand, the demand for universal lofty spiritual realm. Charles Dickens in "Tale of Two Cities," said, "That was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was wisdom, it was foolish years; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness; it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going in the opposite direction - in short, the period was very similar to now. "historical progress of the inherent negative, the decision still needs the human society in a positive manner to find the universal principles of justice and the common concept of healthy and positive spirit, in order to correct the morbid social and pathological anxiety irrational behavior of human . Let people know the tragedy has occurred and the tragedy is very important. People are still suffering, to raise awareness of sin, evil attention. Social progress not only by the national government and the efforts of heroes and more to rely on each person's sense of morality, when every ordinary Chinese people are aware that he is an independent personality, dignity and individual rights, the courage to pursue their own ideals and happiness only when slowly reshape moral bottom line, citizens will be able to enhance the overall quality. 
I am a victim no later than 1998, when know, a period of time not fully believe this crime, is one of the more serious victims. I graduated in 1995, Master degree in Computer Application, work assigned to the Bank of China. I am more than a decade in the physical, mental , has long been a functional, organic injury, has reached the physical, the physical level, can not compensate for long. I am thinking skills, self-repair skills were declining adjustment may have an impact on the problem. German proverb says: the actions of three ways: first, by thinking, this is the most noble, the second, by imitation, which is the most portable; third, hands-on, this is the most painful. (Der Mensch hat dreierlei Wege klug zu handeln: erstens durch Nachdenken, das ist das edelste; zweitens durch Nachahmen, das ist das leichteste; drittens durch Erfahrung, das ist das bitterste.). I suffer more serious level and type of the victims a long time (the middle may be stopped), the injured area bigger, criminals rationally crime, revenge, some repeat offenders, and some loaded mental illness, crime beaten on the head, startled , removal of white matter, Lenovo, poke eyes, beheading, nocturnal emission, oral sex, incest, bestiality, feces and other Xiasan Lan Cypriot way to erase memories, charge (poison) gas laugh, Zuiburongzhu, also made possible I do not know, I told them prosecuted, and connect with my lawyer. Criminals also kept me paranoid crime on them, I do not want to do. Want to take away my thoughts, experiences long experience, not possible, although the victim, I have to think about. Intellectual reasons for not attacking, but I've heard, Freud said sex is the main driving force for social progress, individual, and the other criminals because of low moral character. Non-call me good, I started a few false invoices, or suffer. I have good, do good, crime is more serious. My marriage, family, parents are likely to suffer. Input image in the brain, including better social relations of my people, and even primary school students have the name of photographs, original work unit colleagues, students, and even more for a long time are not linked. the emergence of the image more like, I do not know where it come. The next and the future thing of mine, and to crime. I am a non-aggressive culture, poor health, sometimes I run, exercise equipment, and sometimes to learn Adobe Photoshop CS4, download movies to see sometimes, and sometimes travel, the actual device may be used even give me the output of the nervous tension, stress is difficult to relax. The rain is falling, I do my should be done, the result is unsuccessful. September 2, 2009 to 5, the CPC Central Committee, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, Federation of Trade Unions President Wang Zhaoguo Dongfeng Shiyan line to inspect, October 20, 2010, the former CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing CommitteeCentral Discipline Inspection Commission secretary Wu Guanzheng to the base of Dongfeng Automobile Company, visit the Independent Commission Against Corruption Shiyan, a serious criminal offense. 
In 1999 I was working with colleagues, as well as overtime (chief sign), lived in Yuexiu District, Shutong Lane single unit and co-workers are better, I have no problems, strong insight. April Bank of China catch me into the Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital, mandatory treatment, said that I lost insight, let me acknowledge the sick, injecting drugs (do not tell me the name of the drug), electric shock, shock therapy and so on, the hospital said that I rule Okay. In the spirit of the physical injury, I still continue to work, travel to Shantou also solve the problem. But the victims of more serious, the house has not assigned and so on. 2000, I prosecuted criminal cases on this, the unit BOC (notice my guardian) takes me arrested and forced treatment, I was removed. Case wrote: Bank of China since that is how mental illness can be removed as removed? Units, Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital on the reasons for hospitalization, the condition could not explain? But to go to work I went to Hubei. In 2001 I returned to Hubei Shiyan Dongfeng Motor Corporation where the parents worked, continue to work. After the examination in 2003 I was appointed a senior engineer, in 2004, was sent to headquarters in Japan, Nissan, IT management training. Received by the unit of work. 
In 2004 I met my wife. She graduated from Normal college, a smile on her face, full of dignity and said to me, "I am the best in class. My teacher said." Said the teacher said she was smart. Her spare time often in the library, piano room. She wants to go to school, the teacher told her that she would become a teacher. In early 2005, we got married, want to live a better life. Just got married, suffer the serious, I Xiangyang, Guangzhou keep a business trip, I hired a lawyer in 2005, once again to the Guangzhou Yuexiu District courts, prosecution was interrupted in 2001, crime continues, how will the lost time too? Important evidence, testimony do not see. 2006 in Guangzhou City Intermediate People's Court lost. In 2006 I was unemployed, there is no source of income, apply for immigration under contract. There is no guarantee of economic and even lives, she may suffer, forced to divorce. Ex-wife is gone, the poor woman to continue traveling in the wind, difficult, painful, step by step, her feet on dry land. Difficult - but she has used tough, is not it? We do believe that clever than her? - Criminals who, Gluttons, a closet full of flesh and blood, all kinds of corruption, money or suffocating. We all know this sad story, but do not know how to end it. 
December 2006 in Wuhan Wistron Software (Beijing) Co., Ltd. signed a contract with me, I work in Wuhan to February 2007, due to suffer a serious, can not continue working. April 2007, I went to Shanghai for a job, another place, see if can solve the victimization. Huangpu District in Shanghai, half of Sung Park police station, the city Public Security Bureau, Criminal Investigation Corps, the Shanghai High Court, City Procuratorate report and use EMS to Guangdong province, the Supreme Court, Supreme Procuratorate reported prosecution. In severe cases, I attended the Thailand tour, criminal elements followed me to Thailand, and later went to Indonesia and other places, prosecuted, the criminal court in Bangkok, Thailand, Thai police headquarters, Supreme Court of Thailand, Thai Army Command, the highest in Thailand Procuratorate, the Supreme Court of Indonesia, Canada, Interpol and other reporting prosecution, still suffer. Back from Shanghai Shiyan, reported in the local Public Security Dongyue Bureau, registration to report back to me, no reply. Over the years with the EMS, the network to the State, public security, national security, the NPC, Zhu Rongji, Central Discipline Inspection Commission report so charged, told the original work unit, friends, other victims, the unit staff, fellows participate in activities organized by the signature. Burn a CD-ROM part of made a backup. I almost annual physical examination (Dongfeng General Hospital, Taihe Hospital, the top three hospitals), test results: head functional cerebral blood flow map problem, the brain calcification, carotid atherosclerosis level, severe skin lesions, ECG problems, liver hemangioma, the doctor suggested medication, require periodic review, decreased immunity, low white blood cells, blood glucose, blood lipids exceeded, prostatitis. May require professional inspection can further found that the brain wave weapons. July 2008, I went to Beijing  Supreme Procuratorate to such a prosecution. I have access to a database of domestic scientific and technological resources, including some major national publications (core journals) and a considerable number of other publications (there should be a private publication of technical articles on mind control, can not be found), download a thousand legal articles medical technology and other related articles of evidence for victims to read some, to clarify the idea, wrote a "Wrote to celebrities and those concerned about the open letter" posted on the blog I run more than a dozen, including youtube, http://liuw71.fyfz . cn /, Politics and Law Committee of the Ministry of Justice law blog and so light, I was sealed off blog Guangming Wang, Bokee Wang, QQ refereed by the investigation, such posts have been deleted. Although in many ways inform the relevant units of sectors suffer, but the Court did not address the case of brain electromagnetic weapons, I can only do first prosecution hopes to promote the progress of the whole case, and to seek a partial solution to what legal and economic issues, of course, in this case progress is also more difficult. 
I have repeatedly made to the court for retrial in Guangdong Province-level application and requires that to Guangzhou. 2009 lawyer Janghua (Zip code 442000, Yun County, Shiyan, Hubei Bureau of Justice transferred) to Guangzhou, Guangdong Province-level request to withdraw according to the law courts in Guangzhou City Intermediate People's Court (2006) Minyizhongzi, 303 of a final civil judgments, and shall new trial. The second decree by the applicant on the retrial on the matter because to explain the moral damage compensation for economic loss and solatium. Presented again to the Supreme Court in 2010 retrial, lawyers in October according to law, went to Beijing China Supreme People's Court to request withdrawal of the Supreme People's Court in Guangdong Province-level (2009) , of the word written in Civil No. 2756, and re-try the case according to law, has lost . 
I knew my part of the case situation. About with my female colleagues Zhu Hong on the former unit, she has a relationship with former Prime Minister Zhu Rongji. I have nothing to do with their crimes, they said do good behave, I do not want their emotions, the actual to obscenity, crime. May be based on this concept, we know more. A little stop to our plans. Well, first of all, we will quietly go around, and then we elimination. Brutal Zhu said, the difference between me and Lai Changxing, I have military protection, crime, public opinion and propaganda with the Central Propaganda Department to do. U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright recent visit to China. I told her a word. I said: "I joined to fight for and protect the human rights movement in history much earlier than you." She said: "Really?" Said she did not agree with me. I said: "is not it? Me 10 years older than you, when I risked their lives to the struggle against the Kuomintang government, to participate for democracy, freedom and human rights movement, you still in middle school." In the brain electromagnetic weapons, crime, torture is still to do, grow on trees, regardless, incest, bestiality, etc., Zhu Rongji’s human rights democracy faith has no distinction between people and animals in the line? He is loyal to humanity fascist fundamentalists, trained criminals to deal with crime, torture,  humiliation, his right wing loss used on me. 
September 2009 published a book, "Zhu RONGJI meets the press" The main content is as prime minister five years, the annual "two sessions" press conference during the press conference; in a speech during the visit abroad; foreign reporters and interviews; A Hong Kong reporter asked. Such as "whatever ahead, land mines or an abyss, I will go forward, turning back and dedication from his dying day." - March 1998, the Ninth National People's Congress meeting. In the case of detected corruption Chen Xitong, Zhu said at a press conference: "After the anti-corruption fight wolves to first hit the tiger, the tiger should not condoning, ready to one hundred coffins, and also my bite. Is nothing more than a die, in return for long-term stable development of the country and the people's confidence in our cause." His lectures and speeches, and the actual code of conduct has a great distance, and some are lies, even are worlds apart, we see the complex of historical figures Paradox and personality split personality. In the case of the brain electromagnetic weapons, he deserved no mention of any responsibility, is it over others, and the servant? Zhu insight into things, aware of human feelings, in this case related to his personal, his Prime Minister Is it just a decoration, or simply is to eat cooked rice? Been labeled the hymen on buttocks, labeled a good comrade gay again and again? As a vested interest, his performance did not say, crime, sit back and condone criminals, worms are not so much his clean and honest, the actual take off the mask of its clean, show to the world, just do bitch want honor(Li Paifang), the Central Propaganda Ministry said that at the birth and after his birth Zhu do not know who his father is, a blatant corruption and predators, China's Saddam! If he tell the truth, dare to be the coffin of the first anti-corruption enjoy himself to the world is grateful. Poor courage that he did not! Criminals on the flight, it must be brought to justice, do not let them go unpunished! 
Silence is the initiative to voluntarily give up the historical responsibility. History can give up, so we can willfully doing nothing and everything. Passive silence is a passive sense of history to give up, or the truth can not be said, lies not want to say, Dengerxiazhi thinks the truth is at hand who are endlessly lie, insult the historical responsibility. In short this is a must to eliminate the sense of history itself and the people of the country. 
After the publicity of a Central Propaganda Department about the case method is the first step: crime is limited to "moral errors", evasive. Zhu Rongji, the only "candid": "on the moral negligence, is willing to admit magnanimous." Step two: find another accountability. For example you can "learn" bad temper, low level of the victim, so when an argument is extremely bad attitude, uncivilized, that is difficult to suppress their anger Zhu, etc. - can even refer to "Where there is oppression there is resistance" The burden of proof indeed victims; At the same time you can "imagine" the victims of such reactions must be very slow, so in the "warning" do not even know when to avoid and so on. In short, the key is: the responsibility is not a "great man." The third step: to start into the glorification of the natural process. Such as Tsinghua educated by Zhu, "Love Art", "major achievement" and so, for what genuine friendship comrades, agents such as control of the scene immediately dispatched. Step Four: Qualitative and dilute the high-profile "moral negligence." Such as to make "rational" evaluation: the "great personality", "high quality" or even a good father, good husband, what sort of "When compared with the" corrupt nature of this point, "Awaiting a balanced view." The final step: of course, is from this dig out in the splendor he had. If the victim said, using the education of the public. As Zhu crimes against humanity, Mr. Chen Yushan eternal panacea called the sentence: "No great man, there are always some weaknesses and shortcomings, today this thing public of the world, will only make a more amiable and trustworthy respectable Zhu shows that he is a real man, not God. "practicable, through this opportunity to share the social wealth by illegal means and a variety of interests legitimized and become a new bureaucracy under the new system or a rich man. 
Picture stories in the multimedia era of pan-entertainment, that behavior is the difference between manners and dress of men and women the only criterion, then a woman can be both luxurious and then enchanting, and then thin, eyes cold and still sell out the hatred inside you soul. No matter how much powder facilities, but also could not block the humble and flexible learning. Your desire for life, for things not related to contempt of life, the understanding of impulsive events, all reveal your nature. Diana's noble, not from the head of the Crown, and come from all life as her own child. The so-called distinction between appearance and temperament, and gentle hypocritical distinction, the difference between love and universal emotion to come from if there is a good, honest, sincere, selfless heart, and this is the only way you can identify how long the scale. Woman's beauty and gentle, and infiltration in temperament, not harboring in the pleated skirt. 
June 2009 at the Arizona State University President Obama graduation (, with the ideal, hardworking young people in all walks of life, "we need your help. We need you as young people come out. We need your courage, your passion and your energy. "The so-called" young ", referring to the attitude of life - the quality of ideas and mentality (an approach to life-a quality of mind and heart). In: willing to follow their passion, whether they will lead their own wealth and reputation. Willing to challenge the secular, questioning old dogma. For the status and reputation of the traditional signs without consideration. Committed to doing meaningful things, help others to do. At a short step, and finally thousands of miles. Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of the scope from the original promotion of international peace and opposing war extended to the humanitarian disaster relief, protection of political rights has been extended to now on the people's livelihood, poverty, environmental protection, sustainable development and other emerging areas. Content from the perspective of the development Peace Prize, "peace" is the real nature of the mantenance of the common interests of mankind.Globalization and technological advancements in today's high and low politics distinction has become increasingly blurred, a lot of politics involved in the field of low direct impact on the high politics.From the intuitive point of view, peace and war is the polar opposite, in fact, there are too many factors between the existence of threats to the peace process. 
Punish Brain electromagnetic weapons Criminal to penalties, in order to liberate the people of freedom and progress, the struggle with the fascist crimes against humanity in the end! Just hope that on our side. 
New Year occasion, in Chinese New Year, Sincerely Wish people nationwide good luck (Everything goes well), happy family (a happy family). 
Liu Wei 

                                          Automatically translated on March 25, 2011

                                          Revised First Version on April 16, 2011

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现在还是在脑电磁波武器受害之中,我一直以来无法工作,被po/Rl离婚了。犯罪分子使用电磁波(声波,次声波,定向能,或载波方式等)读取你的思维,系统地提取全部记忆(图像、忘记的、潜意识,不要有侥幸心理,通过生物电磁场?),对你本人思维、身体进行sha伤攻击干扰,每天24小时,较高强度、密度。可以让你周围的人毫不知情,也可以将你的思维广播给你周围的人知道,进一步孤立、恶化受害者的社会生活环境。有些犯罪是人工的,有些是机器设置的自动联想出现(可以与数字、时间、环境联想),有些是录像。地点包括私人住房、办公室、旅馆、餐厅、地铁、飞机、不通手机信号的地方。2009年起又受害严重,身体、精神十多年受害也早就都受到了较严重的功能性和器质性伤害。不仅是精神心理,已经达到生理、物理伤害。犯罪分子也不让我休息,当然这也是犯罪的一个方法。我思维、感情能力等受伤害、水平下降,不知能否恢复,对现在、将来解决问题有很大影响。我思考原来可以想清楚事情、领悟力,并有较强转到其它行业能力,做得较好、敏锐、适合,受害后现在只能看文章想、模仿一些,叔本华写道:“记录在纸上的思想,不过是像在沙上行走者的足迹而已,我们也许能看到他所走过的路径;如果我们想要知道他在路上看见些什么,则必须用我们的眼睛,但必须以自己有这些禀赋为先决条件。”有些事情我原来不用自己做就可知道。有很多事情我原来就像一张白纸、不确定xing,法律、lun理、/Rlguo家制度、感情、生命,都需要开始细细的辨析。有些事情需要自己做的以后不能做一些了。我考虑了一下,一方面要较为详细的说一下受害的情况,保全思维行为信息。另一方面告诉关注者,/Rlguo内受害者现在在网上部分联系到了一起,在做抗诉、揭露和努力解决问题。受害者除了有法律优势,其他方面都处于严重的弱势,与犯罪分子处于严重的资源和信息不对称状态。如果遇到了受害,/Rlguo家机器前也没什么太好的办法,大约不是可以以逃避、以遮蔽、以懦弱胆怯、或以愚昧做ziRl/卫的,要注意的是把ziRl/己的钱看好,ziRl/由参与社会生活共同交流。为了掩盖mie绝/Rlzheng策多种原因,脑控纳粹分子破坏在电子集中营的受害者写一些文章、创作,并说:“劳动使人ziRl/由”等。受害者作品有伤感悲怆,也有黑色乐观,但遇到根本xing、核心、特殊问题,应该去理解经验现实真知(episteme)道德美学价值反复,必需追寻其偶然、微妙、清新的根源原因,必需确立某种多样xing(heterology)的知识,以使所用的语词、因素、图画可以变得有效时,犯罪分子不允许,更不用说创新发展。就是这样也并没有改变集中营受害者悲惨的命运。和平与战争、个人quan/Rl利与/Rlguo家利益、公平与效率是对立的两极,其实在两者之间有太多的因素存在着威胁前者进程。我起诉较早(到了最高法院,败诉),做得较好、有创新,受害因此更严重。犯罪分子现在早就不是说受害者不知道或以受害者的做法,他们就不犯罪这么回事了。在我这里,他们给我大脑输入的图像中还包括了我社会关系的一些主要成员,好些人包括我在中国银行和东风汽车公司工作单位的同事、同学、认识人。连小学同学名字照片都有,连好久没有联系的都较多的出现过了,图像较像,不知从我脑中记忆里提取的,还是从哪里得来的。身体不好,我从2009年六月在十堰英皇健身俱乐部跑步锻炼,跑步时大脑身体受害,刺激平衡、疲倦感等,大约不能跑了。还在有时学习Adobe Photoshop CS4,画画也受害,大约不能画了。给两个我制作加工的图片“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂,借问上网何处有,牧童遥指Google。”;悲剧破题,ziRl/由综艺,制曲世界。我制作了电子相册、视频、歌曲。有时间看看我的博客。2010年我办理了十堰旅游一卡通,有时去武当山、汉江金沙湾、郧县柳陂镇国家地质恐龙博物馆等。历史不会重复,但可能会押韵。有时看看书。有时玩电脑游戏。有时做临时工作。长时间看病治疗。有时上网看看下载新闻、在QQ受害者群聊天、法律网站、健康、艺术网站、专业网站、凯迪社区史海钩沉等。时常看看风行、迅雷等下载的电影(有些奥斯卡获奖),希望能放松一下,《Lili Marleen》、邓丽君歌曲、全面回忆(Total recall)、伊豆舞女、克莱默夫妇、四个婚礼和一个葬礼、大鱼老爸、飞越疯人院、美丽心灵、毕业生、美丽人生、德伯家的苔丝、死亡散步、肖克的救赎、钢琴家、朗读者、烈血焚城(Breaker Morant)、九品芝麻官、BBC记录片、黑天鹅、甘地、成事在人(漫漫ziRl/由路)、国家地理:人类消失之后、犯罪心理(40多集)等等。实际连可能用设备给我输出的精神紧张都难以放松,压力大,经历着煎熬岁月。








良知道义与民RL/zhu法律,是维持社会秩序和稳定的重要工具。人的行为除了受到道德、法律、财富、quan/Rl力、感情诸因素的影响,也受到社会环境、经济环境和/Rlzheng治结构影响,形成的结构体系彼此相互影响而规范着人的行为。历史“特殊性”不是指一个确定的抽象实体,或一个实体的某种确定的特性,而是指与历史普遍性相对应的异质、多样化的单个人,世界范围各种对抗的社会关系的客观连续性,社会在财富两级分化的激烈对抗中人的生存状态未摆脱两个极端的客观连续性,自由意志、贪欲和情yu倾向,精神严重遭受物欲、理智挤压的客观连续性等的存在,历史进步的寓意,本质地体现在历史通过人类/Rlgong有理念对历史对抗性矛盾的超越而走向理想境界。正如英/Rlguo首相丘吉尔所说一样:我所能给予的只有热RL/血、辛劳、眼泪和汗水。我们正面临着一场极其残酷的考验,摆在我们面前的将是旷日持久的艰苦斗争。我们将尽自己的全力,并以上帝赋予我们的全部力量去和黑an可悲的人类罪行中前所未有的暴/Rlzheng交战。这就是我们的/Rlzheng策。无论道路多么漫长艰难,我们一定要不惜一切代价、不惧任何恐怖去夺取胜利。因为没有胜利就是死路一条。就失去了长久以来人类向自己的目标迈进的强烈要求和动力。(I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. Victory in spite of all terrors. victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.)甘地名言说:“当我绝望时,我会想起:在历史上,只有真理和爱能得胜,历史上有很多暴君和凶手,在短期内或许是所向无敌的,但是终究总是会失败”。此话或许对强quan/Rl犯罪的盖棺之论,虽然是历史上最qiang力人物,类似于他的中/Rlguo特色的每一个的双手都是鲜RL/血淋漓,将来的审判台上将会为他们留下一席。无论爱与不爱,下辈子我们都不会再见。不仅是父亲和儿子,我们所有人都是如此。似乎只要给了百姓生存quan/Rl,还给了百姓一些本属于人民的quan/Rl利,那么所有一切/Rlzheng治和信仰po/Rl害以及违反法律的罪行就可忽略不计,功过相抵……但俄罗斯总统就此问题发出了鲜明的最强音:/Rlguo家的发展是人民大众的功绩,独Rl/cai对人民犯下的罪行无法饶恕。三七开的评论方法故意模糊了道德底线,而独Rl/cai超越了道德底线的犯罪是没有任何理由能辩解的。爱因斯坦讲过“只要我还有quan/Rl选择,我只会在允许公民ziRl/由、宽容大度和法律面前人人平等的/Rlguo家中生活。”(As long as I have any choice in the matter, I shall live only in a country where civil liberty, tolerance, and equality of all citizens before the law prevail.)汉孝文帝“廉chi节礼以治君子,故有赐死而无戮辱。是以黥劓之罪,不及大夫。”*R/xing不上大夫是说士大夫犯罪节制办法就是自sha。/Rlguo家永存而朝廷(/Rlzheng府)可换,爱/Rlguo家不等于爱朝廷——梁启超。明末清初的学者顾炎武说:“易姓改号,谓之亡/Rlguo。仁义充塞,而至于率兽食人,人将相食,谓之亡天下”。在他看来,一家一姓的“亡/Rlguo”即改朝换代并不可怕;道德沦丧,满嘴仁义道德却信奉弱肉qiang食、下三滥手段的丛林法则是“亡天下”,是关系整个民族存亡的大问题。RL/zhu流意识形态已经把人们的社会阶层意识,顶层阔佬、quan/Rl贵、名流极少数人之间的默契、游戏大为淡化,但是“社会阶层仍然是重要的,但也是......不易察觉的”。犯罪分子要对罪责,狭隘、粗鄙的/Rlzheng治、/Rlguo家、利益意识等作出清醒和彻底的反省、清算,原罪一认罪一赎罪对西方/Rlguo家、基督徒来说是一个很自然的因果关系程序,公开认罪并在良心和道义上进行忏悔。专Rl/zhi/Rlguo家灭亡是迟早的事情;王朝、特quan/Rl阶级用RL/zhu要财/Rlzheng维持ziRl/己统治的制度、工具们,而恰恰那些用来维持自己统治的工具们(/RlguoRlan/部、独Rl/cai者家族、东西厂的太监们、高级官僚、军队…)是利益的RL/zhu要盘剥者(“转移支付”),他们的消耗、已经没有道德底线的惨烈犯罪使得民不聊生,诚实无欺、理性思考、独立判断,做好人吃亏,人心不可能不扭曲,弄虚作假、拍马走狗、谄媚bei鄙,越是有背景越是坏人越能事业发达,胜出者必为优者,黑an邪恶势力不可能不滋长。官僚制官本位必须把更多的职能让给社会,更重要的是要确实建立相互制约、监督机制,实现教育职能,需独立人民代表,以及媒体网络,每个人的眼睛民RL/zhu监督吏治清明、司法公正。现在人们形容道德全面沦丧的一个常用词就是“黑”,意思无非没有公开、公平和公正。已经执行死*R/xing的全/Rlguo人大常委会原副委员长成克杰受贿案、重庆司法局长文强等人是近例,但是还有该执行死*R/xing的没得到惩罚,不胜枚举。/Rlguo外体制、司法不是这样,法/Rlguo前内政部长夏尔·帕卡2010年4月30日因涉嫌在1993年至1995年任职期间利用职务之便侵吞公/Rlgong资金被判处1年有期徒*R/xing,缓期执行。俄罗斯莫斯科河南岸区法院2008年20日作出判决,在1998年至1999年期间侵吞/Rlguo家预算资金达3100万美元,犯罪团伙给/Rlguo家造成的经济损失将近10亿美元,前俄罗斯原子能部部长阿达莫夫2005年被引渡回俄罗斯,被判处5年半监禁,判处两名从犯皮西缅内和弗赖什图特4年监禁。新西兰首位华人内阁部长、新西兰少数民族事务部长和妇女事务部长黄徐毓芳,因涉嫌违规使用海外旅行补贴而于2010年11月12日宣布RL/zhu动辞去内阁部长职务。上个世纪捷克、挪威、丹麦、瑞典、英/Rlguo、法/Rlguo等欧洲/Rlguo家、俄罗斯、美/Rlguo就通过“化学yan割法案”,推广对屡教不改的“xing惯犯”进行qiang制化学去势,韩/Rlguo性侵犯犯人将在出狱前2个月开始“化学yan割”,最长时间为15年。在中/Rlguo,2009年9月,南京市法院判定朱敏对王晓燕的全/Rlguo首例同xing网络骚扰侵quan/Rl案件事实成立,判令朱敏支付各项赔偿近8万元。2011年3月在北京通州区宋庄镇当代艺术馆以xing爱动作展示作为作品参加行为艺术展的北京艺术工作者成力,近日被处劳动教养一年。打黑除恶要斩草除根。


我是是受害较为严重的之一,1998年当时就知道了,我没什么问题,一段时间没有完全相信,十多年中有时大约减轻过。不仅是时间,我受害的地域也比较广,广州、广东、湖北十堰、襄樊、武汉、北京、上海、泰/Rlguo(延签)、印度尼西亚等等。我受害的程度和技术种类也较全和严重,鉴于我的RL/zhu要工作是计算机程序员,受到损伤严重。难友有的也这么说,除了射线打在身上等方式还没有发现。脑控受害部分内容大约没法说,以前都写过。犯罪分子们数典忘祖、吮痈舔zhi、蝇营狗苟、群犬狂吠、罪不rong诛、邪恶集团。他们说起点是禽兽不如,是ziRl/己的选择。受害者说他(她)们是Rl/za狗腿子。犯罪分子有中央、地方,绿中女“老妓女、老鸨”,黑衣老头,中年“副部长”,有黑大队长,有白衣男“副龟头”常打扮成同xinglian真同志,黑衣男(黑丑男)扮好人(二人用一张脸,有时代表他们狗腿子),蓝衣女(说聪明),绿青女,红衣女(“小白领”),粉红女,心理战间谍战士,有白平女,二尾子,褐衣外来男,他们的男人“gui头”说自己个矮一肚子黄脓,小黑衣男,有湖北“老鸨”,白流氓“大茶壶”,扮我(湖北替身),研究生,有说肯定跑掉的“漏男”,技术人员,傻女,白痴男,小流氓,军人多,叫“gui头”干爹,有610办公室的,有歇斯底里狂呼luan吼、找刺激,有条军人犯罪分子狗给ziRl/己起名叫“兴奋”,有说是法西斯,犯罪分子家庭代表,有说是ji巴、屁股,假脸掩饰,这大约记下二十多个。我这里现在犯罪分子已经不仅仅是赤裸裸的犯罪,没有道德底线,把RL/血手伸向受害者。受过训练,理智的做。击打头部、错腭、舔yin、乱lun、射jing、撒yin毛、让我对她人xing攻击、宫颈mi烂放到头部、避孕tao、男xingRl/xing具,然后kou交,兽jiao,吃屎、骑、丢月经、脱裤子、食尸、奸尸、活埋、下三滥等。较真实的做赤裸yinluan,同xinglian做,黑人外/Rlguo人都有。犯罪分子破坏人民文明,社会RL/zhu义制度,亵渎/Rlguo家荣誉,侵犯他/Rlguo主quan/Rl人quan/Rl。他们ziRl/己互相做,但应该不是的,只给出图像(用假脸)。抹去我的记忆等,长时间做,还让我多次遗jing(甚至大年时),受害比较严重。我面前摆一个特quan/Rl分子三维图像,感觉认知映射,一段时间在每天早上第一个让达赖干了朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji。我不去想(有时让我不得不想),有好几人同时工作替我想,或者模仿我的思维想,控制和力量比较大,还有几个人在犯罪,实际上他们在配合,有二人、多人组合。犯罪分子用践踏头部,刺刀、铁器、拖把、酒瓶等刺入我头部、眼睛,挑断神经、砍头、削脑、钻入我体内,有时先xing攻击几个我认识的女孩,再xing攻击让我遗jing,还有两次一个女的疯狂地用木条从背后戳入穿透我身体等等,并且把感觉、认知、感情传给我。并且有专人做专门严重攻击,争犯罪第一,讲解、重复做,不准我ziRl/我保护反应、认知回避,我觉得好像中枢神经受伤。有时实时采集本人(或身边环境)数据实时用于犯罪。有时说激情、冲动犯罪,但处理事情时常常深沉、负责、分外有心,有很大人身危险性,连细微之处都能做得很好,RL/zhu要时间都是这样。有时干扰掩饰。我都不好说他们有多少人,我现在每天可能只让睡3、4个小时,喝水吃饭、看电视上厕所等家里外面他们都犯罪。他们犯罪qiang度和密度比较大,有时内容和逻辑还较为复杂,他们如果排班的话,应该有二三十人以上,有的是初中生捅一刀就走,可能还有一些临时来的。他( 她)们做案后,有时还非要我犯罪,我不打算做这,不停地变态地让我偏执地去想,我那时只好就做一下,火车操了他们几个,还用他们的同xing恋做了她们的妈,没有多少用处。有女/Rlgong产Rl/dangxing工作者xing犯罪或看很有兴趣,还互相探讨感觉,说好不容易被让走上了一次台面,所以努力表现。常摆个傻B姿势,把她们的感觉传给我。/Rlgong产Rl/dangxing工作者用虚假的情感、老套的剧情、假仁假义的悲悯,就像一个矫情的、打扮得油头粉面、花枝招展的过气老娼妓,掰开了大腿,守株待兔地期待着愿者上钩的眼盲嫖客碰上她的无chi私处,寻一翻志得意满的快乐。须知,她身上散发出来的恶臭早让人避之唯恐不及。她们说就是喜欢这样。RL/zhu旋律成这样,我不希望再为它浪费文字!


他们说知法犯法,打击报复,有文化,不后悔,升官发财快,生活很快乐,练了sha人后可以用一辈子,不会别的技术,下一代还要犯罪,罪行多了无法惩罚,不打算减*R/xing,他们按被判死*R/xing、sha九族标准做,公正对待他们就赚了,死*R/xing都便宜他们,他们无所谓。另一些女犯罪分子还说已经报效了/Rlguo家,她们自己也挣到一些。我说她们在外面犯罪,回家可以做韩/Rlguo媳妇等。中/Rlguo法制落后,人quan/Rl标准低,法不责众,他们领导给了保障,说不会破案判*R/xing,没人监督,打算捞一把,没抓住可以注销以前的犯罪前科。这些犯罪细节也没人知道,组织会包庇,抓不到他们。说我这里黑,特别hei。可能是一个较重要的个案,说不流芳百世,就遗臭万年。对我大约没有误会,知道我没有什么问题。我说不要拿我们交的税款去建航空母舰。非叫我好人,我得好处,做好事时,犯罪更严重,我开几张假发票,还是受害。告诉他们装精神病也没用,犯罪分子会被钉在耻辱柱上,她们居然用耻辱柱做xing攻击。我早已走了司法途径,并且有法律判决书、条文解释、相关学科论文、医学取证、写了公开信、参加难友联名公开信、参加给人大的议案提案、新闻媒体报道等,告诉他们大约没有意义,没有价值。几年前还和他们说过可以和我认识的一个律师联系。我前妻也受到伤害,并被po/Rl做了两次流产,多年后还在做。还破坏了我以前的朋友、同学、认识人及感情等,中/Rlguo银行卓尔华、曾靖江、何剑波、李文纲等,东风公司同事,十堰北大青鸟男女同事。基层的luan象显然与下层与上层的/Rlzheng治规则有关,如不能明确各级的quan/Rl和责,在下级对上级负责、下级命运(/Rlzheng绩评定、升降荣辱等等)完 全掌握在上级手中的规则中,弱势的下级犯罪分子为了卸责、夹带个人利益、财富或升迁,必然会利用各种机会讨好上级,职务犯罪数额增大、窝案串案增多、作案手段隐蔽等,基层担负事quan/Rl必然是贪/Rlfu、严重酷*R/xing。犯罪分子这么说过,他们就是犯罪累犯、sha人犯,可以升官发财,发现金没帐没人知道,*R/xing事责任推到单位承担,领导、指挥官恶狠狠地说:如果坐牢,我们就说是/Rlzheng治斗争、帮派斗争、诡秘斗争的牺牲品,我坐牢,中央有人或找关系替我说话,三四年就出来了,你们如果进了监狱,八年也出不来。他们不承认良心,亲手严重犯罪(表示不是“假犯罪分子”),sha人越货。有时候犯罪行为是犯罪、共同犯罪。有时候犯罪的是革命家,sha人行为是/Rlguo家行动。他们显然是入对团伙了,这暴力犯罪团伙不简单,这是一支用马列RL/zhu义武装起来受指挥领导的红色Rl/dang卫队们。他们的坏制度让“好人”变成坏人,而坏的制度让人只有作恶才能生存下去,他们之间还做不法利益买卖、打通关系、背叛,脑控犯罪、/Rlfu败是哪里都有,只是程度不同与后果不同,受害者受害严重早死而已,想对我终生犯罪(终生“贴标签”),可能不止一个部门来做。以前脑控犯罪分子说是东厂的,问他们是不是/Rlguo家Rlan/全部九局对内镇压局,还是十局对外镇压局等,不回答。我做过处理,他们不理。现在他们已经承认是反人类罪、/Rlfu败、酷*R/xing和颠覆/Rlguo家罪等,我说破案以后大约要把部分犯罪分子枪毙,执行死*R/xing前可以喊:Rl/dang/Rlguo万岁。那时我在路上,听到了旁边传来这首歌曲,感恩的心:“。。。。。。/感恩的心感谢有你/伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己/感恩的心感谢命运/花开花落我一样会珍惜/    我来自偶然像一颗尘土/有谁看出我的脆弱/我来自何方我情归何处/谁在下一刻呼唤我/    天地虽宽这条路却难走/我看遍这人间坎坷辛苦/我还有多少爱我还有多少泪/要苍天知道我不认输/    感恩的心感谢有你/伴我一生让我有勇气作我自己/。。。。。。”他们说打算对组织唱。我早就不想不做不管。他们发出死亡威胁。在我记录时、办博客打击报复。我记了不多笔记取证,录音、制作视频电子证据取证,还办了博客,聚友!/profile.php?id=100000874011480等等,被删除了好些博文,博客。


我知道这个个案可能和前总li朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji有关,我以前一个1995年在中/Rlguo银行广东省分行的女同事朱宏与他们大约有关系。可能是基于这样的理念,我们知道的更多。一个小人阻挡了我们的计划。好,首先,我们会悄悄地绕过去,然后我们再将之消灭。我是非侵略性文化。我早就说过他们犯罪和我没什么关系,我也不要他们的感情、东西,不给我的思想、经历、经验、使用本人的资源、补给等他们长经验(直接经验和间接经验)、发展、获得,我没有同意,并不得告知、交付、或以任何方式泄露予第三人等。他们说给我一个停车位,传给我一些奇怪的图像,说意yin。2007年在武汉说朱宏要来找我,回到十堰还说要来,要给我找代孕女。2010年还在说这些。说做人,实际犯罪。我知道他们可能在做利益交换,若破案司法部门可能还会包庇他们做司法交换,判*R/xing用不了几年就可以减*R/xing、假释、保外就病、所谓“法理不外乎人情”等封闭性操作“暂予监外执行”、出狱。司法之宽,司法之严,是否正义、正当关键要看在何处宽严,对何人、何事宽严,其宽严标准是否一律平等,出于什么动机,客观上达成什么效果。在不透明、无关注、无公民监督的情况下,这一要求就成了奢望,任何专业即可肆意滥用自身的专业职能,行使假公济私的专业强quan/Rl,也就是“专业侵quan/Rl”和“专业/Rlfu败”。人们对*R/xing罚的恐惧很大程度上不仅来自*R/xing罚的严酷性,而且来自*R/xing罚的必定性,应体现为法网恢恢、违法必究、疏而不漏。将以人类生命为威胁的犯罪分子收押在监、隔离、身体的劳役是对犯罪者的惩罚、规驯和改造,希望在这一时间通过省悟和教化,重回人类。如果仅仅是加强防卫,让重*R/xing犯只是在这样的惩戒性场所生活一段时间,然后在其法律上的危险尚未解除的情况下得以逃脱、重回普通生活场所,甚至向更加不期望的方向负面转化,是比让犯罪者成功越狱更大的失败,是对绝大多数人生命Rlan/全的威胁。独夫民贼朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji说他和lai昌xing的区别是有职务fan罪,有军人保护、犯罪,有中xuan部做舆论宣传。美/Rlguo国务卿奥尔布赖特最近访问中/Rlguo时。我告诉她一句话。我说:“我参加争取和保障人quan/Rl运动的历史比你早得多。”她说:“是吗?”表示她不同意我的意见。我就说:“不是吗?我比你大10岁,当我冒着生命危险同/Rlguo民党/Rlzhengquan/Rl作斗争,参加争取中/Rlguo的民RL/zhu、自由、人quan/Rl运动的时候,你还在上中学呢。”在脑电磁波武器犯罪案件中,朱还在做酷*R/xing、人体实验、香臭不分、乱lun、兽jiao等,朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji的民RL/zhu、ziRl/由、人quan/Rl信仰里没有区别人与动物的界线。他就是反人类法xi斯忠诚原教旨RL/zhu义者,他们自己苟合、暧昧关系。自己犯罪、撒谎,培养了犯罪分子恐怖犯罪、酷*R/xing侮辱,大概把他当you派时吃的亏用在我身上了。所谓社会多元化,可以催生很多有个性的官员,再加上媒体的渲染,现在的官员比过去有了更多露脸和表达的机会。起沉疴、下猛药、使铁腕,作风强烈,特点鲜明,但前后一对照,不是那么回事,讲狠话与真话是不一样的,狠话可以表现为立场鲜明,仗义执言,敢做敢当,或者显得敢于触犯部门和局部既得利益,关注民生,为人民利益振臂高呼,更有甚者是显示出敢于揭露敏感问题,把官位和乌纱置之度外,临时的欢呼雀跃可以得到,但这些并不真实,置于历史的长河、更加开阔的场景检视,实质是执/Rlzheng的合法性的再生产,统治绩效合法性的再生产,quan/Rl威名誉合法性的再生产(用于“感动”人民等),甚至突破quan/Rl力/Rlzheng治边界、讲真话要求、道德lun理、犯罪底线,甚至对社会责任、忠诚还有很大反作用不断累积。2002年朱在两会期间答记者问时,面对世界的新闻媒体说出这样的话语:我只希望在我卸任以后,全/Rlguo人民能说一句,他是个清官,不是贪官,我就很满意了。如果他们再慷慨一点,说朱还是办了一点实事,我就谢天谢地了。2009年9月出版了《朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji答记者问》还在撒谎,他ziRl/己该当何罪、责任、卖官闭口不谈,难道是他人和下人之过?朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji洞察世事、深明人情,这个案件与他个人有关,他这总li难道只是个摆设或干脆就是吃干饭的?又怎么变成好人的?不断贴上处女mo做好人。作为既得利益者,他的/Rlzheng绩不说,人格分裂,犯罪、坐视和纵容犯罪分子、蛀虫们,与其说他廉洁公正,实际剥下其清廉画皮,呈现在世人面前的,只是做biao子立牌坊,中xuan部说朱出生不知道ziRl/己的父亲是谁,一个赤裸裸的/Rlfu败大鳄,中/Rlguo的萨达姆!还可能给/Rlguo外的犯罪分子提供资助,爱与罪恶、秘密与救shu,回报是情愿的极力美化、愚忠殉葬。一定要缉拿外逃犯罪分子归案。2009年中纪委、监察部与中组部、公Rlan/部、司法部、外交部等多个部门建立了防范违纪违法公职人员外逃工作协调机制部际联席会议制度,/Rlfu败案件目前60%70%的大要案是通过群众举报发现的,中/Rlguo签署批准了较多*R/xing事司法协助、引渡条约,签订了《联合/Rlguo打击跨/Rlguo有组织公约》和《联合/Rlguo反/Rlfu败公约》(United Nations Convention against Corruption)等/Rlguo际合作制度。


RL/zhu动地沉默就是RL/zhu动地放弃历史责任感。历史都可放弃,所以就可以恣意地无为而无不为。被动地沉默就是被动地放弃历史责任感,或是真话不能说,假话不想说,沉默与保密规则为妖mo化黑幕组织的生存与发展提供了保障条件。等而下之的是ziRl/以为真理在握者,喋喋不休的都是假话、故事,污辱着历史责任感。本人同意英/Rlguo历史学家John H.Arnold认为很难同意认为历史存在着一个“单一的真实故事”,“因为没有任何‘事实’和‘真相’可以在意义、解释、判断的语境之外被说出”;但这些说法“绝不意味着应该放弃‘真相’,仅仅关注于讲‘故事’”,而应该“尝试在其偶然的复杂性的意义上说出真相——或者其实是许多个真相”。 这是一个很重要的启示:在偶然性中很可能隐藏着众多的真相。而对于辉格党人式的必然论者来说,要建构一种历史神话就必先遮蔽偶然性中的真相。中xuan部此案后宣传的一种大约方式是,第一步:限定犯罪事件属于“道德疏失”,避重就轻。 朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji唯一“坦率”:“对这一道德疏失,愿坦荡认错。”第二步:另找责任归属。比如可以“了解到”受害者脾气恶劣水平不高等,所以在有争执的时候态度极度糟糕、不文明,以至于朱难以抑制ziRl/己的怨愤等;与此同时也可以“想见”这样的受害者反应一定很迟钝,所以在“警告”的时候甚至不知道躲避等等。总之,关键就是:责任不属于“伟人”。第三步:ziRl/然要开始转入颂扬程序。比如朱受清华教育程度高,“热爱文艺”,“大成就”,申办奥运会,加入世界贸易组织WTO,经济成就,优秀Rl/dang员等,出于同志真挚的友谊什么的,特工等立刻出动控制现场。第四步:高调定性并淡化“道德疏失”。比如作出“理性”的评价:与“伟大的人格”、“高尚的品质”或者更加上什么好父亲好丈夫之类的“相比起来”,此点/Rlfu败ziRl/然“瑕不掩瑜”。人民又被宣称感动了。最后一步:当然是从这件事中发掘出他更灿烂的光辉了。受害者说了话。至于朱反人类犯罪,千古万能药是:“任何伟人,总会有一些弱点与不足,今天把这件事公之于世,只会使朱更可亲可信可敬,说明他是一个真正的人,永垂不朽,而不是神。”反人类犯罪分子朱、一些领导、将官、双手沾满人民鲜RL/血的刽子手将会供奉在中/Rlguo的靖/Rlguo神社八宝山。实际可能通过这个机会,将非法手段占有的社会财富和各种quan/Rl益合法化,变成新体制下的新官僚或者富翁。在这个多媒体读图泛娱乐化的时代,以为举止仪态和穿衣打扮就是区别男女的唯一标准,可无论女人再华贵、再妖娆、再纤瘦,眼中的冷漠和内心的仇恨还是出卖了你的灵魂。无论施多少粉,也遮挡不住粗陋的秉性。你对生活的欲念,对事不关己的生命的鄙夷,对事件浮躁的理解,都泄露了你的本性。戴Rlan/娜的高贵,并不来自头顶的皇冠,而来自于对一切生命的视如己出。所谓的容貌与气质的区别,矫情与温柔的区别,博爱与泛情的区别,就来自于是否有一颗善良的、正直的、真诚的、无私的心,这也是唯一能鉴定你能美多久的量尺。女人的美和温婉,渗透在性情中,而不窝藏在百褶裙里。女人在圈中已经实现了低级需求,也要实现高级需求,需要被人们尊重,当发现ziRl/己实现di级需求的心灵、行业、历史被人们发现、歧视和谩骂时,ziRl/然要逃离或转行,重新选择一种受人尊敬,能够实现ziRl/己人生价值的行业。于是,也就痛骂这个行业,向公众表示自己的高级需求。但是自身、性情、理想有病灶,不能及时割除,即使逃离了这个行业,你就能实现自己的高级需求了吗?你的逃离难道能保证不是对其他行业的“病菌传染”?结果“关系文化”、“人情文化”或者说“quan/Rl力文化”出现倒果为因、毫无逻辑的言论,肆意宣传。


伤逝提前降临了,这么早就回忆了,这是对清晨的怀念。1995年,本人中国科学院成都计算机应用研究所计算机应用专业硕士毕业,1993年参加/Rlguo家“八五”科技攻关“岩盐水溶开采工艺参数的监测与控制的研究”,获得中华人民共和国国家科学技术委员会国家科技成果完成者证书(证书编号:070663,/Rlguo家登记号:980521,发证日期:1998年8月)第10完成人,中国轻工业科学技术进步一等奖。计算机软件工程师是世界上被评估排一二名的最佳工作,也是发展较快有较细专业细分的学科。本来打算到上海工作,姑父王苏给我介绍到广州工作,最终带着生机、思索、求知和喜悦24岁分配到中/Rlguo银行(世界500强)广东省分行工作。我在东风汽车公司长大,公司职工都是从外地调到湖北十堰大三线建设的,我从小上子弟学校,社会关系较简单,儿时记忆有从乡村、山区到城市:那些草长莺飞、鱼戏虾翩,青山绿水、星河灿烂,夏夜流萤、遍地蛙声,还有故乡古老的祠堂、绕镇的小河和隆重的民俗,灯红酒绿、十里洋场的上海,官僚名流最坚固的bao垒……东风汽车公司在80年代是中/Rlguo前二十名的大公司,有亚洲最大的锻压机,二三个最大的专业厂,自动仓储,……也被脑控蒸发了,成了往事和收藏。大学里认识到,“我们生于一个野蛮、残忍、但同时又极美的世界。判定这世界无意义成分还是有意义成分居多,这仿佛由个人性情决定……我珍视这样一种渴望,即有意义的成分将居RL/zhu导,并取得胜利……有这么多东西满溢了我的心:草木、鸟兽、云彩、白昼与黑夜,还有人内心的永恒。我越对自己感到不确信,即越有一种想跟万物亲近的感觉。”(卡尔·荣格)。“依阿宋要驯服野牛,尤利西斯要拒绝让他触礁的妖女的歌声。”(Jason had to tame the wild bulls in search of the Golden Fleece, Ulysses had to resist the sirens calling him onto the rocks on his odyssey.)大学时看过《古文观止》、《周易译注》、《孙子译注》、《世说新语》、《唐诗宋词元曲三百首》,法国丹纳《艺术哲学》、《安徒生童话》、《伊索寓言》、《行为心理学》、同学送我罗曼罗兰《巨人三传》等。大学里还认识到其实权力和责任很多时候是对等的,很多人他不太愿意接受自由,逃避自由,还在于他们不乐意接受相应的责任。虽然在某种体制的保护下,你被分配了一个工作,这或许会给你造成自由上的困扰。但是,它带来的好处也显而易见,首先你的工作基本上是大锅饭。然而,一旦你进入一个自由社会就意味着开始有了竞争,开始有了风险,开始有了所谓的优胜劣汰——你选择了自由实际上你就选择了一种不安定的、有风险的、有竞争的环境,很多人是没有这种承受力的。在很大意义上你选择自由就是选择责任。大多数人他们没有政治野心,而这部分人也应该得到尊重。《市场民主制度下幸福的流失》这本书的作者是罗伯特.莱恩认为,生活在市场民主制度下的人,有两个理论:第一个理论是收益递减理论,当你拥有越来越多,你就不稀罕了,也就不觉得高兴了。市场可以使一个社会的物质极大丰富,但当物质文明达到一定程度后,再多的物质也无法让人感到更幸福。第二个理论是,当有了民主,你还得有相应的知识去参与,还得去选举,并且你的选择很多。这让你感到很累,很难受,从而失去幸福感。这本书发人深省,在于它提出,到底是幸福更重要,还是市场和民主更重要理论之一,但相对独裁专制国家而言,市场和民主等的有限,以致它的得、失成为人们快乐或痛苦所必不可少的条件。其实在他的理论中物质极其丰富的假设并不现实,即使在美国属于穷人的财富并不多。在广州住在越秀区书同巷单位单身宿舍201房,平时与同事联系也较好,同事说我德才良好、品行端正,有时AA制吃饭,一起玩,没有问题,自知力较强。有时与同学联系,聊天。有空时看看书,《西方哲学史》,《读书》杂志,理财,菜谱等。中/Rlguo人在官府面前的逆来顺受给了黑格尔极深的印象。黑格尔认为,造成中/Rlguo的落后的原因是中/Rlguo人内在精神的黑暗,在那里土地,人类精神之光、理性与ziRl/由的太阳还没有升起。在《历史哲学》中黑格尔得出这样结论,这是一个彻底的、奇特的、最具东方性的东方/Rlguo家。“中/Rlguo纯粹建筑在这一种道德的结合上,/Rlguo家的特性便是客观的‘家庭孝敬’。中/Rlguo人把自己看作是属于他们家庭的,而同时又是/Rlguo家的儿女。在家庭之内,他们不是人格,因为他们在里面生活的那个团结的单位,乃是RL/血统关系和天然义务。在/Rlguo家之内,他们一样缺少独立人格;因为/Rlguo家内大家长的关系最为显著。”“中/Rlguo的历史从本质上看是没有历史的,它只是君RL/zhu覆灭的一再重复而已。任何进步都不可能从中产生。千百年来在广阔的土地上重复庄严的毁灭,而又在本质上毫无变化。”(黑格尔)1813年,美/Rlguo独立宣言的起草者杰斐逊在给友人的一封信里写道:“我同意你的看法,在人和人之间有一些自然贵族(优秀者),因德行和才能而优秀。还有一种是因为财富和家庭身世而成就的假贵族,他们既无德又无才……自然贵族是社会教化、信任和治理的宝贵的人才”,就选拔/Rlzheng治人才而言,民RL/zhu不是最好的制度,而只是比较Rlan/全的制度。选举不一定能够拔举优贤,但至少可以作为多数人参与/Rlzheng事,遏制暴/Rlzheng,预防专Rl/zhi的有效方式。待遇、Rlan/定的生活秩序和公正的社会竞争环境是吸引科技人才的RL/zhu要原因,而提供和保障这种秩序和环境的,则是基本的ziRl/由民RL/zhu法治、制衡制度。我与一些同事来往,认识一些女同事,有一名也是电脑部同事朱宏1968年的,中科院合肥所同年毕业。1995年住在我隔壁两个房房间,1996年住在三楼,平时关系还可以,她告诉我她父母在五邑大学教学,路上遇到说说话。我工作较好,1997年11月被派遣到澳大利亚悉尼分行工作,工作受到好评,悉尼分行希望我继续工作,并办理了签证延期。广东省分行说有工作要我回去,1998年4月我返回广州。


1998年不迟于这个时候我开始受害。有模糊图像、有不像是自己的感觉短时传来,有时让我精神恍惚,有时影响、遮蔽我的知觉感情,有时影响我的行为。有几次撒泡niao都有图像说看不起他,有次有人舔我的背的感觉。虽然我以前听说过有气功、类似特异功能等,但我没想到会有这种脑电磁波武器技术,没有想会受害。虽然不多,时有影响,但我与同事在工作,还在加班(科长签名)。1998年评工程师,应该人事部批,但没有办理,我去人事处问,他们说考专业英语才聘用。因为出差没有考,单位给我发了工程师资格证书。一天同事万磊走过我身边,不是对着我说了一句:朱宏是朱..的侄女,我还是万里的孙子。我没注意。1999年4月2日,单位说到广州市分行看看,准备做广东省广州市行合并,我们科七八人坐车去,在车上我问去那么多人?带两箱打印纸做什么?没人说话,过一会黄俊杰说一下广州市精神病医院…,我没注意,大家说市分行的事,还说车上人事处的人怎么不说话。车到了,停车我随着大家下车,科长王晓林在旁说了一句:是他!两名壮男子锁住我脖子,将我抓入广州精神病医院,捆绑在床上。病情提供者中/Rlguo银行广东省分行今珠好,住院号50155,住院39天,主治医师张教东,38号病床。医院病历不给看,我后来知道,病历上写中/Rlguo银行介绍,我交往下降,衣物卫生差,生活懒散,情感淡漠,对待遇升职等不关心,体检意识清晰,仪表服饰整洁,注意集中,定向正确,无错觉、幻觉、感知觉综合障碍。自知力缺失,思维、逻辑、联想无异常,气质性格良好,睡眠正常,脊柱四肢无畸形,生殖器正常,运动协调。神经系统检查无阳xing发现,家族史、个人史、既往史无异常,轻度不正常脑电活动,无脑器质xing疾病伴发精神障碍,情感xing精神障碍,反应性精神障碍,根据CCMD-Ⅱ诊断标准诊断为精神分裂症(未定型)。我抗议了两天绝食,医院鼻饲,弄得好多血,给我注射药物。第一天晚上有图像我大孃嬢到我大脑,八卦话…,我盯着天花板,一夜未睡...,第二天我问在哪里?护士说在精神病院。姐姐来看我,我说自己没病,医生说这是ziRl/知力缺失。张医生告诉我马崔院长已经去银行悄悄看过我,他再找院长来与我说明诊断结果,但告诉我在我打了药睡着后来了,我没看到。在面对不确定性情景、潜在的威胁时,我可能感到紧张、忧虑、烦恼,自RL/zhu出现焦虑负性情绪状态。被捆绑在床上,对我麻醉,电击,休克治疗,药物治疗,不告诉我药名。我问药物Rlan/全性、对功能影响,张教东医生说治疗药物不良反应少,问考不考虑qiang制治疗的副作用,医生说如果是精神分裂症,前期治疗较好,他个人对精神病没有偏见。我要求出院,5月诊断好转出院。出院后我被要求回十堰父母所在地一段时间,单位医院说情况不好就在十堰工作。父母带我去了神农架、木鱼、巫山、三峡、宜昌等地休息。1999年9月我回到广州,在单位继续工作,还到汕头出差,听说一些同事移民了,朱宏出/Rlguo去加拿大了。我觉得自己没有精神病,有药物不良反应(氯氮平、利培酮等),经积极控制调整饮食及改善生活方式等,还有高血脂高血糖肥胖,皮损等,医生建议药物治疗。觉得奇耻大辱,有时凄风苦雨。10月我去广州市精神病医院荔湾区门诊找张医生,告诉我在芳村区,我去挂了号找他,说我没有病,张教东医生说我已经治好了,让我正常生活。实际后来想起,仍然在受脑电磁波武器伤害,思维受害,异常bo起,周围有时也不正常。单位分房子我也没有分到,因没有签十年合同,在市中心可以分到二室一厅,在稍偏僻的地方可以分到三室一厅新房。4月我考了全/Rlguo英语专业考试B级,100分,但是单位没有聘我。我业余时间参加了TOFEL培训班,2000年5月考了托福,613分。又学了GRE资料,8月请假批准后,去北京新东方参加了GRE培训班,10月在广州外语大学考了GRE, 2160分(570,800,790),在广东省公证处办了公证,准备移民,并且申请了/Rlguo外大学研究生。2000年10月我找了律师,广东省宏诚律师事务所,广州市东风中路410号(仓边路)健力宝10楼04室王旭阳(020-83486582,83486609),*R/xing事起诉中/Rlguo银行广东省分行(020-83338080),广州市精神病医院。2001年2月在广州市越秀区公Rlan/局*R/xing事报案。2001年4月10日我在去找律师,在健力宝大楼楼下被广州市精神病医院捆绑抓入12区(病情提供者姑父王苏,哥刘政),住院号50155,住院107天,区长主治医师徐洋,医师李英,我又绝食抗议了两天,医院鼻饲。诊断精神分裂症(未定型),实验室、物理检查体检结果无异常,精神系统检查亦无异常,意识清晰,注意力集中,定向力正确,检查不合作,存可疑被害妄想,情感淡漠,意志行为减退,无ziRl/知力,智能记忆无异常,连贯基本没问题。脑电图轻度不正,发现粒细胞减少症,合并药物治疗。约4月发现可能红斑lang疮引起类似精神病症状,5月从广州市二、中二医院皮肤科邀请医生会诊,排除红斑狼疮(有医生不排除),不排除精神病院药物引起。每周两次和其他病人一起,被拉到公/Rlgong浴室(公/Rlgong厕所,很脏)洗澡。我听医院的人讲,不到10万就可以关在这包吃包住一辈子,有护士对我表示同情。我要求出院,7月26日医嘱好转家属接于院外治疗。2000年底被中/Rlguo银行广东省分行除名,说我请假他们没有批。2001年起诉,说需要代理人,法院取消了我的诉quan/Rl。我没有所谓较成熟,还是告知单位、医院、监护人说我没精神病,要起诉。福柯的《疯癫与文明》说,在精神病的发现、诊治过程中,表面上看是知识、科学的作用,实则透出quan/Rl力和统治的魅影。中/Rlguo青年报说即使是一个精神再健全的正常人,也经不起“被精神病”qiang制折磨、恐惧,一定会折磨成精神病。7月越秀区法院越法民初字第623号民事判决败诉,审判员廖美兰。2001年8月提起抗诉,广州市中级法院审判长王念宁,代理审判员潘志刚、孔婉芬(书记员何润楹)调解代理人与被告(行长田晓韧),穗中法民终字第2482号确认,2001年11月中/Rlguo银行合同期满,我被要求回到湖北十堰父母所在地。我嘱咐档案是否放入正确法律文件,那时不能看自己档案,被我姑父通过途径查阅档案发现,中/Rlguo银行犯罪将除名文件放入档案,转到广州市人才交流中心,打电话给终审法官王念宁,法官找了中/Rlguo银行广东省分行,才换了文件。在住院期间,中/Rlguo银行把我的较多物品、证据扔了。走时父亲和我身体状况不好,我的一些物品书籍无法带,扔了。我去了洛阳、郑州、开封、郑州等地。父母又带我去了上海、乌镇、浙江湖州、菱湖、杭州等地休息。父亲与我去了龙虎山、黄山(后山上)、庐山等地。






离婚后,我不得不找工作。从医学角度看,或许所谓不够成熟,就是无法bie得住尿,又憋不住话;所谓成熟,就是既憋得住niao,又憋得住话;所谓衰老,就是只能bie得住话,却憋不住尿。我坚持起诉、揭露活动 。2006年12月我在武汉纬创软件(北京)有限公司(Wistron Information Technology & Services Beijing Inc. Wuhan SDC, 湖北武汉市武昌区中南路7号中商广场B座27楼 027-87259322)工作到2007年2月,总经理杨玉翔,技术管理,COBOL程序做金融保险业务,租房住鹏程大厦723,因受害严重,无法继续工作。2007年4月,我去上海准备找工作换个地方,看能否解决受害问题。租赁房子住,有水电收单等,用EMS向司法部司法鉴定中心、广东省省长黄华华、广东省/Rlzheng法委、最高法院院长、最高检察院等报案起诉,电话广东省高等检察院、公Rlan/热线报案,寄信给朱Rl/*rongRl*/ji。在上海黄浦区半淞园派出所、区*R/xing侦队、市公Rlan/局(福州路185号东小门)、市*R/xing侦总队(中山北一路803号、上海市高等法院、市检察院报案,被上海公Rlan/监控,在常去的网吧老板告诉我并不愿意我在他那里上网,我说报案了。在受害严重的情况下,6月我参加了上海/Rlguo际旅行社泰国旅行团,护照号POCHN,G17030649,从浦东/Rlguo际机场走,犯罪分子跟着我到了泰/Rlguo(曼谷、芭提雅等地),后来7月又去了印度尼西亚等地,我在普吉旅游警察、飞机上航空公司、普吉省警察、泰/Rlguo曼谷旅游警察总部、曼谷*R/xing事法院、泰国警察总部、泰国最高法院、泰/Rlguo陆军司令部、泰/Rlguo最高检察院,曼谷报社社长、律师、印度尼西亚最高法院、印度尼西亚最高军事检察院,加拿大检察院、移民部、皇家骑警,FBI,/Rlguo际*R/xing警,/Rlguo际*R/xing事法院,知名人士等报案起诉。在泰/Rlguo警察总部,/Rlguo际*R/xing警处上校,与我谈过后,告诉我要当场打电话给中/Rlguo大使馆秘密警察,电话接通他谈后让我接电话,我听出是联系过的袁领事,他同意破案,/Rlguo际*R/xing警处拿走我的资料,答复调查,有事可以再联系。在曼谷*R/xing事法院,法官答复可找Police调查,个人无knowledge做判断,若有调查可个人起诉。我在曼谷贴了标语,继续报案。6月20日我在上海找了著名律师叶杭生,他与另一名律师与我谈话,看了我的《起诉书》,问我工作原公司,是否在上海读过书,公Rlan/局报案没有,说没有设备取证较困难。咨询上海著名律师事务所,说要公Rlan/局立案,要立案通知书。上海书城查阅资料,买了《中华人民共和/Rlguo刑法》注释本,ISBN 978-7-5036-6322-2,犯罪分子说知法犯法,打击报复。回到十堰,2007年11月19日我在十堰东岳公Rlan/分局*R/xing警大队报案,给我报案收据,答复调查后会找我。2008年4月父亲与我去荆州、明钟祥陵、张家界、湖南凤凰县城等地休息。4月我在北京大学校办企业北大青鸟十堰分校工作,教计算机数据结构。7月去北京海淀区北大青鸟总部培训。我又去了最高检察院(北河沿大街147号、东交民巷)、最高法院(幸福路18号)起诉,起诉材料EMS给了最高检察院检察长曹建明。8月我在东风工业汽车学校(职业院校)签了学期合同,教准备升大专班数据库应用基础-Access2003,电子商务网站建设与维护等。我多次向广东省高级法院提出再审申请,寄EMS、电话,答复要求去广州。2009年10月律师江华(邮编442000,湖北十堰郧县司法局转)赴广州,有新的证据,请求广东省高级法院依法予以撤消广州市中级人民法院(2006)穗中法民一终字第303号民事判决书,并依法重新审理此案。中/Rlguo银行还荣获“改革开放30年最具责任感企业”奖,年报披露数据员工人均工资19万多元。我多次与律师面谈、电话、邮件商量,找到案例:广州富豪何锦荣2006年起诉2005年被妻儿qiang行送进广州市脑科医院治疗,中/Rlguo法医学会司法鉴定中心关于何锦荣的鉴定意见:无重xing精神疾病,2010年法庭辩论脑科医院代理律师表示:不接受结论是我的quan/Rl利。还给他一些医学鉴定、认知神经、/Rlfu败等相关资料做证据。虽然后来知道中/Rlguo精神病案件没有胜诉案例(第一例胜诉在2010年),律师觉得我这个案子冤案,应该胜诉。1957年“大鸣大放”动员称言无不尽,绝不上纲上线,保证不抓辫、不打棍、不戴帽。两个大学生,一个想先鸣放,会议时间一长就尿急上厕所,另一个原本说看情况再发言,会议动员非常诚恳于是只好站起来说几句,会场掌声不断。风云突变被抓成反革命,此后次次运动都有他的份,右派,挨饿,批斗,游街,劳改,坐牢,70年代末总算平反落实/Rlzheng策回到城市工作,可是身体早已整垮了。没鸣放的大学生不再发言,阅读科研资源,桃李天下,80年代接着成了科研quan/Rl威。他抽空去看望坐轮椅的好友,哥俩泪眼相对,世事难料,谁能想到两人的人生遭遇会差这么大呢,站着的说:“唉,其实,我们俩的人生际遇也就是差一泡尿的事儿啊!”2009年在十堰六堰新华书店我买了中/Rlgong中央/Rlzheng法委员会《社会RL/zhu义法治理念读本》,ISBN 978-7-80175-889-7,犯罪分子犯罪更严重。2008年我买了《兵工科技》10月号,ISSN1672-4054,31页“脑控武器——不再是神话”。2009年我买了《新周报》第43期,CN42-0071,13页“能控制思想的神秘武器”。2009年9月2日至5日,中/Rlgong中央/Rlzheng治局委员、全/Rlguo人大常委会副委员长、中/Rlguo总工会RL/zhu席王兆国一行到东风公司十堰视察,2009年11月30日中/Rlgong中央/Rlzheng治局常委、中央纪委书记贺国强深入湖北十堰市,参观东风汽车公司总装厂,人民广场,就加强Rl/dang风廉/Rlzheng建设和反/Rlfu败工作等进行调研。我受害仍然严重。2010年9月在十堰市张湾区检察院起诉。2010年再次向最高人民法院提出再审申请,律师10月赴北京请求最高法院依法予以撤消广东省高级法院(2009)粤高法民一审字第2756号民事Rl/cai定书,并依法重新审理此案,至今败诉。沉舟侧畔千帆过,枯木前面万木春。所有的悲伤、亲切、深沉、生命,时光一去不返。律师寄EMS申请再审信到最高法院,又给我写了律师证明,说有消息就告诉我。




以前我对取证做过考虑,主要考虑到从以下几个方面取证:1)脑控信号采集检测,2)司法渠道破案取证,3)受害者医学检测(包括司法鉴定),4)脑控技术的学科来源(技术原理),5)受害者ziRl/诉、公开信、博客及众多受害者的人证,6)外界的(新闻媒体、专家、知名人士)报道等等。目前我们只有5)、 6)等证据。1)脑控信号采集检测要由无线电管理局,空间技术研究院等/Rlguo家机构和研究所来做才有效果,但目前都需要公检法开证明。2)司法渠道破案取证,包括律师,目前也无进展,可能需要受害者们一起起诉也不一定行,这是需要努力的方向。我找过脑控技术的学科来源(技术原理),发现有清华,北大,上海交大、中科院的生物物理研究所、会议论文等都可能有相关学科,而且有的已有四五十年的研究历史。知道有部分半公开出版物,以前告诉在北京长期上访的Rlan/徽巢湖邵玉文、丹东高晓维和上海的难友去查看一下,电子出版物也可以,但老邵说他去过,有关院所不接待我们这个案子。我在科技图书馆翻阅资料时又发现,在公开出版物大学学报上有相关资料刊登,比如,在电子科技大学2009年9月期刊上有两篇,一篇大约介绍一个脑电波分析原理,说如何从采集的脑电波信号(EEG)中分析出思维中人体的运动和非运动状态。第二篇,说明了采集脑电波的一个方法,说是用一个美/Rlguo的设备,采集参数为0.1到40Hz,带宽500,Hz,采集频率可以达到0.001秒。还说有自愿者参加等等。另外在清华大学本月期刊上也看到一篇类似报道。可见,脑电波识别分析、脑机接口和应用等技术的研究至少目前比较广泛和活跃,考虑到把最近五六年等的都算上,应该有一两百篇相关文章。对这些文章的内容和我们的受害情况我大约是这么考虑的:在脑控技术中有机器和人工两种方式,目前所达到的水平可能不一样,当然机器ziRl/动做技术难度要大一些,上面文章中介绍的都是机器自动识别分析脑电波并运用的较新方法,但水平还可能达不到我们实际受害中的情况,比如说文章中介绍的可能为智商50,应该比犯罪分子系统中的已经运用的机器ziRl/动部分要先进些。目前在我们受害的实际情况中可能人工做较多,比如说可能达到智商90,当然其中部分可能采用了来源于公开大学院所机器自动做的成果。有条件的可以到图书馆中查阅相关资料、院所会议,如果是大学的学报有分册,要去找人体科学,生物电子,生物物理,认知神经等相关部分。我在科技图书馆发现电子刊物可以查询下载,我办理了证件已经查阅下载了一些法律、医学、媒体、脑电磁波武器相关学科论文,并且给受害者群发送了几十篇,希望相关人士等阅读,这种文章不多,还有一些其它文章/Rlgong享。少数文章是作者观点,难友们可以进行讨论。


  受害者都在受害之中,有些通过了不同的途径去解决问题,虽然有的受害严重,且约已远超过可补偿部分,受害者在精神、身体状况和经济状况很差的情况下通过报案、司法途径、信访、公开信、电邮、上访、博客宣传,为侦破此案做着不懈的努力。无论在理智感情上大致都是必须的,这也是法律赋予公民的神圣quan/Rl利。法律规定所有公民在法律上一律平等,并且都享有思想、尊严、学习、工作、休息、健康等正常生活、生存的最基本人quan/Rl。找专家学者、记者、律师、全国人大政协代表、知名人物、人quan/Rl人士、关注者等等方法来帮助,几乎走遍了北京、各省会、市所有反映问题和解决问题的渠道。比如忻中庆组织的公开信2008年起有好几封了,2009年《中/Rlguo受害者告全世界人民书》(An Announcement to the Whole World by Chinese Victims)发给了世界一千多个邮址,mavis参加组织的多/Rlguo游行,邵玉文等于2008年7月在/Rlguo家Rlan/全部又一次报案,2009年又和多名难友上访,本人写了《中/Rlguo脑电磁波武器受害者集体控诉书》,并递交了所代表的二百多名受害者的材料和身份证明,在公Rlan/部,/RlguoRlan/部,卫生部,中央军委(总参),环保局,军事法院,最高法院,最高检察院,/Rlguo际*R/xing警,/Rlguo际*R/xing事法院、联合/Rlguo等处报案。我以前给上访受害者汇钱,12月邵玉文又被北京/Rlguo安等侵quan/Rl抓入公Rlan/安徽Rlan/康精神病医院(一年多至今不让出院),2008年李中祥,郭汝泉等三百多位受害者签名联署向十一届全/Rlguo人大建议议案“关于禁止针对中/Rlguo公民使用攻击性精神控制技术和定向能等隐蔽侵害武器的*R/xing法增修案”现在还在进行,SOSO、百度都有脑控武器等百科词条。从/Rlguo外难友获知The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues有很多美/Rlguo难友都有到场驻听2天的会议February 28 - March 1, 2011。最后1小时,20多名难友以简短(1分钟半)来讲述个别遭遇(45分钟片段)。受害者的努力至今还没有得到答复或受理。一些受害者还受到了打击报复,有的被关进了公Rlan/精神病医院,还有受到了殴打,有的已经受了酷*R/xing、精神、身体等伤害。一些媒体发挥扶危济困社会责任,脑电磁波武器技术屡被曝光。/Rlguo外华盛顿邮报The Washington Post,Sunday,January 14,2007,Mind Games,by Sharon Weinberger,纽约时报,英/Rlguo泰晤士报等和凤凰视频美/Rlguo称研发脑控武器可打赢反恐战争,/Rlguo内新华社、南方周末(2001年5月1日第6版)、中央电视台《走进科学》:心“芯”相印等这些年都有具有公信力的报道,还有大学、/Rlguo防科工委、社会人士等方面的专家表示知道此技术,现在了解了我们的受害经历。既然是公quan/Rl力犯罪,按照大家的受害经历,和脑电磁波武器武器与核武器相当的地位,这支部队犯罪分子应该有一两万人以上。虽然中/Rlguo是极quan/Rl/Rlguo家控制的严,但这毕竟是事实,总有被揭露出来的一天。一二十年以来和最近又有未来战警(Surrogates)、黑客帝/Rlguo(Matrix Reloaded)、异次元骇客(The thirtreenth floor)、地下理想/Rlguo(Metropia)、阿凡达(Avatar)、源代码(Source Code)等影片说的都是多种脑控技术。受害者大部分都是有良心的善良人士,人数较少,找法律人士、维quan/Rl人士、社会人士,宣传扩大影响是应该的,面对公quan/Rl力犯罪、/Rlguo家机器,我们受害者没有较好的办法,不能说哪次斗争行动是过激的或者毫无进展的。这种犯罪为quan/Rl贵利益、小集团、秘密部门、妖mo化组织服务,并且为了打击报复,升官晋级等采取的行为,另一方面这种xie恶精英统治下的,根本背离了民主是多数人的统治的基本原则,是对民主的亵渎和嘲讽,演变成一种伪宗教,最终表现为僵化的集quan/Rl式的邪恶/Rlzheng治集团。让我们勇敢地加入战斗,为了我们公民不再受害,为了更多的人不再受害,并且向中/Rlguo公开司法部门等提起控诉,查清楚犯罪行为调动到路线的Rlan/排、通讯联络方式,前进指挥部,基本和后方指挥部,行动,/Rlzheng治动员和宣传,制造实验武器,后勤保障,运输交通,资金问题等。查清设备精密度,参数设置、范围、复杂度,如何使用,规则有无完全记录,如何对本人机能造成伤害。有些思维、记忆被破坏,保留quan/Rl利。要使反人类、恐怖主义犯罪的/Rlfu败特quan/Rl者和秘密机构犯罪分子得到法律严惩,要有威慑力,经过这些年以来,犯罪分子和相当级别的相关部门都应发展到已经做好了相应的准备。要解决可能割断联系,销毁档案证据,阻挠调查和监督等犯罪问题。
















【作者】刘炜 Liu wei



【日期】2010-4 修整版


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我们是正在遭受脑电磁波武器攻击(又称“脑控”) 日夜残酷骚扰折磨迫害的受害者,这是随着人类社会科技发展而出现的一种崭新的犯罪形式,而我们是不幸的处于在这种高科技技术被人们广泛了解前的第一批受害者。


















最近几年以来,这个技术屡有曝光。如新华社2007121日报道“老翁20多年受困神秘声音 坚信沦为军方试验品”,200879日报道“不战而屈人之兵?美俄被指研究“脑控武器”,日报道“美军神秘武器披露:"脑控武器"已用于实战”,中国中央电视台2007年报道“思维控制物体”——我国脑电波解读技术处于世界领先水平,等等。中国青年报的青年参考等其他媒体和一些网络媒体对这个技术也有不少报道。而且约2008年以来一些使用该技术的民用产品开始上市,如脑电波控制的电脑游戏机等。










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liuw mail 与程培华女士答复

























































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An Case

An Case

I am attacked by electromagnetic wave and so on, point to head, other part of body, and was made the serious injury, From 2005 or may be earlier, serious in this years, may be ten and more hours a day, and some time day and night. The criminal use some kinds of devices, may arrived at weapon level. I may not find them and get direct evidences. They use picture, sound, sex, sense, deleting memory, stimulating, (military)action, shifting, retaliatory, repeat, and other methods to damage my brain important functions in a systematic way, and may not only to my mental psychology twist and harm, and so on, but also to no-corrected, fresh start and the future. May be few person can understand and believe it.

I reported the case to criminal police, China Supreme Court President by EMS (ER262153903CN), Shanghai Police Department (ER262153925CN) at April, 2007. They said to investigate and reply to me. So far it was out of can be compensatory, was sacrifice, may be social advantage. I found someone knew my position, characteristics, situation, and circumstances are not normal. I knew the criminal may hide some truth, and I may lose some change. The criminal continue to crime, they may be sent from high level of China mainland, which said to inherit their generation. When I went to Thailand Bangkok on 31th, May 2007, They came to Thailand and attacked me, on the plane, hotel, beach, road, and other public places, I and may be girlfriend, was made the more important harm. I mailed the case suit documents to Police Ministry Minister Yongkang Zhou (ER263399222CN) and Shanghai Procuratorate on 9th June 2007, and “China Youth Daily”, etc. I had known some background and something, they still do it. The criminal may be organized by china relate departments. When I must to go to Indonesia on 8th July 2007, they came to and attacked me at Bali, Jakarda Indonesia, I sent a criminal suit documents by registered letter to The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia President (CP 000764290 ID) and General Police Head (CP 000764309 ID) on 30th, July 2007, etc. And report the case on the plane when they attacked me on the plane (Garuda Indonesia Airline GA405 at 4th April, they still do the crime on GA834 at 6th April, GA896 at 7th April). I mailed the suit documents to the China Supreme Court President Yang Xiao (ES822010810CN), China Supreme People's Procuratorate (ES822010718CN), the Indonesia Military Courts of Justice President (EA881850934CN), and China Ministry of Public Health Dr. Minister (ES822011545CN), etc. The crime wasn’t stop. I have to come to Thailand Phuket Patong on 21th, August 2007 this time, They also came to Thailand and attacked me. I may have part information. I have mailed the suit documents by EMS letter to Thailand General Police Department (ED637744459TH) on 22th, August 2007, mailed some suit documents to Thailand Supreme Court (ED637739547TH), Phuket Tourist Police, Provincial Police Headquarter, on August, Beijing Ministry of Foreign Affiars Mr. Minister and Consular Protection Center(EE050718372TH), Ministry of Public Health Dr. Mongkol Na Songkhla Minister(ED637742183TH), International SOS Assistance Ltd, on September, etc, and call to them to tell the case. And then send the document to “World Daily”, “Bangkok Post”, “Singtaonet”, “Wenweipo”, “Orientaldaily”, etc. They execute crime also. They criminal may have perfect information, it is not accident, and it is not only one case, upset, sovereignty, privilege, medicine problem, competition, or ethics, etc, may be war crimes, law enforcement corruption, they are criminal, and may be retaliatory now. Then they take their secrets with the honor to be left to send an old man. And they may be not commit the crime and escape, with their thought live free or die hard, undertaken by their organizations.

Now, I go to Shanghai, they still do that, I mailed the letter to CCP 17th congress president group(EQ016549988CN), CCP 17th congress member Boxiong Guo(EQ015587110CN), 17th congress Henan group(EQ016550005CN), Guangzhou ZhongShan No. 1 Hospital Dr. Dean, Chongqin City people congress(EQ016548979CN), “CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL”, and so on. Please stop and arrest them as soon as possible and sentence to death and other penalty. I have not remembered something now, and may not describe clearly. This is a brief document in English language, It is
may difficult to tell only by telephone. There have some criminal suit documents in Chinese language. If possible don't tell others my personal information, and please reply to me as soon as possible by telephone, E-mail, mail, or other way. Thanks.

Nationality: P.R.China

PassportNo: G17030649

ID: 510102197103078450


Tel: 13701926103(Shanghai) 13597878369(Hubei)

Address at Bangkok: Welcome Sawasdee Inn 662 629 2321


Oct 29th 2007

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