New World Order and Nazi Germany - Operation Paperclip
Operation Paperclip casefile
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 1997
Dossier: Documented Evidence
Case File: 5X067
Compiled by Agent Orange
I believe that murder is induced by technology that evil men control:
Living in Washington State, I have been in the hotbed of serial killers such as Robert Yates, Ted Bundy and Gary Ridgeway. Being that Robert Yates started right here about 7 miles Lie Detection to Get First Day in Court
By Alexis Madrigal March 16, 2009 | 7:41:39 PM
Defense attorneys are for the first time submitting a controversial neurological lie-detection test a
As a former patient of Dr. Harold J. Hoffman of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children, it is quite devastating to discover unauthorized brain tissue removal and trespass of 43 metallic implants in the cerebral cortex, with 4 connected to the right opt
why should MKUltra researchers and activist stay alert about what happens in the mobile phone industry?
because: THEY KNOW...
"Vodafone has gotten a lot of loud negative feedback for an advertising campaign it ran in Germany. The “Generation Upload
"... neuroscience could alter the law, creating
new methods and new visual evidence to determine
criminal intent and criminal responsibility."
---- Mindcontrol itself is criminal and against humanity, such criminals MUST BE UPROOTED from our earth t
Is this some type of machine? I see walls in the photo. I also see some wicked machine in the works there...look at the links of saturns south pole as well (Hexagon on north pole)
I think that some super force and some super intelegence is involved.
Memorials of Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapon victims
(1) J, (I know nothing about her) who I heard from the torturers, died during May 2002 to August 2002 in China. Her death frightened me; I had ever mentioned her death in
seeing the different ways in which the symptoms manifest --
as well as realising that the info has been available since 1993 via Mark Phillips, partner to Cathy O'Brien - will help researcxhers correlate feelings with documented history. Enjoy./
since antnaz sent this link to more than fifty members, maybe this can be discussed in detail here and broken down.
i considered handing some pages from it to a local beat cop seriously.
letting street level law officers know that private citizens,
After a long time hard working, we have already bring awareness of mind control abuse and torture to many people, including some Doctors and Psychiatrists. Here are some Doctors and Psychiatrists who know about Mind Control Abuse and Torture. If you
The inhumane Microwabe Terrorists are not only real terrorists, but also are not humankind. One basic difference between humankind and non-humankind is morality, they have no more morality because they have attacked the Human Being's Central Nervous