Warren's Discussions (35)

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Welcome to New Kuwait

Welcome to New Kuwait.

It is said that Hitler thought he was going to conquer the world.  Saddam was no doubt over-focused on Kuwait.   Saddam was stopped early, Hitler's armies ended up all over Europe.  Those who invade people's minds can be just a

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Perps are like Saddam.  They stand on the highway of death like they own it.  They focus on the victim.  Focus. Focus. Focus.


Perps need to stopped from advancing technologically, before they become more of a danger to others.

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Perped up

Some of the people around me that I know seem to be mind-controlled into being more aggressive.  It can be hard to stay patient even though I suspect that they are not responsible for their actions. 

Always focus on the mind controller.

Always focus

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Proving you are not crazy...

It is possible to prove you have been mind controlled by carefully examining your memories. As one can tell if a voice is from a reasoning source, one can examine nightmares and mind control. If the 'storyline' of the mind control matches the 'storyl

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Attempt at proof

Anyone want to organize a list of people that have sworn that the voices are not random activation in defective brain tissue, and thus make the point that we are not simply insane.  One can pull words from a dictionary at random and one will not get

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SyntheticTelepathy.com comes up third on google when searching for the term "synthetic telepathy" out of 164,000 pages. Does anyone watching perps have access to functioning synthetic telepathy technology? Email me at synthetictelepathy.com if you ar

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Publication update

Military budgets are at a trillion and a half dollars per year world wide. Police budgets worldwide are over a trillion. Despite the paranoia there are no doubt some good people in militaries and police departments. Loyalty can be verified with synt

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