I was a peacepink member for sometime, approximately 5 years ago. However, since leaving peacepink things haven't been great. I've been tortured to an extent which words cannot describe. Nonetheless, I've endured and only recently been able to find m
UN Human Rights, International Criminal Court and International Bar Association decided to work together to stop torture and fight torture. I have a question. Could you please forward this message below? Th
To all those perpetrators out there, you do not place a signal a god’s given brain. There are consequences and one of them, mark my words, is you will be caught. Also, the disbenefits of this technology completely outweigh the benefits, no matter whi
They're transmitting my dad's head voice to my head I can hear him constantly. I'm watching disgusting porn to get them to stop and it's somewhat helping. Any other ideas is welcome.
Here is question for you all and myself. This can be evidence regarding how Toronto Police, Canadian torturers, who are living as my neighbors ,are torturing me, attemptedly murdering me with EMF Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destr
I listen to the cure and my overhead fan converse sometimes. They use lasers and crystals and more i think. It becomes futility fighting. I always tell myself i wont be sucked in to this vocal/painful unreality within reality. I sent a mindstalker in
Is there any help i can get so this person will stop using v2k voices on me & stop with her mobbing activities? She also has false victimization syndrome in which she falsely says i stalk her. She looks for people to mob, and then she claims they are
Ive noticed by focussing myself internally, not spiritualy or emotionaly but physicly. And focussing on a specific thing say volume level, or mind reading i get internal systematic clicks of tissue and subsequent reductions in hearing feeling and tra
We have included 'full symptoms list' from surveys of the targeted individual community, with a link at the bottom of the page to the survey page itself from FFCHS.