's Discussions (4867)

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Will victims win a lawsuit?



Victims have suffered a long period of extremely cruel of mind control weapon abuse and torture, brains being raped, spirits/souls and bodies ravaged. Many victims have make great efforts, but no

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As i was driving my new car ( 2010 model , one year old) purchased in Sept 2009, just after traffic light its stopped without any reason.

I call towtrack , a technician came and check the car, he could not detect anything wrong and finally brought to

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Artifical Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

What a foolish concept, surely scientist must feel ridiculous when they use this oxymoron. However it is often this type of computer program that is running the harassment of the targeted individuals, especially those who hav

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Soul Catcher.....

-Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip Due…

2010 December 1
by wemustknow.koen

Source: The Electronic Telegraph (England)
(From CNI News)

The End of Death: ‘Soul Catcher’ Computer Chip Due…
By Robert Uhlig

A computer chip implanted behind the eye that could

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2010-11-10 07:23    来源:大洋网-广州日报   

  迷你“宇宙大爆炸”是通过令铅离子高速撞击产生的,撞击产生的温度是太阳核心温度的100万倍。  图为迷你“宇宙大爆炸”的电脑效果图。



  本报讯 据英国媒体9日报道,科学家借助欧洲大型强子对撞机(LHC)成功完成了创造迷你版“宇宙大爆炸”的实验,产生了

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Buon riposo †Maurizio†


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. . . . . . . . . .*****. . . . . .*. . . . . .

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Attempt at proof

Anyone want to organize a list of people that have sworn that the voices are not random activation in defective brain tissue, and thus make the point that we are not simply insane.  One can pull words from a dictionary at random and one will not get

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digital tv converters

in the usa prisons they have given the prisoners use of a computer as they can access the mind through the computer screen.

however it does not stop here !

America does not care if the citizens have food, education, health or health care but they made

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Brain Science

Brain Science

Science News

Pacemaker for Your Brain: Brain-to-Computer Chip Revolutionizes Neurological Therapy

ScienceDaily (June 29, 2010) — By stimulating certain areas of the brain, scientists can alleviate the effects of disorders such as d

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