Disturbing on so many levels. In this thread I'm wanting to explore research methodolgy and the failiar of the checks and balences that are supposidly built into the system. This will follo
There is a way to record the scalar waves used to do electronic harassment and play it back so that someone who is not a victim can actually hear the voices.
How can you be deemed crazy if you are no longer the only one who can understand what they a
i am posting 2 articles -the artile titled'my notes and photos of how scalar alters your dna'are some of the notes i made to myself as i was working with a recording made in a silent room, much in the same way the ghost hunters try and record ghost v
The US military is hard at work designing, building, and using directed energy weapons (HERFs -- high energy radio frequency or microwave weapons) for use against micro-electronics and fuel vapor. Unfortunately, directed
I believe that Oprah whinfrye may very well give us a national forum for our plight. She has always given the people their voice. If we appeal as a unit, we may be able to make this happen. Pass this on tho all other site and tell her people, Phil se
Ok so i just want to say i would like to meet and speak with other people that are targets who have a "BRAIN IMPLANT" I dont want to discredit what anyone else says about "micowave beams" and "satalites reading thoughts" and whatever for my
The European Convention is still the only international human rights agreement providing such a high degree of individual protection. State parties can also take cases against other state parties to the Court, although this power is rarely used. Ther