i think weve been beating our head against the wall for to long no matter how many petitions we sign or government officials we contact our situation remains the same if people new for a fact that these atrocities were realy going on they would come to our defense in a second but do to the circumstance of the program we are on people give us no credibilit .ymaybe if they knew the amount of money being stolen from the taxpayer they might look at us in a different light most of us are so harrassed we can no longer function to our full potential we have to use government assistance such as unemployment,welfare,government housing and medicalor some other form of government insurance so not only are they keeping us from becoming happy productive citizens who contribute to the tax roles and society as a whole but are also burdening every taxpayer with 10,000,000,000 bebt wich is a very conseritive number you only have to do the math to figure it out average unemployment around $400 a week welfare about $200 per person a month housing could be as much as $1000 a month medical you can only guess the cronic illness they provoke requires constant attention this number of 10,000,000,000 doesnt even factor in medical theres no way of knowing the monies spent on medical. if the stories of our suffering are not enough to spur them to action maybe the blatent theft of taxpayer money will get a responseif there is anyone who could fogure out a way to put a number on the medical portion of ths would be greatly appreciated.im going to start blogging and posting in this direction as you can see we are not the only victims of this crime they have made every person alive a victim