harry norman's Posts (12)

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Hi trying a new approach ive been doing a lot of study and came across something very disturbing i need help solving it im going under cover in plain site i need your input but you have to be low profile visit my websiteand tell me what you think im going to slowly introduce topics in disguise and make people think and compare  www.thetellingof.com   thanks remember be discrete 

visit my fb page TITLE  and well play it by ear

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speaking from the ground

I love solemis prophecyone important part wich might give her some more insight son of dust speaking from the dust or speaking from the ground there is many different interprtations your tounge will stick to the roof of your mouth until you have eaten what I hAVE GIVEN YOU . you will not use your own words but I will speak through you you will speak only what you hear. speaking from the ground can be seen to fulfill the prophesy  concerning forced speech and mind control except in the case of god he schools you first with his wisdom and when he opens your mouth you are reacting to people you hear with the wisdom of god the end times prophesy is not a call to physical war but goes out like a call to war but for understanding thi battle cry is to call the nations to together to remember our promise to godwhen we were grafted into the branch of david to help the widows ,orphans aleinsand less fortunate its not going to be world war three but it has bee the third world war and were losing miserably we were suppose to be a world of nation buildersbut some how we got desensitized to violence and suffering we victims have been being held back physicaly and mentaly and I think it is for this purpose to finaly unify the world through our suffering and I also think our time is at hand

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subliminal art this is whats killing america

the worst of it started in mountain home ar. i would here voices that sounded like they were comeing from the static or any loud noise my body would feel like it was electrafied including my eyes my body was being manipulated and my head turned to look at 3d lanscape art at first i was just curious but the longer it went on the more taxing it became on my body so i started fighting there control the harder i fight the more they torture me they run biggoted dialog through my head and continous perverted sexual inuendo accompanied with electro stimulation to everyone i come into contact including my children every time i try to talk to my daughters or son they run disgusting thoughts and imagery with electro stimulation it has completely isolated me from my family because i cant interact with my family they were able to alter my childrens personality and destroy there christian faith this has been going on for years they say they told people they had my signature and i agreed but i never did i would never agree to lose my family for any reason my grandson a very beautiful baby with downsyndrome i cant even get close to him and develope any kind of relationship every time i pick him up or try to get close to him i am electricly stimulated ive had to avoid all contact they keep me so distracted and poor i cant remember anything they dull my senses so i cant feel the anger of an outraged parent and grandfather i couldnt even be with my daughterlast week when she was giving birth to my granddaughter

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does anybody know anything about lead shielding

the little bit of research  ive done on lead shielding suggests that it will block all electro magnetic radiation its what the millitary uses in a lot of cases because of the density of mass the atomic structure is realy compressed wich stops a lot of the millameter waves even gama rayswouldnt it make sense for us to give it a try sheet lead can be purchased from any roofing supply for pretty cheap unfortunately im barely surviving struggling for me to purchase the materials means my family would have to quit eating for a week or two or we would have to find a new place to live if any can afford a little experiment wich sounds almost guarenteed to offer the best results of escaping this torment entirely a couple hundred dollars remember governments have been using this method from the beginning . heres just a little thing to think about why did they ban lead base paints think duplicity we know its harmful if ingested but could it also interfear with signals


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lead shielding

why not try lead shielding its very cheap and can be bought in sheets at any roofing supply stores lead is suppose to block all radiation microwave ,and rf are nothing more than differant spectrums of radiation you would be able to build a small sanctuary to escape from the most brutal attacks for a couple hundred bucks. gamma rays are the most energetic frequencies and lead is what is used to block them and as long as you dont try to eat the lead its perfectly safe

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its finaly come down to murder these past few years have been  an absolute  nightmare ive seen my family destroyed every thing that is good in life has been taken from us starting with my dignity , my job ,my personal thoughts i havnt had a private moment in years i cant even go to the bathroom without harrassment and body manipulation it was impossible even to start a relationship with all the forced speech and mocking people through my mind watching every move i make ive started trying to get a lawyer ive sent warning,s of my intentions rio vista city hall and mountain home ar.water and sewer dept.the torture has taken a vicious toll on my health i have ruptured tendon sheaths from constant exposure and forced manipulation my heart is deformed from the forced speech and cancerous feeling they keep on my chest my blood presssure has been artificialy elevated for years ive had my life threatened repeatedly and forced to watch my family suffer at there hands we are on the verge of being put in the street these people have kept me from achieving anything having to rely on there scraps my ex wife has a severe disability wich keeps her in constant pain she can hardly walk yet she is also tortured mercilessly this time they there finaly ready to take my life and make it look like an accident  and left me nowhere to turn ive tried contacting the police ,fbi,fcc,government offices i have never received one response if you no longer hear from me please try and use my information to prosecute the people i have mentioned the signs of electronic manipulation are unmistakeable on internal organs

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chain saw

that is what they call it sharing what you see with other people but not just what you see but what you think letting the people around you watch your reaction when i worked at mountain home water and sewer dept in arkansas every one at the shop new about it they would my direct co workers moose,jason,ryan and project manager jeff whitehead this is a this is a municapality that works with city hall to install and maintain public water and sewer lines.they use this tech to organise and instruct employees in the field call it what you want microwave hearing v2k  when i went in for my interview with alma clark i was sitting in front of her when some force grabbed my head and turned  it i can only describe it as a kind of magnetic feel it felt like current was running through my head the force was so strong tht it made me grimace trying to fight for control while the whole time alma clark and jeff whitehead just stared i was shocked beyond words needless to say i got the job but it was pure torture even my brother in law lee whitman knows about it the things i suffered for these people to watch me think is the most inhuman thing anyone has ever experienced if was torture and death that would be one thing but they have kept the torture going for four years nonstop 24 hours a day they have to keep you tired with sleep depravation they use what they call attitude to modify your feelings so they can provoke you with there perverse chainsaw and steer your body and eyes the best they can if your at full health its to hard for them to control youive been fighting four years nonstopbecause of the equipment i now have high blood pressure that has been untreated so long that the lining of my heart has thickened its been 8 months since my last hospital visit the medicine they give you has no affect because the blood pressure is artificial i can only guess how bad it is by now when all they did when i got out of the hospital is turned up the intensity of the torture this is how they kill people and make it look like natural causes this is the proof that our government has full knowledge of this technoligy all of the names i have listed are real if you want to stop this torture and gain credibility for every victim this is where we start this is the phone number to mountain home alma clark director city hall  870 425 5115  get as many people to call as you can

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something different

i think weve been beating our head against the wall for to long no matter how many petitions we sign or government officials we contact our situation remains the same if people new for a fact that these atrocities were realy going on they would come to our defense in a second  but do to the circumstance of the program we are on people give us no credibilit .ymaybe if they knew the amount of money being stolen from the taxpayer they might look at us in a different light most of us are so harrassed we can no longer function to our full potential we have to use government assistance such as unemployment,welfare,government housing and medicalor some other form of government insurance so not only are they keeping us from becoming happy productive citizens who contribute to the tax roles and society as a whole but are also burdening every taxpayer with 10,000,000,000  bebt wich is a very conseritive number you only have to do the math to figure it out average unemployment around $400 a week welfare about $200 per person a month housing could be as much as $1000 a month medical you can only guess the cronic illness they provoke requires constant attention this number of 10,000,000,000 doesnt even factor in medical theres no way of knowing the monies spent on medical. if the stories of our suffering are not enough to spur them to action maybe the blatent theft of taxpayer money will get a responseif there is anyone who could fogure out a way to put a number on the medical portion of ths would be greatly appreciated.im going to start blogging and posting in this direction as you can see we are not the only victims of this crime they have made every person alive a victim

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its time for every one to come together im tired of the humilation  and most of all not not being able to confide in my family i have no privacy any where i go all my thoughts are known even befor i fully know them my self . im tired of fighting just to go to the bathroom i dont know how many of you experience this but sitting on the toilet with someone raping your mind and useing your eyesight letting you relieve your self at his whim or not taking a shower and having your attacker take a shower with you if you are a victim you know what im talking about and having to look in the mirror knowing someone is looking back at you what about when you look at your wife or husband or girlfriend or boy friend how can you look at them with some one else invading your being and trying to take over your life all of your experiances are now theres every thing you feel everything you see  all of your dreams have been stolen all of your friends have been stolen all of your family members have become estranged .we have no one we can talk to confidently because we lack credability take a look at some of my posts and tell me if you can come up with a better way to finalyput an end to this and get our lives back we have to have credibility to speak to anyone who has the power to do something but it will be up to each individual victim to do there partany ideas or resources including personal time greatly appreciated

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a story of racial and religious torture

im not sure if everyone here has a different story but the symptons and methods all seem identicalwhen i first became aware i was in my trailer and it was like i was being interogated everything and forced to tell every bad thing i have ever done and then seek forgiveness from god and start living a repented life i emediatly changed the way i was living and even the way i thought and when i started protecting my thoughts i noticedall of my thoughts were not my own something was forceing racial slurs  into my thought  every time i would see a black person racial slurs would spring up out of knowwhere and i would become exstremely enbarrassed and i would be forced to avert my gazes so i started trying to force myself to keep looking and block or ignore the slurs but the harder i tried the worse it gotthe people were relentless then one night in my trailer they started trying to convince me i was a robot but not any robot the first human robot created by god i dont know how they do it but they started controlling my emotions with such force that i was compelled to allmost believe it they played out a scenero where i was battleing with god for the future of mankind god or the voice wanted to bring on the appocolipse of revalations and so there was a heated discussion full of the most exstreme emotions i have ever felti wont go into all of the details but in the endthe voice gave me till 2012 to make the people of the world aware of the second coming or life would be destroyed i cant tell you how that made me feel inside trying to reach the whole world and make them aware suddenly dawned on me to be an almost impossible task and everyday since then the abuse the abuse slowly escalated i was driving towtruck at the time and the cops had a checkpoint set up at the car wash and for some reason while we were sitting waiting for the next car to be towed i was compelled to walk up to the chief of the police officers and confess to something my boss was called and i was sent home for the night but as i started to walk away the cop kept jesturing with his head and as i started  looked up  all of the sound around me became muffled and what i saw took my breath away there was not a single star in the sky and as i started to look to the left there was just one bright shining star you cant imagine how i felt i looked back down at the cop then back up then all around me to see who was watching there was a young mexican to one side and what appeared to be a middle aged jewish man with a dog on a collerand he kept looking at me and back down at his dog all the while jerking the dogs chain and when i looked back up at the sky the stars started to blink back int existence fro left to right like someone flipped a switch i was to shocked to say or do anything but as i looked around at the people for answers everyone literaly turned there backs on me i cant begin to tell you how scared i was what happened over the next month was equaly amazing  but all of that has been 4 years ago now i am so wore down with torture that my health is realy suffering my family life and social life have been destroyed  i have no job  ever since then it has been a constant battle 24 hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a yeari could fill books of all of the attrocites comitted against me and my family they got what they call attitude or feel on me it controlles your emotional state and the pressure it so hard that it is almost impossible to accomplish anything i feel now that they are dragging away and stealing  my life one day at a time and if i dont do something now it  will never happen  so i am going to write out every thing that has happened to me and my family from start to finish and submit myself to a polyograph to attest that everything that has happened is the truth and force the courts and government not only to aknoledge it but to do something about it i think if enough people go about it in this manner they will have no choice but to do something everyone who reads this please realy think about what you lost and what other options there are for getting proof one persons testimony is only one persons testimony but if there were hundreds or thousands it could no longer be dismissed

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psychotronic terror and politics

ive been a victim for probaly most of my life though most of it i put down to coincedence but about five years ago a few certain events opened my eyes i was working for a towtruck company and while i was driving i would always start thinking about politics then pretty soon it seemed everybody that got in my truck had a political opinion the wierd thing was when the conversation started to turn agressive my boss would call and ask if everything was all right without fail. i thought spying was illegal i never confronted him because i always got a feeling that every thing was all right. then everyone around me would start commenting on my thoughts  and wanting to know what i thought of them even now i thought this must be some kind of hallucination  i used to always try to give advice to people and one of the girls said thats why they gave me bit im not sure what bit is but since then my vision has changed dramaticlyits like i have a computer screen in my head and for about 4 years ive been in a constant struggle with these voices in my head constantly flashing images of every absurd thing you can think of including child porn and incest part of my torture  has been racial and religious  someone constantly yelling nigger or god dam and for years tried to get me to sell my soul for success there excuse is always that were setting an example for the world to follow but how is torturing setting an example my health has been hugely affected  they try to deny me medical attention wich most times works this is the first time iv shared this with any one and i think i have a lead on who it is this is just a rough over view ive left out most of the details but hopefully as i get used to opening up the writing will become easier i never thought so many people were affected

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