john reed's Posts (6)

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* Is my skull and brain being programmed and turned into a transmitter?
* Does the constant word repetition reinforce this somehow?
* Are these repeated Brainwave signatures easier for an AI
computer to track inside and outside my apartment?
* How is it that a priest can admonish handlers by raising
his voice and condemning their actions by saying he wants
nothing to do with them when, in fact, they appeared not to be in the vicinity?
Why was he raising his voice in a church as if
someone could hear what we were saying.
Was he assuming they were following me as they have done or was he aware
that they were capable of hearing me w/o a physical presence?


Does the constant repetition start in automatically whenever
I break concentration BECAUSE I am programmed to have this
happen beforehand? IOW, are these repetitive phrases
preprogrammed or are my brainwaves being read by
a satellite or triangulated ground stations?

Let me answer my own questions. Satellites are not reading
my thoughts. Through GPS satellites are capable of tracking
my cell phone. My brain is not a transmitter. The priest
was talking loud b/c he knows my confession might be
listened to and that I most likely am being followed
constantly. Visiting this site has provided this naive
targ an education in misinformation. Thank You for this.
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Given, that in my case this has been going
on for, not years, but across generations
at least at the local level.
I don't know where this is going.
Maybe that is a good place to start.

My guess is that these controlled attacks and harassments will keep occurring
until outside world events dictate, determine, confirm course
of action. Outside events are also being controlled
but areas such as foreign affairs are subject to some variables.

Is this torture coordinated across the
country? Is there a protocol that is being
followed day to day? How many years ahead
do my handlers plan?

The following video is 13 years old and has nothing
specific to do with my/our situation. But it says
a lot about how demographers think once you get
past the fact that they are breaking it down for
public consumption. We are now going through the
time period described and predicted. It's amazing to
see the accuracy of this book The Forth Turning.

Two more books have been written since.
They are written for entertainment value but give you
an idea of how various contingencies are planned by
the various levels of bureaucracy. It is amazing.

As with UFO's the military will encourage you to think
they exist and also that they don't exist.
The same is true with the technology that we think/know
is being used on us. Some of it I know about
and some I am guessing about. I will be given
clues to the existence of tech that does not exist.
I will be given clues to the non-existence of tech
and weapons that DO exist. This is the
nature of military PR.
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* Don't want to hear about chemtrails.
* Don't want to hear about aliens or UFO's.
* Don't want to hear about lizardpeople.
* Conspiracies do happen all the time but everything and most things are not.
* Do not want to look like Andy Samberg in the video "I Threw It On The Ground"
* Do want to keep an open mind which doesn't mean inviting every absurdity
in the search for explanations that make me appear exactly like a scripted lunatic.
This happens to be what your tortureboys want.

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MAYBE, just maybe, Jack Smith will be a man
and call off the local dogs who torture innocent
civilians with V2K (Voice to Skull, Voice Of God technology)
and microwave burn weapons that the DOJ passed down
from DOD to local governments.

These are similar to the microwave burn weapons that
will be used in LA jails for "non-lethal" prisoner control.
They are made by good old reliable Raytheon who
over charged the city $750,000.00 & will soon
come up with a hand held similar burn ray weapon.

This is done by and with the cooperation
of active local law enforcement or
private security (retired LE). I and
People like Dr Vaughan Bell (Mind Hacks) dismissed them
as paranoid schizophrenics, he was wrong.
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08/25/10 What do I know?

* No sleep last night but did go into a light trance.
* No communication from ma wonderful "frey-ends"
* My left arm works after some self acupressure.
* Tortureboy is watching my every word.

* It helps to know that most of the stuff downloaded
into my head is all software derived & it helps
to keep in mind there is a time delay, and much of it is an
automatic reaction where my mind generates it's
own responses....thought broadcasting in the voice
of our mercenary "friends".

So much crap has
been downloaded into my brain that anytime
I'm not concentrating on a particular thing
my brain mechanically and automatically goes into repetitive
machine generated talk. This sounds like out loud
speech but it isn't. It's thought broadcasting
which comes about when you are sleep deprived.

How much of my "conversation" with tortureboys
is just me generating both ends of the conversation?
A lot. This is why "they" don't want you talking out loud.
My mind is entrained to generate responses that I
think are V2K but it's just me talking to myself.

Anyone unfamiliar with remote torture will
naturally conclude that, 'yes you are talking
to yourself and yes you are crazy'.
This is why it is so easy to get away with this stuff.
It can never be proved that I am not crazy b/c
it is common for ppl with scz to say just that.
This is why

How devious is that?
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