Book “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic mind control technologies.


The Fact and evidence

Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency

Soleimavis Liu presented this paper at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and she was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong


The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

Some News articles about Soleilmavis


I have collected many victims stories and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.


Books published by Soleilmavis

The first, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” provides the evidence of secret abuse and torture with voice-to-skull and remote electromagnetic technologies.

 The second, “The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000,” is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from the 1900 to 2000.

 The third, “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42”,  is a strong and well-reasoned piece that demonstrates who the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of historical facts. 


Other Scholarly Papers Presented and Published by Soleilmavis.

For the people that are being attacked with weapons of any kind white noise or dew.  Invite a family member or friend or maybe if you've got children that are old enough, they will be able to assist with this.  Stand by your front door entrance and tell the person inside to switch off the main electricity switch.  

As soon as it's done bolt outside on your road and listen for any vehicle going off making lots of noise immediately as your main switches are down.  Carry a pen or…

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Perp using my emails

Does anyone else has this problem where perps use your emails to create accounts all over the internet?  A few months ago they use my professional email to join whatsapp I found out yesterday that whatsapp is an app that yoou have to download on a smart phone.  All this time I thought that whats app was a social network similar to facebook.  That is how uninterested I am in whats app but it appears that someone has joined it and pretending to be me on whatsapp.  I've recieved letters in my…

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Military T.I's

This job is for the targets with military background in the usa and uk.  You need to focus on one perp, perhaps one that you've seen following you once too often.  Or even the one you deem as threatening.  Take a day off and go out for a casual drive.  They will start to swarm and circle you.  Look out for the familiar faces pick one and focus.  He she is now your target.  Follow her/him and try to find out where they live.  Try to find out where he she works, maybe they are a stay at home…

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T.I punish for pass behaviour? utter nonsense

I keep reading that T.I are punished for pass or wrong they did years ago? what utter RUBBISH!!  What bad thing can a single person have done t warrant years of abuse?  Murder, rape, peadophilia and so on but the people they pick on are law abiding citizens that do not commit those crimes, hence the reason they hire perps round the clock to try and set them up

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I don't think anybody needs to watch anymore videos after seeing this one because this is from the horses mouth itself. This video right here sums up everything pretty well.  

Gangstalkers are indeed working for the illuminati.  Regardless of what religion or culture they're from they are all managed and paid for by the illumicorp.   I think the illuminati are the eary birds in this fight.  It's impossible to even make any attempt to change things, because they have the whole body…

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Half Asleep Half Awake State

At the age of sixteen plus, I had the most peculiar experience while I was in a dream state.  I was half awake and half asleep; I could hear what my family were saying even though I was dreaming and appeared to be in another domain.  I was trodding through a deserted land and it was very wind.   The sand was blowing at me so powerful was the wind I could hardly move forward.  It was late and almost dark in the dream.   It was in Egypt because I was surrounded by egyptian famous tombs and saw…

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