Peacepink might be watched by the Swiss press following the intense activism Katherine and i have made, this time in the French part of Switzerland so, by all means, whatever the perps are doing to you, please post all the details onlin
If you've been around some you'll know that there are large numbers of religious people who hear voices, etc. The symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, demon possession, and targeting are all much the same. The symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia and de
This is my first discussion. Things seem to be going ok for me at the moment, meaning that people have been helping me and I have a new place to live. On the other hand, I'm naturally concerned that I am being set up yet again. Still don't know anyon
A while back, I was approached by one of Peacepink members to assist in advocacy work for the purpose of getting media attention for TI's. What follows is a 'letter' that I've written and have begun submitting to the United Nations, UCLA, foreign di
Why? so people can see how far and wide this is spread and to locate "hot zones" for this kind of activity so people will avoid it. Many of these incidents go unreported I added mine so everybody will know what kind of bad shit is happing.
I wonder if there is such a thing as ancient soul saving technology given some of the voices I hear. I am going to assume that there is for the duration of this conversation.
There is a teaching in the Christian church that I disagree with. We are no
The other post won't let me reply! So my question is Where can I purchase one? just last night i was thinking on subject. I have Advanced Class Amateur Radio License and this sounds FEASIBLE. Marty Buss, my perp said his Implant Transmitter to my Nas