Peace pink is a fantastic link for any Targeted Individual looking for information and support from other victims, The only problem is its hard to find others from your own country and i really think it will make each person so much stronger if we ha
Roseline added a comment to your profile on peacepink
------------ Hello welcome to my love, How are you today i hope you are okey.also my name is Miss roseline,i saw your profile at( I have interest on you,i would also like to kno
Japan weather wars –
Noah = NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Japeth = Japan
Shem = sham/trick/fooling of people
Ham = radio wave technology/scalar handlers
They have brought this upon themselves
The oxygen levels have dropped
I am going to start a letter writing campaign. I would like suggestions as to whom. Please dont tell me all my state senators and congressmen and representatives. I would like to continue to bombard them with information and all of the above is unrea
I have discussed my religious persecution by NEM weapons at a Financial Engineering web site as I am a Financial Engineer. UK secret services are doing it on a huge scale. I would ask the readers here to post their comments on it. I also added a blog
Hi, I would put my two cents in this whole matter to see if someone can remove any harassment with this technology, once and for all. We must bear in mind that all of this, exists since 1970 about the media as newspapers and television do not speak o