's Discussions (4867)

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Covid-19 and activism

Hello everyone. I have an idea. With covid-19 here people are self isolating. This means that they are at home on the internet. My idea is to share this website on other platforms. Before I became heavily targeted I was a member of other online commu

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mind control la technique

dopage de cerveau : le dopage de cerveau consiste a utiliser un "dopeur" sorte d antenne hexagonale qui detecte les ondes du cerveau de manière a en augmenter le champ électromagnétique jusqu au point ou des capteurs / senseurs enregistrent les infor

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My Story

 I've been a member of peacepink for a while but never told my story. I became a T.I when I was a child. My family had some land in the wilderness. It was there that I believe the Canadian Government had a research outpost. When I was around three th

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