suzy's Posts (25)

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the BS they say......

Do you get alot of personal harassment from the perps, do they oppose all your opinions, ideas, thoughts and put you down constantly? I dont have the cleanest past. Ive been a substance abuser for many years (in hindsight i think they had alot to do with giving me addiction problems) Apart from that I was in a relationship and cheated on the person and wasnt the best girlfriend i guess. They say my sins are worse than a child-abuser???? What the???

They say im a cheating, lying slut etc etc, paint me to be one of the WORST people on the face of the earth. Im like surely im not that bad am i? I know its all crap i should ignore but when its fed to you daily you start to believe their lies. They have a really low opinion of me and constantly tell me so......etc etc etc......tune out, tune out, tune out

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i want to end this pain

This life is too hard to live. All i want to do is throw myself into my mothers arms and cry non-stop telling her everything im going through, but of course no-one believs me. This is somewhat the most painful part, the inability to get support from the people you love. Im thinking of ending my life, really feeling so much pain its unbearable. I want to take an overdose. Im doing all the wrong things, smoking pot, drinking, dabbling in heroin all in an effort to escape. I hate this existence , i cant find anything to live for anymore.  They have stolen all I love and all I live for. Sorry to be so negative i dont mean to depress anyone,  I just dont know why im here anymore except to suffer. So much for all my plans and dreams - everything is broken by them!!

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what really gets me down

Any form of abuse or torture is the LAST thing ANY creature deserves to experience but my biggest torture is the one to my heart and soul - the loss of my loves ones and friends and human connections I used to make in life. That is all gone now, just a memory that I cherish somewhere inside where it hutrs. The loss of connection with humanity is what kills the most.Sorry Happy Easter everyone, its Thursday Easter evening in Oz. I can hear the commotions of people having holiday parties in the houses next door while i sit here alone, im not meaning to feel sorry for myself but that should be me also with my family. I know people have a lot less then that but just to have my FREEDOM back would bring the smile back to my increasingly frowning face. Cherish whatever you have!

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government help

I have a problem with faith in God also but I have less faith in the government to do anything. People have been trying all sorts of things from law suits to just trying to get official acknowledgements to these crimes to no avail. There is no-one in power to answer us because no-one can, they are not above the matrix that enslaves them.

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why we cant find government help


We are not above the matrix and no-one is. The only way to help one another is to form TI communities because NO-ONE elase will listen to our pleas for help

n. pl. ma·tri·ces (mamacr.gifprime.giftribreve.gif-semacr.gifzlprime.gif, mabreve.giftprime.gifribreve.gif-) or ma·trix·es
1. A situation or surrounding substance within which something else originates, develops, or is contained: "Freedom of expression is the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every form of freedom" (Benjamin N. Cardozo).
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has anyone been perped by children??

I have and it feels so creepy as they are supposed to be the innocents. I mean REAL perping like them repeating your thoughts and things like that. A child is too young to make an informed decision about this scenario so to me this is further proof people are programmed/robotted to do this to us without their consent.

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I dont mean the top level organisers of our harassment (they are the ones doing the mind-controlling) but I mean almost everyone else, from your neighbour, to your doctor, to the strangers in the street who "perp" us.

I have gotten very used to gangstalking but Ive still always wondered HOW/WHY people could act so inhumanely. Now I know it is all through mind programming and manipulation. Electronically this can begin while a baby is still in the womb.

People CAN be remotely mind controlled to behave in ways completely outside of their norm without their "normal" brain even knowing what exactly they are doing. There is a mass of information about this being done to people worldwide, - just google electronic mind programming. Therefore the lack of support we face, people are programmed NOT to help us, unfortunately they are not stronger then this programming and behaviour modification.

Apart from all the internet information on this subject my biggest and most reliable proof is my mum. She has loved and raised me like the best of mums do. She is so gentle and humane she wouldnt hurt a fly. Suddenly in recent times she has started "perping" or harassing me. Then she just forgets it like it never happened. Its as quick as a light switch. At first i thought she knew what she was doing and I was in such shock because she has been nothing but loving all my life.

Then by observation I realised she goes into a zone where her normal brain is being fully manipulated and her normal self completely forgets what she has said or done. Its like she's compartmentalised. Her "right mind" doesnt know what her "wrong mind" is doing.

This is enough proof for me, if they can get my loving, devoted mother to perp and harass me they can get anyone to do it to me. If my own mother is able to be victim of a mind controlled state to the point she can engage in my harassment then it doesnt suprise me at all that they can mind control anyone else to do it to me.

Mind control and behaviour manipulation is extremely powerful, thats why no-one will or can help us. We are living in times of mind control of the masses.

So dont be angry at the everyday people who perp us. I believe their right and natural mind isnt aware of what they are doing. Their own humanity is being robbed from them. We are ALL victims of this evil crime.


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a calling from God....

I heard someone on the forum mention this recently. I havnt before really wanted to go down this track because I think we are all special and no-one is better than anyone but has anyone ever felt they had a special calling from God that the perpetrators are thrying to thwart us/stop us from carrying out.

I have been targetted since at least 3 years old, less I believe - I think many of us have but the perps dont give you a full intoruduction until your older, how many of you have strange memories and dreams from your chilhood ? Why would someone target a baby?? unless they can see something in us that is "different" to the norm.

They have the technology to scan auara, soul, DNA, all sorts of things. For me i believe God had a special calling  (not to say i am special) but He had a plan for me that is a reason for this attack and they have thwarted my entire life to ensure I dont meet Gods calling. Its wierd but thats what God has told me anyway.

ps - dont forget to ask for angelic love, light, shileds and protection, they LOVE helping us!!

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what if religion is made up??

With all the heads of every spiritual religion aware of this attrocity happening to us how does one continue in faith? I have been perped by priests, nuns, monks, Christians and im aware the hierarchy of all religions know what is happening to us. If they dont even believe in religion properly how do we - they are the teachers and role-models of religion. What if all religion is man-made??  ....... sorry......losing my faith.....and it hurts, its all i have left.

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Who still has faith in a good God?

The last straw.....after losing all faith in mankind the perps have led me to lose faith in Christ. He was all I had left who was constant goodness to me. The perpetrators tell me THEY are God and they are constantly using their powers to prove to me they run this universe. They have told me they fabricated the entire story of Jesus to build the church and make huge money from suckers like me. I know I shouldnt believe them but with all their power and the efficiency they use it with I dont know what to believe anymore, and with peoples evil actions towards me its like they are worshipping an evil god.

Im scared to trust in Jesus now because they say they'll prove me wrong (and i dont want to go thru that hurt).....the last thing I had left was faith and they are robbing me of this also.

Do you people still have faith in a good God?

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television harassment

Has anyone else experienced this?? I am constantly being watched and harassed via tv/radio. At first I thought it was only "live" television (which made perfect sense) but now Ive realised its happening via what should be pre-recorded television shows, like they are actually acting them out in realtime. I can change channels and it will still be happening on the next channel. This one is completely baffling to me. How do they do this??

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Hey remember someone said they might be a caulbearer.

I wondered why children would be targetted as i have been a child target and i know many of you have said you are also. I had to find out WHY children as they always pass it off as something you have done in your adulthood but for me its been since very young.

I found it!!!

See if any of you RELATE to this because I really do.




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is there anywhere to just talk to other TI's

This site is full of technological and political information & altho I understand the importance of this where can we go to just talk to one another, support one another, make friends and keep contact coz many of us are so isolated.

Does anyone know of any forums or chat-rooms, anything where TI's can just talk.  Im suprised we keep ourselves so isolated when they impose isolation on us already. Im sick of hearing about politics & technology, I just want a friend in this world !!!

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what is happening to this world??

Its official, everyone in my city is either a perp or if they are not immediately they become one soon enough. The gangstalking occuring in this world is on a massive scale. I dont know what experiences you have had with it but in my experience manKIND is becoming manCRUEL.

Whats your opinion? Are people really just being talked or conned into becoming perps? Or are they being mind-controlled just as we are? This network is too big for so many people to be so inhumane.

Im starting to believe the whole world is prey to mind-control. What do you think?

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were you a chosen target at childhood?

I first noticed my targetting in 2005 and so thought it all began there as with many other TI's we are being introduced to this in this new millenium. But Ive thought back and can now trace this back to peculiar events/dreams in my childhood. Do many of you believe you were a chosen target as a child and they've kept an eye on you until this new millenium where they have chosen to exercise this targetting?

My thinking is I wonder WHY particular people are chosen as targets. I wonder if there is something we have in common. In my experience there are many targetters/stalkers out there so what is it about us that makes us the targets. If we are in fact chosen in childhood what is it about a child that could make them worth targetting???

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does anyone else get lonely?

I feel like i went to sleep and woke up in a different world. People used to be kind and friendly now the world is so hostile. Thank God this thing is open enough we have found each other, must have been pretty lonely for the first TI's who had no communication.

What do you do to stop from feeling so alone in this strange world??

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isolation imposed

Do you find that when you meet new people every relationship takes the same turn - downhill??

I cant keep a friend or aqaintance no matter how hard i try.

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hi tech abilities - or scarier is it God??

Has anyone else realised the organisers are able to manipulate time so that even though the years seem to be running consecutively they are not doing so with correct freedom.

They are forcing us to move backwards in time, to lose time. I believe they may have learnt how to freeze time.

These people are NOT God are they?? Because their abilities to do the undoable are amazing. Ive seen them materialise things that weren't there right before my eyes. How can this be?

They say they are God -  could they be right? Are they the almighty God of the universe?

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i was wondering

Why are we such a weak network ? It seems that the electronic info rolls out in posts all the time but where is the human contact? We need each other , for many of us we're all each other has. Why aren't we communicating more on how we are getting by, keeping in touch, giving advice and support in the blogs section. I would love for us to have more personal blogs we can support each other with.

For me lately its just been coming to terms with how many people are involved in this harassment. Mine is huge. It seems a large number of people in society have sold their souls to the devil or something. Alot of the general public and officials are involved. This is mind-blowing to me. I couldnt do this to my worst enemy - them!!!

Please keep up the contact so we can support each other and share stories.

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