's Discussions (4859)

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News Re. Our Global Protest

Plans for the first protest of TI's worldwide are still formulating. The time period for this event has now been extended to the week of October 12 - 17, 2009. Information is still evolving and will be forwarded to everyone as it becomes available. H

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The Coven of social work

Hi: I need a place a monkey survey again for this morning. I have been taken hostage and I have a contacted a lawyer however it may take a few days. I am gathering the evidence. The crowd and cowards here think I am going to inform on the social s

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today as it was

Hi: The weapons today were many conversations that had come from outside of self without boundaries and it is an invasion of the body and mind as usual. It was a build up of the neighbor going into the hospital and I swear the neighbor has been at t

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