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التحكم بالعقل وغسل المخ من الالف الى الياء

غسيل المخ أو السيطرة على العقل

تعتبر السيطرة على العقل هي التحكم الناجح في أفكار وأفعال شخص آخر دون موافقته/موافقتها. وبشكل عام ، فإن المصطلح يعني أن الضحي
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Days of dictamolle

(French wordplay as dicta“tur“ is separating dictature in two words „dicta“ and „tur“. „Dur“ means hard, thus a "hard" dictatorship and so, Jean-Luc Mélenchon uses the word „molle“ instead which means "flabby" for the sake of contra

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Jour de dictamolle

La dictamolle, ce n’est pas la dictature. La dictature est rustique. Elle surveille, réprime et nécessite une vigilance de chaque instant. En dictature, il y a des morts. La dictamolle est bien plus efficace. Sa formule générale d’a

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Francois l'Americain

François Hollande est un atlantiste de très longue date. Sa visite d’Etat aux Etats-Unis est pour lui une apothéose personnelle. Sur le plan politique, elle vaut certificat de bonne conduite délivré par l’Empire. Assorti d’un adou

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Mind Control: America's Secret War

It is one of the ill-kept secrets of America's intelligence agencies--for decades, they have worked virtually non-stop to perfect means of controlling the human mind. But while many have suspected the existence of th

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Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

we have to start thinking about the future, and when we think the perps will know what awaits them and the ones around them and one maybe will speak out… ...they are committing many crimes but they al

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We have the opportunity to powerfully work together for a better world by spreading the news on the mind control tortur/haressment ETC. cover-ups far and wide. As we develop a critical mass of concerned citizens who demand to know the truth, the medi

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