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Email box:

Da: Matteo Matthew AtlantiTeo - McMailTeam Ita:
Inviato: lunedì 8 maggio 2017 17.38

Cc: DOC 1;

Dott. Paolo Cioni Firenze (vodafone);


AVAE C******* (caso italiano n??? ); **********

MONICA FUMAGALLI (Malta); *********

Oggetto: Un TARGETED INDIVIDUAL può ricevere suicidio assistito?

Object: A T.I. can receive assisted suicide?

Chiedo gentilmente di essere contattato quando possibile da Vostra associazione perché desidererei Suicidio Assistito. (sca7.novembre.2017).

Allego in CC (Carta Carbone) la email box dell’Associazione AISJCA-mft con sede legale nella vostra Torino, dell’Avvocato|Giudice|vittima di mafia| Carlo PALERMO, dello psichiatra Paolo CIONI di Firenze e di un’amica di P***** (C******) causa quirquoquo recente che finalmente ho decifrato e con questa email che mi riservo di pubblicare su mio spazio web priva di dati sensibili miei e Vostri dovrebbe essere chiarificatrice verso amici parenti e conoscenti che per «egoismo» loro non possono contestare il mio Diritto decisionalità. (Art 11 Diritti del Cittadino).

Ritengo che la motivazione della mia richiesta dovrà essere vagliata con attenzione perché penso di essere il primo caso italiano vittima da armi elettromagnetiche che opta per suicidio assistito (dopo aver provato maldestramente a farlo da solo più volte) e che non abbiate ancora conoscenza su chi sono i Targeted Individuals e tutto ciò che esso concerne, ma ci arriverete con la logica, intelletto, istinto e soprattutto tempo. Si generano già polemiche roventi sul suicidio assistito per malati gravi. E se a chiederlo è un Targeted indivudual? Altra carne al fuoco e non si può liquidare la cosa in 5 minuti. Da ex DJ mi congratulo con DJ Fabo per gli interrogativi che ha lasciato in eredità. Penso che anche il mio perdurerà nel tempo.

Sono un caso già riconosciuto ancora nel 2010 come autentico non mitomane e non delirante dalla ONLUS AISJCA-mft con sede a Torino che vanta negli associati una psicoterapeuta con quaranTENNale esperienza, serietà, correttezza deontologica e rispetto dei dati personali (a differenza di altre associazioni fac-simile deontologicamente scorrette). Trattasi della dott.ssa An_nA F****** di Torino (città che ospita la sede di EXIT collegata a DIGNITAS) che è persona degna di fiducia, la quale nella sua lunghissima carriera ha avuto in cura bambini e adulti vittime di pedofilia, abusi satanici, microchip innestati fraudolentemente, di tutto e di più e che vanno a ricollegarsi al RSA (Ritual Abuse Satanic) denunciato dalla FBI e al Programma Monarch.

9143195696?profile=originalFaccio inoltre presente che dal 2011 iniziai a frequentare e conoscere l’ambulatorio dello psichiatra Paolo CIONI a Firenze (che allego in CC), il quale a differenza della psicoterapeuta dott.ssa An_nA F***** non aveva ancora buona conoscenza di tali torture a distanza ed era comprensibilmente dubbioso e spaesato su tali argomenti. Adesso dopo aver esser stato il primo di queste vittime da armi elettromagnetiche a frequentare suo ambulatorio ed averlo rimpinzato, saturato e appesantito di materiale certificato via email (ancora alla sua Tiscali oggi soppiantata da Vodafone) ed avergli inviato altri casi italiani in ambulatorio, si è convinto anch’egli del fatto che c’è del vero e finalmente si sbilancia con coraggio in pubblico, scrivendo libri che lo denunciano. Il primo suo volume in cui inizia a mettere nero su bianco con le testimonianze delle stesse è l’ultima edizione di NEUROSCHIAVI uscita ad ottobre 2016.

9143196065?profile=originalImmagino che anche per Vostra associazione DIGNITAS ci vorrà parecchio tempo per accettare la possibilità di queste atrocità volutamente taciute dagli organi competenti oltre che dalla stampa. Tempo al tempo anche se non so quanto io abbia tempo...

… prego gentilmente Vostra associazione di visionare questo mio filmato

( ) e leggere anche cosa c’è pubblicato al suo interno nelle proprietà file. C’è e-mail di AISJCA del 2010, la quale, dopo mia richiesta scritta mi concesse di pubblicare. Era indirizzata a me, a Vittorio MONTIBELLER (ex Capitano Carabinieri) il quale mi ha poi rigirato il Giudice Avvocato Carlo PALERMO di Trento, Fassino e Avv. Vescovi del foro di Trento.

Il giudice Carlo PALERMO della mia Trento è vittima di mafia certificata. Ha subito un attentato in stile Falcone/Borsellino a Pizzolungo (Trapani) con tritolo ed è stato VicePresidente di AISJCA-mft. Se tale giudice trentino vittima di mafia è stato capace di aggregarsi a tale associazione con sede legale a Torino e scrivere anch’egli libri che denunciavano tali crimini, è segno che non è un fanfarone o un “gomblottaro” (complottista), ma persona più attenta e riflessiva di altri come de resto tutti gli associati di AISJCA presenti e passati. Passati o presenti sanno anche loro che c’è del vero ed hanno tutti tutti tutti ottime credenziali. La precisazione è d’obbligo perché nonostante tali persone con ottime credenziali si espongano o si siano esposte subiscono operazioni denigratorie deviando il tutto in mero complottismo.

Se hanno visionato tale mio filmato e accertato come scrive AISJCA, sappiano che subisco queste cose quotidianamente da novembre 2007. Poco o tanto, ogni giorno è simile, uguale o peggio che nel filmato. Non sono differente da un malato terminale perché sono marcito e deperito vistosamente e sarebbe ora di sopprimere tutto ciò in maniera drastica,ma dignitosa. Ho già tre istigazioni al suicidio delle quali solo una è depositata alla ASL.

9143196283?profile=originalDIGNITAS spiega che si operano tali suicidi assistiti perfino per evitare che quelli/e più determinati con malattie incurabili finiscano per farlo da soli nella maniera meno indicata come buttarsi sotto treni o camion, tagliarsi vene etc. etc. e quindi una maniera non degna e dignitosa. Concordo perché per esempio buttarsi sotto ad un camion o ad un treno, nel mio modo di pensare comporta un delitto nei confronti dell’autista o del malcapitato macchinista. Io scelsi annegamento apposta. Le leggi assurde italiane delle mafionerie metterebbero sotto indagine macchinisti o autisti per Omicidio colposo pur essendo irresponsabili. In Italia non esiste più nemmeno il Diritto alla difesa o legittima difesa per chi sorprende ladri in casa. Criminali spalleggiati da legislatori criminali governati da “RoMafia Capitale Caput Mundi”. Molte delle Vostre argomentazioni sono chiare e in sintonia con ciò che mi sono posto da anni come eutanasia, testamento biologico, donazione organi, non a caso, sono iscritto dal 1995 a AIDO e “Associazione Trentina per la Cremazione” con relative tessere.

9143196897?profile=originalSegno evidente che alcuni di questi temi me li ero già posti precocemente a 18 anni quando stavo divinamente bene come in questo altro mio filmato esaustivo e certamente digeribile a differenza dell’altro. Il biondino sono io e penso si noti la differenza tra i due filmati

È logico che la mia richiesta di Vostra assistenza è sensata e mi dichiaro altrochè in grado di intendere e volere e con evidente e inviolabile Diritto alla Decisionalità e non ho bisogno di leggi o ciarlatani della ASL italiana che mi dicano/obblighino/impongano/comandino/ cosa posso o non posso fare proprio come nel 1995 perché anni dopo (mi pare 2002) vollero creare una legge che obbligava tutti gli italiani a donare gli organi che fece inferocire non pochi cittadini che gli organi non li volevano proprio donare. Già allora ritenevo che deve rimanere una libera scelta e che avevano ragione pur essendo io AIDO. In Trentino c’è un proverbio: “Le robe fate far per forza, no le val na scorza”.

Dal vostro sito: [[ In Svizzera la persona che vuole accedere al suicidio assistito deve essere adeguatamente informata sulle alternative, capace di intendere e di volere, ed è tassativamente vietata l'assistenza fornita con motivi di lucro o «egoistici». ]]

*** Tali motivi «egoistici» vanno comunque fatti intendere
a parenti, amici, conoscenti che non possono opporsi al Diritto alla Decisione (14 Articoli del Cittadino) e obbligare tali soggetti a dover rimanere in vita per i loro di fini egoistici. Anche tali considerazioni sono oggetto di polemiche e dibattiti infuocati attuali in Italia.

Personalmente ritengo che far conoscere a DIGNITAS la AISJCA ed anche agli altri presenti in CC e viceversa, porterà a riflessione scambio culturale e conflitti di pensiero da individuo ad individuo, tuttavia la decisionalità resta individuale.

Entrambi i temi sono veramente un campo minato e a mio giudizio potrà essere positivo lo scambio. DIGNITAS sappia che c’è una piccola lista di Targeted Individuals deceduti di istigazione suicidio. A questo punto diamo anche ad alcuni T.I. come me la possibilità di morire dignitosamente senza buttarsi dalle finestra come la britannica Rosemary Boxari (UK) che è solo una delle tante poverette insita in tale lista. Chi affronterà questa mia domanda:”Un Targeted Individual ha facoltà di ricevere suicidio assistito?”

Qualcuno scuote il capo e dice di no? E se poi si arrangia e lo fa da solo come è già successo? Scommetto che ne verrà fuori una bagarre perché con questa domanda metto in crisi perfino AISJCA e CIONI.

Presumo che anche per AISJCA e Cioni servirà molto tempo per approfondire i temi del suicidio assistito se richiesto da un Targeted Individual. Proprio come per DIGNITAS sul tema torture elettromagnetiche. Può darsi che nel 2020 saprete prendere una posizione proprio come il dott CIONI che dopo 4/5 anni è più consapevole che le torture fisiche mentali e tecnologiche non sono fantascienza come menziona lo slogan di AISJCA-mft. Tempo al tempo.

Si pregano gentilmente il dottor Cioni, il dottor Palermo e la dott.ssa F***** di visionare e salvare su browser questo documento audiovisivo di EXIT perché la mia domanda (Un TI può ricevere suicidio Assistito?) merita un aiutino per farvi ragionare su risposte complete. Molto preciso il medico del filmato di EXIT (collegata a DIGNITAS) nel segnare orari e compilare i documenti con metodica. La mia documentazione medica italiana è confusa, fuorviante, mancano date, firme e come constatato insieme alla G.d.f di Rovereto (prov. Trento), mancano documenti agli atti smarriti o sottratti volutamente e non c’è tutto personale medico degno di fiducia. Non aggiungo altro.

SOBEL RID MUS 2 FINITO 8 10 (Caricato da Exit il 02 ottobre 2009)

Documento audiovisivo prezioso che mostra un suicidio assistito.


9143195482?profile=originalEsiste un video-documentario di 45 minuti di maggio 2016 in lingua albanese andato in onda in TV che mostra inquadrature e accenni alla mia persona e ad AISJCA con intervista al signor Petrit DEMO che ci saluta, ringrazia e menziona, ma non c’è ancora una versione con sottotitoli in italiano e non è possibile comprendere appieno quest’ altro documento audiovisivo prezioso.

(scadenza martedì 7/11/2017)

Thank you and Best Regards!
Italian case number 77
Targeted Individual
census and certified
in the international list
Name: AtlantiTeo
Citizenship: Italy
Year Torture/Abuse Began 24/7: november 2007
Year History Began: april 1995


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Honestus liber/I3II3LO vitae est!

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Hello Brothers and Sisters of Peacepink and the TI Community. May 5th 2017 we are in for a treat.
We will be watching Bob Fletcher and his Documentary called : Weather Control as a Weapon 90 minutes.
And then for the second TV Show there is: Techno Crime Fighter Forum Episode 6 Making Money with Murder

Napa TV Live Stream Link

9143195077?profile=originalPlease share this with as many other TI Groups as possible. If the TV Show is on to late in the evening for your taste no worries the TV Show is Archived so in a few days or a week you can go to the archives and watch it anytime of the day or night. Just Type in Search on Napa Valley TV (WWJD Sign of End Times) the latest show will appear.
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr

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"Anti Mind Control device"

Hi to all ti's. Hope ya all doing ok?!. I come across a website the other day that will help alot of us. Its got all info on how to protect & shield us from Electronic Harassment. The best food & nutrients etc. Including vids from Utube on Radionics. Biorhythms. Brain tuners & Apps for the mobile phone & computer. Its dated 2016. But i still think its worth mentionig & is a handy App to have with us in our everyday life. So all u need to do is type into Google "Mind Guard Droid-Google Sites". Then click onto it & click the Menu. Its pretty straight forward 2use... I hope this helps!. TakeCares T'I's ;-)
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Tell it like it is 1

Hello Everybody

I am writing you just to let you know and warn you for the dirty tricks Gangstalkers use to

ruin your name. Don't say it will never happen to or it's Not POSSIBLE.

If a person is out to destroy you they will use ANYTHING and EVERYONE to do so.

Technology is changing so accept that if the Perps are not STOPPED they will think

of new ways to hurt you!!

People with selective amnesia: When a person tells the re-mixed version of your conflict. (title YouTube film)

#Voco. Adobe Max 2016 (Sneak Peeks) Adobe Creative Cloud (title of the YouTube film)

They can clone your voice, just watch how the man in the in the YouTube film does this.

The Gangstalkers may use another method but VOICE CLONING is POSSIBLE.

The Gangstalkers will use Social Media also to spread the Manipulated thoughst you

have about yourself and others.

This works quicker and is more effective, they think.

just take a look at the 2 YouTube films.

Well Bye Bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Tell it like it is!!

Hello Everybody,

I am writing you just to let you know and warn you of the dirty tricks Gangstalkers can use

to ruin your name. Don't say it will never happen to me or is NOT POSSIBLE.

If a person is out to destroy you they will use anything and everything to do so.

Technology is changing so accept that if the Perps are not STOPPED they will

think of new ways to hurt you.

They can clone your voice just watch in the film how  the man in the youtube film does this.

The Gangstalkers may use another method but vioce cloning i Maxs possible.

 People with selective Amnesia: When a person tells The Re-mixed version of a Conflict. (title of the  film)

#Voco. Adobe MAX 2016 (Sneak Peeks) Adobe Creative Cloud. (title of the YouTube film)

Bye Bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Edmund Igberaese, you are not forgotten.

-         Pat B.

The events that marked the beginning of 2010 boded ill for many in our community. Edmund Igberaese, a young male of African descent, began his account thus:

“ My story begins in the United States. It is May of 2009 , and I wear a robe befitting a recent high school graduate. I am a 16-year-old boy of African descent so blessed with gifts that I managed to finish high school as 5th in my graduating class of over 400 students. I feel ecstasy, standing here, on sun-beaten concrete and with fellow graduates. I begin to imagine a beautiful future at D***** College, a prestigious school; and for a while, I believe that my life would be perfect henceforth. I am wrong for believing so...but I am callow so I am right. “


After high school graduation, Edmund took his first step towards a ‘perfect life’ by seeking and gaining admission into an Ivy League institution. But with every step that he took, ‘dark forces’ that he could not quite discern at the time, tripped him down to the ground, hampering his progress and standing between him and the meaningful future that he was trying to walk towards. Edward would get up and try to continue walking, but each time he got up, the ‘forces’ tripped him again with incremental brutality, so that he would fall harder than the first time. And hurt more. And fear more. But once again, with a stubborn persistence and resolve that I was priviledged to witness, Edmund would somehow  manage to get up, nurse his emotional and psychological wounds and try to do what every good, young American tries to do: to successfully acquire higher education so as to be a productive, respected and contributing American citizen in the future. Is it not what every good parent of every race, religion or creed hopes of his child to accomplish?

Every obstacle placed in Edmund’s path by the ‘forces’ inflicted immeasurable pain and fear which had a cumulative effect on the young man over time. Pain inflicted with invisible tools. By invisible men and women. And it was precisely the nature of his pain and its source, mostly unknown to most of the lay public and most members of the medical community, that threatened to put him in a perfect place for a potential diagnosis of psychosis that he did not have, every time he risked talking about it. But he would not stop talking about it either.

The ‘forces’ severely crippled his academic progress, despite his best efforts. The ‘forces’ inflicted economic hardship; destroyed his social networks that formerly were a treasured sanctuary, and tested his faith in God and humanity. The ‘forces’ had deliberately chosen to destroy the person known as Edmund Igberaese.

At first, Edmund did not quite comprehend the nature of the tragic events happening in his life and around him, all or most of which he documented in many of his writings. Some of the writings are preserved by many online who loved and supported him, but he would soon find out what the ‘forces’ were. What had destroyed their humanity, transforming them from what must have been at one time, normal human beings, to the beasts that they are today. How they acquired their psychopathic characteropathy. The nature of the characteropathy. And how today, they live solely to wake up every morning, day in and day out, to man the panels of torture neuroweapons targeted at his body, for seven years in a row. And how this is their idea of what America stands for, and willing to torture anyone who disagrees.

He would find out about the nature of the weapons used on him. But most importantly, he would also find out that he was not alone in his troubling experiences but only one among hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans currently tortured under mind control operations with the most advanced weapons systems whose operational core is guided and controlled frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. All this information was affirmation that he was far from crazy. No, he was not crazy. And neither were the thousands around the country that suffered likewise.

Dr. J Douglas Beason, is a Senior Level executive and a Chief Scientist and Technology Adviser, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. This is how Dr. Beason spoke on a new revolution in weapons systems:

But this revolution is not built on bombs or bullets, or anything you can touch with your hands.  It's made of ordinary light – in the same spectrum of energy found in your microwave, your light bulb, or in your TV remote control.  And it’s called Directed Energy.


“Directed Energy (DE) Weapons – lasers and high power microwaves – have come of age.  Over the past five decades, Directed Energy power capable of being used for weapons has increased by 10 orders of magnitude – over ten billion times – from milliwatt to megawatt. “

 “DE weapons travel at the speed-of-light, 186,000 miles a second. In layman’s terms, as a bullet’s muzzle velocity may be as high as 6,000 feet a second, DE’s “muzzle velocity” is greater than 982,000,000 feet a second – over 16 million percent faster, allowing for today’s warriors to “reach out and touch someone” instantly, even around the globe.”


The neuroweapons class of directed energy weapons - weapons that target the human brain, spinal cord and nerves – Edmund had found out, were the tools used to torture him and untold thousands of innocent Americans around the country. The ‘dark forces’ were the anonymous operators of those weapons systems manning the control panels of the machines shooting guided directed energy at his brain.

Over the years, although severely tortured, Edmund managed to work while attending college. He called me every weekend to offer support in my own nightmare of horrific torture with nanofibers and a myriad of other nanodevices and technologies, and with ADS, which broiled my head and upper body, 24/7, for nearly a year.

I would reciprocate whenever I could, but he was always a better friend that I was to him. When the pain was just too much to bear, sapping out every last joule of energy I had left in me, I at times felt too tired to even call Edmund. But no matter how agonizing HIS days were, he never forgot to extend an uplifting hand to me. He was more like a son to me. And because he still lives and will live on, he still IS like a son to me.

Finally, in 2016, when the pain of his torture became unbearable, he told me that he was planning to leave the United States. But the ‘dark forces’ could not bear a moment without a favourite torture target that his planned departure would mean for them. They revved up the torture …

In the same year, he called in panic to tell me that someone had tried to break into his apartment while he slept a night. He was in severe pain and was paralyzed with fear. In late 2016, he wrote that they made him walk into a busy road in the middle of the night. Naked. He said that they made him walk towards a running fan. His mind, he added, had become ‘very foggy lately’, with only brief moments of clarity. There was an urgency of desperation in his voice. And incredible fear.

Soon thereafter, all communication with Edmund stopped. All attempts to reach him via email, phone, text messages were in vain. Voice mail messages that I left for him remained unresponded to. I searched for his mother’s phone number who, perhaps afraid for her own life, had chosen to withhold all support for her suffering son, as Edmund had painfully recounted to me earlier. But she must be going through some pain, I reasoned, even if she withheld support to her son at a time when he needed her the most. Sheer pain brought on by the agony of a mother for a suffering child that surely must be somewhere inside of her. I wanted to appeal to this pain, and hoped to turn it into something positive for both mother and son. But none of the phones on the internet listed under her name were working.

I took to the internet to search for Edmund. Edmund had been arrested, Google search results indifferently said. I knew the cause of his arrest could not have been theft. He worked for every penny he owned and prided himself on planning his financial future despite the odds that he was facing. I knew the cause of his arrest could not have been violence either. Although I had never met Edmund in person, over the years that I had known him he had never exhibited an inclination for violence nor ever appeared to see violence as a resolution to his torture. So what happened? I appealed to Google again for help.

An online report of his arrest listed him among other persons taken in on that fateful day in Colorado: January 18, 2017. While all other arrestees taken in along with Edmund that day had charges listed next to their names, there were no charges listed next to Edmund. Then I found this:




Name: IGBERAESE, EDMUND EDEDE    DOB: 01/20/1993   Sex: M


Date of Booking: 1/18/2017  12:48:38AM  Booking No. : 20100000842


Docket No. : J214281


Holding for Agency: AURORA PD


Bond Amount: $0.00



Next Court Date:

Sentence Release Date: 06/21/2017

Still, I could find no charges. Could the state of altered cognition been the direct, and desired, consequence of the chronic torture of Edmund’s brain with neuroweapons? Could that altered state have manifested in behavior that was less than normal, resulting in his arrest perhaps? How much of his brain had they deliberately destroyed? Was the damage reversible?

Apart from Edmund’s situation, there were many other targeted individuals that I know who had either gone missing from the internet. They no longer actively documenting their torture online. They had their websites or/and documentation removed; or had died. One such individual, a well-respected journalist, had been tortured to the point of developing seizures. She no longer drives. She told me just two weeks ago that the only thing that stood between her and suicide recently, had been the thought of her only daughter.

Please pray for Edmund.










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Urgent National Security and International Terrorism Alert

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please read the following notification carefully as it requires actions on your part and might have legal implications for you and your office in future.

I am writing to inform you of large-scale human rights violations and systematic physical attacks on the civilian population within all countries of the world using modern electromagnetic weapons and neuro-weapons, often in combination with non-consensual implants and covertly administered nanotechnology. What makes these weapons particularly dangerous and devastating for societies is that they act covertly. Using the fact that electromagnetic waves propagate without being noticed by humans and can penetrate walls, these weapons can be used to destroy human life and permit the perpetrators to escape detection.

The systematic and clandestine nature of the crimes and their striking similarity around the world indicate that it is a global program run by the international military-intelligence complex committing premeditated mutilation, torture, systematic subjugation and a silent genocide of parts of the population. It amounts to crimes against humanity and a global death camp program.

I am writing to formally request that under you statutory duty to investigate crimes against humanity, protect the civilian population from acts of terrorism, communicate matters of national importance to your government and uphold human rights, or otherwise, you pass on this message to the relevant authorities and you yourself act within your means to ensure that all victim cases are investigated and that these large-scale criminal operations are shut down in your country by 1s t June 2017.

The actions you take in response to this communication will be followed up over the coming months and should it turn out that you chose to ignore this notification and your duties to act to stop these crimes and to support the victims, you might be charged with, for example, official misconduct, malfeasance in office, dereliction of duty, conspiracy, aiding and abetting crimes against humanity, high treason or your legal system's equivalent of such offences. Should that be the case, you will be called to account and held liable in one of the upcoming court or tribunal cases for crimes against humanity.

The attacks on victims are launched from mobile directed energy weapon units as well as telecommunication infrastructure such as cell towers and satellite systems. This is an integrated weapons system that has been built up covertly around the world. The weapons system is now fully operational around the world and is destroying innocent victims' life in the millions and is subverting nations covertly. Individual victims are hounded and tormented by the national surveillance networks, encircled by perpetrators at all times and systematically tortured and mutilated with electromagnetic as well as ultrasonic weapons in public as well as in their homes. The assaults exploit the fact that beams from electromagnetic weapons are silent, invisible and can penetrate the walls of buildings such that victims can be assaulted everywhere without leaving traces that lead back to the perpetrators. By these means, victims are effectively placed into individual concentration camps that are erected around them by the intelligence agencies, corrupted members of law enforcement and their network of criminal operatives.

This operation is accompanied by targeted slander campaigns, infiltration and subversion of every aspect of victims' life, including their social circle, their family, their work place and especially their medical care. Operatives enter victims' home clandestinely, damage property, sabotage computer equipment directly or remotely, poison food and run harassment campaigns to psychologically disintegrate the victims so that they are eventually driven to suicide or are murdered.

The electromagnetic and neuro-weapons have capabilities that transcend anything that the world has experienced in terms of weapons technology in the past. Due to their ability to attack and manipulate biological processes, inner organs and the human nervous system as well as neurological processes, these devices are the most dangerous weapons produced by mankind to date.

The effect on humans is devastating as the weapons can simulate many illnesses, cause pain and organ damage, brain damage, strokes, heart attacks and death. The most common form of harm through the use of these weapons is DNA damage and tumour formation and eventually cancer. DNA damage in the reproductive eggs of women alters the mitochondrial DNA and thus damages entire future generations. The operations of these weapon systems is therefore a threat to the future of humanity itself.

Another insidious aspect of these weapons is that they can be used to impair, alter and control human bodily functions, movement, behaviour and even thought  processes often without the  realisation of the victim. This can be used to subvert the functioning of every aspect of human endeavour from personal relationships, business endeavours, to democratic processes and the national security infrastructure of a nation.

Mobile directed energy weapons come in all sizes and have various capabilities. They are hidden by the perpetrators in adjacent properties, cars, drones, planes and even parts of the national infrastructure. Agents of the surveillance networks carry assault weapons in bags and rucksacks. This covert weapons system is fully integrated and centrally controlled. Victims who fled to other countries discovered that their assault protocol travels with them and is continued by the local surveillance and law enforcement system in whichever country they reside.

From what could be established from declassified documents, the organisational matrix of the assault teams follows the protocol used for the death squads run by the large intelligence agencies in for example Vietnam and South American countries. It is of paramount importance for national security to stop this terrorism and shut down the funding and the systems that enable its proliferation.

The weapons technology itself has largely been classified for a very long time. There are however countless publicly known cases from around the world where the weapons have been applied to individuals over many years with the intent to intimidate, torture, maim and murder. From the testimonies of those victims, many of whom have shared their plight online on blogs and through social media, publicly known patents and declassified documents, we know of the devastating effect of these weapons and the staggering scale of the crimes being committed around the world.

Please assist us in stopping this global silent Holocaust.

Yours sincerely,

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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This article in the Guardian says that scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have recorded 46 people`s EEG while they were sleeping. They found that people dream during both REM and non-REM sleep. (REM means Rapid-Eye-Movement). The area at the back of the brain, involving vision and integration of the senses, had high frequency patterns during dreaming. People`s recall of dreams was linked with an area in the front of the brain. Other links to facial recognition, space perception, and movement were also identified.

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How to block v2K/Voice to Skull technology

There is a guy called Gary Owens, who has started up a group called Targeted Individual Awareness, or TIA, he is really interesting to listen to and knows what he is talking about - please join this group, a lot can be learned. This is what he said could be shared about how to stop v2K:

There are only two ways to block Voice to Skull, and you can spread this around and maybe someone with sort it out and help me! You can block the signal with a jammer, you need a broad spectrum jammer same as the prime minister users to clear an area of all potential phone calls so a bomb cant be triggered, this works. An anti RF fabric round your bed in a frame, you need to use several layers, each layer weakening the signal top and bottom as well as sides, no gaps.

Or you can block the signal by matching the resonant frequency of your body with and exact same match opposite in nature, this will cancel out the scaler waves leaving it neutral and so no sound.

It depends which version of voice to skull you have as to what you do to stop it. I are working on several methods but i dont have the funds to mess about experimenting etc. There are earthing issues re the bed cover idea must be earthed to drain it.

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Call To Action: European Action for the Declassification of Mind Control Technology

I received this email from Mojmír Babáček from the Czech Republic today and I want to share it with you in hopes that you will also spread it far and wide as he suggests.  🙂

Liberty Writer



I hope that you realize that if the mind control technology is declassified, the experts, who had developed this technology, will be free to help  with the detection of those harmfull radiations. I do not doubt that many of them are not without conscience and have pangs of remorse. In my opinion for the declassification of mind control technology it is sufficient if some 1 to 2% of the population of your country reads the Open letter.  Here in the Czech Republic with 15 publications on alternative media we have reached so far about 40.000 readers out of 100.000 to 200.000 readers we need. In the letter below  I have added the address of the webpage with additional scientific information on the subject of mind control and the address of the petition to the European Parliament, which the readers could sign. It may help if you explain to the owners of the alternative media that the goal of publication is to declassify those inhuman weapons.

Mojmir Babacek


European Commission

Rue de la Loi 200/ Wetstraat 200

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel






In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister  Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of  Father  Tadeusz  Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens,,9741513/. In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.

The fact that the major European media did not report on this event, rose our suspission that the European Union Member States are bound to keep those weapons secret and even bound not to legislate against their use. This our suspicion was confirmed by the Polish weekly NIE, when its journalists were asking the Polish Defense Ministry why it did not fullfil its promise and did not establish a commission which was supposed to investigate complaints of Polish citizens that they are exposed to electromagnetic attacks and the defense ministry replied that this topic is subjected to national security information connected with  the defense of the nation, Evidently this sequence of events connects to the fact stated in the document Crowd Control Technologies, published in 2000 and initiated by the European Parliament, which says that the NATO Member states have accepted the American doctrine of non-lethal weapons, which includes “systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system”

iii Crowd Control Technologies : An Assessment Of Crowd Control Technology Options For The European Union (An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control)

.  Now it seems to be clear that the European Union Member States have in their arsenal a classified military technology, which can be used for electromagnetic attacks on people. Apparent classification of this issue explains as well your evasive replies to our previous letters on this subject.

Water makes up significant portion of the human body – 55 – 70%. Large portions of this water contain particles which have either accepted or lost an electron and therefore, they have either a positive or negative charge. Those particles may be atoms, molecules or clusters of atoms or molecules. They are called ions. Since liquids in the human body are full of those ions, they can be compared to electrolytes or liquids which conduct electrical current. The most important part in the activity of the human nervous system represent  electrical currents, which are occurring as flows of those charged particles in the nerve fibres. While in electrical wires the electrical current is a flow of free electrons, in the human body and the human nervous system it is a flow of charged ions.

The sources of electrical currents in the nerve fibres are neuronal membranes. The electrical currents start to flow in the nervous fibres, as a result of a change of voltage between the inner and outer surface of neuronal membranes. This change of voltage, on the other hand, is principally caused by electrical currents in the electrolyte which is inside nerve fibres.

In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction they stressed that their experiment “plays an important role in investigating the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and a significant concentration of ions”. They used a solution of salt for their experiment. The chemical formula of salt is NaCl. It means it contains atoms of sodium and chloride. Ions of both of those atoms play an important role in the firing of nerve cells. The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to 20 gigahertz frequency. For the solutions with higher contents of salt the conductivity of electrolytes was higher with microwaves than with direct current In other words, the microwaves produced elecrical currents in electrolytes, which means that if microwaves penetrate into the electrolyte which is inside the nerve fibres, they will produce electrical currents in there.

The nervous system is controled by neurons called axons. Their membranes react to the electrical currents in the electrolyte which fills their nerve fibres by producing electrical currents. This will then trigger the spreading of the nervous signal in the nervous system.

If a human being is supposed to feel something, do something or think about something, it is necessary that large quantities of neurons start firing at the same frequency. The chance for the effectiveness of the manipulation of the human nervous system with pulsed microwaves is secured by the fact that the variations of the activity of the human nervous system for various perceptions, reactions, emotions, actions and thoughts are expressed in different frequencies or sequels of frequencies. Walter J. Freeman, who studied for decades the electrical activity of the human brain simultaneously introducing multitudes of microelectrodes into different parts of the brain, wrote that in the brain “transmission occurs at some characteristic frequency, and… reception occurs in… sets tuned to that frequency”. Scientists experimenting with pulsed microwaves reported that electroencephalographic recordings of animal’s brain activities got synchronized with the pulsing of microwaves transmitted into their brains

So, if the electrolytes in the nerve fibres are reached by microwaves, which are pulsed in the nervous activity’s frequencies, the membranes of axons which control the nervous system’s activity and react to electrical voltage’s changes by initiating nerve firing, will react to inflow-frequencies of electrical currents. These currents will be produced by frequencies in which microwaves will be pulsed. In this way, the electrolytes in the nervous tissue will function as antennas and the human nervous system will be controlled by pulsed microwaves, targeting the human body.

The American MCS America organisation, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on Electromagnetic Fields Sensitivity. The study states: “The body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone. These currents are carried by ions… flowing through the living tissues and in the blood vessels (a system of tubes full of an ellectrically-conducting salty fluid that connect almost every part of the body) when these currents impinge on cell membranes, which are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate in time with the current” (let us note that a neuron is a cell as well). The study goes on stating: “The mechanism of demodulation is controversial, but there is no doubt that it occurs. The best explanation is that the multitude of minute ion channels found in cell membranes act as electrically biased point contact diodes… these can rectify and demodulate the signal even at microwave frequencies… A cell phone signal, when demodulated in this way, generates a whole family of low frequency components, some of which are biologically-active and cause membrane leakage. One consequence of this leakage is to make the sensory cells of electrosensitive individuals give a whole range of false sensations”. The reason why the cell phone radiation produces false sensations in some individuals is that the information transfer in cell phone systems is carried out by low frequency microwave pulses which reach the electrolyte in electrosensitive individuals’ nervous systems. Since the nervous activity takes place in low frequencies, it is triggered or incited by those pulses.

Published experiments dedicated to the effects of microwaves on the human nervous system used microwave frequencies which did not exceed much more than one Gigahertz, thus complying with the findings of Chinese scientists on the conductivity of electrolyte for microwaves. In his experiments, Ross Adey in the  1980’s used the 450 Mhz frequency, pulsed at 16 Hz, thus causing calcium efflux from nerve cells, which reduces human beings’ ability to concentrate. The experiment was replicated many times with the same results.

Allen H. Frey – as early in the year 1961! – managed to transmit sound perceptions into the human brain by using pulsed frequencies ranging from 425 to 1310 Megahertz. People described the microwave sound as “buzz, clicking, hiss or knocking, depending on several transmitter parameters, i.e., pulse width and pulse repetition rate”, in other words, on the frequency of pulses. When varying the transmitter parameters, Allen H. Frey was able to produce in human beings “the perception of severe buffeting of the head” or “pins and needles sensation” His experiment was replicated many times with the same results. It was, therefore, proved that it is possible to repeatedly produce the same delusions in the human brain, when microwaves are pulsed in frequencies which mimic the human brain’s neuronal activity.

In 1975, Don R. Justesen, neuropsychologist and Director of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Radiology Research Laboratories with the Veterans Administration Medical Center, published in “The American Psychologist Journal” an experiment, where recordings of pronounced digits from one to ten were transmitted into the human brain via pulsed microwaves and where the subject of the experiment could hear and recognize the digits This experiment proved not only feasibility of remote manipulation of the human nervous system but as well feasibility of manipulation of human mind.

When encoding human speech into pulsed microwaves – the procedure is similar to radio broadcasting (human speech only needs to be converted to pulsed microwaves) – it is possible to transmit either audible or inaudible (ultrasound) messages into the human brain. A human being cannot hear ultrasound messages, but the brain perceives them and a person’s behaviour can be controled and manipulated in this way. The density of electromagnetic energy needed to remotely control the activity of the human nervous system does not exceed the standards set by the European Union. Let’s just remember that cellphone signals can penetrate into the human brain.

 A skillfull radioamateur is capable to produce a transmitter able to remotely control the activity of the human nervous system for criminal groups which could then endanger the mental and physical health of people in their surroundings. They could easily put drivers to sleep by pulsing microwaves into the sleep frequencies or with more sophisticated pulsing, they could stop a person’s heart beat and make him or she die. It is known that Allen H. Frey produced heart attacks in frogs with pulsed microwaves.

At the same time a growing number of people worldwide complain that they are exposed to such harmful radiations, but do not have any means of defense against their use. Among the main symptoms, they claim to have, are burns on their bodies or burning sensations, pins and needles sensations, feelings of being stabbed or squashed, violent vomiting, cramps going as far as reaching temporary paralyses, remotely controled movements of their body parts, breath shortness sometimes reaching heart arrest, nausea, voice-hearings and manipulations of their thoughts and emotions. They usually end up showing depression and suicidal tendencies. When complaining about the symptoms and claiming that they are caused by electromagnetic radiation, they are frequently sent to psychiatric hospitals, without any expert investigations of their complaints.

This makes plausible the idea that the military and government agencies operators of those weapons are practising their skills in the use of those weapons on unwitting citizens, to be able to use those acquired skills in possible future wars or to use them in the case of massive civil disobedience against citizens of their countries.

Since government agencies, and possibly organized crime, are capable to remotely manipulate the human nervous system and cause physical torture, mental confusion or death of people, without leaving any evidence of the committed crime, it is necessary to introduce a legislation, which would prosecute such activities. Part of the legislation should also be the prohibition of the use of those technologies for the state security agencies, because their possession of such technologies would be in sharp contradiction with the democratic constitutions of European Union Member States. We are willing to participate in the preparation of this legislation.

Any technology, which would produce in the human nervous system the flows of electric currents with the frequencies of its activity, can be used to control remotely the activity of the human brain and  body. At the present time pulsed microwaves are the only technology known to be fit to produce this effect, but easily, with contemporary fast advances of the scientific research, other technologies can be developed or already were developed. Therefore, the legislation should ban as well the use of so far unknown or unpublished technologies which enable the remote manipulation of electrical currents in the human brain and body.

Because of the fact that at least  the European NATO  member states are apparently bound by an agreement to keep those weapons secret, it is evident, that the legislation we are proposing, can be enacted in the European Union Member states only if it is recommended to them by the European Commission and if the EU member states act together  – or even if the principle of subsidiarity is bypassed and the legislation is passed directly by the European Parliament

We still have a confidence that you will not support the criminal use of electromagnetic or other energetic fields against the citizens of the European Union Member States and that you will recommend  to the European Union Member States and to the European Parliament to enact legislations, which will protect the citizens of the European Union Member States against such attacks establish harsh sentencies for the perpetrators of such attacks and which will create agencies specialized in the detection of attacks using the remote manipulation of the functioning of the human nervous system to produce symptoms of mental illness or to torture or kill people without leaving evidence of the committed crime.

We still believe as well that you are aware of the crisis of democracy created by the governments’ secret possession of means enabling them to remotely manipulate the minds of their citizens.  This is in frightening conflict with the constitutions of the European Union Member States.

We still hope that you will stick to the values of respect for human dignity, freedom and democracy embedded in the Treaty on European Union and will work for the ban of the use of technologies which make it possible to deprive people of their personal freedom and freedom of thought creating thus totalitarian regimes of a new type.

(the petition to the European Parliament you can sign at the addres

more scientific information on this subject in English you can find, if you click on Psycholectronic threat to democracy,  at the address
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.

March 21, 2017

Signed by Mojmir Babacek, citizen of the Czech Republic

Chairman of The Citizen’s Association for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Radiofrequency Radiation (Spolek za zákaz manipulace lidské nervové soustavy radiforekvenčním zářením) residing at the address

Also signed by:

International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings (ICATOR)


 Melanie Vritschan,

STOPEG Foundation – Stop Electronic Weapons and Gang Stalking – Netherlands


Peter Mooring, 

IGEF – Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter – Deutschland


Harald Brems, 

STOPZET – Stowarzyszenie, Stop Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom   –  Poland

Zofia Filipiak, 

ADVHER – Association de Défense des Victimes de Harcèlement Electromagnétique et en Réseau – France


Associazione contro ogni forma di controllo ed interferenza mentale e neurofisiologica – Italia


Paolo Dorigo 

European Coalition against Covert Harassment

Legal advisor:

Henning Witte,

Globalthaeb – Great Brittain


David Bromhall, 


LESAT – London End Stalking Action Group – Great Brittain

Chairman :

Paolo Fiora, e-mail 

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I hope that you realize that if the mind control technology is declassified, the experts, who had developed this technology, will be free to help us with the detection of those harmfull radiations. I do not doubt that many of them are not without conscience and have pangs of remorse. In my opinion for the declassification of mind control technology it is sufficient if some 1 to 2% of the population of your country reads the Open letter.  Here in the Czech Republic with four publications we have reached so far about 20.000 readers out of 100.000 to 200.000 readers we need. In the letter below I have deleted the e-mail addresses of the chairman and chairwomen of the organisations and I have added the address of the webpage with additional scientific information

on the subject of mind control and the address of the petition to the European Parliament, which the readers could sign.

Mojmir Babacek



European Commission

Rue de la Loi 200/ Wetstraat 200

1049 Bruxelles/Brussel







In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister  Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of  Father  Tadeusz  Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens,,9741513/. In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.

The fact that the major European media did not report on this event, rose our suspission that the European Union Member States are bound to keep those weapons secret and even bound not to legislate against their use. This our suspicion was confirmed by the Polish weekly NIE, when its journalists were asking the Polish Defense Ministry why it did not fullfil its promise and did not establish a commission which was supposed to investigate complaints of Polish citizens that they are exposed to electromagnetic attacks and the defense ministry replied that this topic is subjected to national security information connected with  the defense of the nation, Evidently this sequence of events connects to the fact stated in the document Crowd Control Technologies, published in 2000 and initiated by the European Parliament, which says that the NATO Member states have accepted the American doctrine of non-lethal weapons, which includes "systems which can directly interact with the human nervous system"


iii Crowd Control Technologies : An Assessment Of Crowd Control Technology Options For The European Union (An Appraisal of the Technologies of Political Control)

.  Now it seems to be clear that the European Union Member States have in their arsenal a classified military technology, which can be used for electromagnetic attacks on people. Apparent classification of this issue explains as well your evasive replies to our previous letters on this subject.

Water makes up significant portion of the human body - 55 - 70%. Large portions of this water contain particles which have either accepted or lost an electron and therefore, they have either a positive or negative charge. Those particles may be atoms, molecules or clusters of atoms or molecules. They are called ions. Since liquids in the human body are full of those ions, they can be compared to electrolytes or liquids which conduct electrical current. The most important part in the activity of the human nervous system represent  electrical currents, which are occurring as flows of those charged particles in the nerve fibres. While in electrical wires the electrical current is a flow of free electrons, in the human body and the human nervous system it is a flow of charged ions.

The sources of electrical currents in the nerve fibres are neuronal membranes. The electrical currents start to flow in the nervous fibres, as a result of a change of voltage between the inner and outer surface of neuronal membranes. This change of voltage, on the other hand, is principally caused by electrical currents in the electrolyte which is inside nerve fibres.

In 2014, Chinese scientists published the results of an experiment in which they searched for microwave conductivity of electrolyte solutions. In the introduction they stressed that their experiment "plays an important role in investigating the interaction between electromagnetic waves and biological tissues that have high water content and a significant concentration of ions". They used a solution of salt for their experiment. The chemical formula of salt is NaCl. It means it contains atoms of sodium and chloride. Ions of both of those atoms play an important role in the firing of nerve cells. The experiment proved that this electrolyte is conductive for microwaves up to 20 gigahertz frequency. For the solutions with higher contents of salt the conductivity of electrolytes was higher with microwaves than with direct current In other words, the microwaves produced elecrical currents in electrolytes, which means that if microwaves penetrate into the electrolyte which is inside the nerve fibres, they will produce electrical currents in there.

The nervous system is controled by neurons called axons. Their membranes react to the electrical currents in the electrolyte which fills their nerve fibres by producing electrical currents. This will then trigger the spreading of the nervous signal in the nervous system.

If a human being is supposed to feel something, do something or think about something, it is necessary that large quantities of neurons start firing at the same frequency. The chance for the effectiveness of the manipulation of the human nervous system with pulsed microwaves is secured by the fact that the variations of the activity of the human nervous system for various perceptions, reactions, emotions, actions and thoughts are expressed in different frequencies or sequels of frequencies. Walter J. Freeman, who studied for decades the electrical activity of the human brain simultaneously introducing multitudes of microelectrodes into different parts of the brain, wrote that in the brain "transmission occurs at some characteristic frequency, and... reception occurs in... sets tuned to that frequency". Scientists experimenting with pulsed microwaves reported that electroencephalographic recordings of animal's brain activities got synchronized with the pulsing of microwaves transmitted into their brains

So, if the electrolytes in the nerve fibres are reached by microwaves, which are pulsed in the nervous activity's frequencies, the membranes of axons which control the nervous system's activity and react to electrical voltage's changes by initiating nerve firing, will react to inflow-frequencies of electrical currents. These currents will be produced by frequencies in which microwaves will be pulsed. In this way, the electrolytes in the nervous tissue will function as antennas and the human nervous system will be controlled by pulsed microwaves, targeting the human body.

The American MCS America organisation, which fights against pollution, confirms this conclusion in its study on Electromagnetic Fields Sensitivity. The study states: "The body can collect the signal and turn it into electric currents just like the antenna of a radio set or a cell phone. These currents are carried by ions... flowing through the living tissues and in the blood vessels (a system of tubes full of an ellectrically-conducting salty fluid that connect almost every part of the body) when these currents impinge on cell membranes, which are normally electrically charged, they try to vibrate in time with the current" (let us note that a neuron is a cell as well). The study goes on stating: "The mechanism of demodulation is controversial, but there is no doubt that it occurs. The best explanation is that the multitude of minute ion channels found in cell membranes act as electrically biased point contact diodes... these can rectify and demodulate the signal even at microwave frequencies... A cell phone signal, when demodulated in this way, generates a whole family of low frequency components, some of which are biologically-active and cause membrane leakage. One consequence of this leakage is to make the sensory cells of electrosensitive individuals give a whole range of false sensations". The reason why the cell phone radiation produces false sensations in some individuals is that the information transfer in cell phone systems is carried out by low frequency microwave pulses which reach the electrolyte in electrosensitive individuals' nervous systems. Since the nervous activity takes place in low frequencies, it is triggered or incited by those pulses.

Published experiments dedicated to the effects of microwaves on the human nervous system used microwave frequencies which did not exceed much more than one Gigahertz, thus complying with the findings of Chinese scientists on the conductivity of electrolyte for microwaves. In his experiments, Ross Adey in the  1980’s used the 450 Mhz frequency, pulsed at 16 Hz, thus causing calcium efflux from nerve cells, which reduces human beings' ability to concentrate. The experiment was replicated many times with the same results.

Allen H. Frey - as early in the year 1961! - managed to transmit sound perceptions into the human brain by using pulsed frequencies ranging from 425 to 1310 Megahertz. People described the microwave sound as "buzz, clicking, hiss or knocking, depending on several transmitter parameters, i.e., pulse width and pulse repetition rate", in other words, on the frequency of pulses. When varying the transmitter parameters, Allen H. Frey was able to produce in human beings "the perception of severe buffeting of the head" or "pins and needles sensation" His experiment was replicated many times with the same results. It was, therefore, proved that it is possible to repeatedly produce the same delusions in the human brain, when microwaves are pulsed in frequencies which mimic the human brain's neuronal activity.

In 1975, Don R. Justesen, neuropsychologist and Director of Neuropsychology and Behavioral Radiology Research Laboratories with the Veterans Administration Medical Center, published in "The American Psychologist Journal" an experiment, where recordings of pronounced digits from one to ten were transmitted into the human brain via pulsed microwaves and where the subject of the experiment could hear and recognize the digits This experiment proved not only feasibility of remote manipulation of the human nervous system but as well feasibility of manipulation of human mind.

When encoding human speech into pulsed microwaves - the procedure is similar to radio broadcasting (human speech only needs to be converted to pulsed microwaves) - it is possible to transmit either audible or inaudible (ultrasound) messages into the human brain. A human being cannot hear ultrasound messages, but the brain perceives them and a person's behaviour can be controled and manipulated in this way. The density of electromagnetic energy needed to remotely control the activity of the human nervous system does not exceed the standards set by the European Union. Let's just remember that cellphone signals can penetrate into the human brain.

 A skillfull radioamateur is capable to produce a transmitter able to remotely control the activity of the human nervous system for criminal groups which could then endanger the mental and physical health of people in their surroundings. They could easily put drivers to sleep by pulsing microwaves into the sleep frequencies or with more sophisticated pulsing, they could stop a person's heart beat and make him or she die. It is known that Allen H. Frey produced heart attacks in frogs with pulsed microwaves. 

At the same time a growing number of people worldwide complain that they are exposed to such harmful radiations, but do not have any means of defense against their use. Among the main symptoms, they claim to have, are burns on their bodies or burning sensations, pins and needles sensations, feelings of being stabbed or squashed, violent vomiting, cramps going as far as reaching temporary paralyses, remotely controled movements of their body parts, breath shortness sometimes reaching heart arrest, nausea, voice-hearings and manipulations of their thoughts and emotions. They usually end up showing depression and suicidal tendencies. When complaining about the symptoms and claiming that they are caused by electromagnetic radiation, they are frequently sent to psychiatric hospitals, without any expert investigations of their complaints.

This makes plausible the idea that the military and government agencies operators of those weapons are practising their skills in the use of those weapons on unwitting citizens, to be able to use those acquired skills in possible future wars or to use them in the case of massive civil disobedience against citizens of their countries.

Since government agencies, and possibly organized crime, are capable to remotely manipulate the human nervous system and cause physical torture, mental confusion or death of people, without leaving any evidence of the committed crime, it is necessary to introduce a legislation, which would prosecute such activities. Part of the legislation should also be the prohibition of the use of those technologies for the state security agencies, because their possession of such technologies would be in sharp contradiction with the democratic constitutions of European Union Member States. We are willing to participate in the preparation of this legislation.

Any technology, which would produce in the human nervous system the flows of electric currents with the frequencies of its activity, can be used to control remotely the activity of the human brain and  body. At the present time pulsed microwaves are the only technology known to be fit to produce this effect, but easily, with contemporary fast advances of the scientific research, other technologies can be developed or already were developed. Therefore, the legislation should ban as well the use of so far unknown or unpublished technologies which enable the remote manipulation of electrical currents in the human brain and body.

Because of the fact that at least  the European NATO  member states are apparently bound by an agreement to keep those weapons secret, it is evident, that the legislation we are proposing, can be enacted in the European Union Member states only if it is recommended to them by the European Commission and if the EU member states act together  - or even if the principle of subsidiarity is bypassed and the legislation is passed directly by the European Parliament

We still have a confidence that you will not support the criminal use of electromagnetic or other energetic fields against the citizens of the European Union Member States and that you will recommend  to the European Union Member States and to the European Parliament to enact legislations, which will protect the citizens of the European Union Member States against such attacks establish harsh sentencies for the perpetrators of such attacks and which will create agencies specialized in the detection of attacks using the remote manipulation of the functioning of the human nervous system to produce symptoms of mental illness or to torture or kill people without leaving evidence of the committed crime.

We still believe as well that you are aware of the crisis of democracy created by the governments' secret possession of means enabling them to remotely manipulate the minds of their citizens.  This is in frightening conflict with the constitutions of the European Union Member States.

We still hope that you will stick to the values of respect for human dignity, freedom and democracy embedded in the Treaty on European Union and will work for the ban of the use of technologies which make it possible to deprive people of their personal freedom and freedom of thought creating thus totalitarian regimes of a new type.


(the petition to the European Parliament you can sign at the addres )

   more scientific information on this subject in English you can find, if you click on Psycholectronic threat to democracy,  at the address

Ban Remote Attacks - Zakaz

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos.


March 21, 2017


Signed by Mojmir Babacek, citizen of the Czech Republic

Chairman of The Citizen's Association for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Radiofrequency Radiation (Spolek za zákaz manipulace lidské nervové soustavy radiforekvenčním zářením) residing at the address



Also signed by:

International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotisation of Living Beings (ICATOR)


 Melanie Vritschan,  


STOPEG Foundation – Stop Electronic Weapons and Gang Stalking – Netherlands


Peter Mooring, 


IGEF - Initiative Gegen Elektromagnetische Folter - Deutschland


Harald Brems,  

STOPZET – Stowarzyszenie, Stop Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom   –  Poland

Zofia Filipiak,  


ADVHER - Association de Défense des Victimes de Harcèlement Electromagnétique et en Réseau – France 



Associazione contro ogni forma di controllo ed interferenza mentale e neurofisiologica - Italia


Paolo Dorigo 


European Coalition against Covert Harassment

Legal advisor: 

Henning Witte,  


Globalthaeb – Great Brittain


David Bromhall, 


LESAT – London End Stalking Action Group – Great Brittain

Chairman :

Paolo Fiora, e-mail 



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Outsmarting ourselves w/disinformation

This will sound like heresy, but please consider anyway.

There is much disinformation everywhere as we all know.  Some of this disinformation is unknowingly perpetuated by us upon other TIs.  This is the most dangerous source of disinformation.  Who else are we more likely to believe, than another TI.

Use your experiences, personal observations and experiments to produce empirical knowledge you can believe and build on.  "OUR" experience is all we can use as a base that can be trusted.  Many genuine TIs I have known have become so convinced that they have the true answers, that there is no room for correcting errors.  Yet much of what they believe has been taken as gospel from someone who seems to be in a position of authority/knowledge.  The "answers" that are espoused are gathered from outside sources, and there is the flaw - unquestioned acceptance based upon what strangers have to say.

It is useful to gather information from other sources and tentatively accept them into our beliefs about GS if they seem reasonable.  BUT, when we start preaching back and forth to each other using information that has been fed to us, we may very well be spreading disinformation to each other.

PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Consider information that is not personally experienced suspect and don't loose sight of the fact that reality begins with YOU.  Don't allow yourself to become so overwhelmed and disheartened by touted concepts such as aliens, artificial intelligence, government conspiracy, etc. that you just give up your common sense.  Stay informed, but alway question a source, and be ready to evolve your beliefs.

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49. ICRC - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)  22/3/2017

from:  Giuliana Saldarriaga <


CC: Carmen Luisa Soriano <
Susana Lopez <

date:  Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 1:46 AM


Dear Mr Finch,

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) acknowledges reception of your message.  The ICRC derives its mandate from the Geneva Conventions of 1949, their two Additional Protocols of 1977 and from the Statutes of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted in 1986. Acting primarily in situations of armed conflict or internal strife, the ICRC endeavours at all times to ensure the protection of and assistance in such situations and of their direct consequences.  In this respect, we regret to inform you that the situation you exposed is not covered by the ICRC's mandate.


Giuliana Saldarriaga Velásquez
Oficial de Protección y punto focal legal para las operaciones
Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR)
Delegación Regional para Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador
Av. Jorge Chávez 481, Miraflores, Lima - Perú
T + 511 2419904, anexo 125  F + 511 2419912

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ODD Countermeasure that works!

     I decided to do a new blog entry instead of adding to the one here:

     In that blog I spoke of using an electric toothbrush to stop vibrations I’d been experiencing for a couple of years. These vibs were beginning to cause some issues w/hip and knee joints for which I’d sought physical therapy.

     I noticed some relief each time I would take hold of an electric floor fan to move it. This evolved into attaching the fan to a wood frame chair I sleep in so the chair would vibrate. Since I was deriving some real benefits and success in stopping joint pain, I began doing some research and happened across this: This led me to a kit he was offering here:

     I had thought it was the counter-vibrations of the fan motor that was canceling out the vibrations I was feeling in my legs. It turns out that the floor fan motor was giving off/transmitting RF which was interfering with the perp device being used that caused the vibs.

     Over time, I’ve come to believe this “leg vibration” I felt/feel is the way I am located inside my house bf a DEW attack is launched. I felt the vibs EVERY time, just bf being attacked. Once I began to use the counter vibs off and on, the perps tried to trick me into thinking it didn’t work by continuing to do the vibs bf an attack... BUT it backfired on them bcz I soon realized that the attacks that followed were never very strong - they were just aiming/shooting where they “thought” I was.

     So, I began wearing 2 motors, one on each leg 24 hours a day. I wear 2 so there will be an overlap when one of the rechargeable batteries goes dead if I am asleep, and there will ALWAYS be RF attached to my body being transmitted.

     BTW, it is not necessary to reshape the end of the toothbrush as I did in the “Vibrations” blog post since it is not the “vibrating” itself that is beneficial. All you seem to need is to have the toothbrush in contact w/your skin. However, I would suggest you remove the brushes from the end or you will otherwise wear a raw hole in your leg.

     Buy a cheap Oral B toothbrush for $5 at WMT and stick it in your sock. It won’t cost much to find out if it will work for you too.

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Don’t Just Sit There!

     In the 12+ years I’ve been a TI, I’ve experienced an occasional success in throwing a monkey wrench into the smooth workings of the perp machine. I’ve done this by keeping my mouth shut, and paying attention.

     In order to conduct the monotonous and repetitive tasks of being a perp, perps are somewhat brain dead when it comes to initiative and imagination. They remind me of arduino robots that are programmed by their handlers, and never deviate in carrying out their assigned tasks. When they hit an obstacle they stop and call the handler. It can take a day or two of blissful quiet bf they return with a new tactic.

Firstly, keeping my mouth shut.
- I will bite my lip bloody before I cry or make any sound that indicates I am in pain. It becomes a fight of mind over pain. No matter how bad I feel at that moment, I know that if perps discover that the device/tactic being used is causing me to suffer, that device/tactic will be repeated for years to come.
- There have been times when I thought I’d have to go to the hospital bcz of the pain, but I suffered through the attack and kept silent. The DEW/device will sooner or later be replaced by another device bcz they weren’t sure the other device had worked.
- This is a response I have had from the beginning, and it has served me well. They NEVER know if what they are doing is working, so get no satisfaction.

Second, paying attention.
- Listen, watch, and learn the timetable and routines of your perps. This is valuable information and you will learn a whole lot more than you think. Remember, you are no threat or challenge - they won’t suspect you are watching and taking notes.
- Each perp has his own “signature”. Some just want to let you know they are omnipresent, other’s like to crank up the juice and cause as much suffering as they can. Each perp will use a given weapon differently.
- Make up a timetable for each perp. Then, watch for any correlation w/vehicles driving by, cars starting up, people going to work, etc. Look for connections between deeds and people you see or hear.

     The use you are able to make of this information will depend on a number of factors. The closer your perps can move in next to you, the worse your situation. The larger the buffer zone, the more chances you will have to test out avenues of relief.

     There are many TIs looking to hook up with other TIs, and many that have already formed groups. Connect with another TI or someone you trust, or get a couple of big dogs. Then, move to a lot in the middle of the dessert or on top of a masa and go off the grid. See how many perps show up to harass you...  they never did find Jimmy Hoffa.

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Wrong pathway, proceed with caution...

It is a great temptation to read what a "source" says, and begin to believe it bcz it seems like it fits with what we are experiencing.  It doesn't seem to matter that what is being touted might be stretching the bounds of feasibility.  For a TI living in an information vacuum, it can quickly become a reality.

Our minds stretch to understand and explain the unknown.  Before becoming a victim of Organized Stalking, that was the basis of my scientific education, career, and how I conducted my life.  However, the world of a TI is not always logical.  Nor should the answers we arrive at based upon input by a total stranger(s) on an internet website necessarily be written in ink as a stepping stone on the way to the truths lying behind Organized Stalking.

PLEASE back up a step and examine what you have come to believe about OS - it may or may not be true.  I urge each of us to use information we acquire as building blocks, especially if it exceeds reality and starts leaning toward something like extra terrestrial causes.  Until that day a TI has "real" proof, NEVER write OS beliefs in stone - always test your beliefs and leave the door open so new information will enter.  A closed mind is a danger to us all.

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