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"Tactics for Thinking" by Robert J. Marzano - NSA Mind Control Thought Framework

The framework for mind control thinking comes from this research done in Alexandria,Va. in the early 80's. The new world order and the new age movement sent this guy out to public schools with this training program.

Look Familiar !

1) Attention Control Process - Energy Control , Bracketing , ...  

2) Deep Processing - Mental Pictures , Physical Sensations, Emotions, Thought voice...

3) Memory Framework .... see file .  (perp nsa satanists may have blocked file)

This information which was to help children but is now the torture framework used on us all. This just shows the satanic evil of the nwo. The backlash was immediate when this program hit the schools in 1987 and finally required an article written by Marzano in Dec.93'

When Two Worldveiws Collide 

The failure to find any footage of this video tape seminar on the internet and now blocking the eric file is a sign that this is the artificial cognitive model being programmed into these supercomputers. The American delusion and the whole "Matrix" is based on this programming. I have a copy of this VHS seminar and found several interesting quotes from Mr. Marzano. One quote came during the Evaluation of Evidence Process discussion on accepting new information and unusual claims,

"For example, their minister or religious leader is a person from whom they expect to hear new information and unusual claims. From that person then the individual would accept new information and accept unusual claims even if it jumped out at him or her. So what I would like you to do is something we suggest you do with students and that is before just jumping into this. Present the process to students...".

This confirms what I already knew and that is they have mind controlled most of our ministers and religious leaders. Have you ever wondered why they never call the U.S. the "new Rome" or "Babylon"? Or why we have so many megachurches to control just one speaker. The rupert murdock owned Zondervan books and Rockefeller tampering has planted a real new age deception within our churches. When you add the NSA mind controlling of the saints, preachers and prophets then you have the Final Judgment. This is the biggest reason for the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ, that the very elect won't be deceived.

Two very important books to read are Educational Psychology by Cronbach and Language Arts Behavioral Objectives by Flannigan, Shanner and Mager. These books are older but are the basis of their thinking. The study of this information will help you understand their tactics and how to build your own countermeasures. The Christians back in the 80's knew and warned of the danger of this new age evil and no one listened. Salem Gilban's book Satan's Mark Exposed told of the supercomputer takeover in the late seventies but no one expected to have lasers stuck directly in their brains. He did mention a interesting fact that if we are all hooked to these supercomputers and lasers or radio waves, then the end is near. All I can quote is "their sins have stacked to Heaven" and "Babylon the great is fallen".

"...The Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need,always asking Him with a thankful heart." Phil. 4:5-6 (TEV)


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NSA Laser Manipulation of Meridian Channels

NSA Laser Manipulation of Meridian Channels

The use of the human meridian system by laser entry to left cerebellum lobe and top of skull or the actual meridian points is a tool for pain control, trauma memory and constant extrapolation. Head tilting can disconnect this nervous system connection and raising trap muscles to back of skull can disconnect cerebellum lasers. The perps will often laser the meridian point location when cerebellum is properly shielded. Light a lighter in front of effected area or just cover area with either copper rings or bracelets. Always try head tilting for relief of low flow electrical stimulation to stomach or heels and see my shielding tip blogs. A aluminum cooking sheet or copper platter over stomach or any radiated works.

This chart shows most of the points and is relevant for shielding :

Perps play a lot of games with this but wearing a leather vest or jacket does help. The covering by hand or any object over the urinary bladder when lasered for induced urination does help stop urge to go. The control of the meridian system is one of their main weapons and most westerners a ignorant of acupuncture and meridian points. The new age movement wanted the general public unaware so Wall Street could sell another pill and obviously the military considered it a secret weapon to use and to hide. This chart and others show the precise placements of V2K and the shoulder points. The stomach points and lung points I often cover with leather vest when attacked. The spinal cord chart was added to help locate digestive control nerves of large intestines. While laser directly to these regions does effect symptoms, the stopping of the intestinal wave can also be applied. The gas effects which are often thought of as a joke are actually to kill needed digestive bacteria and vitamins by direct radiation to stomach. Thus lowering of immune system and keeping you weak and susceptible to colds and infections. This requires using a probiotic and vitamin supplement to prevent illnesses.  A cold or flu is their favorite distraction and I was almost killed by pneumonia by these perps in 2003.

Another great chart is on the ear and you can use acupressure to fight tooth pain and nicotine control.

This details spinal cord manipulation :

Dr. Nick Begich's report on Mind Control and Meridian Points:

Check out the ID face points on this video. They leave a circle around nose for laser to hypothalamus.

May the Lord keep and protect  us all.

"He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raimant; and I will not blot out his name out from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and his angels." Rev. 3:5

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For the Soldiers of God

For the Soldiers of GodThose who are sleepingWake upThose who are strugglingDon't give upThose who are sparklingLook upThose who are fighting (the devil)We never give upGiveGiveGiveAchieveAchieveAchieveIgnite your heartIgnite your heartIgnite your heartFace the adversaryWith braveryBe legendaryFight immoralityFight tyrannyStay HolyLook for God's KingdomSeek God's wisdomEmbrace and obey Mother WisdomTransmit loveUsing your God given strengthProtect the lives on planet earth01/02/2015 21:25
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belated introductions

Hello, I guess I should introduce myself properly if I haven't already done so. I have been here for a while, last summer at least.

I am a long time T.I. I have been a victim of V2K harassment since very early in my childhood. Friends and family could "Hear my thoughts". Needless to say extremely disturbing. I am a life long sufferer of psychotronics mainly I believe because I come from a family that lived the traditional trapping lifestyle.

 There is this time my sister remembers, a few years before I was born, where she, three at the time, saw people in hazmat suits spraying our cabin.

 I and my family are government experiments.

 I am learning alot about this topic and so much rings true to my past and current experiences.

 I am here to learn and to pass on any information that may be of use to my fellow T.I's.

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LaBrat and David what's do you think of my idea?

David , Labrat. Perhaps I have found a peaceful solution for both. :)

Today I have thought a lot about you two. I give sorrow that both suffer further for misunderstandings and disagreements.

On peacepink exists the button "block user". It is equal to the block facebook. What happens on facebook if you block a user? You can not see what he writes, and he does not see what you write.

My idea is convincing and useful for you? :) My idea is to make an attempt and find you, more peace and serenity on the community of both?

I'm not crazy. I have thought a lot about you two. is all the day that I stress my brain to find a diplomatic and peaceful solution.
Practically, if David Labrat block, and block Labrat David, both, do not see you, to fight and perhaps regain more peace and serenity. Boh. I do not know. My idea may be helpful for you? :)

Unfortunately peacepink not have the exact same option of facebook, but I can write to the staff and ask to add an option identical. Then, the staff will decide whether of peacepink to imitate the exact same option facebook. My idea may be helpful for you? :)

I am not crazy. Maybe it is a solution pacifical. I am diplomatic service.

If my english is not perfect is not my should. You understund my idea or my english is a disaster?

Please to patience. I am not polyglot...

My role is to hunt scammers. (spam & scam) but I rarely watch because I have other things to finish. Eventually, are others who speak English well which must take action. My role is centered exclusively against scammers (spam & scam), I also have in mind control and I have other work to finish but it's possible to ask to STAFF PEACEPINK and ALLS ADMINISTRATORS.

What happens with the block facebook to a user? You understood my example? :)

I don't joke. I am serious. Maybe it is a solution? I am not crazy. This is my idea for you with respect and today I am very tired. Today sleep deprivation against me and is Christmas. :) <---i am so today

Thank you PERPS another christmas ruined . My Christmas, birthday, Easter and name day.
They are Satanists. The perps always spoil the days of Christian holidays, birthday and name day.

Why Cristians holday? Because they are satanist and mentality of RITUAL ABUSE SATANIC (RSA) with me.

They are AntiCrist, AntiMohammed, AntiBuddha etc. They are satanists!!!

When it's Sunday, they are more aggressive with me. Why Sunday? Because Sunday is another Christian day. They are Satanists against all religions. ILLUMINATI and NWO SATANISTS !!!




BLOCK PEACEPINK but only of Messagges


BLOCK FACEBOOK (obvius that is in my language - italian) blocca = block


This is in a perfect English.

There is no possibility of misunderstanding because it is written in perfect English.


bullying. How do I block someone?

To block someone:

  1. Click at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Click How do I stop someone from bothering me?
  3. Enter the name or email address of the person you want to block and click Block.
  4. If you entered a name, select the specific person you want to block from the list that appears.

People will not be notified when you block them.

If you can't find someone using this method, try going to the person's profile and selecting Block from the menu on their cover photo.

If you still can't find the person you want to block, it's possible that this person no longer uses Facebook or has restricted their privacy settings. Keep in mind that you can always control the audience of stuff you share.

More info
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"The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that walked in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined...

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called: Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9,2 & 9,6.

best wishes.

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See the world spiritually

See the world spirituallyLyingDeceivingStealingKillingDestroyingIs all the devil and his cohorts do shamefullyAs our Beloved YAHUSHUA reports factuallyIt is so evident for all to seeSo please conduct yourself blamelesslyAnd see for yourself the world spiritually12/24/2014 21:55
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DesensitizationSatan seeks to desensitize mankind so that they cannot discern the right from wrong, also to disarm them as they cannot fight back.Mankind is originally blessed with angelic spirits and physical bodies made with dust.Satan is just dumbing mankind down. Mankind as a whole is identical to angels other than the fact with less power and a physical body.12/24/2014 19:54
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Your Brain on Gang Stalking Conspiracy Theories

For this post, and maybe several more to follow, I'd like to take the time to talk about a little known subculture in the internet conspiracy theory world known as Targeted Individuals, or TI's for short.

 First, allow me to get you all up to date on the jargon used by them so that there isn't any misunderstanding later on. A Targeted Individual is a person who believes, for whatever reasons, that they are being targeted by a group of people who conspire to make their lives a living hell. They call these people Gang Stalkers or Organized Stalkers.

TI's usually believe that the gang stalkers are apart of an even bigger conspiracy involving the Illuminati, New World Order, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, and so on. Some even believe that these stalkers are supernatural, and work for Satan personally.

A lot of them believe that the gang stalkers have access to exotic military grade weaponry capable of beaming voices into their heads, known as V2K (voice to skull ), or are "zapping" them with EMF, which stands for Electro Magnetic Frequency.

A few of them even suggest the use of aluminum foil on their heads as shielding from these weapons, even though an MIT study has proven that their protective head gear might in fact amplify some frequencies.

Some even go further than that, and deck the entire house with various metals and aluminum foil to protect themselves from electronic attack, like this individual known on youtube as Vulcan Wolverine.


Some targeted individuals even claim that a person wearing a certain color, or driving a certain color vehicle are paid by the powers that be to stalk them. Certain gestures like scratching your nose, coughing/sneezing, or yawning are believed to be tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).


video_object.png (scroll down to the all caps GANG STALKING = ORGANIZED MURDER part for more examples of alleged gang stalker tactics)

Targeted Individuals rarely, if ever, believe only in just this single conspiracy theory. A belief in a global conspiracy to rule the world is almost always a prerequisite to being a targeted individual. Experts have weighed in on how these communities reinforce each other's paranoid delusions.

Quote from the article: “The views of these belief systems are like a shark that has to be constantly fed,” Dr. Hoffman said. “If you don’t feed the delusion, sooner or later it will die out or diminish on its own accord. The key thing is that it needs to be repetitively reinforced.” And that is exactly what this conspiracy theory subculture does. They even go so far as to actively discourage others from seeking psychiatric help, because they believe that the psychiatric industry is in on the conspiracy.

At the 15:00 minute mark in this video He talks about how he is refusing to take the medication prescribed to him.





These screen shots come from the "Targeted Individuals International" group on Facebook, the very same group Myron May was a member of...

They refuse to acknowledge the most likely possibility is that there is a mental issue of some sort, and if they do actually acknowledge any issues, they only do so by claiming it was caused by the gang stalkers.


Trying to reason with targeted individuals can be extremely frustrating. They will claim that you are a gang stalker too if you call any of their claims into question, express doubt, or ask to see tangible proofs of the stalking taking place.


This can have a negative effect on the TI's relationships with family and friends. Because they believe that everyone is against them somehow, the ones who genuinely are concerned and want to help them as much as possible will be considered enemies.

 Trying to reason with them can often be counter-productive, and might lead to the TI burying themselves even further into paranoia, and might make them refuse to communicate with you further, making any attempt to help them nigh impossible unless you can prove they are a danger to themselves or others.

(testimonial from a person whose wife believes in gang stalking)

(a targeted individual talking about how his immediate family members were his gang stalkers under the employ of the local police)

Conspiracy theorists in general typically react to anyone doubting the theories in a similar way, accusing them of being paid agents/provocateurs and so on. The difference is, the conspiracy theorist is protecting their ideological beliefs, the targeted individual is protecting their paranoid delusional perceptions of reality.

Sometimes it is a lot easier to convince yourself that you are the target of a vast conspiracy, than it is to simply admit you might be wrong.

So how does a TI deal with their persecution delusions? Some handle it by going on the internet and joining the various online communities that focus on "supporting" targeted individuals. Some write blogs, some make videos, some make comic strips, some write e-books, and some make websites. There are also some who handle it in a completely unproductive manner that usually lands them in a bad situation, e.g. being committed to a mental institution.

Take this video for example.


He goes out into his front yard and begins shouting about how his neighbors are attacking him with stolen military equipment. The gentleman in question previous to making this video had a gun pulled on him by his neighbor for pulling similar stunts, and to be honest, I can't blame the neighbor for doing that.

I can't recall the exact videos, but this guy claimed before that he had been committed to a mental institution at least twice in the past. Some of these people can and WILL get violent, which I will show examples of later in this post.

Before I get into the meat of this post, I just want to make one thing clear. Gang stalking DOES exist, but not in the type of way these people are talking about. In the past, the KGB and the Stasi used similar tactics on their political opponents. COINTELPRO was also very similar. There is also work-place mobbing, members of street gangs who will harass, stalk, and kill former members, and generally spite filled people who don't like you and want to pick on you for some percieved slight against them.

 For instance, Christian Weston Chandler, an internet personality known for being a whacky autistic man with a heart of gold, was the target of a conspiracy organized by trolls to ruin his life.  (go do your research on him, this cwcki is an authority on all things Chrischan.

These are genuine instances where gang stalking has occured, and there is a plethora of evidence to back it up when it does happen. Except, the majority of the people making gang stalking claims now rarely, if ever, have proof that this is indeed happening to them. Somehow, through impressive mental gymnastics, the lack of evidence proves that powerful forces are seeing to it that evidence never sees the light of day.

If evidence surfaces that proves their claims wrong, they see this as further evidence that powerful forces are fabricating plausible, but still false, data. After all, these powerful forces control the media, government, and so on; obviously the truth will never see the light of day, right? "They" will invent and plant new evidence to make their accusers look discredited, or ridiculous, as if the TI's aren't doing that well enough on their own (e.g., the guy above shouting about his neighbors "zapping" him with electronic weaponry, or stuffing his shirts full of aluminum polyester)

With that said, meet Myron May. Myron May claimed he was a targeted individual. He belonged to a Facebook group named "Targeted Individuals International". He recently asked the group a question that SHOULD HAVE set off red flags for everyone in that group. He asked, "...has anyone here ever encouraged by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?".


Apparently, not one person in that group thought that question was an odd one to ask. Soon after this he sent out various packages to people, and then after conducting his preparations, Myron May went to Florida State University with the intent to kill. He wounded three, and was killed by the police. One of the people he sent a package to was Renee Pittman Mitchell. She also considers herself to be a Targeted Individual. Hours before he opened fire at the Florida State University library,Myron May left a desperate voicemail for her with this plea: "I do not want to die in vain." She said that after their initial conversations, she became wary of Myron May, concerned that he might be what she called an "impostor." Instead of getting Myron May the appropriate help he needed, she instead let her paranoid delusion that he might be an "impostor" get the better of her judgement. Perhaps she could've prevented this somehow if she didn't assume that he was an impostor, rather than a person crying out for help. Included in the package she and nine others received, was a letter.

In this letter, he implied that he intended to die, and become a martyr for targeted individuals when he said, "Lastly, please whisper a prayer for my soul. I am still a believer and honestly feel there is no hope for me. Consequently, I am making a sacrifice so that others in my same position might have a chance at a normal, harassment-free life. I realize that my methods are not the best selection and probably will not be perceived as the selection of a Christ follower. But I have prayed incessantly for months to no avail. There are targeted individuals that have endured this torture for decades without any relief. And what targeted individuals need more than anything is media attention."

I can not imagine why none of the recipients of this letter didn't do or say anything to anyone about it. Whether the recipients, like Renee Pittman Mitchell, believed him to be an "impostor" or not, it should've been taken to the authorities. Renee Pittman Mitchell also hosts the public Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance conference calls on, and they had at least one show discussing Myron May and making excuses for what he did. I recommend listening to it if you have about 4-5 hours to kill.

The members of that group have now erected an "RIP Myron May" page, full of martyr worship by the targeted individual community. A large portion of them believe this event was an 'inside job', perpetrated by the very same people who are targeting them. They aren't alone in this belief, because now there is cross-pollination between the TI community and conspiracy theorist communities as a whole. If you type "Myron May" into the YouTube search bar, you will find that the majority of the videos in the results are conspiracy theory oriented. The only ones that aren't conspiracy oriented are the clips of news reports about the event. Before the dust has even settled, conspiracy theorists leapt on this like white on rice. And as usual, no evidence is provided, only speculation presented as if it were fact.


(Here's a drinking game, take a shot every time he makes a claim without providing evidence. On second thought, don't do it. You will 100% die from alcohol poisoning)

Myron May was also trying to start a law suit on behalf of the TI's in that group, which lead to the group believing that he was killed or "MK'd" (a reference to Project MK ULTRA) in order to stop the law suit from going forward. Never mind the fact that several people in the past have done the exact same thing, and didn't get killed ( Never mind the fact that he was trying to kill people when he got shot down by the police. No, it must be a conspiracy. Targeted Individuals never lash out violently or anything, right?


Meet exhibit A; "Richard" from Port Alberni, British Columbia.

Richard's current whereabouts are currently unknown, he has not posted to his youtube channel in over two years. He is, like most TI's, pretty unhinged in his videos. Even in the videos in which he appears calm, there seems to be a torrent of emotions boiling over under the surface.  Here, I link you to his recollection of events that occurred while he was out driving one day, and to make a long story short, ended in him grabbing a random person and screaming in their face about how he knows they are a stalker. This story was delivered across three videos, but every minute is worth watching if you want to gain insight into what he went through that day, and the events that transpired afterwards.




In these videos, he narrates as if it was aimed at his wife and children who seem to have left him after what occurred. He is trying to convince them he isn't crazy, despite what some "sick doctor" claims. This leads me to believe he was diagnosed with a mental illness, although he doesn't disclose what his diagnosis was. He tells the story of how he drove down a country road somewhere in Port Alberni looking for gang stalkers, and then began to chase down a person who drove passed him while talking on their mobile phone. According to Richard, using a mobile phone while driving was some kind of cue to let him know that the gang stalkers are watching him. The chase ends with the person parking at a co-op service station, and getting accosted by Richard for no apparent reason other than Richard is delusional, and talking on your phone while driving is some sort of underhanded persecution according to Richard's delusions. This is a violent lashing out that luckily didn't end up with someone getting seriously hurt or worse, however, it appears to have ended Richard's family life as he knew it, and understandably so. Unfortunately, events like these are a dime-a-dozen for "targets" who often perceive normal public behavior as some sort of persecution against themselves.

Meet exhibit B; Jason Rodriguez. Jason's story ends a lot worse than Richard's does, with 6 people shot, 1 person dead, and a life sentence behind bars for Jason. Jason claimed to have been gang stalked, and his main stalker went by code name "Sharptooth", who communicated with him via voices in his head.

Quote from the Orlando Sentinal's news article on Jason-

The defense's case relied on opinion, in the form of extensive expert testimony about what was going on inside Rodriguez's mind at the time of the gunfire.

Six forensic doctors testified, all with the same conclusion: Rodriguez suffered from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the killings and wasn't able to know what he was doing was wrong.

In the words of Dr. Randy Otto, Rodriguez "believed that there was a conspiracy of many people working together to harm him and his family," which involved his former employers and law enforcement.

The paranoia centered on "sharp tooth," a voice Rodriguez heard that he believed was sending him "threatening and derogatory" messages, Otto said.

Added Dr. Jacquelyn Olander: "'Sharp tooth' had threatened him for years... Mr. Rodriguez reported that when he walked through that door into [RS&H], 'sharp tooth' was there with his followers."

In her closing argument, public defender Melissa Vickers argued the defense had proved Rodriguez legally insane.

"Six doctors, with over 100 years of experience, came in here and told you, number one, [Rodriguez had] paranoid schizophrenia, number two, he didn't know [what he did] was wrong," she said.

Williams, however, argued those opinions were "sloppy, incomplete... They're incomplete because they didn't consider the facts that you have heard," he told the jury.

Williams noted that Rodriguez left a threatening note and made a menacing gesture when RS&H fired him in 2007: "He pointed his finger... and pulled the proverbial trigger," the prosecutor said.

Williams argued Rodriguez's career had been in steady decline since he was fired, and he had hit rock bottom by Nov. 6, 2009. When his unemployment benefits didn't come as expected that day, he blamed RS&H, Williams said.

Rodriguez stalked the halls of RS&H, Williams said, "firing two at a time, pop pop.... walking along the hallway where his managers worked, the people responsible for his firing."

"Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the facts that you heard," Williams said.

Rodriguez, 44, remained stoic as the verdict was read. He faces life in prison at sentencing Dec. 18.

After the verdict, Beckford's family said that's the sentence they want: "I want him to spend life in prison for killing my innocent grandson," said Beckford's grandmother, Deleta Earle.

Said Beckford's mother, Icilda Cole: "He's a monster."

On to exhibit C; Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter. His story ended with 13 people dead, counting the victims he murdered, and himself. In case you don't remember, he believed, just like a lot of other targeted individuals, that he was under attack by low-frequency radio waves. He etched the words "end the torment!", "Not what ya'll say, better off this way!", and "MY E.L.F. WEAPON!" onto the barrel of his weapon. The clues about Alexis’s mental state and motivations come from inscriptions found on his Remington 870 shotgun and documents found on his electronic devices.

In one document, he wrote: “An ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months, and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this.”

The police also claim to have computer disks and thumb drives that were found, the contents of which have not been released. I assume that it contained a lot of the same type of material about gang stalking and targeted individuals that Myron May was sending in his packages to his acquaintances.

Exhibit D; Benjamin Frankum. Benjamin Frankum broke into the house of Daniel Quelch, a 34 years old father of three, and stabbed Daniel 82 times in front of his children. He emerged almost naked from the house covered in blood just as Mrs Quelch returned home in her car. In the aftermath of the attack, Frankum is alleged to have claimed that he was from MI5 and had been ordered to carry out the killing because Daniel was a torturer.

In September 2001 Frankum was sectioned and admitted to an establishment in Brighton, where he was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations, described as 'hearing of voices and delusional thoughts.'

'He suffered from bizarre behaviour and a lack of insight into his own condition.'

Mr Frankum had been in residential care until shortly before the attack.

He was discharged into the community on two occasions but had to be readmitted because he relapsed due to not taking his medication.

When he began to improve in June 2007 he was placed in supported accommodation in Littlehampton, West Sussex.

However, his condition began to concern his support worker and his family, and there was evidence that he had been attacked, that he was drinking alcohol and was not managing his money.

Then, it appeared he had still been taking his medication.

But when arrested and examined there was no evidence he had been taking the prescribed medicine.

Exhibit E; Tamerlan Tsarnev, one of the Boston bombers, thought to be motivated by radical Islamists, either directly or indirectly, in fact turns out to have been motivated by his mental illness according to the investigation conducted by the Boston Globe, link here. The article is quite lengthy, and would take up a large portion of this post to even summarize, but in it they refer to Tsarnev family acquaintances who suspected Tamerlan of having mental illness, and a doctor who suspected him of being schizophrenic. He apparently told his mother at one point that there were voices inside him, and that he felt as though he had two people living in his body.

His mother and father have been reported as having a history of visiting psychologists for therapy sessions, yet they never sought help for their son Tamerlan for his mental illness and allowed it to blossom within their son's mind. He and his family also believed that 911 was an inside job, that was perpetrated by the US government as a false flag attack in order to create the pretense to wage war against Muslims. This belief in conspiracy theories is important and relevant to this post, because most if not all targeted individuals believe in such conspiracy theories.

 There have been conspiracy theorists in the past who have committed violent crimes without being targeted individuals, Timothy McVeigh being the most notable. But when you combine it with the ultra paranoid belief that you are a targeted individual, which is predicated upon a paranoid belief in conspiracy theories, along with mental instability, the results can be deadly.

It begs the question, which came first? The conspiracy theory, or the mental illness? I shall pontificate more on the answer to this later.

Tamerlan also grew very close to a friend he met through his mother, named Don Larking. Don and Tamerlan attented mosque regularly together for several years. The following is an excerpt from the Boston Globe's report regarding Tamerlan's belief that he was being mind controlled. Pay attention, because this part is imperative to exhibit E.

As their relationship grew closer, Tamerlan confided in Larking his troubling secret about the voice inside his head. Tamerlan told him that he had been hearing the voice for some time, and that he had a theory of what might be afflicting him.

“He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,” explained Larking. “You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”

The person inside him, as Tamerlan described it to Larking, “was someone who wanted to control him to make him do something.”

In 2010, DEMOS think tank published a paper in which they discuss how conspiracy theories are used within the context of extremist ideology recruitment, and terrorism.

Tamerlan has been suspected of being linked to terrorist groups, or at the very least compelled by extremist muslim rhetoric. His internet history confirms as much. He and his brother Dzohkar, Don Larking, and their mother Zubeidat also believed in conspiracy theories. This ideological alchemy is strong enough to create killers, without mental illness even being a factor. If you consider possible schizophrenia into the mixture with absolutely nothing done about it, it would be quite surprising if that person didn't lash out violently at some point.

Another quote from the Globe report.

Larking, too, found his young friend changed in several ways on his return. Much more serious than he had been, Tamerlan insisted that Larking grow a beard, “to honor the prophet Mohammed.” Larking complied. He also pressed Larking to remove his wedding ring, saying that most Muslims did not wear gold, but Larking refused. The last time Larking and Tamerlan sat together in the rear of the mosque, Tamerlan once again mentioned the voices in his head. This time, as Larking recalled it, he seemed afraid.

“He said, ‘Someone is in my brain, telling me stuff to do,’ ” recalled Larking. “He said he was trying to ignore it but it was hard to do. Whatever it was he was being told to do, he didn’t want to do it.”

Sounds to me like he was an already mentally unstable individual made even more unstable by being indoctrinated by conspiracy theories and extremist Muslim rhetoric.

DEMOS think tank published a paper that went in great detail about the subject of extremists groups utilizing conspiracy theories as indoctrination and recruitment tools.


Quote from the report:

Our analysis shows that conspiracy theories are widely prevalent across this extremist spectrum, despite the vast differences in the extremist ideologies themselves. For far right groups, the concept of Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) – that a small cabal of Jews controls world governments – is central to both ideology and propaganda. For al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups, the conspiracy tends to be a generalised Judeo-Christian-Capitalist quest to destroy Islam.

Far left and anarchist groups propagate a Marxist-inspired bourgeois conspiracy of ‘international financiers’, or ‘global elites’, which they sometimes believe is leading toward a ‘New World Order’ of a unitary, totalitarian world government. Cults, on the other hand, tend to believe in conspiracies that are targeted against their specific group or movement. It is striking that there is considerable overlap and fusion between many of these conspiracies, even across groups that exist at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum.

I'm not going to say TI's are forming terrorist extremist groups, but they are a conspiracy theorist subculture that recruits people into their fold in a very similar way.

The Boston Bombers grew up in a family and atmosphere that encouraged the belief in absurd paranoid conspiracy theories, Tamerlan grew up with possible schizophrenia, and his parents encouraged him to stay mentally ill by choosing to ignore the problem and not get him help for any of it.

They encouraged the brothers to turn to the more radical and militant parts of the Islamic faith. These elements mixing in the same pot is a deadly concoction. It would only be a matter of time before a person like that lashes out and attempts to harm others or themselves.

Back to the Chicken or the Egg, Conspiracy Theory or Mental Illness, which came first question. 

When it comes to TI theories, its really hard to tell which came first. Some of these people who get interested in the gang stalking/targeted individual conspiracy theory usually start out as conspiracy theorist that might, on the surface, have nothing mentally wrong with him at all. They are just conspiracy hobbyists. But then, they gradually convince themselves over time that its true, and from that point on, everything negative in their day-to-day life is the fault of the "gang stalkers".

They slowly start to believe that every person who sneezes or coughs in public, or scratches their nose, or talks on their cell phone, or wears a red article of clothing, or drives anything red is automatically a gang stalker there to fuck your life up.  So the conspiratainment hobbyist doesn't do research and gets sucked in fairly easily into believing the claims of TI's. Paranoid schizophrenics that haven't been diagnosed yet also go onto the internet, seek out their symptoms, such as voices in the head, they most likely are going to be directed to some TI website discouraging them from getting help, because the doctors are gang stalkers too, and some other nonsense about v2k. Other TI's don't want to help you, they just want to recruit and indoctrinate you into joining their online mental institutions just so they can get attention and validation for their delusions.

One last exhibit. Exhibit F; Todd Giffen, advocate for the murder of innocent people on the behalf of Targeted Individuals. Just after the evens that happened with Myron May, a person in the very same Facebook group "Targeted Individuals International",  in which Myron asked if anyone had ever been encouraged by their "handler" to kill, someone else claiming to be a TI began advocating for Myron May's actions, and hoping there would be more. He believes the people that got shot by Myon deserved to die simply for being "peons" and "idiots" who have most likely never heard of gang stalking.

He posted this shit in the very same group Myron posted the just days after the shooting took place.




Not a single person in that group even so much as batted an eye at these posts besides myself. In fact, his statements were defended by others in the group. They didn't see anything wrong with him saying these things. One would think they would have a problem with this, considering Myron May was killed by police for attempting to kill others at FSU after posting about killing in this exact same group. But no, they were perfectly fine with it, and defended or made excuses for his actions.

The majority of TI's seem to literally believe that its impossible for a TI to EVER be capable of hurting themselves or others. They also think its impossible for a TI to actually have a mental disorder/illness. I think the exhibits I presented here prove that to be wrong. There is actually quite a bit I had to leave out, because this is an extremely lengthy post as it is.

Special thanks goes out to the members of Targeted Individuals International for inspiring this blog post, after seeing how willing they are to advocate and make excuses for Myron May's actions. Hopefully some of them are reading this and will snap out of their paranoid state before its too late. We need to work on preventing these people from hurting themselves or others, not encouraging them.

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Solution at last.

All digital technologies emit pulsed electromagnetic frequencies.  When these pulsed frequencies accumulate in the home  they can be amplified by remote control and the energies can be used to electronically harass and torture the occupants of the home or workplace.   Also, the electromagnetic frequencies accumulate in the body.  Solution  -  throw out tv and microwave oven and wifi.  Walk barefoot on beach or earth to get rid of dirty electricity from the body.  Sleep on bare earth to get rid of it all.   Yours Sincerely,  Gretta Fahey.

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we are the enemy

Until we take control of our own lives, we will never have the power to control the world we live in. Freedom is not giving it is earned, we simply cannot find ourselves at peace unless we find the courage within ourselves to fight against what in our hearts we know is wrong. Stand up, fight for your freedom. You may be suprised to find that peace was always what our enemies wanted, they just needed some poor soul to help them find it. ROBERT NEUSLAND knows what it means to turn a conspiracy into freedom. GOD BLESS HIS SOUL
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国安部江派警察用电子武器杀人,姚贝娜死于电子折磨  最近看到一个新闻,某法院副院长心肌梗塞猝死,我上网搜索了一下,一看吓了一大跳,一大片都是各地法院的脑溢血心肌梗塞猝死,我知道这些人都是被电子武器做掉的。  法官手中的法锤象征公平正义,在外国法官是正义的象征,是体面的职业。江泽民时代的中国,法官、法院院长集体嫖宿,最高法院副院长黄松有对未成年少女有偏好,上海初中生少女幼女团体卖淫案,服务对象:法官。内蒙古法官与公安联手将报案人呼格吉勒图定罪成杀人犯判死刑处死。在中国说起法官就让人联想到腐败,吃了原告吃被告,“官府衙门八字开,有理无钱莫进来”,法官成为最黑心的一批人。  国安部的电子武器,是一种可以远距离瞬间将人高温燃烧蒸发,杀人不留痕迹的武器,上海国安部负责监视的江派警察几乎个个都杀过人,只是杀人多少的区别,他们杀老百姓,是因为江派警察拥有电子武器却没有人监督,而且没有人敢监督他们,十几年前他们每个监视小组几乎每个月杀一个人,全国30万个小组一个月就是30万老百姓被杀,那时经常有人脑溢血心肌梗塞死亡被称作猝死,我受到上海江派秘密警察迫害后知道了真相,马上写【脑溢血心肌梗塞死亡真相】博客揭露,江派秘密警察的杀人行为才有所收敛。  电子武器如何杀人?  电子武器可以折磨人将健康人害出各种病,也可以直接杀人。  在介绍电子武器如何杀人前先普及一下电器知识。  1.电能可用无线方式进行远距离传输;  2.脑电波可以被调谐接收,在电脑上翻译成文字;  3.电子武器可以发出与脑电波频率相同的信号,可以将致病信号、杀人信号加载到电子武器发出的脑电波频率上,加载什么波,目标人就得什么果。  大家都知道发明电灯的爱迪生,却对一百多年前伟大科学家尼古拉·特斯拉知之甚少,尼古拉·特斯拉有1000多项发明,交流发电机、无线电、收音机、雷达、传真机、真空管、X光摄影、太阳能发动机、电能表、车速表、无线遥控的机器、电子钟等等都是尼古拉·特斯拉发明的。是什么原因让这样一位旷世奇才生前被刻意打压,死后默默无闻?这要从1908年的一次实验说起。 尼古拉·特斯拉(上) 【实拍巡警被电子武器远距离攻击瞬间蒸发】  1908年6月30日,尼古拉·特斯拉做了一个实验,向一个电力输送塔上的规模庞大的电容器充电,这个聚积起一万安培电流脉冲,电压保持一亿伏特,也就是用脉冲方式输送一万亿瓦的电力,巨大的电能被无线传输到了西伯利亚这个杳无人烟的通古斯,流传至今的通古斯大爆炸是尼古拉·特斯拉实验引起的,尼古拉·特斯拉担心无线传输电能技术成为毁灭地球的工具,随后他将这些设备和图纸销毁。  说到这你肯定也明白了,电子武器只要将几百瓦的电能加载到电磁波中,对目标人发射,就能瞬间将人高温燃烧蒸发,流传的人体自燃事件就是江派国安警察在杀人,上海国安警察通常对单独外出,在周围无人的荒凉地区实施杀人。  那些被脑溢血心肌梗塞做掉的法官是贪官吗?我认为不是。如果是贪官,国安会把证据送纪委处理,之所以用脑溢血心肌梗塞做掉,是因为这些法官不同流合污,无法融合到腐败团体中,成为孤家寡人,因此被江派秘密警察找个借口做掉了,这样既保护了其他贪官又达到灭口的目的。而那些枉法乱判,把官员强奸幼女只判4年,百姓报案却被抓判死刑的法官,他们的能量很大。  在江泽民时期,呼格吉勒图被错杀案真相会大白吗?制造冤假错案的会被追究吗?不会,江派势力会极力掩盖真相,封杀不利的消息。现在管宣传的江派刘云山就是封杀消息的能手。  上海国安警察折磨迫害我有50年了,也就是我从小就被国安迫害。  上海国安警察是如何用电子武器发射信号害我的。  在我上学时对我发射昏睡信号,让我上课时打瞌睡,让我学不到知识。我上班工作了,对我发射昏睡信号,让我不能好好工作,对我操作的机器发射控制信号,让机器出故障,制造出次品,晚上我要睡觉了,国安就对我发射折磨信号,让我睡不好觉,早上我出门骑电动自行车上班,国安就发射控制信号,让电动车动不了,我被上海国安警察控制得寸步难行,现在只能呆在家,这样的折磨现在同时转到了我女儿身上,对我女儿上课时发射打瞌睡、记忆清除信号,我女儿6个月大就被上海国安警察电子折磨了,一直到现在还被折磨。  国家建立国安部本意是为了国家安全,经过几十年发展,国安部中有一批人走向了反面,国安部中江派腐败势力烧、杀、抢、偷样样坏事都干,用电子武器在全国各地制造各种重大车祸,各种自燃自爆频发,实际是江派国安在搞破坏,就像周永康时期的公安部,凛驾于现政府之上,秘密杀人不担心法律,他们是最高权力机构。我家多人被上海国安秘密杀死,上海国安比黑社会更黑,黑社会吃自己的,上海江派国安吃着国家政府的,做事处处与国家政府为敌。  2014年12月我老家又一个亲戚我的大舅妈去世了,第二天赶回老家后了解到我这个舅妈也是被国安警察害死的,上星期上海江派国安对我和我家人发射上吐下泻信号,去医院检查不出原因,这两天国安警察对我大舅妈发射拉肚子信号后意外死亡。好多亲戚赶回老家奔丧,又从他们那里了解到许多远亲被折磨害死,我母亲的舅舅是退休老师,没享受到退休生活却被电子折磨了8年后害死了。  在老家认识了一个年龄和我差不多的老乡,和他聊了起来,聊着聊着,他痛哭起来,他说:“你15岁时父亲去世,可是还有母亲,我3岁时父亲就被害死了,母亲受不了贫苦折磨在我6岁时自杀了,我苦啊!我从小没有父爱没有母爱,是周围老乡每天给一口饭吃我才长大活到现在”。  我父亲去世时我15岁,上初中,当时一直以为父亲是生病死的,现在知道了是被国安电子折磨了十年后害死的。  文革时两派经常武斗,两派都想拉拢父亲参加,我父亲对两派的性质非常清楚,所以从不参与任何一派,每次武斗就借口离开,这引起了两派的不满,可能有一派某个人后来到国安局工作了,就用电子武器等秘密手段害我父亲,我父亲于76年12月去世,那时脑控武器己能发射致病致死信号。  现在的单亲家庭,一方意外死亡的都是被国安害死的,什么车祸死亡,生病死亡,都是被害死的,他们有N种方法制造车祸,看我之前写的“紧急情况,给国安部部长耿惠昌政法委书记孟建柱的公开信”。  2014年12月10日下午,上海高级法院副院长邹碧华突发心脏病去世,年仅四十七岁。  被国安江派势力害死的都是忠厚老实本份的人,这里说一下我了解的几个事例:  福州市的吴巧研她外公、爸爸和她都被国安害死了,根据她的文章知道她外公是桥梁设计师,设计的桥梁很结实没有一座倒塌,但是她外公经常梦到他设计的桥梁倒塌了,很害怕,这些梦也可能是江派用电子武器传输给他的,他一直想哪个地方设计是否有缺陷,一直这样想,这只有忠厚老实本份有责任心的人才这样想,江派国安就用电子武器把吴巧研她外公杀了。湖北有一个塌桥公,这家公司造的桥前几年大雨时都塌了,公司老板、设计的、建造的每天大吃大喝快乐的很,根本不用担心有谁会来查,因为用钱都打点好了。吴巧研的父亲和母亲都是大学老师,父亲也被国安江派势力害死了,这是吴巧妍cloris 3月17日博文:我终于决定走了Cloris 发表于2010年03月17日 00:37  今天,令人难以容忍的事终于发生了!我的父亲忽然脑干出血,经医生抢救无效去世!!!我知道他们的报复终于来了!!全家人都在痛哭,悲痛,而我听到他们邪恶的笑声!!!!!!  我终于坚定了自杀的决心,我知道一切都已经无法挽回,我不再信任任何的希望和可能获救的说法,都是狗屁不通!!  我将穿着我爸爸给我买的绿色裙子,选在最高的无人角落!这个世界,毫无希望!若我留下,只是将让我更加痛苦..一时的痛苦换来永恒的自由。福建省福州市 吴巧妍姓别:女年龄:1983年11月30日学历:本科受害开始时间:2008年10月受害起始地点:福建福州初受害时身份:公司职员受害原因:没有什么特定的原因。电话:15060022160地址:福建省福州市仓山区洪山镇一组16号邮箱:f.ire10@163.comQQ:1306998993  这一家被灭门了。                  本本和和                     写于2014.12.15  修改于2015.1.10  2015年1月16日又一个艺人被电子武器害死了,姚贝娜因乳腺癌去世?才30多的人得乳腺癌,我一看就知道这乳腺癌是被电子武器制造的,我有一个远亲也被国安秘密警察这样折磨过,她不知道是电子武器折磨,去医院切除了乳房。  我不知道姚贝娜是因何原因被害死的,是吸毒还是婚前性行为?是父母亲戚中有人贪污还是说了江的坏话?还是她的经纪人太霸道?目前我不得而知。  国安部江派警察这样杀人太恐怖了,这样已没有人是安全的了,在这个国家百姓有随时被国安用电子武器害死的可能,几十年来死于电子武器的艺人已不下几百人,平民百姓被害死的就更多,最近几十年死于脑溢血心肌梗塞等各种意外死亡的,单网上就能找到几千几万。  早在03年,国安部江派警察就想用电子武器害死我,我知道情况后给居委会等各部门写信,写我受到国安部江派警察电子折磨迫害,后来上面干预说不能用这种方式杀人,他有怎么违法的事只能通过公检法处理我才活到现在。  国安部江派警察杀人并不是被杀的做过违法的事,恰恰相反,国安部江派警察要杀的是正直善良有正义感不溜须拍马的人,你搜索看检察院法院的被脑溢血心肌梗塞猝死的有多少。  如果国安部中全都是江派警察,那社会上正直善良的人早就全被害死了,也不会有反腐败了,周永康、谷俊山、徐才厚等还霸占着重要岗位,要反腐也找不到得力的人手,检察院反腐败部门正直的早就全被秘密害死了,留下的是只会打哈哈百事不管的混混,等国库被完全掏空,江派人马全移民国外。  国安部是收集情报的部门,不知从何时开始,国安部代替了公检法有了判人死活的权力,只要他们10人小组及领导一至认为可以把某人杀死,就可用电子武器杀死,在杀死前还要进行电子折磨,这种电子折磨是比任何电刑更痛苦百倍的酷刑,多数人受不了这电子酷刑选择跳楼跳地铁轨道自杀,你网上看到的各地跳楼跳地铁轨道自杀的90%是受不了电子酷刑而自杀的。  要想了解更多电子武器杀人信息,请看:【紧急情况,给国安部部长耿惠昌政法委书记孟建柱的公开信】2015.1.19
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Melbourne Australia

17/12/2014(Reverse psychology)

I was in the bathroom earlier in the morning when I was attacked with the usual urs truely downer "the voice"...:

"we really think u chinks shouldnt be coming to our countries...u r destroying our standard of living..."

and the often repeated threat...:

"u hans will be attacked by us aryans around the world as well..." then thruout the day was sent synthetic telepathic messages saying...

"u chinks r no longer needed here in australia and please go back to china...."

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Self-Expression Therapy Activities

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Expressive Art Therapy Journal Exercises

 I offer you an ongoing list of therapeutic art activities that I have developed and written to encourage honest self-expression, the exploration of difficult emotions, and the discovery of the subconscious and unconscious mind. Click on the links below for the full description of each directive.

1. Write Your Pain a Letter - In your art journal invite your "pain" to write you a letter. If you are having trouble finding a voice for your pain you might first want to personify it with an image or a collage. Take some time to center into your pain and ask it to help you choose your images.

2. Collage Your Values - Defining our values helps us make conscious choices and determines the intensity and flow of our psychological energies. If we do not define our highest values we will be caught living from our habitual conditioned thinking and emotional patterns.

3. Collage Your Appreciation - Our everyday mind constantly demands that life make us happy in this way and that. This dissatisfaction is the place from where all of our unecessary doing comes from. From this place of demands we create false ideas about what would make us happy - and all the seemingly necessary tasks to go along with those false needs.

4. Draw and Collage Your Inner Critic - Underneath the critic's voice is a fear of feeling shame and of feeling not good enough. Our entire society is based on perfectionism, on having the right things, on looking good. To give ourselves the permission to be human and to know we are doing our best given our current emotional circumstances and life situation helps our inner critic to relax.

5. Moving Through Stuck Feelings with Journaling - On any given day we are all likely to have half a dozen problems that keep us stuck inside. Ask yourself. "What is bugging me?" Why don't I feel wonderful right now?" "How is my life going?" "What is the main thing for me right now?"

6. Journal Meditation for Increasing Self-Love - When we do not have the feeling tone of self-love within we are forever looking on the outside of ourselves for love.

7. Collage Your Emotional Setpoint - It is challenging but possible to change our emotional set point. We all have varying degrees of happiness, self-love and self-regard that our "normal".  Our "normal" is usually similar to the emotional climate that we grew up in.

8. Dialogue Ballon Collage - Consider that we intuitively choose characters that represent different parts of our psyche. For instance we have many inner children, teen, and adult parts of our psyche that represent where we have frozen emotions and non-integrated life experiences.

9. Journal Your Blocks to Success - It common to try really hard and not be successful with our efforts. We can often feel like we are on a treadmill that is getting no results. To be successful in any area you need to want with all of your heart.

10. Gestural Pastel - When you are finished your gestural pastel drawing, meditate on it for five minutes. Allow yourself to free associate and allow subconscious feelings and memories to arise as you gaze at your drawing with soft eyes.

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11. Found Poetry Collage - It is intriguing to use old books for collage. I often buy old art and nature books and old novels in libraries and thrift shops. I even search new books stores for bargain picture books to cut up.

12. Collage Who You Admire - Often we have positive qualities hidden within that are longing to emerge into our life. When we disown our heightened possibilities we most often find them in our intense admiration of other people. It is interesting to find an image of someone you admire and contemplate why.

13. Word Collage - It is often quite revealing to randomly choose words and phrases to spontaneously collage. Prepare a free-form colored background for your word collage, using pastels or watercolor paint. 

14. Expressive Pastel - When I was in my thirties, I started teaching expressive art groups to seniors. I was gifted with a true artist in my class. She was in her early 90's and her name was Tru! She had dementia and she had forgotten that she was an artist. Yet when I gave her a box of fresh pastels and an inspiring still life to look at she would begin to draw furiously and passionately. 

15.Collage a Mandala - Because mandalas are a contemplative form of making art you can ask yourself a question about something that you want to know about your life. A good question to ask before beginning is, "What do I most need in my life right now?" 

16. Intuitive Doodling - Doodling can be taken to an eloquent level of personal expression and is a good activity to do when you feel emotions that you cannot put words to. Sometimes drawn symbols can express and encompass a feeling more completely than thoughts.

17. Expressive Self-Portrait - It is intriguing to create an expressive self-portrait that focuses more on your inner state than your outer appearance. This expressive art exercise is good when you feel like one stage of your life is ending and you do not yet know where you are going. Reflect on the question. "Who am I right now?" Or you might ask, "Who am I becoming?" 

18. Intuitive Watercolor - The medium of watercolor is spontaneous by nature and is well suited for intuitive painting. Watercolour behaves in an fresh and translucent way that is different than other paint mediums that can be changed or painted over. Watercolor - by the nature of the medium is a practice in allowing what needs to happen - happen.

19. Collage Your Stillness - It is so challenging to be still, and yet a quiet mind is essential to any kind of real creative growth. There is a loud frantic quality to our busy minds that masks the subtlety of the information that wants to come through. Spending time in silence is a deeply creative thing to do as it allows wholeness to speak instead of just our fragmented mental chatter. 

20. Fabric Assemblage - It is rare that we take the time to spend a few quiet hours to simply play with color, pattern and texture with no pre-designed end product in mind. Focusing on a simple spontaneous assemblage can invite a relaxed awareness on the simple tasks of arranging intuitive compostions, working with color, juxtaposing textures, playing with interesting objects, and sewing with a needle and thread. 

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21. Paint a Tree Spontaneously - A blank page can be daunting for most people. Often at the beginning of a class, I will offer a starting point. You could start with a simple shape such as circle, or sense within for a figurative image that wants to be painted. If nothing arises from your imagination, intuitively painting a tree can be a good place to begin.

22. Warm Up: Paint Spontaneous Circles - If you have forgotten how to paint spontaneously, start with simple shapes, such as circles or squares. Concentrate on color, gesture and line and allow yourself to practice painting in a loose, free way. Expressive art is an exercise in becoming fully ourselves. Even a simple painting can express individuality, feeling, and self-empowerment. 

23. Resolving Fear Through Collage - Fear embeds itself into our body musculature. Wherever there is a body blockage - there is stored fear and a defensive strategy against love, growth and new information. You can meditate into the tight and constricted parts of your body with collage, and choose images that reflect your fearful places. 

24. Spontaneous Painting - Every human being has the deep urge to express themselves honestly but we are not often encouraged to be our most unique selves. Spontaneous painting requires no special talent, skill or inspiration. Because your natural, original style is already within, you are already good enough to begin.

25. Explore Painting Simple Abstract Shapes - Sometimes less is more, and simple abstract shapes can express the purity of a singular feeling that can get confused in a more detailed painting.

26. Collage Together Past Paintings and Drawings - You can start to keep a stack of drawings and paintings that have not quite hit the truth of you. If there is even one element in your work that feels strong, save your paintings and drawings and cut out what feels intuitively eloquent of what you need to express.

27. Fine Art Collage - Art magazines offer a rich resource of soulful and surprising subject matter for collage. Fine art imagery inherently invites us to stretch the limits of our imagination.

28. Draw Your Essence - To take the time to focus in on what our unique spiritual strength feels like can be something that we reflexively avoid. All to often we can drown in feelings of lack, emotional need and loneliness. When we meditate on what our spiritual strength feels like, we can practice making our soul strength larger than our problems.

29. Meditate on Color - Intuitively feeling what colors you are drawn to is the first step towards creating a spontaneous painting. Sometimes simply and intuitively choosing colors is a relaxing and emotional releasing exercise in itself.

30. Collage Cards for Self-Discovery - We each have a treasure trove of sub-personalities that live below our conscious awareness. Each personality part has its own goals and dreams for our happiness.This often sets up inner conflicts within and we can preoccupy our time with inner struggle between opposing parts of self. It is helpful to map out our inner world, so that we can start to recognize what aspects of our psyche are dominating our awareness at any given moment. 

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31. Spontaneous Watercolor Drops - Watercolor is a free flowing medium that is fun to splash around in. Painting watercolor drops is a practice of not forcing anything to happen with your creativity.

32. Wet on Wet Freeform Watercolor - Our minds cannot really think about color. We can only feel color. Color is prior to the birth of imagery. In color we can steep in the mystery of our feelings. And in spontaneous creativity, as in feeling, we must learn to surrender control.

33. Mandala Coloring Therapy - Coloring pre-drawn mandala patterns can be surprisingly soothing especially during times of emotional distress. Psychotherapist Rudiger Dahlke - the "father" of the the mandala coloring epidemic - found that working within a predetermined framework promoted a sense of peace and inner order.

34. Explore Feelings Through Intuitive Painting - Many intense feelings cannot be put into words, yet painting into the unknown of ourselves opens up new possibilities of understanding what underlying feelings drive us to think and act the way we do. As we "live into" and express an unknown feeling, something new and creatively fresh will come into our awareness. We will feel different, more real. We will remember and recover who we were before we became emotionally stuck.

35. Visual Journaling - We can all make signs, symbols, and marks on paper that express our inner feeling states. In fact with visual journaling - the simpler the better.

36. Active Imagination Journaling -  Usually, if we wait in stillness long enough, an inner image will want to come forward and want to speak to us. This happens when we sleep and dream at night but it is possible to access our dream imagery during our journaling process while we are awake. 

37. Draw and Journal Your Anger - Anger holds tremendous energy. The aim in processing anger is not to get rid of anger but to get our emotionally stagnant energy moving in order to see what we are not looking at within ourselves. 

38. Color Body Mapping - We think we are our thoughts, but our body does not think. It knows who we really are. The discrepancy between the thoughts that fuel our social mask, and the feelings that are our bodily truth, create pain, soreness, extra weight, and illness in our body. Our body does not lie. It is incapable of being inauthentic.

39. Body Stories with Collage - Our bodies are a living metaphor of what we feel and think on subconscious and unconscious levels. Our bodies hold many stories, dreams, memories and purposes. Using collage to tell the story of our body, either in part or in whole, reveals what is hidden from our everyday thinking.

40. Painting with Music - In our ordinary workaday selves we may long for something to take us into our creative passion. Moving from mundane states of consciousness of dissipation, boredom and negativity into inspiration and creative expansion sometimes requires music.

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41. Meditative Writing for Self-Reflection - When we self-express without deeper reflection, we release our emotional accumulations without understanding them. Methods such as free-form automatic writing and Artist's Way morning pages support an emotional release or a "brain drain" but unless we examine the deeper meaning of our thoughts and feelings, we will continue to repeat the same patterns of self-expression without knowing why. 

42. Scribble Drawing - Florence Cane - the developer of the scribble drawing - was influenced by the metaphysical teacher George Gurdjieff, who coined the world “essence” as a term for the intrinsic, unchanging authentic soul within each person. Cane used drawing and painting to help people find their essence. She felt that spontaneous art could take people beyond their “driven”, compensatory, and conditioned behaviors.

43.Healing Grief through Art and Journaling Therapy - When our unfinished grief is running our consciousness, we are seeing through the eyes of the age that we were when we stopped up our emotional release. We cannot heal grief when we are inside of the defensive emotional patterning of the child, teen, or young adult that stores and avoids our grief. 

44. Map of Consciousness Collage - It is possible to explore our personality dynamics by mapping them out visually with spontaneous collage and drawing. More often than not, in a single day, we can feel conflicted in our consciousness in several different ways.

45. Healing Traumatic Memories with Embodied Writing - We all have a protective, survival self that protects us from emotionally charged memories which may include fear, loneliness, overwhelm, powerlessness, lack of hope and perspective, fury, shame, disgust, or guilt. 

46. Portal into Possibilities with Collage - As we heal our lives emotionally and psychologically, we progressively clear the way to connect to the realm of larger possibilities. These possibilities and potentialities are actually around us all of the time, but we can easily disassociate from seeing them clearly if we are struggling with emotional flooding, and the jumbled up thinking that results from inner psychological conflict.

47. Transforming Your Inner Brat - Every separate and split-off part of our mind has creative gifts and strengths that can be tempered and included in relationship with others. Our inner brat for example, knows what we want, and finds the drive to go and get it. Being defiant, it is often willing to deviate from the norm. It is creative, and even innovative about getting its needs met. The inner brat is young in spirit, sassy, and willing to say what it wants with great irreverence.

48. Free Association Pastel Drawings - Free association helps to surprise us out of our familiar preference for maintaining the status quo. Freud wrote, "Where there is a creative mind - reason - so it seems to me - relaxes its watch upon the gates, and the ideas rush in pell-mell."

49. Intuitive Zendoodle - Intense concentration can invoke the deep pleasure of a still and integrated mind, where all conflicts, worries, and inner struggles disappear for time. Zendoodling could be considered a form of concentration meditation akin to formal sitting meditation in the Zen Buddhist tradition. 

50. Unburdening the Past with Expressive Art Therapy - Our entire psychology is built on defending away from emotional pain. So it could be said that our fundamental core conflict is to whether or not we will choose to feel what is difficult within and transform it.

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51. Journal Process for Healing "Inner Demons"- We treat what is uncomfortable within as the enemy to be kept at bay at all costs, but what if we befriended our shadow parts of self?

52. Journaling Through Emotional Overwhelm - Stream of Consciousness Writing - When we practice stream of consciousness writing, our present moment awareness can expand our contracted emotional field. We can gather the strength that is only available through present moment attention to bodily sensation. We can do this writing exercise to give our tumultuous emotions and mental states a break.

53. Exploring Mixed Feelings Through Embodied Storytelling - Because our psyche functions in pairs of opposites, it is no surprise that we tend to get caught in inner conflict and polarization much of the time. When we have mixed feelings we become stuck and exhausted. We cannot move forward. The purpose of not picking sides during an inner conflict is to see what new creative solutions arise by sitting in the middle and listening to both sides equally. 

54. A Journal Process for Healing Negative Core Beliefs - In essence, all of the negative voices that plague us are resisted experiences. Negative core beliefs gain their foothold through our resistance of them. When we internalize negative suggestions or interpret events negatively as children, we spend our life energy constantly working against them.

55. Understanding Physical Illness - Journaling with Your Non-Dominant Hand - Dialoguing with both hands, over time, deepens our understanding of the thought and emotional systems of younger parts of self which are influencing our direction away from good health.

56. An Emotional Approach to Healing Illness - A Painting and Journaling Meditation - There is an emotional component that accompanies every illness that can be listened to and learned from. Transpersonally speaking, the separate self uses illness to express problems, and to identify itself as a separate self that suffers from emotional wounds that have not healed yet. 

57. Create a Mandala for Healing - We can approach the mandala making process as a way to activate the latent healing powers of our mind to generate symbols for healing. As we allow our inner symbols of healing to emerge from our unconscious mind into tangible form we strengthen our will to heal.

58. Create and Intention Journal - Deliberately creating ourselves forward into more inspiring ways of being is to create something wholly new and fresh, and different from the past. The movement away from entrenched, self-defeating and repeating habits from the past requires determined practice to create new affirming mental and emotional habits.

59. How to Create an Altered Book - Altered books can be used to work through long standing emotional issues, to change unhelpful psychological patterns of belief, to find and cultivate a new strengths, or to process and accurately remember the past. Altered books can be joyfully made to help climb out of depressive cycles and to cultivate inspiration. 

60. Processing Trauma Through Altered Book Making - When we are emotionally flooded or emotionally blocked, we hold our body trauma patterns in place by subconscious beliefs. Our body, emotions and beliefs form an interlocking "trauma pattern" that unconsciously repeats through our life, unless it can be consciously interrupted and recreated into more life-affiming patterns of living.

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61. The Art of Setting Boundaries - A Painting Journal Meditation - Often we will feel guilty when we begin to set boundaries to protect our energy and time. During the process of learning to set boundaries it helpful to understand that the true aim of giving is to support emotional and psychological learning and growth, not ego stagnancy - in ourselves and others.

62. Healing Grief and Loss with Expressive Drawing - When grief cycles and does not seem to be healing, we can come to understand that there is an unmet need or an unhelpful belief that is feeding the grief. Expressing emotion through expressive drawing can help to cathart the feelings of loss and grief, but it does it not always heal the beliefs that feed into extended grief. 

63. Exploring Age-Regression - An Integrative Journaling Exercise - Most of us experience age-regression on a fairly regular basis, especially when we are feeling stressed or vulnerable within our life circumstances. In order to not integrate - to resist - a traumatic experience, the child self freezes the body by tightening the muscles and holding the breath in a particular way to avoid feeling a difficult emotion. 

64. Create a Calming Collage - Self-Soothing for Emotional Overwhelm - During therapy, or if you are processing heavy emotions on your own, it is often helpful to have self-soothing tools to calm, regulate and slow down the overwhelm of arising emotions.

65. Body Focusing Journal for Processing Difficult Feelings - Over a period of daily journaling from the body, knowings piece together into a larger whole. Daily fragments form larger meanings, and what was once difficult to own and assimilate is reclaimed and included into a fuller sense of self. 

66. How to Create an Experimental Art Journal - Art journaling invites and nurtures new awareness by playing with odd combinations of words, metaphors and imagery to allow contact with something new and fresh inside. By playing creatively in your art journal, without judging or evaluating what emerges, new information infuses old repeating patterns with fresh new life and possibilities.

67. Healing Trauma - Art Journaling for Therapy - The aim of processing memory through art journaling is not to revisit a traumatic emotions over and over again, but to recognize where we have stopped living forward, and clear what is blocked.

68. Restoring Passion Through Gestalt and Expressive Movement - We do not need to go into memory to heal the past. Any part of our mind or emotional body that is still hurting and stuck in the past will always be available to express itself in the present moment. 

69. Art Therapy for Anxiety, Panic and Post Traumatic Stress - If you did not receive the love and support you needed when you experienced trauma, you can give yourself loving support now. We can give ourselves the love and presence that others in the past could not offer.

70. Exposure Journaling Therapy to Reduce Fear and Anxiety - While avoidance tactics might provide a brief respite from anxiety, prolonged exposure therapy is a kind of "fear toleration" or "fear presence" practice that delves past anxiety avoidance patterns so that fear can be faced and overcome. 

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71. Understanding the Transpersonal Therapy Process - The process of inner psychological, emotional and spiritual work is to unblock defenses, move the stuck energy in our body to create healthy flow, and transform negative, distorted beliefs and emotions back into the Core Authentic Self. 

72. Meditation and Creativity for Obsessive Compulsive Tendencies - Whenever we have mild or extremely exacting fixating tendencies we can use the gift of such a meticulous mind to concentrate on the positive practice of concentrated breathing and mind training to increase inner peace and emotional healing.

73. Healing Perfectionism and Self-Rejection - Understanding Your Idealized Mask - Because our mask is inauthentic, we experience continual rejection. People often avoid inauthenticity, and so this starts the struggle for perfection to create an even more infallible mask, so that the emotional pain of rejection can be avoided.

74. Physical Repetition to Calm Anxiety - Any emotional memory that is difficult to look at will have intense anxiety "sitting on top" of it. When discomforting emotions arise, and they feel too difficult to be present for, it is often essential to "work them" through the body first.

75. Spontaneous Collage Scrap Journal - Collages that take very little thought, time or effort can inadvertantly evoke an unknown feeling, a new idea, or a fresh longing. Leftover collage scraps - colorful papers, magazine clippings, rubbings, words, old drawings and paintings - can be created into quick, experimental collages. 

76. Freedom From Shame - A Journal Process - As children, we innocently think that everyone else has a perfect family and ideal home conditions but ourselves. Shame arises when we believe that our challenging situation is unique, and that our entire thought and emotional process has to be hidden away from others.

77. What is Your Core Wound? - When we act from our core pain it is possible to feel our energy extending forward out of our center in a compensatory way that feels anxious, draining and overly effortful.

78. Practicing Spontaneity - 100 Faces Journal Project - It seems strange that we would have to "practice" being spontaneous but most of us were encultured early on to become rigid about about art-making. Most of us were bound by rules about what "good art" is beginning in elementary school.

79. Intuitive Found Poetry - Embracing the paradoxes that arise out of spontaneous poetry can open your mind to intuition and new possibilities for growth. Poetry relies on non-linear logic.

80. Expressing Your Vulnerable Inner Child - Many people believe, "I will not suffer if do not allow myself to feel."  Yet, allowing our feelings to come to the surface enables them to grow up and mature.

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81. Healing Negative Intentions - Because our hidden negativity lives in our unconscious mind, it can easily thwart our good intentions despite our best conscious efforts to improve and progress.

82. Healing Sexual Distortions - One of the best ways to understand our unconscious mind and our lower self is to take a deep look at our sexual behavior and our sexual fantasies. 

83. Cultivating Unselfconsciousness Through Zen Painting - Unselfconsciusness is a state of psychological and emotional integration. To achieve integration through art, we can paint until we are no longer thinking. We can make brushstrokes until our brush seems to paint all by itself.

84. Practicing Forgiveness With Ho’oponopono - Ho'opononono is a Hawaiian spiritual healing method that focuses on internal healing by taking full responsibility for our outer problems with other people. It is especially helpful to use when forgiveness and reconciliation with another person seems impossible on an outer interpersonal level.

85. Learning the Language of Your Unconscious Mind - Our unconscious mind stores and hides away everything what we reject about ourselves. When we bring every split-off, lost, and unloved piece of ourselves back into the home of our accepting heart, our strength and vitality returns, and we experience a genuine inner peace that is free of enforced positivity.

86. Understanding Your Defense Mechanisms - It almost goes without saying that our defense mechanisms prevent us from progressing in our psychological and emotional healing work. We all have our own particular architecture of defense that keeps uncomfortable thoughts and feelings at bay. 

87. Writing Healing Stories - Through our words and by "re- membering" our life, we gather together our disjointed, alienated, and separated part of self, and begin to re-value what has been hidden and disdained. 

88. Develop Heart Awareness by Writing Your Life Review - We are always either withdrawing our energy from life in defense and hurt or extending outwardly in some kind of loving gesture. When we are withdrawing our energy, we are trying to stay within the familiarity of our comfort zone, and within our personal limits of loving.

89. Integrating Your Shadow - Psychologist Carl Jung describes the shadow as all the things inside of ourselves that we do not accept, do not like about ourselves, or do not wish to look at. 

90. Resolving Childhood Emotional Needs - Often, without even knowing it, we attempt to get other to act in ways to meet our emotional needs that were not met in childhood. 

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Dear All

The Swiss Catholic Church has included a page about mind control on its website – maybe they are in contact with the Red Cross who we’ve been petitioning.

Please contact them.

Please send your petitions, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries to them.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Hochw. Pfarrer Bernward Maria Weiss
Hochw. Dr. Pfarrer Harald Eder,,,,

Also please send these German Bishops send your petitions, information and/or torture and abuse case summaries.

Please tell all these bishops that this electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organized stalking, is a crime against humanity and that we need their humanitarian and legal assistance urgently.

The more petitions, information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive the better.

Please use all the email addresses so that they all know about us:-

GERMAN BISHOPS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,

Also have a look at this website:-

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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New Facebook group for TIs!

I have created a closed group for TIs!! It will be moderated regularly,  and rules will be pin posted for all to see.  Membership will be contingent in part upon agreement to abide by rules of civility for the sake of peaceable, productive information exchange. 

If you wish to be a member, and have access to a more civilized forum, please befriend me here on peacepink,  and i will interview you for membership on my group!


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“End the Torment!”

Lethal Technology in Criminal Hands

By Mike Patrick

May 2014



“End the Torment!” were the words scratched onto Aaron Alexis’ Remington 870 shotgun during the September 16, 2013 massacre that left 12 innocent people and the shooter dead at the Washington Navy Yard.  A little more than a month prior to that tragic event, on the morning of August 7, 2013, 34-year old Alexis called the Newport, Rhode Island police and reported being stalked and assaulted in his hotel room.  He told responding officers he felt threatened and had moved to three different hotels in the Newport area to escape the tormentors.  He believed they were assaulting him from adjacent hotel rooms using some type of “microwave machine.”  He was feeling “vibrations through his body” and “hearing voices” that would not allow him to sleep.  On September 1, 2013, Alexis emailed a support group, Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and said, “Need assistance on dealing with the direct energy attacks!!”  Alexis believed he was under technological attack.

Seventeen days after the Alexis incident, on October 3, 2013, Miriam Carey, a 34-year old dental hygienist from Stamford, Connecticut, drove to the White House with her 13-month old daughter and was shot and killed near the Capitol after fleeing a White House checkpoint.  According to multiple 911 calls to the Stamford Police Department in November and December 2012, Carey believed she was being stalked and videotaped in her condo.  She also believed President Obama was communicating with her and had put her residence under electronic surveillance.  Miriam Carey was also hearing voices.  Less than a year later, something caused her to drive 270 miles to the White House on that fateful October day.

Investigating officials and the media immediately suggested both tragedies were the result of mental illness.  I do not believe that to be the case.  I believe criminals with access to lethal technology pushed Alexis and Carey over the edge with complete disregard for innocent lives.  To my knowledge, that possibility was never thoroughly investigated.    

Thousands of people across the country are “hearing voices.”  Many think they are being targeted by satellite technology capable of reading their thoughts, transmitting sounds and voices directly into their brains, and physically assaulting them with microwave energy.  This technology is impossible to comprehend without experiencing it.  Most people, including law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession, seem to be completely oblivious to this critical situation.    

Victims experience something similar to having harassing talk-radio beamed directly into their brains 24/7 with no control over its content or volume.  It is an extremely severe form of psychological torture that incapacitates people and destroys lives.  Microwave energy is used to physically torture victims by creating pains on their bodies and in their ears, brains and internal organs.  Through this physical and psychological torture, they push people to suicide and violence and put innocent lives at risk in the process.     

These criminals violate an untold number of existing and yet to be defined laws, trample our Constitutional rights, reject international conventions and ignore every principle of human dignity and privacy.  This is domestic terrorism, torture and a “crime against humanity”, and could ultimately prove to be one of the largest crimes in U.S. history.       

Technology of this magnitude was likely developed over decades at enormous cost by the U.S. government.  The government would presumably secure this technology, understanding its power to become a “technological nuclear bomb.”  If obtained by a hostile government or terrorists, it could be used against anyone, including our own leaders, and could pose a serious national security threat.  

The U.S. military has been researching microwave technology and possible applications, including “microwave hearing”, for decades.  Simple microwave communication was possible 40 years ago.  A 1975 article in American Psychologist titled “Microwaves and Behavior” by Don Justesen stated “appropriate modulation of microwave energy can result in direct ‘wireless’ and ‘receiverless’ communication of speech.”

A 1998 Department of the Army report “Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons”, declassified in 2006, states, “Application of microwave hearing technology could facilitate a private message transmission.  It may be useful to provide a disruptive condition to a person not aware of the technology.  Not only might it be disruptive to the sense of hearing, it could be psychologically devastating if one suddenly heard voices within one’s head.”

A quick internet search for “mind-reading technology” listed articles from The Economist, NPR, Huffington Post, Scientific American, Wired, Newsmax, Detroit Free Press, and The Guardian, among others.  All speak to neuroscientists’ ability to decode human thought by analyzing brain activity.  Non-verbal speech and lie detection are just two of the identified uses.  Topics such as brain-computer interface, brain imaging, electrocorticography (ECoG), functional MRI (fMRI), and synthetic telepathy are also discussed.  Mind-reading technology clearly exists, and according to numerous accounts, it has advanced well beyond what is publicly known.

I know this to be the case.  Before sharing my personal story, I want to provide a quick overview of my background.  I am 48 years old and have owned my own real estate investment and development business in the Denver area since 2001.  Prior to starting my own business, I worked for Wall Street investment banks in Houston, Los Angeles and New York for roughly a decade.  In my last position, I managed a $100 million real estate fund for Daiwa Securities in New York. 

I was an All-State baseball player in high school and an Academic All-American at the University of Texas.  I was drafted by the Texas Rangers and played one season of minor league baseball before starting my business career.  I have never been involved in any criminal activity and have never used illegal drugs.  My personal relationships and business career were built on trust and integrity.

I do not have the benefit of fully understanding many of the things discussed in this paper, however, I have tried to present the following account as honestly and accurately as possible.  While I will certainly gain additional clarity as the situation evolves, this paper is completely true and factual with respect to what I know today.

I have been an organized stalking victim since early 2005, although I did not discover the term until about a year and a half ago.  I have been followed, monitored and harassed and have experienced multiple acts of vandalism, break-ins and theft.  The crimes have occurred throughout Colorado and in several other states.  The stalkers have completely stolen my privacy, and for many years, created a constant state of fear and anxiety.  The impact on my life and psyche has been extremely severe. 

Like many organized stalking victims, I still do not know who is responsible or why I was targeted, but a large, coordinated, well-funded group is involved.  I have contacted local law enforcement and the FBI, yet the stalking and harassment continued.  In fact, things escalated last year.

In the spring of 2013, I started hearing unusual noises on my property, such as banging, clanking and clicking sounds in the attic and around the house, and what sounded like people walking on the roof and in the attic.  I also heard moaning and groaning sex sounds.  At first, I thought someone had installed some type of hidden audio system in the walls and ceiling to bring the harassment campaign into my bedroom.  I could not make sense of it.  Shortly thereafter, I began “hearing voices.”   

The perpetrators kept me from sleeping by creating noises, narrating false dialogue and scenarios, subjecting me to all-night intense interrogations, and tormenting me with pains caused by microwave energy.  They wanted to completely break me down physically and emotionally and make me believe my life was constantly in danger.  They narrated fake shooting scenes, hideous rapes and countless other threatening scenarios.        

For several months, they said there were former Navy SEALs hiding out on my 70-acre, densely wooded property.  Just before daybreak in early August 2013, after one of the all-night interrogation sessions, I felt a tingling sensation on the back of my head while lying in bed.  A voice said it was a rifle scope locked on my head from outside the house.  He told me to “get out of bed, now, now!”  I thought I was under attack.  I grabbed my shotgun and headed to the basement. 

While sitting on the basement steps with the shotgun on my lap, I heard what sounded like several volleys of assault rifle fire coming from the dense scrub oak beyond the driveway.  Shortly after the gunfire, the voice said a renegade SEAL had moved out of the brush, down to the front porch, and was going to kick in the front door.  They told me to “shoot the wall, shoot the wall, shoot now!”  Fortunately, I did not shoot, and shortly thereafter the voices said they had gotten “control of the situation.”  While this scenario felt life-threatening at the time, I now know it was one of their many attempts to scare and provoke me.

They changed the dialogue and narrative to fit my surroundings at three houses in Colorado, my mom’s and brother’s houses in Oklahoma and a friend’s apartment in Texas.  While staying at each location, fictitious voices and scenarios were used, involving six different sets of neighbors.  In each instance, the neighbors were supposedly creating the threatening dialogue and assaulting me with “microwave energy.”  Their intent was to provoke me to confront innocent people and to cause me to make unprovable claims to family, friends and law enforcement.  This is how the technology is used to destroy victims’ credibility and make them appear disconnected with reality and mentally unstable.          

My Douglas County neighbors were supposedly ex-CIA and former Navy intelligence and coordinated the torture campaign on my property.  From their backgrounds, they had access to “electromagnetic weapons”, “microwave weapons” and “ultrasound weapons.”  They suggested a prominent Coloradan, allegedly involved in narcotics trafficking, paid my neighbors “$500,000” to conduct this campaign with the complicity of a senior FBI official.  They said they wanted to destroy my credibility, create an “actionable event” and “push me to suicide” for “making too much noise” regarding the Colorado system.    

At my dad’s house, it was supposedly his neighbor “across the courtyard” and someone “in the field” adjacent to his house assaulting me with energy.  At my mountain home, it was a neighbor living in a house behind mine who was responsible for the “electromagnetic weapon” assault. 

Shortly after arriving at my mom’s house in mid-October 2013, they started a threatening dialogue using a voice that was supposed to be her next door neighbor.  He was an “eighth degree black belt in taekwondo” and was threatening to “kick in the front door” to get us.  They continued depriving me of sleep with computerized interrogation programs “jointly controlled by the FBI and Warren Buffett’s satellite operators.”   

The Tulsa FBI supposedly had a surveillance team staying in a house across the pond from my mom’s house.  They were hitting me with “electromagnetic weapons” and “microwave weapons” and creating the pains on my body while I was trying to sleep.  When my dog developed a hot spot on his tail, they said it was caused by an “FBI agent tasering him.”  A powerful laser beam or “satellite death ray” created the pressure on my heart and the stinging in my eyes, and according to their threats, could “pierce my heart or blind me.”  They said it was responsible for numerous reported heart attacks.  

While sitting on my brother’s lake house deck with my mom, they created a sharp pain in the middle of my chest and said they were hitting me with an “electromagnetic weapon” from a mile or so across the lake.  They claimed it was a “military weapon that can stop a person’s heart from seven miles away.” 

At my friend’s apartment in Dallas, her upstairs neighbor was a “confidential informant for the FBI” and involved in this multi-state plot to torment me.  He and his son were supposedly “video recording us through the ceiling”, making the constant lewd remarks and assaulting my dog and me with an “electromagnetic weapon.”  They obviously wanted me to believe there were co-conspirators in every state, city and neighborhood who would keep me from ever finding peace.   

Many other victims report being assaulted by energy weapons.  To my knowledge, none of these weapons have ever been found and no one has been arrested in connection with this type of assault.  Yes, we are being assaulted by microwave energy, but it is being done remotely via satellite.  These attacks do not require a local, neighborhood presence.  A relatively small number of individuals are likely sitting in secure facilities, targeting people across the country.  This is more efficient and allows them to operate in secrecy.   

Over time, the intense all-night interrogation/torture campaign began to transition to some meaningful dialogue.  They said I had been connected to a satellite surveillance system, controlled by a highly sophisticated computer network.  The computer contains extensive information and voice-replication capabilities for many people, including family, friends, neighbors and business and personal contacts.  This information and the emulated voices are used to create fictitious dialogue and scenarios customized for targets’ specific relationships, circumstances and surroundings.  The system operators are essentially voice actors, narrating radio skits to humiliate, intimidate, threaten and provoke victims.

The operators have also used the names and voices of prominent individuals such as President Obama, former President George W. Bush, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Governor Hickenlooper, Phil Anschutz, Christian Anschutz and Pete Coors.  Some of these names have been mentioned hundreds of times over the past year. 

Over the past year, many different explanations have been given for my predicament.  Some are as follows.  It all started due to a “pay to play” extortion scheme by certain members of the Colorado real estate community.  They were trying to collect payment prior to closing my first big deal in Colorado in June 2005.  The organized stalking campaign has been conducted by members of the massive Homeland Security apparatus with ties to organized crime and a government control system.  I was put on some type of Homeland Security “watch list” for punitive reasons by a powerful person within the system. 

They talked extensively about a “sex system” in which women are compensated for providing sexual services with “drugs and drug money” and “sex credits”, and a “pay system” controlled by the “New York mafia.”  Both offer financial rewards and “personal protection.”  They have said I was required to pay an amount ranging from “$500,000” to “$10 million” or “earn my way by participating in the sex system.”  The long stalking/torture campaign supposedly resulted from being “out of sync with the system” and “making too much noise.”  

For months, the perpetrators said I was connected to a “satellite communication network” through an “implanted microchip.”  However, they could never identify the specific type or exact location of this microchip.  Google/Motorola supposedly manufactured it.  Initially, they said it was a “synthetic telepathy microchip” implanted by a former business colleague “in the back of my neck.”  After nothing was identified on a neck x-ray, they changed their story and said the chip was implanted “in my upper back between the shoulder blades.”  They also said it might be a “cochlear implant” or possibly tiny “nanochips in my inner ear.”  Their final narrative suggested it was a “modified VeriChip, secretly manufactured for the CIA, implanted in my shoulder.”  Their narrative continually changed and the mysterious microchip kept moving around in my body.  Needless to say, I never found a microchip.  

The microchip narrative seems to be prevalent with targeted individuals.  The perpetrators take advantage of the fact this technology is easier to accept with an implanted device.  For a long time, they were able to convince me a microchip was required to track, monitor and communicate with me everywhere - residences, office buildings, the mall, grocery stores, restaurants, parks and fields, and on roads and highways driving across three states.  The connection is unfortunately stronger and much more reliable than my cell phone.  While the volume has been adjusted frequently, the connection has never faltered. 

I am now convinced microchips are not involved.  The microchip narrative would require a manufacturer, national distribution and a highly risky, covert, implantation campaign.  It would also require a large medical and mental health conspiracy to block their discovery.  With thousands of people picking up microwave communication, no one is finding microchips. 

Actually that is not entirely true.  I was able to find information on two people who found implanted microchips – James Walbert in Wichita, Kansas and Bob Boyce in Blue Ridge, Georgia.  I was unable to confirm if either of them had been hearing communication or if their microchip removals stopped it.   

To my knowledge, the only microchip approved for human implantation is the VeriChip.  It is used for accessing patients’ medical records.  According to VeriTeq, the successor entity, there are no facilities offering their microchips or scanners in Colorado.  I do not think Veriteq or anyone else is involved in a massive government conspiracy to have everyone implanted with microchips.                  

The microchip narrative is part of a vast disinformation campaign.  It distracts, discredits and discourages victims who are unable to locate an implanted device.  MRIs, CT scans and X-rays are expensive.  Many targeted individuals cannot afford to scan their entire body searching for a microchip.  Those creating the microchip narratives know this.   

For those questioning how “voices” can push someone over the edge, this is important.  The people controlling this technology are highly believable at first.  They break victims down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture.  Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, victims are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering.  I experienced it firsthand.  Fortunately, I made it through the initial onslaught, and by doing so, became conditioned to these tactics.

It is also important to note that sleep deprivation is a very serious form of physical and psychological torture banned by the Constitution, the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the International Criminal Court.  It has been used as an interrogation, torture technique throughout history to break people down and extract information. 

Menachem Begin, former Israeli prime minister, was sleep deprived and tortured by the KGB.  In his book, White Nights: The Story of a Prisoner in Russia, he states, “In the head of the interrogated prisoner, a haze begins to form.  His spirit is wearied to death, his legs are unsteady, and he has one sole desire: to sleep...Anyone who has experienced this desire knows that not even hunger and thirst are comparable with it.” 

Victims of technological assault are not just having a tough time sleeping.  They are being brutally tortured through sleep deprivation.  

The perpetrators have indicated the connection to my brain not only allows them to read my thoughts, but also literally see what I see.  As you would expect, this has completely destroyed my sense of privacy and made it impossible to lead a normal life.  They have made thousands of lewd, derogatory and insulting remarks while in the restroom or taking a shower, lying in bed at night, and even during times of intimacy.  It has included comments about my genitalia, my sex life, masturbation and my most private thoughts.  They have also repeated passwords and pin codes, discussed medical information, and monitored and recorded my business and personal activities. 

The privacy violations are truly unimaginable.  Some refer to this unauthorized, forced access into peoples’ brains as “mind rape.”  This term describes the egregiousness of the violation, yet the law does not even contemplate this despicable crime.    

These cowardly criminals have continually told me they want me to commit suicide, and have tried every tactic at their disposal to see if they could push me to that point.  After months of torture, they now acknowledge suicide is not a possibility. 

They can supposedly determine peoples’ susceptibility to suicide or violence from their thoughts.  They have claimed, seemingly without remorse, that they have caused thousands of suicides.  Whether true or not, they have also said this technology was used against Aaron Alexis and Miriam Carey. 

In addition to communication, many victims also experience physical symptoms from microwave assault.  I have personally experienced the following:  feeling something similar to a mild electrical current on my head and body, loud ear ringing, intense pressure on my ear drums, shaking, vibrating sensations, eye stinging, un-flushable eye irritation, severe eye strain and red, swollen eyelids, pains on and in the brain, sharp stomach pains, upset stomach, chest pains, heart palpitations, inexplicable shortness of breath, stinging, burning, tingling and pin-prick sensations all over my body, uncontrollable itches, scratchy throat, severe chills, dehydration, frequent urination, constant nasal drain, and penis stimulation/de-stimulation.   

It is not clear if the physical symptoms are caused by energy being directed at specific areas of the body or by the technology’s interaction with the brain.  The perpetrators create and adjust the intensity of these symptoms and have remarked and even joked about doing so.  For months, the perpetrators constantly tormented me with physical pains and sensations while leaving a computer bouncing interrogation programs off my brain all night, completely depriving me of sleep.  This is a severe form of torture.

I have felt extremely intense pressure on my internal organs, as if they were going to explode, while they talked about “cranking up the energy.”  The pain was severe enough to push me out of the house several times.  I experienced eye irritation comparable to having dirt in my eyes, but was unable to wash it out.  They bragged about “eye irritation” being one of the “functions.”  They put extreme pressure on my inner ears and talked about “blowing out my eardrums.”  They can somehow make it difficult to get an erection and have threatened to cause permanent erectile dysfunction.  They even applied severe pressure on my heart that could have been mistaken for a heart attack under different circumstances.  They wanted me to believe they could pierce my heart and kill me at any time. 

During nights of constant chatter and microwave bombardment, I urinated excessively (10-15 times over an eight-hour period), became dehydrated and experienced severe chills.  I wore sweat pants, a fleece top, socks and a stocking hat to bed many nights, yet shivered uncontrollably.  This was not caused by auditory hallucinations.  It was caused by intense microwave exposure. 

The U.S. government has studied the health effects of microwave irradiation for at least half a century.  Starting in the 1950’s, the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was subjected to Soviet microwave bombardment during much of the cold war.  While a detailed medical discussion is beyond the scope of this paper, it is important to note that microwave exposure can cause numerous health issues, including brain cancer, leukemia, strokes, heart disease, immune system disorders, infertility, birth defects, vision problems, cataracts, headaches, insomnia, depression and anxiety.

They have maintained a constant microwave connection to my brain for the past year with absolute disregard for the health consequences.  Presumably, this is the case with countless other victims.  American citizens are being invisibly assaulted by a very dangerous weapon and nobody is paying attention.

Once an individual’s connection has been established, the physical symptoms can be induced without sound or communication - on “mute” so to speak.  If true, it would allow them to create headaches, tinnitus, erectile dysfunction, depression, anxiety and other pains and ailments, and even simulate heart attacks, completely undetected.  There are likely many individuals who have never heard a sound or voice, and are therefore, completely unaware they have been targeted.  That significantly changes the scope of the problem.       

The computer that controls the link can read my mind and respond with instantaneous dialogue based upon my thoughts.  It is constantly collecting information from my brain.  The technology enables the operators to determine whether or not someone is telling the truth.  This would obviously be extremely valuable in the interrogation of criminals and terrorists, which might be the rationale under which it was developed.  However, there are obvious constitutional issues that must be addressed before using this technology on the most dangerous criminals, let alone law-abiding citizens.   

The operators can push, or “suggest” as they call it, words, thoughts and images into peoples’ brains.  Some refer to this as “mind control.”  At times, they direct unwanted sexual images and uncomfortable thoughts into my mind, often with laughter in the background.  However, they also suggest various foods, activities and other things that serve as reminders.  From my experience, it is not “mind control”, because I am able to choose whether or not to accept the suggestions.   

During some days, the dialogue has been nearly continuous, with computerized voices responding to or commenting on virtually every thought and activity.  On other days, it has been relatively quiet.  The volume can be adjusted from silent to loud and clear.  I have recorded many hours of communication by repeating what I am hearing verbatim.  The pace of the communication is much slower than normal conversation, with gaps between words or sentences, presumably due to satellite transmission delays.     

The system lingo includes phrases such as “young whippersnapper”, “since I was knee-high to a grasshopper”, “bunch of big mother fuckers running around”, “don’t get above your raisin”, “kick your teeth down your fucking throat”, “on the planet”, “in the universe”, “put a gun in that pretty little face”, “since time immemorial”, “thrown under a bus”, “that’s unbelievable testimony”, “in my entire human existence”, and “I’m not your best friend but I’m not your worst enemy.”  These are not phrases I have ever used.    

Whoever runs the system has somehow justified having multiple people tied into my connection 24/7 since it was established.  They sound like intelligent, educated professionals, not uneducated criminals.  The communication is articulate and often includes witty, impromptu remarks.  While they occasionally use female voices, I believe they are all men.  As ridiculous as it sounds, they actually correct my grammar and offer personal and business advice.  The people and the crimes seem incongruent.  Some of them acknowledge this and say they want to expose it.

They have said they are a small group of six-figure, NSA, CIA and FBI employees with top secret clearance.  They supposedly represent the pay and sex systems and execute various assignments for system big shots.  One can imagine the ways in which the technology is being used – political blackmail, intellectual property theft, insider trading, etc.   

My energy and level of distraction fluctuates with the amount and volume of communication.  I have had difficulty working, or even reading or watching a movie, since the communication began.  My ability to run a business or to enjoy two of my favorite activities has been taken away.  It has had a profound impact on every aspect of my life.  For many victims, earning a living or leading a normal life becomes virtually impossible.  Sadly, this is the intent.    

The satellite operators have stopped transmission briefly on several occasions causing unbelievable, instantaneous relief.  I have felt the pressure and strain immediately wash from my head, face and neck as the microwave energy dissipates.  I could literally feel the energy draining from my head.  The best analogy is the cooling sensation when stepping out of a sauna.

People that report being stalked and monitored or “hearing voices” are often diagnosed with mental illness.  Unfortunately, there is not yet another widely accepted explanation.  Technology of this magnitude is extremely difficult to comprehend and there is currently very little credible, publicly available information. 

We very much need the assistance of the mental health profession.  They are the only ones with access to decades of specific patient experiences.  I have not yet found anything that summarizes or analyzes these records to determine if there might be patterns or trends associated with people “hearing voices.”  How many patients who have become part of the mental health system, voluntarily or otherwise, are victims of organized stalking or technological assault?  The mental health profession may hold the “smoking gun.” 

Many questions need to be raised.  What messages are patients hearing?  Are they derogatory or threatening?  Do victims feel they are being stalked or monitored?  How many voices do they hear?  How long do they hear them?  Does the volume change?  Are physical pains and sensations experienced?  Do they think some type of energy may be involved?  Do the voices sound computerized?  Are unique words or phrases used?  Do they hear famous peoples’ voices?  Is the pace of communication conversational or are there gaps and delays?  Do they believe their minds or thoughts are being read?  Is there a focus on topics that make them feel guilty or uncomfortable?  How often are they told to commit suicide or harm others?  How often do medications work?  Is it possible medications provide cover to stop the communication?   

To my knowledge, the only possible defense against this assault is to block microwave transmission.  Protective clothing and homemade Faraday cages will not work.  Advanced materials and professional construction are required.  A few companies that could potentially construct such a facility are ETS Lindgren, Cuming-Lehman Chambers and Braden Shielding.  They use terms such as anechoic chambers, shielded rooms, screened rooms and microwave chambers.  If possible, we need to locate government or corporate facilities willing to grant access so we can prove microwave energy is responsible.   

For those wanting to learn more about organized stalking and technological assault, there are many websites, blogs, articles and books available.  Mark Rich’s book, The Hidden Evil, offers an historical overview of control systems, such as communist East Germany’s secret police, or Stasi, and its reliance upon a massive informant network and organized stalking.  Dr. John Hall’s A New Breed, Satellite Terrorism in America provides a detailed account of his personal experience with organized stalking and satellite assault in San Antonio, Texas.  Jesse Ventura’s TruTV Conspiracy Theory series examined the issue of people hearing voices in their December 2012 “Brain Invaders” episode.  They concluded military communication towers, Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN), were being used to target victims with microwave energy.  KMIR News in Palm Springs, California reported on “hundreds of people in the valley hearing voices” in November 2012.  The video, which includes interviews with several targeted individuals, is available at

According to their website (, “Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance is a human rights organization that identifies and networks with victims of organized stalking and electronic assaults, educates society about covert harassment issues, and advocates for citizens victimized by covert criminal elements.”  They network with and provide support for victims throughout the U.S. and worldwide.  They organize meetings across the country, host daily conference calls, publish a weekly newsletter and provide a toll free number for victims.

Having worked on this issue for the past decade, Derrick Robinson, President of FFCHS, has become a prominent leader in the fight against organized stalking and technological assault.  He offered the following, “Aaron Alexis represents a lightening-rod for our issues because of the notoriety of his action, the Washington Navy Yard shooting, and because he had contacted us (FFCHS) two weeks prior to the shooting exhibiting many of the same effects that are common in our community, such as microwave attacks, hearing voices, sleeplessness, and the group stalking scenarios.  And although we do not condone Aaron’s solution, he highlights an extremely important human rights issue in this country which is being suppressed and for which there is currently no recognition or remedy.”

“Our community is continually amazed at how large a secret can remain undetected by our society for so long.  It has often been discouraging.  However, I believe there will come a day – and probably soon – when this entire criminal network which now operates in secret will become common knowledge to everyone and covert targeting and secret tortures will all be over.”    

I would like to offer a few suggestions for victims based upon my personal experience.  Most importantly, hang in there!  We will identify the perpetrators and stop this torture.  Record what you are hearing and experiencing.  Those recordings will help us validate and share our experiences and will prove valuable in future legal proceedings.  We will eventually have our day in court. 

Let the perpetrators know you are familiar with their tactics of false narratives, derogatory remarks and threats.  Ask questions that might help you gather information.  For those of you that do not know why you were targeted, you are not alone.  Many of us are still trying to figure it out.  Like most powerful weapons, criminals will use them for many different reasons, and sometimes, for no reason at all.    

Finally, help us spread the word.  We need as many people as possible talking about this issue, asking questions and looking for answers.  These criminals are accustomed to operating in the dark.  We need to push aggressively to expose their crimes.    

My experience with organized stalking and technological assault has already stolen nine years, or roughly one-third of my adult life.  It has irreversibly altered the course of my life and potentially damaged my health in ways not yet apparent. 

Without intervention, countless other victims will be exposed.  Some will not be able to endure the torture, and acting from a place of desperation, they will take their own or others’ lives.  Their breaking point could be reached at any time.  Until we get control of this technology, it is impossible to predict the next tragedy.  This is a national public safety emergency! 

We desperately need the assistance of law enforcement, the media and the mental health profession.  By sharing information and starting a national discussion, these groups can make an immediate impact.  Please help us educate everyone and stop the torture!


Mike Patrick

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New Facebook group for TIs!

I have created a closed group for TIs!! It will be moderated regularly,  and rules will be pin posted for all to see.  Membership will be contingent in part upon agreement to abide by rules of civility for the sake of peaceable, productive information exchange. 

If you wish to be a member, and have access to a more civilized forum, please befriend me here on peacepink,  and i will interview you for membership on my group!


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