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"FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" ;…/watch-nypd-uses-military-grade-s…/
Psychological torture is a type of torture that relies primarily on psychological effects, and only secondarily on any physical harm inflicted. Although not all psychological torture involves the use of physical violence, there is a continuum between psychological torture and physical torture. The two are often used in conjunction with one another, and often overlap in practice, with the fear and pain induced by physical torture often resulting in long-term psychological effects, and many forms of psychological torture involving some form of pain or coercion.
Many forms of psychological torture methods attempt to destroy the subject's normal self-image by removing them from any kind of control over their environment, creating a state of learned helplessness, psychological regression anddepersonalization. Other techniques include forced nudity and head shaving, sleep deprivation, hooding and other forms ofsensory deprivation and forcing the subject to adopt stress positions.
A strictly fear-inducing method is the mock execution. Various threats operate on the same fear-inducing principle.
Another method is indirect torture, in which a victim is forced to witness the torture of another person, often a loved one. This preys on the victim's affection for and loyalty to a partner, relative, friend, comrade-in-arms et cetera, whose real pain induces vicarious suffering in the targeted psychological victim, who is thus loaded with guilt but spared physical harm that might affect his or her ability to comply.
While psychological torture may not leave any lasting physical damage—indeed, this is often one of the motivations for using psychological rather than physical torture—it can result in similar levels of permanent mental damage to its victims.[1]
It has been alleged that some psychological torture methods may have been devised by, or in conjunction with, doctors and psychologists.[2]
The United States has been accused of making extensive use of psychological torture techniques at Guantanamo Bay and other sites subsequent to the 9/11 attacks.[3][4][5] Many other countries have been accused of using psychological torture, including Iran.[6] In 1976 the European Commission of Human Rights found the British government guilty of using psychological torture on IRA political detainees in Northern Ireland, while in 1978 the European Court of Human Rights found that the treatment of political internees constituted "inhuman and degrading treatment" rather than torture.[7]
Telepathy is the stuff of science fiction. But what if the dystopian futurists were on to something? What if our brains could directly interact with each other, bypassing the need for language? The idea isn't quite so far fetched, according to a recent University of Washington study in which researchers successfully replicated a direct brain-to-brain communication between two people.
In an initial demonstration a year ago, one of the researchers was able to send brain signals over the Internet in order to control the hand motions of another researcher. Now, in a more comprehensive study, the researchers repeatedly were able to transmit signals from one person’s brain via the Internet, and used these signals to control the hand motions of another person within a fraction of a second.
The study tested three pairs of participants (each with one sender and one receiver) who were seated in separate buildings on the Washington campus, roughly half a mile apart. They were unable to interact with one another, except for the link between their brains.
Watch the video below for a demonstration.
Here's what happens: One participant, the 'sender,' is hooked to an electroencephalography machine that reads his brain activity and sends electrical pulses via the Internet to the 'receiver,' who has a transcranial magnetic stimulation coil placed near the part of his brain that controls hand movements. With this technology, the sender can issue a command to move the hand of the receiver by simply thinking about the hand movement.
The sender, who is playing a computer game in which he has to defend a city by firing cannons, thinks about firing the cannon at various intervals throughout the game. The "Fire!" brain signal is sent over the Internet directly to the brain of the receiver, whose hand hits a touchpad that allows him to fire the cannon.
“The new study brings our brain-to-brain interfacing paradigm from an initial demonstration to something that is closer to a deliverable technology,” study co-author Andrea Stocco, a researcher at UW’s Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences, said in a university statement. “Now we have replicated our methods and know that they can work reliably with walk-in participants.”
The accuracy among the pairs ranged from 25 to 83 percent, with errors attributed primarily to the sender's failure to "accurately execute" the fire-command thought rather than the hardware.
The UW team has earned a $1 million grant to conduct further research on decoding and transmitting more complex brain processes, expanding the types of information that can be sent from one brain to another.
The researchers believe that there could one day be potential therapeutic applications for people with brain injuries or disorders.
"We believe that it would be worth exploring the idea that you can help the [brain's] recovery process by literally transmitting the waves of a healthy brain to the brain that has been damaged," Stocco said in a UW video.
Although the applications for brain health are far in the future, the research could be a big step towards treating people with brain damage, according to researcher Chantel Prat of the UW Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences.
"This paradigm offers a wide opportunity for developing protocols for interacting with or putting information into a human brain," Prat added in an email to the Huffington Post. "This technology could eventually be used to 'patch' what is missing or lost in a brain-damaged individual."
"... "Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues". Rev. 18:4
The promise of our Lord Jesus Christ to spare us from the hour of trial is closer than ever before. The suffering of all these tortures and our refusal to take the mark(pet scan of frontal lobe) will be rewarded. This NSA "Babylon" network and "ms. computer" are about to get everything they deserve. "For by thy sorceries were all nations deceived" Rev. 18:23
This hypnosis via computer and laser and this network is the "drunkenness" inflicted by "the great whore Babylon". The "merchants" (illuminati ceo's and corrupt Jewish bankers) "shall weep and mourn over her" Rev.18:11
Not IBM Blue Brain , nor laser shock therapy , nor a left brain locked out, nor anything,dear people, "can separate us from the love of God,which we have in Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 8:39. The Lord shall deliver us so hang on and fear not unto death. The Lord Jesus Christ has returned with the keys to hell and the grave. So repent and let no one take your crown.
Please check out some of the shielding tips I have added on my page.
"Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him.." Rev.1:7
RE: FORCED FEEDING VIDEOS…/us-government-guantanamo-bay-f…

Are you Good Stubborn, or Bad Stubborn? (and is it Affecting Your Happiness?)
BOOM. Flashback: I slumped at my desk and reread my unsavoury email that I was about to send. High emotions clouded any hope for logic and justification levels became devastatingly impenetrable. Tempers between the two of us had finally reached boiling point, resulting in a breakdown of communication, and I was about to send a cutting message which would signal the end of a brilliant, but often fiery friendship.
Without hesitation; I pressed send. She responded with an equally as sharp reply and we terminated the friendship in undignified fashion.
Life felt a lot less beautiful.
The chapters that had been written in the previous years, were ripped up in a fickle blink of an eye.
The impending Facebook friend removal took place and it just felt wrong. So painfully and terribly wrong. I looked outside my office window and the cold, grey, rainy and miserable Newcastle weather seemed apt for the cruelty of the moment.
Days passed and I wondered if this really was the point of no return. Could I take back my words and eat humble pie? Maybe even bring myself to say the “S” word? Along with the many positives within the friendship, we constantly fought and rubbed one another up the wrong way, but this time it felt more serious, more sinister and sadly – it felt like a big mistake.
I have always been brutal with cutting people out of my life, when I feel like negative energy has naturally deemed them surplus to requirements. And I usually don’t give it a second thought as I feel like I have made the right choice. But not this time, this was just a big mess.
I don’t regret pressing send.
More on that later!
Good Stubborn Vs Bad Stubborn….
I’ve often been labelled as ‘stubborn’ by those who know me well and I used to wear it like a badge of honour. I now know that I was wrong to do so – well, at least 50% wrong. Good stubborn brings you positive things in life. Naysayers told me that I would never be able to travel the world indefinitely, whilst funding myself a few years ago and if it wasn’t for me being so stubborn – I wouldn’t be sitting on this plane right now and feeling excited about my next adventure. (It’s not that great though – I really need a wee, but the seatbelt sign is on).
Good stubborn has been known to help paralysis victims to walk again when many experts told them that it wasn’t possible.
Sylvester Stallone’s good stubborn attitude helped him go from being to a jobless bum, to a Hollywood legend.
The ability to not allow external influences and opinions negatively interfere with your own reality is a good trait and one that should indeed be celebrated from within.
Bad stubborn, on the other hand is cancerous to your soul. It hurts those around you, makes you less likeable and most importantly – it hurts you. I know this only too well. I never ever used to say “sorry” when I knew I should be and when I had done something wrong. I somehow thought it made me a stronger person, when in fact it made me weaker.
I remember how I’d think to myself; “you know that you were wrong there, but you still wouldn’t admit it. Why are you such an arsehole, Anthony!?” Bad stubborn breeds self-loathing and stops you getting invited to dinner parties with chocolate cake for dessert. Why would you do that to yourself?!
Why I don’t regret pressing send…
Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and so on. During these years I had to deal with hearing from third party knowledge and spontaneous Facebook stalking (yeah, like you’ve never done it) about my old friend’s life. It cut like a knife to not know how she was and how life was treating her.
I even touched upon it in this post here, during my turmoil.
On several occasions I would click on her profile and compose a heartfelt message to her inbox. The content would always have the same message. Something like:
. This is so stupid and I miss you being in my life.
. I always thought we’d be mates until we are old and crinkly, and not being friends is sad and unecessary.
. I know we didn’t see eye to eye that day, but I’m truly sorry for what I said and if I could take it all back, I would fight 17 hungry Rotweiller’s and run naked around the Sistine chapel in order to do so. I’m truly sorry from my side with every fibre of my being. I hate that this has happened and what has become of us.
. If I die first; Ima come back and haunt your ass when you do the nasty.
I would always sign off with something like; “I totally understand if you don’t want to accept this, (translation: write back and love me, like I love you; you cold, callous bitch),and if you don’t reply. I know our bridges have been burnt and that this is a stab in the dark at best. Regardless, I love you and I am thankful that you were in my life, and I’m absolutely gutted that I don’t have the privilege to call you my friend anymore.”
I meant every word…yet I never pressed enter to send the email. Were the odds against me? Yes. But did I have anything to lose? Nope. But stubborn pride and the fear of rejection got the better of me on each occasion. It was a good few years for the ‘bad stubborn’ devil, as he licked his lips after another period of ‘success.’
I suffered in silence for years, sad in the knowledge that our own little ‘wolf pack’ had split for good.
BOOM. Second Flashback: Roughly two and a half years later and I’m sitting in my apartment in Bangkok. I open Facebook and I have a message from….yep, you guessed it. I wasn’t sure if I should open it in case there was some sort of ‘letter bomb’ Facebook application which I wasn’t aware of.
I opened up the email, not knowing what to expect and read the context of the message. My black little heart warmed up like fresh bread rising in the oven. It said how not being in each other’s life all this time is a massive waste etc and requested to draw a line under all the nonsense…pretty much everything I wanted to say. (She was the bigger man than I!)
It was without doubt my best moment of 2013 (and there have been enough for a lifetime). More emails were exchanged and a long overdue Skype chat commenced. It seemed that we had done a lot of growing up during our time apart. We had time for honest reflection on the demise of our friendship and had grown as individuals. As I always say; self-awareness is key.
Life felt a lot more beautiful.
I still don’t regret pressing ‘send’ on that fateful day. As painful as it was for both sides, the time (although two years was just torture) gave us an opportunity to become more spiritually aware and now the friendship is better than it ever was. Polished the good bits and got rid of the bad.
Moral of the story…
Good stubborn is something to be proud of. Bad stubborn is not. You always know when you’re being a dick. It’s easy to find acquaintances, but good friends are as hard to come by as an Asian girl not doing the ‘peace’ pose in a photograph. Do you cherish your friends as much as you cherish your romantic relationships? If not, then that’s a shame. Love is still love at the end of the day and you should do your best to surround yourself with it as much as possible.
To treat it with such contempt is a crime against yourself. Oh, and saying “sorry” doesn’t make you a wimp. It makes you self-aware and open to improvement. Ignorance is only bliss to losers. Say goodbye to bad stubborn and bask in your kind of good stubborn. Happy Monday.
Song for the moment – “Nobody’s Perfect.” By Jessie J.
Notable Lyrics:
But I never meant to hurt you,
I know it’s time that I learned to,
Treat the people I love, like I wanna be loved,
This is a lesson learned.
And I hate that I let you down,
and I feel so bad about it,
I guess karma comes back around,
cause now I’m the one whose hurting, yeah.
Renseignements et Sûreté un rayon d'intelligence militaire des services secrets italiens, dépendant resté grand de la défense.
Général de division Giovanni Caravelli - depuis le 12 septembre 2013
Des armes « non létales de guerre » pour le contrôle des foules
Armes non létales. Ce qu'elles sont et comment elles fonctionnent
Il y a vingt ans, certains scientifiques avaient signalé l'emergence d'une nouvelle technologie, présentée comme « non létales », à utiliser contre les ennemis internes et externes. Aujourd'hui, cinétiques et agents chimiques armes à infrasons, jets d'eau électrifiée fusils qui tirent des médicaments, gaz poivre sont un fait documenté par le rapport STOA du Parlement européen.
9 novembre 00
Source: à partir de « La couverture de l'Action tous les trimestres », Trad. Marco Nieli.
Quand il y a vingt ans, un groupe de scientifiques a mis en garde contre les dangers d'une nouvelle technologie pour le contrôle politique, a été dénoncée comme alarmistes et (sovversivismo). La technologie, la compagnie anglaise pour la responsabilité sociale des scientifiques (BSSRS) se développe, se situait entre « espionnage de médias d'instruments de contrôle de la dissidence interne des manifestations, de nouvelles techniques pour les méthodes d'interrogatoire des prisonniers. » L'anti-émeutes armes 34 décrit en 1972 dans un rapport par les États-Unis National Science Fondation et puis surtout à un stade embryonnaire, sont maintenant tous en cours d'exécution : armes cinétiques et chimiques, des jets d'eau électrifiée combinés avec lumières stroboscopiques, des sons, boutons infrasonores armes, fusils qui tire des fléchettes transportant des seringues vol stabilisateur rempli de médicaments, conteneurs remplis de puanteur que libération sent pestiférée, les taser incendies deux petits contacts électriques peuvent Télécharger 50 000 volts sur la lentille et la « peau de banane » instantanée qui rend tellement glissantes les routes pour devenir infranchissable (1).
En plus de cet arsenal, il y a une gamme sophistiquée des technologies d'espionnage informatique, soutenue par une capacité globale pour dépister les transmissions de données et les entrées. Cette technologie de répression, a écrit le BSSRS, est "le produit de l'application de la science et la technologie au problème de neutraliser les ennemis internes de l'État. Il est presque entièrement consacrée aux populations civiles et ne vise pas à tuer (et fait seulement rarement). Prend vise à la fois la volonté et l'esprit comme le corps "(2) ; et il est utilisé tant en guerres à l'étranger que dans des soulèvements populaires à la maison.
Le BSSRS a reconnu que les armes et les systèmes mis au point et testé par les États-Unis au Viet Nam et au Royaume-Uni dans les anciennes colonies et en Irlande du Nord étaient de retour dans leur patrie. Le complexe militaro-industriel modifié rapidement ses systèmes militaires en matière de sécurité intérieure. Présentée comme « non létales », la nouvelle technologie de répression a offert une solution technique facile contre les turbulences sociales: a réussi à démolir la dissidence tout en gardant en retour le niveau de violence utilisée.
La guerre à la maison
Maintenant installé dans le monde entier, cette technologie et la notion d'armes non létales, sont normalisées. Il s'ensuit que les distinctions entre les fonctions des armées et des forces de police sont estompent de plus en plus : les forces de sécurité devenus les forces paramilitaires, les forces de police sont militarisés, et mobiliser des armées pour le contrôle du territoire national. Les corporations ont exacerbé ce processus en vendant agressivement le civil de nouveaux marchés comme les de l'arsenal militaire. Aujourd'hui, ce « nouveau type d'armement » a révolutionné la capacité et l'efficacité la croissance du pouvoir de police, avec des différences d'un pays à l'autre selon le niveau de crédibilité démocratique avec lequel il est utilisé. Est devenu tellement enracinée dans les fonctions internes de la police qui, vingt ans après le rapport de la Commission sur l'évaluation des BSSRS des scientifiques et technologiques Options (STOA) du Parlement européen (UE) était suffisamment alarmée d'exiger une étude au nom de la Commission des libertés publiques et des affaires intérieures de la Communauté européenne.
Ce 1998 rapport, une étude sur les techniques de contrôle politique, a confirmé les précédentes préoccupations des scientifiques [...] et rend une image paralysant des innovations technologiques visant à une répression de Pandore de nouvelles armes-censé garantir plutôt que semblent être (voir).
Armes pour le contrôle des foules
Cette nouvelle technologie de répression devient plus sophistiqué, plus puissant et plus répandue surtout à la garde prétorienne de gardiens qui les torture pratique précise comme la Chine et le Guatemala. Et, par suite de la commercialisation agressive par les producteurs et les distributeurs qui fournissent les marchés civils et militaires, se répand rapidement non seulement entre les armées nationales, mais aussi pratiquement arsenaux de police et organismes paramilitaires et de sécurité intérieure des États. Fabricants tels que Alliant Tech Systems (Etats-Unis), la défense civile Supply (Royaume-Uni) ou Sun Tech (Etats-Unis) promouvoir la nouvelle technologie sous prétexte que c'est alternatives conventionnelles plus sûres et moins meurtrier. Mais au lieu de remplacer les armes meurtrières, les non-léthal "alternatives" augmentent l'utilisation de la violence mortelle, aussi bien dans la guerre que « opérations autres que la guerre", où les principales victimes sont des civils.
Rapport de la Communauté européenne critique évalue la sécurité de ces armes qui sont présumés « inoffensifs ». L'un des plus communs est la balle en plastique – plus meurtrière que les caoutchouc qui précède – et d'autres « armes cinétiques ». À l'aide de la précédente U.S. Army études et analyse empirique, le rapport révèle qu'une grande partie de la recherche médicale qui légitime ces armes est fortement biaisée. Largement utilisé pour contrôler les émeutes et la foule (un euphémisme utilisé pour désigner une protestation politique), balles en plastique ont fréquemment causé la cécité, de blessures graves et de décès aux manifestants et passants (5). Toutes les munitions en plastique habituellement disponibles en Europe dépassent le seuil de gravité des dommages, créée en 1975 par les scientifiques militaires américains pour les armes à énergie cinétique.
Le rapport de l'UE appelle également à un moratoire sur l'utilisation du gaz de piment (capsicum oléorésine ou OC) en Europe jusqu'à ce que ses effets biomédicaux ne seront pas évaluées objectivement. Son utilisation augmente rapidement, malgré U.S. étude armée mettre en évidence des effets mutagènes possibles, effets cancérogènes, sont hypersensible, cardiovasculaire et pulmonaire intoxication, nerveuse, ainsi que de la possibilité de la mort "(6). Aux États-Unis, gaz poivre est devenu l'instrument habituel de la police à la suite de l'approbation en 1987 par le FBI. Outre les dangers d'une utilisation permise, poivre de Cayenne a été grandement abusé. En Californie, les membres de la police, prenant la tête des manifestants, ont ouvert leurs paupières et déposé le liquide piquer directement sur leurs globes oculaires. Amnesty International a appelé cette utilisation contre des militants pacifistes écologistes, « équivalentes à la torture » (7).
Guerre non létales
L'autre application principale de la nouvelle technologie de répression est dans la guerre. Armées du monde entier sont heureux d'embrasser la nouvelle guerre non-létales oxymorique de doctrine. Le concept a émergé aux États-Unis en 1990, surtout face à l'incrédulité des savants sérieux. Ses partisans ont été largement écrivains futuristes comme Alvin et Heidi Toffler (8) et les écrivains de science-fiction comme Janet Morris et Chris Morris (9) qui ont trouvé un écho favorable militaires laboratoires nucléaires de Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore, Oak Ridge et. Les cyniques ont été prompts à souligner que l'initiative nécessaire pour protéger les emplois dans les laboratoires nucléaires discutés a relevé le défi de la survie après la guerre froide.
Le Pentagone et le département de la Justice ont épousé cette doctrine avec enthousiasme, espérant trouver un coup de baguette magique pour neutraliser le « facteur CNN » et permettre en quelque sorte aux forces du bien à l'emporter sans effusion de sang publique. La police a blâmé le coup du passage à tabac de Rodney King à Los Angeles ; l'AFT et le FBI a mis en garde le climat lourd après les désastres de Waco et Ruby Ridge ; et l'armée a brûlé l'humiliation en Somalie par des regards fous trouvé et « seigneurs de la guerre » peu de collaboration. Tout le monde attendait un « arrangement technique facile » vieux façonné façon USA.
Les États-Unis ont maintenant un groupe de travail intégré : les Marines, l'armée de l'Air, le commandement des opérations spéciales, l'armée, la marine, l'état-major homogénéisés (Joint Chiefs of Staff) et les ministères de la Justice, de Transport et d'énergie. Un de ses rôles est d'établir des liens avec les amis de gouvernements étrangers.
À cette fin, en novembre dernier, le groupe a parrainé un congrès extraordinaire à Londres sur « l'avenir des armes non létales ». Entre autres choses présentées :
-des armes acoustiques qui utilisent des « générateurs d'ondes de pression mécanique » à « donner la chasse une arme capable de développer des effets incapacitants, létaux et non létaux » ;
-la mine Claymore non létale qui distribue des projectiles non pénétrantes, qui est une version plus meurtrière de la M18A1 adapté au contrôle des foules ;
-dispositifs de bloquer les véhicules terrestres ;
-le distributeur de mine M139 volcan qui projette un réseau de largeur d'un terrain de football avec des lames de rasoir ou autres autocollants « immobiliser la limitation des effets » ou de picotement ; fusils qui tirent une mousse visqueuse, mais aussi les barrières d'immobiliser les gens ;
rifles - turbo-acoustique : un appareil de haute technologie pour combiner des jets de gaz spirale avec flash, de traumatisme et de la possibilité de basculer rapidement entre létales et non létales ;
-lancer le système pour des avions tactiques : essentiellement un M16 capable de tirer les deux balles, entraînant son incapacité de produits chimiques, teinture munitions cinétiques de marquage.
Quelques exécutions au milieu de la route pas
"Paradoxalement", le rapport STOA a fait remarquer, "alors qu'il voulait avec ces armes mis à la disposition des États, une nouvelle série de réponses flexibles, leur effet final a été de programmer vos objectifs dans la lutte contre l'État et des activités pratiques traditionnelles. En d'autres termes, leur plus odieux est peut-être celui de discréditer la non violence comme un outil de protestation publique "(10). Utilisés pour infliger immédiat et gratuit, violence officielle peut induire les manifestants pour répondre avec violence. Les régimes peuvent également utiliser des armes non létales pour délibérément provoquer une émeute et faisant créer un prétexte pour arrêter les manifestants « violents ». Et étant donné que certaines de ces armes peuvent être apportés par une force qui permet d'immobiliser les gens à celui qui tue mortel flexibilité/moins meurtrier implore la police à une étape de procéder à des exécutions dans la rue. L'organisation Pugwash, lauréat du Nobel de la paix, conclut que le terme « non létales » devrait être abandonné, non seulement parce qu'il couvre une variété d'armes très différentes, mais aussi parce qu'il peut être dangereusement trompeuse. "Armes conçues pour remplacer les effets létaux servent à les augmenter. Armes développés à des fins de police peuvent encourager la militarisation des forces de police ou être utilisés pour la torture. Si vous avez besoin d'un terme générique, « presque létale » létale ou peut-être préférable "(11).
Ces préoccupations sont certainement des récents développements. États-Unis Expert William Arkin, a averti que la nouvelle génération d'armes acoustiques, ce qui ne peut être irritant, peut être étendue à produire traumatisante vague de 170 décibels et pause, créant des cavités dans les organes, les tissus humains et cause un traumatisme à la vie en danger des ondes de choc (12). Pugwash est d'avis que "chacune des nouvelles technologies militaires « fatale » presque exige une enquête urgente et que leur développement ou leur adoption devrait être soumis à un contrôle public" (13). Cet avis doit être signé par le rapport de la Communauté européenne qui recommande au Parlement européen de :
-établir les critères, indépendants de commerciale ou la recherche de gouvernement, de déterminer les effets de biomédical dites non létale ;
-d'informer sur le stratégique accords existent entre les États-Unis et l'Europe pour la seconde génération d'armes non létales ;
-interdire l'utilisation par les policiers, militaires et des forces spéciales paramilitaires de toutes armes, cinétiques, laser, acoustiques, irritants produits chimiques basés, fréquence électromagnétique, visant à l'arrestation, immobilisation, injection ou invalidantes et paralysantes des effets électriques, produites ou autorisé aux Etats-Unis, tant que ces recherches indépendantes est terminé ;
-publier des recherches sur la sécurité des armes présumées pour contrôle politique existant et sur toutes les futures innovations, comme condition pour toute décision d'adopter.
Le point clé est le contrôle politique de cette technologie, qui ne devient pas seulement plus puissante (prolifération verticale), mais il se répand aussi rapidement parmi les forces de sécurité de plusieurs pays (prolifération horizontale). Si les législateurs veulent s'assurer que ces technologies sont utilisées pour violer les droits de l'homme, devrait adopter des codes de conduite et des mécanismes appropriés pour l'application. Peut-être un jour nous aurons une loi sérieuse une peine d'emprisonnement pour les vendeurs de technologies de répression. Dans le même temps, il ne devrait y avoir aucune illusion sur les objectifs de ces technologies de contrôle politique : c'est nous.
1. non létale d'armes pour l'application de la Loi : besoins et priorités de recherche. Un rapport de la National Science Foundation, Corporation de planification de la sécurité, 1972.
2. c. Acroyd, k. Margolis, j. Rosenhead, t., été visualisés avant la technologie de contrôle politique, (Middlesex, Royaume-Uni, Penguin Books, 1977).
3. l. Rocke, blessures causées par des balles en plastique contre... des balles en caoutchouc, "Lancet" (Londres), 23/04/1983, pp. 919-20.
4. h. Salem, j. n. Olajos, chaleur des capsaïcine de m. l. Miller et a. s. Thomson, examen de la toxicologie, US Army Edgewood Research, développement et ingénierie Centre, Département des Sciences de la vie (1993).
5. amnesty International, AI-USA : Police utilisation de Spray au poivre est équivalant à la Torture, 11/07/1997.
6. a. & h. Toffler Toffler, guerre et contre la guerre. Survie à l'aube du XXIe siècle (Londres, Little Brown & co., 1994).
7. voir Janet Morris et Chris Morris, Non létaux : une stratégie globale (West Hyannisport, MA, Morris & Morris, 1994).
8. Steve Wright, sape la non-violence : le rôle de l'avènement des nouvelles Technologies de la Police, « Ghandi Marg », v. 14, no 1, 1992, pp. 157-65.
9. Pugwash Newsletter, (Londres), Nov. 1997, p. 276.
10. William Arkin dans le Journal de médecine, « conflict and survival », cité dans « The Guardian », 9 déc. 1997.
11. Pugwash, op. cit.
Les chroniques de luttuose ces derniers jours, dont les budgets de dizaines de morts et des milliers de jeunes Palestiniens blessés ou invalides par l'utilisation de balles en caoutchouc par des soldats israéliens, ne semblent pas diminuer l'intérêt dans l'armée italienne pour une adoption future de ces armes et leur utilisation est des missions « humanitaires » à l'étranger que dans les opérations de police dans le territoire italien.
C'est un article très intéressant paru sur militaire 5/2000 MAGAZINE (septembre/octobre 2000), le prestigieux magazine de personnel d'armée, article intitulé les armes NON létales, signé par le lieutenant-colonel JOHN CAMPBELL, dans son service au bureau de la chef de chef d'état-major, et qui analyse le contexte dans lequel les services de notre armée devra prévisible ces armes « humanitaire »: -.."étant donné les disparités économiques croissantes entre les pays du tiers-monde et le plus avancé. ressources distribution disparité. politique répression. turbulence extrême démographique. taux de natalité explosive. accentuation des différences et des divisions entre les classes, les ethnies et les religions, etc. (p. 50). produits injustice et ressentiment pourraient ainsi que d'autres conflits incontrôlable de déclenchement sinon concrètement adressée. "-qui sera nécessite alors utiliser les soldats de la coalition internationale massive de plus en plus, OTAN, UE, Nations Unies, etc., en rétablissant l'ordre minimum qui permettent les intérêts vitaux des puissants du monde ne sont pas remis en question.
Continuer la lecture:-. "Scénario global, « armes non létales » (ANL) pourrait être un outil efficace pour répondre aux défis complexes.(série:-le peuple affamé ma Reine!--et lui donner à manger un peu de balles en caoutchouc!!!-) et comme une alternative aux mines impopulaires ". Le colonel CARAVELLI pose la question: - ce qui est derrière le développement d'armes non létales? - Pourquoi le personnel de l'armée italienne est maintenant affecter ? Sa réponse a été:-. "nos soldats sont confrontés à des situations nouvelles. il est important que les commandants ont un nouvel ensemble d' « Outils » pour lutter contre la crise, en particulier dans les opérations de maintien de paix et d'aide humanitaire dans un plus « humaine » pour mieux protéger nos forces. Voir les besoins de la Somalie, Bosnie, Kosovo. "-(où nous nous souvenons nous avons affrontés souvent avec les populations que nous" assistions "et dans ces cas, nous ajoutons le Timor oriental tenant le compte de la même revue militaire, dans le précédent numéro 4/2000)
Mais l'utilisation d'armes non-léthales auront également les autres scénarios, et ici nous grincer des dents sur quel rêve démocratique italienne d'armée professionnelle de faire pour l'avenir:-. "Il y a un mouvement croissant de la population d'État à État et même au sein de ces centres urbains.(disons le clairement, parle de flux migratoires). Ceci permet de déterminer un environnement asymétrique.(c'est-à-dire avec fortes disparités sociales au sein de la mégalopole de l'Empire). urbanisation. augmente le risque que les forces armées et en particulier l'armée italienne, peut être appelé en soutien des Forces de Police pour le contrôle du territoire et le maintien de l'ordre public, ce qui n'était pas faisable jusqu'à il y a quelques années. "-l'obtenir ?Contre ceux qui protestent ou est marginalisé par la mondialisation sont le PS, les CC et les soldats armés de tout mettre en oeuvre ! -." Et « interagir » (c'est-à-dire la confrontation physique) avec des civils sous l'oeil omniprésent de la presse.(qui pouvait tirer des scènes trop sanglant.) nécessitera un large éventail d'armes mortelles ou pas. (pag51) ».-
Tout en admettant que:-. "Malheureusement les civils victimes et les non-combattants (p. 52) continuera d'être le résultat inévitable de répréhensible recours à la force militaire, malgré les armes non létales...capacités non-létales pourraient être mortel, si non appliquées correctement. » Elle indique que, à leur utilisation :
-."1) commandants peuvent suivre une plus humaine et le comportement compatible avec les incidences des opérations humanitaires. "(sic!)
2) les possibilités de leur utilisation nous permet d'intervenir plus activement en sachant ne pas à causer des dommages et des dommages irréparables... (en contradiction avec ce que dit avant)
3) armes non létales ont tendance à être moins provocateur.(c'est-à-dire si je lui tire avec des balles en caoutchouc, je ne suis pas en colère)
4) l'utilisation éventuelle d'armes léthales conventionnelles balles, après en les premieres non-léthales, serait psychologiquement plus acceptée.(c'est-à-dire si les manifestants malgré les balles en caoutchouc, de gaz paralysants et autres joyeusetés ne sont pas arrêtés, ils doivent attendre que nous allons tirer avec mitrailleuses et citernes et Israël signe!)
Dans le cas où nous n'avons pas encore trouvé qui sera utilisé par nos soldats:-. "Contre personel capacité : compte tenu du fait que leur capacité est de permettre l'application de la force militaire avec un risque très faible de décès ou de blessures graves des non-combattants (civils) devraient développer signifie que la propriété pourrait affecter ( euphémisme, plutôt que de dire sévir) le comportement et les activités d'une foule en tenue anti émeute, ou de reprendre le contrôle d'une émeute de la foule. "-
Nous terminons ce commentaire avec ce que nous interprétons comme un choix déjà fait par notre personnel de l'armée et bientôt sous la pression de certains cas d'urgence se transformera en une signature d'achat de l'habituel ministre de la défense un peu distrait et approuvés par un Parlement intégrer somnolent au titre de l'aide humanitaire, l'acquisition de balles en caoutchouc/gaz toxique et paralysant et immobiliser les restrictions mousses résines et autres choses bizarres comme:-. "Vous pouvez trouver une progressivité dans l'introduction en temps de service (ces armes) dans l'armée croyant offrir un quotas flexible dans le rétablissement de la paix et la stabilité dans différentes zones de crises. ".
Observatoire sur les BALKANS de BRINDISI VIA SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS 72100 BRINDISI BRINDISI 59 15 octobre 2000
Armes de contrôle mental
Contrôler l'esprit des gens est très répandu dans le cinéma de science fiction. Par des messages subliminaux aux étrangers à la torture Kirk avec un rayon algésiogène de polystyrène dans Star Trek armes capables de manipuler la matière grise sont interdit en plusieurs parties.
Forces militaires naturellement en désaccord, appât de l'idée à neutraliser l'ennemi sans succès avec une arme (traditionnelle). En 1995, l'ancien armée américaine majeure Edward danois a déclaré: « Le gouvernement américain a déjà un dispositif électronique capable à inculquer des pensées aux gens ». C'est le projet de la belle au bois dormant, mais Monarch est encore plus terrifiant, parce qu'elle implique la stimulation délibérée chez les victimes du trouble de personnalité multiple.
Comment ces armes ? En loin années recherche dans esprit ont eu lieu beaucoup moins secrète que de nos jours. Il s'est senti très seul « télépathie artificielle » ou transmission directe au cerveau des signaux hyperfréquences issu des impulsions, vise à provoquer chez le sujet la perception spectrale « voix intérieures ». Ces rayons micro-ondes sont également la base de PANDORA, un dispositif qui utilise des signaux de faible intensité pour provoquer des hallucinations de l'audience.
Dans les années '80 des informations sur les armes pour contrôler l'esprit ont littéralement disparu, alors qu'en 1993 l'estimé Journal américain Defense News a annoncé le développement d'une technologie qui pourrait transmettre des commandes spécifiques à l'inconscient humain par le biais de bandes de bruit blanc ou statique.
Il semble qu'un système génère peut être produit pour moins de $ 50.000 ! Pensez-y, il pourrait les couvrir tous vendent la maison pour prendre le contrôle du monde. Réconfortant, plus ne pas ?
Article tiré de
I'm so tired of these assholes that want me to die, I can't believe anyone could be so harsh and cruel.... I need 2 surgeries done minor stuff and i'm so afraid doctors going to slip up because of this crap...somethings got to give I still don't understand how the people in charge of our world could hide this and let us suffer that thing about Obama tormenting and experimenting on people do you think he has time for that shit or is someone framing him? you'd think when people try to overtake a whole city someone big and important would step in its terrorism! the doctors and shit just tell you to close off from it but what about those of us who can't? were stuck fighting for our lives being blasted day by day with v2k its impossible! these assholes just can't be punnished! they can sit and burn and that doesn't effect them.... they've destroyed them selves backed themselves into a corner and that still doesn't matter.They have no self respect! the only way out to them is to kill us they've started a whole war! I'm worried about if and when this surfaces I personally would never lash out but I can't barely walk down the street without fear for my safety ... I still can't figure out how anyone could think like they do how stupid do you have to be!
Satellite technology, presumably developed and controlled by the U.S. government, is being used to track, monitor, torture and kill Americans. The satellite operators establish an invisible microwave connection with peoples’ brains, providing constant tracking and silent surveillance. They can hear what we hear, see what we see and even read our thoughts - total surveillance of anyone, anywhere in the world. This technology is infinitely more frightening and Orwellian than NSA data collection.
Unfortunately, illegal surveillance is not the most serious issue. This technology can also be used as a remote, untraceable torture instrument and lethal weapon. By interacting with the brain, the operators can transmit inexplicable sounds, voices, images, smells and tastes, and cause numerous pains and sensations throughout the body. These include the sensation of electrical currents and vibrations; ear ringing; pressure on the ear drums; eye stinging and irritation; headaches; pains in the stomach, chest, heart, brain, genitals, teeth, jaws and gums; upset stomach and gastrointestinal issues; heart palpitations; shortness of breath; stinging, burning, tingling and pin prick sensations all over the body; uncontrollable itches; scratchy throat; coughing and sneezing; severe chills; dehydration; frequent urination; nasal drain; and genital stimulation/de-stimulation. The technology can interfere with your sleep and memory and cause sudden, extreme swings in energy levels and emotional states – depression, anxiety and anger.
Victims are broken down through sleep deprivation and intense physical and psychological torture in an attempt to push them to suicide or violence. Exhausted, disoriented and just trying to survive the torture, they are extremely vulnerable to anything, including false narratives, that might offer an explanation for their unimaginable pain and suffering. While it may not be “mind control” as some literature suggests, the torture can dramatically alter a victim’s thought processes and physical and emotional stability.
Aaron Alexis was targeted by satellite technology prior to the tragic Navy Yard shooting in September 2013. Many believe Miriam Carey was also targeted prior to driving 270 miles from Stamford, Connecticut to Washington D.C., and being shot and killed fleeing a White House checkpoint in October 2013. She believed she was being stalked and monitored in Stamford and had reported hearing President Obama’s voice. Many other inexplicable tragedies are likely caused by this technology.
A massive organized stalking apparatus is also being used against American citizens. They have the ability to follow, monitor, harass and threaten people across the country. Their numbers and enormous reach suggest government involvement and funding, possibly part of the vast Homeland Security apparatus. The architects created a government control system with ties to organized crime - utilizing tactics similar to the Stasi and the Nazis.
Many thousands of Americans are victims of organized stalking and satellite surveillance and torture. Many are incorrectly diagnosed with mental illness and forced into the mental health system. Their constitutional and human rights are under attack, and their careers, relationships, health and lives are being destroyed. Unspeakable atrocities are being committed - Crimes against Humanity as defined by the United Nations.
This will prove to be the largest crime in U.S. history, yet law enforcement, major media and the mental health profession have not even acknowledged the situation. No one is investigating these crimes. Nothing is being done to lock down the technology or stop the torture. Please share this and help us expose and end these hideous crimes.
The Roman Catholic Church
No such law in the Bible "Nowhere" in the bible do we find that Jesus or the apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day, that is, the Seventh day of the week, Saturday. Today, all Christians keep Sunday because it has been revealed to us by the [Roman] church outside the Bible." Catholic Virginian, Oct. 3, 1947
"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctified." James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (1917 ed.), pp.72,73
"If protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God on the Sabbath Day, that is Saturday. In keeping Sunday they are following a law of the Catholic Church." Albert Smith, chancellor of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, replying for the cardinal in a letter of Feb. 10, 1920.
"Have you not any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?"
"Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her, she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the Seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority" Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism 3rd ed. p. 174
How prove you that the Church hath power to command feasts and holydays?
By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of; and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church." Henry Tuberville, An Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine (1833 approbation), p.58 (Same statement in Manual of Christian Doctrine, ed. by Daniel Ferris [1916 ed.], p.67)
"The Catholic Church,... by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday.
" The Catholic Mirror, official organ of Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
"Is Saturday the 7th day according to the Bible and the 10 Commandments?"
"I answer yes".
"Is Sunday the first day of the week and did the Church change the 7th day, Saturday, for Sunday, the 1st day?"
"I answer yes".
"Did Christ change the day?"
"I answer no!" Faithfully yours, "J. Cardinal Gibbons" Gibbons' autograph letter.
Some theologians have held that God likewise directly determined the Sunday as the day of worship in the NEW LAW, that he himself has explicitly substituted Sunday for the Sabbath.
But this theory is entirely abandoned. It is now commonly held that God simply gave His church the power to set aside whatever day or days she would deem suitable as holy days. The church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time added other days as holy days."
John Laux A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies 1936, vol.1 p.51
Which is the Sabbath day?
Saturday is the Sabbath day.
Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemity from Saturday to Sunday."
Peter Geiermann, The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1946 ed.), p.50. Geiermann received the "apostolic blessing" of Pope Pius X on his labors, January 25, 1910.
"The Catholic Church changed the observance of the Sabbath to Sunday by right of the divine, infallible authority given to her by her Founder, Jesus Christ. The Protestant, claiming the Bible to be the only guide of faith, has no warrant for observing Sunday.
In this matter the Seventh Day Adventist is the only consistent Protestant. The Catholic Universe Bulletin, Aug. 14, 1942, p.4
"The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic] church." Monsignor Louis Segur, Plain Talk About the Protestantism of Today (1868), p. 213
Exodus 20: 8-11,
(8) Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. (9) Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work: (10) But the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: (11) For in six days the Lord made the heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the Seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Colossians 2:8 warns us to:
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
What power has claimed authority to change God's law?
The Papacy in Rome.
"The Pope is of so great authority and power that he can modify, explain, or interpret even Divine Laws...The Pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man, but of God, and he acts as vicegerent of God upon earth." Translated from Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca (Ready Library), "Papa", art. 2.
What part of the law of God has the papacy thought to change?
The Fourth Commandment.
"Catholics alledge the change of the Sabbath into the Lord's day, contrary, as it seemeth, to the Decalogue; and they have no example more in their mouth than the change of the Sabbath. They will needs have to be very great, because it hath dispensed with a precept of the Decalogue." The Augsburg Confession (Lutheran), part 2, art. 7, in Philip Schaff, The Creeds of Christendom (Harper), vol. 3, p. 64.
"It [the Roman Catholic Church] reversed the Fourth Commandment by doing away with the Sabbath of God's word and instituting Sunday as a holiday." N. Summerbell, History of the Christian Church (1873), p. 415.
Does the papacy acknowledge changing the Sabbath?
It does.
The Catechismus Romanus was commanded by the Council of Trent and published by the Vatican Press, by order of Pope Pius V, in 1566. This catechism for priests says: "It pleased the church of God, that the religious celebration of the Sabbath day should be transferred to 'the Lord's day. Sunday.'" Catechism of the Council of Trent (Donovan's translation, 1867), part 3, chap. 4, p. 345. The same in slightly different wording, is in the McHugh and Callan translation (1937 ed.), p. 402.
Do Catholic authorities acknowledge that there is no command in the bible for santification of Sunday?
They do.
"You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify." James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Our Fathers (1917 ed.), pp. 72,73.
How did Sunday observance originate?
As a voluntary celebration of the Resurrection, a custom without pretense of Divine authority.
Matthew 28:1 KJV States clearly that Christ Rose on the Sabbath Saturday!! IN the END of the Sabbath, as it began to Dawn TOWARD the FIRST day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher. Mat 28:6 He is not here: for he is RISEN, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.
Who first enjoined Sunday keeping by law?
Constantine the Great.
"The earliest recognition of the observance of Sunday as a legal duty is a constitution of Constantine in 321 A.D., enacting that all courts of justice, inhabitants of towns, and workshops were to be at rest on Sunday (venerabili die solis), with an exception in favor of those engaged in agricultural labor." Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., art. "Sunday".
By what church council was the observance of the seventh day forbidden and Sunday observance enjoined?
The Council of Laodicea, in Asia Minor, fourth century.
What kind of worship does the Saviour call that which is not according to God's commandments?
"But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of men." Matt. 15:9
Roman Catholic and Protestant Confessions about Sunday
The vast majority of Christian churches today teach the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, as a time for rest and worship. Yet it is generally known and freely admitted that the early Christians observed the seventh day as the Sabbath. How did this change come about?
History reveals that it was decades after the death of the apostles that a politico-religious system repudiated the Sabbath of Scripture and substituted the observance of the first day of the week. The following quotations, all from Roman Catholic sources, freely acknowledge that there is no Biblical authority for the observance of Sunday, that it was the Roman Church that changed the Sabbath to the first day of the week.
In the second portion of this booklet are quotations from Protestants. Undoubtedly all of these noted clergymen, scholars, and writers kept Sunday, but they all frankly admit that there is no Biblical authority for a first-day sabbath.
Roman Catholic Confessions
James Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of our Fathers, 88th ed., pp. 89.
"But you may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the religious observance of Saturday, a day which we never sanctify."
Stephen Keenan, A Doctrinal Catechism 3rd ed., p. 174.
"Question: Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?
"Answer: Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her-she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."
John Laux, A Course in Religion for Catholic High Schools and Academies (1 936), vol. 1, P. 51.
"Some theologians have held that God likewise directly determined the Sunday as the day of worship in the New Law, that He Himself has explicitly substituted the Sunday for the Sabbath. But this theory is now entirely abandoned. It is now commonly held that God simply gave His Church the power to set aside whatever day or days she would deem suitable as Holy Days. The Church chose Sunday, the first day of the week, and in the course of time added other days as holy days."
Daniel Ferres, ed., Manual of Christian Doctrine (1916), p.67.
"Question: How prove you that the Church hath power to command feasts and holy days?
"Answer. By the very act of changing the Sabbath into Sunday, which Protestants allow of, and therefore they fondly contradict themselves, by keeping Sunday strictly, and breaking most other feasts commanded by the same Church.'
James Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore (1877-1921), in a signed letter.
"Is Saturday the seventh day according to the Bible and the Ten Commandments? I answer yes. Is Sunday the first day of the week and did the Church change the seventh day -Saturday - for Sunday, the first day? I answer yes . Did Christ change the day'? I answer no!
"Faithfully yours, J. Card. Gibbons"
The Catholic Mirror, official publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893.
"The Catholic Church, . . . by virtue of her divine mission, changed the day from Saturday to Sunday."
Catholic Virginian Oct. 3, 1947, p. 9, art. "To Tell You the Truth."
"For example, nowhere in the Bible do we find that Christ or the Apostles ordered that the Sabbath be changed from Saturday to Sunday. We have the commandment of God given to Moses to keep holy the Sabbath day, that is the 7th day of the week, Saturday. Today most Christians keep Sunday because it has been revealed to us by the[Roman Catholic] church outside the Bible."
Peter Geiermann, C.S.S.R., The Converts Catechism of Catholic Doctrine (1957), p. 50.
"Question: Which is the Sabbath day?
"Answer: Saturday is the Sabbath day.
"Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?
"Answer. We observe Sunday instead of Saturday because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday."
Martin J. Scott, Things Catholics Are Asked About (1927),p. 136.
"Nowhere in the Bible is it stated that worship should be changed from Saturday to Sunday .... Now the Church ... instituted, by God's authority, Sunday as the day of worship. This same Church, by the same divine authority, taught the doctrine of Purgatory long before the Bible was made. We have, therefore, the same authority for Purgatory as we have for Sunday."
Peter R. Kraemer, Catholic Church Extension Society (1975),Chicago, Illinois.
"Regarding the change from the observance of the Jewish Sabbath to the Christian Sunday, I wish to draw your attention to the facts:
"1) That Protestants, who accept the Bible as the only rule of faith and religion, should by all means go back to the observance of the Sabbath. The fact that they do not, but on the contrary observe the Sunday, stultifies them in the eyes of every thinking man.
"2) We Catholics do not accept the Bible as the only rule of faith. Besides the Bible we have the living Church, the authority of the Church, as a rule to guide us. We say, this Church, instituted by Christ to teach and guide man through life, has the right to change the ceremonial laws of the Old Testament and hence, we accept her change of the Sabbath to Sunday. We frankly say, yes, the Church made this change, made this law, as she made many other laws, for instance, the Friday abstinence, the unmarried priesthood, the laws concerning mixed marriages, the regulation of Catholic marriages and a thousand other laws.
"It is always somewhat laughable, to see the Protestant churches, in pulpit and legislation, demand the observance of Sunday, of which there is nothing in their Bible."
T. Enright, C.S.S.R., in a lecture at Hartford, Kansas, Feb. 18,1884.
"I have repeatedly offered $1,000 to anyone who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says, 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' The Catholic Church says: 'No. By my divine power I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of the week.' And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in a reverent obedience to the command of the holy Catholic Church."
Protestant Confessions
Protestant theologians and preachers from a wide spectrum of denominations have been quite candid in admitting that there is no Biblical authority for observing Sunday as a sabbath.
Isaac Williams, Plain Sermons on the Catechism , vol. 1, pp.334, 336.
"And where are we told in the Scriptures that we are to keep the first day at all? We are commanded to keep the seventh; but we are nowhere commanded to keep the first day .... The reason why we keep the first day of the week holy instead of the seventh is for the same reason that we observe many other things, not because the Bible, but because the church has enjoined it."
Canon Eyton, The Ten Commandments , pp. 52, 63, 65.
"There is no word, no hint, in the New Testament about abstaining from work on Sunday .... into the rest of Sunday no divine law enters.... The observance of Ash Wednesday or Lent stands exactly on the same footing as the observance of Sunday."
Bishop Seymour, Why We Keep Sunday .
We have made the change from the seventh day to the first day, from Saturday to Sunday, on the authority of the one holy Catholic Church."
Dr. Edward T. Hiscox, a paper read before a New York ministers' conference, Nov. 13, 1893, reported in New York Examiner , Nov.16, 1893.
"There was and is a commandment to keep holy the Sabbath day, but that Sabbath day was not Sunday. It will be said, however, and with some show of triumph, that the Sabbath was transferred from the seventh to the first day of the week .... Where can the record of such a transaction be found? Not in the New Testament absolutely not.
"To me it seems unaccountable that Jesus, during three years' intercourse with His disciples, often conversing with them upon the Sabbath question . . . never alluded to any transference of the day; also, that during forty days of His resurrection life, no such thing was intimated.
"Of course, I quite well know that Sunday did come into use in early Christian history . . . . But what a pity it comes branded with the mark of paganism, and christened with the name of the sun god, adopted and sanctioned by the papal apostasy, and bequeathed as a sacred legacy to Protestantism!"
William Owen Carver, The Lord's Day in Our Day , p. 49.
"There was never any formal or authoritative change from the Jewish seventh-day Sabbath to the Christian first-day observance."
Dr. R. W. Dale, The Ten Commandments (New York: Eaton &Mains), p. 127-129.
" . . . it is quite clear that however rigidly or devotedly we may spend Sunday, we are not keeping the Sabbath - . . 'Me Sabbath was founded on a specific Divine command. We can plead no such command for the obligation to observe Sunday .... There is not a single sentence in the New Testament to suggest that we incur any penalty by violating the supposed sanctity of Sunday."
Timothy Dwight, Theology: Explained and Defended (1823), Ser. 107, vol. 3, p. 258.
" . . . the Christian Sabbath [Sunday] is not in the Scriptures, and was not by the primitive Church called the Sabbath."
Disciples of Christ
Alexander Campbell, The Christian Baptist, Feb. 2, 1824,vol. 1. no. 7, p. 164.
"'But,' say some, 'it was changed from the seventh to the first day.' Where? when? and by whom? No man can tell. No; it never was changed, nor could it be, unless creation was to be gone through again: for the reason assigned must be changed before the observance, or respect to the reason, can be changed! It is all old wives' fables to talk of the change of the Sabbath from the seventh to the first day. If it be changed, it was that august personage changed it who changes times and laws ex officio - I think his name is Doctor Antichrist.'
First Day Observance , pp. 17, 19.
"The first day of the week is commonly called the Sabbath. This is a mistake. The Sabbath of the Bible was the day just preceding the first day of the week. The first day of the week is never called the Sabbath anywhere in the entire Scriptures. It is also an error to talk about the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday. There is not in any place in the Bible any intimation of such a change."
The Sunday Problem , a study book of the United Lutheran Church (1923), p. 36.
"We have seen how gradually the impression of the Jewish sabbath faded from the mind of the Christian Church, and how completely the newer thought underlying the observance of the first day took possession of the church. We have seen that the Christians of the first three centuries never confused one with the other, but for a time celebrated both."
Augsburg Confession of Faith art. 28; written by Melanchthon, approved by Martin Luther, 1530; as published in The Book of Concord of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Henry Jacobs, ed. (1 91 1), p. 63.
"They [Roman Catholics] refer to the Sabbath Day, a shaving been changed into the Lord's Day, contrary to the Decalogue, as it seems. Neither is there any example whereof they make more than concerning the changing of the Sabbath Day. Great, say they, is the power of the Church, since it has dispensed with one of the Ten Commandments!"
Dr. Augustus Neander, The History of the Christian Religion and Church Henry John Rose, tr. (1843), p. 186.
"The festival of Sunday, like all other festivals, was always only a human ordinance, and it was far from the intentions of the apostles to establish a Divine command in this respect, far from them, and from the early apostolic Church, to transfer the laws of the Sabbath to Sunday."
John Theodore Mueller, Sabbath or Sunday , pp. 15, 16.
"But they err in teaching that Sunday has taken the place of the Old Testament Sabbath and therefore must be kept as the seventh day had to be kept by the children of Israel .... These churches err in their teaching, for Scripture has in no way ordained the first day of the week in place of the Sabbath. There is simply no law in the New Testament to that effect."
Harris Franklin Rall, Christian Advocate, July 2, 1942, p.26.
"Take the matter of Sunday. There are indications in the New Testament as to how the church came to keep the first day of the week as its day of worship, but there is no passage telling Christians to keep that day, or to transfer the Jewish Sabbath to that day."
John Wesley, The Works of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M., John Emory, ed. (New York: Eaton & Mains), Sermon 25,vol. 1, p. 221.
"But, the moral law contained in the ten commandments, and enforced by the prophets, he [Christ] did not take away. It was not the design of his coming to revoke any part of this. This is a law which never can be broken .... Every part of this law must remain in force upon all mankind, and in all ages; as not depending either on time or place, or any other circumstances liable to change, but on the nature of God and the nature of man, and their unchangeable relation to each other."
Dwight L. Moody
D. L. Moody, Weighed and Wanting (Fleming H. Revell Co.: New York), pp. 47, 48.
The Sabbath was binding in Eden, and it has been in force ever since. This fourth commandment begins with the word 'remember,' showing that the Sabbath already existed when God Wrote the law on the tables of stone at Sinai. How can men claim that this one commandment has been done away with when they will admit that the other nine are still binding?"
T. C. Blake, D.D., Theology Condensed, pp.474, 475.
"The Sabbath is a part of the decalogue - the Ten Commandments. This alone forever settles the question as to the perpetuity of the institution . . . . Until, therefore, it can be shown that the whole moral law has been repealed, the Sabbath will stand . . . . The teaching of Christ confirms the perpetuity of the Sabbath."
Benefits of Mindfulness
Practices for Improving Emotional and Physical Well-Being
Key Points
- Practicing mindfulness improves both mental and physical health.
- Mindfulness involves both concentration (a form of meditation) and acceptance. Deliberately pay attention to thoughts and sensations without judgment.
- It takes practice to become comfortable with mindfulness techniques. If one method doesn’t work for you, try another.
It’s a busy world. You fold the laundry while keeping one eye on the kids and another on the television. You plan your day while listening to the radio and commuting to work, and then plan your weekend. But in the rush to accomplish necessary tasks, you may find yourself losing your connection with the present moment—missing out on what you’re doing and how you’re feeling. Did you notice whether you felt well-rested this morning or that forsythia is in bloom along your route to work?
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment—and accepting it without judgment. Mindfulness is now being examined scientifically and has been found to be a key element in happiness.
Ancient roots, modern applications
The cultivation of mindfulness has roots in Buddhism, but most religions include some type of prayer or meditation technique that helps shift your thoughts away from your usual preoccupations toward an appreciation of the moment and a larger perspective on life.
Professor emeritus Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder and former director of the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center, helped to bring the practice of mindfulness meditation into mainstream medicine and demonstrated that practicing mindfulness can bring improvements in both physical and psychological symptoms as well as positive changes in health attitudes and behaviors.
Mindfulness improves well being
- Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life.
- Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events.
- By focusing on the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others.
Mindfulness improves physical health
If greater well-being isn’t enough of an incentive, scientists have discovered the benefits of mindfulness techniques help improve physical health in a number of ways. Mindfulness can:
- help relieve stress
- treat heart disease
- lower blood pressure
- reduce chronic pain
- improve sleep
- alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties
Mindfulness improves mental health
In recent years, psychotherapists have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems, including:
- depression
- substance abuse
- eating disorders
- couples’ conflicts
- anxiety disorders
- obsessive-compulsive disorder
Some experts believe that mindfulness works, in part, by helping people to accept their experiences—including painful emotions—rather than react to them with aversion and avoidance.
It’s become increasingly common for mindfulness meditation to be combined with psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. This development makes good sense, since both meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy share the common goal of helping people gain perspective on irrational, maladaptive, and self-defeating thoughts.
Mindfulness Techniques |
There is more than one way to practice mindfulness, but the goal of any mindfulness technique is to achieve a state of alert, focused relaxation by deliberately paying attention to thoughts and sensations without judgment. This allows the mind to refocus on the present moment. All mindfulness techniques are a form of meditation. |
Basic mindfulness meditation – Sit quietly and focus on your natural breathing or on a word or “mantra” that you repeat silently. Allow thoughts to come and go without judgment and return to your focus on breath or mantra. |
Body sensations – Notice subtle body sensations such as an itch or tingling without judgment and let them pass. Notice each part of your body in succession from head to toe. |
Sensory – Notice sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touches. Name them “sight,” “sound,” “smell,” “taste,” or “touch” without judgment and let them go. |
Emotions – Allow emotions to be present without judgment. Practice a steady and relaxed naming of emotions: “joy,” “anger,” “frustration.” Accept the presence of the emotions without judgment and let them go. |
Urge surfing – Cope with cravings (for addictive substances or behaviors) and allow them to pass. Notice how your body feels as the craving enters. Replace the wish for the craving to go away with the certain knowledge that it will subside. |
Meditation and other practices that foster mindfulness
Mindfulness can be cultivated through mindfulness meditation, a systematic method of focusing your attention.
You can learn to meditate on your own, following instructions in books or on tape. However, you may benefit from the support of an instructor or group to answer questions and help you stay motivated. Look for someone using meditation in a way compatible with your beliefs and goals.
If you have a medical condition, you may prefer a medically oriented program that incorporates meditation. Ask your physician or hospital about local groups. Insurance companies increasingly cover the cost of meditation instruction.
Getting started on your own
Some types of meditation primarily involve concentration—repeating a phrase or focusing on the sensation of breathing, allowing the parade of thoughts that inevitably arise to come and go. Concentration meditation techniques, as well as other activities such as tai chi or yoga, can induce the well-known relaxation response, which is very valuable in reducing the body’s response to stress.
Mindfulness meditation builds upon concentration practices. Here’s how it works:
- Go with the flow. In mindfulness meditation, once you establish concentration, you observe the flow of inner thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations without judging them as good or bad.
- Pay attention. You also notice external sensations such as sounds, sights, and touch that make up your moment-to-moment experience. The challenge is not to latch onto a particular idea, emotion, or sensation, or to get caught in thinking about the past or the future. Instead you watch what comes and goes in your mind, and discover which mental habits produce a feeling of well-being or suffering.
- Stay with it. At times, this process may not seem relaxing at all, but over time it provides a key to greater happiness and self-awareness as you become comfortable with a wider and wider range of your experiences.
Practice acceptance
Above all, mindfulness practice involves accepting whatever arises in your awareness at each moment. It involves being kind and forgiving toward yourself.
Some tips to keep in mind:
- Gently redirect. If your mind wanders into planning, daydream, or criticism, notice where it has gone and gently redirect it to sensations in the present.
- Try and try again. If you miss your intended meditation session, you simply start again.
By practicing accepting your experience during meditation, it becomes easier to accept whatever comes your way during the rest of your day.
Cultivate mindfulness informally
In addition to formal meditation, you can also cultivate mindfulness informally by focusing your attention on your moment-to-moment sensations during everyday activities. This is done by single-tasking—doing one thing at a time and giving it your full attention. As you floss your teeth, pet the dog, or eat an apple, slow down the process and be fully present as it unfolds and involves all of your senses.
Exercises to try on your own
If mindfulness meditation appeals to you, going to a class or listening to a meditation tape can be a good way to start. In the meantime, here are two mindfulness exercises you can try on your own.
Practicing mindfulness meditation
This exercise teaches basic mindfulness meditation.
- Sit on a straight-backed chair or cross-legged on the floor.
- Focus on an aspect of your breathing, such as the sensations of air flowing into your nostrils and out of your mouth, or your belly rising and falling as you inhale and exhale.
- Once you’ve narrowed your concentration in this way, begin to widen your focus. Become aware of sounds, sensations, and your ideas.
- Embrace and consider each thought or sensation without judging it good or bad. If your mind starts to race, return your focus to your breathing. Then expand your awareness again.
Invest in yourself
The effects of mindfulness meditation tend to be dose-related — the more you do, the more effect it usually has. Most people find that it takes at least 20 minutes for the mind to begin to settle, so this is a reasonable way to start. If you’re ready for a more serious commitment, Jon Kabat-Zinn recommends 45 minutes of meditation at least six days a week. But you can get started by practicing the techniques described here for shorter periods.
Learning to stay in the present
A less formal approach to mindfulness can also help you to stay in the present and fully participate in your life. You can choose any task or moment to practice informal mindfulness, whether you are eating, showering, walking, touching a partner, or playing with a child or grandchild. Attending to these points will help:
- Start by bringing your attention to the sensations in your body
- Breathe in through your nose, allowing the air downward into your lower belly. Let your abdomen expand fully.
- Now breathe out through your mouth
- Notice the sensations of each inhalation and exhalation
- Proceed with the task at hand slowly and with full deliberation
- Engage your senses fully. Notice each sight, touch, and sound so that you savor every sensation.
When you notice that your mind has wandered from the task at hand, gently bring your attention back to the sensations of the moment.
am a victim of electronic harassment psychotronic, a word that the Royal Academy of Spanish language considered to be of limited use.
Normal people use this technology in our city, and live among us to create ray-the need to leave our homes .... intracranial Voices.
PSYCHIC IMPRIMACION used to create EMOTIONS our cognitive system. And we believe it because we do not know the EXISTENCE of psychotronic.
Soy victima de acoso electronico con psicotronica, una palabra que la real academia de lengua española considera que es de uso restringido.
Personas normales utilizan esta tecnologia en nuestra ciudad, y viven entre nosotros para crear mediante radiaciones la necesidad de irnos de nuestras casas....Voces intracraneales.
utilizan la IMPRIMACION PSIQUICA para crear EMOCIONES en nuestro sistema cognitivo. Y nosotros nos lo creemos porque no conocemos la EXISTENCIA de la PSICOTRONICA.
Causa vinta da una vittima americana di molestie elettroniche.
(The case Kathleen Watterson in italiano)
La T.I. Kathleen Watterson vince la causa giudiziaria di attacco psicotronico satellitare. Prima causa al mondo vinta da un Targerted individual grazie ad ottimo perito. Il giudice dà ragione alla vittima sotto attacco satellitare.
Tradotto da Giuliano Caimmi
Italian translation by Giuliano Caimmi (Foundation Ferrea)
Da "Targeted Individual, Kathleen Watterson, Wins Electronic Harassment Court Case”:
Dopo uno storico caso di giustizia, dove una vittima californiana TI (ndr. Targeted Individual, in ital. bersaglio) di un’ arma a base di energia diretta a radiofrequenza di un ripetitore di telefonia mobile vinse la causa presso la Corte Superiore del distretto di “Joshua Tree”[1] contro i suoi responsabili (caso Watterson contro Aro, depositata il 3 luglio 2007), c’è stata una marea di altre vittime bersaglio e le potenti emotività, poiché tutti affermavano che segrete armi a microonde li stavano attaccando e torturando.
Il 9 luglio 2014 fu la PRIMA VOLTA (che si sappia) che le torture psicotroniche (ndr electronic harassment) discusse in un’ Aula abbiano vinto!
Levi McCann, il test esperto, e Kathleen Watterson si sono semplicemente “ritrovati per caso” di recente al più vicino Walmart[2], nel sud della California, il resto è storia. Visto che Levi si mostrava, in modo sorprendente, esperto in dispositivi elettronici e assistenza legale, si trattava perlopiù di vincere in Aula come nel caso di Kathleen (k)[3].
Levi è riuscito a rivelare che le classiche parabole[4], nel raggio di 5 miglia dalla residenza di K erano tutte puntate verso l’ Equatore laddove i satelliti orbitano intorno alla terra, tranne le parabole dell’ imputato. Levi ha ancora svelato che le parabole del vicinato erano tutte regolate per ricevere segnali tv, internet, ecc tranne le parabole dell’ imputata che, dopo alcune misurazioni con un’ analizzatore di spettro a radiofrequenze e un misuratore Trifield© di campi elettromagnetici, dimostrò che i segnali venivano veicolati verso la casa di K.
Presentando ogni evidenza, con l’aggiunta di domande e di letteratura esperta, le scarse accuse della difesa furono spazzate via, cosicché il giudice credette al testimone. Gente! Questo caso è stato esaminato con abilità e vinto con gran successo! Rimane giusto una presentazione a Settembre.
Riassumendo, K ha ottenuto un’ ingiunzione subordinata alla tortura psicotronica elettromagnetica con pene fino a 2 anni di prigione e multe fino a 5mila dollari percolazione di un ordine giudiziario.
L’ ex giudice della Corte Suprema Louis Brandeis scrisse nel 1928, gli estensori della Costituzione perseguirono l’obiettivo di “proteggere gli Americani nel loro credo, idee, emozioni, e anche i loro sensi.”
E’ per queste motivazioni che gli estensori della Costituzione confermarono, contro il Governo, il diritto di essere lasciati in pace come “il più profondo dei diritti e anche il diritto più valorizzato dalla Civiltà”.
Milioni di individui nel mondo sono bersagliati in tanti modi diversi da crescenti gruppi segreti di molestatori. I cittadini sono osservati, rintracciati, monitorati e torturati, le loro vite private sono distrutte, violate e tenute in un isolamento virtuale da famiglia e amici.
È nato il PDEHS, Prevention and Detection of Electronic Harassment and Surveil (ndr. Prevenzione e Rilevamento di torture psicotroniche e sorveglianza) per affrontare queste atrocità e farsi giustizia per quelle vittime delle azioni chiamate gangstalking che provengono da aspetti deviati dei servizi segreti militari americani come da uffici di “commissioni d’ inchiesta”, specifici liberi professionisti della difesa, corporazioni, oltre a persone e gruppi di privati cittadini.
Le audizioni Mk-Ultra della CIA che si tennero negli anni settanta rivelarono l’esistenza di piani per esperimenti di controllo mentale segreti per mano del Governo. Col procedere di queste audizioni, questi piani furono di fatto abbandonati dalla CIA. Nonostante ciò, molti ancora riferiscono vari abusi ed effetti in linea con le risultanze investigative della Commissione di Chiesa riguardanti gli abusi della privacy ad opera della CIA, FBI e NSA a quel tempo. E ora, a causa della segretezza e alla mancanza di una supervisione di un Collegio nei decenni successivi, la ricerca e lo sviluppo della tecnologia di sorveglianza e controllo mentale hanno fatto progressi molto oltre quello he la maggior parte degli americano possano immaginare.
Lista di azioni connesse al gang-stalking (o electronic harassment)
Potresti definirti una vittima di uno stalking organizzato se:
v Avverti di essere osservato o seguito dovunque vai;
v Vedi comportamenti poco educati piuttosto consistenti da individui che non conosci per motivi ovvi;
v Senti stralci di conversazioni che avevi sempre tenuto nella privacy di casa tua provenienti da gentaglia (ndr. Folks) intorno a te.
v Sei convinto che quelli attorno a te hanno accesso alle tue idee
v Le tue relazioni e amicizie si tengono lontane e si allargano per motivi non ovvi
v Sei vittima di azioni sul posto di lavoro che cercano di estrometterti
v Gli affari vanno male per motivi non ovvi
v Cominciano sistematiche forme di vandalismo
v Ti accorgi che le tue cose personali non si trovano più dove erano prima dopo aver lasciato casa, o addirittura che mancano alcuni oggetti.
v Ti ritrovi a dover riparare regolarmente la tua macchina
v Ti ritrovi a dover riparare spesso elettrodomestici o altri congegni elettronici.
v Avverti sensazioni di bruciore sulla pelle o in organi interni
v Senti punture e pruriti fastidiosi su varie parti del corpo
v Percepisci una specie di energia che entra nel tuo corpo
v Combatti con dolori estremi alla testa
v Avverti una spossatezza regolare nelle ossa
v Hai sempre problemi nel dormire
v Avverti un vociare sottomesso
v Ti accorgi che parti alternative del tuo corpo si muovono non controllate da te.
v Senti voci di altri nella testa senza alcun riferimento a malattie mentali.
Se una sostanziosa serie di queste voci in lista ti è capitata, potresti far parte di un attacco elettronico o gang-stalking.
- Vedi anche
- La sentenza, caso CIVMS n°700231, è visibile su
- Sul PDEHS :
[2] È il più grande rivenditore al dettaglio nel mondo, prima multinazionale al mondo
[3] La conclusione del caso, episodio 348, è stata registrata su , con alcuni riferimenti utili per chiedere maggiori informazioni.
[4] In inglese si chiamano “satellite dishes”:
Note personali user peacepink AtlantiTeo: Copia online ottenuta dal signor Giuliano. Ho le concessioni per questo "backup online". ][\/][
Personal note of user peacepink AtlantiTeo: Online copy obtained from Mr. Julian/Giuliano. I have concessions for this "online backup". ][\/][
Targeted Individual Kathleen Watterson Discusses Her Electronic Harassment Court Case Win- Pubblicato il 02 ago 2014
Subject: HISTORIC COURT RULING by Derrick - Kathleen Watterson's Day in Court!
In the first few days of realizing I was being heavily targeted by everyone and everything, my own mind could not believe the breadth of such a conspiracy. Weeks later I read in several websites that said the Targeted Individual program was the most atrocious criminal program the world has ever known. I agreed totally, having realized that I was being assaulted from every side. No help from anywhere. Radio host Pete Santilli, over a period of several weeks, asked many people who were in the thick of it : Is there anything worse than this harassment/torture/etc. program?? All responded "No". And for good reason. It is a program that has been designed to be horrid and deadly - with billions of dollars of govt. funding, and utilizing all the latest tech in the worst possible ways. There is simply no citizen in the world that is safe from this so called gang stalking program; indeed, if they succeed in destroying today's TI's, the entire world is theirs tomorrow. Thanks for listening, and continuing to do whatever you can in the face of this atrocious criminal program. P
(This post has now been edited to Friends Only Comments due to aggressive negative influences. If you want to contribute something positive, or constructive, Please Friend Me! We welcome your adition to the discussion)
Peacepink. ....
What does it mean? Its a kind of rose. Itc is used to represent who we chose to be as a group when we became a member.
But, how does this affect our attitude when we act among one another?
This varies. Ive seen a new member immediately put down the color, as it looked to him like a psych ward, with 'flowers all around.' I myself found the colors to be inviting and held the promise of a safe to share my experience. And i did shafe, and found comfort. I also learned much over the years about technology and methodology. Ive grown considerably.
But, things have changed. It is trye tgst some of us have had disagreements, even heated disagreements, but ever, NEVER....has there been a situation as we have now. We are allowing influences that are constant and highly aggressive to control how others view us. A few of us are trying to stand against thus influence, but we get caught up in the garbage because noone wants to adress the issue head on, and lay blame where it belongs.
So, hiw are we viewed? As a CIA front site as the Slander Mill says? Is Anyone standing up against this paintjob?
How does our sister sight FFCHS view us when we allow our members to continually steer newcomers away from what they have to offer TIs?
When one member openly admits to bashing whomever he chooses whyever he chooses, and brags about making at least 25 blogs in 8 months committed to bashing those hes personlly labeled, when he bashes Robert Duncan and other s who stand up fir us, then he is painting us Ugly!
We are Responsible For How We're Viewed!! Its time we've learned from our errors.....we know that disagreements arise, but viewing things objectivly and constructively, we Grow and Create, and thus have greater chance at succeeding against our enemy.
When we allow this form of extreme aggression to exist.....We are Choosing to become Bash-pink.
I would rather have peace-pink. What do you think??
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt
For years I lived an uneventful existence. I wasn’t happy. I wasn’t unhappy either. I was just sort of stuck.
I had a good career, earned lots of money, and I had great friends and a loving family. You would think that this doesn’t sound too bad, but I felt unfulfilled and unmotivated. I repeatedly lived each day like the one before.
I looked around me and saw that everybody within my own circle of friends, relatives, and immediate family were no different. They too seemed stuck. They seemed unmotivated—like they were living their lives on automatic pilot.
I began to question why this was. Why do so many people just accept this pattern as normal, as if this is the way it is supposed to be?
I read hundreds of books on philosophy, psychology, and spirituality. I continued with this for a couple of years until I gradually I began to see things with greater clarity. I began to wake up. Then one day, out of the blue it just hit me, like a ton of bricks.
The key to unlocking my prison door was not contained in any books I read (although they did help me somewhat). It was in my ability to accept what “is” in this moment. So I now I make that choice.
Here are 8 tips to help you make that choice:
1. Remember that you are powerful.
Most of the time we have no idea what we are supposed to be doing, or who we are supposed to be imitating. I say “imitating” because this is what we do: We conform to the external environment.
We play roles and cover up our true selves by identifying with “things” that end up defining who we think we are. I’m a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary, a lawyer; I’m sad, happy, lonely, or miserable. I’m angry, jealous, afraid, and I can’t help it—it’s who I am.
The truth is, though, we are none of those things. They are symptoms of the sleepwalking disease. You are more important than any label. We are not our professions. We are not our feelings. We are not our circumstances. We are not even our mind.
What we are is far greater, far superior, far more important, and far more mysterious than our conceptual mind tries to define. This is why we are far more powerful than we think we are.
2. Choose to embrace life.
Let go and embrace the moment, whether it contains an obstacle or an opportunity. Stop fussing over trivial matters and start focusing on what’s really important to you.
Don’t go through life expecting things to change. Life becomes hard and unfair when we decide to complain about things rather than trying to change them ourselves. Wake up to the truth that life is not a practice-run.
Be bold and courageous, and make decisions that benefit your growth. Put yourself on your imaginary death-bed and realize that time stands still for no one. Start as soon as possible to make any necessary changes you may need to.
Take the first step before more time gradually passes by while you stand still stagnating. Your choice. Your life. Your responsibility. Your power.
3. Realize that you get to control your reactions.
We create our outside reality by the thoughts and beliefs we maintain about life in general. What we believe in our inner world, we see in our outer world—not the other way around.
We all have problems, and we’re often tested by circumstances outside of our control. Even though you may not be in control of what’s going on outside of you, you most definitely can control your reaction to those situations.
We have the power because our inner world (cause) affects the influence we allow the outer world (effect) to have on us. So next time you hear somebody mention that you have great personal power, know they are 100% correct. You have more control than you think.
4. Know that no one is better qualified.
We place far too much emphasis on other people’s opinions about us, often to the exclusion of our own. This takes away from our own personal power. No matter what anybody says about you, it doesn’t hold any significance to who you truly are unless you identify or agree with them.
Stop identifying with other people’s opinions and become aware of how you see yourself. Nobody knows you better than you do. Never accept another person’s reality as your own. Always believe that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. And, most importantly, never let another person’s opinion of you affect what you believe about yourself.
5. Believe that you are more than enough.
If you have to compare yourself to someone else, let it be a person who is less fortunate, and let it be a lesson to learn just how abundant your life truly is. It’s just a matter of perspective.
You may find that you are not entirely grateful for what you possess. You may believe that you need more than you have right now to be happy. If this is the case, then you are absolutely right—you will need more, and you will continue to need more.
This cycle will perpetuate as long as your mind believes it to be true. If you focus on what you have, and not on what you lack, you will always have enough, because you will always be enough.
6. Love yourself.
You have arrived. Everything you need is right here. Cut out the distractions, open your eyes, and see that you already have everything in your possession to be happy, loved, and fulfilled.
It’s not out there. It never was out there. It’s in the same place it was since the day you were born. It’s just been covered up by all the external things you have identified with over the years.
Be yourself. Love yourself completely and accept everything that you are. You are beautiful. Believe it, and most importantly, remind yourself often.
7. Stay cool.
If someone cuts us off in traffic or skips the queue at our local cinema, we may feel our blood pressure begin to rise and feel the need to react in a negative manner. We get uptight with other people’s actions, and in the end we punish ourselves for their bad behavior.
We and up losing control over our own actions because of the way other people act. But we are responsible for our own action, regardless of how rude other people may act. If it’s hard to stay cool, remember: you are the one who loses in the end, if you lose the lesson.
8. Journey well.
We know life is about the journey and not the arrival. We don’t need to arrive if we accept that we are already here.
Be content with where you are today and don’t make the mistake of putting off being happy because you are waiting for the right moment to shine. Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to enjoy the journey.
Not everyone woke up this morning and not everyone will go to bed tonight. Life has no guarantees. Every minute you are living is a blessing that has to be experienced in the moment. It’s not always easy, but it’s alawys, your choice.
We targeted individuals have firsthand knowledge of the coming five months. I know they try to make us shudder in fear about torture but this is a warning to the world of events to come. When the apostle John wrote in Rev. 9:5 "And to them it was given to that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months : and their torment shall be as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man." This just happens to be the time limit given for most severe sleep deprivation. This was discussed in detail on a 60 Minutes report on waterboarding and sleep deprivation and diet manipulation. . The report tells of the good-cop, bad-cop torture technique we endure so often. So following intense torture expect any relief to be a request for something or to lower your defenses for the next attack. The report also stated the prisoners sleep deprivation lasted five months. The effects of short-term memory loss and the inability to break down proteins and total exhaustion are the goals of these satanists. The saddest part is the NSA had lasers in the prisoner's visual cortex recording visual images and thoughts and magnifying the pain. The torture and anquish on both prisoner and interrogators should have never happened. The interrogators had their memories repressed and the evil continues. But not much longer. "Behold, he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him...." Rev.1:7
The Lord is set to return and this is what is coming on those who refuse the mark of these NSA satanists. The scriptures have told and I can describe it because I lived thru it. The torture starts by creating a tremendous sense of awe. First, they turn your hearing wide open by laser to auditory cortex and then you have racing thoughts that assimilate everything you look at to mean seven or eight things. Things pulled from your own memory bank and the pictures to go with it. This lasted several days and they agitated the adrenal glands to the point of exhaustion. The people that think this NASA PROJECT BLUE BEAM won't effect others do not realize the laser in their heads will awestruck them. These holograms will be nothing to the real Rapture of our Lord Jesus Christ that they are trying to coincide with. This could be the start of the five months.
Then will come the sharp cracking blasts to the head and penetrating blows to the body. This is to give the illusion of an exterior force and that you are responding on your own thinking. I soon realized that it was an infrared laser striking me but did not realize they had replaced my thought voice. This came much later after months and months of torture and sleep deprivation. The goal was to distract and debilitate me from realizing that mind control lasers were inserted into my cerebellum and neocortex. People in mass will realize that every human right has been stripped away.
The search for the hidden cameras is usually the next laugh these satanists have. While I was reading they somehow knew the next paragraph and I thought there is no way a hidden camera could see that. It is hard to believe that a laser to the visual cortex could see in real time everything I could. The fact is these lasers and supercomputers can. You now have to comprehend that every shower or bathroom visit and private moment is recorded and watched. And they want you to add this to your stack of worries. If that was not enough they abuse by awful nightmares and horrific images as part of the visual cortex torture. This is where every human right is truly taken away.(see blog on shielding tips)
They know that the human brain can't process this amount of trauma that quickly so they amnesia wall yesterday and use it to create fear at a later time. This doesn't lessen the effect but suspends one in a time warp and in an extreme stress state. The sad fact is that the sleep you do get is controlled and is usually only half sleep. This technology will agitate you in your sleep and wake you up or never let you enter true REM sleep. The effects of this torture and the coming disasters could be too much on people, if they don't trust the Lord unto death. The hope of earthquakes destroying these supercomputers would help those tribulation saints to at least escape this torture matrix. Pray that earthquakes will destroy these supercomputers.
My greatest hope is that when the Lord floats down with the saints and the angels in the Rapture that He will knock these satellites out of the sky and render this power line tesla system powerless. This will make the NSA have to "mark" the hand instead of the present laser "in the forehead". People would have control of their minds back and would be able to reject the mark. We must all pray for this to happen.
Rev. 3:26 "And he that overcometh and keepeth my works til the end, to him I will give power over the nations:"