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Let this serve as a legal document.

If any settlement will be given to my heirs for the human experimentation done on me not only during the martial law era but continuously as they kept upgrading it, subjecting me to non-stop, escalating electronic harassment - all the funds will go ONLY TO MY KID/S  not to anyone in my family.

My kid's will not be under the guardianship of anyone in my family.

No member of the family or their friends are allowed to meddle in the settlement claim (ESPECIALLY NOT THE LAWYER IN THE FAMILY).

The one who will take care of my kid/s will be given a fair sum of salary (so there'll be no motive to harm my kid/s. The one taking care of the kid/s will enjoy a fair sum while she's with the kids and will also be taken care of in  pensions if she takes care of the kid/s till she/they reach the legal age. The one taking care of the kid's is also given the benefit of being able to send two kids or two people of her choosing to school (tuition and school supplies expenses) till college.

My kid/s money will be deposited in various banks and it will not be spent or withdrawn by anyone except her when she reaches 3rd year college or an age equivalent to that of a 3rd year college student's.

My kid/s money will not be transferred to any heirs if anything happens to her/them.

My kid/s can not donate her/their inheritance and cannot invest it on any business partnership or corporation.

She/they can spend it on a sole proprietorship business. In the event it succeeds, the capital and half of the profit will be plowed back to  her inheritance funds. Half of the profits she can spend any way she wants as long as it's legal and moral. She can spend it on herself, or donate some of it, or reinvest it on other business endeavors - sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation. 

For each sole proprietorship venture she/they will enter into, the capital will only be equivalent to up to 5% of her total inheritance funds. She/they can only try up to 3 ventures if the 2 prior attempts have failed. Otherwise her/their inheritance fund should not be touched and only the interests on it will be used to support her/them through life.

In case she/they  have children of her/their own, that's the only time she/they will be able to have heirs to her/their inheritance if she/they deem fit (ONLY their own blood, not adopted kids. She/They can support or give money to her/their adopted kids - if in case she/they adopt - and save up for them from the other half of the profits in her/their business ventures which  full control over, that which will  not be  plowed  back to their inheritance/settlement funds). 

She/They are required to have her/their spouse/s sign a pre-nuptial agreement that states her/their inheritance is not included in their common properties/funds and that the spouse will not be heir to it (only their kids). Again,  she has full control over half of her profits from her sole proprietorship endeavors using her inheritance funds so she will do with it as she pleases.

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Note to authorities: FBI, CIA, NBI

Please treat this as a legal document.

If I should die, no part of me will be donated, taken or removed MOST ESPECIALLY NOT MY EYES and NOT any implant in my body.

If my body will be tampered with, it will only be for an investigation of the ELECTRONIC HARASSMENT, RFID or HUMAN experimentation issue I have raised here.

I don't want anyone to use anything they used in my body on any other person or animal.

I own my body and I have more right to it than any family (pretend-family) or otherwise. Dead or alive, I have more right to it than any government so I am already declaring my right to prohibit any part of me from being taken and used on any other organism when I die.

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Who is Jack?

I will write about how i first heard about him.

But I'm not in the mood for that..

So i'll just say  this..


He was the one who kept calling me in a place he's not even supposed to know I would be in because I was only there for a few days.

Logic: only the people there (the place where I am), the people I lived in (the place I was not at when i was in another area), and the person who I informed where I was would know where to call me,

I'll write the details about this later but this is the first anonymous call I had which puzzled me because he knew stuff about my daily routine only someone who's privy to it would know.

JACK - The leader of the gang who gang-raped a girl in the house where the driver of the NPA woman I mentioned in other entries lived.

I heard this from two people. 

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The person who is getting arms supplies for the NPA REBELS is my cousin, an official in a government office.


He was the one assigned to get jueteng lords in one of the main islands here (LUZ-VI-MINDA).

The main people connected to the cybercrimes, cyber-hijacking being done worldwide via actual hardware and software control come from an extended family and their friends - from religious and political and business fronts.

Family of the person mentioned above and this syndicate (masked as religious, business, political authorities) get away with it because they have the power to control the law.

Yup, a number of them are actually here in this site.

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police whistle blower targetted individual

The application of advanced computer technology and robotics have opened a chilling new phase in asymmetrical warfare, with predator drones controlled from half a world away unleashing deadly fire on unsuspecting targets, combatant or civilian, man, woman or child alike.

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the obama administration targteted killing memo

It appears the Obama administration has another whistleblower to prosecute after someone leaked a memo to NBC’s Michael Isikoff that provides a partial justification for President Obama’s claimed — and practiced — authority to order the assassination of American citizens. The reaction from civil libertarians is what one might expect, and accurate as well. You can read the memo inside(PDF). Greenwald points out something very important:

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Instead they just line the pockets of the NGO organizers and the NGOs they organize that serve as fronts for money laundering and target-harassment machinery. (They share a little of course for PR purposes.)

Is it really that easy to set-up such money funnels here or is it just because they are backed up by the most powerful kingmakers in the country?

A search of their name/family says it all. Scam after scam after scam. Big ticket  money scams. Yet churches and reputable organizations allow them to organize their projects for them in exchange for seemingly-altruistic funding.

How altruistic can it be when these organizations and churches are being enjoined in an ARG that toys with the lives of people?

PiTy the victims when evil triumphs.

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Perp 1: Key to the well: 

1. Was in a big FOREX fiasco. Lost the money of investors.

2. Tried to commit suicide. Survived after being hospitalized.

3. Was helped to stand again by a top PC brand executive. Was given special discounts and units that didn't pass quality control. She became a PC distributor after. Made money on after-sales services (with hardware parts that didn't pass quality control, this is one dishonest way of making money). 

4. Was the source of PCs where I saw the banana hidden volume. (These PCs  would suddenly malfunction and parts  or services would be requested almost every after few months. It was only years later I discovered said hidden volumes)

5. Was the source of USB where I saw the Remote Control trojan.

6. Faked her college diploma. Even instructed me to fake my credentials. I did not.

7. Organizes events for the IT industry.

7. I believed before she was a friend till I discovered the numerous ways she duped and used me and made it look like it's the other way around. She was one of my job references before. No wonder I've been hearing comments in the office about not burning bridges. Apparently somebody said I did. 

Aunt by affinity of one major perp who used to be my roommate (yeah, my friend).

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Today I received the following article from Mojmir Babacek with a suggestion to push hard RIGHT NOW for the exposure of, and worldwide ban on, all sorts of psychotronic weapons - remote mind control technologies. I too have felt this urgency. Please do all that you can to help accomplish this.

Down Load and Distribute Free News Paper;


Ban of Psychotronic Weapons is Now Up to China and Russia

by Mojmir Babacek

   "The chances that the ban of weapons enabling remote control of  human nervous system would be enacted seemed to be very little still at the beginning of this year. But on January 21 the Globalresearch published the article „Psychotronic and Electromagnetic Weapons: Remote Control of the Human Nervous System” The next day the article reappeared in “News Beacon Ireland“ and this publication was referenced on the information website of the United Nations on January 22
     When on January 28 the article “How Far in the Future is the Ban of  Psychotronic Weapons”, with pretty much the same contents as the Globalresearch article, appeared on Indymedia in Great Brittain and in the USA, it was referenced on the information websites not only of the United Nations, but as well of the European Parliament and the U.S. government Environment Protection Agency.
     The European Union and the USA evidently manifested in this way their willingness to take part in the international negotiations aimed on the ban of those weapons and the United Nations showed their support for this intention.

     Does this mean that the use of technologies, which could  obliterate the era of respect for human freedom in history, will be terminated in a not so distant future? Not really, since those technologies could possibly be used in the next world war and cause large casualties without radioactive fallout and other shortcomings of nuclear weapons. For that matter neither the USA nor the European Union will proceed to the ban of those weapons without Chinese and Russian participation in the international negotiations. When on January 29 the same article appeared on Indymedia in Russia, it was again referenced an all three information websites (on the website of the U.S. EPA the reference is already outdated). Pretty much this time it seemed to be a
question for Russia, if it is willing to join the ban.

Russia is a democratic state and in the past it was already proposing the international ban of so called informational weapons and both Russia and China can fear the U.S. HAARP system, which supposedly is capable to target whole populations with radiation in brain frequencies and eventually stop their heartbeats. So hopefully those two countries will not support the dark future the mankind may have if the international ban of weapons capable to control human nervous system at distance is not enacted. However this current article was rejected by Russian Indymedia as a spam. The publication of this current article on Indymedia in the USA  and Great Brittain was again referenced on the information websites of the U.S. government Environment Protection Agency and European Parliament

     The shortcoming of the articles,  quoted at the beginning of this one, was that it did not mention alternative technologies of  remote manipulation of human nervous system.The Space Preservation Bill proposed by Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2001, names the following technologies enabling access to the human brain, human health impairment or the killing of people: "land-based, sea-based or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood managment or mind control of such persons or populations" It is possible that psychotronic weapons, named in the bill, use the
concept of non-local photon and electron connection. As well it is probable that the research in physics will bring out still several other concepts of remote manipulation of human nervous system.

Thus the ban of only electromagnetic manipulation of human nervous system will not yet cover the whole range of technologies enabling untraceable deprivation of life or freedom of human beings.

Petition for the worldwide ban of remote control of the human nervous system and brain can be signed at the address"

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S.L. can you just please shut up?

I know your job is to protect the people who allow you to place food on your table.

However if that would mean you have to keep badgering me so they can continue to take whatever food I also need to place in mine, do not expect me to forever hold on to my patience.

Do not act so high and mighty when it's your network whos's stealing the earnings and clients of people like me who just want to do honest, professional work.

I am near the end of my rope with you. Stop messing with my personal life or my family because you have no right to get anywhere near me.

Stop talking like you know me, you definitely don't. 

STOP USING ME just so you can worm your way into the mold you wanna lord over.

If you wanna fit in, if you wanna join the trend, do not do so at the expense of other people.

Thrive and excel by your own merits.

If you can't, don't attack and steal from those who do.

Careful, I already wanna point my finger at all of you.

You all know what evidence I have.


Get that?


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Cd's that may be helpful! I use them.

  • Let No Being Possess You
    In Body, Mind or Soul

    from The Lost Teachings of Atlantis

    The teachings do say if you are hearing voices, it may be doing you harm.  There is no doubt about that!  The teachings also do not promote channeling for Jesus never channeled.  He connected with his own Inner Being, intuition within which is also connected with the Hierarchy of Light, Angels and the true messengers of God.  The Vibrational Sounds CDs were created by Jon Peniel, author of the book/scientist/musician who crossed over in 2002.  The emotional healing one is great for it like they all do gives power to your Spirit rather than being tossed about by the negative emotions.  There is one for intuition development, our intuition is who we really are, you know those gut feelings, lie detector you have inside is what I am referring to.  Also there is Spiritual development, will power and many more.  You will find the link on the right side of the page under Vibrational Sounds.  There are also free chapters for the book you may be interested in checking out.





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Alternate Places & Idea's to Live

* Intentional communities;

* Teach English Overseas; Many countries will pay for your visa's, a car, your housing, medical insurance and more. Here is one site that you can attain your TEFL English certification for around only $400.00 for the complete teaching credentials;

* A TEFL job board; showing all the countries hiring English teachers

* House swapping!; There are many sites that help you "swap" your home for someone else's home, in any part of the world you are looking to move to. You can swap an RV camper for a home, vehicles for a home, get the idea :)

* Temporary home exchange;

Good Luck! T.S. aka egy :)


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