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peace and love from me to you...all torture victim's need to be reminded this daily!!  God says you have the Right to Peace!1  The United States Bill of RIGHTS NEES TO NOW BE UPHELD AND ENFORCED BY THE U.S. SUPREME COURT: THE 6TH (I BELIEVE) IS THE RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THE 5TH!!  THE RIGHT TO DIFFER!!!!


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Mind Control Steals Hope

Exposing a Crisis Which Can Not Remain Unnoticed

Without Lethal Consequences for All of Humanity.
by Sharon R. Poet

What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is NOT TIME for this type of response. This situation is already at a critical point.

Quote by (the late) Jim Kieth: "Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects." Read more on,

 "Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in 1950s at the Tavistock Institute, one of Britain's leading psychiatric research establishments." by Tim Rifat. Find more on:

"Brain-computer radio communication has long been considered impossible by the majority of people and has consequently been relegated to science-fiction, but the fact is that the technology had been developed into reality by at least the 1960s, during which time the initial experiments were being performed on unwitting subjects." by Jim Kieth

    Komsomolskaya Pravda stated in this article that "In 1924, chairman of the academician council of the Animal Psychology Laboratory, brilliant animal trainer Vladimir Durov wrote a book on animal training and told about his experiments on hypnosis applied to animals. In 1932, the Bekhterev Institute of Brain named after the scientist was officially charged to conduct experiments on distant interaction. In 1965-1968, the Institute of Automatics and Electroenergetics based in Novosibirsk studied mental communication between humans and animals. The materials of the study were classified and were never published officially." More can be found on It would be foolish to assume that these technologies are not also being used on human beings within the same time frames. My experiences say this has been done since the mid 1970s, but it appears to have begun much sooner than this.

Criminal targeting of individuals, and even whole communities, with microwave weapons, and remote mind control technologies, is a global crisis that has been having ill effects on most of humanity for decades now! What's happening is so outrageously inhumane that the natural response is to slip into shocked denial, overwhelm, or complete disbelief, but there is not time for this type of response. This situation needs our immediate awareness and attention.

I beg you to take this seriously, because ongoing criminal use of such technologies are a devastating reality for growing numbers of individuals, families and even whole communities. If you seriously doubt that advanced microwave technologies are in the hands of criminals who aim to harm and/or control humanity, please just read this article, and the links on it, and then listen to only the heart of your instincts. . .for your own sake as well as that of your loved ones.

My research has shown me that remote mind control, with the use of radio waves, was used by Hitler and is now being accomplished through the computerized use of combined technologies like satellites, HAARP, cell towers, glen towers and other sorts of transmitters that can emit microwaves - radio waves at the same frequency as the human brain. These technologies had been created as secret military weapons, which is why most people do not know of their existence. Since at least the 1960s, they have been unleashed on the unsuspecting world population.

Mind control on individuals is done in a similar way that remote laser surgery is done - through directing condensed beams of radio waves into specific parts of a person's brain. Depending upon which part of the brain is invaded and which frequency is used, this can either put us into a hypnotic state for the delivery of whatever messages the intruder wants to give us, or it can instigate a wide range of emotional responses. . .from mental numbness and depression to anxiety and extreme irritability. This can also be done to whole communities in a more general brainwashing, which can effectively cause mental fatigue in, as well as delivering subliminal messages to, masses of people.

It appears that there has already been a mass brainwashing against the belief that remote mind control is even possible, because most people seem unable to even think of the possibility of this devastating reality. The unusual part is that people seem to not even want to TRY to investigate it, although many books have been written about it. This sad scenario, on its own, can be proof of mass mind control, because there is scientific proof of such technologies and just a little bit of research and common sense can KNOW that they were created to be used. This is real folks.

The freedom we boast of in the USA
has already been secretly torn away.
Lets take it back.

This article is interesting“The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control” by Philip Coppens. Within it he writes, "In April 1953, CIA Allen Dulles gave a lecture at Princeton University, detailing Soviet developments in the field of mind control. He stated they were out to control the mind of free men, both individually and collectively. . . Dulles proclaimed that the Cold War was moving into a new era of psychological warfare, which Dulles characterized as the battle for men’s minds. “We might call it in its new form brain warfare. . .In the 1970s, some of this “secret war for our mind” was exposed. . ." More on this link:

In 1976 Time Magazine said, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. Embassy..." More recently, researchers and scientists are finding out that this microwave energy is used for mind control and that this may have been what was happening to the embassy from around 1961 to 1976. This gives us an idea of how long these weapons have been in use. It would be foolish to assume that these technologies have not remained in use and have not been improved upon. The fact is that they have been unleashed on an unaware population and countless numbers of people are suffering the effects without even knowing what is happening to them. Find more on,9171,911755,00.html

Tim Rifat - A History of Mind Control

The Russian Woodpecker: experiments in global mind control?

In 1976 Time Magazine said, "Last month the U.S. confirmed that for some 15 years the Soviet Union has been beaming microwaves at the hulking nine-story U.S. embassy...",9171,911755,00.html

Experiments Into Remote Mind Control Technology by Jim Keith

Mind Control and the US Government by Martin Cannon

The Truth about Remote Influencing by Tim  Rifat

Microwave Mind Control by Tim Rifat

The Secret Uses Of Microwave Mind Control... By Tim Rifat

Extracts From Mind Control Books by (the late) Jim Keith

For the sake of preserving the integrity of humanity please let your imagination take a glimpse into the forbidden atrocities that perverted criminals can perform with these secret remote technologies, which also encompass the capability of stimulating any nerve or organ in our bodies. . .including the ability to project recorded voices and/or images into or around unaware victims. . .or to instantly render a person unconscious. (Keep in mind that these technologies can see through walls and into a person's body in similar ways to that of cat scans.) Through satellite technologies, which appear to be linked to the mind control technologies, a perpetrator can be sitting at his or her computer in Russia while zooming in on a victims in the USA.

Can you imagine what kinds of abuses will continue to increase if the general public remains unaware of being held under satellite surveillance by criminals who use psychotronic weapons - mind control technologies and laser weapons on unsuspecting people?

The criminal goal is to control all of humanity through controlling our minds and preventing free will and personal growth. (I have witnessed how effective this is)

 I believe that many government, military, media and law enforcement personnel are unaware victims of remote mind control and are, at this time, being used to accomplish a silent takeover of the USA and ultimately all of humanity. Though PARTS of our own governments are obviously involved, it appears to have deep roots in secret societies, the UN, the "elite”...etc.

No matter who's involved, this is a dark occult, whose heartless tentacles are already stretching around the globe to secretly wrap themselves around the freedom and liberty that we THINK we still have.

It appears that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and growing levels of discord in our world is mostly due to the effects of wide spread remote mind control. Many of the criminals who hold the controls of these technologies appear to be sadistically aiming to cause chaos, pain and suffering. The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings tend to pull together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through.

What is now happening is not natural, not normal, not meant to be
and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

It is difficult, to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister forces are ALREADY taking control of our minds, our lives, our countries. . .our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible. The ultimate remedy is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and/or completely disable their technologies.

But until these crimes are believed and stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these crimes into public awareness and quickly develop technologies that can protect us from microwave weapons. There are technologies, which can detect and block the radio waves that humanity is being attacked with, but they are ironically becoming illegal or altered in ways that do not detect the frequencies that are being used for mind control. Sometimes it is difficult to hold onto the hope that this will be stopped, because its secrecy has enabled it to grow and remain hidden for too long. But we must.

A Few Symptoms of Remote Mind Control Many victims will only experience a faint high pitched ringing in their ears, which they may not even notice. Others may experience symptoms of mental illness (even hearing voices) and/or any number of the following symptoms and some that are not listed here. The symptoms may come on suddenly and then disappear as quickly. They may slowly increase, come and go, or continue almost constantly. There are many variables.

High pitched ringing in ears (Can be very faint) - Light headedness or dizziness mental fatigue - Forgetfulness - Sinus Problems - Faint sharp pains shooting into head - Periods of numbness in face or limbs - Burning sensation in mouth - Unusual head aches - Interrupted thoughts or speech (including forced speech) - Diminished or increased hearing or eye sight - Unusual decrease or increase in memory - Unusual depression or anxiety - Unusual thoughts - Unusual swings in emotions - Slow or sudden altered belief systems - Slow or sudden change in personal preferences - Slow or sudden change in personality - Slow or sudden change in values or morals - Aneurysms - Migraine Head Aches...etc.

Some people seem less susceptible to being completely controlled. (I'm glad to be one of these.) People who are taking mood altering drugs, like anti-depressants, are VERY susceptible to being completely controlled. In 2008 there were news reports of mood altering drugs being found in around TWO DOZEN major public water supplies in the USA. I believe that this is not a coincidence, no matter what excuse is made. This is HUGE, people. This is not just a few criminals targeting a few people!


Our own hearts and natural instincts can override SOME of the remote manipulations. BUT if we are not AWARE of what is happening we can easily confuse them with our own thoughts, feelings and instincts, and this can be devastating. . .to say the least. Through awareness and a strong will that we can avoid manipulations that are alien to our own nature. But when issues or feelings, that already have roots inside us, are triggered it is more difficult to resist.

It is critical that we quickly unite into an awareness that can form a peaceful stand to end these crimes, in order to protect our freedom and the free will that enables our inner growth.

Never, in the history of humanity has there been a more devastating holocaust or a more crucial time for humanity to rise into a peaceful fight for our freedom and well-being.

Perhaps the saddest part of this atrocity surrounds those who have figured out the full scope of what is happening. . .and have been heavily targeted, in order to discredit them and prevent their testimonies from reaching or being believed by the public. These targeted individuals have been put on a 'hit list' in a program that aims to literally destroy them in ways that are not obvious to the general public. Many are victims of remote weapon attacks and Hitler-style harassment programs (gang stalking groups). For decades now, they have been crying out for help that has not been there for them, due to our own lack of awareness. Many have died. Many have been falsely labeled with “paranoid schizophrenia” and sometimes even institutionalized. Many have been framed for crimes they did not commit. Many have been driven to commit suicide. Many have been murdered with microwaves that produce Lupus, Leukemia and other forms of cancer. Many are now fighting for OUR lives in a world that does not even acknowledge the crimes that are being committed against them.

Find more information about “Targeted Individuals” and “gang stalking” on

Note to medical, media and law enforcement personnel: PLEASE investigate this for your own sakes. . .and do not blindly judge or label a Targeted Individual. Please care to at least have them scanned for microchips, tested for cell structure and brain damage, overdoses of microwave energy...etc., instead of making them have to prove their sanity (which is an impossible task with anyone who does not realize what is REALLY happening) on top of everything else that they are being hit with.

TO ONLY YOUR OWN HEARTS. . .because not doing so is hurting us too much.

What kind of world can my weary eyes see –
What kind of world need grow to be?
A world where Love fills the void of hate
And freedom is delivered by hands of fate.
A world where everyone picks up paces
To lift broken people from wounded places.
A world where all is in a state of repair
And none are left in deep despair.

No matter how difficult life is today - no matter how much is torn away
The sun will rise on all of humanity as we embrace our hearts and set Love free.

Find more information on

This paper gre w from the news paper that formed My websites have been being tampered with so please do your own research if they become unviewable or filled with questionable content. Authors Jim Keith, Jerry E. Smith, Tim Rifat, Nicholas Kirkland Anna Keeler and others offer many references to documented proof of remote mind control technologies and their use on both military personnel and civilians since at least the 1960s. I believe that Jim Kieth and Jerry E. Smith were inconspicuously murdered when they began figuring out that remote mind control technologies have been being used on an unsuspecting populous for DECADES now. Lets not let their deaths be in vein. You can also do web searches and see what you find. But remember that many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, please let the heart of your own instincts do the searching. And please help spread the word as quickly as possible.

I am a targeted individual who is being slowly murdered with microwave weapons - I am being held under surveillance, gang stalked, threatened and attacked with remote technologies for witnessing, for knowing, for writing and perhaps even for being a decent independent writer/human being who focused on personal/spiritual growth. I had perfect credit and owned my own home and businesses prior to these parts of my life being destroyed. My birth name was Sharon Yvette LaBree. My Married name was Sharon Buck. My pen name was Namatari. I was born and raised in New Boston, NH - USA and I believe that my whole family and residents of the Hillsborough County Nursing Home had been being used for remote technological experimentation since the 1970s. Please help this statement be recorded in the event of my death. My legal name is now Sharon R.Poet, PO Box 383, Mont Vernon, NH 03057 USA.
A World Gone Crazy
I believe that the general numbness, the growing lack of care and growing levels of discord in the world are mostly due to the effects of wide spread remote mind control. (The radio waves that are being imposed upon us are literally driving us crazy.) The rise in crimes are being blamed on economic difficulties. But the truth is that, by nature, human beings naturally pull together during tough times - letting our Hearts help each other through. What is now happening in most societies is not natural, not normal, not meant to be. . .and is a criminal assault on an unsuspecting and defenseless populous.

It is difficult, to say the least, to face these facts and realize that such sinister forces are ALREADY taking control of our countries, our minds, our lives - our world. However, we must not only face this, but also rise up and do all that we can to stop it as quickly as possible. If you think this will not effect you. . .think again.

The ultimate remedy is to fully prosecute the criminals who are leading such atrocities and disable the technologies that are being used. But until these crimes are believed and stopped, by either a united public or agencies that are supposed to be protecting us. . .the only protection we have is to help bring these crimes into public awareness and quickly develop and legalize technologies that can jam theirs.

Authors Jim Keith and Jerry E. Smith offer many references to documented proof of mind control technologies. Look up "Haarp: The Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy (The Mind-Control Conspiracy Series)" by Jerry E. Smith, and remember that HAARP is only one of many similar technologies. Also look up "Mind Control, World Control" and "Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness" by Jim Keith. (I believe that these two authors were inconspicuously murdered when they began figuring out what is happening with remote mind control technologies.) You can also do a Yahoo search on "Remote Mind Control" and see what you find. Many accurate sites have been taken down. And there are many sites set up to intentionally misinform and confuse the public. So, let your own instincts do the searching.
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我有幸作为一个旁听者出席了一个加拿大的法庭的审理。被告很多,有洋人, 黑人和中国人。当然中国人占大多数。


到了中国被告, 情况就不一样了. 他们的站在法官前的姿势,就已经告诉我了,他们是”罪人”了。

我有一次去中国超市买鱼,由于是促销,排了很长的队. 一个印度模样的女人,来到了,就想买. 我当然要制止她,告诉她要排队.出乎我预料的是,卖鱼的说: 让老外先买吧。我问为什么.卖鱼的说,"老外没有耐性,要不就走了。" 我的hell, 我在洋人超市买东西,"老外” 从来没有不排队的,不管队有多长. 

好了,到了正题了.在海外,中国人自己害自己,那本事可就不一般了.如果,再有洋人背后撑腰,他们可就成了一条地地道道的running dog.你当狗,没人反对,人各有志,效忠给你工钱的主人, 而且,你并没有妨害他人. 可是,你当了running dog,并且疯狂的咬人,害人.那可就不行了.

我通过一些方式劝戒我的中国邻居,希望他们夫妇能停止任何GANG STALKING.(他们是如何知道我在我房间里的准确位置,然后突然,敲击或者拍我们共邻的墙的哪?)




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Other nation's elections too, actually but the recent US elections manifested remote control of the smart election machines.Find the experimental town and you will identify who the people behind the control of this technology is.They will use the RACE CARD. Find out why.A Message to the Black Community (if I do not know the proper political term, sorry, i do not know what it should be. you can correct me):This is not about you. This is not against you. Let's work together in finding the evil ones amongs us who use our race, our color as a shield to hide crimes.Before the color, before the race, we are all human beings. Let's find who the traitors amongst us are. Those willing to capitalize on the politics of color to betray fellow human beings, whatever the color.This will cause a dent in history but I believe all of us want a better world for our children even if it means we have to unearth skeletons that will mar our memory of what we thought our history is all about.We are all being used to hide the propaganda of some powerful individuals.I hope we will not protect the very people behind this electronic genocide just to protect our mark in history, just to protect our nation's reputation.We still are capable of creating better reputations.Let's start by creating honest ones.Let's identify the traitors to the human race in our midst.
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Reference: OTP-CR-70/07/002

also-  OTP-CR-70/07 John Finch, Australia
EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07 Soleilmavis Liu, China
EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09 James Gee, China

M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor, ICC

Dear Mr Dillon

Please find attached our updated over 1400 electronic torture, abuse and experimentation, and organised stalking, victims’ case summaries from all over the world.

Please read these case summaries to get a real understanding of how horrific, cruel and bizarre these tortures and experimentations are – many of them continuing 24/7 year-in-year-out.

These are crimes against humanity according to the Rome Statute in that they include -

1. Enslavement;
2. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;
3. Torture;
4. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;
5. Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.

These atrocities are being done to thousands of victims remotely with electronic or microwave technology.

These are transnational crimes and victims have not been able to gain assistance or justice from local, national or any other authorities.

Some of our ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION CASES detail the most extreme and totalitarian violations of human rights in human history, including the most horrendous psychological tortures, rapes, sexual abuse, physical assaults, surgical mutilations, ‘mind control’, and other mental and physical mutilations.

Among other things the perpetrators of these crimes can place the human subject under continuous surveillance no matter where he/she is; they can monitor the human brain, including thoughts, reactions, motor commands, auditory events and visual images; they can continuously alter consciousness, introduce voices, noises, other disturbances, commands, images and "dreams" into the brain; and they can directly abuse, torture and hit bodies - including performing advanced medical procedures - from remote locations. The technology they are using is so advanced that it allows the controller(s) to see through the eyes of the targeted individual, essentially seeing whatever the victim sees.

Many of us are being tortured and abused in these ways 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – year in year out.

These are extreme and monstrous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - indescribably terrible in themselves - coupled with the ORWELLIAN secrecy and denial of any support at all that we are experiencing, makes them even more horrendous and monstrous.

We have contacted most Governments, Security/Intelligence Agencies, Religious Organisations, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world - over and over and over again – and have had our appeals for assistance, protection and/or publicity almost completely ignored and/or suppressed.

Some TARGETED INDIVIDUALS have been attempting to gain assistance, protection and/or publicity about these crimes since the 1990s - and even earlier - this extends as far back into the history of illegal ‘scientific and medical’ testing and experimentation as MKULTRA, COINTELPRO and the DUPLESSIS ORPHANS - and further.

We are still collecting CASE SUMMARIES from TARGETED INDIVIDUALS all over the world, and we have also advised them to send them to you - “THE SELECTED WITNESSES” - TO WITNESS, RECORD AND OPPOSE so that :-

A. We can be sure that as many people as possible know about these horrendous crimes.

B. We can be sure that these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are either trying to uphold the rule of National, International and Human Rights Law, and that we will, sooner or later, be protected by these laws.

C. Or that we can be sure these AUTHORITIES and ORGANISATIONS are complicit and/or acquiescent to these CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and that National, International and Human Rights Law no longer apply - in which case our task will be to get the rule of these laws restored.

Later these records should become an information source - such as the INTERNATIONAL TRACING OFFICE set up to record the fates and whereabouts of Jews (and others?) after WW11. The information collected can then be used by the appropriate people for LEGAL, MEDICAL, WELFARE, HISTORICAL etc. records.

As well as being illegal the crimes being committed against us are contrary to the Principles and Values of all the major religions and ethical systems - so we will also be demonstrating to all of these people and AUTHORITIES AND ORGANISATIONS the huge disconnect between their professed Principles and Values and the reality. We will be showing their monstrous Doublespeak Doublethink Doubledo ignorance, stupidity and/or hypocrisy.

It is no exaggeration to say our cases are as horrendous and urgent as people fleeing Nazi or Pol Pot concentration camps – specifically Dr Mengele-type torturers and butchers.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology

By Carol Smith Journal of Psycho-Social Studies 2003, Global Research, October 18, 2007

“We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use.” [Excerpt]

For those of us who were trained in a psychoanalytical approach to the patient which was characterised as patient centred, and which acknowledged that the effort to understand the world of the other person entailed an awareness that the treatment was essentially one of mutuality and trust, the American Psychiatry Association’s Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal personality was always a cause for alarm. The Third Edition (1987) of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) required that there be at least four of the characteristics set out for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and an approved selection of four could be: magical thinking, telepathy or sixth sense; limited social contact; odd speech; and over-sensitivity to criticism. By 1994, the required number of qualifying characteristics were reduced to two or more, including, say, hallucinations and ‘negative ‘ symptoms such as affective flattening, or disorganised or incoherent speech – or only one if the delusions were bizarre or the hallucination consisted of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person’s behaviour or thoughts. The next edition of the DSM is not due until the year 2010.

In place of a process of a labelling which brought alienation and often detention, sectioning, and mind altering anti-psychotic medication, many psychoanalysts and psychotherapists felt that even in severe cases of schizoid withdrawal we were not necessarily wasting our time in attempting to restore health by the difficult work of unravelling experiences in order to make sense of an illness. In this way, psychoanalysis has been, in its most radical form, a critic of a society, which failed to exercise imaginative empathy when passing judgement on people. The work of Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Harold Searles or R.D. Laing – all trained as psychiatrists and all of them rebels against the standard procedures – provided a way of working with people very different from the psychiatric model, which seemed to encourage a society to repress its sickness by making a clearly split off group the carriers of it. A psychiatrist in a mental hospital once joked to me, with some truth, when I commented on the number of carrier bags carried by many of the medicated patients around the hospital grounds, that they assessed the progress of the patient in terms of the reduction of the number of carrier bags. It is too often difficult to believe, however, when hearing the history of a life, that the “schizophrenic” was not suffering the effects of having been made, consciously and unconsciously, the carefully concealed carrier of the ills of the family.

For someone who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the psychiatric examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the situation of the assessment procedure itself, can be ‘an effective way to drive someone crazy, or more crazy.’ (Laing, 1985, p 17). But if the accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about how their symptoms are being diagnosed. A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means.

Harnessing neuroscience to military capability, this technology is the result of decades of research and experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States. (Welsh, 1997, 2000) We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use. The patents deriving from Bernard J. Eastlund’s work provide the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than accomplished by the prior art, the detonation of nuclear devices at various yields and various altitudes. (ref High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, HAARP).

Some patents, now owned by Raytheon, describe how to make “nuclear sized explosions without radiation” and describe power beam systems, electromagnetic pulses and over-the-horizon detection systems. A more disturbing use is the system developed for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a device for causing negative effects on human health and thinking. The victim, the innocent civilian target is locked on to, and unable to evade the menace by moving around. The beam is administered from space. The Haarp facility as military technology could be used to broadcast global mind-control, as a system for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). The super-powerful radio waves are beamed to the ionosphere, heating those areas, thereby lifting them. The electromagnetic waves bounce back to the earth and penetrate human tissue.

Dr Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow, says: “It is easily conceivable that some Russian ‘Satan’, or let’s say Iranian – or any other ‘Satan’, as long as he owns the appropriate means and finances, can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables…and intercept the radio waves in the ether and modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. This is why such technology is rightfully feared.”(German TV documentary, 1998).

If we were concerned before about diagnostic criteria being imposed according to the classification of recognizable symptoms, we have reason now to submit them to even harsher scrutiny. The development over the last decades since the Cold War arms race has included as a major strategic category, psycho-electronic weaponry, the ultimate aim of which is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced, undebated and largely unacknowledged by scientists or by the governments who employ them – technology to enter and control minds from a distance has been unleashed upon us. The only witnesses who are speaking about this terrible technology with its appalling implications for the future, are the victims themselves and those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness are attempting to silence them by classifying their evidence and accounts as the symptoms of schizophrenia, while the dispensers of psychic mutilation and programmed pain continue with their work, aided and unopposed.

If it was always crucial, under the threat of psychiatric sectioning, to carefully screen out any sign of confused speech, negativity, coldness, suspicion, bizarre thoughts, sixth sense, telepathy, premonitions, but above all the sense that “others can feel my feelings, and that someone seemed to be keeping up a running commentary on your thoughts and behaviour,” then reporting these to a psychiatrist, or anyone else for that matter who was not of a mind to believe that such things as mind-control could exist, would be the end of your claim to sanity and probably your freedom. For one of the salient characteristics of mind-control is the running commentary, which replicates so exactly, and surely not without design, the symptoms of schizophrenia. Part of the effort is to remind the victim that they are constantly under control or surveillance. Programmes vary, but common forms of reminders are electronic prods and nudges, body noises, twinges and cramps to all parts of the body, increasing heart beats, applying pressures to internal organs – all with a personally codified system of comments on thoughts and events, designed to create stress, panic and desperation. This is mind control at its most benign. There is reason to fear the use of beamed energy to deliver lethal assaults on humans, including cardiac arrest, and bleeding in the brain.

It is the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling prospect. There have been warning voices. “…the government secrecy system as a whole is among the most poisonous legacies of the Cold War …the Cold War secrecy (which) also mandate(s) Active Deception…a security manual for special access programs authorizing contractors to employ ‘cover stories to disguise their activities. The only condition is that cover stories must be believable.” (Aftergood & Rosenberg, 1994; Bulletin of Atomic Scientist). Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies.

In the United Kingdom the fortifications against any disturbing glimmer of awareness of such actual or potential outrages against human rights and social and political abuses seem to be cast in concrete. Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets, the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme. To borrow Her Majesty the Queen’s recent observation: “There are forces at work of which we are not aware.” One cannot say that there is no British Intelligence on the matter, as it is quite unfeasible that the existence of the technology is not classified information. Indeed it is a widely held belief that the women protesting against the presence of cruise missiles at Greenham Common were victims of electro-magnetic radiation at gigahertz frequency by directed energy weapons, and that their symptoms, including cancer, were consistent with such radiation effects as reported by Dr Robert Becker who has been a constantly warning voice against the perils of electro-magnetic radiation. The work of Allen Frey suggests that we should consider radiation effects as a grave hazard producing increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and weakening crucial defenses of the central nervous system against toxins. (Becker, 1985, p. 286). Dr Becker has written about nuclear magnetic resonance as a familiar tool in medecine known as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Calcium efflux is the result of cyclotronic resonance which latter can be explained thus: If a charged particle or ion is exposed to a steady magnetic field in space, it will begin to go into a circular or orbital, motion at right angles to the applied magnetic field.The speed with which it orbits will be determined by the ratio between the charge and the mass of the particle and by the strength of the magnetic field. (Becker, 1990,p.235) The implications of this for wide scale aggression by using a combination of radar based energy and the use of nuclear resonating are beyond the scope of the writer, but appear to be worth the very serious consideration of physicists in assessing how they might be used against human beings.

Amongst medical circles, however, it has so far not been possible for the writer to find a neuroscientist, neurologist or a psychiatrist, nor for that matter, a general medical practitioner, who acknowledges even the potential for technological manipulation of the nervous system as a problem requiring their professional interest. There has been exactly this response from some of England’s most eminent practitioners of the legal profession, not surprisingly, because the information about such technology is not made available to them. They would refer anyone attempting to communicate mind- harassment as a psychiatric problem, ignoring the crime that is being committed.

The aim here is not to attempt a comprehensive history and development of the technology of mind control. These very considerable tasks – which have to be done under circumstances of the most extreme difficulty – have been addressed with clarity and courage by others, who live with constant harm and threats, not least of all contemptuous labelling. Their work can be readily accessed on the internet references given at the end of this paper. For a well-researched outline of the historical development of electro-magnetic technology the reader should refer to the timeline of dates and electromagnetic weapon development by Cheryl Welsh, president of Citizens against Human Rights Abuse. (Welsh 1997; 2001). There are at least one and a half thousand people worldwide who state they are being targeted. Mojmir Babacek, now domiciled in his native Czech Republic, after eight years of residence in the United States in the eighties, has made a painstakingly meticulous review of the technology, and continues his research. (Babacek 1998, 2002)

We are concerned here with reinforcing in the strongest possible terms:

i) The need for such abuses to human rights and the threats to democracy to be called to consciousness, and without further delay.

ii) To analyse the reasons why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence of such threats.

iii) To address the urgent need for intelligence, imagination, and information – not to mention compassion – in dealing with the victims of persecution from this technology, and

iv) To alert a sleeping society, to the imminent threats to their freedom from the threat from fascist and covert operations who have in all probability gained control of potentially lethal weaponry of the type we are describing.

It is necessary to emphasise that at present there is not even the means for victims to gain medical attention for the effects of radiation from this targeting. Denied the respect of credulity of being used as human guinea pigs, driven to suicide by the breakdown of their lives, they are treated as insane – at best regarded as ‘sad cases’. Since the presence of a permanent ‘other’ in one’s mind and body is by definition an act of the most intolerable cruelty, people who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it, have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they don’t want to hear or understand about evil forces at work in their society.

It is necessary, at this point, to briefly outline a few – one might say the precious few – attempts by public servants to verify the existence and dangers inherent in this field:

  • In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns…and constitute “a serious risk to society.” (“Nature.” Vol 391, 1998.
  • In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls “ for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.” (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)
  • In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)

In reviewing the development of the art of mind-invasive technology– there are a few outstanding achievements to note:

In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society”. In essence, he displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical stimulation of the brain which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities, functions and sensations, – by means of electrical stimulation, how the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion. Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob, which controlled the intensity of the electric current. He states at the end of his book the hope that the new power will remain limited to scientists or some charitable elite for the benefit of a “psychocivilized society.”

In the 1980’s the neuromagnetometer was developed which functions as an antenna and could monitor the patterns emerging from the brain. (In the seventies the scientists had discovered that electromagnetic pulses enabled the brain to be stimulated through the skull and other tissues, so there was no more need to implant electrodes in the brain). The antenna, combined with the computer, could localize the points in the brain where the brain events occur. The whole product is called the magnetoencephalograph.

In January 2000 the Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr John D. Norseen, was quoted (US News and World Report, 2000) as hoping to turn the electrohypnomentalaphone, a mind reading machine, into science fact. Dr Norseen, a former Navy pilot, claims his interest in the brain stemmed from reading a Soviet book in the 1980’s claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. By a process of deciphering the brain’s electrical activity, electromagnetic pulsations would trigger the release of the brain’s own transmitters to fight off disease, enhance learning, or alter the mind’s visual images, creating a ‘synthetic reality’. By this process of BioFusion, (Lockheed Martin, 2000) information is placed in a database, and a composite model of the brain is created. By viewing a brain scan recorded by (functional) magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of recording – say reading or writing, or recognise emotions from love to hate. “If this research pans out”, says Norseen, “you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.” But Norseen says he is ‘agnostic’ on the moral ramifications, that he’s not a mad scientist – just a dedicated one. “The ethics don’t concern me,” he says, “but they should concern someone else.”

The next big thing looks like being something which we might refer to as a neurocomputer but it need not resemble a laptop – it may be reducible to whatever size is convenient for use, such as a small mobile phone. Arising from a break-through and exploitation of PSI-phenomena, it may be modelled on the nervous-psychic activity of the brain – that is, as an unbalanced, unstable system of neurotransmitters and interacting neurones, the work having been derived from the creation of a copy of a living brain – accessed by chance, and ESP and worked on by design.

On receiving a communication from the writer on the feasibility of a machine being on the horizon which, based on the project of collecting electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain and transmitting them into another brain that would read a person’s thoughts, or using the same procedure in order to impose somebody else’s thoughts on another brain and in this way direct his actions – there was an unequivocal answer from IBM at executive level that there was no existing technology to create such a computer in the foreseeable future. This is at some variance with the locating of a patent numbered 03951134 on the Internet pages of IBM Intellectual Property Network for a device, described in the patent, as capable of picking up at a distance the brain waves of a person, process them by computer and emit correcting waves which will change the original brain waves. Similar letters addressed to each of the four top executives of Apple Inc., in four individual letters marked for their personal attention, produced absolutely no response. This included the ex- Vice President of the United States, Mr Al Gore, newly elected to the Board of Directors of Apple.

Enough people have been sufficiently concerned by the reports of victims of mind control abuse to organise The Geneva Forum, in 2002, held as a joint initiative of the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva; the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; the International Committee of the Red cross, and the Human Rights Watch (USA), and Citizens against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA); and the Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, which was represented by the Professor and Senior Lecturer from the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.

In England, on May 25, 1995, the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. carried an article based on a report by Nic Lewer, the peace researcher from Bradford University, which listed “more than 30 different lines of research into ‘new age weapons’…”some of the research sounds even less rational. There are, according to Lewer, plans for ‘pulsed microwave beams’ to destroy enemy electronics, and separate plans for very-low-frequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry.” Further, the article states, “There are plans for ‘mind control’ with the use of ‘psycho-correction messages’ transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for ‘psychotronic weapons’ – apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations – and another to use holographic projection to disseminate propaganda and misinformation.” (Welsh, Timeline). Apart from this notable exception it is difficult to locate any public statement of the problem in the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately, the problem of credulity does not necessarily cease with frequent mention, as in the United States, in spite of the number of reported cases, there is still not sufficient public will to make strenuous protest against what is not only already happening, but against what will develop if left unchecked. It appears that the administration believes that it is necessary and justifiable, in the interests of national security, to make experimental human sacrifices, to have regrettable casualties, for there to be collateral damage, to suffer losses in place of strife or war. This is, of course, totally incompatible with any claims to be a democratic nation which respects the values of human life and democracy, and such an administration which tutors its servants in the ways of such barbaric tortures must be completely condemned as uncivilised and hypocritical.

Disbelief as a Defence Mechanism

In the face of widespread disbelief about mind-control, it seems worth analysing the basis of the mechanisms employed to maintain disbelief:

i) In the sixties, Soviet dissidents received a significant measure of sympathy and indignant protest from western democracies on account of their treatment, most notedly the abuse of psychiatric methods of torture to which they were subjected. It is noteworthy that we seem to be able to access credulity, express feelings of indignant support when we can identify with victims, who share and support our own value system, and who, in this particular historical case, reinforced our own values, since they were protesting against a political system which also threatened us at that time. Psychologically, it is equally important to observe that support from a safe distance, and the benefits to the psyche of attacking a split-off ‘bad father’, the soviet authorities in this case, presents no threat to one’s internal system; indeed it relieves internal pressures. On the other hand, recognizing and denouncing a similar offence makes very much greater psychic demands of us when it brings us into conflict with our own environment, our own security, our own reality. The defence against disillusion serves to suppress paranoia that our father figure, the president, the prime minister, our governments – might not be what they would like to be seen to be.

ii) The need to deposit destructive envy and bad feelings elsewhere, on account of the inability of the ego to acknowledge ownership of them – reinforces the usefulness of persons or groups, which will serve to contain those, disowned, projected feelings which arouse paranoid anxieties. The concepts of mind-invasion strike at the very heart of paranoid anxiety, causing considerable efforts to dislodge them from the psyche. The unconscious identification of madness with dirt or excrement is an important aspect of anal aggression, triggering projective identification as a defence.

iii) To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.

iv) The defence against the unknown finds expression in the split between theory and practice; between the scientist as innovator and the society who can make the moral decisions about his inventions; between fact and science fiction, the latter of which can present preposterous challenges to the imagination without undue threat, because it serves to reinforce a separation from the real.

v) Identification with the aggressor. Sadistic fantasies, unconscious and conscious, being transferred on to the aggressor and identified with, aid the repression of fear of passivity, or a dread of punishment. This mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness. This is a common feature of satanic sects.

vi) The liberal humanist tradition which denies the worst destructive capacities of man in the effort to sustain the belief in the great continuity of cultural and scientific tradition; the fear, in one’s own past development, of not being ‘ongoing’, can produce the psychic effect of reversal into the opposite to shield against aggressive feelings. This becomes then the exaggerated celebration of the ‘new’ as the affirmation of human genius which will ultimately be for the good of mankind, and which opposes warning voices about scientific advances as being pessimistic, unenlightened, unprogressive and Luddite. Strict adherence to this liberal position can act as overcompensation for a fear of envious spoiling of good possessions, i.e. cultural and intellectual goods.

vii) Denial by displacement is also employed to ignore the harmful aspects of technology. What may be harmful for the freedom and good of society can be masked and concealed by the distribution of new and entertaining novelties. The technology, which puts a camera down your gut for medical purposes, is also used to limit your freedom by surveillance. The purveyors of innovative technology come up with all sorts of new gadgets, which divert, entertain and feed the acquisitive needs of insatiable shoppers, and bolster the economy. The theme of “Everything’s up to date in Kansas City” only takes on a downside when individual experience – exploding breast implants, say – takes the gilt off the gingerbread. Out of every innovation for evil (i.e. designed for harming and destroying) some ‘good’ (i.e. public diversion or entertainment) can be promoted for profit or crowd-pleasing.

viii) Nasa is sending a spacecraft to Mars, or so we are told. They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life. We do not hear dissenting voices about its feasibility.

Why is it that, when a person accounts that their mind is being disrupted and they are being persecuted by an unseen method of invasive technology, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe them? Could it be that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? Conversely, the shared experience of the blasting of objects into space brings with it the possibilities of shared potency or the relief that resonates in the unconscious of a massive projection or evacuation – a shared experience which is blessed in the name of man’s scientific genius.

ix) The desire ‘not to be taken in’, not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and common defence mechanism against credulity.

Power, Paranoia and Unhealthy Governments

The ability to be the bearer and container of great power without succumbing to the pressures of latent narcissistic psychoses is an important matter too little considered. The effect of holding power and the expectation and the need to be seen as capable of sustaining it, if not exercising it, encourages omnipotence of thought. In the wake of this, a narcissistic overevaluation of the subject’s own mental processes may set in. In the effort to hold himself together as the possessor, container and executor of power, he (or indeed, she) may also, undergo a process of splitting which allows him, along with others, to bear enthralled witness of himself in this illustrious role. This may mean that the seat of authority is vacated, at least at times. The splitting process between the experiencing ego and the perceiving ego allows the powerful leader to alternate his perception of himself inside and outside, sometimes beside, himself. With the reinforcement of himself from others as his own narcissistic object, reality testing is constrained. In this last respect, he has much in common with the other powerful figure of the age, the movie star. or by those, in Freud’s words, who are “ruined by success.”

In a world, which is facing increasing disillusion about the gulf between the public platforms on which governments are elected, and the contingencies and pragmatics of retaining defence strategies and economic investments, the role of military and intelligence departments, with their respective tools of domination and covert infiltration, is increasingly alarming. Unaccountable to the public, protected from exposure and prosecution by their immunity, licensed to lie as well as to kill, it is in the hands of these agents that very grave threats to human rights and freedom lies. Empowered to carry out aggression through classified weapon experimentation which is undetectable, these men and women are also open to corruption from lucrative offers of financial reward from powerful and sinister groups who can utilize their skills, privileged knowledge and expertise for frankly criminal and fascist purposes.

Our information about the psychological profiles of those who are employed to practice surveillance on others is limited, but it is not difficult to imagine the effects on the personality that would ensue with the persistent practice of such an occupation, so constantly exposed to the perversions. One gains little snatches of insight here and there. In his book on CIA mind control research (Marks, 1988), John Marks quotes a CIA colleague’s joke (always revealing for personality characteristics): “If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person’s sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast.” (One wonders if the same amusement is derived from the ability to apply, say infra-sound above 130 decibels, which is said to cause stoppage of the heart, according to one victim/activist from his readings of a report for the Russian Parliament.)

Left to themselves, these servants of the state may well feel exempt from the process of moral self-scrutiny, but the work must be dehumanising for the predator as well as the prey. It is probably true that the need to control their agents in the field was an incentive to develop the methods in use today. It is also an effectively brutalising training for persecuting others. Meanwhile the object, the prey, in a bid for not only for survival but also in a desperate effort to warn his or her fellows about what is going on, attempts to turn himself into a quantum physicist, a political researcher, a legal sleuth, an activist, a neurologist, a psychologist, a physiologist – his own doctor, since he cannot know what effects this freakish treatment might have on his body, let alone his mind. There are always new methods to try out which might prove useful in the search to find ways of disabling and destroying opponents – air injected into brains and lungs, lasers to strike down or blind, particle beams, sonar waves, or whatever combination of energies to direct, or destabilise or control.

Science and Scepticism

Scientists can be bought, not just by governments, but also by sinister and secret societies. Universities can be funded by governments to develop technology for unacceptably inhumane uses. The same people who deliver the weapons – perhaps respected scientists and academics – may cite the acceptable side of scientific discoveries, which have been developed by experimenting on unacknowledged, unfortunate people. In a cleaned up form, they are then possibly celebrated as a break-through in the understanding of the natural laws of the universe. It is not implausible that having delivered the technical means for destruction, the innovator and thinker goes on, wearing a different hat, to receive his (or her) Nobel Prize. There are scientists who have refused to continue to do work when they were approached by CIA and Soviet representatives. These are the real heroes of science.

In the power struggle, much lies at stake in being the first to gain control of ultimate mind-reading and mind-controlling technology. Like the nuclear bomb, common ownership would seem by any sane calculations to cancel out the advantage of possession, but there is always a race to be the first to possess the latest ultimate means of mass destruction. The most desirable form is one that can be directed at others without contaminating oneself in the process – one that can be undetected and neatly, economically and strategically delivered. We should be foolish to rule out secret organisations, seeing threat only from undemocratic countries and known terrorist groups.

As consumers in a world which is increasingly one in which shopping is the main leisure activity, we should concern ourselves to becoming alert to the ways in which human welfare may have been sacrificed to produce an awesome new gadget. It may be the cause for celebration for the ‘innovator’, but brought about as the result of plugging in or dialling up the living neuronal processes of an enforced experimentee. If we are concerned not to eat boiled eggs laid by battery hens, we might not regard it morally irrelevant to scrutinise the large corporations producing electronically innovative ‘software.’ We might also be wary about the origins of the sort of bland enticements of dating agencies who propose finding your ideal partner by matching up brain frequencies and ‘bio-rhythms’.

We do not know enough about the background of such technology, nor how to evaluate it ethically. We do not know about its effects on the future, because we are not properly informed. If governments persist in concealing the extent of their weapon capability in the interests of defence, they are also leaving their citizens disempowered of the right to protest against their deployment. More alarmingly, they are leaving their citizens exposed to their deployment by ruthless organisations whose concerns are exactly the opposite of democracy and human rights.

Back in the United Kingdom

Meanwhile, back in England, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Professor Colin Blakemore, also the elective Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council writes to the author that he “… knows of no technology (not even in the wildest speculations of neuroscientists) for scanning and collecting ‘neuronal data’ at a distance.” (Blakemore, 2003, ) This certitude is at distinct variance with the fears of other scientists in Russia and the United States, and not least of all with the fears of the French neuroscientist, Jean-Pierre Changeux of the French National Bioethics Committee already quoted (see page 5). It is also very much at odds with the writing of Dr Michael Persinger from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. His article “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Algorithms” (1995), he describes the ways that individual differences among human brains can be overcome and comes to a conclusion about the technological possibilities of influencing a major part of the approximately six billion people on this planet without mediation through classical sensory modalities but by generating electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere. Dr Persinger’s work is referred to by Captain John Tyler whose work for the American Air Force and Aerospace programmes likens the human nervous system to a radio receiver. (1990)

Very recently the leading weekly cultural BBC radio review had as one of its guests, the eminent astro-physicist and astronomer royal, Sir Martin Rees, who has recently published a book, “Our Final Century”, in which he makes a sober and reasoned case for the fifty-fifty chance that millions of people, probably in a ‘third-world country’ could be wiped out in the near future through biotechnology and bio-terrorism – “by error or malign release.” He spoke of this devastation as possibly coming from small groups or cults, based in the United States. “…few individuals with the right technology to cause absolute mayhem.” He also said that in this century, human nature is no longer a fixed commodity, that perhaps we should contemplate the possibility that humans would even have implants in the brain.

The other guests on this programme were both concerned with Shakespeare, one a theatre producer and the other a writer on Shakespeare, while his remaining guest was a young woman who had a website called “Spiked”, the current theme of which was Panic Attack, that is to say, Attack on Panic. This guest vigorously opposed what she felt was the pessimism of Sir Martin, regarding his ideas as essentially eroding trust, and inducing panic. This reaction seems to typify one way of dealing with threat and anxiety, and demonstrates the difficulty that a warning voice, even from a man of the academic distinction of Martin Rees, has in alerting people to that which they do not want to hear. This flight reaction was reinforced by the presenter who summed up the morning’s discussion at the end of the programme with the words: “We have a moral! Less panic, more Shakespeare!”

The New Barbarism

Since access to a mind-reading machine will enable the operator to access the ideas of another person, we should prepare ourselves for a new world order in which ideas will be, as it were, up for grabs. We need not doubt that the contents of another’s mind will be scooped up, scooped out, sorted through as if the event was a jumble sale. The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on Intellectual Property very judiciously in order to acquit themselves with any degree of authenticity. We should accustom ourselves to the prospect of recognizing our work coming out of the mouth of another. The prospect of wide-scale fraud, and someone posturing in your stolen clothes will not be a pretty sight. The term “personal mind enhancement” is slipping in through the back door, to borrow a term used by the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and it is being done through technologically-induced mental co-ercion – mind raping and looting. In place of, or in addition to, cocaine, we may expect to see ‘mind-enhanced’ performances on “live” television.

The brave new science of neuropsychiatry and brain mapping hopes to find very soon, with the fMRI scanner – this “brand new toy that scientists have got their hands on” – “the blob for love” and “the blob for guilt”, (BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind, 5 March, 2003). Soon we will be able to order a brain scan for anyone whose behaviour strikes us as odd or bizarre, and the vicissitudes of a life need no longer trouble us in our diagnostic assessments. In his recent Reith Lectures for the BBC (2003), Professor Ramachandran, the celebrated neuroscientist from the La Hoya Institute in San Diego, California, has demonstrated for us many fascinating things that the brain can do. He has talked to us about personality disorders and shown that some patients, who have suffered brain damage from head injury, do not have the capacity to recognise their mothers. Others feel that they are dead. And indeed he has found brain lesions in these people. In what seems to be an enormous but effortless leap, the self-styled “kid in a candy store” is now hoping to prove that all schizophrenics, have damage to the right hemisphere of the brain, which results in the inability to distinguish between fantasy (sic) and reality. Since Professor Ramachandran speaks of schizophrenia in the same breath as denial of illness, or agnosia, it is not clear, and it would be interesting to know, whether the person with the head injury has been aware or unaware of the head injury. Also does the patient derive comfort and a better chance at reality testing when he is told of the lesion? Does he feel better when he has received the diagnosis? And what should the psychoanalysts – and the psychiatrists, – feel about all those years of treating people of whose head injuries they were absolutely unaware? Was this gross negligence? Were we absolutely deluded in perceiving recovery in a sizeable number of them?

It is, however, lamentable that a neuroscientist with a professed interest in understanding schizophrenia should seek to provide light relief to his audience by making jokes about schizophrenics being people who are “convinced that the CIA has implanted devices in their brain to control their thoughts and actions, or that aliens are controlling them.” (Reith Lecture, No 5, 2003).

There is a new desire for concretisation. The search for meaning has been replaced by the need for hard proof. If it doesn’t light up or add up it doesn’t have validity. The physician of the mind has become a surgeon. “He found a lump as big as a grapefruit!”

Facing up to the Dread and Fear of the Uncanny

Freud believed that an exploration of the uncanny would be a major direction of exploration of the mind in this century. The fear of the uncanny has been with us for a very long time. The evil eye, or the terrifying double, or intruder, is a familiar theme in literature, notably of Joseph Conrad in The Secret Sharer, and Maupassant’s short story, Le Horla. Freud’s analysis of the uncanny led him back to the old animistic conception of the universe: “…it seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual development corresponding to the animistic phase in primitive men, that none of us has passed through it without preserving certain residues and traces of it which are still capable of manifesting themselves, and that everything which now strikes us as ‘uncanny’ fulfils the condition of touching those residues of animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression.” (Freud: 1919. p.362)

The separation of birth, and the childhood fear of ‘spooks in the night’, also leave their traces in each and every one of us. The individual experience of being alone in one’s mind – the solitary fate of man which has never been questioned before, and upon which the whole history of civilised nurture is based – is now assaulted head-on. Since growing up is largely synonymous with acceptance of one’s aloneness, the effort to assuage it is the basis for compassion and protection of others; it is the matrix for the greatest good, that of ordinary human kindness, and is at the heart of the communicating power of great art. Even if we must all live and die alone, we can at least share this knowledge in acts of tenderness which atone for our lonely state. In times of loss and mental breakdown, the starkness of this aloneness is all too clear. The best of social and group constructiveness is an effort to allay the psychotic anxieties that lie at the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under extreme enough conditions.

The calculated and technological entry into another person’s mind is an act of monumental barbarism which obliterates– perhaps with the twiddling of a dial – the history and civilisation of man’s mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of meaning. For any one who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary mind cannot encompass the horror of it. We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.

This is essentially about humiliation, and disempowerment. It is a manifestation of rage acted out by those who fear impotence with such dread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and destruction of the terrifying rival of their unconscious fantasies. In this apocalypse of the mind the punitive figure wells up as if out of the bowels of the opera stage, and this phantasmagoria is acted out on a global scale. These men may be mad enough to believe they are creating a ‘psychocivilised world order”. For anyone who has studied damaged children, it is more resonant of the re-enactment from the unconscious, reinforced by a life devoid of the capacity for empathic identification, of the obscenities of the abused and abusing child in the savage nursery. Other people -which were to them like Action Man toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled – become as meaningless in their humanity as pixillated dots on a screen.

Although forced entry into a mind is by definition obscene, an abbreviated assessment of the effects that mind-invaded people describe testifies to the perverted nature of the experiments. Bizarre noises are emitted from the body, a body known well enough by its owner to recognise the noises as extrinsic; air is pumped in and out of orifices as if by a bicycle pump. Gradually the repertoire is augmented – twinges and spasms to the eyes, nose, lips, strange tics, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, obstructions in the throat, pressure on the bowel and bladder causing incontinence; tingling in the fingers, feet, pressures on the heart, on breathing, dizziness, eye problems leading to cataracts; running eyes, running nose; speeding up of heart beats and the raising of pressure in the heart and chest; breathing and chest complaints leading to bronchitis and deterioration of the lungs; agonizing migraines; being woken up at night, sometimes with terrifying jolts ; insomnia; intolerable levels of stress from the loss of one’s privacy. This collection of assorted symptoms is a challenge to any medical practitioner to diagnose.

There are, more seriously, if the afore-going is characterised as non-lethal, the potential lethal effects since the capability of ultrasound and infra-sound to cause cardiac arrest, and brain lesions, paralysis and blindness, as well as blinding by laser beam, or inducing asphyxia by altering the frequencies which control breathing in the brain, epileptic seizure – all these and others may be at the fingertips of those who are developing them. And those who do choose to use them may be sitting with the weapon, which resembles, say, a compact mobile telephone, on the restaurant table next to the bottle of wine, or beside them at the swimming pool.

Finally – if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind-control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development – it is certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims – to disprove them. To wait until the effects become widespread will be too late.

  • For these and other reasons which this paper has attempted to address, we would call for an acknowledgement of such technology at a national and international level. Politicians, scientists and neurologists, neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without further delay, demand public debate on the existence and deployment of psychotronic technology; and for the declassification of information about such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten democratic freedom.
  • Victims’ accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the use of psycho-electronic weapons should be made illegal and criminal,
  • The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of mind-control and psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their deployment should be declassified so that this abuse can be seen to be what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental illness.

If, in the present confusion and insecurity about the search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction, we conclude that failure to locate them – whatever the truth of the matter –encourages us to be generally complacent, then we shall be colluding with very dark forces at work if we conclude that a course of extreme vigilance signifies paranoia. For there may well be other weapons of mass destruction being developed and not so far from home; weapons which, being even more difficult to locate, are developed invisibly, unobstructed, unheeded in our midst, using human beings as test-beds. Like ESP, the methods being used on humans have not been detectable using conventional detection equipment. It is likely that the signals being used are part of a physics not known to scientists without the highest level of security clearance. To ignore the evidence of victims is to deny, perhaps with catastrophic results, the only evidence which might otherwise lead the defenders of freedom to becoming alert to the development of a fearful new methods of destruction. Manipulating terrorist groups and governments alike, these sinister and covert forces may well be very thankful for the professional derision of the victims, and for public ignorance.


Laing, R.D. (1985) : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist. Macmillan, 1985

Welsh, Cheryl (1997): Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind Control, at:

Welsh, Cheryl (2001):Electromagnetic Weapons: As powerful as the Atomic Bomb, President Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA Home Page: U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report:

Begich, Dr N. and Manning, J.: 1995 Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press.

ZDF TV: “Secret Russia: Moscow – The Zombies of the Red Czars”, Script to be published in Resonance, No. 35

Aftergood, Steven and Rosenberg, Barbara: “The Soft Kill Fallacy”, in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Sept/Oct 1994.

Becker, Dr Robert: 1985,The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow, N.Y.

Babacek, Mojmir: International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of The Human Nervous System: and go to: Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System

“Is it Feasible to Manipulate the Human Brain at a Distance?”

“Psychoelectronic Threat to Democracy”

Nature: “Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights”, Vol, 391, Jan. 22, 1998, p. 316; (ref Jean- Pierre Changeux)

Space Preservation Act: Bill H.R.2977 and HR 3616 IH in 107th Congress – 2nd Session: see:

Sessions European Parliament:

Click at Plenary Sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number, click, choose 1999 and fill in oo5 to A4

Delgado, Jose M.R: 1969. “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society”, Vol. 41, World Perspectives, Harper Row, N.Y.

US News & World Report: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics/ Dr John Norseen; Report January 3/10 2000, P.67

Freud, Sigmund: 1919: Art and Literature:” The Uncanny”. Penguin,
Also “Those Wrecked by Success.”

Marks, John: 1988 :The CIA and Mind Control – the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, ISBN 0-440-20137-3

Persinger, M.A. “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms”; In Perception and Motor Skills, June, 1995, vol. 80, p. 791 – 799

Tyler, J.“Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict,” in “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology”, ed. Lt. Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air University Press, Centre For Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force base, Alabama, June, 1986.

Rees, Martin Our Final Century: 2003, Heinemann.

Conrad, Joseph: The Secret Sharer, 1910. Signet Classic.

Maupassant, Guy de: Le Horla, 1886. Livre de Poche.

Carole Smith is a British psychoanalyst. In recent years she has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens for the development of methods of state control. Carole Smith


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Affidavit in support of John Finch's Allegations regarding electronic harassment, torture and gang stalking

I have experience 28 years of unresolved gang stalking, torture and electronic harassment.  I have also been a witness for two other people.

I have on several occasions contacted the FBI, the CIA and local law enforcement.  While I believe attempts may have been made to abate the harassment in some cases, no information to substantiate this was provided to me and I can only base my conclusions on observations of subsequent events.

Please note that my communication resulted in my being observed.  Those observing fall into three basic categories.

1)  Those who witnessed nothing. 2)  Those who had the opportunity to discover events but avoided these opportunities. 3)  Those who knew of the events and engaged in deception to cover them up.

Feedback from several sources indicates that many of my claims were discounted as paranoid.  I submit that this assessment is false.  There is the belief that my being watched resulted in what were classified as paranoid responses.  However, the perpetrators clearly had access and knowledge quite often to those making such assessment and influenced their judgement and reports.  Others who may have reported had their own self interest in mind knowing they could be targeted if they verified my claims.

I documented events for nearly 28 years and hold the conviction that I have such a volume of events that it is improbable I can compile them all at this time or even in this lifetime.

"Gang stalking' events preceded 1986 and seemed to flourish shortly after Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States.  I am going to list a few major events that do not come close to the total list of events that comprise a lifetime of gang-stalking and the use of Intelligence Reports denigrating such crimes as imaginary to expand on crimes targeting me by criminals able to hide behind such reports.


My first experience with electronic harassment was in 1986.  I was helping a woman whose husband was simultaneously working as FBI Counterintelligence, Sicilian Mob and Hell's Angels (and perhaps more I don't know about).  He had threatened to kill her and she believed he would.  She asked me to hide her.  As we were driving one night from Merced, California to Mariposa, California, we were hit by an electromagnetic pulse.  I conclude this because we both went momentarily unconscious at the same time, awakening several seconds later simultaneously.  The car had gone off the road and narrowly averted hitting a telephone pole which would have undoubtedly killed us had we hit it.  Fortunately we did not hit the pole and instead plowed into a level field of a crop.  I estimate the distance veering off the road was about 200 yards and the distance into the field was about 200 yards for a total of 400 yards.  We were travelling a 55 mph.  I was paying attention to the road I had travelled on 100's of times.  The road was straight in this segment with no turns (California Highway 140 about 5 miles out of Merced).  Neither of us had any recollection for approximately 15 seconds which were lost.  One instant we were on the road and the next instant we were about 400 yards away in a field.  I estimate the time from the distance travelled and the speed.
Now typically, in emergency events, time seems to slow as a result of adrenalin.  Participants in such an event have a seemingly expanded perception of time where an instant seems to last an eternity.  This was the opposite.  Two of us were rendered unconscious while all was well and awoke to find we had narrowly averted death an estimated 15 seconds later.  In assessing emergency events such as this, I evaluate the event based on whether those involved had an expanded sense of time or simply a lapse.  As a mental lapse of consciousness may happen to one person for any number of reasons, when it happens to two people at once there is a clear external environmental cause.
In this case it was easy to surmise who the perpetrator was.  He was a genius with electronics and a very vindictive person.  No other conclusion is possible other than an electromagnetic event and as it was night-time I can rule out a major solar electro-magnetic event.  No atomic bombs were going off and I conclude it was a powerful pulsed electro magnetic force that caused this event.
I noted personally that the survivors of the Princess Diana crash years later had no recollection of events leading up to the crash.  One moment all was well and without the normal triggers for adrenalin of impending doom, an inexplicable event had transpired.


Note that my chronicles of these events are locked away for safekeeping far from my location now.  Therefore I cannot provide from memory the specific dates and locations.
I was returning to Santa Cruz from Southern California shortly after Thanksgiving around 2005.  I was being followed as is not uncommon.  (Note:  Although born in the United States, my last name was Al-Chalabi.  I believed in egalitarian values for equality and justice, yet I was commonly singled out as an ARAB for my last name (although in fact I am a mixture of Kurdish, Turkish, Scottish and English born in the United States).  Since the 1970's I have been repeatedly targeted as that Ay-Rab.  Unfortunately, there was no community I could fall back upon from my social position, unlike blacks, hispanics, orientals and perhaps Arabs, I was too American to belong to any such group and too greatly ostracized for my last name to even gain social acceptance in a general society without encountering people who felt it their right to injure me or damage my personal property as their way of exacting revenge for the cost of gasoline and their vindictiveness resulting from social propaganda in the United States.
I stopped in a Motel 6 in Watsonville for the night as it was too late to arrive at my friends house in Santa Cruz County.  Once there, I tried to go to bed.  People kept going by my room, knocking on the door and leaving and generally attempting to harass me.  I ignored it.  Then, suddenly, there was a vibration throughout my body.  Some kind of oscillating energy was being directed at my room from a van in the parking lot downstairs.  I could see the van from my room.  I thought I was going to suffer permanent injury from this weaponized microwave emitter and I confronted the people going back and forth by my front door.  I pleaded with them to have whoever was directing this energy at me to turn it off.  They seemed to believe it was harmless but I convinced them otherwise.  They went to the van and the harassment stopped.


While working in Santa Cruz in the late 1990's I would travel to a property in Mariposa where I had once lived owned by my family.  I was pretty much the only person to travel there and I did so on weekends, painting, cleaning and maintaining the cabin on 5 acres.
This evening person's unknown (gang-stalkers) had come onto my property.  It was a dark night and they were dressed for stealth in black and probably equipped with night vision goggles.  They kept harassing me during the evening while I was in the Cabin but there was little I could do to stop people I could not see.  Furthermore any physical action on my part against a group would have left me injured or dead.  During the evening a hose was run into my attic from the outside.  Soon, the acoustic tiles were dropping volumes of water, disintegrating and flooding the property, ruining thousands of photos and much of my personal property I kept at the cabin.
I decided it was too dangerous to stay there alone so I packed my car and left to return to Santa Cruz.  I was driving down Yaqui Gulch Road on my way to Highway 140 and Merced from there.  Someone ahead of me (apparently the perpetrators were ahead of me and behind me using radio communication) used a large black garbage bag to cover a stop sign before the intersection.  That stop sign was visible far in advance normally but on this evening was completely invisible.  As I drove the road I suddenly ran through the concealed stop sign into Highway 140 and across (luckily not hitting anyone) and down an embankment part way.
Apparently, someone had been observing these gang stalkers and assisted me almost instantly to get the car back on the road, towing me up the embankment using their pickup truck.
I thanked the gentleman and continued toward Merced on Highway 140.  A black truck with headlights off followed me.  Then I heard pinging realizing they were shooting some kind of gun at me.  I drove dangerously fast to try to escape them and stayed ahead of them until I got to Merced.  There I drove directly to the local Police Department to get assistance but the building was locked up and closed.  My pursuers left while I was parked at the Police Department after which I went to a friends house in Merced.


While living in Santa Cruz for nearly 23 years, I was typically harassed where-ever I lived by gang-stalking groups and individuals.  I had notified a friend of mine who I believed was a powerful man in Naval Intelligence.  On a particular occasion I was being harassed and I heard a voice instructing me.  This was clearly some kind of microwave emitter that resonated on my skull and the person using the transmitter was attempting to assist me and perhaps test out his equipment.  I believe he was military personnel.  This event was notable as the only time 'Electronic Energy Devices' were used to assist rather than harass me.  I had informed my friend over the phone previously that Santa Cruz seemed to have numerous gangs of people who operate above the law with impunity.  I argued that as an American Citizen I should not have to live with such harassment that was not recognized by any police agency that I knew of but was substantial in the damage and injury caused to me by such harassment.  Suspiciously, like many people who assisted me, this person died shortly after assisting me having first a stroke then dying several months later.


Although I have documented numerous other instances of gang stalking and electronic harassment to myself, this incident involved another person who was being targeted.  A woman I was friends with who was highly responsible and professional from a good family had married a man who was a bum who wished to use her for her money.  They moved from Santa Cruz and she used her money to purchase a house near Newport Beach, Oregon.  Shortly after moving there, a little over a year after their marriage, she was estranged from her husband and gang-stalked.  She suspected electronic harassment, poisoning and lesser techniques of harassment.  Her husband told everyone she was crazy and tried to get her committed.  One evening she went to a bar and met a fellow at the bar sparking up a conversation with him.  He revealed after some time he had flown to Oregon with a group of other people whose job it was to gang-stalk individuals marked for removal from the community by people in power locally.  He said that his group was based out of Alaska and people in City Councils and other powerful positions would pay his group to target people.  He disclosed techniques of electronic harassment and other techniques used to 'make the intended target sick and appear crazy'.  She did not reveal she was the target of such a group as his.  She returned to Santa Cruz and asked me to return with her to pack her belongings as a witness for her who was aware of these types of covert crimes.  I travelled with her and took notes but while I was with her no discernible events occurred, which is usual as these crimes are always committed against a person while alone and without witnesses.  We did get a flat tire on our rental car that was suspicious but could prove nothing while her estranged husband was present who continued to portray my friend as crazy although I knew her for 12 years.  I knew she did not use drugs and that she was meticulous, responsible and sane.
Incidentally, all of her financial records and been hidden by him and although her investment was upward of a million dollars during their time together, after his fraudulent presentations in court and attorneys fees was left with next to nothing.


During the previous event, I had left Seagate Technology where I worked with this woman for 12 years controlling the release of new products and joined as a partner with a Private Investigator, which is a reason besides our friendship she had elicited my support.
While working with the Private Investigation Firm I assisted in many technological aspects of the business including Technical Counter Surveillance Measures (bug-sweeps).  In this role I encountered others affected by gang stalking but this particular story has indelibly etched itself into my memory.
A young girl in college had transferred to U.C. Berkeley and rented an apartment nearby.  I learned of her when she called me terrified that she was being bugged possibly by two men she suspected of involvement in a wave of harassment in which she was now immersed.
She knew one person in the area about an hour away in Santa Clara County so when the two men next door befriended her she embraced that freindship.  The men were apparently respectable, on a Psychiatrist and the other a Medical Doctor, both young.  She was only about 19 at the time and both pretty and intelligent.
Soon, the friendship with these two men transitioned into inducements directed at her for sexual favors.  Pharmaceuticals were offered to increase her pleasure as was alcohol to lower her inhibitions.  She soon realized these men were no friends and terminated her friendship with them.  No sooner had she terminated the friendship when a campaign of harassment ensued.  Little things like her porch light being turned on from within her apartment while she was away or knocking on the wall.  She attempted to go to the landlord who had already been told she was crazy by the two men and dismissed her allegations.  The harassment continued and attempts to engage the police for protection were equally fruitless.  All the while the two men continued to make a case to anyone whose assistance she elicited that she was crazy.  She had mail appear and disappear.  Comments made regarding private phone conversations from these two men who should have had no knowledge of the conversations and other harassment.
I visited her and assessed the situation.  My conclusion was that she was sane and that these two men, with the power to move authorities and the liberty to wield controlled substances intended to drive her crazy, have her committed and then use her for their sexual desires after they had complete control of her life.
The situation was clearly to thorny for me to rectify and I suggested she move to Santa Clara and live with her friend and thereby impede their conspiracy to use their authority to drug her and enslave her.
She did.


With today's technologies and increasing disparity in social strata's and the tendency in the United States to move from an egalitarian society where everyone has equal rights, legal protection and opportunities (more or less) to being a society with clear lines of demarcation between those with vast wealth, those with licensed authority and those with no recourse when confronted with criminal activity violating their rights.
The police have stopped investigating burglaries decades ago and in a most recent event here in Reno, the County Sheriff's Department was complicit with a burglary in such a way that the evidence is wholly indicting but the recourse is non-existent.
Such is the dilemma faced in modern society whereby a person such as myself can be faced with crime after crime with no avenue of legal recourse available and the threat of judicial retaliation should a person attempt to defend themselves.
Secret agencies with virtually unlimited access to personal information on others become a social class dominating over those with no access to person information on others.
The use of electronic harassment must be globally abated before the damage it does shapes a decaying civilization.

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TO: International Criminal Court
M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit

Reference: OTP-CR-70/07/002

FROM: Mr. John and Ms. Deborah
N.Y., 11754 U.S.A.

Dear Sirs,

     This letter is an appeal to you for help regarding atrocities going on in the United States upon us and thousands of other people, where I, Deborah Lamb and John Mecca are also victims of electronic torture going on all over our country.  We are being electronically tortured via covertly implanted devices in our brains and bodies and we are suffering severely. The torture is seriously debilitating and severely painful. Our lives have been destroyed and our domestic and international rights have been stripped away from us. 

We have appealed to numerous agencies for help to investigate and stop this inhumane atrocity and our own courts to no avail, lawyers here will not take such a case.  Every agency and every government official that we have contacted has turned their backs on us refusing to help us.  We are being held in our own homes imprisoned in non-consensual human experimentation and left to be tortured until our death.

Many victims have already died and we have lost the support of families and friends from their being uneducated and disbelieving, we have suffered sabotage of our careers, tortured so severely that working becomes impossible for many of us and as one would expect we have been shunned by society, our existence as human beings with GOD given rights has been destroyed by our Government that apparently seeks to make itself a god over us.

We urgently appeal to you to bring this to light in public and lend assistance by that to help stop this heinous atrocity, that echoes Nazi atrocities now in these modern times; silence will only embolden those carrying out these sadistic acts of terror.

Post Scriptum (P.S.):

      Also we are writing to you in support of Mr. John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL:  0424009627 EMAIL:, who has contacted you already and is also a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL and a member of THE WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN AGAINST  ELECTRONIC TORTURE, ABUSE AND EXPERIMENTATION.

He is an activist as well as a victim, a targeted individual who is fighting to stop the heinous atrocities of electronic torture involving implanted devices,  electromagnetic frequencies, non consensual human experimentation and gang stalking. 

These are crimes against humanity according to the Rome Statute in that they include:
1. Enslavement;
2. Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law; 
3. Torture; 
4. Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy,  enforced  sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable  gravity; 
5. Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great  suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. 

These atrocities are being done to thousands of victims remotely with  electronic or microwave technology. 
These are transnational crimes and victims have not been able to gain assistance or justice from local, national or any other authorities, a crime against humanity and that we need their humanitarian and legal assistance urgently. These are worldwide crimes and there are thousands of victims.

Ms. Deborah and Mr. John
Author of
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By Walter Madliger, Switzerland, Andreas       Friedberger and Swetlana Schunin, Germany.**


Ladies and Gentlemen

First I want to thank Dr. Klaus-Dieter Thiel and the Symposium Committee for the invitation to present this paper on Electromagnetic weapons and Human Rights at the 5th Symposium.

1. 1. Foreword and Dedications

A foreword by Dr. Martin Luther King: We must be wary of those, who promise us security and ask in return for our freedom. We must recognize, that part of the price for freedom may well be insecurity, but the price for complete security is inhumanity.

This paper is dedicated to Miss Jelena W. Blinnikova-Wjasemskaja. This Russian scientist and expert in military radars and (bio)generators was found dead on the kitchen floor of her apartment in Moscow in August 2007. She had been invited by the European Court of Human Rights as an expert witness. In the year 2000 the physicist had as well conducted a scientific survey in 94 Russian cities about the effects of EMF weapons, RF weapons on the population. Shortly before her death she had complained about electromagnetic irradiations directed at her and her apartment with the wavelenghts of 3 to 5 cms and 20 cms and ultrasound waves.

This paper is also in memory of Peter Helwig and the many other victims. The 48 year old winder and CNC cutter from Berlin as well complained of electromagnetic and acoustic irradiations and was driven to commit suicide in his apartment in September 2008.

2. The UDHR and the Nuremberg Code

The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights ( UDHR ) commemorated its 60th anniversary. This Magna Charta of all men everywhere is part of the Customary Law and has led to about 80 legally binding international and national treaties all over the world, among them the European Convention of Human Rights ( ECHR ) of 1950, ratified by all member states of the Council of Europe. The IHL, the International Humanitarian Law, was also inspired by the UDHR, the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and its Additional Protocolls of 1977. Whereas the Geneva Conventions have been ratified by 194 nations, not all states have ratified the Additional Protocolls, among them the USA, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran , Iraq .

The Directed Energy ( DE ) weapons, mostly EMF and acoustical weapons, act on the psyche and the body of human beings and all living creatures. They have been called many names: Psychophysical weapons, weapons of the information warfare, neurological means, information operation means, psychotronic weapons, means for remote neural monitoring, cognitive weapons, active denial systems, weapons of electronic warfare, means of neuro-linguistic programming, means for behavior modification, mind invasive weapons, mindcontrol and electronic harassment weapons, means of influence technology, computerized brain washing machines, devices to zombie people, to induce mental and physical illness, means for hostile surveillance, people zappers, weapons of mass destruction, a.s.o.. According to the ICRC the use of these weapons possibly could violate the article 3 of the Geneva Conventions and according to prominent Sir Hugh Beach from London possibly also the article 36 and article 35 paragraph 2 of the 1st Additional Protocoll of 1977, the s.c. Sirus-article. The European and United Nations Conventions against torture have been ratified by every notable state.

This new class of weapons had to be tested on unaware, not informed humans, who of course did not consent to such experimentation. The Nuremberg Code of Conduct for experimentation with human subjects, is part of the Customary Law and the UDHR. The Code lists ten points, which universally have been adopted after the Nuremberg trials of war criminals by the Nuremberg Military Tribunals.

But many national agencies have been tempted by the exceptional features and qualities of the new weapons: They are absolutely silent and invisible, act with the speed of light or sound, leave almost no traces on the biological targets, are able to penetrate almost any obstacle and it proves difficult to develop effective shielding, they can be delivered from afar and from hiding-places , can be mingled with only civilian and peaceful uses of electromagnetic technology, represent the best of total surveillance tools and more. They show all of the characteristics of the ideal weapon for any aggressor, but can be also useful in defense.

3. Some effects of Directed Energy weapons

The lethal and physically very strongly incapacitating effects of these arms are not considered here. Nor their qualifications as weapons of mass destruction.

Only the survivors of non-consensual experimentations and the experimenters themselves can tell the audience of these other effects.Whatever the victims` individual experiences may have been, they in unison speak of unsupportable, horrific and barbaric tortures by these means. They speak of “ electronic concentration camps and mental slavery “, which disable their mental and physical capabilities and cause a multitude of pains. According to the Russian scientist and politician J. J. Leonov[1][1] from Moscow, Boris Ratnikov [2][2], or Timothy L. Thomas [3][3], Prof. Dr. M. A. Persinger[4][4] , Jelena Blinnikova[5][5] , Prof. Dr. Igor Smirnov [6][6], Carole Smith [7][7] , John McMurtrey [8][8],[9][9] or Dr. Robert Becker [10][10] this „technotronic, electronic delirium“ can be imposed on any human being. All of a sudden someone else is in command in man ` s own reign , in his mind and his body. This constitutes the biggest breach of privacy imaginable and man is deprived of his most cherished and most valuable good: his freedom, his free will. No more he can be the master of his own destiny – and therefore he is no more responsible for his actions.

These cognitive weapons play havoc with all the human senses ( see [11][11] ,4 – 10 ) and lead them astray: The victims are suffering from voices and sounds in their heads, with closed eyes or in sleep they have to endure artificial pictures or movie-like dreams ( s.c. “vivid dreams” ) or are forced to read endless texts like from newspapers, they suffer from halluzinations of smells and odors, their taste is altered, they have sensations of being touched. Pains in different parts of the body are common, as well as unwanted sexual arousal , disorientation and vertigo. Sleep deprivation or the induction of instant sleep are also telltale signs of psychic manipulation. Every muscle of their body can be voluntarily activated, contracted, muscle twitchings or muscle cramps are also regularly reported. The mimicking or cloning of all emotions is one of the preferred activities of the mind manipulators [12][12]. Memories for specific life periods can be erased and false memories implanted, mostly during sleep. Of course hypnotic or a myriad of unaccountable subliminally delivered and induced conditions can be produced, symptoms of physical or mental illnesses – there is no limit for the unethical and coercive behavior of the devilish operators, applied day in day out, year after year, onto the victims. These operators must be the pride of any Dr. Joseph Mengele or any Sr. Thomas de Torquemada.

The uninformed and the informed psychiatrist of course diagnoses the victim a psychotic or a schizophrenic, who surely will die prematurely in a psychiatric ward. But it is also known, that no man over the age of 40 years ever was diagnosed a psychotic or that a mental illness with the multitude of the symptoms of a mindcontrol victim was ever diagnosed and the condition medically described.

Of course the life of the victims is getting into complete disarray, is sooner or later in shambles, sometimes not worthy living it. The victims very often lose their jobs and income, family and friends, are becoming socially very conspicious or even homeless and show many legal and health problems.Very often the abuses of the victims are accompanied by housebreakings and carbreakings, but nothing of material value is being stolen. And the culprits of all this are not even called to account. Speaking of human dignity: Who will take care of the legal, social and state of health consequences of the victims?

In summa, the uses of the new technology have all what it takes to unleash public outrage, unrest and upheaval against the governments, if and when the citizens are capaciously and comprehensively informed about the technology and if they know everything about its planned civilian and military uses. The way this perfected torture technology is now prevalently applied, that is, as encompassing hostile surveillance and coercive behavior modification of citizens, domestic peace will not be furthered. The application of this technology directly opposes all of the most fundamental principles stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the ECHR ; The crimes committed by this technology have to be prosecuted by the Criminal Laws. If the supposed s.c. thought-reading capability of this technology [13][13] is being confirmed to the public, this information will contain so much explosive power for our societies, that major changes are bound to occur quite rapidly. Public unrest also may be expected, when the health and life saving capabilities of the technology continue to be kept dark from the people.

4. Official denials, legislations and secret diplomacy

For years , governments have denied or refused to comment on mindaltering weapons. Winds have changed now a bit and Secret Services are no more denying the existence of this more than 30 years old technology. Nor do this the rectors of Universities and Colleges. Too overhelming is all the evidence for its existence and its use. A long time ago nations have established official offices, offices for arms control and disarmament, where the problems created by this technology are being discussed and international solutions are looked for and aspired. Undoubtedly the United Nations have to assume a leading role in this quest, but many of these efforts are still shrouded in secrecy.

On the 31st of July 2001 Russia published Paragraph 7 of point 1 of the article 6 of the “Law on Weapons” [14][14]. With this act the prohibition of production and circulation of weapons and devices, emitting electromagnetic -, light and heat and acoustical radiations,which injure human beings,was put into force. The official declaration read like this: “For the maintenance of the fundamental orientation of the Russian Federation – the defense of life and health of the citizens and the warranty of public security and safety “.Whatever other reasons may have affected this decision, is of no importance. Soon there followed consequently a draft law of the Criminal Code, where the new facts about the law on weapons were implemented in the article 221 (1-4 ) and the genocide articles 355 and 356 of the Penal Code. In September 2002 a comment on this draft law was published, where the scientist and author of this draft law, Sergei J. Voroshilov [15][15] explained quite extensively the new technology and its qualifications as a weapon of mass destruction. This draft law provides sanctions of up to 20 years of prison. It has been ratified by the State-Duma and signed by President Putin, but has not yet been published.

Bulgaria is said to have the same law on weapons as Russia.

The government of the USA[16][16] did not wish so explicit a law. Some Federal States were therefore forced to enact in their laws on firearms new standards on electric and electromagnetic weapons. Michigan in 2003, Massachusetts in 2004, Maine in 2005, possibly Missouri and Kansas in 2009, with sanctions up to life imprisonment.

The EU also indicted mindaltering technology in its article 27 of its Resolution

A4-0005/99, Resolution on the Environment, Security and Foreign Policy. The EU with this Resolution was mostly onto the vast Radio installations like HAARP ( High Frequency Active Aurora Research Project ) in Gakona ( Alaska ), EISCAT in Tromsoe ( Norway) and similar plants in Novosibirsk and Krasnojarsk, in Greenland, on Cyprus. They can serve for the same type of influence technology for large areas.[17][17]

5. Some comments and final words

1. 1. Carole Smith, practicing psychoanalyst, UK , Journal of Psycho-social Studies, Vol. 3.

“ It is effectively a brutalising training for persecuting others”

“ Left to themselves, these servants of the state may well feel exempt from the process of moral self-scrutiny, but the work must be dehumanizing for the predator and the prey”.

“ More alarmingly, governments are leaving their citizens exposed to the deployment of these weapons by ruthless organizations, whose concerns are exactly the opposite of democracy and Human Rights”.

2. 2. Prof. Dr. Peter Phillips et al in “ US Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights“, Global Research, July 7, 2008, Sonoma State University, California.

“ It is imperative, that the human body and mind be considered sacrosanct. To invade a persons body without their consent, is an egregious Human Rights crime.”

3.Prof. Dr. Dean Radin, professor of advanced communications at the

Universities of Princeton, Edinburgh and Nevada.

“ Non-ionizing EM radiation definitely does have effects on living systems, from individual cells to human behavior.“

4. Dr. Nick Begich, editor of Earthpulse Flashpoints, author of articles in

science, politics and education, expert witness before the EP, director of the Lay Institute of Technology, Texas.

“ Without oversight, these weapons will a government to have absolute control. There needs to be a debate in the public sphere, because this technology can be used as a weapons technology or as a life saving science. If the government tries to hide these facts, we just have a big problem.“

5. Jelena Blinnikova, physicist, in the seminar paper “ The Russian

Federation and the European Convention of Human Rights“, Moscow, 2000.

“ Mainly the complaints of the last years are complaints against the terror directed at the personality, realized by the radioelectronic technology. Today, we are the life-endangered victims, tomorrow this will be the fate of you and your children“.

6. Major I. Chernishev, Russian army, in Timothy L.Thomas, Lt-Col. at the US War College, The Mind has no Firewall, Parameter, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92.

“ It is completely clear, that the state which is first to create such a weapon, will achieve incomparable superiority “.

7. 7. Major-General Boris Ratnikov, Russian army, in Pravda, 08.14.2007, Russians have psychotronic weapon to zombie people .

“ Generators, that can make people muddleheaded, even when they are distanced at hundreds of kilometers. They can control people s behavior, seriously impair psyche and even drive people to death. People must realize, that the menace of psychic impact upon humans is really immense”.

8. 8. From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the biblical Fall of man, the eviction from his paradise. The encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity divides mankind into two encampments: Those few „God-like“ people, who can and are allowed to use these means and all those, whose freedom, their free will is being taken away. All aspects of life, all institutions on earth, which depend on the freedom, the free will of the individual, are most gravely endangered and become unfunctional. The huge challenge of the justice systems in this century will consist in the containment of the uses and the prevention of the abuses of this technology.

More than ever, everyone will be reminded of Lord Acton : Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. A crime of enormous proportions, a terrifying covert war with Non-Lethal Weapons on freedom, democracy and Human Rights is taking place right here and right now , right under the eyes of everybody.

Thank you.



Walter Madliger Andreas Friedberger Swetlana Schunin

Rebenweg 6 Zeisigstrasse 84 Hegaustrasse 24

CH-3293 Dotzigen D- 56016 Koblenz D- 76297 Stutensee

Switzerland Germany Germany

The authors all have different professions and adhere to European NGOs, which oppose the application of Directed Energy weapons.

[1][1] Jurij Jurevitch Leonov in Zavatra Nr.43,10/26/99, Angels and Demons-FSB ( Armaments of the Future ) .

[2][2] Boris Ratnikov, in Pravda 08/14/2007, Russians have psychotronic weapon to zombie people, .

[3][3] Timothy L. Thomas, the Mind has no Firewall,Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, Spring 1998,

pp. 84 - 92.

[4][4] Michael A.Persinger, On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic

Induction of Fundamental Algorhytms, Perception and Motor Skills, 1995, Vol.80, pp.791-799 .

[5][5] Jelena Blinnikova, The Russian Federation and the European Convention of Human Rights, Seminar Paper,

Moscow, 2000.

[6][6] Igor.V.Smirnov in the ZDF Documentary Secret Russia-The Zombies of the Red Tsars, Germany, 1998.

[7][7] Carole Smith, On the need for New Criteria for the Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive

Technology, .

[8][8] John J. McMurtrey, Microwave Bioeffect Congruence with Schizophrenia, .

[9][9] John. J. Mc Murtrey, Thought Reading Capacity, .

[10][10] Robert Becker, The Body Electric, Electromagnetism and the Foundations of Life, William Morrow & Comp.

New York , 1985 .

[11][11] Nick Begich, Jeanne Manning, Angels do not play this HAARP,Earthpulse Press, Box 393, Anchorage,

Alaska 99520, USA .

[12][12] Alan W. Sheflin and Edward.M Opton, The Mind Manipulators, Gosset&Dunlap, New York,July 1978.

[13][13] Ludmila N. Malanchuk, Reading Thoughts-or on what Bases the Modern Psychologist his Knowledge?

Study Paper Commissioned by the Ministry of Health, Moscow, July 1,1996.

[14][14] Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, State-Duma, Addendum to Article 6 of the Law on Weapons,

Moscow, 07/26/2001, ,

[15][15] Sergei J.Voroshilov, Draft law for the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation & Explanatory Notes,

Moscow, 01/09/2002 .

[16][16] Dennis Kucinich, H.R.2977,107th Congress of the USA, Space Preservation Act of 2001, October 2.

[17][17] EU-Resolution A4-0005/99, January 14, 1999,


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Old letters and some updates 12-5-12

Dear Person of Conscience :

My name is Daniel Morgan, your constituent from El Dorado Hills, California. For the past 20 years, I have been subjected to illegal surveillance and torture through electronic means. My wife and 5 children have also suffered right by my side. This covert operation has been a gross violation of mine and my families human, constitutional and civil rights. I want this harassment to stop.

It is well documented that the United States Intelligence agencies working in conjunction with local law enforcement agencies and the military employ the use of bio-electromagnetic weapons. These weapons emit beams of microwave and radio wave energy at frequency levels undetected by common measures. To monitor and manipulate human behavior.

The use of these weapons has been shrouded in secrecy, but a recent report by Vanity Fair indicates indisputable proof that these same measures are being used on detainees in U.S. custody. Senator Carl Levin will hold hearings regarding detainees. I am asking for your help concerning the full scope of the use and testing of these weapons on myself , my family and the other known constituents of The United States of America who are being tortured as well. I am also asking that your office contact Representative Jim Guest from the Missouri State Legislature who has extensive knowledge of the abuse of these weapons on U.S. citizens throughout this country. Representative Jim Guest is seeking a congressional hearing regarding this issue. I have been a target of this torture for 20 years that I know of, but others have been targeted much longer. These covert operations are essentially a continuation of FBI and CIA-run classified programs such as COINTELPRO and MKULTRA also the DoD non-lethal weapons and science technology division. We believe that we are part of the thousands of Americans that have fallen victim to the warrant-less surveillance of the NSA and DoD JNLWD. We know that these current government-sanctioned operations discredit the targeted individual and torments the individuals life, sometimes even to the point of death. Like myself some victims are stalked wherever they go and become physically ill.

They are subjected to noise campaigns, insults, taunts and threats. Others are violated with these electronic weapons that induced excruciating pains, tingling sensations, ringing in the ears, electrical shocks, and various elements of synthetic telepathy. Again myself, my wife of 14 years (now 20 yr)Lorna, and our 5 children , Nicole age 15 (now 21), Patricia 14 (now 19), Christopher 13 (now 18), Dylan 9(now 15), and Avery 16 months old (now 6) are all victims of this technology.

We have all experienced the same type of harassment on different levels. By different sources and Agency's. From top millitary agency's to the street drug dealer. The end result is the same. CONTROL. Some of our physical symptoms include severe tooth decay and vision loss detached macula. Unexplained rashes and burns by RF frequency's, sever headaches, mood swings, flu like symptoms, lethargic, insomnia, anxiety, extreme sweating, thyroid problems, hormonal issues, high blood pressure, heart problems (palpitations), vision loss and Immune disorders and cancer's. The list also includes botched surgery's, premature labor (10 weeks early & 6 1/2 weeks early) and 2 miscarriages in the second trimester. Direct extreme pain on an ongoing basis of feet, knee, back, kidneys, stomach intestines, tight, chest, and hard to breath, lungs. Many different types of head pain from headaches front temporal lobe, left and or right side. back left and or right side. At times I can feel a magnetic type wave rolling from one side to the other. Also a pecking type pain in back or the top of my skull like a woodpecker pecking at my skull usually during these types of pains comes RF rashes and burns on skull. Adhd and the death of my father to colon cancer including death of my brother w/seizure/stroke.

In 1992-1994 I woke up one morning with blood on my teeth and dried blood out my right nostril. I went to a Dr. office where I was told I had my septum broke and sinus scraped. I believe I was implanted at this time. Location being in my sinus,up my right nostril. I now have an MRI of an RFID and/or brain stimulator in that area. Medical personal have concurred with this.
I was told that IM going to be going through some testing from 2 people saying they were from Stanford university. I laughed it off like anyone would a joke. The next 6 months of my life I was Gang-stalked, monitored, street theater, my house broken into many times and all electronic items were tampered with. It was a nightmare, like a switch was turned on to my consciousness and someone was playing with it, (ME). 1996 the first of 2 times I was held. My son and I were held at Heathrow airport in London 6 hours. I was told we were on a terrorist watch list. My son was 2 yr old. This was before 9/11. Since then I'v been having extreme amounts of medical issues with my health in every direction. 1996-1997 again ill, I was told to move from my home of 27 years. To get away from my friends that were also Targeted. So I did and moved My family to El Dorado Hills. I was told all these things happening to me would stop. And they did for about two years. I was told I would still be monitored, but not gang stalked or ill. From 1999 till now 2013 viscus cycles of Military type Gang-Stalking electronic harassment and what I call TORTURE of my being. By DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS DEW, systems for the purpose of neural monitoring of myself and family. 2002-2006, 2008-2012 was also a horrible time. During my targeting iv traveled to many countries seeking relief. wich I found. I was left alone but was only there a few months at a time. England, Canada, Japan, Wales, France and Mexico. Also many places in the U.S.
In 2006, I was in bed ill 161 days out of that year, unable stand up to go to the bathroom or care for my family. Also 2012 July to December, 6 months electronic illness. All of this, I attribute to DARPA,NSA, DoD JNLWD and other Government agency's, electronic harassment psycotronics, ORGANIZED STALKING, DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS, PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS, TORTURE. By the Naval Studies Board and National Research Board of NON-LETHAL WEAPONS SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY.

Our pets are even affected by this. You will hear other victims complaints of their pets being tortured. We have all had many levels of harassment. We are followed by people (gang-stalking) and get a high rate of air plane and helicopter activity.

Our computer's, telephone, and vehicles are being monitored and manipulated, tampered with. Other family members who do not reside in our home are also victims. There is no physical or mental illness that can cause all of the symptoms indicated above. I have been cleared By neurologist. But there is a technology (neurological weapons, radio-frequency weapons) that can!

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and is 3 of the few organizations that work tirelessly to offer help and support to victims this abuse. There are Thousands of members whose lives have been devastated by this abuse. Networking with sister organizations lead us to believe that these attacks are being carried out against thousands of innocent US citizens. Most of these citizens are vulnerable and easy targets (i.e. single women, elderly and children. minorty). According to Representative Jim Guest's information, 68 percent of the victims are women. Others are government and corporate whistle blowers or victims targeted by hate groups and other extremists.

These are law-abiding citizens, not criminals, not terrorists, or people who are threats to U.S. security in any way. It would be an atrocity to the US and our standard of democracy and freedom to allow this “silent Holocaust” to continue.

With the United States as a leader of democracy, this type of torture cannot continue nor should it continue to be covered up. This is scandalous to our motto and we need Congress to set things right. We are asking Congress to hold hearings and give us as victims a voice. We need Congress to let us know that the United States truly“hold these truths to be self evident,
That all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” We need Congress to restore law and justice back to our country. I am asking you to petition other members of Congress or organizations that might be of help to help get the word out. Ultimately, I would like to see congress to hold hearings on the behalf of myself , my wife, our 5 children and all The unwilling test subjects of this so called non-lethal weapons science technology division.

And the many Americans that continue to suffer everyday.

I will be happy to provide you with any official documentation videos or pictures that I have in my possession concerning my case. I am requesting a written response to my request. I look forward to hearing from you very soon.


Daniel J. Morgan

Update: 1/20/2013

I Daniel J. Morgan and family have am still going through Electronic Monitoring harassment and electronic torture. Of non consent test subject of government testing of new technology. My wife of 20 yr. has Crones and immune disorders from this on going testing of our family. Also been in the hospital 2 months this year for exploratory surgery's, Dr.s trying to find out why Lorna,my wife had been so very ill, all due to RF and microwave targeting of her person. I have been bed ridden from July 14, 2012 till now with ongoing dizziness and head pain from this torture. My organs do not function properly for weeks at a time, with excruciating pain. I have been under my Dr's care for the last 8 years. My children still get unexplained burn's & rashes all over their bodies. We all experience these symptoms together. Then all symptoms stop, its a viscous circle that repeats itself. Over and over. I am a home owner for over 20 years. My 3 eldest kids are now in college. Im trying to be a good citizen through all of my mental and physical induced torture.

I am Fighting for my rights as a US citizen. I am a loving and caring American citizen, who Loves his Country and the people in it. HELP me STOP this monitoring electronic torture of my life. I am not an animal and I refuse to be treated like a rat in a cage. So I can go back to my life taking care of my family of seven and my right to pursue Happiness. this has come and gone for 20 years of my life, mental and physical torture ..I am one of hundreds of thousands of TI's (targeted Individuals). I seem to have Two lives. One as a normal father and husband and a 2nd attached to some covert military agency that has infiltrated and taken over much of mine and my family's lives. PLEASE HELP ME. I have been helping hundreds of other TI's since I'v been aware of my targeting. Thank you for your time.

To: Persons of consciousness.
January 25, 2013

Please look up or we will lose our family's.............

A few Implanted victims, with removed RFID and/or simulator's documented.
David a. Larson, Bob Boyce, James Walbert...

1. Another VeriChip Found in Inventor's Shoulder
An RFID reader and an X-ray confirm a VeriChip implant in inventor Bob Boyce's shoulder, where a tumor subsequently formed, implant removed.
2. James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas and noted inventor, proved his experience as a Targeted Individual who is under surveillance. Part of the treatment program he has been forced into includes covertly implanting him with RFID chips in his brain and other parts of his body for remote electronic abuse
3. David A. Larson, implant removed. now his is an elected official. The devices below have all come from infected sites on my person and have been analyzed,

victims implanted RFID or simulator's and removed. numbered, documented and archived. the Jimi Walbert story,

Targeted (Ti's) groups and sights... Derrick Robinson Soleilmavis Cheryl Welsh Ed Light/ Heart and eleinor@raven1 Eleinor White Ken Adachi Cold war Non Consensual Experiances: The threat of neroul weapons and it will happen again. Cheryl Welsh

U.S. National Security Agency's Documents and Web pages: Naval an National Reacerch Stuides: 1996 Coverts Operation of the US NSA

Additional References

Acoustic Weapons - A Perspective
Jurgen Altmann
Science and Global Security, Vol. 9, pp. 165-234
Taylor and Francis, 2001

The Body Electric
Robert Becker, Gary Selden
Harper Paperbacks; 1st Quill edition (August 5, 1998)

Bradford Non-Lethal Weapons Research Project
Research Report #8
Neil Davison, Nick Lewer, March 2006

Controlling the Human Mind
Nick Begich
Earthpulse Press, 2006

Human Network Attacks
Timothy L. Thomas
Military Review, September-October 1999
Foreign Military Studies Office, Fort Leavenworth, KS.

Epidemiological data on American personnel in the Moscow Embassy
Pollack H.
Bull N Y Acad Med.
1979 Dec;55(11):1182-6.

High Power Microwaves: Strategic and Operational Implications for Warfare
Eileen M. Walling, Col, USAF, Feb 2000, Occasional Paper NO 11
Center for Strategy and Technology, Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Hypno Politics and Hyper State Control Law Entrainment and the Symbolic Order
Konrad Becker, May 1997

Introducing Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and its Property of Causal Inference in Investigation Brain-Function Relationships
Dennis J. L. G. Schutter, Jack Van Honk and Jaak Panksepp

Journal of Cognitive Liberties
Center for Cognitive Liberties and Ethics

The Mind Has No Firewall”
Parameters, spring 1998, pp. 84-92.
Timothy L. Thomas

The Experts:
Vladimir Nikolaevich Lopatin
Carol Smith
Dr. Dean Radin
Dr. Nick Begich

The Truth Mind Reading, Secret Weapons, Media advice and people that have been throught it...

684 CR 535
LYNN SURGALLO, Peace / H.R. Activist and former Vice President US Psychotronics Association,

Joan Farr Heffington, Association for Honest Attorneys, (AHA),

Dr John Hall
Derrick Robinson, FFCHS,
Deborah Dupre, ICESH, HR journalist, The Examiner,


Brainwashing and It's Consequences
By Paul Baird
'Hard Evidence' pp20-31,only knew.

The basic ability to enter a person’s mind is not a futuristic fantasy. This is real and in prototype. DARPA began this research in 1983. The Internet has become a focal point in our lives with reliance for information and communication.Remote Neural Monitoring is a patented mind and behavior control technology that thousands of innocent citizens are being subjected to endure according to consistent reports by advocacy groups such as Freedom From Covert Stalking and Harassment. The technology uses EMF and ELF radio waves to influence brain functioning. (See: The NSA Harasses Thousands Of Law Abiding Americans Daily By The Usage Of Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM))The business of non-lethal weapons is expanding and will continue to grow. In 2006, the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate received $43.9 million compared to $25.8 million in 2000. Ionatron’s website states that, “…the market for new directed-energy applications (will increase to $12.7 billion over the next ten years for the defense market alone.”

USA, UK, Australia, China, India, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, Finland

Technologies | Surveillance | Surveillance Results | Case Study | References | Links

"There are those who can but won't. There are those who cannot yet try. Let's pray that the efforts of those trying encourage those that are not as that is our

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To Soleilmavis and all members of faith

From the book of Enoch,____ the souls of men's cries came up to heaven.  Lord you have made all things.  You behold all things and there is nothing that can be concealed from you.  Obtain justice for us.

The fallen angels, after hearing that God was to bring judgement against them, sent Enoch, to intercede on their behalf.  God denied their request for clemency because they should have prayed for the men that they were destroying and not for themselves.

These angels were eternal beings and no provisions of forgiveness was made for them.  Men on the other hand have a provision for forgiveness through Christ, but it is conditional.  It is available only upon repentance and confession of sins.  Men can receive repentance and forgiveness and a repentant soul is a beautiful thing to behold.

The men who are hurting us have not found repentance.  Let us come together and cry unto God to obtain justice for us.

In the book of Matthew it is written, Chapter 18, verse 18, Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

In the book of John, Chapter 20, verse 23, it is written, whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whosoever sins ye retain, they are retained.

Soleilmavis, my sister in the Lord, join me and bring our other brothers and sisters together for prayer.  Let us agree as" touching" our torturers and perpetrators of evil.  If we come together in the name of the Lord and agree in prayer he has promised to do the thing we have agreed upon touching.  Let us first make sure that our prayer is in love not only for ourselves but also for our torturers, for forgiveness is for all who repent.  But let the wrath of God remain upon the children of disobedience.

Let our prayers agree that all peace, all rest, all pleasure in this life be removed from them until they confess and repent of all their evil deeds.  Let us bind them in their sins and give them over to the tormenters.  Perhaps some will find forgiveness and peace with God. 

Soleil, you understand time zones, if you would organize some times of prayer so that some of will be praying at the same time wherever we are , it would be very nice of you.  We can also pray, each at our own convenience, putting the Lord in remembrance of his word.  He has said, put me in remembrance of my word. He did not say that because he is forgetful. He said that because he wants us to remember that he will answer prayer when we pray according to his word.
Let this touching in prayer be also for all of those who have knowledge of these things and have or are being silent, which makes them guilty as accessories.

with love, from your brother


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Information on Targeted Individuals

I separate "Targeted Individuals" into two categories: "Primary Targeted Individuals" are those who have been placed on a hit list - those who are being heavily targeted through intentional physical and psychological torture with remotely directed microwave energy weapons, laser weapons and psychotronic weapons. . .and a gang stalking harassment program. And ordinary "Targeted Individuals" are those who have been put on a list to be either experimented on, destroyed or mind controlled, with remote microwave weapons. . .and usually remain unaware of being targeted. At this point, it appears that most of humanity is being targeted in one way or the other, due to the implementation of a lethal depopulation program, which has been being implemented through the past few decades.

I do not know how many individuals are remotely targeted, with microwave weapons and other lethal substances, to be slowly killed in ways that appear like a natural death, but it has to be at least hundreds of thousands world wide. If it is true that Aids, Lupus and other diseases that suddenly appeared in the past few decades are intentionally inflicted into Targeted Individuals. . .and if some cases of Leukemia, tumorous cancers, flues and lung and heart inflictions are also intentionally inflicted upon Targeted Individuals. . .you can do the math yourself. Just remember that the public statistics for rapidly rising cancer and autoimmune cases...etc., are probably not accurate. Just look around you - with your Heart. . .and you will See.

Targeted Individuals are usually also used for remote technological experimentation and will often suddenly acquire strange physical inflictions that can range from unusual joint pain, depression, migraines, weakness and fatigue to medically unexplainable neurological problems...etc. (See a larger list of symptoms here.) The list of possibilities is almost endless. But one thing remains the same - most victims have a feeling that something is wrong, that their illnesses is not natural. Many have a gut feeling about this but just do not know how to label it due to a lack of awareness that such lethal technologies even exist let alone are being used to inconspicuously murder human beings.

It appears that many Targeted Individuals are pushed into getting antidepressants, which aid the success of remote mind control technologies. I hate to have to say it, but Targeted Individuals are being used as lab rats and will probably be slowly murdered, in order to cut back on the earths population and sustain a controllable number of people for the criminal leaders of this operation. Those of us who's minds can be easily controlled have a better chance of being kept alive. Those of us who are strong willed are apt to be psychologically tortured as well as being inflicted with physical illness.
Plight of "Primary Targeted Individuals"

Primary Targeted Individuals are those of us who are put on a lethal harassment program, which aims to literally destroy every aspect of our lives. Those of us who end up in this program are often those who begin to realize what is happening, whistleblowers, those who are witnesses to the technologies that are being used to harm humanity, those who are put on a list of suspected terrorists since 9/11 - these can be unfortunate people that a member of the surviellence team happens to dislike or be attracted to. . .and sadly, sometimes those who are chosen to become a member of a criminal operation that attempts to force them into being mind controlled by remote technologies.

I understand how difficult this sounds to believe. But PLEASE just at least remain open minded, because the wellbeing of someone you love may depend on your awareness, even if you retain doubts. Please just give this the benefit of your doubt, because those of us who are Primary Targeted Individuals are experiencing almost unspeakable levels of torture.

We are unheard victims lost beneath their lies.
We are the tortured ones put on a list to die.
We are rising wounded begging for some aide
Becoming specks of dust in an evil charade.

Click here to learn how to help us

   It appears that once a Targeted Individual is put on this Hit List, we are held under constant satellite surveillance while being literally tortured both psychologically and physically through remote weapon attacks and local organized stalking and harassment groups. . .all of which is slyly orchestrated to make the victim look "crazy" or "paranoid" if we dare to speak out about what is happening to us. (This is like Hitler style satanism at its worst.)
   Without public awareness, through main stream media exposing these crimes, we have no real help and continue being tortured and having our lives destroyed through what is viewed as natural deaths, suicides, projected mental illness, or framings for imprisonment so that the public will not believe our testimonies.
   Though I feel that a targeted individual is any human being, who is being intruded upon in any way, (which may be most of us, at this point) those of us who are now being referred to as "Targeted Individuals" are the ones who are being openly threatened and psychologically abused - the ones who are being tortured in the cruelest ways possible.
   We are like caged animals who are being secretly mutilated and murdered in a country that boasts of freedom and human rights! This is so hard to believe because its too cruel for most of us to want to face or believe.
   The methods being used to isolate and harm primary Targeted Individuals are being done Hitler style - with friends, neighbors and even family members being manipulated against them. Some of these manipulations are being done by members of organized stalking and harassment groups and some are done with remote mind control technologies.
   Although everyone who is close to the victim gets targeted also, the goal is to isolate the primary target, and leave him/her with no person to turn to for help, prior to abduction and/or destruction through being institutionalized, imprisoned, forced into suicide or inconspicuously murdered.
   I believe that this holocaust is far more dangerous than Germany's historic one, because its also being done with far more advanced types of drugs, chemicals and technology, which most of us are not aware of and have no protection from. Rescues do not even seem to be on the horizon, because even our own governments still deny the fact that such technologies even exist, although they have been being used by and on our military for many DECADES now.
   Even some "support" forums for Primary "Targeted Individuals," which are popping up on the web seem to be infiltrated with, if not slyly created by, the perpetrators of this holocaust. Over and over again I have been left feeling shocked by the levels of their cruelty. It took me a long time to face this, because I did not want to realize that such HORRIFIC levels of evil/cruelty can exist in our beautiful world. But it does exist and it has complete control until more of us start facing it and stop giving it free reign.
   Many Primary Targeted Individuals, who have become aware of what is happening, are being "gang stalked", which involves severe levels of constant stalking and psychological harassment by groups of criminals or neighborhood watch groups. This stalking can also include being threatened, drugged, raped, poisoned and having our homes, vehicles, jobs and relationships invaded and destroyed. This is all done so inconspicuously that it is not usually obvious to people around us. These criminals operate with a stealth and secrecy that is difficult to expose or prove. Thus far, Michigan is the only state, that I know of, to acknowledge this crime and pass new laws to protect victims.
    When we try to seek help or talk about it, we are often shoved into unaware or infiltrated parts of the medical profession, to be misdiagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
    This is easily done because the description of what primary Targeted Individuals are experiencing, mimics the symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia, and there is not NEARLY enough awareness of this fact. A good article on this was written by British psychoanalyst, Carol Smith.
"No problem ever got solved by misdiagnosing it!"

Primary Targeted Individuals are hit with unbearable levels of torture, in criminal efforts to prevent this information from being heard or believed by the general public.

As I skimmed through a list of Primary Targeted Individuals on the link below the following statement forced my aching heart to release a batch of tears, "I wish to everyone who has lasted long enough to read this, all luck in searching for just normal life. When we will get the right to that, the most important battle of Humankind will have been won." It was written by Aleksander Zielinski. I wonder if he is still alive. The saddest part of this list is that it probably exposes only a minuscule fraction of a small percent of the lives that have been damaged or destroyed by lethal technological targeting and organized stalking and harassment.

Washington Post Article, "Mind Games" by Sharon Weinberger January 14, 2007

Domestic Terrorism -- By Air! by Jerry E. Smith

From A Targeted Individual to the rest of Humanity

I don't want to be left to evil pretenses of helping hands.
I need to be comforted by those who can care to understand.
I don't want to be declared insane for their hateful gain.
I need you to soothe my wounds instead of inflicting more pain.
I don't want you to watch from a silent distance while I die.
I need you here beside me as I pray to God and cry.

Please help us.

Click here to learn how to help us

Click here for a list of symptoms

Click here if you feel that you are a Primary Targeted Individual


Message for Law Enforcement Personnel:

It is my understanding that this operation is lead military style. . .with the lower branches of it remaining completely unaware of the master plan. And I have grown to believe that if local, state and even some federal, Law enforcement agencies (Including veterans and FEMA workers) knew that they are under the influence of secret remote mind control technologies and are targeting innocent people - people like their own families. . .and that they and their own loved ones are NOT going to be left unhurt by this atrocity, they would begin listening to their hearts instead of remaining unaware puppets for an evil operation that is a serious threat to all of humanity.

Please listen to your Hearts and research this. YOU have the power to save your own families and the rest of humanity. Please do so.

This information came from the following sites:
ATTENTION: Only considerate, comprehendable comments, that pertain to this post, will be allowed.
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Sociology is the social science that studies the phenomena produced by collective social activity of human beings within the historical and cultural context in which they are immersed.we have accepted as a marginal group, although there're crazy. we are creating a reference in the opinion of the people and conduct, either positive or negative. we consist exist but not in any official site, we continue to abuse victims sufirndo as social as homosexuals, until we accept.


martes, 5 de febrero de 2013

hopelessness for the continued violation of human

You see these two women in painting? Son of Lucian Freud ............................................. "">Interestingly! was Freud's grandson.
"">Lucian Freud painting continued in this way to unravel the truth about man, powerfully illuminating his fellows, so that not a single fold of their bodies a single cache of their souls remain hidden to the viewer.">

Seeing this picture of two women, in the bones, which offer their nakedness, and without a single feeling in her face. They remind me of me when I am under attack with bioresonance quantified ... that there is no clear. "">You stay still, without hope, are you listening to kids scream and play in the park, your family speaks, but you're like an animal dying despised, while abusing your mind and your body.">People who are close with bioresonance apparatus quantified with a job hiding the reality, what civil eel unknown, and to combat boredom have fun with you.

And I think about women in the concentration camps, which would lead to the bunks so, to abuse your body. "">Serian as human cattle, scorned by society, qeu not interested in their lives and feelings."">As people of high society, at that time the gadgets of psychotronic women would delight denatured, who behaved like males with other women, using radio frequencies to humiliate als clear.These women of high society would be invited by high-ranking leaders of the Gestapo, to play with their prisoners, the simulation sessions teatro.Todo world knows the perversity of high society, that rotten money and status ">welfare takes its time to have fun with the new limit.
I imagine the same thing I do for me, but more dramatic, worse, horribly inhumane, women and men playing chess quantum, with avatars malnourished, starving and frightened, high society is full of people that now provincial "">to be what it is because they are made of gold with human trade.A session could be primed for teleportation quantified with the mind of an elected body, and I guess I do not know this, but I think you can graduate to being parasitized zombify, by degrees, to force him to do immoral things to another human being in their condition. These emotions seek the provincials, "inflame bipeds" of our time, too. Wonderfully educated people with titles, which are very well regarded socially, or computer working in this field, who have families and are excellent parents from their children, but before the temptation of doing something forbidden accept, even if they are abusing their "">avatar."">Women are horrific beings, if they have attitude, hereby attempt to be more than men, to show they are powerful."">They are bitches that want to have their man and dress like ladies, but their behavior is spiritual provincial.Denatured These women are everywhere, we are surrounded by monsters but do not know because we do not want to take responsibility for what happens. ">If our life is going well, I happened to listen to a victim of mind control, which is warning us of what science, and ordinary people are making on our community of loved ones
This picture is how I stay when I changed the face with technology for fun while women laugh and consent, the woman is to blame for this is happening. "">Before sexism would have thought it, but when you go through this trauma, we understand the whole life.The woman did not want to be ersponsable of psychological development, and only want to deal with your piece of cave, Plato would have named the "precious featherless .
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Hesychius connects the name Apollo with the Doric απελλα, which means "assembly," so that Apollo would be the god of political life, and he also gives the explanation σηκος ("fold"), in which case Apollo would be the god of flocks and herds.[8]However, while Apollo had a great number of appellations in Greek myth, only a few occurred in Latin literature, chief among them Phoebus ("shining one"), which was very commonly used by both the Greeks and Romans to denote Apollo's role as the god of light.[27]the Romans referred to Apollo as Medicus ("the Physician"),Argurotoxos ("with the silver bow")He was known as Klarios, from the Doric klaros ("allotment of land"), for his supervision over cities and colonies.He was known as Delphinios ("Delphinian"), meaning "of the womb," for his association with the temple at Delphoi (Delphi).He was also known as Lyceios or Lykegenes, which either meant "wolfish" or "of Lycia," Lycia being the place where some postulate that his cult originated.Back in the mid 1800's, there was an Apollo Hall created as a dance and entertainment venue. It closed, but the name didn't "go away" and was applied to the theater that took its place. Use the link below for more information. Actually the theatre was named after the greek god Apollo. The freemasons owned and built it and as most should know by now these people are obsesed with the occult.Apollo was the Greek god of music and plays or theater. That's probably why it was named that Greek god Apollo was leader of the nine Olympian Muses, who inspired the arts.. set Apollo as their leader, Apollon Mousagetēs ("Apollo Muse-leader").[7] Not only are the Muses explicitly used in modern English to refer to an artistic inspiration, as when one cites one's own artistic muse, but they also are implicit in words and phrases such as "amuse", "museum"they were daughters of Zeus, the second generation king of the gods, and the offspring of Mnemosyne, goddess of memory.According to Pausanias in the later 2nd century AD,[9] there were three original Muses, worshiped on Mount Helicon in Boeotia: Aoidē ("song" or "tune"), Meletē ("practice" or "occasion"), and Mnēmē ("memory").Greek mousa is a common noun as well as a type of goddess: it literally means "art" or "poetry". In Pindar, to "carry a mousa" is "to excel in the arts". The word probably derives from the Indo-European root men-, which is also the source of Greek Mnemosyne, English "mind", "mental" and "memory" and Sanskrit "mantra".THE MOUSAI (Muses) were the goddesses of music, song and dance, and the source of inspiration to poets. They were also goddesses of knowledge, who remembered all things that had come to pass. Later the Mousai were assigned specific artistic spheres: Kalliope, epic poetry; Kleio, history; Ourania, astronomy; Thaleia, comedy; Melpomene, tragedy; Polyhymnia, religious hymns; Erato, erotic poetry; Euterpe, lyric poetry; and Terpsikhore, choral song and dance.In ancient Greek vase painting the Mousai were depicted as beautiful young women with a variety of musical intruments. In later art each of the nine was assigned her own distinctive attribute.There were two alternative sets of Muses: the three or four Mousai Titanides and the three Mousai Apollonides.ENCYCLOPEDIAMUSAE (Mousai). The Muses, according to the earliest writers, were the inspiring goddesses of song, and, according to later noticus, divinities presiding over the different kinds of poetry, and over the arts and sciences. They were originally regarded as the nymphs of inspiring wells, near which they were worshipped, and bore different names in different places, until the Thraco-Boeotian worship of the nine Muses spread from Boeotia over other parts of Greece, and ultimately became generally established. (Respecting the Muses conceived as nymphs see Schol. ad Theocrit. vii. 92; Hesych. s. v. Numphê; Steph. Byz. s. v. Torrêbos ; Serv. ad Virg. Eclog. vii. 21.)The genealogy of the Muses is not the same in all writers. The most common notion was, that they were the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, and born in Pieria, at the foot of Mount Olympus (Hes. Theog. 52, &c., 915; Hom. Il. ii. 491, Od. i. 10; Apollod. i. 3. § 1); but some call them the daughters of Uranus and Gaea (Schol. ad Pind. Nem. iii. 16; Paus. ix. 29. § 2; Diod. iv. 7; Arnob. adv. Gent. iii. 37), and others daughters of Pierus and a Pimpleian nymph, whom Cicero (De Nat. Deor. iii. 21) calls Antiope (Tzetz. ad Hes. Op. et D. p. 6; Paus. l. c.), or of Apollo, or of Zeus and Plusia, or of Zeus and Moneta, probably a mere translation of Mnemosyne or Mneme, whence they are called Mnemonides (Ov. Met. v. 268), or of Zeus and Minerva (Isid. Orig. iii. 14), or lastly of Aether and Gaea. (Hygin. Fab. Praef.) Eupheme is called the nurse of the Muses, and at the foot of Mount Helicon her statue stood beside that of Linus. (Paus. ix. 29. § 3.)With regard to the number of the Muses, we are informed that originally three were worshipped on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, namely, Melete (meditation), Mneme (memory), and Aoede (song); and their worship and names are said to have been first introduced by Ephialtes and Otus. (Paus. ix. 29. § 1, &c.) to Pausanias there were three original Muses: Aoide (“song”, “voice”), Melete (“practice” or “occasion”) and Mneme (“memory”) (Paus. 9.29.1). Together, they form the complete picture of the preconditions of poetic art in cult practice.Clio (kleos(glory) / kleiein (to celebrate) / Celebration/Fame) – history.Thalia (thallein (to bloom), Festivity) – comedy.Erato (eros (love) Lovely One) – love poetry.Euterpe (Delight) – music.Polyhymnia (poly (many) and hymnos (hymn) or mnasthai (to remember) Many Songed/Hymned) – sacred poetry. (considered also as inventor of the lyre)Calliope (Beautiful Voice) – epic poetry. (Mother of Orpheus)Terpsichore (Delight of dancing/choruses) – dance.Urania (ouranos (sky) Heavenly One) – astronomy.Melpomene (melpein (to sing) the Singing goddess) – tragedy.PS: It is funny to see that the word “demon” (δαίμων) in ancient Greek was supposed to mean ‘the one who distributes [faith/luck/genius/invention]‘ so in a way Demon was the one who was giving the ‘faith’ (talent) to people.
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