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We've seen this story before: The Pentagon takes an interest in a rapidly changing area of scientific knowledge, and the world is forever changed. And not for the better.

During World War II, the scientific field was atomic physics. Afraid that the Nazis were working on an atomic bomb, the U.S. government mounted its own crash project to get there first. The Manhattan Project was so secret that Congress did not know what it was funding and Vice President Harry S. Truman did not learn about it until FDR's death made him president. In this situation of extreme secrecy, there was almost no ethical or political debate about the Bomb before it was dropped on two cities by a bureaucratic apparatus on autopilot.

Despite J. Robert Oppenheimer's objections, a few Manhattan Project scientists organized a discussion on the implications of the "Gadget" for civilization shortly before the bomb was tested. Another handful issued the Franck Report, advising against dropping the bomb on cities without a prior demonstration and warning of the dangers of an atomic arms race. Neither initiative had any discernible effect. We ended up in a world where the United States had two incinerated cities on its conscience, and its pursuit of nuclear dominance created a world of nuclear overkill and mutually assured destruction.

This time we have a chance to do better. The science in question now is not physics, but neuroscience, and the question is whether we can control its militarization.

According to Jonathan Moreno's fascinating and frightening new book, Mind Wars: Brain Research and National Defense (Dana Press 2006), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been funding research in the following areas:

  • Mind-machine interfaces ("neural prosthetics") that will enable pilots and soldiers to control high-tech weapons by thought alone.
  • "Living robots" whose movements could be controlled via brain implants. This technology has already been tested successfully on "roborats" and could lead to animals remotely directed for mine clearance, or even to remotely controlled soldiers.
  • "Cognitive feedback helmets" that allow remote monitoring of soldiers' mental state.
  • MRI technologies ("brain fingerprinting") for use in interrogation or airport screening for terrorists. Quite apart from questions about their error rate, such technologies would raise the issue of whether involuntary brain scans violate the Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
  • Pulse weapons or other neurodisruptors that play havoc with enemy soldiers' thought processes.
  • "Neuroweapons" that use biological agents to excite the release of neurotoxins. (The Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention bans the stockpiling of such weapons for offensive purposes, but not "defensive" research into their mechanisms of action.)
  • New drugs that would enable soldiers to go without sleep for days, to excise traumatic memories, to suppress fear, or to repress psychological inhibitions against killing.

Moreno's book is important since there has been little discussion about the ethical implications of such research, and the science is at an early enough stage that it might yet be redirected in response to public discussion.

If left on autopilot, however, it's not hard to see where all of this will lead. During the Cold War, misplaced fears of a missile gap and a mind control gap excited an overbuilding of nuclear weapons and unethical LSD experiments on involuntary human subjects. Similarly, we can anticipate future fears of a "neuroweapons" gap, and these fears will justify a headlong rush into research (quite likely to involve unethical human experiments) that will only stimulate our enemies to follow suit.

The military and scientific leaders chartering neuroweapons research will argue that the United States is a uniquely noble country that can be trusted with such technologies, while other countries (except for a few allies) cannot. They will also argue that these technologies will save lives and that U.S. ingenuity will enable the United States to dominate other countries in a neuroweapons race. When it is too late to turn back the clock, they will profess amazement that other countries caught up so quickly and that an initiative intended to ensure American dominance instead led to a world where everyone is threatened by chemicalized soldiers and roboterrorists straight out of Blade Runner.

Meanwhile, individual scientists will tell themselves that, if they don't do the research, someone else will. Research funding will be sufficiently dominated by military grant makers that it will cause some scientists to choose between accepting military funding or giving up their chosen field of research. And the very real dual-use potential of these new technologies (the same brain implant can create a robosoldier or rehabilitate a Parkinson's disease sufferer) will allow scientists to tell themselves that they are "really" working on health technologies to improve the human lot, and the funding just happens to come from the Pentagon.

Does it have to be this way? In spite of obvious problems controlling a field of research that is much less capital-intensive and susceptible to international verification regimes than nuclear weapons research, it is possible that a sustained international conversation between neuroscientists, ethicists, and security specialists could avert the dystopian future sketched out above.

Unfortunately, however, Moreno (p.163) quotes Michael Moodie, a former director of the Chemical and Biological Arms Control Institute, as saying, "The attitudes of those working in the life sciences contrast sharply with the nuclear community. Physicists since the beginning of the nuclear age, including Albert Einstein, understood the dangers of atomic power, and the need to participate actively in managing these risks. The life sciences sectors lag in this regard. Many neglect thinking about the potential risks of their work."

Time to start talking!

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Frank and serious talk about the military’s use of mind control is rare outside the social circles of conspiracy theorists.

But at a recent trans-Atlantic discussion at the Dana centers in Washington, D.C., and London, professors of ethics, neuroscience and peace studies linked current research to forecast advancements in neurological warfare, including fear- and sleep-reducing drugs and hormones for facilitating interrogations.

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The future of mind control (The Economist 2002)


People already worry about genetics. They should worry about brain science too

May 23rd 2002 | from the print edition


IN AN attempt to treat depression, neuroscientists once carried out a simple experiment. Using electrodes, they stimulated the brains of women in ways that caused pleasurable feelings. The subjects came to no harm—indeed their symptoms appeared to evaporate, at least temporarily—but they quickly fell in love with their experimenters.

Such a procedure (and there have been worse in the history of neuroscience) poses far more of a threat to human dignity and autonomy than does cloning. Cloning is the subject of fierce debate, with proposals for wholesale bans. Yet when it comes to neuroscience, no government or treaty stops anything. For decades, admittedly, no neuroscientist has been known to repeat the love experiment. A scientist who used a similar technique to create remote-controlled rats seemed not even to have entertained the possibility. “Humans? Who said anything about humans?” he said, in genuine shock, when questioned. “We work on rats.”

Ignoring a possibility does not, however, make it go away. If asked to guess which group of scientists is most likely to be responsible, one day, for overturning the essential nature of humanity, most people might suggest geneticists. In fact neurotechnology poses a greater threat—and also a more immediate one. Moreover, it is a challenge that is largely ignored by regulators and the public, who seem unduly obsessed by gruesome fantasies of genetic dystopias.

A person's genetic make-up certainly has something important to do with his subsequent behaviour. But genes exert their effects through the brain. If you want to predict and control a person's behaviour, the brain is the place to start. Over the course of the next decade, scientists may be able to predict, by examining a scan of a person's brain, not only whether he will tend to mental sickness or health, but also whether he will tend to depression or violence. Neural implants may within a few years be able to increase intelligence or to speed up reflexes. Drug companies are hunting for molecules to assuage brain-related ills, from paralysis to shyness (see article).

A public debate over the ethical limits to such neuroscience is long overdue. It may be hard to shift public attention away from genetics, which has so clearly shown its sinister side in the past. The spectre of eugenics, which reached its culmination in Nazi Germany, haunts both politicians and public. The fear that the ability to monitor and select for desirable characteristics will lead to the subjugation of the undesirable—or the merely unfashionable—is well-founded.

Not so long ago neuroscientists, too, were guilty of victimising the mentally ill and the imprisoned in the name of science. Their sins are now largely forgotten, thanks in part to the intractable controversy over the moral status of embryos. Anti-abortion lobbyists, who find stem-cell research and cloning repugnant, keep the ethics of genetic technology high on the political agenda. But for all its importance, the quarrel over abortion and embryos distorts public discussion of bioethics; it is a wonder that people in the field can discuss anything else.

In fact, they hardly do. America's National Institutes of Health has a hefty budget for studying the ethical, legal and social implications of genetics, but it earmarks nothing for the specific study of the ethics of neuroscience. The National Institute of Mental Health, one of its component bodies, has seen fit to finance a workshop on the ethical implications of “cyber-medicine”, yet it has not done the same to examine the social impact of drugs for “hyperactivity”, which 7% of American six- to eleven-year-olds now take. The Wellcome Trust, Britain's main source of finance for the study of biomedical ethics, has a programme devoted to the ethics of brain research, but the number of projects is dwarfed by its parallel programme devoted to genetics.

Uncontrollable fears


The worriers have not spent these resources idly. Rather, they have produced the first widespread legislative and diplomatic efforts directed at containing scientific advance. The Council of Europe and the United Nations have declared human reproductive cloning a violation of human rights. The Senate is soon to vote on a bill that would send American scientists to prison for making cloned embryonic stem cells.

Yet neuroscientists have been left largely to their own devices, restrained only by standard codes of medical ethics and experimentation. This relative lack of regulation and oversight has produced a curious result. When it comes to the brain, society now regards the distinction between treatment and enhancement as essentially meaningless. Taking a drug such as Prozac when you are not clinically depressed used to be called cosmetic, or non-essential, and was therefore considered an improper use of medical technology. Now it is regarded as just about as cosmetic, and as non-essential, as birth control or orthodontics. American legislators are weighing the so-called parity issue—the argument that mental treatments deserve the same coverage in health-insurance plans as any other sort of drug. Where drugs to change personality traits were once seen as medicinal fripperies, or enhancements, they are now seen as entitlements.

This flexible attitude towards neurotechnology—use it if it might work, demand it if it does—is likely to extend to all sorts of other technologies that affect health and behaviour, both genetic and otherwise. Rather than resisting their advent, people are likely to begin clamouring for those that make themselves and their children healthier and happier.

This might be bad or it might be good. It is a question that public discussion ought to try to settle, perhaps with the help of a regulatory body such as the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, which oversees embryo research in Britain. History teaches that worrying overmuch about technological change rarely stops it. Those who seek to halt genetics in its tracks may soon learn that lesson anew, as rogue scientists perform experiments in defiance of well-intended bans. But, if society is concerned about the pace and ethics of scientific advance, it should at least form a clearer picture of what is worth worrying about, and why.

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据英国媒体近日报道,一项虚拟现实实验爱丽丝仙境使人能够产生一种错觉,变成了芭比大小或者是长大成4米高的巨人。就像爱丽丝喝酒或者吃下奇怪的东西之后身体变大变小一样,实验的被试志愿者们也在实验中变身了。瑞典卡罗林斯卡研究所的科学家们在早期关于身体交换研究的基础上加以调整,进行了这项实验。 这种错觉的产生是给参与者一个虚拟现实耳机,让他们觉得自己好像拥有一个人工假体。 身体影响环境感知 当模特的假腿和真人的腿同时被触摸时,会让大脑误以为,假体才是真实的。这项新的研究。这项实验明,


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were you a chosen target at childhood?

I first noticed my targetting in 2005 and so thought it all began there as with many other TI's we are being introduced to this in this new millenium. But Ive thought back and can now trace this back to peculiar events/dreams in my childhood. Do many of you believe you were a chosen target as a child and they've kept an eye on you until this new millenium where they have chosen to exercise this targetting?

My thinking is I wonder WHY particular people are chosen as targets. I wonder if there is something we have in common. In my experience there are many targetters/stalkers out there so what is it about us that makes us the targets. If we are in fact chosen in childhood what is it about a child that could make them worth targetting???

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Pls pay close attention to our "Petition" ...

From Mr. John McKay M.P. , our petition Re. Non lethal weapons, Mind control weapons and Organized stalking was tabled. We still need the following information :

“Please, specify for us the following information:

- Letter of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RECEIPT of this petition by member of Parliament 
- the Member of Parliament NAME who tabled this petition
- Give Assigned NUMBER of Registered Petition 
- The DATE the petition was tabled in the House of Commons
- LETTER of the Member of Parliament Notifying the Complainant Ti of the above 45 day awaiting period for the decision . 

Please, Note : All government correspondence - replies from House of Commons and or Member of Parliament must be provided in writing . 

Telephone " answers' with any persons from the government are not an official mode of reply , and therefore any can be disregarded as hearsay . 

On behalf of all Canadian victims of torture here, THANK YOU .”


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(NaturalNews) What corporate-driven "science" has in mind for the future of humanity is far different from the dreamy utopian landscape that's been portrayed by the mainstream media. To hear the corporate-run media tell it, science is always "good" for humanity. Scientific achievements are always called "advances" and not "setbacks," even though many of them have proven to be disastrous for humanity (atomic bombs, for example, or GMOs).

While pure science is, indeed, a necessary component of any civilization which seeks to expand its understanding of the universe, what we see dominating the landscape today isn't pure science but corporate-driven "science" that only seeks to accelerate corporate profits, not human understanding. And with that corporate-slanted science comes a whole new era of truly terrifying technologies that we may soon see become reality in our world.

Here, I've compiled a list of ten future technologies that might be used to strip away your freedoms and enslave you to the corporate globalist masters, all under the label of "science."

#1) Organ harvesting from genetically modified, patented pigs

Need a replacement heart or lung? No worries, mate! Monsanto will grow you a new one using a genetically modified, trans-species pig (patent pending) that was raised on GMO animal feed and subjected to organ harvesting while it was still alive in order to keep the organs "fresh."

Your government-approved, Medicare-funded transplant will be handled by one of the top U.S. hospitals, which are, even today, deeply engaged in black market organ trafficking and illegal transplantations.

#2) "Behavioral vaccines" that rewire your brain to eliminate dissent

Disobedience is a disease! And the "cure" for disobedience (or Oppositional Defiance Disorder, as they call it) will be a new "vaccine" that biologically rewires your brain to make you more socially acceptable to the controllers.

It will be called a "behavioral vaccine" even though, in reality, it's just a chemical lobotomy. This technology will be a cornerstone of the global police state, which will have no tolerance for independent thinking or critical thought of any kind, especially against the state.

#3) Centralized, remote monitoring of all your health statistics and vital signs by the police state

Think your medical records are really private? Think again: Even now, the U.S. government maintains a secret centralized bank of blood taken from children at birth. In the near future, citizens will be implanted with biometric monitoring chips that relay information back to the government about your pulse, respiration, and the presence of either illegal drugs or legalized pharmaceuticals (which are often the very same chemicals as illegal drugs, just re-branded as a medication).

These chips will be used by the government to enforce people taking their medications. They will also be used to locate and arrest those who smoke a little pot or take addictive substances without a prescription.

But most importantly, these chips will be used to monitor nutritional levels and make sure no one attains a high level of vitamin D, for example, which promotes clear thinking and strong cognitive function ( Under scientific dictatorship, the sheeple must be kept in a state of chronic nutritional deficiency in order to be easily controlled. This will all be sold to the public as a way for the government to monitor their "safety" because, the government will claim, "Too much vitamin D can be dangerous!" So they will set the upper safety limits to the lower threshold of cognitive awakening, making sure that everyone remains in a mental stupor as they live out their state-run lives.

#4) The total secrecy of all food ingredients, sources and places of origin

As the food industry is increasingly invaded by junk science (GMOs, anyone?), efforts will increase to hide all the chemical ingredients in food products and rename dangerous-sounding chemicals into nice-sounding chemicals.

The Corn Refiners Association is already trying to rename "High Fructose Corn Syrup" to "corn sugar." ( Aspartame is now going to be called "AminoSweet," and MSG has been renamed things like "yeast extract" or "Torula yeast powder."

But it's going to get far worse as fraudulent science accelerates food industry deceptions. Expect to see preservatives like "sodium benzoate" renamed as things like, "Freshiness crystals." Or "artificial colors" might be described as "Fortified with pretty colors."

Above all, the food industry wants to hide where its foods come from, how they are made, and what's in them, because all three of those categories are bad news for your health.

#5) The complete criminalization of home-produced foods and medicines, forcing total reliance on factory food production

Speaking of food, corrupt "scientists" will soon insist that growing your own food is extremely dangerous because you might grow e.coli in your garden! With such absurd justifications, home gardening will be completely outlawed in many towns, and those who try to secretly grow tomatoes will be arrested and imprisoned as if they were heroin smugglers.

The idea of all this is to make the population completely dependent on centralized factory food production, in the same way the population is currently dependent on centralized electricity and centralized fossil fuels. This will all be justified with the help of "scientists" who claim that factory-produced food is safer for you because it's all pasteurized, irradiated and fumigated.

#6) The unleashing of a global bioweapon pandemic through seasonal flu shots

Whereas vaccines were once intended to prevent disease, they are now being increasingly weaponized and engineered to spread disease, which is why most of the people who get the flu each winter are the very same people who routinely take flu shots.

In the near future, as the globalists decide the world population has reached its upper tolerable limit, a live "population control" virus will be engineered right into the vaccines, followed by an aggressive vaccine push that even offers to pay people to receive flu shots. (Get a flu shot, earn $25!)

The whole scheme, of course, is nothing more than a population control measure designed to eliminate all the lower-IQ people on the planet who are stupid enough to allow themselves to be injected with biological weapons packaged and sold as vaccines. Effectively, it's really a eugenics program that the globalists believe will save the human race from the rise of stupidity (no matter what the cost in human suffering).

#7) Total government control over your reproduction and the genetic code of your "offspring"

Copulating with the person of your choice and producing your own "random" offspring will no longer be allowed under the scientific police state. Reproduction must be carefully controlled through licensing and regulation to make sure that no unexpected results occur.

Before having children, parents will need to apply to the government for permission to reproduce, at which point they will be genetically and cognitively profiled, then granted a reproduction classification status that must be strictly followed to avoid imprisonment.

People who show rebellious tendencies and speak out against the state will be denied reproduction "privileges." Only the most obedient, white-skinned, do-gooder mind slaves will be granted reproduction privileges, and they will gladly copulate and raise yet more babies to be sacrificed to the state as the next generation of mind slaves.

#8) Wireless brain implants that can be remotely activated by law enforcement to make entire crowds of people passive

The future of "science" involves all sorts of electronics implanted into the human body. One of the most convenient ones will be the "pacification chip" that will be forced upon citizens along with "money chips" that they use to pay for everything (cash will be outlawed, and using cash will be seen as a terrorist activity).

The pacification chip can be remotely activated by the government through cell tower bursts -- or through hand-held units issued to police and law enforcement commanders -- to instantly pacify large crowds of protesters or rioters. Are the students protesting about free speech again? Activate the pacification chip, and they'll all lay down on the lawn and daydream for a while.

Are revolutionaries marching on the capitol and trying to overthrow the government? Activate the pacification chip, and your tyrannical dictatorship is safe!

Such chips may also be used to "excite" the brain at times when it is also politically useful. For example, when another terrorist attack is staged on U.S. soil, the "excitation chips" can be activated across the population to get people riled up and calling for war! (And that's the whole point of false flag attacks, of course.)

#9) The genetic engineering and breeding of obedient super soldiers

In the far future, battlefield soldiers will actually be humanoid-shaped robots equipped with firearms and body armor. Think "Terminator" model T-1000. That's still a ways off, of course, given the incredible complexity of mobile power, robotic actuation technologies, vision recognition systems and artificial intelligence.

In the mean time, the most powerful nations of the world will pour R&D money into growing genetically modified super soldiers who are secretly birthed, raised and trained to be as robotic as possible. These super soldiers will be genetically engineered with peak performance attributes (high blood oxygenation, large body frames, etc.) combined with small brains that can only process enough information to follow orders but never question them.

They will also be outfitted with numerous electronic implants, making them more cyborg than human. They will have vision implants attached to their retinas, for example, GPS chips wired to their brains, comm equipment wired into their ears, and built-in pain medication dispensers that flood their bodies with stimulant chemicals so they can keep fighting even after an arm gets blown off, for example.

#10) The electromagnetic activation of metals and nano-crystals injected into you through vaccines

Here's a new one most people haven't thought about: In addition to vaccines being used to spread infectious disease, they can also be used to inject humans with nano-crystals that are sized and tuned to resonate at certain frequencies, much like a radio crystal tunes in to a specific radio band.

Such nano-crystals may lie dormant in the bodies of the general public for years or even decades, but at some point the government can take over the radio towers with an "emergency" national transmission that broadcasts an activation signal at precisely the right wavelength to excite the nano-crystals already in peoples' bodies. The results could be anything from mass insanity to massive outbreaks of violence (rioting, etc.) or just tens of millions of people instantly dropping dead. Any of those outcomes could then be exploited by the government to sell a cover story of a "terrorist attack" that requires even more government control over the population.

It could all be done in the name of "science"

Remember, this collection of 10 points is about possible future technologies that exemplify the abuse of science to empower tyrannical governments and corrupt industries. Thankfully, these ten examples have not come true yet, but several are well on their way to become reality in just the next few years.

Real science has an important role to play in any society, but I believe that science should serve the interests of the People, not the self-serving controllers who run globalist corporations and national governments. When science is used to dominate and enslave people rather than setting them free, it is a violation of one of the most fundamental truths throughout the universe: only through freedom (the freedom of ideas, freedom of questioning, freedom of discussion) can true understanding of our universe be achieved.

NaturalNews salutes the real scientists out there who pursue the betterment of human civilization without punching a clock for all the evil corporations which abuse science for their own nefarious purposes.

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Brief Summary


1.    I have been targeted by Tun Dr. Mahathir (former Prime Minister of Malaysia), my own father for trying to expose his lies to his own country, Malaysia and the world.

2.    I have been a victim (and not the only one) of brainwave pattern reading and manipulation of undetermined origin either via microwave signals (microwave hearing) or other electronic harassment technologies with the same effect by his orders.

3.    That these technologies do exist and have been in development for a long time by the former USSR and United States of America, and NOT as he stated, “Malaysia is the first country to develop a peaceful weapon as an example to the rest of the world”.

4.    That this weapon is not “peaceful” but a method of intimidation and also a method to inflict mental torture (as I have experienced) a form of torture technique described in international law as being unlawful.

5.    That he is a closeted Freemason and has been working with the very people he has been demonising.

6.    That he and Anwar Ibrahim (also a Freemason) lied to the whole nation concerning their supposed ‘fallout’ and that it was a scheme to monopolize the local political environment (similar to the dual party system in the US and other countries) as a means of controlling public opinion and any eventual backlash via his proxy Anwar.

7.    That Tun Mahathir betrayed and is a traitor to all the people who helped create the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, because he is working with the very people he claims to be fighting against. That he has all along been working with the industrial military complex via his hidden support of British weapons dealers and makers and a user of these despicable weapons. That the tribunal was doomed to fail from the start because he had orchestrated it to be so.

8.    That he lied to his countrymen and Muslims around the world about being a Muslim as a scheme to ‘infiltrate’ and influence the Muslim world and third world countries.

9.    That he is a self-professed Atheist in private and does not believe in God, life after death, and angels/demons/jinns (he also drinks alcohol in private during family vacations overseas).

10.    That he believes in Islam Allah SWT is referring to man and that he is Allah SWT. That since God is the Creator and man also creates, he is God.

11.    That he claims to be Jesus Christ but then restated that he doesn’t believe that Prophet Isa or Jesus Christ ever existed because “there is no historical evidence that he ever existed”.

12.    That what all the prophets experienced  when they saw or where met by angels were mere “hallucinations” which according to him if people back then had knowledge of modern science would deem it a “medical condition” or “hallucinations”.

13.    That when asked if he chose God over Satan, he casually said he chose Satan as god because he doesn’t believe that there is a God to punish him or a life after death to worry about.
14.    That he considers himself to be a “gentleman”, and that “gentlemen are above the law”, and that “gentlemen always play dirty” (in response to my outrage of his attempts to silence me)

15.    That my own father, Tun Dr. Mahathir has repeatedly threaten to kill me should I inform people of his true self and agendas to dissuade me from talking. He even said it could be made to look like an accident. He has also threatened to have me “disappear” or kidnapped.

16.    That he is involved in a criminal enterprise and consider the police force and judicial system of Malaysia his toy, and even said that he could just bribe or give orders to judges and police officials should I report his criminal activities.

17.    That he will ensure that I would not get any legal help as he could threaten or bribe any lawyers that would try to help me.

18.    That he will convince people that I am delusional as there is no legal protocol in place to report the use of brainwave reading and harassment technologies which is hard to prove without the right scientific instruments and that he could terminate the signal thus rendering any proof of activity as non-existent (the reason why he chose this method or weapon).

19.    That he will start a smear campaign against me should I ever divulge any of his secrets (which he has already started) as a pre-emptive measure.

20.    That he has lied to his own wife; my mother, my family, Malaysians and the world.  

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  美国气味研究(DigiScents)公司在上世纪90年代研发出“嗅觉电影”技术,曾在该公司工作的嗅觉科学家艾弗里-吉尔伯特(Avery Gilbert)称,我们将气味分成了三十多种类型,比如:树木、草、排泄物、花卉等。气味研究公司建造了一种原型设备,可以产生许多日常生活中的气味。吉尔伯特称,这些气味不能完全复制,但却可以进行识别。
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Sony Patent Takes First Step Towards Real-Life Matrix By Jenny Hogan & Barry Fox 4-7-5 Imagine movies and computer games in which you get to smell, taste and perhaps even feel things. That's the tantalising prospect raised by a patent on a device for transmitting sensory data directly into the human brain - granted to none other than the entertainment giant Sony. The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non-invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating "sensory experiences" ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims. While brain implants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, the only non-invasive ways of manipulating the brain remain crude. A technique known as transcranial magnetic stimulation can activate nerves by using rapidly changing magnetic fields to induce currents in brain tissue. However, magnetic fields cannot be finely focused on small groups of brain cells, whereas ultrasound could be. If the method described by Sony really does work, it could have all sorts of uses in research and medicine, even if it is not capable of evoking sensory experiences detailed enough for the entertainment purposes envisaged in the patent. Details are sparse, and Sony declined New Scientist's request for an interview with the inventor, who is based in its offices in San Diego, California. However, independent experts are not dismissing the idea out of hand. "I looked at it and found it plausible," says Niels Birbaumer, a pioneering neuroscientist at the University of T¸bingen in Germany who has created devices that let people control devices via brain waves. The application contains references to two scientific papers presenting research that could underpin the device. One, in an echo of Galvani's classic 18th-century experiments on frogs' legs that proved electricity can trigger nerve impulses, showed that certain kinds of ultrasound pulses can affect the excitability of nerves from a frog's leg. The author, Richard Mihran of the University of Colorado, Boulder, had no knowledge of the patent until New Scientist contacted him, but says he would be concerned about the proposed method's long-term safety. Sony first submitted a patent application for the ultrasound method in 2000, which was granted in March 2003. Since then Sony has filed a series of continuations, most recently in December 2004 (US 2004/267118). Elizabeth Boukis, spokeswoman for Sony Electronics, says the work is speculative. "There were not any experiments done," she says. "This particular patent was a prophetic invention. It was based on an inspiration that this may someday be the direction that technology will take us." - From issue 2494 of New Scientist magazine, 07 April 2005, page 10 © Copyright Reed Business Information Ltd.

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Dr. William J. Tyler is an Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, is a co-founder and the CSO of SynSonix, Inc., and a member of the 2010 DARPA Young Faculty Award class.

Every single aspect of human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having the ability to stimulate brain function is a powerful technology.

Recent advances in neurotechnology have shown that brain stimulation is capable of treating neurological diseases and brain injury, as well as serving platforms around which brain-computer interfaces can be built for various purposes. Several limitations however still pose significant challenges to implementing traditional brain stimulation methods for treating diseases and controlling information processing in brain circuits.

For example, deep-brain stimulating (DBS) electrodes used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease require neurosurgery in order to implant electrodes and batteries into patients. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) used to treat drug-resistant depression and other disorders do not require surgery, but have a low spatial resolution of approximately one centimeter and cannot stimulate deep brain circuits where many diseased circuits reside.

These illustrations show the surgical invasiveness of deep-brain stimulating electrodes (left) and depict the low spatial resolutions conferred by transcranial magnetic stimulation (right). (Image: Tyler Lab)

These illustrations show the surgical invasiveness of deep-brain stimulating electrodes (left) and depict the low spatial resolutions conferred by transcranial magnetic stimulation (right). (Image: Tyler Lab)

 To overcome the above limitations, my laboratory has engineered a novel technology which implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery. Further, we have shown this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain.

A portion of our initial work has been supported by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) where we have been working to develop methods for encoding sensory data onto the cortex using pulsed ultrasound.

Through a recent grant made by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award Program, our research will begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed towards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our country’s warfighters. Here, we will continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits. We will also be investigating the use of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for use in brain stimulation. Finally, to improve upon spatial resolution, we will examine the use of acoustic metamaterials and hyperlenses to study how subdiffraction limited ultrasound influences brain wave activity patterns.

How can this technology be used to provide our nation’s Warfighters with strategic advantages? We have developed working and conceptual prototypes in which ballistic helmets can be fitted with ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices to illustrate potential applications as shown below. We look forward to developing a close working relationship with DARPA and other Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Communities to bring some of these applications to fruition over the coming years depending on the most pressing needs of our country’s defense industries.

Above illustrations show a ballistic helmet fitted with four ultrasound transducers (left) and another functional prototype for achieving human brain stimulation using a single element transducer (bottom-right), as well as a list of potential applications relevant to the defense industry. (Image: Tyler Lab)

Above illustrations show a ballistic helmet fitted with four ultrasound transducers (left) and another functional prototype for achieving human brain stimulation using a single element transducer (bottom-right), as well as a list of potential applications relevant to the defense industry. (Image: Tyler Lab)

Read more…

(2002) Implanted microchip lawsuit


Plaintiff was microchipped by DEA for tracking purposes since 1996.

When plaintiff was taken custody by law enforcers, he was asked to sign

documents permitting authority to surgical removal of the chips.


Could be interesting to some of you.


(2002) Implanted Microchip Lawsuit

in the arrest of Plaintiff stated in paragraphs number forty (40) and
forty-one (41) above.

43. While in the custody of agents, Plaintiff was approached by
Defendant ROBERTO, who attempted to gain Plaintiff's authorization and
signature on a document.

44. The document stated in paragraph forty-three (43) above was
purporting to be an "authorization" for the surgical removal of an
electronic device from Plaintiff's body.

45. Defendant [**9] ROBERTO, informed Plaintiff, that Plaintiff had
been implanted with an "a microchip tracking device" and law
enforcement (Drug Enforcement Agency/Federal Bureau Investigation) had
been tracing Plaintiff since on or about November 25, 1996.

46. Defendant ROBERTO, further stated to Plaintiff that it was on "on
loan" to Drug Enforcement Agency from the Central Intelligence Agency
(C.I.A.) and was a sophisticated state of the art piece of equipment,
cost a lot of money. Must be returned to the CIA.

47. Defendant ROBERTO, assured Plaintiff that he (Plaintiff) would be
released on bail if Plaintiff would [*249] sign documents and
consent to surgical removal of device.

48. Plaintiff refused to sign the consent forms. Defendant DESMOND
stated "Nobody will ever believe we did this".

49. Plaintiff was transported from Logan International Airport to the
Drug Enforcement Agency's New England Field Division Office (Field
Office) in Boston, Massachusetts.

50. While being transported from the Logan International Airport to
the field office, Defendant's FARLEY, and QUIGLEY, continued to entice
Plaintiff to consent to the surgical [**10] removal of the device.


VINCENT MICHAEL MARINO, a/k/a Vincent Michael Portalla, Plaintiff v.
Agent, THOMAS QUIGLEY, Massachusetts State Police, and JOHN AND JANE
DOES 1-20, Defendants



191 F. Supp. 2d 243; 2002 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 4471

March 5, 2002, Decided

DISPOSITION: Defendants' motions to dismiss were granted, in part.
Plaintiff's discovery motions were denied. Plaintiff's other motions
were denied or dismissed.

COUNSEL: [**1] VINCENT MICHAEL MARINO aka Vincent Michael Portalla,
Plaintiff, Pro se, Atlanta, GA.

Massachusetts State Police, JOHN AND JANE DOES 1-20, Defendants: Anita
Johnson, United States Attorney's Office, Boston, MA.

For THOMAS QUIGLEY, Massachusetts State Police, Defendant: Marini
Torres-Benson, Office of the Attorney General, Boston, MA.

JUDGES: Robert E. Keeton, United States District Judge.

OPINIONBY: Robert E. Keeton

OPINION: [*245] Memorandum and Order

March 5, 2002

I. Pending Matters

Pending for decision are the matters associated with the following

(1) Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (Docket No. 21, filed July
10, 2001), with accompanying memorandum in support (Docket No. 22,
filed July 10, 2001);

(2) Thomas Quigley's Motion to Dismiss or for Judgment on the
Pleadings (Docket No. 77, filed November 7, 2001), with accompanying
memorandum in support (Docket No. 18, filed June 12, 2001);

[*246] (3) Plaintiff's Response in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
(Docket No. 50, filed November 2, 2001); [**2]

(4) Plaintiff's Motion for Disclosure and Production of Newly
Discovered Documents Pursuant to F.R.C.P. Rule 26 and Rule 34 (Docket
No. 53, filed December 3, 2001);

(5) Plaintiff's Motion for Disclosure and Production of Newly
Discovered Documents Pursuant to F.R.C.P. Rule 26 and Rule 34 (Docket
No. 56, filed December 6, 2001);

(6) Plaintiff's Motion to Clarify Medical Term Artifact (Docket No.
57, filed December 20, 2001);

(7) Plaintiff's Motion to Offer Caselaw to Prohibit Defense Attorneys
from Protection of Defendants who Continue to Conspire Together in
Furtherance of Conspiracy and Conspiracy of Silence to Cover Up
Discovery (Docket No. 59, filed January 7, 2002);

(8) Plaintiff's Notice via Sharing an Attorney with Original
Defendants and Also via Identify of Interest with Originally Named
Defendants (Docket No. 60, filed January 7, 2002);

(9) Plaintiff's Motion of Disclosure and Production of Newly
Discovered Documents re: United States Patent Number: 5,629,678 of
Human Implants of Tracking Devices and Other State of the Art
Capabilities, All Being Disclosed Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 26
and Rule 34 (Docket No. 61, filed January 7, 2002);

(10) Plaintiff's Response [**3] in Opposition to Motion to Dismiss
(Docket No. 64, filed January 10, 2002);

(11) Plaintiff's Motion to Clarify Medical Term Artifact (Docket No.
62, filed January 10, 2002);

(12) Defendants' Reply to Marino's Opposition to Dismissal (Docket No.
71, filed January 24, 2002); and

(13) Federal Defendants' Motion to Dismiss (Docket No. 72, filed
February 7, 2002), with accompanying memorandum in support (Docket No.
73, filed February 7, 2002);

(14) Plaintiff's Additional Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to
Dismiss (Docket No. 75, filed February 19, 2002); and

(15) Plaintiff's Motion of Newly Discovered Evidence Offered Pursuant
to Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 26 and Rule 34 (Docket No. 76, filed February
19, 2002).

II. Facts Alleged in the Complaint

The state and federal officials named as defendants in this case have
all moved for dismissal pursuant to various subsections of Rule 12 of
the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. I assume all well-pleaded facts
are as alleged in the complaint, and draw all-reasonable inferences in
favor of the plaintiff. See Washington Legal Foundation v.
Massachusetts Bar Foundation, 993 F.2d 962, 971 (1st Cir.1993).

The facts, as [**4] recited in the Complaint, are as follows:
12. On or about the 24th day of November 1996, at approximately 1:30
a.m. The Plaintiff was admitted, through the Emergency room, at
Massachusetts General Hospital (Massachusetts general Hospital) with a
gunshot wound to his lower back buttocks area.

13. Plaintiff was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital by the
Med Trans. Ambulance service.

14. Plaintiff was initially examined at approximately 2:00 a.m. by
attending Trauma Physician RALPH LOUNSBURRY WARREN, M.D. Surgeon.

15. DOCTOR Warren directed, and caused to be carried out, numerous
x-rays, MRI's CT-Scans, and various [*247] other tests to determine
damage to internal organs and ascertain location of projectile.

16. Upon completing a battery of tests, Plaintiff was transferred for
surgery to undergo surgery to extricate projectile and conduct a
Laprascopic Exploration procedure.

17. Surgical preparation began on Plaintiff at approximately 7:00 a.m.
on November 24, 1996.

18. General anesthesia was delivered and [unconsciousness] [sic]
inducted in Plaintiff at approximately 8:10 a.m.

19. During Plaintiff's surgery, an unknown [**5] law enforcement
agent John Doe or agents were in the operating room during Plaintiff's
surgery to supervise the removal of a bullet (projectile) from

20. Once projectile was extracted from Plaintiff, it was turned over
to Defendant Doe One, Law Enforcement Agent(s).

21. At approximately 10:00 a.m., Plaintiff was taken from surgery to
Massachusetts General Hospital Recovery/Intensive Care Unit.

22. Between the hours of 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., Plaintiff was
transferred from the Recovery/Intensive Care Unit to a general
residence area where Plaintiff was assigned a two (2) person room.

23. Once Plaintiff regained consciousness and his cognitive skills
returned, he noticed that his right leg had been shaved.

24. Plaintiff was advised by the attending nurse [Name Unknown] [sic]
that the Law Enforcement ordered specimens taken from Plaintiff which
accounted for his shaven leg.

25. On or about the 24th day of November, 1996, between the hours of
approximately 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., Plaintiff was interviewed by
Massachusetts General Hospital staff regarding his financial status
and ability to pay incurred hospital bills.

26. Shortly [**6] after being interviewed by Massachusetts General
Hospital staff, as stated in paragraph number twenty (25) [sic] above,
Plaintiff was advised by Massachusetts General Hospital personnel that
the Plaintiff was being discharged from the hospital due to
Plaintiff's inability pay [sic] medical costs.

27. Plaintiff was discharged from Massachusetts General Hospital. On
November 25, 1996, at approximately 2:41 p.m.

28. At approximately 3:00 p.m. Plaintiff was picked up at
Massachusetts General Hospital by family and friends.

29. On or about the 27th day of November 1996, at approximately 9:00
p.m. Plaintiff was again admitted at the Emergency Room of
Massachusetts General Hospital suffering from Abdominal Infection and
fever due to the previously incurred gunshot wound.

30. Upon arrival at Massachusetts General Hospital, Plaintiff was
examined by attending Trauma Physician and a wound swab and blood
cultures were conducted.

31. Plaintiff, was subsequently prescribed medication by Massachusetts
General Hospital doctor(s), which included medication to combat
infection and control pain.

32. Plaintiff left Massachusetts General Hospital after being seen by
the [**7] medical staff and prescribed medication.

[*248] 33. On or about the 28th day of November 1996, at
approximately 12:32 a.m. Plaintiff was admitted for a 3rd time at the
Massachusetts General Hospital Emergency Room, suffering from severe
Abdominal Infection and high fever.

34. Plaintiff was examined by attending trauma physician, JONATHAN N.
ADLER, M.D., who ordered, and caused to be carried out, X-rays of

35. Plaintiff was also seen by and spoke with two (2) other medical
staff from time to time. Those being:


36. Plaintiff was transferred to the Radiology Department at
approximately 2:00 a.m. where Plaintiff was seen by Radiologists MARK

37. Radiologists RIEUMONT and KlM conducted x-rays of Plaintiff, the
results of which were received by Plaintiff, through Collateral
Litigation, and showed the following:
(A). No definite Pneumonia.

(B). On the lateral view, there is a "linear opacity" in the abdomen
which most likely represents and "artifact".

38. Upon Completion of x-rays, the Plaintiff [**8] left Massachusetts
General Hospital at approximately 3:00. a.m. on November 28, 1996.

39. On or about the 15th day of December, 1996, Plaintiff and a
companion (Charles McConnell), were at the Logan International Airport
("L.I.A."), East Boston Massachusetts.

40. At approximately 10:00 a.m. while exiting the Logan International
Airport, the Plaintiff was confronted by several gun wielding
individuals, claiming to be law enforcement agents.

41. Plaintiff was forced to lie down where he was searched, handcuffed
and placed into custody by these agents.

in the arrest of Plaintiff stated in paragraphs number forty (40) and
forty-one (41) above.

43. While in the custody of agents, Plaintiff was approached by
Defendant ROBERTO, who attempted to gain Plaintiff's authorization and
signature on a document.

44. The document stated in paragraph forty-three (43) above was
purporting to be an "authorization" for the surgical removal of an
electronic device from Plaintiff's body.

45. Defendant [**9] ROBERTO, informed Plaintiff, that Plaintiff had
been implanted with an "a microchip tracking device" and law
enforcement (Drug Enforcement Agency/Federal Bureau Investigation) had
been tracing Plaintiff since on or about November 25, 1996.

46. Defendant ROBERTO, further stated to Plaintiff that it was on "on
loan" to Drug Enforcement Agency from the Central Intelligence Agency
(C.I.A.) and was a sophisticated state of the art piece of equipment,
cost a lot of money. Must be returned to the CIA.

47. Defendant ROBERTO, assured Plaintiff that he (Plaintiff) would be
released on bail if Plaintiff would [*249] sign documents and
consent to surgical removal of device.

48. Plaintiff refused to sign the consent forms. Defendant DESMOND
stated "Nobody will ever believe we did this".

49. Plaintiff was transported from Logan International Airport to the
Drug Enforcement Agency's New England Field Division Office (Field
Office) in Boston, Massachusetts.

50. While being transported from the Logan International Airport to
the field office, Defendant's FARLEY, and QUIGLEY, continued to entice
Plaintiff to consent to the surgical [**10] removal of the device.

51. Upon arrival at the Field Office, Defendant FARLEY, directed
Plaintiff's attention to an office door within the Field Office
building that displayed the name plate of one "Dr. STEIN."

52. Defendant FARLEY, advised Plaintiff that Dr. STEIN was the
individual responsible for conduction, or causing to have conducted,
the surgical implantation of the device, in Plaintiff.

53. While at the Field Office, Plaintiff was subjected to
identification process (i.e. Finger printing, Photographs, etc...).
While there Defendant SOILES stated "The implant in you, the devices
capabilities are tracking and listening. We used the Massachusetts
General Hospital Medical Doctors and Nurses and our own physician to
do a clean implant while you were under General Anesthesia". Defendant
JOHN GAMMEL agreed and said we knew where you were from Boston to
Nevada to Arizona. State of the Art Device.

54. Upon the completion of identification process Plaintiff was
transported to the Braintree Police Station (Braintree) for housing.
Defendants: DEA Agents; KELLY & PETERSON Transported Plaintiff and
[**11] also tried to convince plaintiff to consent to removal of

55. While being taken from the Field Office to a vehicle for
transportation to Braintree, one of the Principal Defendant's
(possibly Defendant CUNIFF), informed Plaintiff that, "He (Plaintiff),
was the only person with the device on the East Coast" and went on to
mention another person implanted with the device on the "West Coast".

56. During the discussion stated in paragraph number fifty-five (55),
above this Defendant further mentioned the source of "device" as the
Central Intelligence Agency.

57. Plaintiff was subsequently transported to, and housed at the
Braintree Station.

58. On or about the 16th day of December 1996, Plaintiff was taken to
the Boston Massachusetts Federal Building and arraigned on Federal
criminal Charges before U.S. Magistrate Judge LAWRENCE COHEN.

59. Plaintiff was transported from the Boston Federal Building, to the
Wyatt detention facility in Central Falls, Rhode Island where he
remained housed.

60. On the 6th day of January 1997, Plaintiff was brought before the
Honorable Magistrate Judge JUDGE ROBERT B. COLLINGS, U.S. District
[**12] Court Judge, for the purpose of a Bond Hearing.

[*250] 61. During the Bond Hearing stated in paragraph number sixty
(60) above; Defendant FARLEY, testified that he heard the conversation
at Logan International Airport between Defendant Roberto, and the
Plaintiff in which Defendant ROBERTO, informed Plaintiff about the
Plaintiff being implanted with a "device" which monitored Plaintiff

62. Defendant FARLEY, further testified that it was his belief that
ROBERTO, was merely joking with the Plaintiff regarding the "device".

63. Upon adjournment of the January 6th Bond Hearing Plaintiff was
returned to the Central Falls Facility for housing.

64. On June 14, 1999, a hearing was conducted (without the presence of
Plaintiff) at the Federal Court Building Worcester, Massachusetts
before the Honorable NATHANIEL M. GORTON, U.S. District Court Judge,
at which time Judge GORTON, ordered Assistant U.S. Attorney's JEFFREY
AUERHAHN, and CYNTHIA YOUNG, to ascertain whether or not agent's
discussed a device being implanted in Plaintiff, and whether such
implantation did occur.

65. As a result of Judge [**13] GORTON'S, June 14th Court Order the
record reflects that certain Defendant's did in fact advise Plaintiff
that a device was implanted in him, however, these Defendants were
allegedly joking and there was no implantation of such device in

66. On the 25th day of May, 2000, the Honorable JOSEPH TAURO, United
States District Judge, ordered the government to cause to be affected
and M.R.I. on Plaintiff to conclusively ascertain the existence of any
electronic device implanted in the Plaintiff.

67. Judge TAURO's, May 25th Judicial order stated in paragraphs number
66 above, has to this date not been effectuated.

68. Plaintiff was under Federal/State investigation and surveillance,
and monitoring at the time of and prior to Plaintiff's admission at
Massachusetts General Hospital for gunshot wound.

69. As a product of discovery process conducted in a malpractice
lawsuit against Massachusetts general Hospital, et al. (Case No:
99-5655H), Plaintiff has procured conclusive medical evidence that
there did exist a foreign "artifact" inside Plaintiff at time of
x-rays conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital, as set forth in
paragraph [**14] numbers 36 and 37 above. This device remains inside

Docket No. 1 at 5-14.

The docket entries in United States v. Vincent Portalla, a.k.a.
Vincent Marino, Criminal No. 97-10026 for the dates referred to in
paragraphs 58, 60-62, and 66 of the complaint are reproduced in
Attachment A. The docket entries in United States v. Vincent Michael
Marino, a.k.a. Gigi Portalla, Criminal No. 97-40009 for the
proceedings of June 14, 1999, referred to in paragraphs 64 and 65 of
the complaint are also reproduced in Attachment A

III. Interpretation of Pro-Se Pleadings

This court has a duty to construe pro se submissions with liberality,
and does so in this case as in others. See Hughes v. Rowe, 449 U.S. 5,
9, 66 L. Ed. 2d 163, 101 S. Ct. 173 (1980) (per curiam); Haines v.
Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, 520, 30 L. Ed. 2d 652, 92 [*251] S. Ct. 594
(1972) (per curiam); see also Lema v. United States, 987 F.2d 48, 54
n. 5 (1st Cir.1993). For this reason, even though the complaint is
unclear in relation to the precise nature of the claims being
asserted, I treat the complaint as sufficient to give notice to the
defendants and the court [**15] that the plaintiff is making Bivens
claims against federal defendants, see Bivens v. Six Unknown Named
Agents of Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388, 29 L. Ed. 2d 619,
91 S. Ct. 1999 (1971), and claims against state defendants remediable
under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.

IV. Verification of Pleadings

The court's obligation to accept alleged facts as true for the
purposes of rulings on a motion to dismiss is limited to well-pleaded
facts. Washington Legal Foundation, 993 F.2d at 971. Whether facts are
well-pleaded may depend on (1) the nature of those facts, (2) whether
reasonably expectable sources of verification are identified and, when
examined, do or do not verify the allegations, and (3) whether facts
that are well-pleaded identify reasons to expect that records and
witnesses who might verify allegations are accessible to a defendant
but not to the plaintiff. See, e.g., New England Data Servs., Inc. v.
Becher, 829 F.2d 286 (1st Cir. 1987).

The facts alleged in the complaint in this case include allegations
that multiple hearings were held before two magistrate judges and two
district judges of [**16] this court during which rulings were made.
The record now before the undersigned judge, however, does not include
docket entries, reporter transcripts, or memoranda and orders that
would either verify or show falsity of these allegations. Thus, on the
record now before me, I cannot determine whether many of these alleged
facts are well-pleaded facts.
For example, plaintiff asserts in paragraph 66 that Judge Tauro
ordered the government to cause to be affected and M.R.I. on Plaintiff
to conclusively ascertain the existence of any electronic device
implanted in the Plaintiff

on May 25, 2000. The record from plaintiff's criminal case, over which
Judge Tauro presided, does reflect that the plaintiff appeared before
Judge Tauro on that date, entered a guilty plea, and was sentenced.
Docket Nos. 102, 103, 104, and 106 in Criminal No. 97-10026. Nothing
in the record now before me suggests or refers to, even obliquely, any
statements by anyone at the hearing regarding an M.R.I. Therefore, I
cannot at this time determine that the allegations in paragraph 66 are
not well-pleaded. Also, I cannot determine whether the rule of
pleading explained in Becher does or does not apply. [**17]

V. Defendants' Motions to Dismiss

The federal defendants in this case have filed two separate Motions to
Dismiss (Docket Nos. 21 and 72). The later motion was filed on behalf
of three defendants who were served after the first motion was filed.
Because the memoranda supporting the motions make identical
substantive arguments, I treat them together.

A chief contention of the federal defendants is that plaintiff filed
this suit after his claims were barred under the applicable statute of
limitation. The federal defendants also assert that the action against
them is barred by the doctrine of sovereign immunity, that the
complaint fails to state a claim against them because it is cast as a
Section 1983 claim, and that the complaint should be dismissed as

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts urges that the case against Lt.
Thomas Quigley in his official capacity be dismissed because it is a
claim for damages against [*252] the state that is barred by the
Commonwealth's immunity under the Eleventh Amendment and that, in any
event, the complaint fails to state a claim on which relief may be

VI. More on the Claim Against the Federal Defendants

A. Failure to State [**18] a Claim

To the extent that the federal defendants seek dismissal because the
complaint is cast as a claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, their request
must be denied. As is noted above, pro se plaintiffs are not held to
the same strict standards of pleading that parties who are represented
by counsel are expected to meet. The court therefore treats the claims
against the federal defendants as Bivens claims and will not dismiss
this action merely because the complaint does not explicitly say that
plaintiff is asserting Bivens claims.

B. Frivolousness

The federal defendants characterize plaintiff's allegations as
"fantastic and delusional," and urge that the court dismiss the civil
action for lack of jurisdiction under Rule 12(b)(1) of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure. The cases cited by the federal defendants,
however, do not support the contention that a court has authority to
make such an order without a showing of grounds for concluding that no
reasonable adjudicator could credit enough of the allegations to
determine that a genuine dispute of material fact exists.

Bell v. Hood and its progeny arguably support a dismissal of federal
claims [**19] when those claims are patently frivolous as a matter of
law. 327 U.S. 678, 683, 66 S. Ct. 773, 90 L. Ed. 939 (1946). In Bell,
however, the Court did not determine whether the alleged facts were
credible. Rather, noting that "if the allegations have any foundation
in truth, the plaintiffs' legal rights have been ruthlessly violated,"
the Court reversed the district court's dismissal. Id.

The case on which the federal defendants rely most stridently, Neitzke
v. Williams, is wholly inapplicable on this issue. 490 U.S. 319, 109
S. Ct. 1827, 104 L. Ed. 2d 338 (1989). In that case, the Court
interpreted the term "frivolous" as it appears in 28 U.S.C. § 1915.
That section, which has since been amended in ways that are not
relevant here, allows a district court to dismiss a civil action in
which the plaintiff is proceeding in forma pauperis whenever the court
determines that the action is frivolous. The civil docket sheet for
this civil action and the stamp placed on the Complaint by the office
of the Clerk of this court both indicate that the plaintiff paid the $
150.00 filing fee. Therefore, Section 1915 and Neitzke are
inapplicable here.

C. Sovereign Immunity of Federal Defendants [**20] Sued in their
Official Capacities

Actions brought against federal employees in their official capacities
are actions against the United States. 28 U.S.C. § 2679; Hawaii v.
Gordon, 373 U.S. 57, 10 L. Ed. 2d 191, 83 S. Ct. 1052 (1963). Actions
against the United States are allowed only in the limited situations
where the United States has, by a specific statutory provision, waived
its immunity. Bivens actions, therefore, which do not arise under any
statute, may not be brought against the United States or its officials
acting in their official capacity. Rivera v. Riley, 209 F.3d 24, 28
(1st Cir. 2000).

In limited circumstances, the United States has waived its immunity
with respect to the intentional torts of federal law enforcement
officials. See 28 U.S.C. § 2680. That waiver, however, requires that a
claimant file a claim with the relevant federal agency within two
years after the claim has occurred. 28 U.S.C. § 2401; [*253] Roman
v. Townsend, 224 F.3d 24, 27 (1st Cir. 2000). Only after such a claim
is denied may a claimant resort to a suit [**21] against the United
States. 28 U.S.C. § 2675.

Plaintiff has not asserted that he filed a claim with the Drug
Enforcement Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigations, Central
Intelligence Agency, or any other federal entity. This failure
precludes this court from accepting this civil action as a suit for
damages against the United States and its officers in official

Of course, the immunity of the United States does not preclude this
court from issuing an appropriate writ if one is required by the facts
of the case and applicable law, and does not preclude the maintenance
of a Bivens action against the federal officials in their individual
capacities. See Rivera v. Riley, 209 F.3d 24, 28 (1st Cir. 2000).

D. Timeliness

Ordinarily a federal court looks to the most closely analogous state
statute of limitation governing personal injury claims for guidance as
to the period of limitation to be applied to Bivens claims and Section
1983 claims. Wilson v. Garcia, 471 U.S. 261, 276-80, 85 L. Ed. 2d 254,
105 S. Ct. 1938 (1985) (Section 1983 claims); Roman v. Townsend, 224
F.3d 24, 29 (1st Cir. 2000) [**22] (Bivens actions). Massachusetts
has a three-year limitation period for personal injuries claims. Mass.
Gen. Laws c. 260, § 2A.

Even when the period of limitation is determined by analogy to state
law, the determination regarding the time of accrual of a cause of
action is governed by federal law. Nieves v. McSweeney, 241 F.3d 46,
52 (1st Cir. 2000). In this circuit, Bivens and Section 1983 claims
accrue at the moment the plaintiff knows, or has reason to know, of
the injury that is the basis for the claims. Id. See also Brackett v.
United States, 270 F.3d 60, 68 n.4 (1st Cir. 2001) ("in tort law under
the discovery rule, the running of the statute of limitations does not
begin until the fact of the injury becomes known, or should have
become known in the exercise of due diligence"). Federal courts may
adopt any state tolling rules that are not at odds with federal law.
Board of Regents v. Tomanio, 446 U.S. 478, 483-486, 64 L. Ed. 2d 440,
100 S. Ct. 1790 (1980).

The federal defendants assert that plaintiff's claim accrued on
December 15, 1996, (more than two years before plaintiff initiated
this civil action) when Defendant [**23] Roberto informed plaintiff
that "a microchip tracking device" was implanted in plaintiff, and
requested plaintiff's authorization for its removal. The court,
however, cannot at the same time credit federal defendants' assertion
that plaintiff's claim about the planting of a "microchip tracking
device" is frivolous and credit federal defendants' assertion that at
the time of that incident plaintiff knew or should have known "the
fact of injury" to the plaintiff.

Plaintiff asserts that he is the victim of an on-going conspiracy and
that the statute of limitation, therefore, has not yet run. Docket No.
50 at 33-35. In the alternative, plaintiff argues that the statute
should be tolled because he is incarcerated in a federal penitentiary,
has limited access to legal materials, and, at least during the
pendency of his criminal case, was incarcerated in a facility that
provided no access whatsoever to legal materials. Id. at 35-36.
Finally, plaintiff argues that his cause of action did not accrue
until November 24, 1999, when he reviewed an x-ray film report. Id. at

Another issue arises from the fact that the federal defendants, under
oath at the plaintiff's criminal trial, [**24] Docket No. 1 P62 &
65, repudiated the comments allegedly made on December 15, 1996. In
these [*254] circumstances, I cannot at this time determine whether
plaintiff is or is not entitled to the benefit of a doctrine of
equitable tolling that would stand in the way of dismissal of this
civil action. See Andrews v. Arkwright Mutual Ins. Co., 423 Mass.
1021, 1021, 673 N.E.2d 40, 41 (Mass. 1996).

VII. More on the Claims Against the State Defendant

The state defendant, Lt. Thomas Quigley, is sued in both his
individual and official capacities. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
moved to dismiss the claims brought against Lt. Quigley in his
official capacity only (Docket No. 18, filed June 12, 2001; Docket No.
77, filed November 7, 2001).

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is the real party in interest when a
state police officer is sued for damages in his official capacity.
Hafer v. Melo, 502 U.S. 21, 25, 116 L. Ed. 2d 301, 112 S. Ct. 358
(1991). It is well-established that a state is not amenable to suit
under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 because a state is not a "person" within the
meaning of that statute. Will v. Michigan Dept. of State Police, 491
U.S. 58, 71, 105 L. Ed. 2d 45, 109 S. Ct. 2304 (1989). [**25] For
these reasons, the Order below DISMISSES the claims that seek monetary
damages against the Commonwealth and against Lt. Quigley in his
official capacity.

Although injunctive relief may be available against state officials
sued in their official capacities, see, e.g., Ex Parte Young, 209 U.S.
123, 52 L. Ed. 714, 28 S. Ct. 441 (1908), plaintiff's complaint fails
to state a viable claim for injunctive relief. The facts recited
above, viewed in the light most favorable to the plaintiff do not
establish that Lt. Quigley is engaged in a continuing violation of
federal law. Edelman v. Jordan, 415 U.S. 651, 39 L. Ed. 2d 662, 94 S.
Ct. 1347 (1974). Injunctive relief, which is prospective in nature, is
not available to remedy past violations. Id. For these reasons, the
Order below DISMISSES claims for injunctive relief against Lt. Quigley
in his official capacity.

VIII. Plaintiff's Motions

A. Plaintiff's Motions for Disclosure and Production of Newly
Discovered Documents Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 26 and Rule 34 (Docket No.
53, filed December 3, 2001; Docket No. 56, filed December 6, 2001; and
Docket No. 76, filed February 19, 2002)

In Docket [**26] Numbers 53 and 56, which are identical in all
respects, plaintiff seeks to place two documents into evidence. In
Docket Number 76, plaintiff seeks to place various testimony and other
exhibits into evidence. At the present time, no motion for summary
judgment is before this court. Also, plaintiff has not identified any
other pending matter as to which the testimony presented in Docket No.
76 would be appropriately received in evidence.

For these reasons, the Order below DENIES Docket Nos. 53, 56, and 76.
This ruling is without prejudice to the later filing of an appropriate
request in support of or in opposition to a motion for summary
judgment or to the introduction of this evidence for a legitimate
reason at trial or any other hearing.

B. Plaintiff's Motion of Disclosure and Production of Newly Discovered
Documents re: United States Patent Number: 5,629,678 of Human Implants
of Tracking Devices and Other State of the Art Capabilities. All Being
Disclosed Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 26 and Rule 34 (Docket No.
61, filed January 7, 2002)

As the caption above indicates, in Docket Number 61, plaintiff seeks
to place certain information related to various patents and inventions
[**27] into evidence. This information is not relevant to any issue
[*255] now before this court. For this reason, the Order below DENIES
Docket No. 61.

C. Motions to Clarify Medical Term "Artifact" (Docket Nos. 57, filed
December 20, 2001 and 62, filed January 10, 2002)

In Docket Numbers 57 and 62, which are identical in all respects,
plaintiff seeks to have the court clarify the term "artifact."
Plaintiff asserts that this term appears on at least one of his
medical records.

The definition of the term "artifact" in general is not decisive of
any issue now before the court. The meaning of that term as it appears
on plaintiff's medical record or records, however, may become
important in relation to a motion for summary judgment, at a trial on
the merits, or at an evidentiary hearing at which this evidence could
be received for a legitimate purpose.

For these reasons, the Order below DENIES Docket Nos. 57 and 62.

D. Motion to Offer Caselaw to Prohibit Defense Attorneys from
Protection of Defendants who Continue to Conspire Together in
Furtherance of Conspiracy and Conspiracy of Silence to Cover Up
Discovery (Docket No. 59, filed January 7, 2002)

The Order below DENIES Docket [**28] No. 59 as a Motion. The court
treats this pro-se submission as a memorandum of law, however and has
considered plaintiff's arguments of law presented in this document.

E. Motion of Notice via sharing an Attorney [AUSA Anita Johnson] with
Original Defendants and also via Identity of Interest with Originally
Named Defendants (Docket No. 60, filed January 7, 2002)

The Order below DISMISSES Docket No. 60 as moot in light of the
Statement of Defendant Regarding Service on Individuals (Docket No.
67, filed January 10, 2002) and the Declaration of Assistant U.S.
Attorney Regarding Service (Docket No. 68, filed January 10, 2002).
The Declaration indicates that the two named defendants have now been

IX. Remaining Issues

In the order below, the defendants are directed to file their answer
or answers or other responsive pleadings no later than Monday, April
1, 2002.

Any party or attorney with knowledge of the x-ray and radiology report
referred to in P37 of the complaint and who asserts or may assert a
privilege with respect to those documents may file an application to
file the documents under seal.

In the Order below, any party receiving notice of this Order and
[**29] having custody of any documents, medical records, x-rays, or
other evidence related to the claims asserted in this civil action is
directed to preserve those items pending a further order of this

All parties are directed to file a proposed schedule for the efficient
adjudication of this matter no later than April 15, 2002.


For the reasons explained above, it is ORDERED:

(1) Federal Defendants' Motions to Dismiss (Docket No. 21, filed July
10, 2001 and Docket No. 72, filed February 7, 2002) are ALLOWED to the
extent that the complaint seeks damages from federal officials acting
in their official capacity, and are otherwise DENIED;

(2) Thomas Quigley's Motion to Dismiss (Docket No. 77, filed November
7, 2001) is ALLOWED to the extent that it seeks a dismissal of the
case against Lt. Quigley in his official capacity, and is otherwise

[*256] (3) Plaintiff's Motions for Disclosure and Production of
Newly Discovered Documents Pursuant to F.R.C.P. Rule 26 and Rule 34
(Docket No. 53, filed December 3, 2001 and Docket No. 56, filed
December 6, 2001) are DENIED;

(4) Plaintiff's Motion of Newly Discovered Evidence Offered Pursuant
to Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 26 and Rule [**30] 34 (Docket No. 76, filed
February 19, 2002) is DENIED;

(5) Plaintiff's Disclosure and Production of Newly Discovered
Documents (Docket No. 61, filed January 7, 2002) is DENIED;

(6) Plaintiff's Motions to Clarify Medical Term Artifact (Docket No.
57, filed December 20, 2001 and Docket No. 62, filed January 10, 2002)

(7) Plaintiff's Motion to Offer Caselaw to Prohibit Defense Attorneys
from Protection of Defendants who Continue to Conspire Together in
Furtherance of Conspiracy and Conspiracy of Silence to Cover Up
Discovery (Docket No. 59, filed January 7, 2002) is DENIED;

(8) Plaintiff's Notice via Sharing an Attorney with Original
Defendants and Also via Identify of Interest with Originally Named
Defendants (Docket No. 60, filed January 7, 2002) is DISMISSED as

(9) Any party receiving notice of this Order and having custody of any
documents, medical records, x-rays, or other evidence related to the
claims asserted in this civil action is directed to preserve those
items pending a further order of this court

(10) All defendants are directed to file their answer or answers or
other responsive pleadings no later than Monday, April 1, 2002. All
parties are directed [**31] to file a proposed schedule for the
efficient adjudication of this matter no later than April 15, 2002.

Robert E. Keeton

United States District Judge

Attachment A

Reproduction of Docket Entries in United States v. Vincent Portalla,
a.k.a. Gigi, a.k.a. Vincent Marino, Criminal No. 97-10026, for the
dates identified in the Complaint in Civil Action No. 01-10116-REKDate
Docket # Docket Entry

12/16/96 3 MOTION by USA as to Vincent Portalla, Charles McConnell to
unseal the Complaint, supporting Affidavit, filed.
[1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

12/16/96 -- Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen. ENDORSED ORDER as to Vincent
Portalla, Charles McConnell: granting [3-1] motion to
unseal the Complaint, supporting Affidavit as to Vincent
Portalla (1). [1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

12/16/96 -- Initial appearance as to Vincent Portalla, Charles
McConnell held (Defendant informed of rights.).
[1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

12/16/96 -- MOTION made in open court by USA as to Vincent Portalla,
Charles McConnell, for detention, to continue.
[1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

12/16/96 -- Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen. ORAL ORDER as to Vincent
Portalla, Charles McConnell granting [0-0] oral motion to
continue as to Vincent Portalla (1), Charles McConnell (2).
[1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

12/16/96 4 Mag. Judge Lawrence P. Cohen. CLERK'S NOTES as to Vincent
Portalla re: Initial Appearance; set Detention Hearing for
2:00 p.m. on 12/18/96 for Vincent Portalla Court Reporter:
TAPE [1:96-m-171] (ktb) [Entry date 12/27/96]

. . .

01/06/97 -- Preliminary Examination as to Vincent Portalla held.
[1:96-m-171] (jam) [Entry date 01/09/97]

01/06/97 15 Mag. Judge Robert B. Collings for Mag. Judge
Cohen. CLERK'S NOTES as to Vincent Portalla, re:
Preliminary Exam. and Evidentiary Hearing held. Probable
cause found. Detention taken under advisement.; Court
Reporter: Tape [1:96-m-171] (jam) [Entry
date 01/09/97]

01/06/97 16 NOTICE of Appearance of counsel for Vincent Portalla, by
Attorney Robert L. Sheketoff. [1:96-m-171] (jam)
[Entry date 01/09/97]

01/06/97 17 Exhibit list by USA as to Vincent Portalla, filed.
[1:96-m-171] (jam) [Entry date 01/09/97]

05/25/00 -- Change of Plea Hearing as to Vincent Portalla held. (cmg)
[Entry date 06/01/00]

05/25/00 -- PLEA entered by Vincent Portalla. Court accepts plea.
Guilty: Vincent Portalla (1) count(s) 4s (cmg)
[Entry date 06/01/00]

05/25/00 102 Judge Joseph L. Tauro. CLERK'S NOTES as to Vincent
Portalla, re: change of plea. Deft present w/counsel for
change of plea. Court conducts plea colloquy. Deft enters
plea of guilty to Count 4. Counts 1,2,3 and 5 to be
dismissed by Govt upon sentencing. Govt's factual basis for
plea. Court accepts plea. Disposition immediately to be
concurrent w/D.J. Gorton sentence. P.S.R. is not completed.
Court Reporter: Teri Gibson (cmg) [Entry date 06/01/00]

05/25/00 -- Sentencing held Vincent Portalla (1) count(s) 4s. (cmg)
[Entry date 06/01/00]

05/25/00 103 Judge Joseph L. Tauro. CLERK'S NOTES as to Vincent
Portalla, re: sentencing. AT request of deft and Govt's
attorney, Court proceeds to sentencing phase. Joint
recommendation of parties is adopted by the Court and
imposed as follows: 10 years custody Atty. Gen. on Count 4
to be served currently w/CR 97-40009, 10.3 years Supervised
Release. No Fine. $ 100 special assessment. Court
recommends that deft serve his sentence as close to
Massachusetts as possible. Court Reporter: Teri Gibson
(cmg) [Entry date 06/01/00]

05/25/00 104 Plea Agreement as to Vincent Portalla, Marked as Exhibit
FILED.(c/s) (cmg) [Entry date 06/01/00]

[*257] Reproduction of Docket Entries in United States v. Vincent
Michael Marino, Criminal No. 97-40009, for the dates identified in the
Complaint in Civil Action No. 01-10116-REKDate Docket # Docket Entry
06/14/99 -- Status conference as to Robert F. Carrozza, Michael P.
Romano Sr., Anthony Ciampi, John J. Patti III, Eugene A.
Rida Jr., Vincent Michael Marino and Nazzaro Ralph Scarpa
held. (jb) [Entry date 06/23/99]

06/14/99 903 Judge Nathaniel M. Gorton. CLERK'S NOTES as to Robert F.
Carrozza, Michael P. Romano Sr., Anthony Ciampi, John J.
Patti III, Eugene A. Rida Jr., Vincent Michael Marino,
Nazzaro Ralph Scarpa, re: status conference; case called;
counsel and defendant Carrozza pro-se appear for status
conference. Hearing held on motions. Motion # 843, 861, 869
and 876 DENIED. Motions # 844, 858, 870 879 and 881
ALLOWED. Final status conference set for 9/8/99 at 3:30 pm.
set final status conference for 3:30 pm on 9/8/99 for
Robert F. Carrozza, for Michael P. Romano Sr., for Anthony
Ciampi, for John J. III, for Eugene A. Rida Jr., for
Vincent Michael Marino, Nazzaro Ralph Scarpa; Court
Reporter: C. Dahlstrom. (jb) [Entry date 06/23/99]
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Instead of the indiscriminate destruction of the atom bomb or napalm, the signature weapon of future wars may be precise, unprecedented control over the human brain. As global conflicts become murkier, technologies based on infiltrating brains may soon enter countries’ arsenals, neuroethicists claim in a paper published online October 31 in Synesis. Such “neuroweapons” have the capacity to profoundly change the way war is fought.

Advances in understanding the brain’s inner workings could lead to a pill that makes prisoners talk, deadly toxins that can shut down brain function in minutes, or supersoldiers who rely on brain chips to quickly lock in on an enemy’s location.

The breadth of brain-based technologies is wide, and includes the traditional psychological tactics used in earlier wars. But the capacity of the emerging technologies is vastly wider — and may make it possible to coerce enemy minds with exquisite precision.

In the paper, neuroscientists James Giordano of the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Arlington, Va., and Rachel Wurzman of Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, D.C., describe emerging brain technologies and argue that the United States must be proactive in neuroscience-based research that could be used for national intelligence and security.

“A number of these different approaches are heating up in the crucible of possibility, so that’s really increased some of the momentum and the potential of what this stuff can do,” Giordano says.

In the not-too-distant future, technologies called brain-machine interfaces could allow the combination of human brains with sophisticated computer programs. Analysts with a brain chip could quickly sift through huge amounts of intelligence data, and fighter pilots merged with computer search algorithms could rapidly lock onto an enemy target, for instance.  

Neuroscience could also find its way into interrogation rooms: As scientists learn more about how the brain generates feelings of trust, drugs could be developed that inspire that emotion in prisoners and detainees. Oxytocin, a hormone produced by mothers’ bodies after childbirth, is one such candidate. Perhaps a whiff of oxytocin could dampen a person’s executive functions, turning an uncooperative detainee into a chatty friend.

Other sorts of psychopharmacological manipulation could be used to boost soldiers’ performance, allowing them to remain vigilant without sleep, heighten their perceptual powers and erase memories of their actions on the battlefield. Because neuroscientists are beginning to understand how the brain forms memories, it’s not inconceivable that a drug could be designed to prevent PTSD. Such technology could enable more sinister applications, though, such as creating soldiers who wouldn’t remember atrocities they committed or detainees who couldn’t recall their own torture.

Some of these abilities are more probable than others, says bioethicist Jonathan Moreno of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Drugs exist that increase alertness, but so far no drug has clearly boosted brain function. “Honestly, there isn’t much, compared to caffeine or nicotine,” he says.

Giordano and Wurzman also describe drugs, microbial agents and toxins derived from nature that could harm enemy brains in a more traditional way. The list includes a neurotoxin from a shellfish that is water soluble, able to be aerosolized and causes death within minutes; a bacterium that can induce hallucinations, itchiness and strange tastes; and an amoebic microbe that crawls up the olfactory nerve to invade the brain, where it kills brain tissue.

“The article contains an arsenal of neuroweapons, and these raise lots of ethical and legal issues,” says bioethicist Jonathan Marks of Pennsylvania State University in University Park. “Any kind of drug that you administer for national security purposes raises profound questions.”

Some scientists have already committed to resisting the application of their research to what they consider illegal or immoral military purposes. “It’s not enough just to study the issue of ethics,” says Curtis Bell of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. “The potential for misuse of this knowledge is so strong that the responsibility of neuroscience goes further than just studying.”

Bell has circulated a petition for neuroscientists, pledging signatories not to participate in developing technology that will be knowingly used for immoral or illegal purposes. “Neuroscientists should not provide tools for torture,” he says. So far, about 200 neuroscientists from 18 countries have signed, he says.

Ideally science would have no place in combat, Giordano acknowledges, but that view ignores reality. “On one hand, what you’d like to say is science and technology should never be used to do bad things,” says Giordano, who also holds positions at the University of New Mexico and the University of Oxford in England. “Yeah, and Santa Claus should come at Christmas and the Easter Bunny should come at Easter, and we should all live happily. History teaches us otherwise, so we have to be realistic about this.”

The United States military is investing in brain-related research, though it’s difficult to get a solid estimate of how much research is happening, Moreno says. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, lists several neuroscience-related projects on its website, including “Accelerated Learning,” “Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysts” and “Cognitive Technology Threat Warning System.”

“The fact of the matter is that we do live in a world in which there are people who would like to do bad things to us or our friends,” Moreno says. “Eventually, some of this stuff is going to be out there.”

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