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人脑芯片5年内研制成功 瘫痪者有望痊愈

人脑芯片5年内研制成功 瘫痪者有望痊愈 pcw-v.jpg

作者:佚名 来源: PCWORLD中国 更新时间:2010/6/25












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DARPA的首席研究员和IBM Almaden研究中心的研究员Dharmendra Modha就说:“它是新一代计算机的种子,而新一代计算机将结合超级计算,神经科学和纳米技术”。如果该人脑模拟芯片最终可以实现商业化生产,那么它将颠覆传统的计算形式,转而以更加具备思考能力的人造大脑的形式代替。其最终的应用将对商业,科学和政府产生巨大影响。

现在,研究人员已完成该项目的第一阶段,也就是设计一个可以不断被复制的基本计算单元,从而最终形成模拟人脑计算机的基本架构。这种新的计算单元(或者称为核心)主要模拟人的大脑。 它不仅能通过“神经元”或数字处理器来计算信息,也有人脑学习和记忆的基础“突触”。此外它还有连接计算机组织的“轴突”或数据通路。

虽然概念听起来很简单,但是该计算单元与现今大多数计算机的运行方式截然不同。 现代计算机主要基于冯诺依曼架构,内存和处理器是分开的,并通过总线作为数据通路连接。在过去的65年,冯诺依曼式计算机已经进化得越来越快了,也能以更高的速度通过总线发送更多的数据。但由于一台计算机的速度往往被总线的容量所限制,导致出现了“冯诺依曼瓶颈。”


而模拟人脑的芯片则不同,内存包含在芯片里面。虽然运行不是很快,发送的数据也只有10赫兹,远远慢于今天的5千兆赫计算机处理器。但是在类似大脑的平行架构内,它能处理很多工作,向各个方向发送信号,让大脑的神经元同时工作。 而大脑的10亿个神经元和10万亿个连接(突触)加在一起就能形成强大的计算能力了。


该研究小组目前已建立起第一批类似人脑的计算单元,由256个神经元,256×256个突触和256个轴突构成。 换句话说,它已经拥有了处理器,内存和通信的基本架构。 此外这种类人脑结构还有另一个好处,运行功耗低,而且在不使用时还可以实现部分关闭。另外这些新的芯片将不会以传统的方式进行编程。 基于它的认知计算机也有望实现学习经验,寻找相关性,建立假设,记住和学习等能力。 由于他们模仿大脑的“结构和突触可塑性”,因而处理过程是分布式和平行式的,而非集中和串行式。

另外这种计算机芯片还能重新创建一种类似大脑中发生在神经元和突触之间的“脉冲”现象。 因而其能够处理十分复杂的任务,比如玩Pong游戏。目前已有两个原型芯片被制造出来正在测试。研究人员也即将步入到第2个阶段,创建一个计算机。 目标是创建一个不仅能立刻通过多种感官分析复杂信息,而且能动态修正自身,与环境互动和识别周围发生的事情的计算机。


另外除了玩Pong游戏,IBM的团队还测试过该芯片解决导航,机器视觉,模式识别,联想记忆以及分类等问题的能力。最终,IBM将把该计算单元完全融入到一个完整的硬件和软件的集成系统中去。 Modha说,IBM希望建立一台包含100亿个神经元和100万亿个突触的计算机。这比人类大脑的功都强大10倍以上。 另外Modha还预测,完整的系统只会消耗一千瓦的功率,而且将占据不到两升的量(我们大脑的大小)。 相比之下,目前最快的IBM超级计算机蓝色基因有147,456处理器,内存容量超过144T,有一个巨大的空调柜那么大,消耗超过2兆瓦的电力。

对于具体应用方面,IBM说可以使用认知计算机通过传感器网络和微型电机网络不断记录和报告数据如温度,压力,波高,声学和海潮等来监测世界范围内的供水状况。 然后,它还可以在发生地震的情况下发出海啸警报。而这样的任务传统计算机根本不可能完成。

据悉,该项目是用DARPA捐赠的2100万美元创建的,包括六个IBM实验室,四所大学(康乃尔大学,威斯康星大学,加州大学和哥伦比亚大学)以及一些政府研究人员。虽然这个项目比较新,但是IBM自其1956年创建第一台人脑模拟器(512个神经元)以来就一直在从事对类人脑计算机的研究 。

Modha就说:“如果一切顺利,这将不是5%的飞跃。而是一个巨大的飞跃。 而且到现在为止我们也已经克服了巨大的能够想象到的困难。”



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IBM蓝色基因计划 88万CPU完全模拟人脑

9143043881?profile=original  2011年11月01日 03:47  太平洋电脑网

  【PConline 资讯】近日关于苹果的个人语音助理Siri的话题不少,对着Siri说说“I Love You”果粉不计其数,人工智能是否真的可以达到人机互恋的程度暂且不提,至少现在模拟大脑是目前CPU研究的一个方向。关于人工智能的研究,不能不提到IBM,年初的人机大战已经让世界领略到Waston的智能水平,近日国外媒体媒体传出消息,按照目前的进度,IBM蓝色基因计划将于2019年左右完全模拟人类电脑,届时IBM将用约88万个CPU完全模拟人类大脑,对比说来,Siri只能算是小儿科了。








  “认知计算机技术”隶属于IBM认知计算(Cognitive Cumputing)研究项目,通过内存模仿突触、通信模仿轴突、计算模仿神经元的方式,IBM能够让这种芯片模仿人类的大脑工作。John E.Kelly表示通过这种仿生学芯片IBM的仿生学计算机在未来能够模拟20亿个人脑的神经元并实现对认知计算的初步完成,这种仿生学计算机将会是计算技术未来发展的一个重要方向。

IBM认知计算(Cognitive Cumputing)研究项目





  在本月中旬,IBM研究主管John E.Kelly在墨尔本大学接受采访时表示,IBM目前正在研发的新型仿生芯片,可以模仿人类大脑的运算并能够实现学习和记忆,同时可以触类旁通并实现对知识的创造,这种具有创新能力的设计将会让电脑拥有自我学习和创造的能力。







IBM人工智能新突破 新芯片实现人脑仿生

苹果Siri会“思考”? 背后科技力量揭秘


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SINGAPORE: A Danish national has filed a writ against Alexandra Hospital (AH) for allegedly planting a microchip in him during a 1988 operation, which he claimed later caused him mental distress due to being constantly monitored.

According to court papers filed in the High Court on June 21 against AH, which has been managed by Jurong Health Services since August last year, Mr Mogens Tindhof Honore said he first found a metal instrument akin to a microchip in his left lung after an X-ray scan in 1997.

Mr Honore, 54, added the metal piece was implanted in him during an operation at AH more than two decades ago - the last time he had undergone surgery in his chest and lung.

Represented by lawyer Oliver Quek, the former seaman said that he was stabbed in the lung in May 1988. After his discharge, he kept hearing voices in his head and could not lead a normal life. He would also feel generally unwell and would even cough out blood.

"(Mr Honore) also discovered and experienced that strange people on the streets would approach and speak to (him) about strange subject matters or pass strange irrelevant comments," according to the papers filed.

Mr Honore said that his subsequent discovery of being constantly tracked left him in a "perpetual state of apprehension and fear for the safety of his life". It also prevented him from holding on to a job.

When he returned to Singapore in December last year to investigate his condition, he claimed that he was turned away by AH which said it had no records of his stay.

He claimed that two X-ray scans later on May 9 this year at AH and Mount Elizabeth Hospital found the metal fragment (microchip) in his left chest wall instead of his left lung.

He also claimed that, earlier this month, he underwent an operation at Mount Elizabeth Hospital to remove the fragment.

In his lawsuit, Mr Honore is now alleging that employees of AH who had then operated on him implanted the microchip in him intentionally, causing "exceptional harm and lifelong suffering". He also said that the alleged act constitutes a trespass on his body.

Mr Honore claims that he suffers from various conditions following the alleged act, such as impairment of relationship, loss of enjoyment of life and suicidal thoughts.

Seeking damages for expenses incurred such as psychiatric help and medication, he is also alleging that AH medical staff who tended to him were negligent.

He said that the staff was careless in placing a metal fragment in his left chest wall during the operation, resulting in harm and injury.

Responding to media queries, AH director of communications and service quality Casey Chang said: "We understand that the patient had recently returned to Alexandra Hospital to seek information regarding medical treatment he had received at Alexandra Hospital in May 1988. This was 23 years ago when Alexandra Hospital was a government hospital."

She added that, after the hospital was informed of the lawsuit, AH has taken steps to convey to the patient's lawyer (Mr Quek) that Jurong Health Services Pte Ltd has been wrongly identified as the defendant in the suit.

At the time Mr Honore was treated in AH in 1988, the hospital was under the Ministry of Health.

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does anyone else get lonely?

I feel like i went to sleep and woke up in a different world. People used to be kind and friendly now the world is so hostile. Thank God this thing is open enough we have found each other, must have been pretty lonely for the first TI's who had no communication.

What do you do to stop from feeling so alone in this strange world??

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  据新华社电 美国中央情报局(CIA)即将解密一份有“家丑”之称的档案,这份文件详述CIA在上世纪50至70年代的违法活动,包括暗杀计划、非法窃听和人体试验等。CIA甚至还拆阅美国与中国、苏联之间的往来信件。












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2006年11月21日 10:39













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2007年08月09日 15:48 来源:中国新闻网

  中新网8月9日电 据俄罗斯媒体报道,俄联邦警卫局退役少将、前总统叶利钦的保镖鲍里斯-拉特尼科夫近日在接受记者采访时透露,俄罗斯和其他国家都曾研制能够随意摆布对手的“心理武器”,通过特定遥控装置,通过心理作用,控制他人意志,指挥对方无意识地执行各种任务。




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前苏联特工自揭用心电武器控制人类内幕  2007年08月28日07:18   腾讯科技    评论0













腾讯科技讯 自古以来,人类就对精神作用表现出极大的兴趣,人们总是试图利用各种手段影响他人的意志和思维。进入20世纪,对古代法师魔法实践的研究也进入了科学阶段,这立即引起了英国、美国、德国和苏联特工部门的关注,一场不见硝烟的特殊战争--心电武器战随之拉开序幕。如今,一些西方国家正在利用心电武器,将民众弄呆变傻。最近,前克格勃特工鲍里斯-拉特尼科夫接受俄罗斯《真理报》采访,自揭使用心电武器控制人类的内幕。 




在20世纪70年代,苏联克格勃还发展了心电影响系统(PIS),它被用于把士兵变成可设计的'人类武器'。系统运用混合了高频无线电波和催眠术。根据前苏联总统戈尔巴乔夫的前安全顾问的余里·马林(Yuri Malin)表示,心电影响系统计划是在回应由美国前总统卡特发起的类似计划。

在此基础上打造的俄联邦"精神特工队"则是心电影响技术的顶级高手。据这支队伍的鲍里斯-拉特尼科夫(Boris Ratnikov)将军透露,他们的任务就是深入国家领导人的精神或内心世界,保护本国领导人思维不受他人控制,并探知他国领导人在想些什么。









据美国沃尔特-里德(Walter Reed)陆军研究所的约瑟夫·夏普博士(Joseph Sharp)称,美军能用调制后的雷达信号将声音直接传输入人类的听觉感官。当声音作为潜意识催眠命令的一种形式时,一个目标能被催眠术控制长达数年而不知情.




这个"俱乐部"的成员并非普通的受害者。这不是针对酗酒者、吸毒者或者性侵犯受害者的讨论小组。这些通过网络电话联系在一起的人都是思想控制的受害者--这些人相信他们是政府秘密计划的目标,夜以继日地受到跟踪,政府用秘密武器探究并控制他们的思想。这些人常常自称TI,即目标个体(Targeted Individual)的简称,他们常谈到V2K--一个正式军事用语,"voice to skull(向头脑传输声音)"的缩写,表示把声音输到人脑的武器。

一提到政府用武器控制公民的思想,许多人立刻会想到一个头戴锡箔帽子,试图阻挡干扰脑电波的疯子。有人认为这很有效,一位女士说她把锡箔藏衣服下,甚至帽子里,效果很好。还有人推荐一个叫Block EMF(阻挡电磁频率)的网站,说上面出售一系列镶嵌锡箔的衣物。还有伪装成普通棒球帽的锡箔帽。











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Wikipedia has blocked my voice.

I created the item twice.
You want to create it in English or another language?
This is code wikipedia. Copy/paste this code in wikipedia.

'''Peacepink''' è un [[sito web|sito]] di [[social networking]] che si rivolge soprattutto alle vittime globali di [[gangstalking]] ossia stalking organizzato,vittime anche di [[armi ad energia diretta]],[[armi neurologiche]],[[armi elettromagnetiche]],[[armi
  psicotroniche]],armi per fungono per il controllo mentale e che sono un'evoluzione sistematica del [[Progetto MKULTRA]].Ci sono documenti che si trovano nelle librerie e su internet che accennano a queste armi sofisticatissime che vengono usate per la manipolazione del corpo e della mente,armi che vengono anche definite "non letali" e che vengono impiegate contro ignari civili sparsi su tutto il globo,alcuni dei quali,hanno microchip sottocutanei innestati in maniera fraudolenta e che in molti casi,presenziano prove radiologiche di tali dispositivi che funzionano con radiofrequenza.

L'etimologia del nome,prende spunto da dal nome di una sorta di Rosa di colore rosa e che significa pace e amore e cura.L'obiettivo della creazione di peacepink è stato quello di sostenere la campagna mondiale per fermare l'abuso e la tortura di tecnologie di controllo mentale e armi ad energia diretta, di portare le vittime insieme e nell'aiutarsi a vicenda, per esporre tale orrendo crimine al pubblico, a ricercare il sostegno dell'opinione pubblica nel sensibilizzarla, per fermare gli abusi e le torture segrete di queste tecnologie e per divulgare al mondo questi crimini molto elaborati che sono per lo più ignorati o deliberatamente insabbiati dagli organi federali.Essa offre ai suoi utenti registrati, la possibilità di collegarsi con persone a livello locale e globale,condividere foto,video,creare eventi e note,postare [[blog]], e unirsi a gruppi.

Si tratta di una comunità di diversità,ed è aperta a ricevere nuovi membri provenienti da ogni settore culturale. Tutti i membri sono liberi di dare le proprie opinioni e tutte le opinioni sono rispettate e apprezzate.

== Storia ==

Peacepink è stato creato da Soleilmavis Liu, che è una cittadina cinese, nata e cresciuta in Cina, e che fu attaccata nel dicembre 2001, dalle tecnologie di controllo mentale quando lei stava studiando per un master in Australia.

Al momento, lei non aveva familiarità con queste tecnologie di controllo mentale.In seguito, venne a conoscenza di queste tecnologie che sono usate segretamente o coperte dai governi di tutto il mondo per controllare e vessare la popolazione.

Dal 2002, ha viaggiato in molti luoghi per cercare di sfuggire alle torture e molestie a distanza di controllo della mente e tecnologie "voci nel cranio" conosciute con l'acronimo V2K che significa [[Voice to skull]].Ella era stata a Hong Kong,in Thailandia,Nuova Zelanda e fu rapita da tecnologie di controllo mentale e inviata all'ambasciata USA ad Hong Kong nell'aprile del 2002.Nell'aprile del 2003,tornò definitivamente in Cina e ancora oggi lì vi abita.

Peacepink incoraggia tutti i membri a diventare volontari nelle loro aree di supporto e di "networking".I gestori di Peacepink non guadagnano nulla per il loro lavoro alla gestione della community e neanche le migliaia di volontari di altri autori ed editori.

== Note ==

[[Categoria:Reti sociali]]

== Collegamenti esterni ==

* [ Sito ufficiale]






















































What is peacepink? is a membership forum of Worldwide Campaign to stop THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF HUMAN BEINGS BY PEOPLE WHO USE THE FOLLOWING TECHNOLOGIES AND DEVICES:


any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic energy, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.

More Information about mind control, directed energy weapons


Who created peacepink?

(1) was created by Soleilmavis Liu, who is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China, and was first attacked in December, 2001 by mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia.

At the time she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.

Since 2002, she traveled to many places to try to escape from the remote torture and harassment of mind control and voice to skull technologies. she had been to Hong Kong, Thailand, China, New Zealand; she was kidnapped by mind control technologies and sent to USA Embassy in Hong Kong on Apr 2002. On Apr 2003, she went to China and still live there today.

(2)  Peacepink encourages all members to become volunteers in their areas for supporting and networking.

(3)  Peacepink is fortunate and very appreciative to have Some wonderful contributing managers.

Managers of Peacepink don't earn a cent for their work at Peacepink, and neither do our thousands of other volunteer authors and editors.


Why peacepink was born?

The purpose of creating was to support Worldwide Campaign to stop THE ABUSE AND TORTURE OF MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES AND DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; to bring victims together and help each other; to expose such horrible crime to public; to seek supporting from public to stop the secret abuses and tortures of mind control technologies and directed energy weapons.

It is a community of diversity and is open to receive new members from all cultural backgrounds. All members are free to give their own opinions; all opinions are respected and appreciated.


Peacepink welcome donations from individuals, organizations, and corporations.


Copy/paste photo (avatar) of Soleilmavis (foundator) as facebook wikipedia.


Uhmm che strano:

Wikipedia Italia? NO Grazie! Wikipedia = MAFIA?
Un pugno di uomini per governare Wikipedia

Un messaggio email privato di un'amministratrice, reso pubblico, svela l'esistenza di un gruppo di "eletti" che privatamente decidono degli altri utenti dell'enciclopedia libera.

[ZEUS News - 06-12-2007]

La leggenda vuole che Wikipedia sia un luogo virtuale dove si collabora in armonia e trasparenza per rendere disponibile la conoscenza a tutti, dove i problemi vengono discussi in pubblico e dove ognuno può dire la propria.

Una email scritta da una (ormai ex) amministratrice di Wikipedia, Durova, ha però svelato una realtà piuttosto differente.

Costei premeva per il ban di un molto attivo - e perciò sospetto, secondo l'admin - utente di Wikipedia, dal curioso nickname "!!" (doppio punto esclamativo): la Durova lo considerava uno di quelli che tentano di sabotare dall'interno l'enciclopedia libera, scrivendo informazioni fuorvianti o inesatte così da screditarla.

Tutta la discussione sarebbe avvenuta in una mailing list segreta, accessibile solo a pochi amministratori che potevano così decidere delle sorti di Wikipedia lontano dalla folla degli utenti.

Proprio un amministratore però, pubblicando una email privata di Durova, ha portato alla luce questa realtà parallela, e The Register ha poi avuto il merito di diffondere la notizia, che in queste ore sta facendo discutere parecchi utenti di Wikipedia e non solo.

Ad aggiungersi alla scoperta di un "centro direzionale segreto" di quella che dovrebbe essere un'opera collaborativa che di segreti non ne ha, c'è il fatto che le accuse di Durova erano infondate, tanto da costringere l'amministratrice a dimettersi dal proprio incarico contestualmente alla rapida reintegrazione di "!!".

Secondo James Wales, cofondatore di Wikipedia, si tratterebbe però soltanto di "una tempesta in un bicchier d'acqua", dal momento che l'utente erroneamente bannato è stato riammesso in appena 75 minuti. D'altra parte, si sa che lo stesso Wales ha fatto di tutto per mettere a tacere ogni dicussione a proposito della mailing list segreta, riporta ancora The Register.

Che la situazione sia percepita come grave lo dimostrano le parole di Charles Ainswort, sempre riportate dal sito inglese: "Non ho mai visto la comunità Wikipedia tanto arrabbiata quanto in questo caso. Penso che ci fosse più rabbia nascosta e frustrazione con la "cricca che governa" di quel che credevo e il comportamento aggressivo di Durova e il suo rifiuto arrogante di assumere informazioni sufficienti l'abbia fatta uscire allo scoperto".

Il problema non è infatti l'esistenza di una mailing list di coordinamento tra amministratori, ma la sua segretezza e il conseguente comportamento dei pochi eletti: una situazione che in un progetto quale Wikipedia non avrebbe proprio dovuto esistere.

Tutta questa storia ha quindi fatto infuriare molti e aumentato il sospetto verso un'iniziativa comunque meritevole che però, di tanto in tanto, è già stata oggetto di critiche per una supposta mancanza di trasparenza e "democrazia".


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use spotlight through cb and or terrestrial(tv1)vowels are a letter between breaths so when they are converted into ultratones they pick up on recievers despersing them eveywhere through start to think your hearing therefore becoming paranoid,the vowels you think while searching are combined with the emissions already around you which i exsplained above.This when combined projects your thoughts by having your sights connection to what you see range the distance of there broadcast,remember you spell what you see at an astronomical speed which gives you awarness of self being.genraly used remote infrared sign systems recieves on all transmitters.these can be used by design to communicate with the recievers complying.(these become infrared audible sign recievers)the basic speech messages shall then be frequency modulated at 25 khz with a + - 2.5 khz deviation and shall have a infra wavelength from 850 950 nannometers.the recievers now shall produce a 12 decibel signal plus noise to noise ratio with a 1khz tone at again +-2.5 deviation of 25khz sub carrier.95%of what we hear is our own projected thoughts which includes memorys,imagination feelings ect.because we hear voices they are foreign to us,meaning they come across as a threat as we do not know who they are where there from and why me?!just been watching the effects of other victims been tortured by way of ultrasonic.the reason many of you think that there are hidden implants in you is because you are surrounded by ionide,it is within you and aronund you and is attracted to other metals especialy silver(which is how uri gellar bends spoons)it is radio active and halogenic and is also attracted to moisture just like in a plug in air freshner,you then have a nervous reation to this and naturaly rub the reas causing friction which like the air freshner charges the ions attracting it to other metals,as you move it triggers your perpitrators broadcast by having you answer yourself(which is natural because it is in a foreign voice)adding to the torment.the best advice i can give is to lipread forcefully your thoughtsand ask a question and you will discover that your thoughts will be projected and will be exchanged for a foreign voice which in turn will answer your question in the most extraordinary way.keep at it especialy at the worst of times,you will realise that you have a voice and can interact with forget also you have your own imagination that will also be exchanged for a foreign voice and will interact with the thoughts you project.i cannot stress enough that the broadcasters use the same process as they too project there thoughts .they use visual alpha light emissions,the reason it is so difficult to prove is because sight triggers there imagination and yours gets stimulated in the worse possible is synthetic telepathy.why us every one keeps askin,the answer is simple.we had a mental illness to begin with just not diagnosed.weve always been able to project our own thoughts using linear sound,"nice weather isnt it"been an example.we have all been under pressure at some time through our journey to actualy hearing them its just that we cant except its not our selfs plus second person grammer which comes from a foreign voice and this is natural,we grow up learning communication in all the right ways to make us who we are.v2k broadcasters know this .the perps are cb users,they meet there perfect match then take it gets taken away for us to hear.i have been no where near hell but has seen it,so there you go without us there will never be any diffrence between me and a genuinely ill person as at the minute no one cares apart fom us.

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Dear all:


Please pay full attention to : "petition to the house of commons of Canada Re. Non lethal weapons, mind control weapons, organized stalking is under way."


One more petition from media Re : Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;Willfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health.



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> Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 05:58:53 -0700
> Dear Matteo,
> Thank you for your purchase. Your Invoice ID is ***************************.
> You can view your order details at
> Sincerely,
> QuWave LLC

$329,00 = €247,00.



6 novembre 2011 21:15:59

I am an italian T.I. I am Matteo (or Matthew for you) and I am italian case n.77 on 200 cases and a victim of project MK-ULTRA 2000.
I am here in these list.
In this
TOPIC, each link is an image of radiological evidence of microchips in the brain.
ha prove radiologiche = radiological evidence

I'm not joking. The radiological evidence, confirm that many people have microchips in the brain. :)
The microchips, generate tinnitus that exceeds the normal 400 herz.
The microchips burn the meat. My brain is not a steak grrrrrrrrr.

This is my video with the diagnosis of AISJCA-mft (04 april 2010)

I scream, because the volume of the microchip has been raised in my right ear. :)

Aisjca is an Italian association  very serious and professional.

- Associazione Italiana, scientifica e giuridica,contro gli abusi mentali,fisici e tecnologici

- Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses
(acronym asijca-mft)

I have a question.
In your company, someone who speaks Italian?
For example, an Italian-American?
For me it's important to find a good interpreter in your company, to improve your products as quwave defender.

Finally, I managed to make the payment.
I could not complete the payment to my paypal, but I received my VISA card.
Ooooooooh finally after a week, I completed the payment and order.
 $329,00 = €247,00.

I was convinced that he has already placed the order QUWAVE DEFENSE product, but rather the order was not.
Unfortunately, I am always very tired and weak and little shiny and stupid because I suffer torture every day and every night for many years. Brainwashing is no good for my brain and

If your product works, I will record a video, I'll add it on my vimeo channel and send it to you, but in Italian with English subtitles.
A good video of 5/6 minute in high quality (HQ).
It's ok for you?

Your product, has been reported to me by the gentle, courteous, friendly Dr Witte :)

In your site you wrote: "Many victims find themselves implanted with microchips which have become too small for the human eye to see".

Yes, exact, in italy We do not always find "foreign bodies" beacuse are very little. :)

Thanks Dr Henning, in the future if I can I repay you. :o)

I want to win MIND KONTROL 2000.
I do not want to commit suicide with terrible suffering and agony.
I am a man, I am not an animal.
I am a biped with opposable thumbs.
I'm not a quadruped and a slave.I want to be free
!!!!!!!!!! :)  

I want to win the project mk-ultra 2000 and after, to help other victims.
I hate these "parasites" that attach themselves like ticks and do not let you live.

Respectable QUWAVE COMPANY,In your company, someone who speaks Italian?
I can write to you in Italian?

I have another question for you.
You can make your company work with others to find solutions and other more sophisticated next-generation products for me and all the other victims?
you can make the collaboration QUWAVE COMPANY and European companies?

You want funding?

I am not crazy and my question is serius but i need of an interpreter because the laguages in not my specialty.
QUWAVE COMPANY from U.S.A. + ENDOACUSTICA from Italy + magnet4less from Svizzera + Eletric Angel from U.S.A and others?

In worldwide we need a good team and a good equipe: engineers, electrophysicals, global researchers, doctors and ... funds $$$ !!!
We need also a "EUROPEAN BRAINWASHING CLINIC" and a "AMERICA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" in U.S.A. a "ASIA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" a "AUSTRALIA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" with therapy for survivors of Mind Kontrol and retrieve their health.

1)This is eletric-angel and a book for V2K

2)This is endoacustica with a BOMB JAMMER

3)This is
magnet4less with NEODITIUM for demagnetized microchip

Change automatically in your language

I have 5 neoditium magnets and I wait my QUWAVE.
Maybe i want also a BOMB JAMMER or others methods of defense.

Alls Methods,techniques,strategies and tactics of defense.(TOPIC UNDER CONSTRUCTION)


This is copy/paste of my email for ENDOACUSTICA. Do you understund italian language?

I apologize for all these links and this long long email, but we must find new innovative solutions for all T.I.
I apologize for my bad english respectable quwave company.
Thank you very much and I wait my QUWAVE.
If your product works, I will record a video as Magnus.




Noir blanc jaune ou rouge, la couleur du sang est égale pour tous !!!



I am a man and I am not an animal AND YOU NAZI WOMAN,NAZI MAN, NAZALIEN or MAIALIEN?
I'm a biped and i am not a quadruped.
Ich bin nicht ein Vierfüßer , ich bin ein Zweifüßer.
Sono stufo di esser sempre per te punibile yo tengo un pulgar oponible.
I AM ][\/][ATT RED BLOOD and you? Di che colore ce l'hai tu?
My music for my dear earth and with my heart.
Brothers in the space, these it is my keys.
Noir blanc jaune ou rouge, la couleur du sang est égale pour tous !!!









▓▓▓▓▓▓ \/\/ EARTH ^___^ (THIS SONG of 1993 :o ) ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓.TERRA Già DISTRUTTA ??? EARTH already destroyed ?▓▓▓
▓▓ Ancòra si può far qualcosa!!! You can still do something ▓▓▓


Onda del futuro - Terra (1993)
Aladino - Brothers in the Space (1993)
Da Blitz - The light of love (1997)
Miss Jane - It's a fine day (1999)
Robert Miles - Children (1995)
Gala - Freed from desire (1996)

ITA) Nessun popolo o individuo ha il diritto di imporre ad un altro il proprio modo di vivere o di pensare ...
... se gli uomini della Terra,sono diversi per il loro aspetto; essi hanno però dignità di persona e uguale diritto a vivere liberi e felici ...
Terra già distrutta? Ancora si può far qualcosa ...

ENG) No nation or individual has the right to dictate to another the way they live or think ...
... if men of the earth are different in their appearance, but they have personal dignity and equal right to live free and happy ...
Land already destroyed? Still you can do something ...

TER-RA TER-RA TER-RA !!!!!!!!!!!!! EARTH EARTH EARTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

















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