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The International Neuroethics Society

Who are we?

We are an interdisciplinary group of scholars, scientists, clinicians and other professionals who share an interest in the social, legal, ethical and policy implications of advances in neuroscience. The late 20th century saw unprecedented progress in the basic sciences of mind and brain and in the treatment of psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Now, in the early 21st century, neuroscience plays an expanding role in human life beyond the research lab and clinic. In classrooms, courtrooms, offices and homes around the world, neuroscience is giving us powerful new tools for achieving our goals and prompting a new understanding of ourselves as social, moral and spiritual beings.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote the development and responsible application of neuroscience through interdisciplinary and international research, education, outreach and public engagement for the benefit of people of all nations, ethnicities, and cultures.

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Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands


Military Weapons in Gangsters' Hands

Gangs are acquiring highpowered, military-grade weapons more frequently, according to the latest National Gang Intelligence Center Report. And FBI and law enforcement officials suggest gang members -- both enlisted and those working at military bases as contract civilians -- may be funneling the firearms to their street-level counterparts.

In late July, 27 AK-47s were stolen from a Fort Irwin warehouse, officials said. Those close to the case, who would speak only under the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the subject, said investigators believe gang members were involved in the theft.

Related Story: FBI Says Gangs Infiltrating the US Military

One source said the base had hired parolees, and officials are investigating the possibility parolees may have been involved in the heist. The source believes that since the theft, the base has discontinued the practice.

Gus Bahena, interim director of the public affairs office at Fort Irwin, said authorities couldn't comment on whether the base hires parolees, but did state officials were aware of gang issues.

Christopher Grey, spokesman for the Army's Criminal Investigation Command in Quantico, Va., confirmed the independent agency that investigates felony-level crimes was actively working the Fort Irwin case but wouldn't comment on the details, stating they wanted to maintain the integrity of the investigation.

"Regarding gangs in general, we continue to educate our community, both Soldiers and civilians, so that all can recognize and report suspected gang activity," Bahena said.

As of April of this year, the NGIC has identified gang members from 53 gangs who are serving in the military. Members of 37 of those gangs -- including the notorious 18th Street and Mara Salvatrucha 13 -- have infiltrated the Army. Twenty-eight gangs have been identified within the Marine Corps' ranks and five in the Air Force.

The exact number of enlisted gang members is hard to come by, as many times investigators only see graffiti or paraphernalia as evidence of gang activity. For example, investigators found evidence that the motorcycle gang Devils Diciples [sic] -- the same one California State University, San Bernardino Professor Steven Kinzey is allegedly tied to -- has members in the military, but that evidence was found in areas where several branches have access.

While it appears the Army has the largest problem with gangs, some experts feel other branches may be underreporting the number of gang members within the rank and file.

"I think the problem -- percentage wise -- is bigger in the Marines but there are no statistics to back that up since the Marines fail to admit it ever existed," said Richard Valdemar, a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department sergeant and gang expert. "In incidents I am personally familiar with, it seems to be mostly in the Marines."

According to the latest NGIC report released last month, gang members are getting their hands on a variety of military-grade weapons including rifles, grenades, artillery rounds and even body armor.

In the first week of November, a known gang member and his wife were arrested in Adelanto after Victor Valley SMASH Gang Team officials found several weapons in their home including a military artillery round in their garage.

Earlier this year, a field artillery round was found in an Apple Valley home, according to sheriff's reports. When it was detonated in the open desert, it created a 6-foot crater.

It didn't surprise ex-Hammerskin Nation gang member and former Marine T.J. Leyden to hear gangsters are getting their hands on heavy explosives.

"It's a lot harder to get firearms and rifles off a base but artillery rounds aren't that difficult," he said.

According to Leyden, rifles and firearms are counted three times daily but when it comes to artillery rounds, it's much easier to give false numbers.

"It's easy to say you fired 10 rounds when you only actually fired eight or six," the former Hesperia resident said.

While it may be more difficult to smuggle assault rifles and similar weapons off bases and into the hands of gang members, it's being done.

In November 2010, three former Marines were arrested in Los Angeles for selling assault weapons to members of the violent street gang, Florencia 13, according to the NGIC report. That same month, a Navy Seal from San Diego and two others were arrested in Colorado for smuggling about 18 military-issued machine guns from Iraq and Afghanistan to be sold and shipped to buyers in Mexico. It was unclear if any of the servicemen were gang members.

Gang experts feel a more stringent qualification process during recruitment plus continued vigilance and education about gangs and their practices could help identify gang members within the ranks.

"Every gang member in the military is a crap shoot," Valdemar said. "To whom do his loyalties truly stand with? We don't really know. That is the problem."

© Copyright 2011 Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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有组织犯罪最闻名于世的行为是栽赃替罪。我不是一般的TI(targeted  individual)奴隶,在你知情或者不知情的风花雪月政治事件中,我的名字满天飞,唯一的解释是因为有组织犯罪集团或者希望我做替罪,或者奴役我做他们演苦肉计的替身。欢迎来我博客讨论, 。


人人平等。多爱别人一点。少爱某些手下一些。他们还没有做超人的知识,修养与素质,更没有挣到做超人的权利。他们只是一般人。赋予他们太多的特权同样是错误。 特权与义务并在。特权没有任何义务来平衡。是个设计错误。  某些人有特权奴役我,更有义务无条件解救我。同时还有义务按时提前释放我,而不是以拖延为乐。



支持  当然我们受害者在权力的顶层需要我们的人脉才容易为我们带来公平正义。选举人大政协委员时,他们是否为我们TI 谋福利应该成为最重要的衡量良心的标准。如果你在欧美居住,参议院众议院总统候选人是否关心TI的疾苦更应该是最重要的人品证明。We should give seminars  during the Occupy movement so more people will hear our story.  And these people are more likely to hear and understand what we are talking about.   We should do a little demo with a microwave pain device to prove to them how we are victimized so they can spread the words and urge their district reps to help us.    From their point of view, the more the politicians feel compassionate about us, the more big-hearted the politicians are.   That is exactly what we want.  We can not solve our problems.  An individual politician can not solve this problem alone.  Even the president can not just take care of this.  That is why  this problem is never solved.  If people/ voters can judge a leader by his reaction towards our issue, they will only vote for good leaders who love us.   Then both good politicians and indifferent politicians will take our side to get votes.  We will be saved. 没有高科技与军队警察财力物力护身的我们不敢推翻任何有组织犯罪背后的组织。我们只是希望救助TI奴隶。能够在权力面前协调利益关系,为我们TI奴隶谋取自由,人权的人才是有人品,值得信赖的人。  当然目前的近火还需要我们自己去处理。


以下连接里美国政府承认所谓的非致命定向能源武器,有些在法定无害范围,也会对人体造成伤害。 。请看如下案例:。 DEW 是已知事实。 美国已经赔偿了冷战时期的脑控受害者。中国需要立法严禁任何对人体脑控行为与DEW的应用,并且提供电磁波屏蔽避难所。  缺乏这些相应措施是法制不健全与人性社会建设缺乏的标志。我们TI没有自己的电台可以创办自己的电台。其实办电台很便宜。我们还可以上街到各大高校散发传单,给各事业机构贴大字报。一个城市只要有100个TI积极参与就可以搞得很很轰动。


我建议全国范围举办慈善活动,演出,舞会,为受害者集资,建造避难用的屏蔽宿舍。为受害者办实事比空口喊口号有意义的多。 付出财力物力口伐坏人固然可以理解,可是安全健康第一。我们有限的人力财力也应该真的救人呀。安全健康来自科技。财力与知识是社会可以提供的。社会的理解与帮助才可以真正打破受害者生活在封闭世界的恶性循环。我们应该走出去,融入人群,呼吁社会的帮助。如果谁与各大QQ群有联络,我们可以全国全世界范围发起爱心慈善活动,救助有组织犯罪受害者。

请到 找我applepoodle, 王菲菲。 我会主持这个慈善募捐。


TI被动自卫往往是购买使用昂贵的屏蔽室。 不知道是否有人使用过这个主动自卫装置?  另外什么是static active shielding ?




My defense as the orginal red along with the evidence of hand held devices that can affect my emotions and have been threatening my health:


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How Do You Get Involved in Neuroethics?

By Nicky Penttila
November 11, 2011

How does one get involved in the field of neuroethics? For most everyone these days, it is "a long story," a roundabout route. But within the next generations that all may change, said panelists Thursday at a workshop during the International Neuroethics Society's annual meeting.

For example, panelist Emily Murphy started out as a basic-science researcher, but then did post-doc work in neuroethics at the Stanford Center for Medical Ethics. A few more twists and turns, and now she is a third-year law student, planning to clerk for a judge in the summer, while still pursuing neuroethics research. The link? A seed planted during her last undergrad year at Harvard—a class on the brain and the law.

"You enter the field almost always obliquely," Paul Root Wolpe of Emory told the audience. "You get into bioethics through a story." When Wolpe went to college, nobody studied neuroethics: "Most people had absolutely no idea what the word meant. When the first master's student in bioethics graduated from Emory [in 2008], he was immediately more accredited than anyone else in the department."  

So what are we who want to investigate the societal implications of neuroscience to do? The panelists had three main veins of advice.

First, get a credential, be it a Ph.D., a doctor's license, a law degree, or some other accreditation. That's what will get you a place on the committees, panels, and working groups, and get your foot in the door of politicos and social and medical agencies looking for someone to help them make sense of the science. "Credentials count," said Alan Leshner of AAAS. "You don't get to sit at the table unless you have a credential." It doesn't need to be a hard-science degree, though you should know the basics at least. "A lot of the questions we ask … don't require deep knowledge," Wolpe said. "What you're talking about is the implications of the neuroscience," not explaining its granular details.

Second, "the way to start doing it is to start doing it," Leshner advised. In courses or out, learn all you can about the ethical areas that interest you, and spread the word—especially in writing. Write essays and opinion pieces for local papers or websites that describe ethical issues that come up in the news, like brain enhancement and determining consciousness—or  whether Michael Jackson's doctor should have been convicted. And while the field is still young, it already has journals devoted to it. Wolpe edits the AJOB Neuroscience, said one of the journal's formats is to commission "target articles" and then a few responses to it. Writing one of those responses is a great way to get noticed.

In addition, attend events like the Society's meetings, and also look for related lectures or debates that are outside the field, such as the "science and technical studies" groups at some universities and a lecture from a visiting professor. You never know who you will run into: A researcher who needs a post-doc, a college administrator who needs a lecturer, or a legislator who could use an assistant who can give her advice. Part of getting this sort of job is serendipity, and "you increase your serendipity by going to places where the people you want to meet are," said Hank Greely, director of the program in neuroethics at the Stanford Center for Bioethics.

Third, don't expect it will be a full-time job. None of the four panelists does neuroethics full-time, and together they could come up with fewer than five people in the world who do. But the need is great: Nearly everyone wants to know how the mind works, and ethical questions arising from advances in science technology, especially, will only gain in prominence. "We're in a transition phase," Leshner said, "where you sort of have to be something else." 

Because it's so new, "this is something you can dedicate part of your career to, and still rise," said Wolpe. Become the go-to person on your medical team; offer to facilitate discussions with your faculty. You might quickly get a reputation that will stretch outside your department or office.

And in any case, being in a field outside science might be beneficial. Many of the questions neuroethicists ask ("Who should use Ritalin?" "Should we force predators to take a pill?") can't be answered by scientists alone. They are questions for the whole of society, including doctors, sociologists, educators, lawyers and judges, and all the rest of us. 

Neuroethical questions are "a multidisciplinary problem," Leshner said, "and it won't be answered by any of us who are entrenched in our own discipline."

Even though today's meeting took place in the same town the day before Neuroscience 2011, where tens of thousands of neuroscientists will meet and share research, the majority of audience members were not brain scientists. A good number studied or are studying law, medicine, ethics, and philosopy.

Sounds like a good sign for the field.

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                                        FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA
                                     "FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" 


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“We really appreciate what he provided to us. And we think everything he reported is true. We work a lot than you think, even we are still working on it till now. Your neighbor is not the person who can commit this kind of crime. We didn’t find anything about it.”




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Finally I have my cumputer.
I spent 65 euros. Ubuntu and windows were damaged. (infected virus boht)
Tomorrow is the day December 5, 2011.
My grandmother died on December 5, 2005.
Maybe tomorrow I'll be dead.
If I no longer respond to emails and there will be no activity on the internet on my part, I died of suicide.
If more than 6 months, I do not respond to emails, you understand, that I can not respond because they are no longer alive.
The QUWAVE works, but not for the microchip.
I feel my chakra pulsing and also relief.
I practiced: Reiki, CI QUNG, SHIATSU and ritual Shaman. I was very interested also AGOPUNTUNTURA. I knew that quwave is excellent for harmonizing the chakras, it is an intelligent tool. Unfortunately I have too many chips in my head and it is ineffective.
I can not make the video I promised, because PERPS continue to keep volumes high, medium and drive me crazy with V2K, I can not concentrate.

I prepared the cement shoes.

photo 1 of my suicidio september 2010

Tomorrow, December 5, 2011 I decide to go visit my grandmother in Vahlalla, nirvana.Elisium.
It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

FOR Ms SOLEILMAVIS SUN : plaese don't cancelled my account peacepink.
If i am in Nirvana it's impossible LOGIN in my account, but not cancelled as this account of Maurizo Bassetti,italian case n.6 that is died in 2010 xiè-xiè.

Adios and good luck
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what is happening to this world??

Its official, everyone in my city is either a perp or if they are not immediately they become one soon enough. The gangstalking occuring in this world is on a massive scale. I dont know what experiences you have had with it but in my experience manKIND is becoming manCRUEL.

Whats your opinion? Are people really just being talked or conned into becoming perps? Or are they being mind-controlled just as we are? This network is too big for so many people to be so inhumane.

Im starting to believe the whole world is prey to mind-control. What do you think?

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Darrim Daoud court hearing today in London


Subject: Darrim Daoud court hearing today in London
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:58:02 +0000

The 30-minute hearing at 2 didn't start till 4-ish, and went on till nearly 6.
The judge has reserved judgment.  In other words, I didn't get a decision on the day, in open court.  I'll upload the judgment to when I get it, by post.
That means I must have given the judge some food for thought.  He couldn't reject out of hand my application for permission to apply for judicial review of the coroner's decision that I wasn't a "properly" interested person, in the inquest into the violent death (an apparent suicide, but most likely driven to it by EH) of the leader of the London action in the 2009.  The deceased asked me to take an interest in his inquest, if he got killed violently, which he did, six weeks or so later.
In the court, watching, were seven other TIs, a roll of honour: Mike N, Chris from Brum, Keiron, Monica who used to live in Wales, Alan from Sierra Leone but now in London, Colonel Ross from Canada but now in Kent, and Paul G. That's the same number of TI's that joined Darrim on his "World Day of Protest" action in London, on 14 October 2009, which included his standing with his home-made placard outside the very court hearing the eight of us attended today.
We all retired to the pub opposite the Royal Courts of Justice after the hearing, the same pub to which we retired the last time any of us saw dear comrade Darrim alive.  That's where I am now, writing this.
I tend to be a bit lazy about reading the forums, so please could readers copy any replies to my email address. will do. :-)


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 林瑞雄表示,有人要对付他,这些人明知他是脑瘤与神经生理的专家,还这样对付他。 来源:台湾《联合报

中新网11月30日电 据台湾《中国时报》报道,2012年台湾地区领导人选举亲民党参选人宋楚瑜竞选搭档林瑞雄29日出席一场医疗研讨会,之后接受媒体访问,他先是抱怨成为候选人后自由受限,认为维安人员两个就够,一下子20几个“太浪费”;接着他又暗示有人用电磁波对付他,让现场媒体一头雾水。





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                                     "FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM AND LIBERTY" 
JESSE BELTRAN                            

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