劉青雲 (3)

  1. 本週有海味店職員投訴, 腦控空間有賤人曾偉明向他兜售腦控機和他個人芯片, 誰知取得的竟是他人的芯片, 當他打開載有芯片的腦控機時, 他聽到的是我的聲音, 有時是我的眼透, 懷疑是我的芯片. 我提議他將機和芯片交給我或者交由警方處理, 但至今並未收到對方任何反應. 在此強烈讉責腦控賤人, 隨便派發他人芯片, 一條芯片等同一條人命, 如此草菅人命, 罪大當諸.




  1. 腦控賤人另一賤招, 當他們想捧賤人時, 將不正常的賤人同正常受害者併芯片, 將受害者的日常生活行為舉止顯示出來, 將不正常的賤人隱形, 令人以為他們想捧的賤人是正人君子. 反之, 當他們想陷害正常的受害者, 將受害者同癮君子, 性工作者併芯片, 令人錯覺以為受害者人格有問題. 舉例, 有人將在囚人仕同某濶太併芯片, 大家錯覺以為在囚人士嫁入豪門, 當上門找尋才發覺真相. 所以提醒在空間的觀察者, 你的所見所聞都是腦控賤人的精心佈局, 並非事實的全部.




  1. 當被腦控受害者每次出國旅遊, 目的地國家都會用腦控方法監控你的一舉一動. 換言之, 你被腦控的資料證據, 並非只在原產地, 可以是你所到的任何國家. 所以當你沒法從你的所在地取得任何證據時可到你所信任的國家, 由他國取得你在所在地被腦控的資料和證據.




  1. 本週在腦控空間作孽者是電台DJ, 新聞從業員. 曾志偉, 方中信, 劉青雲出言滋擾. 吳鎮宇, 馬鼎盛意圖企圖遙控電子武器摧殘受害者.




  1. 本週晚間有女子同我併芯片, 全身發臭, 據她說是沒熱水沐浴, 大家試想想, 當今20世紀末, 哪裡仍沒有熱水?




Ming Control News this week (December 3 to 9, 2018)




  1. This week, there was a complaint from the staff of the dry seafood store. He said that someone who call himself name Tsang Wei ming sold a brain control machine to the staff with his own chip, who knows that chip belong to another one. When he turn-on the brain control machine with the chip, He heard my voice, sometimes watch from my eyes through, He suspicion may own my chip. I propose that he hand me the machine and the chip or hand it over to the police, but until now, I have not received any response from such staff. I strongly condemns the brain control perp, one chip equivalent to one human life, you cannot casually distributing victim’s chip to someone else, treat human life as if it were not worth a straw, such crimes are too wicked to be pardoned. 2. Brain control perp used a tricky technology. When they want to rise someone who abnormal, they will use the abnormal perp within the chip with the normal victim to display the behavior of the victim’s daily life as abnormal perp’s life, and the abnormal perp will disappear. Such tricky made the stalker thought that the abnormal perp in normal. On the contrary, when they want to set the normal victim up, within the victim’s chip with someone who got drug addicts, or sex workers, misleading the stalker thought that the victim got a wrong personality. For example, the chip controller within the female with a rich woman, everyone in mind control space illusion that the female was marry to rich man, when someone by door to door to visit, then find out the truth that all they saw are belong to the rich woman, and the female was a prisoner, still stay in the prison. So remind the observers in the space, what you can see and hear are based on the mind control perp’s planning, everything you saw, you hear and your thought was not your own, of cause not the truth.


  1. When the brain-controlled victim travels abroad every time, the destination country will use brain control methods to monitor your every movement. In other words, the evidence of being brain control is not only in the place of origin, but also in any of your visited countries. So when you can't get any evidence from your location, you can going to other country that you can trust, to obtain the information and evidence that you have being mind control in your location.
    4. This week, the trouble maker in mind control space were radio DJs and journalist, also heard the voice public nuisance from Eric Tsang, Alex Fang, Sean Lau. Francis Ng, Ma Dingsheng Intentional attempt to remotely control electronic weapons harass victims. 5. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a woman evening who got whole body bad smell. According to her said, there is no hot water to bathe in her place. Let's think about it. At the end of the 20th century, where is there still no hot water?


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  1. 之前提到味覺控制, 今期講食慾控制. 我們的食慾在正常情況下是基於食物的色香味和當時的饑餓狀況. 但當處於被腦控的情況下, 當控芯片賤人將飽胃者同你併芯片, 你的饑餓感即時消失. 你對食物的喜惡也隨併芯片者的喜惡而改變. 當輪流同乞丐併芯片時, 你會不停食而沒有飽胃的感覺, 有人甚至食到嘔依然食慾旺盛. 我個人經驗, 試過持續性食7粒花生糖後即停, 後來被告知是7個不同人併芯片, 所以不自覺地食7粒花生糖(我平時最多不超過3).


2      腦控空間有明星以腦控方式, 性慾控制腦控受害者自瀆後, 集體不分男女併芯片去感覺高潮. 甚至以作為賺錢的方法. 其中涉及男女生理結構的不同, 有人因此引起肚痛及生理痛症, 此種仍未找到解決的方法. 另一種是遙控電子武器引起的高潮至子宮收縮陣痛, 事先可用水袋防範(不可用衝電式水袋).


  1. 很多到日本浸溫泉的朋友, 都有出水時昏厥的情況發生, 此同浸溫泉沒有任何關係, 大部份是腦控賤人遙控電子武器攻擊造成. 沒有解決方法, 舒緩方法是飲溫水, 維持身體溫度穩定.


  1. 有很多年青人都有雙腿酸痛的情況發生, 大家直覺想到可能是尿酸過多造成. 而實情是大部份因為被腦控, 變態腦控賤人將你和高度懸殊太大者併芯片所引起. 測試方法, 自行量度身體高度, 如發覺腿酸, 必定身體高度有異, 其高度上下差可達3.



  1. 據說控芯片人為考跟蹤者的判斷力, 將被跟蹤目標的腦音關閉, 用第一跟蹤者的腦音作為配音,將目標人物同配音員二合為一, 誤導後面的集體跟蹤者以為配音員的思維是目標人物的思維. 而經常引起誤會的是目標人物思維順暢, 而配音者因為整蠱而發出思維障礙. 令集體跟蹤者以為目標人物有失憶, 健忘的症狀.


  1. 腦控空間真假身份的替換. 首先用真聲講第一聲, 然後屏蔽真聲, 用近似的假聲緊接真聲發表意見, 令聽者以為全是真聲的見解, 控芯片人不停重複以上步驟, 令聲者相信所有聲音都是真聲而搞出很多誤會. 在此再次聲明, 我在腦控空間的腦音是由腦控人控制, 24小時全開, 期間有人剪輯, 潛聲, 潛入虛假思維, 挑撥離間, 切不可相信. 一切以我網上發表為準, 原則性和重要性問題請同本人直接聯絡確認為盼.


  1. 本週腦控空間聚集一群竊聽人, 相信同本土和外國的競選活動有關, 為掩飾竊聽身份, 不惜將芯片同受害者合併, 以此嫁禍受害者, 令受害人擔心被涉及而惶惶不可終日. 據說參與竊聽者計有劉偉文, 曾志偉, 方中信, 劉青雲, 鄧英敏, 狄嘉, 何守信, 黃子華等.


Mind Control News this week (November 19 to 25, 2018)


  1. I have been mentioned taste control in early issue, today we talking about appetite control. In the normal situation, our appetite is based on the color, flavor, smell and hunger of the food at the time. But when it is under the brain control and within the chip with someone who in full stomach, your hunger feeling disappears instantly. Which food you like and dislikes also according to whom you within with, the people who within your chip can change your taste and food likes degree. When you take turns within chip with beggars, you will non-stop eating and your stomach never feel full, some people even eating until vomiting but still have strong appetite. My personal experience, I have been eat 7 pcs peanuts cakes in same time, and was told that have 7 different people within my chip in turn, usually I never have peanuts cakes more than 3pcs.
    2 The movie stars in mind control space used dirty thought to control the victims for sexual masturbation, and then within chip with a lots of people in men and female together to feel the sexual high to earn the money for “shame” . some victims are without consent just for cover. It caused some victims abdominal pain and physiologic pain since difference physiological structure in men and women. And other one is sexual high by remote electronic weapons that caused female’s uterine contraction pain, water bag protection in advance (not available in the plug-in hot water bag).
    3. Many friends have come to Japan for hot springs, and have an experience in fall down in swoon when they are out of the hot water. It was not matter with hot springs, but caused by remote control electronic weapon attacks. There is no solution. Only drink warm water to less the feeling of syncope and keep your body temperature stable.


  1. There are many young people who have sore legs. Everyone intuitively thinks that it may be caused by excessive uric acid. The truth is that most of them are caused by within the chip with someone who have big height difference with you. You can used self-measure test, understand your real height first, when you felt sore legs, measure the height again, you will find out it is difference with your real height, the height difference can reach up or down about 3 inch.
    5. There is another tricky for gang stalking, first turn-off target ‘s brain sound, use first tracker’s brain sound as dubbin, so the target person and the voice actor are combined into one, misleading the gang stalkers behind. The gang stalker read the mind is first tracker’s not the target person. What often causes is the voice actor has acted as a mental disorder to cover the target person has a smooth thinking. Such cheap tricky used to misleading the collective tracker thinks that the target person got symptoms of amnesia and forgetfulness.
    6. How to distinguish the true brain sound and false in mind control space? The perp used the first sound with the real sound, then block the true sound, follow the similar false sound to express the opinion immediately, misleading the listener thinks they are the same person, the chip controller keeps repeating the above steps, so that the listener believes that all the sounds are come from the same person and got a lot of trouble in understanding. Here again, my brain sound in the brain control space is controlled by the chip controller not myself, the brain sound key is open 7/24, the perp can use for editing, sneaking the other sound, sneaking into other thought for tear apart between the thinker and listener, don’t believe what you listen in mind control space, use your logical think for Judge. Everything is subject to my online publication, any principle and importance issues, please contact me directly by cellphone to confirm.
  2. 7. This week, there are gathered a group of eavesdroppers in the brain control space. As said it is related to the local and foreign campaigns. In order to cover up the eavesdropping identity, the chip controller will be merged with the victims’ chips to confuse the investigation, the victims are worried about being involved. As said the gang stalkers both direct and indirect are Andrew Lau, Eric Tsang, Alex Fong, Sean Lau, English Tang, Di Ka, Ivan Ho, Dayo Wong etc.
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  1. 本週變態腦控賤人喪心病狂地持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 陣痛程度從191-3級至21日的3-5. 據稱已引致7名長者死亡. 禍國殃民的劊子手是劉青雲, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 鄭子誠, 鄧英敏, 何守信, 吳君如, 麥潔雯, 薛家燕.




  1. 本週在空間作孽, 滋擾受害者為生者: 以羅啟新為首的港台DJ, 商台節目”18C”DJ們和TVB 甘草演員們.




  1. 本週腦控賤人持續將他人同我併芯片,將我的樣貌同他人掉換, 不禁令我想起新科技面部識別系統, 不知是否有影響? 如果識別系統只是辨識虹眼膜, 那麼合併芯片後虹眼膜是否會被掉換? 相信一切有待實踐確認.




  1. 逢年過節, 生日, 腦控空間管理者會派 利是 給在空間工作的人. 據講今年又有人冒我的名去簽收, 但被識穿. 在此聲明, 我並非在腦控空間工作的人員, 是被腦控於空間的受害者, 如任意將我同他人併芯片, 遙控電子武器摧殘, 一切按懲罰性條款賠償.




  1. 我有一疑問, 想同大家討論, 當我們的高級警司離職後, 於空間工作, 同時用他們親人的名字在警隊出薪金作為在空間工作的薪酬, 此舉是否合政府公務員的體制? 而他們在腦控空間的工作是否由政府授權? 他們的職責是否保護特首同市民的安全? 或是同腦控賤人一樣做禍國殃民, 以電子武器摧殘被腦控受害者為生呢?




Mind Control Space News this week (December 17 to 23, 2018) 


  1. This week, the loss mind and metamorphosis chip controller persistent remote control of electronic weapons caused me headaches. The degree of pain from 1-3 on the 19th to 3-5 on the 21st. It is said that seven elders have been killed. Such perps whom have wrecked a country, ruined the people would be Sean Lau Liu, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng, English Tang, Ivan Ho, Sandra Ng, Kitman Mak, Nancy Chit etc.
    2. This week, the trouble makers for nuisance victims to earn for living would be: The RTHK’s DJs, head by Cuson Law, the radio show "18th floor, Block C" all DJs and TVB elderly actors.
    3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller keeps to within my chip with others, and change my appearance with. Such reminding me about the new technology facial recognition system. How can the system detect taking effect? ​​If the identification system only recognizes the iris film, how about within two chip together that makes iris film replaceable? I believe about needs to be confirmed by practice.
    4. In every year’s holidays, birthdays, brain control space managers will give "lucky money" to the perps who work in space. It is said someone took my name to sign for receipt, but does not work. I have to disclosure again, I am a victim being mind control in mind control space, not the person who working on, if someone with my chip for gang stalking or electronic harassment, such will compensate according to punitive terms.


  1. I have a question to discuss with you all. When our senior Superintendent of policemen leaves the post, work in space and use the names of their relatives to receive the salary from government as a pay in space. Do you think such move in line with the system of government civil servants? I guess it depends on their job in the brain-control space whether authorized by the government? Does their duty protect the safety of the chief executive and the citizens? Or they do the same job as the brain-controlling perps by use electronic weapons to tortured the victims? what do you think? I appreciably your opinions.


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