司機 (1)

  1. 本週腦控空間賤人依然每天持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛, 令人不勝其煩. 喪心病狂指使者是: 陳可辛, 吳孟達, 方中信, 吳鎮宇, 何守信, 鄭子誠, 劉玉翠, 袁泳儀等. 作孽者仍然是無線電視甘草演員和電台DJ.


  1. 在女性來經期間, 變態賤人遙控電子武器攻擊受害者, 令受害者在不知不覺間經量增多, 長期持續如此, 將引致受害者貧血, 不育, 經年期提前. 據初步統計, 由青春期開始被腦控的受害者, 大約在40歲已進入經年期. 我之前文章多次提到此問題, 現再不厭其煩提醒年輕受害者: 需多進食補血食物; 當妳希望擁有自己小朋友, 但為了事業未有空閒時, 請雪藏卵子以備不時之需; 有醫生提議可暫停月經方式, 延遲進入更年期, 但此方法是否有效, 相信是因人而異.


  1. 近期熱門新聞是出外自駕遊時發生交通意外, 在此再次提醒受害者, 腦控賤人有幾種電子武器用於攻擊司機, 一是攻擊司機手和腿部突然抽搐; 另一種是攻擊腦部, 令司機腦部瞬間一片空白; 再有一種是潛入他人眼透”, 令司機錯覺以為車傍邊有人而分神. 以上一切都在司機沒有飲酒和沒有任何藥物的情況下發生. 望大家小心駕駛, 祝大家旅途愉快!


腦控空間放出消息, 有人放出三條芯片(不肯講人名)給賤人, 要賤人在他們仨人旅遊日本期間製造交通意外. 此消息不知是真是假? 望在日本旅遊者或正計劃到日本旅遊者格外小心!


  1. 當被腦控若干年後, 被腦音喚醒, 你第一時間接觸的是腦控賤人或是腦控好人, 對你日後的人生有很大的影響. 我個人經驗, 當我被喚醒後, 有人提我 他們全部是害你的人”, 所以我相信腦控我的人全是賤人, 所以我對他們的言論抱住懷疑的態度, 時刻提防他們, 保護自己, 所以除心身備受精神折磨外, 金錢上沒有任何損失.


但如果當你們被喚醒後, 聽到的是賤人扮好人, 首先令你信任他們, 相信他們同你合作可在腦控空間賺到錢, 欺騙你賣樓, 將錢投資某生意, 大部份最後血本無歸. 藍潔英就是最好的例子. 在此提醒受害者, 他們都是腦控你的人, 他們對你的性格, 脾氣, 弱點瞭若指掌, 在你沒有屏蔽器的情況下, 仍然是控制你腦部各方面的人, 所以切不可相信腦控賤人的言論, 就算他們是名人明星都不可信, 他們是最好的演員, 也可能他們已被賤人洗了腦.


Mind Control News this week (December 24 to 30, 2018)


  1. This week, The metamorphosis chip controller still have constantly remote control of electronic weapons every day, which makes me mildly headache and felt sick every day. The as mad as loss mind perps: Peter Chen, Ng Man Tat, Alex Fong, Francis Ng, Ivan Ho, Timothy Cheng, Jade Lau, Anita Yee etc. The stalkers and trouble maker still from TVB elderly actors and a radio DJs.
    2. During the girls’ victims in period, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic attacked the victims, causing the amount of menstrual flow to increase. For long-term persistence will cause anemia, infertility, and early MPS. As initial statistics, victims who have been brain-controlled before puberty, will early into MPS before 40- 45 years old. I have mentioned subject before, there is so important for the young victims, you should have more food to enrich the blood; please keep your eggs in case of emergency when you busy for your career. Some doctors will suggest that you can suspend menstruation to delay entering menopause by drugs. But this method only effective from person to person.
  2. Several traffic accident news recently when driving out of the town. there are several kinds of electronic weapons used to attack the driver which remind to the driver. One is to attack the driver's hand and the leg suddenly twitches; the other one is to attack the driver's brain instantly blank; another is used and other’s image incepting to driver’s vision, which makes used to disturb driver’s concertation. All of the above based on the driver does not drink alcohol and does not have any drugs. Free for driving only in free your mind, not under mind control.
    I got a news from mind control space, someone who released three chips (not willing to talk about who’s own) to the perp to create traffic accidents during their visit to Japan. I was unable to confirm the news is true or dare. So any victims whom you are travel in Japan or just planning to Japan, please take a serious consideration to keep your safety. This is a reminder.
  3. After being mind-controlled for several years, someone will awake you up by the brain sound, then you met the first group of gang stalkers will have a great impact on your future life. My personal experience, when I was awaked, someone told me there are the persons who ruin your life, so I met the first group which I believed they all were bad persons, so I hold a skeptical attitude towards their remarks, and always beware that how to protect myself, so there is no loss in money so long, except the harassment of psychologically and physically.

But when you are awakened, you met the first group are good persons what you thought, they made you to trust them, and to believe that they can help you to make money in the brain control space, persuade to sell you apartment, and then invest your money in a joint venture business until at the end, you will total lost. Yammie lam was a true story as example. Here to remind the victims, they are the perps who control you, gang stalking you for long time, they know your character, temper, weakness, before you got shield device, they still a controller to control your all aspects of your brain, how can you believe them and trust them in piece of word, even they are the famous people or movies stars, you should remember, they are the best of actors, some may have been brainwashed by the monks already. Remember, don’t trust the mind control perp anymore!

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