Children (2)

This is what out government dose to us My wife maybe yours and your children here is picture of what they detail found it and i want to see if there is anything thing other countrys can do about it.

This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.

maybe we can get support here

Please Help The US Stop Our Government

this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...

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Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998TITLE XIII-CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTIONSEC. 1301. SHORT TITLE.This title may be cited as the "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998".SEC. 1302. DEFINITIONS.In this title:(1) CHILD.—The term "child" means an individual under the age of 13.(2) OPERATOR.—The term "operator"—(A) means any person who operates a website located on the Internet or an online service and who collects or maintains personal information from or about the users of or visitors to such website or online service, or on whose behalf such information is collected or maintained, where such website or online service is operated for commercial purposes, including any person offering products or services for sale through that website or online service, involving commerce—(i) among the several States or with 1 or more foreign nations;(ii) in any territory of the United States or in the District of Columbia, or between any such territory and—(I) another such territory; or(II) any State or foreign nation; or(iii) between the District of Columbia and any State, territory, or foreign nation; but(B) does not include any nonprofit entity that would otherwise be exempt from coverage under section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 45).(3) COMMISSION.—The term "Commission" means the Federal Trade Commission.(4) DISCLOSURE.—The term "disclosure" means, with respect to personal information—(A) the release of personal information collected from a child in identifiable form by an operator for any purpose, except where such information is provided to a person other than the operator who provides support for the internal operations of the website and does not disclose or use that information for any other purpose; and(B) making personal information collected from a child by a website or online service directed to children or with actual knowledge that such information was collected from a child, publicly available in identifiable form, by any means including by a public posting, through the Internet, or through—(i) a home page of a website;(ii) a pen pal service;(iii) an electronic mail service;(iv) a message board; or(v) a chat room.(5) FEDERAL AGENCY.—The term "Federal agency" means an agency, as that term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5, United States Code.(6) INTERNET.—The term "Internet" means collectively the myriad of computer and telecommunications facilities, including equipment and operating software, which comprise the interconnected world-wide network of networks that employ the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol, or any predecessor or successor protocols to such protocol, to communicate information of all kinds by wire or radio.(7) PARENT.—The term "parent" includes a legal guardian.(8) PERSONAL INFORMATION.—The term "personal information" means individually identifiable information about an individual collected online, including—(A) a first and last name;(B) a home or other physical address including street name and name of a city or town;(C) an e-mail address;(D) a telephone number;(E) a Social Security number;(F) any other identifier that the Commission determines permits the physical or online contacting of a specific individual; or(G) information concerning the child or the parents of that child that the website collects online from the child and combines with an identifier described in this paragraph.(9) VERIFIABLE PARENTAL CONSENT.—The term "verifiable parental consent" means any reasonable effort (taking into consideration available technology), including a request for authorization for future collection, use, and disclosure described in the notice, to ensure that a parent of a child receives notice of the operator's personal information collection, use, and disclosure practices, and authorizes the collection, use, and disclosure, as applicable, of personal information and the subsequent use of that information before that information is collected from that child.(10) WEBSITE OR ONLINE SERVICE DIRECTED TO CHILDREN.—(A) IN GENERAL.—The term "website or online service directed to children" means—(i) a commercial website or online service that is targeted to children; or(ii) that portion of a commercial website or online service that is targeted to children.(B) LIMITATION.—A commercial website or online service, or a portion of a commercial website or online service, shall not be deemed directed to children solely for referring or linking to a commercial website or online service directed to children by using information location tools, including a directory, index, reference, pointer, or hypertext link.(11) PERSON.—The term "person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate, cooperative, association, or other entity.(12) ONLINE CONTACT INFORMATION.—The term "online contact information" means an e-mail address or an-other substantially similar identifier that permits direct contact with a person online.SEC. 1303. REGULATION OF UNFAIR AND DECEPTIVE ACTS AND PRACTICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE COLLECTION AND USE OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM AND ABOUT CHILDREN ON THE INTERNET.(a) ACTS PROHIBITED.—(1) IN GENERAL.—It is unlawful for an operator of a website or online service directed to children, or any operator that has actual knowledge that it is collecting personal information from a child, to collect personal information from a child in a manner that violates the regulations prescribed under subsection (b).(2) DISCLOSURE TO PARENT PROTECTED.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), neither an operator of such a website or online service nor the operator's agent shall be held to be liable under any Federal or State law for any disclosure made in good faith and following reasonable procedures in responding to a request for disclosure of per-sonal information under subsection (b)(1)(B)(iii) to the parent of a child.(b) REGULATIONS.—(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Commission shall promulgate under section 553 of title 5, United States Code, regulations that—(A) require the operator of any website or online service directed to children that collects personal information from children or the operator of a website or online service that has actual knowledge that it is collecting personal information from a child—(i) to provide notice on the website of what information is collected from children by the operator, how the operator uses such information, and the operator's disclosure practices for such information; and(ii) to obtain verifiable parental consent for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information from children;(B) require the operator to provide, upon request of a parent under this subparagraph whose child has provided personal information to that website or online service, upon proper identification of that parent, to such par-ent—(i) a description of the specific types of personal information collected from the child by that operator;(ii) the opportunity at any time to refuse to permit the operator's further use or maintenance in retrievable form, or future online collection, of personal information from that child; and(iii) notwithstanding any other provision of law, a means that is reasonable under the circumstances for the parent to obtain any personal information collected from that child;(C) prohibit conditioning a child's participation in a game, the offering of a prize, or another activity on the child disclosing more personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity; and(D) require the operator of such a website or online service to establish and maintain reasonable procedures to protect the confidentiality, security, and integrity of personal information collected from children.(2) WHEN CONSENT NOT REQUIRED.—The regulations shall provide that verifiable parental consent under paragraph (1)(A)(ii) is not required in the case of—(A) online contact information collected from a child that is used only to respond directly on a one-time basis to a specific request from the child and is not used to recontact the child and is not maintained in retrievable form by the operator;(B) a request for the name or online contact information of a parent or child that is used for the sole purpose of obtaining parental consent or providing notice under this section and where such information is not maintained in retrievable form by the operator if parental consent is not obtained after a reasonable time;(C) online contact information collected from a child that is used only to respond more than once directly to a specific request from the child and is not used to recontact the child beyond the scope of that request—(i) if, before any additional response after the initial response to the child, the operator uses reasonable efforts to provide a parent notice of the online contact information collected from the child, the purposes for which it is to be used, and an opportunity for the parent to request that the operator make no further use of the information and that it not be maintained in retrievable form; or(ii) without notice to the parent in such circumstances as the Commission may determine are appropriate, taking into consideration the benefits to the child of access to information and services, and risks to the security and privacy of the child, in regulations promulgated under this subsection;(D) the name of the child and online contact information (to the extent reasonably necessary to protect the safety of a child participant on the site)—(i) used only for the purpose of protecting such safety;(ii) not used to recontact the child or for any other purpose; and(iii) not disclosed on the site, if the operator uses reasonable efforts to provide a parent notice of the name and online contact information collected from the child, the purposes for which it is to be used, and an opportunity for the parent to request that the operator make no further use of the information and that it not be maintained in retrievable form; or(E) the collection, use, or dissemination of such information by the operator of such a website or online service necessary—(i) to protect the security or integrity of its website;(ii) to take precautions against liability;(iii) to respond to judicial process; or(iv) to the extent permitted under other provisions of law, to provide information to law enforcement agencies or for an investigation on a matter related to public safety. 1815(3) TERMINATION OF SERVICE.—The regulations shall permit the operator of a website or an online service to terminate service provided to a child whose parent has refused, under the regulations prescribed under paragraph (1)(B)(ii), to permit the operator's further use or maintenance in retrievable form, or future online collection, of personal information from that child.(c) ENFORCEMENT.—Subject to sections 1304 and 1306, a violation of a regulation prescribed under subsection (a) shall be treated as a violation of a rule defining an unfair or deceptive act or practice prescribed under section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 57a(a)(1)(B)).(d) INCONSISTENT STATE LAW.—No State or local government may impose any liability for commercial activities or actions by operators in interstate or foreign commerce in connection with an activity or action described in this title that is inconsistent with the treatment of those activities or actions under this section.SEC. 1304. SAFE HARBORS.(a) GUIDELINES.—An operator may satisfy the requirements of regulations issued under section 1303(b) by following a set of self-regulatory guidelines, issued by representatives of the marketing or online industries, or by other persons, approved under subsection (b).(b) INCENTIVES.—(1) SELF-REGULATORY INCENTIVES.—In prescribing regulations under section 1303, the Commission shall provide incentives for self-regulation by operators to implement the protections afforded children under the regulatory requirements described in subsection (b) of that section.(2) DEEMED COMPLIANCE.—Such incentives shall include provisions for ensuring that a person will be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of the regulations under section 1303 if that person complies with guidelines that, after notice and comment, are approved by the Commission upon making a determination that the guidelines meet the requirements of the regulations issued under section 1303.(3) EXPEDITED RESPONSE TO REQUESTS.—The Commission shall act upon requests for safe harbor treatment within 180 days of the filing of the request, and shall set forth in writing its conclusions with regard to such requests.(c) APPEALS.—Final action by the Commission on a request for approval of guidelines, or the failure to act within 180 days on a request for approval of guidelines, submitted under subsection (b) may be appealed to a district court of the United States of appropriate jurisdiction as provided for in section 706 of title 5, United States Code.SEC. 1305. ACTIONS BY STATES.(a) IN GENERAL.—(1) CIVIL ACTIONS.—In any case in which the attorney general of a State has reason to believe that an interest of the residents of that State has been or is threatened or adversely affected by the engagement of any person in a practice that violates any regulation of the Commission prescribed under section 1303(b), the State, as parens patriae, may bring a civil action on behalf of the residents of the State in a district court of the United States of appropriate jurisdiction to—(A) enjoin that practice;(B) enforce compliance with the regulation;(C) obtain damage, restitution, or other compensation on behalf of residents of the State; or(D) obtain such other relief as the court may consider to be appropriate.(2) NOTICE.—(A) IN GENERAL.—Before filing an action under paragraph (1), the attorney general of the State involved shall provide to the Commission—(i) written notice of that action; and(ii) a copy of the complaint for that action.(B) EXEMPTION.—(i) IN GENERAL.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to the filing of an action by an attorney general of a State under this subsection, if the attorney general determines that it is not feasible to provide the notice described in that subparagraph before the filing of the action.(ii) NOTIFICATION.—In an action described in clause (i), the attorney general of a State shall provide notice and a copy of the complaint to the Commission at the same time as the attorney general files the action.(b) INTERVENTION.—(1) IN GENERAL.—On receiving notice under subsection (a)(2), the Commission shall have the right to intervene in the action that is the subject of the notice.(2) EFFECT OF INTERVENTION.—If the Commission intervenes in an action under subsection (a), it shall have the right—(A) to be heard with respect to any matter that arises in that action; and(B) to file a petition for appeal.(3) AMICUS CURIAE.—Upon application to the court, a person whose self-regulatory guidelines have been approved by the Commission and are relied upon as a defense by any defendant to a proceeding under this section may file amicus curiae in that proceeding.(c) CONSTRUCTION.—For purposes of bringing any civil action under subsection (a), nothing in this title shall be construed to prevent an attorney general of a State from exercising the powers conferred on the attorney general by the laws of that State to—(1) conduct investigations;(2) administer oaths or affirmations; or(3) compel the attendance of witnesses or the production of documentary and other evidence.(d) ACTIONS BY THE COMMISSION.—In any case in which an action is instituted by or on behalf of the Commission for violation of any regulation prescribed under section 1303, no State may, during the pendency of that action, institute an action under subsection (a) against any defendant named in the complaint in that action for violation of that regulation.(e) VENUE; SERVICE OF PROCESS.—(1) VENUE.—Any action brought under subsection (a) may be brought in the district court of the United States that meets applicable requirements relating to venue under section 1391 of title 28, United States Code.(2) SERVICE OF PROCESS.—In an action brought under subsection (a), process may be served in any district in which the defendant—(A) is an inhabitant; or(B) may be found.SEC. 1306. ADMINISTRATION AND APPLICABILITY OF ACT.(a) IN GENERAL.—Except as otherwise provided, this title shall be enforced by the Commission under the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.).(b) PROVISIONS.—Compliance with the requirements imposed under this title shall be enforced under—(1) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818), in the case of—(A) national banks, and Federal branches and Federal agencies of foreign banks, by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency;(B) member banks of the Federal Reserve System (other than national banks), branches and agencies of foreign banks (other than Federal branches, Federal agencies, and insured State branches of foreign banks), commercial lending companies owned or controlled by foreign banks, and organizations operating under section 25 or 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 601 et seq. and 611 et seq.), by the Board; and(C) banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (other than members of the Federal Reserve System) and insured State branches of foreign banks, by the Board of Direc- tors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;(2) section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1818), by the Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, in the case of a savings association the deposits of which are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation;(3) the Federal Credit Union Act (12 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) by the National Credit Union Administration Board with respect to any Federal credit union;(4) part A of subtitle VII of title 49, United States Code, by the Secretary of Transportation with respect to any air carrier or foreign air carrier subject to that part;(5) the Packers and Stockyards Act, 1921 (7 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) (except as provided in section 406 of that Act (7 U.S.C. 226, 227)), by the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to any activities subject to that Act; and(6) the Farm Credit Act of 1971 (12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.) by the Farm Credit Administration with respect to any Federal land bank, Federal land bank association, Federal intermediate credit bank, or production credit association.(c) EXERCISE OF CERTAIN POWERS.—For the purpose of the exercise by any agency referred to in subsection (a) of its powers under any Act referred to in that subsection, a violation of any requirement imposed under this title shall be deemed to be a violation of a requirement imposed under that Act. In addition to its powers under any provision of law specifically referred to in subsection (a), each of the agencies referred to in that subsection may exercise, for the purpose of enforcing compliance with any requirement imposed under this title, any other authority conferred on it by law.(d) ACTIONS BY THE COMMISSION.—The Commission shall prevent any person from violating a rule of the Commission under section 1303 in the same manner, by the same means, and with the same jurisdiction, powers, and duties as though all applicable terms and provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act (15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.) were incorporated into and made a part of this title. Any entity that violates such rule shall be subject to the penalties and entitled to the privileges and immunities provided in the Federal Trade Commission Act in the same manner, by the same means, and with the same jurisdiction, power, and duties as though all applicable terms and provisions of the Federal Trade Commission Act were incorporated into and made a part of this title.(e) EFFECT ON OTHER LAWS.—Nothing contained in the Act shall be construed to limit the authority of the Commission under any other provisions of law.SEC. 1307. REVIEW.Not later than 5 years after the effective date of the regulations initially issued under section 1303, the Commission shall—(1) review the implementation of this title, including the effect of the implementation of this title on practices relating to the collection and disclosure of information relating to children, children's ability to obtain access to information of their choice online, and on the availability of websites directed to children; and(2) prepare and submit to Congress a report on the results of the review under paragraph (1).SEC. 1308. EFFECTIVE DATE. Sections 1303(a), 1305, and 1306 of this title take effect on the later of—(1) the date that is 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act; or(2) the date on which the Commission rules on the first application filed for safe harbor treatment under section 1304 if the Commission does not rule on the first such application within one year after the date of enactment of this Act, but in no case later than the date that is 30 months after the date of enactment of this Act.The CIA, Mind Control & ChildrenA Talk by John RappoportCKLN FM 88.1 Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto, Ontario, Canada International ConnectionProducer: Wayne MorrisToday we are going to hear from investigative journalist Jon Rappoport give a talk entitled The CIA, Mind Control, and Children about the CIA’s use of children for creating mind control agents. Author of U.S. Government Mind Control Experiments on Children, he talks about the impact of the mind control testimony submitted to the Presidential hearings on radiation experiments. Jon also speaks about the mindset of those responsible for these horrors and the implications to society.JOHN RAPPOPORT:We are going to launch into this subject, but with a few comments before we start. Mind control is one of those things people don’t like to talk about, including yours truly frankly. I got into it, and I saw the evidence, and it was … you know, there it was.OfÞcially MKULTRA was a CIA mind control project that lasted about 10 years … let’s say from 1952 to 1962-63 … Before it started, there was ARTICHOKE AND BLUEBIRD … those were other CIA mind control projects. After it ended, supposedly in 1963, an ofÞce called ORD OfÞce of Research and Development took it over. Their job we don’t know about … we are not sure of everything they did because that information is not available. It is in 130 boxes of material somewhere … maybe in Langley, Virginia but they won’t release it. Various people have said that they employed more sophisticated measures than MKULTRA to do mind control on people.I think one of the reasons that this is such an important subject is because we are looking at people here who have a certain attitude about life itself, and these people are in the government and they are in important positions in the government … and in order to understand what they are really about, we get a look at them that is unprecedented by looking at what they did with this kind of experimentation on humans. In other words, they hate life. That’s pretty clear. They have their own version of life, which is like “death” and that’s where their life is … that’s what they feed off of. I would say that most, if not all, secret societies are based on the same concept. Once you cut through all the paraphenalia and symbology of secret societies, you are basically dealing with people who have, for one reason or another, given up on life completely. They are now into the form of life that is involved with death … that’s their territory. And it’s a pretty horrendous thing to say, but I think that would be borne out. My own feeling is that we are talking about a conþuence of different inþuences here on individuals that go back a long way into the past … into the history of families in which they grew up … I am talking about long term history of what those families are … and these people who are entirely functional, but entirely psychotic if you want to use that term. It doesn’t really do it justice but it tells you something about them. I am talking about John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles … I would say they are very good examples. Look at their faces … look at what you see there … you see almost nothing. There is a kind of mask-like quality about these people, an emptiness — very competent people who go about their business, who seem to have no feeling or “juice” for life. And I would say these people are often born into families who go back centuries possibly in that kind of disconnected condition from life. While they are able to function very successfully in society and deal with power, because that is their ticket and their coinage, they Þnd that control and destruction of life is the only thing really that gives them life.Since I have read this information that I will be sharing with you tonight, I am beginning to come to the conclusion that the people who were involved in the nuclear weapons scenario really wanted to destroy the world. It may seem obvious to say but they see that as “liberation” if you can wrap your mind around that … as a release from, what they consider to be an oppressive situation that just simply can’t be tolerated. They see destruction as liberation and so the only thing that would hold them back, I think, from destroying the world is the feeling that they may not have the playground left in which to enact their scenarios of destruction. There would only be one, and that would be the explosion that would take care of the planet.I would say that this is what we are dealing with. I would put up as a model against that, on the other side, although this man is not a messiah by any means, but if you know any of the work by Wilhelm Reich, the psychiatrist who broke away from Freud, he developed an entire psychology around the concept of liberation of energy … from within the person … that was locked up. It was really the Þrst time … he was the main Þgure in the history of Western psychology, let’s put it that way … which was a recent effort. To simply say that we are talking about energy here, and that freedom and the release of free energy from a human being against blocked up channels gives you what is called “life” — that’s life. And he was, of course, destroyed by the government. He had a device that was an energy accumulator device. He was arrested because a federal agent posing as a buyer or distributor of that device offered to take off his hands and bring it through state lines and so he was served a su bpoena to appear before the federal government that involved illegal interstate commerce, and his comment was rather native, he said, “how can they possibly serve me … that’s politics … I am talking about science.” He didn’t honour the subpoena, they put him in jail, and he died. He was talking about fantastical things like plumes of blue energy shooting out of the top of a person into the sky and this kind of liberation of energy would occur. He said that energy creates clouds, and storms, and weathers, the same energy that we have inside ourselves is identical and he called the unit of it an “orgone”. He invented these wild machines that were able to, supposedly, manoeuvre this energy around. He is a fascinating person, and I always hold him up as a person who ultimately stands for the other side of things — which is life.The reason that you Þnd some of these fascist lunatics involved with magic and occult sciences and heavy, heavy, heavy symbology and all of that … is because within these secret societies, they are dealing in death as life.If you could imagine life as a kind of hourglass and they fall through the top and through the skinny part and out the bottom and they see that as being a form of living, and they take their sensation and their thrills from some sort of upside down version of life. I wanted to paint that little sketch before I started, because we are going to get into some pretty strange territory here. I want to say that I think this is basically what is going on. It’s important to know that these people occupy key positions in our government and still do and they are not accountable. It tells you something about what is called a democracy …I have brought some testimony together into this book called, US Government Mind Control Experiments on Children. It’s a compilation basically of testimony that was given in Washington and before I read from it while I can still remember … I want to make a few announcements, a little bit about myself and the people who are here tonight. This is Deep River Books. She Who Remembers is taping this talk … the tape is available afterwards. I will probably forget to remind you and Jeannie will stand up and say something. Ralph Cole of Justice Vision is taping. He has also been taping meetings of Heal, an alternative AIDS group which is doing some excellent work about bringing the truth about AIDS to people and he has some of those tapes available too. This book is available upstairs at Deep River, and so is another book of mine, called AIDS Inc. which I wrote in 1988.I am investigative reporter, for about the last Þfteen years, and I basically have been investigating what I call medical fascism which I believe is the mechanism by which people are going to be dragged into Brave New World if that is the outcome that we unfortunately end up with. That issue is not decided, but because the medical world has such great authority with people, they believe so much in doctors and experts, they are going to try to make that move … they are going to try to bring people to heel under the aegis of medicine … they are going to try to say that they know science, and therefore you have to listen to what they say, and if they say take a drug, or you are suffering from a germ, there is no questioning that. If they say you are detained or quarantined, there is no questioning that … I see that as being something that is coming around here.This testimony was given before the President’s Committee on Radiation on March 15, 1995. We had three people who went up there from New Orleans … Valerie Wolf, a therapist and two of her clients, Claudia Mullen and Chris Denicola. God only knows how they got in and testiÞed. I have heard the story from Valerie, and I still don’t even believe it, but … basically she told me the screener up there, the person who was screening applicants to speak about cruel and unusual radiation experiments on Americans … she said, well I have clients and they are saying that some of these doctors who administered radiation, administered mind control to them so we want to talk. And they said okay. They testiÞed, from what I can gather, for a very short period of time verbally. They submitted a lot of testimony to the Committee from other therapists and other patients, and they somehow got in … nobody knows how … but they got in and that opens a certain kind of door for us, because it puts it on th e record and it gives it a certain legitimacy and what these patients essentially said was, from the time they were 4 years old, 7 years old, they were tortured by the CIA and the military. You can call it something more sophisticated, but it really isn’t. It involved electroshock, physical torture, lights, spinning tables, hallucinogenic drugs, sleep deprivation, isolation tanks, hypnosis, mind programming with commands, layers of trauma that induced buffer zones of amnesia between the traumas, and essentially thereby created multiple personalities. As one psychological theory has it, if you induce enough trauma, you get a split in the personality because the person can’t face the pain, so they put that part out of it, and they come with a new personality. If you keep doing it, you invoke or create different personalities, and then if you are the CIA you try to program these sub-personalities to do different things like memorize information photographi cally and not remember it, do courier operations, assassinations, sex agents, blackmail operations, all of this.Now I must say that I think some representations of this kind of operation are a little too neat and clean … that is people assume it is like (clicks Þngers …) … okay we will create 37 personalities now and program each one … do these commands and call it up and da da da da … I really doubt that it works that way. I think that in many cases, it is a total wash-out. In many cases, it is just psychosis time, madness. (In many cases people are killed because they just won’t respond, and they will not stand for it no matter what is induced …) There are two tracks here … and these are the tracks. There is testimony by the people saying this was done to me … and then you decide if you believe that or not. Then over here, there are attempts to verify through obtaining documents from the CIA and the military that such experiments did in fact go on to create a parallel track of research to give credence to what these people are saying over here because there are many good people w ho want to say this is all nut-case territory over here, and we don’t want to know about it, and frankly, I don’t blame them. So the researchers have said, the ones who are really into this, we want to try to document it as well on the other side and efforts have been made in that direction, and continue to be made in that direction.Let me introduce into the record, and it would be nice if we were all sitting here in front of an Arlen “Single Bullet Theory” Spector and people like that … something called Volume Seven, Recent Advances in Biological Psychiatry, the Proceedings of the19th Annual Convention and ScientiÞc Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, Los Angeles, May 13, 1964. The OfÞcers of this group include Ewen Cameron, M.D., Psychiatrist from Canada many will recognize as possibly the major monster on the planet as far as mind control … much has been written about him … I am not going to talk much about him tonight. In Part One in the Table of Contents, we have the following paper: “Automatic Nervous System Responses in Hospitalized Children Treated with LSD and UML” and one of the researchers is Loretta Bender. Loretta Bender cannot be nailed down as being a CIA employee. She was in fact, in 1961, a president of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, but she was part of a small group of researchers who were doing early LSD research … most of whom were doing it for the CIA. She attended conferences where those people showed up … like this, and she attended at least one conference by the Josiah Macey Foundation which was a conduit and front for CIA money. The paper is rather lengthy but I am just going to read you a few things from it. This is not part of the book.“In the children’s unit of Creedmore State Hospital with a resident population of 450 patients, ages 4 to 15, we have investigated the responses of some of these children to lysergic acid and related drugs in the psychiatric, psychological and biochemical areas. Two groups of boys receiving daily LSD, UML (which is a methylated derivative of LSD) or psilocybin … at Þrst the medication was given weekly but was eventually given daily for periods of up to several months. Dosages remain constant throughout, LSD 150 mcg. (which is a standard for an adult trip), psilocybin 20 mg. daily or UML 12 mg. daily, all given in two divided doses. The average duration of treatment was 2 to 3 months.” Daily. Children, 7, 9 , 11 years old …The psychiatrist who sent me this told me that he has a statement at home which he is going to fax me which shows that in several cases at least with these children, this was carried on for several years daily. Of course, all of the testimony here about what happened to the children is they got nothing but better … these were autistic, retarded (a loose term signiÞying really nothing), but autistic or schizophrenic children … that was the diagnosis. They all “responded, became more straightforward, and here” and whatever. You decide …That is a very signiÞcant piece of evidence here. That shows that as early as 1964, the CIA was in fact experimenting … or a person with probable CIA connections … was experimenting on young children with LSD and other similar drugs.Now I have here a staff memorandum given to me by Harlan Girard, a very active researcher in his Þeld, to Members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments from the Advisory Committee staff on June 27, 1994, and this is a summary of the CIA, its history and its activities. In other words, members of the Committee on Radiation staff submitted this to the Committee at large to kind of clue them in on what the CIA is prior to the 1995 Hearing of the President’s Committee on Radiation, and they say, “In the 1950’s and 60’s the CIA engaged in an extensive program of human experimentation using drugs, psychological and other means, in search of techniques to control human behaviour for counter intelligence and covert action purposes.” This is quite an admission. In other words, they are training agents, it says here, by using mind control on them. It doesn’t say they are using mind control just to sort of get information from foreign agents. The possibility that the CIA itself engaged in human radiation experiments emanates from references in a 1963 CIA Inspector General’s report on project MKULTRA which was a “program concerned with research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour.” Now in the rest of this report, they indicate that they cannot Þnd any records of speciÞc radiological experiments carried out by the CIA, and obviously they are looking. This doesn’t look like a total whitewash.But that doesn’t mean that you believe them, it just means that those records have been destroyed or hidden away deep hidden away … because everybody agrees that radiation is a bad thing … and the CIA … the last thing they want is for people to believe that they used radiation on people. But this does indicate that there was a reference about research and development of radiation by the CIA for purposes of deployment in clandestine operations to control human behaviour. How the hell do you use radiation in clandestine operations to control human behaviour? Well, I would suggest that you use it to traumatize people whom you are training as agents so that you can gain control of them and you therefore have them under your thumb, and they do what you want them to do. The testimony here tends to bear that out … that radiation was used on people as a method of inducing trauma, not as a way of testing … you know … does radiation cause harm? Which is sort of the gist of the President ‘s Committee on Radiation … they went half-way. They said “terrible things were done to unwitting Americans … radiation was used by doctors on them in hospitals” but this goes further, we are now talking about a whole other leve, because those those experiments which were supposedly carried on as a misguided effort to see what toxicity levels were like, unfortunate occurrences, things got out of control at times, isolated individuals did commit crimes, da da da da …. you know. But they were attempting to do medical research … and that’s one of those hypnotic phrases, “medical research”. I could probably put everybody to sleep just by saying “medical research, medical research …” (laughter) And people would reach into their pockets and come out with money, man … well hey, cancer and infantile paralysis and m.s. … whatever you want … I’ll give you money … medical research, medical research. Politicians know that’s the key they turn all the time … when they can’t Þgure out what to say, they say we need more money for research … and that means tax money and it means things you don’t want to be subjected to most of the time …Valerie Wolf is something else … this woman is down in New Orleans … she is seeing clients other people won’t see … therefore they tell strange stories. These are clients who have been Þred by other therapists … they are very unruly, out of control, they do not recover, nothing works, they cut themselves, they go into hospitals, they try to commit suicide … they are people that therapists generally þee from … and she says “let’s go …” That’s her scene … so it stands to reason that she would hear stories that other therapists cannot hear … and in her statement to the Committee on Radiation March 15, 1995, she says, “ … the research programs [that her clients were submitted to] included radiation, drugs, mind control and chemicals … my clients have reported all of these being used on them, although technically they were considered to be part of the mind control experiments. Generally it appears that therapists across the country are Þnding clients who have been subjected to mind control techniques. The consistency of their stories about the purpose of the mind control and the techniques such as electroshock, use of hallucinogens, sensory deprivation, spinning, dislocation of limbs, and sexual abuse is remarkable. There is almost nothing published on this aspect of mind control used on children, and these clients come from all over the country having had no contact with each other. From the small sample of therapists to whom I talked, it appears that about 25% of the clients report memories of being used in radiation experiments. It is possible that more people were exposed to radiation, but that the memories have not yet emerged because our awareness of this experimentation is so new.”Let me say now, before we get into it further, that the one organization in the United States that has tried to debunk all of this is called the False Memory Syndrome Foundation. They are based in Philadelphia. They say that any recovered memories in therapy, that is any patient who goes into therapy and recovers a memory is a liar or unintentionally lying because their therapist induced it, suggested it, guided it, okay? Now, I talked to these people and at certain levels they are very well meaning of course … that is always the way. I talked to their PR person and I asked when were you born, this organization? She said, “1992”. I said well how extensive is it? And she said, “We have a chapter in every state.” Now for anybody who has ever been an activist or worked in non-proÞt 501C3 … are you kidding me man? You have a chapter in every state in 3 years? You’re cooking, you are cooking … and in foreign countries they have chapters too. But no foundation money and no government funding … this is like, you know, they are like … walking on water … you know? (audience member: “It took McDonald’s longer …) There we go. That’s the False Memory Syndrome Foundation … (audience member: “individual contributions …”) It is true … now that organization was founded by Pamela Freyd … her daughter accused her husband of abuse as a child … and in the resultant uproar they founded this organization … Frontline on PBS did an entire episode on all of this …… and then received a letter, from I think it was the daughter’s brother who said, that was quite a presentation you put on about the FMSF and my mother … and I just wanted to tell you though that despite your sympathetic treatment of this organization, everything my sister said was absolutely true and they were abusing her from the time she was a little kid.” That’s interesting about the beginning of this organization.Now on the board of this organization we have such luminaries as Louis Joly West … Louis “I never worked for the CIA” Joly West. This guy has been documented to have done all kinds of stuff for the CIA and military on mind control stuff … gave LSD to an elephant, and killed it. Wanted to start the Centre for the Study of Violence at UCLA in the l970’s. We have letters, and this was going to be located in a used, abandoned missile base somewhere out north of LA, and part of the deal was they were going to do psychosurgery on violent offenders which is the selective melting of brain connections to keep people from being violent. And this was touted as being highly medical, very precise. This is right in the ballpark of what I am talking about here when they say “it’s all medical … we have miniaturized and we can take out certain neurons here and there, and everything’s cool.” Some people throw up their hands and say who am I to … I don’t know … maybe they are right …Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist who investigates toxic drugs and violence projects against citizens using psychiatry as a front … he lays it on psychiatrists. He discovered that the one case where they claimed a cure by psychosurgery was turned into a gibbering lunatic and that’s why he was cured of violence. He wasn’t able to even live unless somebody was taking care of him all the time and this particular patient was heralded as a cure by Frank Irvin and Bernie Sweet and these guys in the 70’s who were the doctors doing psychosurgery. That was their model, showcase cure of violence.So Louis West, who wanted to start this centre at UCLA, is on the board of FMSF and so is Martin Orne, a Harvard psychiatrist who has done contract work for the CIA in the past. And several other people who have those kinds of connections. They want to debunk this stuff right out of the box … forget it. This is the kind of stuff they want to debunk. Claudia Mullen, client of Valerie Wolf, reports to the Presidential Commission: “Between the years of 1957 and 1984 I became a pawn in a government scheme whose ultimate goal was mind control and to create the perfect spy. All through the use of chemicals, radiation, electroshock, hypnosis, drugs, isolation in tubs of water, sleep deprivation, brainwashing, and verbal, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. I was exploited unwittingly for nearly three decades of my life, and the only explanation given to me was that ‘the end justiÞes the means’ and I was serving my country in their bold effort to Þght communism. I can only summarize my circumstances by saying they took an already abused 7 year old child and compounded my suffering beyond belief. In 1958 I was to be tested, they told me, by some important doctors coming from a place called The Society [… that’s the Human Ecology Society, a known CIA front]. I was told to cooperate, answer any of their questions, then since the tests might hurt, I would be given shots, xrays, and jolts of electricity. I was also instructed not to look in anyone’s face too hard and to ignore names, as this was a very secret project … but to be brave and all those things would help me forget. Naturally as most children do, I did the opposite, and remembered as much as I could. A Dr. John Gittinger [Rapaport: these people in the testimony named names, they did not screw around …] tested me and Dr. Cameron gave me the shocks, and Dr. Green, the xrays. Then I was told by Sid Gottlieb I was right for the Big A … meaning Artichoke.”“By the time I left to go home, just like every time from then on, I would recall nothing of my tests or the different doctors. I would only remember whatever explanations Dr. Robert Heath of Tulane Medical School gave me for the odd bruises, needle marks, burns on my head and Þngers, and even the genital soreness. I had no reason to believe otherwise. Already they had begun to control my mind. The next year I was sent to a place in Maryland called Deep Creek Cabins to learn how to sexually please men. I was taught how to coerce them into talking about themselves. It was Richard Helms, Deputy Director of the CIA, Dr. Gottlieb, Capt. George White and Morse Allen who all planned on Þlming as many high government and agency ofÞcials, and heads of academic institutions and foundations as possible. So later, when the funding for radiation and mind control started to dwindle, then the project would continue at any cost [in other words, blackmail]. I was to become a regular little spy for them after that summer. Eventually trapping many unwitting men, including themselves, all with the use of a hidden camera. I was only 9 years old when this kind of sexual humiliation began. I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Martin Orne and Morse Allen ….”Dr. John Gittinger was Sid Gottlieb’s protege … Gittinger tested everybody. He was like a fanatical tester, developing proÞles of humans, different types of humans, all kinds of questionnaire type tests. Sid Gottlieb was the head of MKULTRA projects for the CIA … a very high ranking bureaucrat, probably never treated a patient in his life. These people (testifying) were saying that these people were doing it … they were not supervising it alone, they were doing it. Dr. Green seems to be a name that is a cover name that many different people used. However there was a Dr. L. Wilson Green, Technical Director of US Army Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Centre … so we could have both things happening there. Richard Helms became director of the CIA … a real smooth operator. He was the person who destroyed many MKULTRA Þles before they could be revealed. Capt. George White made a statement to the effect of “nowhere else but in the CIA could a young, red-blood ed American rape, pillage and plunder without … accountability” He set up a brothel in San Francisco in the 60’s, paid off prostitutes to bring in johns to a room which he was Þlming, and these johns unwittingly drank LSD in their cocktails, and Þlming was supposedly to determine what the effects of LSD were on unwitting subjects. This is documented up and down. By the way, for those of you who want to get the background here, John Marks’ Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control now updated, are upstairs … and there is a very difÞcult book to Þnd called The Mind Manipulators by Alan Scheþin which goes into a wider arena and is a very valuable reference source. There are many other books, Journey into Madness … but the Marks’ book, Scheþin book, and the Bowart book all took off from the same revelation of the ten or so boxes of information that were Þnally released by the CIA in about 1977 … they were actually Þnancial records of MKULTRA. They didn’t think they were very incriminating, but they Þnally began to look at them and saw they were very incriminating. A mistake …Then we had Morse Allen who was the head of Project Bluebird, another mind control project. High up people here she is talking about … who planned on Þlming as many high up ofÞcials … She says “I overheard conversations about a part of the agency called ORD run by Dr. Green, Dr. Stephen Aldrich” who became Director of ORD researched remote control of brains by electrodes, he went to the college I went to, Amherst College … hope I run into him some time. Martin Orne, mentioned again … we are not stinting here on names, these people just named them … sitting here in a room in Washington, D.C. before the President’s Committee on Radiation saying that Richard Helms was involved in torture and brainwashing of children. Now, Valerie Wolf makes this comment about Claudia Mullen: “After 9 months of therapy, she came to therapy one day with MKULTRA written with other words on a piece of paper … the Þrst time … she had never mentioned any of this before. From that point on, she began to work on the mind control issues and began to improve. All of her memories have emerged spontaneously, without the use of memory enhancement techniques such as hypnosis or sodium amytal. I had told her nothing about government and CIA research projects. To the best of my knowledge, she has read nothing about mind control or CIA covert operations. Since she decided to listen carefully and remember as much as she could about conversations among the researchers, her memories are extraordinarily complete. I have sent written copies of memories to Dr. Alan Scheþin for validation [the author of The Mind Manipulators who is a professor of law at the University of Santa Clara]. He has conÞrmed that she has knowledge of events and people that are not published anywhere … that some of her memories contain new information and that some are already known and published. Some of her memories have been conÞrmed by family members. She has also shown me old scrapbooks where she wrote notes to remember what was happening to her, and hid the notes under the pictures in the scrapbooks.” Claudia Mullen states that she is still being monitored, that there is a doctor in New Orleans, who was her family doctor. She names him in her longer testimony … and she said to me, “don’t tell him you are going to do something before you do it, just do it.”Apparently as recently as a month or two ago, she feels that … it’s a strange situation … apparently she is not positive that this doctor was monitoring her, but now she is. She went to his ofÞce … she doesn’t remember what happened to her … there were marks on her when she left the ofÞce … and she feels he is still monitoring her. So there is an element of danger involved in this, for these people. Some of these statements in here are anonymous. Some therapists made statements anonymously because there was public censure by their peers for getting into this stuff. I am told that a therapist named Corey Hammond spoke at a recent convention on methods of deprogramming this kind of mind control that he has developed … Valerie Wolf says she is using these, and they are terriÞc, they work. He has been subject to a lot of censure by other psychologists, societies, whatever it is and that he doesn’t want to talk to people any more, just for making a verbal presentation at this conference.Chris Denicola, another client of Valerie Wolf. Tucson, Arizona. “I was taught how to pick locks, be secretive, use my photographic memory. Dr. Green taught me a technique to withhold information by repeating numbers to myself. He would show me information, then shock me [electroshock]. I would repeat the numbers in my head. I refused to disclose the information that he just gave me, and he found me to be very successful in that part of his mind control experiment. I was four years old. He moved on to wanting me to kill dolls that looked like real children. I stabbed a doll with a spear once, after being severely tortured. The next time I refused. Dr. Green used many torture techniques, but as a I got older, I resisted more and more. He often tied me down in a cage near his ofÞce. Between 1972 and 76, he and his assistants were sometimes careless and left the cage unlocked. At these times I snuck into his ofÞce and found Þles with reports and memos addressed to CIA and military personnel. Included in these Þles were program projects, sub-projects, subject and experiment names, with some code numbers for radiation and mind control experiments. I was caught twice and Dr. Green tortured me ruthlessly with electric shock, drugs, spinning me on a table, putting shots in my stomach and my back, dislocating my joints and hypnotic techniques to make me feel crazy and suicidal. Because of my rebellion and growing lack of cooperation, they gave up on me as a spy assassin. Consequently the last two years, 1974-76, Dr. Green had access to me. He used various mind control techniques to reverse the spy-assassin messages through self destruct and death messages if I ever remembered anything. His purpose? He wanted me dead and I have struggled to stay alive all of my adult life. I believe that it is truly by the grace of God that I am still alive.”That’s just a piece of her testimony. A statement from Alan Scheþin, lawyer, professor of law, Santa Clara: “Claudia’s therapist [Valerie Wolf] has been kind enough to send me, with her client’s informed consent, some of the pertinent records reþecting Claudia’s memories of her experiences as an unwitting subject in these experiments. I have been able to conÞrm that some of the information Claudia has provided is absolutely true and could not have been derived from any published source.” I spoke with Scheþin and he said to me, I thought he was playing it a little close to the vest with this, I understand he is writing a book on this, so I don’t know … he said, “there is one piece of information that I was able to conÞrm, and I don’t know how she could possibly have known this. It involves the connection between two government researchers that is not published anywhere” and he said “I just happened to know that they are connected and she mentioned that they knew each other.”Let me just comment on some of this here. All throughout this testimony you have other clients and patients saying similar things. Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green, Dr. Green. Electroshock. Torture, sex abuse and all of that. About three weeks ago I met a woman who is a therapist. She works north of Los Angeles. If you met this woman and talked to her, you would say ‘she’s very on top of things, she is very smart, she seems like a real human being.’ So she looks at me and she says, “I was part of this when I was a kid, as a child.” She doesn’t want to talk about it yet, but she said, “… this business about creating perfect spies, I don’t think that’s it. I don’t think that’s why they were really doing it.” Part of the explanation about what they were supposedly trying to do was to create blank slates … that was their thinking. You can take a human being and erase their mind, then we can program it to be whatever we want it to be. Well adults just go psychotic, so let’s try children … they are more þexible and they have less in their mind to take out … how mechanistic can you get, and that would be the rationale supposedly. From that it has been assumed that the whole point of this was to create a perfect spy, with with nice neat categories of sub-personalities, and program and trigger words, manchurian candidate type stuff. You know, “we will now call up sub-personality 134. Are you there?” “Yes I am here.” “What have you learned on your recent trip to Vienna?” Start. Bing. And then sub-personality 134 says, “I boarded the train, and went to Vienna, and read the following documents that were given to me …” — like a computer? That this was the intention. But this woman said to me, “Yeah, but I think there is something beyond this. It is somewhere in the back of my mind, but I can’t get to it.” I didn’t question her about how she knows this, but she said “First of all this was a very wide-ranging project … there were echelons of the project, not just simply one level. There were children brought up from South America and Mexico. They were considered expendable. They were used with the crudest techniques of brainwashing and so forth. The idea was to learn from this techniques in a more reÞned way techniques that would be used on another echelon of children. The best and brightest in America.” I said, “Do you mean children from well-to-do families?” She said, “Not necessarily. The smartest.”They could be thinking that what they want to do is program these kids who would later, supposedly, emerge in prominent positions in society, so that they would then have long term control of society by controlling people in power positions. She said (she didn’t say “yes”) but she said, “Well, yeah, that makes sense. The Nazis got a hold of the intelligentsia. They turned the intelligentsia — they were able to either silence or bring the intelligentsia into their fold — so it was a major project. She said to me, “They brought a lot of doctors over here after the War and not just the rocket scientists … they brought a lot of doctors over here.” And all throughout this testimony you will read, sprinkled here, “a doctor with a German accent … was it Green … was it Greenburg … a German Jew? … did it look like he was a Jew? … he had blonde hair …” That kind of stuff.I would say this is a Nazi project, but a lot of the Nazis are American-born. It shouldn’t be excused or explained away on that basis because as we know, if we look at Nazi psychiatry for example, they learned a lot from the Americans, especially about eugenics. This is not something where we should say, “ … well, the Nazis took over …” This is home-grown stuff. This is Americana at its worst, at its lowest form. This is also the sub-sub-basement that you walk into when you are a materialist, when that is your philosophy. And I don’t mean you are a materialist in the sense that you want money, possessions … I mean, philosophically. The materialist position is that we are meat, and tissue, and cells, and electrical impulses, and that’s it. When that system collapses, we are gone, never to return. My own feeling is that when you espouse and embrace that philosophy, the ultimate, ultimate sub-basement that you end up in is that sub-basement … that’s where you end up. Finally, that’s where it all comes out.I must say, even though I admire many of the researchers on psychedelics, and feel that they are basically liberating types of people, I think some of them make a mistake when they start talking about, “ … well, it’s all chemicals anyway … what difference does it make? … we are only dealing with chemical reactions anyway, so what’s this nonsense about consciousness separate from chemicals?” They are using that of course to say, “why is the government trying to outlaw the use of psychedelics, if in fact all consciousness is chemical anyway, they are just being selective in their choices of chemical … they are saying ‘alcohol - yes, lsd - no’.” But I think these people have something to think about in this one area. I am not trying to put them down at all, in fact I admire them. But I think when they start talking about “well, consciousness is just chemicals anyway…” I am afraid I have to disagree. I think it is a lot more than chemicals. You can certainly make people do very bizar re things with chemicals, and you can make them suffer a great deal because we are in these bodies … it’s a lot more than that. That’s where I think you wind up. You wind up with this crazy idea about programming people … that’s where I think you wind up with this stuff.On the plus side, if we know this, if we understand what is happening here, and therapists can be brought into this whole dialogue, then we are talking about bridging something that is very un-middle-class into the middle-class and into people who normally don’t consider these kinds of things because we are talking therapists here, private practice therapists whose patients come into their ofÞce and say “I was part of CIA mind control.” I am not saying that the middle class is not some fabulous entity that we have to somehow court, but I am saying that this is an issue which can get some people involved who normally do not get involved and if they are so willing, they can create some havoc with the government and that’s my next point here.One of the reasons that I am going into this, and getting involved in it, is because I want people to begin to see the government for what it actually is and I think this is a way of doing that. Unequivocally coming to it. People say, “the government, yeah … if we just get more of the right people in … a little more funding for research … more this … more that … everything is going to work out and we will get the nice guys, elect Bill and don’t elect George, and elect Jim and don’t elect Phil …” You know … it’s all this kind of whipsawing stuff I see every time an election comes around. “We gotta vote for Bill because if we don’t we’ll get George …” and this and that … boppada bop …. It’s like a vice that people are in, and everybody knows it.I have a statement here from Colin Ross. A very interesting man. Never heard of him before. He’s a psychiatrist from Richardson, Texas. He has been researching the CIA for 20 years. Every time an MKULTRA type researcher dies, he sends away FOIA requests, because he Þgures, well the guy is dead, they will be more likely to release the documents now, and he just … he’s very cute with this, see? He accumulates a little of this, a little of that. MKULTRA had about 139 to 150 sub-projects … nobody knows what they all were, or even if that is the subtotal. It’s the basic mind control project of the CIA after WWII. He has Þles on as many of these as he can possibly get. “I have in my possession about 80 of the 149 sub-project Þles which I obtained through FOIA, Þling requests with the CIA on each deceased investigator of interest.” (I like that.) He says, “Neurosurgeons at Tulane, Yale and Harvard did extensive research on brain electrode implants with intelligence funding and combined bra in implants with large numbers of drugs including hallucinogens.” So while they were telling Tim Leary and Richard Alpert to get out of Harvard … because a few people were taking acid and enjoying it … there were other people there who were inserting electrodes in people’s brains and then giving them acid. “MKULTRA alone included four sub-projects on children, one was conducted at the International Children’s Summer Camp in Maine by an unwitting investigator. The MKULTRA sub-project Þle in my possession for this project states that “the CIA’s interest in this research was in establishing contact with foreign nationals of potential future operational use by the CIA. The children who served as subjects in the project were as young as eleven years old.”“Multiple personality disorder patients in treatment throughout the United States and Canada are describing involvement in mind control research that is much more sophisticated than MKULTRA. Deliberate sexual abuse of children to make them more dissociative … “ and then he ends up simply by saying, “I would be pleased to testify at length at any hearings on CIA and military mind control.” Colin Ross, M.D. Psychiatrist Richardson TexasHere is a statement from a therapist submitted anonymously. “One client told me that they were made to believe they had been abducted by UFO’s so that if memories were retrieved, they would be discredited by the community.” I found that kind of interesting. Hmmm. Other people mentioned satanic costumes … CIA people putting on satanic costumes while they were doing their crazy stuff here …Here’s John Boyd, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist, practiced clinical psychology for 25 years, Ohio State, University of Virginia. “I have treated three patients whose memories of childhood abuse include detailed recall of sophisticated mind control technology being inþicted upon them by “experts” in collusion with the patients’ mentally disturbed parents. The independent reports of these individuals contain similar information of an esoteric and intricate nature concerning mind control technology which in my opinion could be gained only through personal experience.” The press says nothing. The press says zero about this.Here’s a woman operating under the pseudonym I believe of Chandra Walker-Michaels. “I learned how to handle weapons, particularly how an ice-pick left a neat hole, a hole that allowed so little blood to escape that the victim could remain in public view for hours before they would be discovered not to be napping.” “I was taken on planes to Germany and Egypt to assist Joe with arson … to Israel, along with messages … to Mexico for terrorist activities. I remember a small laboratory in a partially exposed basement of a large building I visited many times starting at age four south of Washington, D.C. At the age of fourteen I was drugged and woke up on a stretcher, and I heard men outside my door discussing how they had gotten me past the guards at Langley that night. At the age of Þfteen Joe introduced me to an elderly man who he referred to as “the Senator”. At the Mayþower Hotel in Washington, D.C. the portly gentleman was brought to the room adjoining ours. Our closet space was Þlled with photographic equipment viewing the Senator’s scene … I refused to participate. I was severely punished.”Just a word about the media, and then we will take a break. One of the best payoffs of being a reporter for Þfteen years is that I have come to see this machine called “the media” and how it operates in a way that I never thought was possible because I have talked to a lot of reporters, and they become the eyes, the mouth and the ears for everybody else. Since I am now researching the Oklahoma City bombing, and I have done a lot of research on AIDS, and now this and other topics, there is a pattern that always seems to emerge. The pattern is that there is a cover story that emerges very quickly after something is either revealed or happens. Very quickly a cover story comes to the fore and then anything that does not Þt the cover story is discarded. In the case of Oklahoma City, it happens to be basically that McVeigh and a few of his friends are rednecks … the rednecks are connected to other rednecks who belong to militias and the militias blew up the building and that’s it … we don’t w ant to know anything else … they are all kind of crazy and stupid … that’s the end of the story … they rented a Ryder truck knowing it could be traced … they bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate knowing it could be traced …(hey business is suddenly picking up … did you see that guy who suddenly came in and bought 5000 lbs. of ammonium nitrate??? Wow. I thought business was kind of slow and then all of a sudden they came in like 15 or 20 cars and they like, loaded it up in the backs of the station wagons and they kept coming back for more and they took it away … I guess April is a really good planting month you know?? They have a lot of crops in mind …) That’s the cover, right? They were that stupid, and that’s all we have to know. And McVeigh, three hours after the explosion, happens to be driving in a car with no licence, and a cop stops him and says “I will have to cite you for driving without a licence and you will have to appear …” McVeigh says “No problem”, t hen the cop looks at him and he is writing out the citation, he’s going to give it to him, and let him drive away. No problem, Driving without a licence. So what? Then the cop says, “Sir, do you have something under your windbreaker there?” And McVeigh says, “I have a weapon under my windbreaker.” Pulls down the zipper, there’s a 9mm Glock, and a Þve inch knife hanging off his belt. He has just killed 100 people … he’s on a lonely road some place … a cop stops him … he’s going to let him go … he then shows the cop his weapon … the cop then puts his service revolver to his head, disarms him, takes him to jail, puts him on ice for a few days until the Feds … they work fast these guys … three days and they know who did it, they know what happened, they come to the jail where he is, and they take him … Right? By the way, I was told that initial reports placed McVeigh at Tinker Air Force Base in Oklahoma. People who anonymously testiÞed in here, and it has been mentioned by other people, that some of the mind control that was done on them was done at Tinker Air Force Base. Tinkerbell, right?So this is the scenario that is painted by the press, see? Talk about mind control here … now the reporters that I talked to … how they slip and slide with this … once the cover story is established … how they manage to keep from discovering anything, or thinking about anything … or just considering the insanity of the cover story itself, is really something to behold. And I have been talking to a bunch of reporters down in Oklahoma City now … I just listen and we talk and it is all very chatty and everything … and for example one guy who was with the only daily in Oklahoma (The Daily Oklahoman) … all he could talk about was the federal boys … the federal boys combing through the wreckage of the building … the federal boys were there and they did this and they told me and they said this … and it was kind of like, when a sportswriter covers the Yankees … the Slugger told me this, and he told me he threw the curve ball and he holds it this way … had a beer with Mickey … you know, that kind of stuff … “the federal boys told me” that they couldn’t Þnd any other kind of bomb in the building at all … that’s it … what else is there to know … the federal boys day after day were going through the wreckage and they told him they couldn’t Þnd anything … this guy would have talked for three hours like this if I had let him … and that’s how he keeps himself from Þguring out what’s going on and each reporter has his own little scene.In the case of this one here, of course, now Valerie Wolf and one of her clients, they say “look we are not sure we really want to get this exposed all the way out because we know that the False Memory Syndrome Foundation right now has a stranglehold on the press.” That’s the cover story. Nobody cares that the FMSF board is composed of these guys with CIA, mind control connections … That’s the cover story that’s laid down, and so everything else is irrelevant. That’s what we have to bust — is that cover story — with enough people coming forward and saying, “it’s not true”.
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