Posted on August 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
Constitutional law has been dissolved in the republic of Ireland. Many men and women who live in the Republic of Ireland are being wirelessly tortured by directed energy weapons and other advanced technology while they are inside their own homes . The protocol which is being used against these victims follows well known no-touch torture techniques which are in use in almost every country throughout the world at this time. When they report the matter to the Gardaí they are wrongly psychiatrically evaluated by the attending Gardai as being in need of further psychiatric evaluation and are brought to an attending psychiatrist where more often than not they are send to a psychiatric detention centre. Because of this strategy which is being followed by all of the Irish Gardaí bar none these victims of no-touch torture are now afraid to complain to the Gardaí any more for fear of both psychiatric detention and mandated drugging with highly toxic substances which would lead to brain damage and body damage if continued for a long period of time. Some Gardaí throughout the city of Dublin, Ireland are now enforcing laws which are not constitutional such as visiting the home of a single lady at 11pm one evening to say the following “I saw your light on so I came to see if you were alright.” This Gardaí behaviour is not upholding the constitutional laws of the republic of Ireland. Therefore what laws are the Gardaí of the Republic of Ireland enforcing at this time? Are they new laws which have been given to them from the worldwide central control system which is known as the United Nations. Are the Gardaí now enforcing laws which have been introduced without the permission of the people of the Republic of Ireland. It is unconstitutional and it always has been unconstitutional for an agent of the Irish state to visit the home of a private citizen of the Republic of Ireland without an expressed invitation. I believe that the Irish Gardaí are not been properly introduced to Irish constitutional law at the Irish gardai training college. Who is currently in charge of deciding the Gardaí training curriculum at the Irish Gardaí training college at Templemore, Co. Tipperary?
I have been informed by the unknown neuro operatives who wirelessly implement a no-touch torture program on me that police harassment programs and other harassment programs are being enforced in some areas throughout Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland but not many police are involved and the police who are not involved are not even aware of the existence of these police harassment programs. The police who are being recruited are involved in soft torture and know how to use directed energy weapons and other advanced military weapons. They have been licenced to kill any and all individuals who they wish to kill at their own discretion. They leave no evidence because many of their crimes are carried out wirelessly and from an unknown remote location. The police who are selected to use these no-touch torture wireless weapons have been recruited for many reasons but mostly because advances in neuro science may have identified them as sociopathic and therefore useful in the no-touch torture world.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I was born at this address and I have lived all of my life in the Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website where I outline my experiences of more than sixteen years of no-touch torture is called
college (3)
Elections - this is one of the most important topics. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of country. Citizens of all countries want to live well and in peace, I am sure of it.
I work in writing service, I write essays and other papers on various topics. Today I would like, with your help, to deal with the topic of elections and at the same time show how to write college paper examples, because it will be useful to many people.
Essay Topic:
The problem of the identification of the true motives of the American people attending elections.
Essay Questions:
What are the real reason American citizens attend elections? How does attending elections influence the country’s world politics? How has it been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits?
Thesis Statement:
Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote their country position in the world’s politics in the first place.
Introduction: Every election is always different from another, but there is a thing that is the same for every election – it is the reason American people vote. Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote theirs country position in the world’s politics in the first place. They cannot stay out of that, because every vote counts and they know it. There is also another reason American people vote, it especially concerns those, who are not good at observing what is going on in the Senate now. Such people usually vote by tradition without really getting into the essence of the deal.
It is more than just knowing the political party candidate when it comes to participating in the elections. Even in America, where the two party system exists it is still a problem to make people know whom they are voting for. This system has been used in the United States for a long time. Its roots lead to the very moment of the first ratification of the Constitution. At that moment two political parties were defined - the Federalist Party and the Anti-Federalist Party. Soon it became a tradition and it happened because this system was pretty good in use. It was easier for people to have only two options. So since 1895 the Republican and the Democratic parties became the major dominants in American politics. This system gives the opportunity to choose from only two candidates for President of the United States. This actually shows that this system in not probably the best when it comes to elections, but it is traditionally fixed. What it really does – it simplifies the process of voting. You either vote for the Republicans who are conservative, or for Democrats who are liberal. It has been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits like it happened when Theodore Roosevelt decided to form the Progressive party in 1912 but most of the time due to the in difference of the voters to them the other parties get no support. Talking about elections it is very important to point out the Electoral College.
Conclusion: The reason of its foundation was the difference in electing the president by popular vote and by Congress. Such things caused and still cause a lot of troubles during the elections. The Electoral College was called as a compromise between these two. Its structure is obviously well built. It consists of 538 electors. Each one goes for each of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators plus three for the District of Columbia. The number of electors is equal to of House members to which it is entitled. The electors are originally chosen by the political parties. During the elections each state gives the Governor prepares seven original Certificates of Ascertainment. A Certificate of Ascertainment is a list of these electors for the candidate that got the majority of the votes. Then the copies are sent to House of Congress. It is necessary to have 270 electoral votes to elect the President or Vice President. And the electors are not obligated to vote the same way as the majority of their state did. So the Electoral College runs in order to make the elections more objective.