There is an ongoing effort by the unelected worldwide heirarchical based chain of command to eliminate the use of physical paper money throughout the world. They have kept the number of A.T.M. machines to a minimum throughout the world so that it is sometimes difficult for those who use banks to access physical paper money. They are now attempting to manipulate law makers by either using microwave mind control against them or by financially manipulating them so that those law makers would enact laws to make it illegal to pay cash on their door step when goods are being delivered to their homes. Instead, they are insisting that the goods are paid for by digital means at the time when those goods are being ordered online.
However, it has been found that those who have become wirelessly and invisibly linked to a computerized control system from implants inside their brains and bodies are sometimes informed that their spending is excessive when they attempt to order goods online and they are sometimes denied the right to purchase the goods they wish for. External control can be taken of all digital money. External control can be taken of all orders placed online and those orders can be immediately cancelled by external controllers who work out of state of the art control centres such as United States Fusion Centres.
If the human race are only allowed to use digital money and if all physical paper money is eliminated soon we will then have to beg those who supply us with online goods for the goods we wish to purchase. They will allow us to have goods based on the score we have on the soon to be implemented social credit score system. If we do not have a high score we will be denied whatever goods we require. This has already been put into practice in a small way. If you dare to challenge the rulings of the unelected worldwide chain of command who are known to be private owners of the private banking industry among others then your social credit score will be lowered to the point where you will be unable to survive. You will be allowed to starve to death. Others will not be allowed to support you without having their own social credit scores lowered.
I live far from my local town and I use a bicycle to travel to that town to the extent that I find it helpful to purchase my clothing online. However, on more than one occasion my orders were cancelled by the unknown staff who work at the state-of the art external wireless control centre because I was informed via bio-communication that I did not deserve the goods which I had ordered. On still another occasion, I was informed that due to excessive spending on my part I would not be allowed to purchase exactly what I wished to purchase on that occasion. I eventually obtained the goods that I required due to perseverence on my part. However, please remember that if you stop using physical paper money in favour of all digital money then your spending will be externally wirelessly and invisibly controlled by unknown operatives or even by fully automated pre-programmed algorithms. Keep using physical paper money.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My website is called
paper (4)
Elections - this is one of the most important topics. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of country. Citizens of all countries want to live well and in peace, I am sure of it.
I work in writing service, I write essays and other papers on various topics. Today I would like, with your help, to deal with the topic of elections and at the same time show how to write college paper examples, because it will be useful to many people.
Essay Topic:
The problem of the identification of the true motives of the American people attending elections.
Essay Questions:
What are the real reason American citizens attend elections? How does attending elections influence the country’s world politics? How has it been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits?
Thesis Statement:
Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote their country position in the world’s politics in the first place.
Introduction: Every election is always different from another, but there is a thing that is the same for every election – it is the reason American people vote. Americans vote because they want their country to have a decent leader, a man that will do everything possible to promote theirs country position in the world’s politics in the first place. They cannot stay out of that, because every vote counts and they know it. There is also another reason American people vote, it especially concerns those, who are not good at observing what is going on in the Senate now. Such people usually vote by tradition without really getting into the essence of the deal.
It is more than just knowing the political party candidate when it comes to participating in the elections. Even in America, where the two party system exists it is still a problem to make people know whom they are voting for. This system has been used in the United States for a long time. Its roots lead to the very moment of the first ratification of the Constitution. At that moment two political parties were defined - the Federalist Party and the Anti-Federalist Party. Soon it became a tradition and it happened because this system was pretty good in use. It was easier for people to have only two options. So since 1895 the Republican and the Democratic parties became the major dominants in American politics. This system gives the opportunity to choose from only two candidates for President of the United States. This actually shows that this system in not probably the best when it comes to elections, but it is traditionally fixed. What it really does – it simplifies the process of voting. You either vote for the Republicans who are conservative, or for Democrats who are liberal. It has been historically proved that the appearance of the third party causes political splits like it happened when Theodore Roosevelt decided to form the Progressive party in 1912 but most of the time due to the in difference of the voters to them the other parties get no support. Talking about elections it is very important to point out the Electoral College.
Conclusion: The reason of its foundation was the difference in electing the president by popular vote and by Congress. Such things caused and still cause a lot of troubles during the elections. The Electoral College was called as a compromise between these two. Its structure is obviously well built. It consists of 538 electors. Each one goes for each of the 435 members of the House of Representatives and 100 Senators plus three for the District of Columbia. The number of electors is equal to of House members to which it is entitled. The electors are originally chosen by the political parties. During the elections each state gives the Governor prepares seven original Certificates of Ascertainment. A Certificate of Ascertainment is a list of these electors for the candidate that got the majority of the votes. Then the copies are sent to House of Congress. It is necessary to have 270 electoral votes to elect the President or Vice President. And the electors are not obligated to vote the same way as the majority of their state did. So the Electoral College runs in order to make the elections more objective.
9. Five-big Ancient Chinese Groups and Their Cultures
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and Topica Education Group Vietnam in Jan 2020.
Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Yan Di, Huang Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao. They were names of groups instead of individuals. These groups first lived in the Pamirs Plateau, soon gathered in the north of the Tibetan Plateau and west of the Qinghai Lake and learned from each other advanced sciences and technologies, later spread out to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age.
8. Originally, the Descendants of Hua Xia were not the Descendants of Yan Huang.
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and Masaryk University, BRNO, Czech Republic, in Jun 2019.
Many Chinese people claimed that they are descendants of Yan Huang, while claiming that they are descendants of Hua Xia. (Yan refers to Yan Di, Huang refers to Huang Di and Xia refers to the Xia Dynasty). Are these truth or false? We will find out from Shanhaijing’s records and modern archaeological discoveries.
Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Yan Di, Huang Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of groups, but also the names of individuals, who were regarded by many groups as common male ancestors. These groups first lived in the Pamirs Plateau, soon gathered in the north of the Tibetan Plateau and west of the Qinghai Lake and learned from each other advanced sciences and technologies, later spread out to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. The Yan Di’s offspring spread out to the west of the Taklamakan Desert; The Huang Di’s offspring spread out to the north of the Chishui River, Tianshan Mountains and further northern and northeastern areas; The Di Jun’s and Shao Hao’s offspring spread out to the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, where the Di Jun’s offspring lived in the west of the Shao Hao’s territories, which were near the sea or in the Shandong Peninsula. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.
Archaeological discoveries prove Dong Yi Culture, which was built by the Shao Hao People in the Shandong Peninsula, was the most advanced Neolithic Chinese culture, greatly influenced ancient China and had the leading role in making the Yellow River Valley Cultural System the root of ancient Chinese civilization. The Nü He People (called Mother of Yue (moon) in Shanhaijing), who lived in the Jiaodong (eastern Shandong) Peninsula, was one group of the Shao Hao People, had worried about the sea level rising and had sent the Xi He and Chang Xi People to the west of the Shandong Peninsula to expand the scope of their territories. The Nü He (including Xi He and Chang Xi) were the main founders of Dong Yi Culture and held the most advanced science and technologies during the Neolithic Age. They built unique Jiaodong coastal and maritime cultures, the earliest Chinese Maritime Culture. They were also the founders of the earliest Neolithic Chinese astronomy and Calendar.
It is believed that the name of “Hua Xia” came from the earliest Chinese nations - Hua and Xia, which were the roots of Chinese civilization. The Hua Nation was built by the Hua (Nü He) People as early as Longshan Culture (3200-1900BCE) in the eastern Shandong Peninsula and the Xia Dynasty (about 2070-1600BCE) was built by the Great Yu, an offspring of the Di Jun People, about 4500 years BP in the area between today’s Tongguan and Erlitou along the Yellow River, where early Longshan Dong Yi Culture had turned these Di Qiang Culture regions into outposts of Dong Yi Culture.
Certainly, the Hua and Xia People were the main sources of ancient Chinese in the Yellow and Changjiang River valleys. Archeologists have found Chinese character Hua in ancient Shang Oracle bone scripts referred to a kind of sacrifice to Shang’s ancestors, suggesting the Shang’s emperors regarded the Hua People as their ancestors. However, due to the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256BCE) falsely fabricating that Yan Di and Huang Di were common ancestors of all ancient Chinese people, including the Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao, many ancient Chinese historical books recorded these falses. Meanwhile, the descendants of Yan Di and Huang Di, who lived in the northern and northwestern Asia, kept invading the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow and Changjiang rivers, many Chinese people claimed that they were the descendants of Yan Huang.
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Part I:
Part II:
7. The Nü He People were Roots of Ancient Chinese Civilization.
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and Kogakuin University, 1-24-2, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku, Tokyo in Jan 2019.
Archaeological findings and Shanhaijing’s records tell that during about 16,000-14,000 years BP, the Shao Hao People spread out from the Pamirs Plateau to the Weihe River Valley, lower reach of the Yellow River, today’s Shandong Peninsula and branched out to some groups, including the Nü He People (one group of the Shao Hao), who lived near the East End of the Earth in the eastern seashore and moved along coastline to the north and south.
Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.
The Nü He were founders of earliest coastal and maritime cultures. The Nü He were founders of Baishi coastal (before 7,000 years BP), Beixin (5300-4100BCE), Dawenkou (4100-2600BCE) and Longshan (3200-1900BCE) Dong Yi Cultures in the Shandong Peninsula.
Dong Yi Culture, which was developed by the Nü He People, spread out from the Shandong Peninsula to other places of China, the Arctic Circle, Americas and Oceania, not only took the leading role in making the Yellow River Valley Cultural System the root of ancient Chinese civilization, but also were the root of ancient civilizations in the Arctic Circle, Americas and Oceania. (We will discuss this in another paper, The Ends of the Earth, presented by Soleilmavis at E-Leader Conference held in Jan 2024 in Bangkok.)
The Nü He were origins of sun, moon and phoenix worship of ancient China, founders of earliest Neolithic Chinese astronomy and Calendar, and roots of Chinese “He” Culture, which is the quintessence of Chinese Han Culture.
The Nü He and their tributary groups built earliest nations as early as Longshan Culture in the Shandong Peninsula, earlier than the Xia’s time (2070-1600BCE).
Read the full paper:
(PartI:) The Nü He People were Roots of Ancient Chinese Civilization.
(PartII:) The Nü He People were Roots of Ancient Chinese Civilization.
6. The Di Jun People were the Ancestors of the Xia Dynasty
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and SGH Warsaw School of Economics in Poland in June 2018.
Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of groups of people, but also the names of individuals, who were regarded by many groups as common male ancestors. These groups used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, later spread to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. Shanhaijing reveals the Di Jun’s offspring spread out from the west of the Qinghai Lake to the middle reach of the Yellow River and the Great Yu, an offspring of the Di Jun People, lived in the Qing Yao Mountain in the south of the Yellow River near its big bend, which was near today’s Tongguan in the boundary of Shaanxi and Henan provinces. Historians agree that the Great Yu, whose time was about 4,500 years BP, was the founder of the Xia Dynasty (about 2070-1600BCE), the first dynasty in China to be described in many ancient historical chronicles. Chinese archaeologists generally identify Erlitou (about 1900-1500BCE), Yanshi of Henan Province, as the site of the Xia Dynasty. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.
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5. The Zhuan Xu People were the Founders of Sanxingdui Culture and Earliest Inhabitants of South Asia
Jan 4, 2018
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and and Stamford International University at 388 Sukhumvit, Klongtoey, Bangkok, in January 2018.
Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of individuals, but also the names of groups who regarded them as common male ancestors. These groups used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, later spread to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. Shanhaijing reveals Zhuan Xu’s offspring lived near the Tibetan Plateau in their early time. They were the first who entered the Tibetan Plateau, but almost perished due to the great environment changes, later moved to the south. Some of them entered the Sichuan Basin and became the founders of Sanxingdui Culture. Some of them even moved to the south of the Tibetan Plateau, living near the sea. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.
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4. The Shao Hao People Took the Leading Role of Building Ancient Chinese Civilization
Jun 7, 2017
Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and BITS (University of Business Leadership) at Dessauer Str. 3-5, 10963, Berlin, in June 2017.
Many people claimed that Huang Di was the ancestor of all Chinese people and some Chinese people proudly call themselves “descendants of Dragon.” However, Shanhaijing’s records and modern archaeological discoveries have revealed that the Shao Hao People, who worshipped birds totems during the Neolithic Age, took the leading role in building ancient Chinese civilization.
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3. Earliest Dragon Worship in Ancient China Came from the Huang Di People
Jan 5, 2017
Soleilmavis presented this paper at the recent E-Leader conference held by Macao University and Chinese American Scholars Association in Macao, January 3-4, 2017.
Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people (or tribes) in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of individuals, but also the names of tribes who regarded them as common ancestors. These groups used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, later spread to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. Shanhaijing reveals Huang Di’s offspring worshipping dragon. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records. The dragon shape stone pile in Xinglongwa Culture (6200-5400BCE) and jade dragons in Hongshan Culture (4000-3000BCE) suggest the earliest dragon worship in ancient China came from the Huang Di People.
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2. History, Culture and Migration of the Dong-Yi People
Jun 7, 2016
Soleilmavis presented this paper at the recent E-Leader conference held by Vienna University of Technology and Chinese American Scholars Association in Vienna, June, 2016.
The Dong-Yi People (Dong in Chinese means east) lived in the Shandong Peninsula in the Neolithic Age. There they built one of the most important Neolithic cultures, which later spread to the lower reaches of the Yellow and Huai rivers. Its latter stage, the Longshan Culture (about 3200BCE-1900BCE), spread to the areas of early Di-Qiang Culture, another Chinese Neolithic culture that originated from the middle reaches of the Yellow River, and turned those areas into outposts of Longshan Culture. Thus Dong-Yi Culture greatly influenced ancient China and had the leading role in making the Yellow River Valley Culture the root of Chinese civilization.
The Dong-Yi People also migrated to the Americas and Oceania in the Neolithic Age, where their culture had great influence. The ancient civilizations of Oceanic cultures, such as palae-Polynesian, palae-Melanesian and palae-Micronesian cultures; and American Indians civilizations, such as the Mayan (about 2000BCE-900CE), the Aztec (about 12th century - 15th century CE) and the Incan (about 13th century - 15th century CE) civilizations, all evolved from early Dong-Yi Culture.
This article briefly introduces certain historical records of the Dong-Yi People, including their origins, their history of cultivating wheat, their worship of bird totems, their relationship with other groups of Neolithic people, their racial characteristics, their migrations and the overall influence of Dong-Yi Culture upon subsequent communities. In the book “The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42” written by Soleilmavis, there are more details about the Dong-Yi People, Dong-Yi Culture and how they influenced ancient civilizations of China, the Americas and Oceania.
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1. The Change of Rural Leadership in China
Feb 2, 2015
Soleilmavis presented this paper at the recent E-Leader conference held by Fudan University and Chinese American Scholars Association in Shanghai, January 3-4, 2015.
China had a long history of thousands of years of ancient civilization. During the long history, the Chinese political system evolved from the Feudalism System and Patriarchal Clan System in the Zhou Dynasty into Feudalism system and Monarchical Centralism System in the Qin and Han dynasties, and lasted for more than 2,000 years. The Feudalism System, based on a smallscale peasant economy, and Patriarchal Clan culture, the most important part of Han Culture, were two important aspects to influence the political system and rural leadership in ancient China. The Feudalism System and Monarchical Centralism System were destroyed after the Republic of China. Since the People’s Republic of China was set up, the government tried hard to search for the best political system and rural leadership, but it had paid a high price for making some costly mistakes.
The book, The Struggles of an Ordinary Man - The Turbulent History of China Through a Farmer’s Eyes from 1900 to 2000, which is the true record of one hundred years of modern history in rural areas of the Eastern Shandong Peninsula from 1900 to 2000, talks not only one but a group of grass-root level leaders in rural China, who have been struggling hard during the turbulent modern history of china, and searching for the appropriate leadership to lead common rural people to develop a better country. By studying the history and past mistakes, we would learn that the best political system and rural leadership should conform to the productive forces level of development, and meet the needs of traditional culture.
Nano Augmentation: A Reality!
A cyberbrain is a set of implants which wire one’s brains directly with a computer network.
A human brain is made out of hundreds of billions of brain cells and hundreds of trillions of connections between them.
A single cell, a ‘neuron’, has threads connecting it to other neurons, enabling electrical impulses to travel through. ‘Dendrites’ are the threads which are usually accepting the impulses, and the long ‘axon’ usually forwards them.
Depending on the chemical transmitters present, the signal is altered – each connection has a ‘weight’ by which it modifies the strength of the impulse.
Human intelligence emerges from the grand dance of impulses in the human brain. It also shows a kind of persistency, memories formed by the ‘weights’ of the connections.
(As of yet, this is only a single level of operation in the human brain. The complexity of the human brain eludes formal science.)
This level (the neural network level) can be simulated by mathematical formulae and their application in computer technology.
From here on, it doesn’t require too much a stretch of imagination to envision an interface between the network of the human brain and artificially created computer networks.
What will be the implications of such an interface?
The experience of “Artificial Telepathy” is really not that extraordinary. It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.
Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.
Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as “artificial telepathy”.
Now, if artificial telepathy were entirely voluntary, like a conversation between friends sitting across the room from one other, it might be kind of cool. One could talk back and forth with one’s friend, exchanging verbal thoughts exactly as if speaking on the phone, but without ever using one’s voice or mouth. It’s a completely silent, subvocal form of speech. Between lovers, this would be beautiful.
The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.
When used as a “nonlethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralizing or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protestors, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon…
Nano Augmentation: A Reality!
Complete Introduction in Establishing Augmentation & Communication Process Through Artificial Nano Implant Digital Circuit Interface
One great scientific innovation lies in two of the most happening branches of Science, Nanotechnology and Augmentation Technology. Augmentation means connecting the physical world with the digital one in real time. However, the ongoing problem with the augmentation world is that no real time interface exists that can effectively bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital world. The current interface are mostly bulky (head mounts) or destructible (Ipad). They also don’t allow complete freedom of manipulation of the physical data and has considerable time lag in the digital world. To address this, Nano Technology comes into picture. Nano Technology allows us to create new sub atomic materials by manipulating matter the size of 1-100 nm. What is proposed here is implantation of Nano Augmentation, digital hardware the size of nanometers, manufactured with the help of Nano Technology. With Quantum mechanics at play, Nano Particles serve as perfect interface between the physical and the digital worlds. These Nano Implants can be then hardwired directly into human brain or nerve cells, hence forth making the time lag negligible. With advancement in laser surgery, it’s plausible to think of nano surgeries. Furthermore, with instructions hard coded into the nano implants, these nano augmentations can ease up significant number of human needs. A brain augmented person, for example, can have perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to share information on the fly and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception. Information exchange would increase significantly, as all people would be connected in the digital world. Concluding, we can say that even with the sheer risks involved, the endless possibilities poised by Nano Augmentation as an interface cant be ignored. It would completely change the standard of living, with the profound information exchange making the global village even smaller.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. ~A. Clarke
Mr. Clarke was perhaps very right in these words. We live in a world where magic exists, thanks to the ongoing technological revolution. One such technological innovation lies in perhaps two of the most happening branches of Science, The Nanotechnology and the Augmentation Technology.
Augmentation here has broad meaning, but processing the word in the scientific sense, it means modulating the Physical world with which we interact and moulding it with cyber interface. Speaking more specifically, augmenting means connecting the physical world and the digital world real time. Augmentation is generally achieved by Interfaces, such as head mounted displays, to connect the digital world and the physical world.
Nanotechnology is defined as the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale (on the size of 1 to 100 nm). Broader sense again, we can actually manufacture hardwares the size of nanometers by manipulation of atoms and electrons. With Quantum mechanics at play, the implications of Nano Tech is huge. We can create new atomic level materials that can have effect on every conceivable genre of Science and Technology, especially medicines. But perhaps the most exciting aspect about nano technology is that it can help us bridge the gap between biology and hardware, as nano hardware can easily act as implants due to it’s sheer small size.
Hence forth, we can define Nano Augmentation as those nano hardwares or implants that can allow us to perceive the digital world in an augmented format. It allows us to conceive the cyber reality in real time and be digitally connected 24X7. Nano Implants blurs the boundaries between the physical and the digital world. It replaces the traditional existing interface, for example Ipad or 3D display, that is generally used for creating the cyber reality
Need: Problems with Existing Interface:
Although several attempts have been made to bridge the gap between the physical world and the digital world, it’s the interface which has always poised a problem. The existing interface has numerous problems that warrant a potential shift to nano implants.
- Bulky: The existing interface that offers a near about virtual reality experience are huge in size. Their bulkiness makes them an unnecessary factor in the augmentation experience.
- Destructible: Many such interfaces are destructive in nature, or can be easily misplaced or harmed. Their tendency to attract easy physical damage creates a problematic scenario.
- Time Delay: The existing interfaces, though offers near about complete augmentation experience, are severely limited by the delay in establishing connection between the physical and the cyber world. This delay hampers the ability of interfaces to attenuate the physical world event at exactly the same time in the cyber world, and vice versa.
- Incomplete: The interface never offers the complete augmentation experience, i.e the ability to perceive the cyber reality and the physical world, modifying it on the fly. They are limited to the simple commands.
- Complicated: The interface takes lots of time to set up the augmentation process. Additionally, they create lots of unnecessary hassles in establishing control.
- Dangerous: Current implants are mainly composed of electrodes, chiefly, 500 microns thick (5 times human hair). Additionally, they consist of several sharp electrodes, which pose the danger of brain damages. Also, even if there are no implants, the traditional interface always pose a danger, be it hardware failure or bodily harm through improper electric insulation.
The Idea: Nano Augmentation
Redefining the Nano Augmentation word, they are the nano implants that replace the existing problematic interface, and serve as the new upgraded interface with many added functionalities. Using the concept of Nano Biology, they can also act as cell replacements in the near future.
A Nano implant is generally manufactured from inorganic materials such as silicon or germanium with the help of nano technology. They consist of Power supply, Communicator module, Chemical synthesizers, Nucleus probe with sensors and mechanical effectors and a virus detector/eliminator. The functionality of the implants are hard coded into them.
These nano implants are then surgically placed into the required body parts. The bottom line here lies in establishing a clear communication link between human nerves and the implant’s communicator module. These communications are enhanced usingpartially invasive Brain Computer Interface (BCI) methods or Biosensors. Partially invasive BCI means that the implants are not inserted into the brain or the said body part, instead, the implants are just glazed into the surface of the brain or the said body part. Hence forth, it is necessary that the implant must depict an almost artificial neuron behavior, as for real time communication process it is mandatory to instigate an artificial immune & communication system. That’s because it’s our body’s immune system that acts as an interface between the human thought process and the neurons. We seek to inject this natural interface with our artificial one, so as to grasp the human thought process and transform it into digital commands via Nano Implants. Hence forth, the nano implants, at it’s basic, must depict artificial neuron behavior as far as possible.
The communication process of body and hardware would happen between the tendrils of human neurons and the implants, much like the neurons interact with other cells. Nerve signals generated by action potentials and electrical energies generated by brain cortex, or specific area of brains would be detected by Bio sensors, and then transferred to the Communication module inside the nano implants for feedback. The implants would generate a similar target signal to interact with the human body. Broadly speaking again, a similiar kind of interface would be formed between human thought and artificial implants, much as the interface that is formed between human thought and neurons.
Once the implants are in place, they are activated to connect digitally with the cyber world. Here, the communication process with the global net happens with the help ofWi-Fi, or more specifically, Radio Waves. Hence, a proper interface is established between the cyber world, the physical world and the human body.
Communication Process:
Given above is communication process that happens between Nano Implant and the VR application. The connected implant picks up the EM signatures or signals generated from the brain cortex or target dendrite. These electrical signals are then digitized, processed in real time, translated to the application signal and then finally, the signal commands are transferred to the said VR application via Wi-Fi in the form of Radio waves. The reverse happens in case we want a feedback from the VR application. The received Wi-Fi or radio wave signal is converted into the electrical form, and then fired back into the neurotic network or the targetted dendrite via Implant’s Communication Module. Henceforth, a two way connecton is established almost seamlessly.
Given above is the core circuit design for the nano Implant. The above pic is the nobel prize winning Hodgkin–Huxley model which accurately depicts the action potential of a neuron. Basically, it is a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations that approximates the electrical characteristics of excitable cells such as neurons and cardiac myocytes. The lipid bilayer is represented as a capacitance (Cm). Voltage-gated and leak ion channels are represented by nonlinear (gn) and linear (gL) conductances, respectively. The electrochemical gradients driving the flow of ions are represented bybatteries (E), and ion pumps and exchangers are represented by current sources (Ip). We can use this model as the core circuitary for the nano implants. The simplfied equations in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model would further ease the process of creating the digital nano circuit. Bottom line, Hodgkin-Huxley model acts as the partial blueprint towards creation of artificial neuron circuits in the form of nano implants. The equation would read as:
- is the membrane potential,is a recovery variable,
- is the magnitude of stimulus current.
The existing Hodgkin-Huxley model has been extended a lot since it’s inception, but we must note that at it’s core, the model would serve it’s purpose. What is meant is that by expanding and extending the Hodgin-Huxley model, we can create or recreate a suitable Nano Implant digital model. Most notable in this regard is the Cable Theory model, where the existing model is depicted as as a cylindrical structure undergoing a regular pattern of bifurcation, with total output conductance given as: Henceforth, creating the digital circuitry wont be much of a hassle.
Now we discuss the equations once the artificial implants are in place with the natural neuron circuit. For a given artificial neuron, let there be m + 1 inputs with signals x0through xm and weights w0 through wm. Usually, the x0 input is assigned the value +1, which makes it a biasinput
Hence we can see, the output behavior is analogous to a natural axon circuit of a human neuron. Its value propagates to input of the next layer, through a synapse. It may also exit the system, possibly as part of an output vector. Broadly speaking, the output of the kth neuron, in this case our artificial implant, would be analogous to the output of the kth natural neuron in the complicated dendrite circuit. Henceforth, we would take inputs from several targetted dendrites, and calculate the output of the artificial implant using the given equation, faciliating our knowledge of the output voltage generated in the Hodgin-Huxley model or the reimagined Nano Implant digital circuit.
The above pic approximately denotes the nano electrode which we would use for the partially invasive BCI process. As explained before, we wont be fitting the implants directly into human brain, as that would prove to be very dangerous to the brain in case hardware failure happens. Henceforth, we would need electrodes to extract the signals generated from the human neurons. To faciliate this process, we would need nano electrodes. The entire implant except the electrodes would be properly insulated to prevent any kind of electrical leakage. The electrodes itself would be made of gold as molecular pharmacologist Roberta Brinton has discovered that neurons adhere better to gold than to other substances.
Even after we create the nano implant, we would need the functionality hard coded into them. For that purpose, we would need an algorithm to program the digital implants in depiciting the artificial neuron behavior. The following is a simple pseudocode implementation of a single step function of a neuron. It takes boolean inputs (true or false), and returns a single boolean output when activated. An object-oriented model is used. If a purely functional model were used, the class TLU below would be replaced with a function TLU with input parameters threshold, weights, and inputs that returned a boolean value.
In quite a similiar fashion that we would apply to Hodgkin-Huxley model, we could modify this algorithm to serve our purpose in coding the functionality of the artificial nano implant. The coding itself would be done is processor language. But at the core would lie this algorithm which accurately depicts the step function of a neuron.
Advantages and New Problems:
The need to shift to new Nano Interface can be argued by the sheer number of advantages it offers. It completely rectifies the many defects of the existing bulky interfaces. Owing to their very tiny size, the bulkiness factor is immediately rectified. Secondary, with instructions hard coded into the implants, no scope of any kind of tampering arises with the implants. Since these are natural implants, they would be a medical ease to fit by, kind of similar to the establishment of prosthetic limb (which is a medical ease nowadays). Also, since these implants would be in direct synchronous with human body, no factor of any time delay can arise. They would also be superior to the traditional implants in every aspect, posing no danger to the brain or organs whatsoever due to the very tiny size of the electrodes.
However, certain problems do arise. Chief among them is the Surgical process itself. Will it survive? The answer to this rhetorical question lies in the fact that recentadvancements in Laser Surgery and their applications have simplified the process. So implantation wouldn’t be much of a hassle. Much complicated implantations have been done with Prosthesis in this regard. Critics here might circumvent to Hardware failures. But hardware failure is a thing acknowledged by all engineers as unavoidable (Murphy’s Law). We can though, reduce the damages posed. The implants can be made as such tomelt under certain set of chemicals, posing no damage. These chemicals can be artifically taken in the form of medicinal pills. Furthermore, the implants would disconnect with human body in a similar fashion as a cell dies and a switch is offed. Another thing might circumvent towards the sheer information overload due to the 24X7 connection. However, just like we choose what to see or download from the internet, we could control the information exchange in quite the same fashion. Plausible Radio Wave damages might again pose a problem. However, no solid proof has been yet known to the engineers that radio waves damages human cells. Furthermore, multiplexing technique (dividing the simultaneous frequency transmission into different spectrum range) can altogether remove the little bit of risks involved.
Typical Augmented Case Study
A brain augmented person would have revolutionary advantages over the existing humans. Perfect memory retentive capacity, the ability to store memory in another body if the current one retires and the ability to process the physical world in cybernetic conception are among some of the innovative features that could be implemented by the use of implants. Typical example of a memory augmented person would be a being who wakes up in the morning, has all his appointments and schedules flashed right before his eyes (via visual implants if need be), would download all the news or information directly into his augmented memory and everything he needs to know or remember would be flashed before his eyes in a matter of seconds. Ofcourse, his organic brain would be unharmed, as the organic brain is the receiver of all the augmented output the person perceives. Visual Augmentation yields even more possibilities, the ability to know the likes and dislikes about a person (similar to a facebook profile, only digital) in real time, the ability to download the information of, say a tourist building, in a flash, ability to see clearly in the dark with inbuilt night sensors and many others. Physical augmentation would allow a person to directly link himself with the cybernetic interface (ranging from anything like an advanced public directory or a super computer) and seek and process the information in real time. The world would change as we know it, with the boundaries between the cyber world and physical world being blurred.
Concluding on, we can say that even with the sheer risks involved, the endless possibilities poised by Nano Augmentation couldn’t be ignored. It addresses the current bulky problems posed by traditional interface, and adds much needed functionalities.Implants would communicate directly with human nerves with the help of bio sensors and direct targeting of human cortex, making it one of the fastest implants. Some problems might arise, especially in the means of Information Overflow and Hardware Control. However none of them are problems that cant be addressed.
Nano Augmentation would completely change the standard of living, with the sheer information exchange making the global village even smaller. It would connect us in unison and perhaps erase the political boundaries altogether. With Nano Technology and Digital Augmentation being the newest technological rage, it’s only imperative that the combined usage of Nano Augmentation would perhaps be the most fruitful discovery of our times.
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Magnus Olsson (Sweden)