creation (2)

Natural Laws

THE INHERENT LAWS OF CREATION. Notes taken from the work of Mark Passio of
There are governing dynamics that determine the level of freedom enjoyed by any society.
Freedom and morality are directly proportional.
We are free to choose our behaviours but we are not free to escape the consequences of those behaviours. Our behaviours are governed by natural consequences which are built into the fabric of the laws of creation.
Moral actions are actions which are in harmony with natural law because they do not result in harm to other sentient beings.
Natural law is a force which is known to exist through its observeable effects but difficult or impossible to see with the eye.
Natural law is unversal, eternal and immutable.
The combined amount of truth and morality present in the lives of the people of any given society is directly proportional to the amount of freedom and order in that society and inversely proportional to the presence of chaos, tyranny and slavery in that society.
Our freedom is now decreasing which means that our morality has been on the wane for many decades.

A working knowledge of the occult is mandatory for every true Anarchist and this working knowledge of the occult is essential to bring about a true spiritual awakening on a mass scale.
Moral Relativism is the ideology that objective morality does not exist inherently to nature and that Right and Wrong are subjective constructs that human beings invent which are changeable according to time, location, circumstance or preference. A society that believes that there is no objective difference between right and wrong and that they may arbitrarily create or decide what right and wrong are for themselves is a society which can never harmonize with natural law. Since the governing dynamics of human freedom are predicated upon the combined morality of a society true freedom can never exist in a society that embraces moral relativeism.
Consciousness is not simply a result of electrical impulses in the brain. A belief in government is a religion.
Natural law behavioural consequences are in place for our maximum evolutionary progress. We understand natural law by how it generates an effect when we take action.
All men are created equal under natural law and they are endowed by their creator with unalienable rights. No man has special rights to violate other peoples rights.
Rigid scepticism, scientism, atheism, moral relativeism, social darwinism, eugenics and authoritarianism.
naivete, blind belief, religious extremism, solipsism, unworthiness, self-loathing, order follower, willing slave.
My own views based on my understanding of natural law.
Government does not prevent chaos. If the actions of any society are in harmony with natural law that and only that prevents chaos. Therefore governments, police and military and civil law are counterproductive, useless and worthless.
Some school systems by their deliberately slanted techniques are deliberately engineered to generate chronic right brain dominance in their students so that the students would then go on to be unquestioningly obedient and subservient order followers for the rest of their lives. Most Irish children in the 1960 and 1970, myself included, were schooled by the use of this technique. I was terrified of all authority figures for several decades after I received my schooling because chronic right brain dominance was instilled into me. I was deliberately molded to be an unquestioningly obedient order follower. I have now managed to unschool and deprogram myself from most of what I was taught back then.
The children of very wealthy parents are often deliberately schooled to be chronic left brain dominant in later life. They often are deliberately molded to be rigidly authoritarian. Left brain dominant people and right brain dominant people are being pitted against each other throughout the world by those who control the school systems of the world while they themselves take care to remain in the shadows while observing us closely in order to figure out ways to remove our freedoms little by little so that we dont notice them being removed unless we are awake and aware.
We must endeavour to educate children to have the correct balance between right brain and left brain activity so that they will always know that we are all equal to each other and all have equal rights and that authority is the concept of a diseased mind. We must endeavour to educate children in the belief that organised religions are not essential because a strong knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is all that is required to live a moral life. Indeed, what is the point of organised religions when a knowledge of natural law and its behavioural consequences is sufficient in itself? There are twenty thousand organised religions in use in the world today and they all contradict each other and they all require the believer to believe in unsupported unscientific story lines . Organised religions were mainly installed throughout the world by a breakaway cabal in order to hinder our understanding of logic and instead  to cast us into a world of superstition.   It is my firm opinion that both church and state are two arms of the same worldwide control system and both of them are being used against most of the people of the world by a small cabal of the super-rich.

We aught to organise our localities by a system of anarchy which is a system of rules without rulers which is a linear based self-regulating system.  We are self-regulating by our very nature and the only time we make mistakes is when we follow the dictates of others who do not understand or care about our requirements.  Common law republics are also being run on natural law principles so they are aligned with moral law.  Civil law is now out of harmony with natural law and therefore many of its laws are now found to be unjust.  Do not support civil law.   Use common law to solve problems.    Please see an earlier post  of mine which is called 'Nine reasons why we should abandon hierarchies.'  which is widely available online.

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I am a non-consensual human research subject of brain wave science which is currently classified for reasons which come under the heading of national security but what is in fact national suicide. Similar non-consensual brain and body research is currently happening to a number of other people throughout Ireland, many of whom I personally know. All of this non-consensual human research is being carried out wirelessly from implants in our bodies and brains which are connected by two way streams of low frequency electromagnetic energy to computer networks which are controlled by neuro operatives. These neuro operatives are unknown to us but they are able to conduct conversations with us through the two way streams of energy, some of which are connected to the hearing centres of our brains. We are being forced to listen to their voices coming from inside our heads every waking moment against our wills and without our permission. Strong radio frequency signals come from my ears and from the back of my head at random times throughout each day, when ever I check from them. Some other targeted individuals are also reporting this fact.
Last night, while I was in my home alone I heard myself saying the following phrase "wheelbarrow load" while I was thinking of something else entirely which was totally unrelated to that phrase. It was as if two parts of my brain were entirely disconnected from each other. I spoke about this to the neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head via a brain link. The neuro operatives replied as follows "Your brain has not been compartmentalized. It has been subdivided into sections in accordance with instructions from our superiors. I mention this incidence in case it is helpful to other non-consensual targeted individuals of brain link and neuro weapon research of which there appear to be hundreds of thousands if not millions of us throughout the world.
Non-consensual targeted individuals of brain wave science research have no recourse to the law. We have all made representations to the police. I myself have made two unsuccessful representations to the Irish Gardai, which is what the police in Ireland are called. Both representations ended in instructions to attend for psychiatric evaluation. This is the normal course of events whenever non-consensual neuro weapon research subjects complain to the police that a crime is being committed against them.

I will never again complain to the Gardai or a G.P. again about my horrific experiences of being a long term non-consensual brain science research subject because I can not risk being sent to a psychiatric hospital where I would be expected to ingest harmful substances posing as anti-psychotic medication and where I would be incarcerated and I would not be given a release date. These substances posing as medication are extremely poisonous. When I have taken them in the past, I experienced constant extreme tremors all over my body. I also experienced a strong and constant urge to pace constantly with no ability to relax. I also experienced very dulled thinking as if I could not connect fully with my own brain. Along with that I experienced extreme tiredness and lack of motivation and I was unable to go for long walks which I previously used to do. Substances posing as anti-psychotic medication are in fact punishments. The American military have admitted that they were planning to weaponize medicine by blending together medicines with the most extreme side effects and forcing people who do not fall in line with their growing dictatorship to take them under the guise of being mentally ill.
The neuro operatives who reproduce their voices inside my head against my will and without my permission have informed me that they have been instructed to find a way to cover me which they explained means to find a way to control me, either by framing me for an illegal event or for a false psychotic event. They claim that they will not do this as they are doing their best to work in an ethical way while under extreme legal constraints themselves. Some of them are doing their best to behave in an ethical way but I would never agree that all of them are ethical because some of them have been extremely cruel to me over the years with constant death threats and insults which I hear coming from inside my own head up to dozens of times per day on some occasions.

If you have a large number of digital devices in your home I would advise you to keep them inside closed metal boxes when they are not in use. These digital devices send signals to each other thereby creating an electrical grid which can be used to create holograms inside your home which you may wrongly assume to be demons or extra-terresterials if you believe in the supernatural, which I personally dont. The demonic possession hoax, the extra-terresterial hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the moving statue hoax, the existence of space based weapons hoax are all falsehoods which you would realise if you were a long term brain wave science test subject and knew how things are being made to occur scientifically.
Certain people who have senior positions in Governments throughout the world are colluding with criminals by refusing to warn the general public about the extreme threat of worldwide enslavement from wireless directed energy weapons. They are doing so for many reasons but the foremost reason is the fact that they feel unable to disclose to the public that senior judiciary can be wirelessly interfered with by remote control while they are making a court judgement. If that fact alone was disclosed to the public all government systems would collapse overnight. We are being slowly and incrementally enslaved by wireless means. There is an easy solution. We aught to disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities in our countries immediately such as microwave transmitters, millimeter wave transmitters and all modern street lighting which can and is being used to entrain the brains of people who live in urban areas into a false sense of happy apathy and indifference to a brutul enslavement plan that is about to come to fruition if nothing is done. Please act now. The existence of satellites are a laughable hoax. The enemy always exaggerates their powers. It is a well known tactic of war.

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