hksar (1)


Mind Control News this week (October 17 to 23, 2020)

1. Had been told that the mind control space used zoning control to facilitated the police to enforce the law, but the metamorphosis mind controllers still harassed victims across districts. We urge the manager who in charge of mind control space should strictly enforce and punish whom remote control electronic harassment and assurance cross-regional.

2. Last time I mentioned that the Chief Executive removed my name from the government list for my own freedom, but someone who did not set me free, also added my name to the list again. As said, someone tried to get me in just for got my own monthly salary 30,000 yuan, so put my name in list again. now I understood why the judger can not gave me a law protection order. It was unfair to me, I never ever got any salaries from government or mind control space, and now told me because someone want to got my salaries, so I had stay at mind control space being electronic harassment and mental torture. What is wrong with? Who got my salaries in the brain-controlled space those years? If it was a government official, why did they kept continue to paid the salary to wrong person? any hidden secrets in it?

3. Recently, the metamorphosis mind controller kept mapping me with the patients who got NIDDM and CKD, caused my mouth dry, bitter, stinky, puffy eyes, dark circles and blurred vision, and always felt tired. Although there were only a feeling, but I got a psychological threat, which was indeed a mental torture.

4. Recently, Hong Kong start to have a medical promotion, used remote control for diagnosis. The controller used the healthy people mapping with diabetic patient, the diagnosed result shows that the healthy people got diabetes after drank black coffee on an empty stomach. I believed which is a big big joke, Right?

The medical profession knows that all Hong Kong citizens are under mind control, mapping five senses can cause the same symptoms , why still promoted remote diagnosis, what is their intention, attempt to turn Hong Kong into a sick city? Or create miracles for drug sales growth?

5. About 5 million "Likes" on my Facebook were missing for no reason. I believed that our power for fighting brain control has shocked the nerves of mind control perps.

All my “likes” came from your support, and we will continue to against mind control, exposure more news for your study!


1. 據說,現時腦控空間實行分區管制,以便警方執法。但變態控機賤人依舊跨區施害。望空間管理者嚴格執行,懲罰無定向喪心病狂跨區施害行為。

2. 上次提到特首以我個人自由原因,將我名字從政府名單中刪除,但不知何故又被列入名單中,後來得知名單中的我月薪有三萬港幣,有人為取得我薪金而將我名字再次放入,但我自始至終不僅未取得分毫,而且長期受到精神折磨和電子武器摧殘。到底其中出現了什麼問題?這些年我在腦控空間的薪金由誰人所取?由何時開始?如果是政府官員,為何明知支錯薪仍繼續下去?其中是否有不可告人的秘密?

3. 近期變態控機賤人將糖尿病患者,腎病患者同我併感覺,令我口乾,口苦,口有異味,眼腫,黑眼圈和視力模糊,感覺疲憊。雖然只是感覺,但也造成心理威脅,實屬精神折磨。

4. 近期香港推出遙距診症,有人將健康者與糖尿病患者合併後,健康者在空肚飲黑咖啡的情況下,被診斷出有糖尿病,成本世紀一大笑話。


5. 不知何故,我 Facebook 約500萬個 ”Like” 被無故失蹤,相信反腦控的威力已震懾到腦控賤人的神經,這一切有賴大家對反腦控的支持。我們會繼續努力不懈!

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