impending (1)

Elon Musk and others are attempting to convince the rest of us that it will benefit us to have our brains and spines wirelessly linked to computer networks in the very near future.  For that reason governments throughout the world have been convinced that it is in our best interest to have fifth generation wireless technology installed throughout all countries of the world.    The world wide industrialists have already employed agents to link individuals throughout every country in the world to said computer network in order to initiate the control system.  These brain to computer linked human beings have come to be known as targeted individuals.   I am one of these targeted individuals.
This drive to link all human brains and bodies to a super-computer network, where all of the electrical activity in our brains and bodies is retrieved, analysed and stored is not in our interests.  Many individuals in the targeted individual community have committed suicide.   Some of the others have already formulated a suicide plan if their enslavement advances to the point of head to toe paralysis which is one of the capabilities of brain to computer link.  Most people throughout most of the world appear to be under strong brain entrainment, to the extent that they are not as outraged as they should be at the prospect of their impending enslavement.  These brain entrainment signals are being signalled from your local phone tower.  If the plan to enslave most of humanity throughout brain to computer link comes to pass you would no longer be allowed to own your own home or vehicle.  You would be immobilised by wireless means if you refused to obey the slave-masters who I believe are dark occultists.  These dark occultists convey their wishes to the intelligence services and others who, owing to brain entrainment obediently carry these orders out.
Cover stories that are being used to cover the vast capabilities of neuro weapons and brain to computer interface capabilities are the near death experience hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the channelling hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax and a wide variety of other hoaxes.  Please do not believe in any of these hoaxes.  In order to pull off universal human enslavement via brain to computer interface links, confusion is being deliberately spread throughout the world at this time.
  Please ask your political representative to deactivate the plan to render the brains and bodies of the human race wireless live, which is in essence a human wireless enslavement plan.  It is now believed that most of the enslavement technology  is ground based.  It is now believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed and that what has been mistaken for satellites are in essence simply stationary drones.   The enemy always exaggerates their strengths.   To that extent many lies have been told over the years.  Exercise discernment in what you are being told.   For my own experience of having my brain linked to a computer network over the past fifteen years please read my website which is called
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