entrainment (5)

I am being subjected to non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation which is now also known as gaining wireless cybernetic control of my central nervous system for the purposes of overt domination of me and of all other human beings who come under similar categories to mine which is all human beings who are in receipt of disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome and similar problems such as bladder problems. My unique brain signature was entrained into a frequency of terror for at least a full year around 2008 and 2009 as a punishment for attempting suicide on two occasions. On several occasions during that time I used to wake up suddenly late at night and I would instintly sit rigidly bolt upright in bed immediately upon waking and I would be in a state of extreme terror. This symptom of my extreme distress is widely regarded as a symptom of someone who has been tortured, either psychologically or physically.
Anybody who experiences non-consensual Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is automatically and falsely classified as being mentally ill by both state psychiatrists and the police in order to destroy all credible information sources relating to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation.
I hear the voices of the Remote Neural Monitoring operatives coming from inside my own head because I may have been illegally implanted with a hearing device which I hope to prove in the future in a natural law court. Man made law which is the law we are governed by is no longer in harmony with moral law to the extent that some of its laws are deemed to be seriously deranged. Man made law is not fixed and is not immutable and it is therefore illegal under natural law which is the only law that we aught to be governed by. It has become illegal to write those last few sentences because it is now deemed illegal under deranged man made laws to tell the truth in all cases. That is why, when I eventually take a law case against my aggressors I will do so under fixed and immutable worldwide natural laws.
I have erroneously asked for psychiatric assistance in past times because of being frightened of my experiences of being under Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation. In all occasions the psychiatric medication which I then became obligated to take had extremely distressing side effects and if one were to complain to the mandating psychiatrist about those extremely distressing side effects then the psychiatrist would invariably insist that I would keep taking the distressing psychiatric medication and would ask me to take extra medication which they would claim would dampen down the distressing side effects. I feel that I would then be obliged to take two different toxic formulas which would accumulate in my bloodstream and which would give me further devastating side effects. When the psychiatric patient returns home and should he or she complain about the extreme side effects of the medication at a later date then the psychiatrist would mandate that the patient then return for a stay inside the psychiatric hospital so that the medication could be changed while under observation in case the new medication would cause a severe reaction. While inside the psychiatric hospital the psychiatrist could then extend the stay or make the in-patient status a permanent arrangement at his or her own free will with any political oversight whatsoever. That is why patients don’t generally complain at all. This situation occurs across the board to all psychiatric patients. The reason I bring it up is because I and other former psychiatric patients have such an extreme fear of this situation ever occurring in the future that we would never knowingly speak to a psychiatrist again ever, and if we were ever forced to do so we would have to falsify all statements to them for fear of ever being mandated to take such toxic formulas again. Because of this extreme fear of psychiatric medication and the fear of communicating clearly and precisely with psychiatrists that it engenders and for many other reasons previously mentioned on this website, I now firmly believe that psychiatry is a sham designed to cover up all knowledge of electronic harassment and torture by individuals wielding directed energy weapons and other advanced weaponry. Many psychiatrists themselves may be under mind control.
One of the voices which I continually hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission was this morning heard by me to say the following “I often endeavour to get top management to accept vicious likes about Gretta Fahey in order to get paid enough money to live on. Otherwise I would probably starve.” This and other comments lead me to believe that the Remote Neural Monitoring staff have been constantly lying about me down through the years.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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Advanced technology now exists that can make you commit an act of extreme evil against your will. Many individuals throughout the world are being selected at random and are being forced to commit acts of extreme evil against their wills because their brains and spinal cords can be hijacked for a short time in order to make this occur.
Technology has penetrated our brains without warning which allows any and all of us to be connected to the cerebral internet. The cerebral internet is very similar to the physical internet in the sense that instead of having your computer connected to a terminal, your brain is instead wirelessly connected to a similar terminal where input and output can be controlled externally.
Many are attempting to gain access to their governments in order to raise awareness of this situation. However, governments have been set up against their own people due to interference from outside interests. Whenever this serious topic of being non-consensually wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet is raised in public, the individual who raises it is deemed to be mentally unstable and they are escorted by uninformed police to also uninformed psychiatrists where they are administered poisonous pills which go on to damage their brains if they are ingested on a continuous basis over many years. I am now attempting to circumvent normal government structures in order to access the inner core of my own government in the Republic of Ireland where I reside. If you know of any senior politician in Ireland or overseas, please make him or her aware of this information.
This cerebral internet technology is so advanced that when your brain technology becomes activated by wireless means you can then be made to hear the voices of the neuro operatives who control the system from behind the scenes in our lives. You can be made to see visions and you can be even forced to move your muscles against your will in some instances if a lot of technology has lodged inside your spinal cord in order to enable this occurrence.
This advanced cerebral internet technology has been covered up for many years because anybody who was given unusual experiences by the use of said cerebral internet were wrongly said to have experienced a supernatural event. Their experiences of being sent voices, visions and other unusual experiences via a wireless link to their brains from the cerebral internet was covered up by the use of false cover stories such as religious apparition hoaxes, demonic possession hoaxes, extra-terrestrial visitation hoaxes, and a multitude of other hoaxes. All super-natural events can be easily explained away by the use of the cerebral internet.
The cerebral internet is also being used as a spying tool. If or when your brain technology becomes connected to the cerebral internet and activated by the neuro operatives, all of the electrical activity being generated by your brain and body will be sent to the cerebral internet control terminal in real time and some of what you see will be translated into images by the equipment being used by the neuro operatives, if and when they feel it is necessary. If you look at a human face or a page of writing, that very human face or page of writing will then be available to the neuro staff and their owners to use in any way they wish. This form of intelligence has been in use for several decades if not longer on a much smaller scale than is available to the neuro operatives and their owners at this time.
Many individuals have already been unknowingly connected to the cerebral internet where their brains have been entrained into a state of apathy. Mind control data is being sent to them by wireless means through the cerebral internet in order to make them only and ever believe information which comes to them from a controlled government source. Please attempt to ride above said mind control and brain entrainment while you are attempting to decipher this information herein.
We aught to urgently disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities across the broad as soon as possible so as to free ourselves from this form of slavery now.
I have been wirelessly connected to the cerebral internet since the spring of 2003. Ever since then I have received voice commands from neuro operatives who send me these voice commands via the cerebral internet where they threaten to damage my property and sometimes do so if I refuse to obey them. They also hurt me physically by sending information to my brain and body throughout the wireless two way link which permanently tethers me to the cerebral internet. These neuro operatives also block information which I post online on an almost daily basis to the extent that I do not know if this post will be made available online at this time or indeed ever.  I do not, I never have in the past and I never would in the future accept money for my work in exposing this crime.  I am in receipt of disability allowance from the Irish and European tax payers.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website is www.targetedindividualsireland.net.

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The remote neural monitoring staff who I am non-consensually wirelessly tethered to have begun to delete important documents from my computer screen entirely against my will and without me even touching my keyboard. Yesterday I sent the following document to all of the local newspapers in the Republic of Ireland as well as some national newspapers such as www.independent.ie and the national television station also in the republic of Ireland called www.rte.ie as well as one or two overseas newspapers. I sent the below information in one single email to all email addresses as a group email. This morning I checked my sent items folder at my email address and while I was re-reading the aforementioned email it disappeared off my screen and the retrieve button became greyed out. Luckily I happened to have a copy of the email in another file. The whole population of the western world may become non-consensually linked to remote neural monitoring soon and it could be run entirely by computerized algorithns and without any staff. How can we wake up a population many of who live near telephone towers and by doing so are under heavy electronic mind control? My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net, My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98


When a human being is being non-consensually subjected to both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation they are wirelessly connected by a two way stream of energy which comes from technology inside their brains and bodies and is linked to a supercomputer. All of the electrical activity generated by their brain and body in real time is downloaded to that supercomputer where it is translated into everything they have thought, said, and done throughout each day. Further to that, sounds, voices, moving images, sensations, odours, pain signals and forced muscle movements are uploaded to the brain and body of the victim at random times by neuro operatives who transmit this data through the two way stream of energy which is wirelessly connected to the brain and body of the victim. The victim can be forced to experience a virtual reality experience without the need to wear a virtual reality headset. Remote neural murder is also possible in this way. ​ Many people throughout the western world are currently being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated. When ever they report the matter to the authorities they are being disbelieved. The reason that they are being disbelieved is because all government officials and all others who work or live close to microwave transmitter towers are under electronic mind control. Microwave transmitters beam (ELF) mind control signals which mimic natural brain waves into the brains of anyone who lives or works close to microwave transmitter towers. Brain researchers have identified the specific brain rhythm which induces docile, submissive, zombie like behaviour. This specific brain rhythm is then recorded and is used as the template for the ELF signal now being beamed from microwave transmitters. ​ We are at a stage in scientific understanding when we are all about to be enslaved by being non-consensually wirelessly tethered to supercomputers but most of the population is under such strong electronic mind control that they dont care. Brain researchers have identified a vast catalogue of brain rhythms which can be used to control the feelings of whole populations which entrain their brains into a state of misplaced trust in European commission authorities who do not have their best interests at heart. The politicians of all national governments within the European Union could well be under similar mind control constraints. Otherwise they would not have advised all government staff to carry smart phones, which can be used to entrain the brains of said government staff into docile, obedient, trusting and unquestioning order followers. Many people from all countries in Europe are being psychologicallty harassed and tortured inside their own homes by wireless means and whenever they report the matter to the police they are being disbelieved and they may wrongly end up in psychiatric facilities because wireless weapons are highly deniable and these attacks are not easily proveable. ​ When are we going to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and return to using hard wired telephones? Yours Sincerely, Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Landline Home Phone No 0949360901, Mobile Phone No 0870692278, gretta2011@hotmail.com

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Powerful brain entrainment, subliminal programming and mind control reaches us from phone towers through smart phones, some computers and televisions.  Powerful brain entrainment is being used on us during large consumer purchases, during conferences, during political meetings, during elections, and during litigation.  Be very aware of the powerful capabilities of brain entrainment whenever you are making important decisions.

During his term of office, President Barack Obama pulled off a financial coup d'état.   He first brought up for legislation a divisive issue during the cu-de-ta in order to distract the American people.  Throughout the time he was speaking there was major brain entrainment and subliminal programming throughout the whole United States and even Europe.   He then handed over twenty seven trillion dollars of American tax payers money to the privately owned banks.  This money is many multiples of American citizens retirement savings.  Barack Obama took the entire savings of a society and give it to the privately owned banks for free.  The family wealth of the American people had now been stolen.  Young Americans will not now inherit the homes and assets of their parents.  The divisive issue of trans gender marriage was brought up for discussion at that time so that the American people would not notice that Barack Obama had stolen the family money.   The bankers who own and control the privately owned banks have also raped Eastern Europe, Latin America and Russia in this manner.   The bankers who own and control the privately owned banks first implode the government and the economy of a country and they then use their own liquid cash to buy up everything such as national forests and rivers for a penny on the dollar.  There is nineteen trillion dollar missing from United States federal accounts.     I obtained all of the enclosed information from the following youtube link   called "Entrainment, Mind Control and the Fall of America by Catherine Austin Fitts who is a former assistant secretary of housing in the United States government.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR7el-ndVno



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Elon Musk and others are attempting to convince the rest of us that it will benefit us to have our brains and spines wirelessly linked to computer networks in the very near future.  For that reason governments throughout the world have been convinced that it is in our best interest to have fifth generation wireless technology installed throughout all countries of the world.    The world wide industrialists have already employed agents to link individuals throughout every country in the world to said computer network in order to initiate the control system.  These brain to computer linked human beings have come to be known as targeted individuals.   I am one of these targeted individuals.
This drive to link all human brains and bodies to a super-computer network, where all of the electrical activity in our brains and bodies is retrieved, analysed and stored is not in our interests.  Many individuals in the targeted individual community have committed suicide.   Some of the others have already formulated a suicide plan if their enslavement advances to the point of head to toe paralysis which is one of the capabilities of brain to computer link.  Most people throughout most of the world appear to be under strong brain entrainment, to the extent that they are not as outraged as they should be at the prospect of their impending enslavement.  These brain entrainment signals are being signalled from your local phone tower.  If the plan to enslave most of humanity throughout brain to computer link comes to pass you would no longer be allowed to own your own home or vehicle.  You would be immobilised by wireless means if you refused to obey the slave-masters who I believe are dark occultists.  These dark occultists convey their wishes to the intelligence services and others who, owing to brain entrainment obediently carry these orders out.
Cover stories that are being used to cover the vast capabilities of neuro weapons and brain to computer interface capabilities are the near death experience hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the poltergeist hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the channelling hoax, the extra-terrestrial hoax and a wide variety of other hoaxes.  Please do not believe in any of these hoaxes.  In order to pull off universal human enslavement via brain to computer interface links, confusion is being deliberately spread throughout the world at this time.
  Please ask your political representative to deactivate the plan to render the brains and bodies of the human race wireless live, which is in essence a human wireless enslavement plan.  It is now believed that most of the enslavement technology  is ground based.  It is now believed that the existence of satellites has been hoaxed and that what has been mistaken for satellites are in essence simply stationary drones.   The enemy always exaggerates their strengths.   To that extent many lies have been told over the years.  Exercise discernment in what you are being told.   For my own experience of having my brain linked to a computer network over the past fifteen years please read my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net
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