inauthentic (1)

Over compliance with the wishes of others,

to live in ways which are expected of us by others,

to live in ways in order to please others,

or to live in ways designed not to offend others,

or to live a false life on reactions to external stimuli,

leads to an individual living an inauthentic life.

That individual creates a false self which is not based upon their own true feelings and instinctive needs.

In this situation life becomes pointless and futile.

Further to this, unquestioning obedience to the orders of  false authority figures leads to an individual feeling that they are unable to  assess whether some act is objectively right or wrong before carrying out that order, which often leads to that individual going on to commit acts of extreme evil because they are afraid to disobey a direct order from an army general or some other false authority figure.

I am currently reading a book called "Solitude" by Anthony Storr and that is where I am obtaining the information about the  extreme dangers of over compliance.  

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